Happy book birthday to Jeaniene Frost and her fellow authors Melissa Marr and Kelly Armstrong who have an anthology coming out today. In honor of this wonderful occasion we bring you a giveaway and a snippet.
First, about the anthology. It contains 3 novellas, each set in their respective author’s existing worlds. This is a complicated post, so here is a Table of Contents to help us through.
- Book Synopsis
- Jeaniene’s Intro
- A Grave Girls’ Getaway Excerpt by Jeaniene Frost
- Daiquiris and Daggers Excerpt by Melissa Marr
- Goddess of Summer Love by Kelley Armstrong
- The Giveaway
Hex on the Beach

Girls Night Out has never been so much fun–but what are they going to do with all these bodies?
New York Times and USA Today Bestselling Authors Kelley Armstrong, Jeaniene Frost, and Melissa Marr deliver a sexy summer read with this novel-length anthology containing three all-new stories from their Cursed Luck, Night Huntress, and Faery Bargains worlds. Kennedy, Cat, and Gen are just trying to enjoy their respective getaways, but when immortals, vampires, and witches come out to play, things are bound to go awry. Let the supernatural hijinks begin!
A GRAVE GIRLS’ GETAWAY by Jeaniene Frost
Vampire Cat Crawfield Russell is looking forward to a little down time with her best friend, Denise. But when witches crash the party, a fun getaway turns into a paranormal showdown.
GODDESS OF SUMMER LOVE by Kelley Armstrong
The goddess of love sets her sights on the Bennett sisters for a little Memorial Day matchmaking. The plan is to resurrect a local unsolved mystery for the sisters–and their love interests–to solve. But, of course, nothing goes according to plan.
A fun spa weekend away with friends in a city free of monsters, what could be better? Gen’s necromancy had been on the fritz, so a recharge sounds perfect–until she arrives in San Diego to discover that either the spa is too steps beyond weird or there’s magic afoot.
“HEX ON THE BEACH is a hoot with a wide array of baddies, and a superb collection of paranormal female dynamos.”
Order in Ebook: Amazon, B&N, Apple Books, Kobo, or your favorite retailer.
Order in Print: Signed copies available at Murder By The Book. Unsigned copies are available through Ingram [for book store buyers] and on Amazon or at your favorite Indie store such as Bookshop. Murder by the Book is also hosting a virtual release party for Jeaniene Frost, Kelley Armstrong, and Melissa Marr. Click here for more information.
Order in Audio: Because all of the authors have different audio publishers, a decision was made to provide audio separately at a later date. Jeanine’s story will be available from Blackstone Audio on October 1st, 2021 through all major audio retailers.

And now, Jeaniene Frost. (Please be polite. Please put away the weapons, do not yell power words, and refrain from smashing tables. Thank you – Management.)
Hi everyone! Before I begin, thanks so much to Ilona and Gordon for having me as their guest today. I would say that I’ll endeavor to be as entertaining as they are, but that would be a lie because they’re flat-out hilarious. However, what I may lack in funnies, I’ll make up for in freebies because I’m giving away my two favorite things, money and books, to celebrate the release of HEX ON THE BEACH, an anthology I’m in along with Kelley Armstrong and Melissa Marr.
In my story, A Grave Girls’ Getaway, you get to see Cat, Bones, Katie, Denise, and several more of the Night Huntress gang again. To give you a taste of what they’re in for, below are the first three chapters from A Grave Girls’ Getaway. Then, delve into excerpts from Goddess of Summer Love by Kelley Armstrong, and Daquiris and Daggers from Melissa Marr. After that, enter for your chance to win fun prizes. Happy reading and good luck!
Chapter One
I was not spying on my daughter. I wasn’t.
Sure, I was flying to the spot in the woods where Katie was, but that wasn’t to avoid her hearing my footsteps. It was just…convenience. If you came from a line of flight-capable Master vamps like I did, would you dirty your shoes by trudging through the dirt and leaves?
And sure, I was avoiding branches that would snap in a telltale way if I got too close, but that didn’t prove anything. Why ruin the natural sounds of the forest?
Okay, fine, my slowing down and ducking behind a tree when I glimpsed Katie was incriminating, but why couldn’t a mother enjoy a few private moments admiring her recently discovered daughter? Katie was lovely, with auburn-colored hair, the same dark gray eyes as mine, skin like sunlight on snow, and an uncommon gracefulness that was on full display as she danced among the trees.
If I still breathed, my breath would have caught as I watched her. I’d had her in my life less than three years, so I didn’t have the memories most parents had of watching their babies coo in the crib, or laugh for the first time, or take their first steps, but I could watch Katie dance now, and it was indescribably beautiful. No prima ballerina had Katie’s grace, precision, or speed.
And that was why we still had to keep her hidden. Those traits would reveal that Katie wasn’t fully human. Mixed species people might be legal now, but Katie’s particular blend of species had almost caused two undead wars before.
I was about to call out to her when she suddenly turned a pirouette into a roundhouse kick that leveled a nearby birch tree. Another spinning combination took out a larger spruce to her left, and then a ferocious roll-and-kick combo felled three evergreens in a row. As the coup de grâce, she ripped the stump of the nearest toppled evergreen out of the ground, and then held it up by its roots as if the stump were a decapitated head.
Dammit! Katie wasn’t out here secretly dancing. She was practicing killing. Again.
I knew something was up with all her recent “walks.” That’s why I was spying on her—and yes, I had known all along that I was spying. Don’t judge; motherhood was still very new and overwhelming to me. Hell, I hadn’t even known I was a mother until a few years ago, when I found out that—while I was unconscious—my eggs had been harvested, fertilized, and implanted into a surrogate. Sound impossible? So does a half-vampire working for a secret branch of Homeland Security that polices murderously misbehaving members of the undead society, but that was my old job. Unbeknownst to me, I’d also been a guinea pig for a shadowy government official who’d been trying to create a paranormal super soldier. He’d succeeded with Katie, and though she was only ten years old, all the growth hormones they’d pumped into her meant that she looked several years older. The worst part, though, was by the time I found her she’d already racked up a body count that would do a hardened mercenary proud.
I’d spent the last few years trying to undo the brutal tutelage Katie had received when she was the government’s secret weapon, hoping that with time, she would forget much of her early years. My husband, Bones, and I had given Katie as normal a life as we could, especially considering that we were both vampires hiding out from the vampire world because of Katie’s unique combination of species.
