Magic Bites: Special Edition is out today, available both in print and as an e-book.
Table of Contents includes:
- Series FAQ
- Characters
- Factions
- Faction Quiz
- Curran Points of View, including the original to the edition POV in Fernando’s
- A Questionable Client, a prequel short story.
Buy links: Amazon | Indiebound | B & N | Powell’s | iTunes
If you have spent some time on Kate Daniels series website, you probably won’t find a lot of new material in this book. This collector edition is mostly aimed at new readers, people who are trying to convert their friends by buying them a cool book, or readers who would like to own a really nice trade paperback edition of the old favorite.
oooh. might need to put giftcard from Christmas to good use. Thanks for all the extras you put in.
My copy arrived this morning. I turned straight to the Curran POV’s. Loved the new one – thanks Mr Gordon! The Unicorn Lane one with the “she was retarded” comment still cracks me up 🙂
Thanks 🙂
An excellent way to end the year. Thank you Gordon for the new POV, and to both for everything Kate and Curran. 😀
Congrats on the new release! May it bring you many more loyal fans 🙂
Love this cover…!
Congrats & Happy New Year!
I can’t wait to pick up a copy and check it out! Thank you!!!
And available in Canada January 1 — WhooHOO! Thanks for the heads-up. Happy Happy New Year and thanks for your wonderful books!
Happy New Year, I hope your year is prosperous, healthy and joyous!
Cheers to you and yours!
I love the look of Kate on the special edition. The cover is my favorite of all your books. Hope you have a happy New Year!
But it is so pretty! I want to buy it just because!
Congrats on the release and Happy New Year!
Will this be available for kindle?
I’d love to have it, too bad!
Happy New Year for all the Family..
And maybe I’m wrong, but isn’t Ilona birthday?
I loaned my copy of Magic Bites to my aunt, who is slow in getting it back. (She lives in Minnesota and I live in Washington State.) I choose to interpret this as a sign from the universe that I should get the Special Edition with the new Curran POV, plus the other extras, all in one place. 🙂
Happy New Year! Don’t care if it doesn’t have a lot of newness, am thrilled to buy it and give it to my DH for his birthday in January! Hope you are all having a fabulous holiday.
On another note, I just read a review of a sci-fi novel that sounds like it’s up tour alley – katya’s world – a young adult sci fi novel with a russian background and refreshingly no romance –
I want to convert my sister to your books, but she does not like to read in English (we are francophone). I was wandering if there is any projet to translate your work in french…
By the way, Happy New Year!
Had my copy on pre-order. Happy New Year. May the coming year be better than the past!
So majorly excited for you both 🙂 what a delight to have a special edition published 🙂
I will be ordering mine soon from the UK!!
I already own Magic Bites, but I’ll probably still get this edition! <3
Can’t wait to read the new Curran POV. Seems like a wonderful way to start 2013! Happy New Year to you all 🙂
Hope you all have a Happy New Year…
Happy New Year! I hope it’s a good one for your family. Did you have any of the cold weather this past week?
Got it in the mail yesterday – had pre-ordered it. Read the new POV and loved it. Will soon start re-reading from the begining. Beautiful book.
Happy New Year to you and your family.
Or it’s for obsessive fans who want anything with Kate Daniels in it. I saw Magic Slays on CD at the library, and now I’m listening to it while I drive around (despite owning the e-book, and having read it at least 5 times). I’m getting the new version of the e-book for my Kindle (all the rest are on my Sony e-reader). Liked the Edge series, and other things you’ve written, but for some reason, Kate and her world fascinate me. Also really love Clean Sweep, and I’m looking forward to seeing that resume.
Happy New Year to my favorite authors and Kids 1 &2.
I’m buying this book with my Christmas money.
One question though: are the Curran POVs in chronological order at the parts in Magic Bites when they happen? Or do they all appear in a big lump at the end of the entire Magic Bites story? Just curious.
Is this available on the Kindle? I checked Amazon, but didn’t see it…
So excited – my copy will be here Friday!! 😀
IS there, or is there NOT a new Curran pov in this edition ? As someone that has both hard copy and ebooks of everything you’ve written previously, I’m kinda miffed I can’t afford to own a THIRD copy of the same book! Totally jipped out on not being able to read a NEW! Curran pov! *sniffle*
LS, there is a new POV in Fernando’s about the saucer of milk. But it alone isn’t worth the price. It’s a short piece so no, you are not missing out.
Unable to find the kindle version on Amazon. What am I doing wrong?
Hey Meg, if you are in US, here is a direct link: It’s the higher priced one. If you are in UK, I think you are out of luck, because this was a US exclusive. New York is kind of still shut down this week, so if you are in UK let me know, and I’ll try to get a clarification on what the rights are.
Region restriction of ebooks is a great way to throw money away. I’d love to buy this for the Kindle to read while I wait for the physical book to arrive in the post, but it’s not currently available for someone in New Zealand. Once I have the physical book, there’s no further incentive for me to buy the digital version, so you’ll lose that sale. On a related note, even if I wanted to, I still can’t buy Magic Bleeds or Magic Slays as e-books here, though Gunmetal Magic has finally turned up on Amazon, months after I gave up trying to find it digitally after my dead tree copy arrived in the post.
I’d be grateful if you could gently tell your publisher that they’re losing potential sales by restricting their markets. It’s all well and good to have a given book handled by a different publishing or distribution company in a different country or region which I presume is the reason I can’t get your later Kate Daniels books on the Kindle in New Zealand, but if the regional distributor doesn’t bother to release an e-version or even if they just delay it a few months, it ultimately costs both publisher and author in lost sales, especially during that “it’s new and cool and JUST released” phase of initial sales.
Mmm… ordered my copy today! My original paperback was well used when I got it, so I’m thrilled to upgrade. The old one also seems to have mysteriously wandered away (okay, okay, I loaned it to a friend. I just don’t remember which friend. And I don’t want to do the detective work to locate it, just yet). I justified the new purchase to the hubby by saying that we could share it… 🙂