We thought we’d been making progress with Katie, yet here she was practicing killing people again despite being told that killing was wrong. Did she think I couldn’t protect her? Or did…did she miss killing people?
If she were human, I could read her mind and know the answer, but Katie was inhuman enough for her thoughts to be locked away. That left me guessing, and I couldn’t come up with any innocent reason for what she was doing. Despair pricked me. Maybe I hadn’t given Katie enough “normal” to help undo the massive psychological damage done to her. Was that why she was reverting back to her old behaviors?
My lips tightened as I shoved my despair aside. If my daughter needed more normal in order to break free from her horrifying past, then fine. I’d deliver an ass-ton of it.
Later, I gripped my knife so hard that my knuckles whitened. I’d been in many battles before, but seldom had my nerves been stretched this tight.
“You’d better be worth it,” I said to my prey.
One hard slice later, my hopes shattered. “Mother…fudger!” I swore, altering the curse just in time.
A stifled laugh behind me increased my ire. I whirled to see my mother turning away with her hand covering her traitorously twitching lips.
“I told you to take the turkey out half an hour ago,” Justina murmured.
Yes, well, the meat thermometer hadn’t registered 165 degrees then, and the recipe said poultry had to be cooked to at least 165 degrees. I gave the meat thermometer an evil look. Either it was broken, or it was possessed by the spirit of a vengeful chef bent on destroying my attempts at a nice family dinner. Hey, stranger things had happened.
“Sorry. Dinner’s going to suck, but on the bright side, no one’s getting salmonella from this burnt offering.”
“You’re all vampires, and I’m not fully human, so salmonella can’t harm any of us,” Katie replied. Her tone was faintly quizzical, as if she was trying to hide her surprise that I hadn’t figured that out for myself.
“I know, honey,” I said gently. “I was making a joke.”
“Ah,” she said. Then, she smiled a little too wide. “Of course. Your joke was very entertaining!”
Now I was the one smiling. Despite Katie’s many skills, she had yet to master lying. It was almost comforting.
“Don’t fret,” Bones replied, getting up and moving into the kitchen. “That bird will do nicely with the right roux. Give me a few minutes, Kitten.”
I left the kitchen, defeated by it once again. No matter how many recipes I tried, I still couldn’t cook to save my life.
Bones began whisking the pan drippings while adding wine, spices, flour, and other ingredients. Soon, the aroma was heavenly. His roux, or gravy, as we Americans called it, was so good that it made even the overcooked turkey delicious.
By the end of dinner, I would have called tonight a success, except for what Katie said after taking her plate to the sink: “I’m going for a walk in the woods.”
Granted, ten o’clock at night might be well past bedtime for a human child, but for a household of vampires, it was barely evening. Also, our nearest neighbor was several acres away in this stretch of forested land in Mission, British Columbia, Canada, so she was safe. Still, I tensed.
Going for a walk, my ass!
I had to handle this. I just wasn’t sure how to do so yet.
“Fine, but don’t be gone too long.”
Chapter Two
I waited until I couldn’t hear Katie’s footsteps anymore before I said, “She’s up to no good out there.”
My mother’s eyes widened. “She isn’t smoking, is she?”
“I wish,” I replied with feeling.
Justina gave me an appalled glance. My wave dismissed it.
“That would at least be an expected form of pre-teen rebellion. She’s sneaking off to practice killing.”
Saying it out loud made it more real. Guilt, grief, and rage scalded me with its usual toxic mixture. I saved Katie from the human monsters that had held her captive, so why couldn’t I save her from the horrible things she’d learned from them?
“You’ve been spying on her?” Bones sounded more surprised by that than he was by hearing of Katie’s activities.
“I prefer ‘practicing attentive parenting,’” I muttered.
His look plainly said, Who are you bullshitting?
I threw up my hands. “Fine! Spying on her is messed up, but that’s hardly our main concern, is it?”
“Kitten, we told Katie it was wrong to kill anyone who wasn’t trying to harm her, but we never told her that she couldn’t still train.”
My eyes widened. “Isn’t that focusing on the letter of the law while ignoring the intent?”
“Maybe training is just familiar to her?” my mother said.
Justina, the excuse-making, indulgent grandmother? Never would’ve pegged her for that, but here she was, showing Katie more understanding for her trial slaughters than she’d shown me my entire childhood.
“She wasn’t just shadowboxing, Mom. She was kicking trees in half and then decapitating their fallen stumps.”
And appearing to enjoy it. That worried me the most. Had she enjoyed killing people in her former life?
Bones didn’t look concerned. For a second, something flashed across his face that looked traitorously like approval.
“Oh, come on,” I snapped. “She’s just a child!”
His dark brown eyes seemed to stare into my soul. “Yes, but she’s no ordinary child, and you know it. So, what’s really bothering you about this, Kitten?”
“I keep screwing things up with her!”
The words burst from me while emotions that I tried not to think about, let alone show, exploded free like a cork shooting out of a shaken-up champagne bottle.
“I wasn’t there for the first seven years of her life when she was experimented on and forced into becoming a killer,” I said, trying to regain control. “Now? What sort of mother am I? I can’t cook, I keep dropping f-bombs, I could barely stitch the tear in her favorite pants, and, oh yeah, I’m spying on her.”
My mother stood, not appearing to notice that she upended her chair with her fast, jerky movements.
“You love your daughter as she is.” Her voice vibrated, and I was shocked to see her eyes shine with unshed tears. I could count on one hand the number of times I’d seen my mother cry.
“I failed to do that with you when you were growing up, and it almost killed you. Don’t worry about the other stuff. Keep loving your daughter unconditionally, Catherine, and unlike me, you’ll always be a wonderful mother.”
With that, she left. Moments later, I heard her car start, and then the spin of gravel as she pulled away.
“Your mum is right.”
Bones’s statement broke the silence. I turned toward him, a humorless smile tugging my mouth.
“You and my mom agreeing? Is it the apocalypse again?”
He smiled back although his gaze was serious. “Hope not, but still, she’s right. You’d see it, too, if you weren’t so busy punishing yourself for what happened to Katie before we found her.”
Damn Bones. He always cut to the heart of matters, and worse, he frequently used logic as his scalpel.
“I know I’m not responsible for what was done to Katie, but I feel like I am,” I admitted. “Maybe, deep down, Katie feels that way, too? Maybe that’s why she’s acting out this way?”
Bones let out a soft snort. “Kitten, Katie isn’t doing this because she blames you for what happened to her.”
“Why, then?”
Bones gave me an unfathomable look. “Ask her, but not now. Ask her after you’ve had a mental break from trying to make up for every evil deed that someone else committed against her. That way, you’ll be able to truly hear her answer.”
“How do you propose I get this cleansing mental break?” I said with a wry scoff. “Give myself a lobotomy?”
His lip curled. “Those don’t work on vampires, so we’ll go with the more effective option of going on a getaway.”
I waited, but he didn’t follow up with ‘just kidding!’ “You think I’ll stop worrying about Katie if we’re off somewhere where neither of us can make sure that she’s okay?”
“’Course not,” he replied in an easygoing tone. “That’s why I’ll be staying behind, and you’ll go.”
I laughed. He only arched a brow.
“I’m quite serious. Denise was just saying it’s been too long since she’s seen you. I’m sure she’d love the chance to catch up, and Charles can certainly spare her for a week.”
Charles was Bones’s best friend, just like Denise was mine. I hadn’t seen her in several months, and I missed her, but…
“I can’t just up and leave. Katie—”
“Will be fine,” Bones interrupted. “I’ll be here, your mum and Tate are right down the road, and your uncle still floats by frequently though the spectral sod thinks I don’t know it.”
“That sounds great, but…uh…”
“Can’t imagine doing something solely for yourself?” Bones let out a knowing grunt. “Like most good mums, you’re too focused on everyone else, and now you’re burnt out from taking on too much. Time to recharge, luv. You deserve it. I’ll miss you, but we both know you won’t relax unless I’m here with Katie, so ring Denise and tell her you’re inviting her to a girls-only getaway. She’ll love it.”
I had no doubt. I kind of loved it, too, even if I had already started to think of a hundred reasons why I shouldn’t do it. Still, I hadn’t had a vacation in…God, several years.
“Fine. I’ll call Denise.”
“Call her later. Now, we’re making the most of Katie being out of the house. Have to give you a good reason to miss me, don’t I?”
He gave me a heated glance while a far hotter emotion slid through my subconscious, suffusing me with tantalizing sensations. He’d changed me into a full vampire, and that bond meant I felt his emotions as if they were my own—if he wanted me to. He wanted me to now, and when he grabbed me, his low laugh teased my lips before his mouth covered mine.
I barely noticed the blur of household fixtures as Bones flew us out of the kitchen and up the stairs. When we reached our bedroom, the door closed behind us on its own, and my clothes came off without either of us touching them.
Cooking wasn’t the only thing Bones excelled at. He’d also become a fairly powerful telekinetic, and he’d expanded his abilities far beyond moving simple objects with his mind. My moan turned into a gasp as both his hands and his power slid over me, caressing and teasing with knowing, skillful touches. Then my gasps turned into cries when his mouth replaced his hands, and his tongue shot honeyed fire through my veins.
I writhed beneath him, too caught up to say more than a panted “Now!” as I tried to pull him up from between my thighs.
His laugh hit my flesh like an erotic brush of feathers.
“Not yet, Kitten. I did say you needed some ‘you’ time, didn’t I? Let me get back to work on that…”
Chapter Three
By the time I left on my trip, I was feeling far less guilty. Katie seemed to look forward to having some one-on-one time with Bones. In fact, they’d both all but shoved me out the door. I mused on that as I waited for Denise. Maybe in my attempt to be an attentive mom, I’d been smothering Katie? How did anyone manage to raise a kid without constantly screwing up?
I turned to see a beautiful woman with long, mahogany-colored hair and hazel eyes running across the hotel lobby toward me. I barely had a second to brace myself before Denise launched herself at me. Her momentum swung us in a circle, and I found myself breathing in her familiar scent of honey and jasmine as I hugged her back.
She caught what I was doing and laughed. “You’re smelling me, aren’t you?”
I grinned, sheepish. “Sorry, but hey, at least I didn’t give you an exploratory bite, too.”
She snorted. “I’m not your brand, remember?”
No, she wasn’t. Because of my funky half-breed lineage, I was the only vampire who didn’t drink human blood. Instead, I fed from other vampires, not that most of my kind knew that. That’s why I had a couple bags of Bones’s blood packed in with my clothes. Sure, I could eat real food, but it didn’t nourish or strengthen me the way vampire blood did.
Denise gave me a wide grin. “I’m so glad you’re really here! I kept thinking some emergency would make you cancel.”
I fought a wince. I’d cancelled lots of plans with her in the past several years. Guess that made me a bad friend in addition to my questionable mothering abilities. In my defense, someone had usually been trying to kill me during all the times I’d cancelled. Fighting off an attempted murderer was hardly a “the more, the merrier!” type of occasion.
“Nope. I’m here, and we’re going to have so much fun.”
“You bet, and look at this place!”
She waved at the sumptuous lobby, where the huge domed ceiling hung like a crown over the ornately designed floor. All that paled next to the magnificent views of the Pacific Ocean through the many windows. The Ritz Carlton at Half Moon Bay sprawled on top of steep bluffs like a modern version of a medieval castle. Only a narrow strip of beach ran between those bluffs and the surf, and further up that sandy stretch, there were tide pools that would soon be swallowed up by the incoming high tide.
“The ocean in front of us, and redwood forests behind us,” Denise continued. “Plus, the clubs in San Francisco are only half an hour away. This is perfect! I wasn’t expecting this, to be honest.” She paused to grin again when I squirmed, and then teased, “Bones picked this place out, didn’t he?”
Denise knew my thriftiness would never allow me to splurge like this, even if I thought it was perfect, too.
“Of course he did.”
She laughed. “I’ll compliment him on his taste later. Now, let’s get dressed in something fabulous. Tomorrow, we’re hiking in the redwoods or going horseback riding on the beach, but tonight, we’re shutting down the clubs.”
I couldn’t remember the last time I’d gone to a club just to have fun. Mostly, I went clubbing to hunt and kill vampires. Tonight, though, all I’d be a danger to were gin and tonics.
“Sounds great, and if you like this, wait until you see our rooms. We have our own mini cottage on the beach.”
Denise groaned in mock ecstasy. I grinned as I made a mental note to call Bones later and thank him. Maybe he was right, and this break was just what I needed. I already felt better, and the night hadn’t even begun yet.
Several hours later, Denise and I walked down the beach, both of us holding our shoes instead of wearing them. The foamy surf came closer, threatening to soak our feet. Our hotel was still a few miles ahead, but we’d chosen to walk since it was such a lovely night. Still, the incoming tide might force us to change that plan.
It wouldn’t be the first time we’d changed our plans tonight. So much for shutting down the clubs. We hadn’t even lasted until midnight before both of us decided to head back. Even now, Denise shook her head, bemused.
“Were clubs always that loud? I could hardly hear a word you said, and damn, were we the only ones not high? I swear, I saw twenty pill handoffs at that last place, and some of those kids looked like teenagers!”
I let out an amused sniff. “They weren’t. They only looked that young because we’re getting older.”
“Thirties is not old,” she said at once.
“Of course it isn’t, but it’s old enough to admit when we’re not having a good time versus staying and faking it.”
She shook her head. “I don’t get it. I used to love dancing all night. Now? My feet hurt, my ears are ringing, and I want to curl up on the couch and order dessert from room service.”
I laughed. “That sounds great to me, too.”
Denise gave me a wry grin. “I’m still kinda human, but you’re a vampire. What’s your excuse for crapping out early?”
“Spending time with you,” I replied. “Like you said, it was too loud to talk before, and I’ve missed you.”
“I’ve missed you, too.”
We kept walking, chatting with an openness we hadn’t managed in a while. Calls, texts, and video chats were great, but they didn’t beat the joy of being together.
Soon, we reached what was left of the tide pools. I slowed my stride to avoid slipping, and then caught Denise’s shoulder when she almost stumbled on the uneven rock.
“Want to head back to the street and call a Lyft?” I asked.
“Or you could fly us over these,” she pointed out.
I could, but vampires had kept their existence hidden from humanity because we avoided public displays of power. Still, it was pitch dark, and the nearest hotel was a good mile away. I sent my senses outward. Nope, I didn’t hear anyone else along the beach…Wait. I strained my senses more.
There. Someone was in the caves tucked into the bluffs bordering the beach and the sea. If I were human, I wouldn’t have heard the low murmur of voices that almost blended with the sounds of the surf, and I really wouldn’t have caught the new tang to the air before the sea spray snatched it away.
Still, that brief, sharp, new scent was unmistakable, especially to a vampire.
“Earth to Cat,” Denise began.
I pressed a finger to my lips in the universal gesture for silence. Then, I leaned in and whispered, “Stay here. Something’s wrong,” against her ear.
Maybe that blood was from a normal crime, or maybe I wasn’t the only person out here with supernaturally great hearing.
I flew toward the sounds and the smell of blood.
At first, I was confused when I reached the spot where the scent and sounds were strongest. Nothing but smooth, unbroken cliff wall met my gaze. Where was the entrance? There had to be one, and…what was that? A new, stronger wave had swept seawater all the way up to the cliff. It stopped everywhere except in one spot, where the water somehow disappeared into the rock.
I tried to touch that spot, and like the water, my hand vanished as it appeared to go through the wall of stone. I pulled it out and did it again. Same result, only this time, I concentrated and felt cool air coming from the side where I could no longer see my hand.
This part of the wall wasn’t real. It was glamour, the term for a magical mirage. To use this, someone really didn’t want their bloodletting interrupted.
Too bad.
I felt around until I found the rest of the entrance. Then, I squeezed into the hidden cave. Once inside, the glamour disappeared, revealing a narrow passageway. The smell of blood pointed my way, as did the sounds that I realized were chants in an unfamiliar language. Now, I caught snatches of thoughts, too.
…can’t be happening…oh God, no…no, please, stop!
Chanting, pleas, magic, and blood—never a good combination.
I kept going, ducking when a new, flickering light appeared after a sharp bend in the tunnel. I could pick out several voices from the chants, and underneath them, the ominous sounds of grunts, as if someone was trying to scream and couldn’t.
I pulled a knife from its sheath beneath my skirt. Since I found out at sixteen that silver through the heart killed vampires, I’d never left home without one. I’d barely palmed the silver blade when icy water soaked me to the ankles.
The incoming tide had reached the cave. This whole place would be underwater soon. I might be beyond drowning, but whoever was bleeding wasn’t.
Fuck being stealthy. It wasn’t my style, anyway.
“Housekeeping!” I sang out, and flew around the corner.
Nine hooded heads jerked up. The robed figures all appeared to be women, and four of them were vampires. Weak ones, if their auras could be trusted. Must be why I hadn’t felt their energy before now. Strong vampires usually gave off vibes like an electrical current.
“Get out,” a vampire with hair as red as my own snapped.
Torchlight revealed runes and other ancient markings drawn onto the cave walls. The women were standing around a pentagram that had a gagged, panicked boy inside it. He couldn’t have been more than seventeen, and runes had been carved onto his chest, leaving bloody trails running down his body. No surprise, the mental pleas I’d overhead were coming from him.
“Hell no,” I said, pissed for more reasons than their clear intention to murder this kid. “Less than a year after magic’s been declared legal, you bitches are doing a ritual sacrifice of a teenager? First, that’s evil, and second, are you trying to give the vampire council a reason to ban magic again? Innocent witches did not fight so hard for freedom from persecution for you selfish schmucks to fuck it up this way!”
The redhead wasn’t the only one giving me an incredulous look. Guess the last thing they expected was a lecture, but magic wasn’t the only thing that the vampire council had recently declared to be legal. Mixed species people like Katie were now legal, too, and it wasn’t a stretch to assume that if one law got overturned because of assholes like these witches, the other law would get overturned, too.
“We obey no earthly council,” the redheaded vampire hissed. “And you have sealed your fate, intruder. Now, we will have two sacrifices to give our goddess instead of one.”
Oh, she’d picked the wrong girl on the wrong night. Anticipation thrummed through me. Hiding with Katie had retired me from my former ass-kicking lifestyle, and I hadn’t realized how much I missed it until now.
More water rushed around my ankles. It was now up to the bloody boy’s cheek since they had him restrained to the cave floor. He flailed, the stench of his fear almost choking.
Don’t worry, kid. You’re not dying on my watch.
I snapped his restraints with a single, concentrated thought. One perk of being a freaky vampire who fed from other vampires was that I temporarily absorbed any powers the other vampire had. Bones was my favorite food, and since he was telekinetic, I had some of that power, too. I wasn’t nearly as good at it as he was, but small, inanimate objects were easy.
“What?” the redheaded leader said in shock.
I gave her a nasty smile. “Yeah, and that’s not all I’ve got.”
by Melissa Marr
A fun spa weekend away with friends in a city free of monsters, what could be better? Gen’s necromancy had been on the fritz, so a recharge sounds perfect–until she arrives in San Diego to discover that either the spa is too steps beyond weird or there’s magic afoot.
Shoes left behind, wearing the least comfortable woven footwear I’d ever put on, we hobbled through the garden toward the spa. Weirdly, this was our second time walking outside, and we still hadn’t seen another soul.
“Is the spa always this empty?” I asked.
“You know, no guests. Empty.”
He gave us another vacant smile. “We are at capacity, madam. Our guests are simply enjoying the benefits of a peaceful existence.”
“Okaaaay.” I glanced at my friends. They weren’t buying it either.
We walked in silence that felt eerie now, and that creeping feeling of dread didn’t relax when we stepped into a vacant spa.
“I’ll leave you in the care of your personal spa guide.” The man turned and left–after collecting our footwear.
“Select a pair of spa shoes,” the vacant-eyed spa guide said as she approached. “They are separated into size bins.”
We looked at each other as we collected our shoes. This time, we were given what appeared to be pea-soup green, tissue-paper “shoes.” They would do exactly nothing to protect our feet.
“Seriously?” Christy whispered.
“They’re crafted of pressed leaves,” the vacant-eyed spa guide said. “They’ll melt into the pools or protect your feet at the spa. When they fully vanish, it’s time to step out of the steam.” She gave us a wide-eyed smile. “Isn’t that clever? You don’t even need to watch the time. We like our guests to be freed of all responsibility.”
I’d never wanted a sturdy pair of sandals as much as I did today.
“They melt?” Sera echoed.
“It opens your pores, so when you depart the spa center you can absorb the earth,” the smiling woman added.
“So, we’ll be naked, wet, and barefoot?” Christy prompted.
“Isn’t it wonderful?” the woman said.
I think we were all too horrified to answer. This was turning into a vacation focused more on torture than relaxation.
By Kelley Armstrong
The goddess of love sets her sights on the Bennett sisters for a little Memorial Day matchmaking. The plan is to resurrect a local unsolved mystery for the sisters–and their love interests–to solve. But, of course, nothing goes according to plan.
I do not know how I became the goddess of love. Oh, I understand the “goddess” part. I am immortal, and I possess certain powers, and in ancient Greece, “deity” was the only language they had to describe us. We were lucky to be born in that world. A monotheistic culture has far different words for such a thing, as Denny–Dionysus–discovered when he over-imbibed in Inquisition-era Spain and started showing off his powers. Marius–Ares–had to ride to his big brother’s rescue, roping me into it because Athene decided a little pyre-burning might teach Denny to hold his liquor. Yes, Athene still goes by Athene, and dear Lord do not spell it Athena. She once snuck a chisel into the British Museum to fix a statue.
No, I understand why the appellation of goddess. It’s the “love” part I’ve never quite fathomed. Goddess of beauty, yes, and that is no show of ego. I know how I look, and if Fate had given me some say in the matter, I would have denied that particular gift. I suppose “love” arises from that. What else is a beautiful woman good for
My powers have nothing to do with love. Or sex, though I am very fond of it, and rather good at it, as one might certainly hope to be after three thousand years of practice. No, I lack any powers of love or sex or fertility, and yet one can even find twenty-first- century sects that worship me in hopes of receiving those blessings.
I have no dominion there, and so after centuries of confusion, I did the only thing I could. I slammed down my banner and claimed the territory for myself. Aphrodite aka Venus aka Vanessa. Patron deity of lovers. Matchmaker extraordinaire.
And I am about to do what I do best.
Order in Ebook: Amazon, B&N, Apple Books, Kobo, or your favorite retailer.
Order in Print: Signed copies available at Murder By The Book. Unsigned copies are available through Ingram [for book store buyers] and on Amazon or at your favorite Indie store such as Bookshop.
Order in Audio: Because all of the authors have different audio publishers, a decision was made to provide audio separately at a later date. Jeanine’s story will be available from Blackstone Audio pn October 1st, 2021 through all major audio retailers.
Hex on the Beach Giveaway
Two winners will receive a free copy of HEX ON THE BEACH either in print or ebooks, winner’s choice which. Open to US and Canada residents.
One winner will receive a $50 Amazon gift AND a free copy of HEX ON THE BEACH in either print or ebook. Open to US and Canada residents.
House Andrews:
Five signed paper copies of HEX ON THE BEACH. Open to US and International readers.
Caveat: Because of COVID, international shipping takes longer. Especially to UK. There is some weirdness happening with VAT. We have made arrangements to compensate for it, but please be patient with the shipping.
How to Enter
Since HEX features several different types of creatures, we want to celebrate all things freaky and fabulous. So, in the comment section, tell us what is your favorite paranormal creature and why you like them.
One entry per person. Winners will be chosen randomly. Please indicate your country of residence in your comment.
The giveaway will run until Monday, July 5th, 2021, 12:00 pm Central. No entries after that deadline will be accepted. All winners will be notified by email and on the blog within 24 hours. If we do not hear back from you by Friday 9th, 2021 at 12:00 pm Central, we will chose different winner, so please keep an eye on the blog and your inbox.
WooHoo! I’ve been in Night Huntress World withdrawal since Wicked All Night came out, a new fix!
Shifters. I love the idea of a second form and being in touch with our more animal nature
Please don’t forget to add your country of residence, as the instructions specify. ????
Shifters are my favorite paranormal creatures. I appreciate their love of nature! I would love to win and live in the US, Michigan to be exact????
Happy book Birthday to some of my favorite authors. Can’t wait to read this new anthology !
Opps just read the “rules” .My favorite shifters are wolves. I love dragons though. Please consider this my only entry, thanks.
I would say vampires, because I love seeing different authors’ building of them. I’m in TX, US.
I love Dragons because they are unapologetically arrogant and I could use a little of that confidence in my own life. I am from Canada ????????
My favourite paranormal creatures are the Sidhe/far, is all of their different fantasy incarnations. I’m Irish, living in Ireland, which is relevant to both the competition and my paranormal creature choice!
I’m a horse girl… so it’s unicorns for me!
Witches are my favorite paranormal creatures because I think they are the most relatable and contain the most variations.
Shifters. I think the appreciation for nature and man together.
UK: My favourite supernatural creatures are the fae. I love their conniving nature all while telling exactly the truth. I think the fact there are so many stories about things that lie by telling the truth a a the trouble it causes is a lesson on how we should all learn to listen better.
Werewolves have always been my favorite. The duality of their existence, having to deal with their beast side, and overall just wanting acceptance.
your favorite paranormal creature: that’s tough because different authors spin different attributes … but: Dragons — magical, intelligent, flying, powerful, huge — what’s not to like? 🙂
(South Carolina) USA
Love me a new Jeaniene Frost book!
My favorite paranormal creature are witches. They are neither good or bad. They will assist those in need or punish those who deserve it. They can be an all powerful being or someone who practice the craft for their own self-empowerment.
Best regards from CA, USA
Omg I forgot this was coming out! Off to purchase. I really needed this
Thank you guys!
Witches are my favorite!
Shifters are definitely my fave! I love how each type can be so different, yet still have that underpinning of humanity
(US here)
Many thanks to all involved.
I was debating about this book, but now I know I want it.
I’m from the US. I love books about shifters. I think it would be cool to be able to turn into an animal at will. I love shifter books by Ilona Andrews, Nalini Singh, and Patricia Briggs.
Warlocks/Witches! I’m not sure why, but I love the idea of doing spells and changing the world with your fingertips. I live in the US. Thanks so much for this giveaway!
Phoenix – to rise from the ashes – they’re just beautiful and majestic to me
I am in the USA. I like Dragons flying majestic animals who collect and hoard stuff. My collection would be books.
Dragons. Dragons everywhere as far as the eye can see. Beautiful, majesty, magical, and unapologetically conceited. Plus, they typically hoard a lot of cool stuff!
I am in the USA.
My favourite paranormal creature would have to be shapeshifters – I love the idea of getting to explore the world from a different perspective as some kind of animal(real or imagined) and being able to be ‘freer’ in a different body from time to time.
Country: Australia
I’m from the United States, My favorite paranormal creature is a witch. Witches can effect change.
USA ????????: I love all things that go bump in the night but my favorite would have to be cat shifters. What can I say, I’m a cat lady at heart ❤️ ????
Greetings from MD, in the US! Shifters are my favorite of the paranormal creatures, because I love the idea of having two natures, turning into something else, having the extra speed, strength. However, I think that I most identify with witches, perhaps because they seem to be most human of the paranormals.
I think my favourite supernatural creature is a cat. Specifically, a witch’s familiar. They look very similar to ”normal” cats, but with a supernatural touch… Although real cats are quite magical as well! Sending you warm summer’s greetings from Finland.
Witches because they have power and close to nature.
Mages/witches, it’s so infinite and intriguing what witches and other characters with magic can do.
Thank you for the chance to enter.
– Whitney,
In the US
Love me a giveaway! My favorite is vampires because they’ve been portrayed in so many ways and I love that most of the time they live forever and don’t need sleep. Their food choice leaves me squeamish though. Lol.
Whoops! From USA
Dragons. I’ve been always fascinated by them. From canada.
Shifters, specifically dragons for “thou art crunchy with ketchup!” 🙂
Location: IL, USA
Favorite paranormal creature would be magic users as they have access to power that can be versatile.
It’s just so hard to pick one so I’ll say wolf shifters. I’m in the USA ????????
Please don’t forget to read the rules of entry properly and add your country of residence to your entry! ????
Vampires, I’ve always loved vampire stories (most of them anyways, there are a few I can only roll my eyes at). Everyone has their own ideas on how a vampire does or does not show humanity. Some do better than others. And yes, I love both takes that your worlds have on them as well. Nice twists on ‘but that’s not how others do it’. Makes me happy y’all live in Texas like I do.
Definitely shifters. Leopard shifters, coyote shifters, dragon shifters, all the shifters! (It’s also one of those words that looks odd after you’ve written it four times…) USA
Gotta say I love a shifter! Thanks
If I could be any creature other then a 38 yr old woman I would want to be a badass elemental dragon. With the power of Mother Earth and the kick ass skills only a dragon could possess plus the benefits of bbqing my enemies, sign me up! I live in the USA.
I have always loved witches! I love them because they typically portray women as badass and strong! I am from the US.
Witches, simply because of the range and scope of their abilities. Although it would be awesome to shift, or to live forever!
Witches/warlocks! I’ve always been fascinated with humans wielding magical abilities.
Thanks for the giveaway! US resident.
I have always liked dragons cause the idea of them has always seemed cool to me and werewolves because wolves are my favorite animals.
Favorite mythological creature: dragons!
Dragon flight and dealing with dragons were very formative books for me leading me to love reading so dragons always resonate for me!
Country: USA
Dragons. Love how formidable and fiery they are and yet loveable
I love dragons, wolves and sorcerers. My country is U,S.A./West Virginia. This sounds really good. Everything in it. Can’t wait.
I’d have to say shifters are my favorite, particularly wolf shifters as I have a soft spot for dogs and wolves. I enjoy the way different authors have very different takes on the melding of human and animal characteristics. US resident.
My favorite would have to be a dragon, because they are beautiful, can fly, are dangerous, have hoards of sparklies, and are serious introverts just like me! Ha.
Shifters – I like the idea that they can see the world through different viewpoints due to their enhanced senses in one form over another. They gather all the data they can before deciding on the right path. I suppose I see it as symbolic of what I wish everyone could do – get all the data and analyze it before jumping to conclusions! US
My current faves are Aeslin Mice. “Hail”
Crud. I am in the US.
Yes, Aeslin Mice for the win. They always make me laugh
If you haven’t read about the sentient Mac and cheese in R.J. Blains Dae novels those books are worth a read. My brain went to the mice when I read that character – stickiness (literally and figuratively)
Her Cindercorns (with a body found books) are a hoot too.
Me too
Cool! Thanks for the info!
Throwback to my childhood fascination with Greek Mythology and being a product of the 80s (Xanadu), I loved Muses – who inspired all forms of art. From the US.
Favorite supernatural is difficult as it all depends on how the author spins the skills, social constructs and goodness / badness. Love Vampires but based on the number of books I buy with Shapeshifter, they are the clear winner. I think it’s because they are more relatable (generally). Humans with some extras.
USA resident
I like shifters. I think it would be really cool to change forms.
My favorite creature would have to be vampires. I think they’re so complex and can live so many different lives and see so much.
I’m from the US.
THANK YOU AUTHOR GODDESSES! Can’t wait to read it…
Hmmm… my favorite paranormal creature would be dragons. But, those that can shape shift to human and hide amongst us! LOL!
I live in Georgia, USA
I always love werewolves! Something about a hairy man running around the woods really checks my boxes haha
I love a good paranormal book all the way around and my favorite really depends on the book I’m currently reading but I do tend to lean towards vampire stories. I’m in the US.
I love reading a out all kinds of paranormal beings. Today I would say vampires are at the top of the list. There is just so many different takes on them and i enjoy them all. I’m in US.
Shifters- Wolves. There is a deadly, elegance about them. They are cunning and wise. I’m from the United States.
Shifters, the ability of having a second form is not only amazing but quite the balancing act in my opinion. US 🙂
Shifters! I love the animal nature of them and I think having a second form would be amazing. USA
My favourite would be witches. Just love having access to a wide range of powers and potions????
From India
It’s witches for me – probably due to my intense love of Practical Magic! US resident 🙂
Hi !
Thank you for the snippet, and congrats on the new release 🙂
Here is my answer :
I like Fae. Why ? They always tell the truth, but like in any contract, you have to read the small line, because they lie with the truth, and it takes a master to do it well. I want one as my lawyer (event if I don’t need one. Yet.) Their glamour can make them looks like anything (hello hotty, or hello kitty ????), and they have often amazing (mind or elemental) powers. (Why do you need a witch, when you have a Fae?)
And they are a**holes who tricks humains and eat children. I have a soft spot for them in stories ????. I love the idea of a name having power. It shows that naming someone or something is not without consequences.
I live in France 🙂
I am a fan of all supernatural, but if pressed, I’d have to say the fae. I’ve always had a soft spot for Ireland and their stories.
I’m in the US in Western NC and close to where Ilona and Jeaniene lived (I think). My boys compete against Rabun Gap all the time, which I believe is where Ilona went to school! Small world.
Although not technically a creature, the humble kitchen witch is my favorite paranormal. I have aspirations of being a kitchen witch myself – and really, when we read about these creatures, aren’t we really fantasizing about BEING these creatures? Becoming a witch seems the most attainable and the most practical of all the paranormals. USA ????????
I love me some Vampires. I love that each author has there own take on vamps. From no sunlight to that’s a myth haha.
My favorite creature would have to be faeries. They are so unpredictable and fascinating.
I love vampires in stories. I live in the Unites States.
Unicorns are my favorite paranormal creature. United States
Woo. Possible Free Stuff.
Personally I like the werewolves, Well, Were’s in general. Wolves are fine but if you want to be a badass Were you have to be some sort of Cat off shoot. Though Not house cat though, You get kicked out of the Cat club if you do that. (WereTabby, Can you even?)
Erm, I am in Canada.
My favorite usually depends on what series I happen to reading. But if I could be anything, I would be a shifter. Love the idea of running through the forest.
My country of origin is USA
Thats kind of a hard question, I think the paranormale creature I like most is a shifter because I like the idea of being able to for example fly like a hawk or a gargoyle. So I could be one with Mother Nature
Country: Germany
I just want to add: I really love your books and hope you are all well!
Also, United States *facepalm* 😀
I love shifters, especially if they aren’t wolves. Excited about so many great authors in one anthology! I’m from the US.
Favorite Paranormal creature is baby werewolf.
United States.
I think my favorite is demons, since the author can do the most with them. I especially like what Jeaniene Frost did with Ashael, can’t wait to see where his story goes. I’m from the United States, so we have plenty of mythology to go around lol.
Werewolves used to be my favorite, until I read Once Burned, freaking Vlad… United States.
My favorite paranormal creature is the Unicorn. They are the epitome of beauty and innocence. And have some powerful magic.
From Jess in US.
Werewolves, I’ve always has a bit of a thing for them. Even in my ealy reading years, when they were always bad. I love the whole idea of being able to be 2 different things. I am in the UK
Dragons are probably my favorite creature, but shifters of all types are also on the list. I live in the US.
Stephanie from the US here,
I work in blood banking, so naturally Vampires are my fav paranormal. I just love the draw and the mystery. I love that no matter how many times you hear a vampire story they still all have the same base, and just little things like garlic and mirrors are what change.
My favorite paranormal creature is a tie between vampires and shifters ( wolves & dragons). Vampires are usually the tortured soul type and most shifers are more comfortable in their own skins. Both are equally sexy, strong and usually have big hearts.
I am from the usa
I love all different kind of paranormal beings but especially vampires and shifters! I love that some can fly and how strong they are. I can’t wait to read this book, thanks for the chance! I live in the USA
I love Seers and oracles… something about the mystery of the future and what I would do if I could peek into it always sucks me in!
Vampires have and always will be my favorite. There’s just something about their immortality that is alluring. As someone who lost a family member to cancer, the possibility that turning into a vampire could rid them of the cancer and having to go through chemo is downright that I’d love for my sister to have done.
I absolutely adore vampires. They are sexy, fast, have great reflexes, fantastic stamina, etc. Just dreamy all around!
I am in the USA.
I have always had a fascination with selkies. The idea of shedding your seal skin to romp in human form appeals to me. Of course, one must be careful where you hide your skin!
My favorite magical creature is a dragon- the clever, sneaky ones in particular! United States
I’m from Hong Kong! Love the Night Huntress World! Thank goodness for kindle otherwise it would be really difficult to get my hands on the books. I like Vampires, I like the idea of strength and fast healing, I don’t mind blood anyway it’s a good colour and I don’t like too much sun myself!
Vampires. They’re written in so many different ways. Always a good read.
Forgot the USA part
My favorite paranormal creature are shifters. I think it would be awesome to switch to a different species, but keep your humanity (and not lose your mind completely to it’s animal side).
I’m in the USA (Texas)
Vamps! Because…immortality! As long as I don’t get staked… USA
Yep, favorite supernatural is shifters. Fascinating idea that one could exist. Liz from OBX in NC/USA.
Favorite: cats, because, cats ????. Prove to me that they aren’t supernatural creatures…
My favorite creatures are vampires. They are sexy and seductive. Oh yeah and like Bones hot as hell. I’m from Las Vegas USA.
My favorite beeings are shifters (regardless which animal), all kind of magic users and mystical creatures. And vampires.
I’m afraid, I just love books with good stories and all kind of beeings featured in there.
I live in Germany.
Greetings from Germany!
My favourite paranormal creatures are angels (or the fae it’s hard to decide).
US: Gotta say I love all types of creatures but my favorite are any that can shift into multiple forms. Never know what you might get!
Thanks so much…I am SO excited to get a Night Huntress Fix!
I love vampires! They’re ethereal and mysterious, some are lighthearted and fun and some are downright scary! But rest assured, if there’s a vampire in the mix, it’s bound to be a good time! I’m from the United States!
I have loved unicorns since I was a child.
So many dragons too few books about them. Dragons are brash, confident, powerful and loyal (to whatever they consider to be their hoard). I am in the USA.
I’ve always loved dragons. Sean Connery as the voice of Drago just solidified my love for them. So dragon shifters are right up my alley. And G. A. Aiken’s Dragonkin series is spectacular.
Werewolves, werebears and other weres are my favorites. Were labradoodle, anyone?
Love characters like Cat Crawfield, who are not 100% of a particular paranormal creature. It’s rare any of us are born knowing exactly who we are and how we fit in, what our individual strengths and development areas are. When you’re a hybrid creature, I enjoy reading how the characters settle into who they are. Thanks to all of the authors who take me out of the day to day and free up my imagination and feelings to soar! — Resident of the US
USA: not sure, they’re all so good! Honestly, it just depends on my mood and the current books I’m reading. At this moment in time, I’ll have to say spirits and ghosts…
My favorite paranormal creature is a vampire. Dark and mysterious, I’ve just always been intrigued by their gifts.
Country of residence-USA, NY
First, I was made in the U.S. of A. and they haven’t kicked me out yet.
Second, hmmm, that’s a tough question. I think shifters in general and then if you try to nail me down on just one kind then I’d have to eeny-meeny-miney-mo between wolves and dragons.
Definitely difficult to pick one ‘top favorite’ paranormal creature, but I have to say dragons. They’re almost always portrayed as being very intelligent, fierce, independent, they can fly and breathe fire. What’s not to love? Did I mention they hoard treasure? I live in the USA.
Werewolves! They are so similar to humans and yet so different so it’s always interesting to me to read how they try to fit into life with humans.
Shifters- especially Honey Badgers. Because the storyline availability they just makes me happy! ????. USA????????
Dragons. All powerful, all wise, huge, breathe fire, sit on piles of treasure. There is nothing to not like. At least until you get eaten. But until then…
I am all about the shifters, doesn’t even really matter what sort. I just love the idea of humans with animal forms.
Shoot, I’m in the USA
Thanks to kelleyArmstrong I’m a huge fan of werewolves.
So I think I am leaning towards shifters.. however Bones!!! ( fans self)
There are many cool paranormal creatures, and if I have to chose a fave, it would be vampires, as they were the ones who opened my eyes to the fantasy genre back in my youth, when I read Anne Rices vampire chronicles back in the 90’s. I adore the vampire Marius…
I’m from Denmark
Which supernat I like best depends on the ficton they come from. Personally I like the Jane Yellowrock the skinwalker in Faith Hunter’s universe. Ms Hunter brings a depth of believability to the character by allowing her to have weaknesses and self doubt, and overcoming those issues to grow and become a better person.
US: picking a favorite has got to be one of the hardest things. I think I will go with magic users though just because of the huge variety that is out there. Always keeps you on your toes.
Kat here (from NJ in the USA.) Hmmmm, it’s hard to pick one type of paranormal creature…I love them all! Shapeshifters are cool (who wouldn’t like shifting into a wild animal?) Witches are powerful (and scary!) But I think I must choose vampires for overall entertainment value…especially those of the wicked variety! ????
For me my favourite is a gryphon best mix of a frenemy in the cat and bird combo 🙂
My country of residence is the UK.
Dragons! Always dragons! I’d love to win a copy.
I’m in the UK. We feel your pain when it comes to VAT. Did you know that covid tests (that you can buy) are classed as luxuries and therefore VAT applies!
I don’t know if this counts as an answer, but it depends upon which author I am reading. Each has a different take. When reading some authors, my favorite are shifters, with others vampires. I just love the worlds my favorite authors create! USA
My favorite usually changes based on what I’m reading or watching at any given time.
So right now….
Exceeds. Talking cats with wings are just cool. Max Speed!!!!
I love shifters because they love their mate for life.
Thanks for this giveaway, I live in France
So hard to choose one favorite creature! For the purposes of this entry, I’m going to go with the bunnycat for its cuteness and hilarious effect on Ascanio.
US resident
Favorite paranormal creature? This is a hard one. I like just about all of them depending on the character and story. Dragons, Shifters, Fae, Gargoyles, vampires and all those I can’t think of at the moment.
Reside in the USA
I’m from the United States. I love all things paranormal, but if I had to pick one, I think it would be dragons ???? (some of my favorite books from childhood had dragons!), but that’s a really hard decision!
Thank you so much for the giveaway! Congrats on your new book Jeaniene! ????
My favorite paranormal character would be shifters but I also love a good vampire. Thank you for the chance. I’m from Missouri.
USA- got to be the shapeshifters. There are so many different types across the paranormal world, from the grotesque to the amazingly drool-worthy like Curran, Ascanio, Raphael… And even some vampires are shapeshifters in some worlds, so, very multifaceted. ???? Plus, the idea of having a second form with super cool senses is a plus.
Chosing just one type of creature is hard, but I must. My favorite creature is vampires. They have speed, longevity, zest for life so high they live off of blood of the living.
USA Florida
My favorite paranormal creature is the story tellers who can bring to life new worlds and people to bring happiness to the world! You all make it seem so easy, like magic!
I live in the US.
My favourite paranormal creatures are fae as they are so diverse and each come with their own unique set of characteristics and powers.
Sent from Canada on Canada Day!
Hi! From Wisconsin and I’ve had a soft spot for dragons since I was a kid. It was The Neverending Story’s fault. I’ve always wanted a Falcor of my very own.
My Favorite paranormal creature is currently gargoyles (just finished Brightest Embers). Gargoyles can be very scary, intimidating & are I believe the most misunderstood creature. I think they are the coolest creatures due to they are made out of stone & are a winged creature. They are the only creature that is made out of stone which makes them unique.
My country is USA.
Faeries are currently my favorite- I love the lore behind them!
I love the Inn/Innkeeper from House Andrews. Who wouldn’t love to have a house that can communicate with you and take care of most problems for you. And to be able to open a door to another world ….. so exciting!!
THANK YOU so much for this opportunity! What would we do without authors and the wonderful books they write!
I’m in the USA.
Wizards, specifically Luther. (I’m in the US.)
Love the mystery and characters of all these fine writers.i have such a hard time trying to find more in the night Prince series….
First, so looking forward to reading your Hex on the Beach novelette.
As to my favorite paranormal species, well it is witches. They have so many skills and ways to protect and defend themselves and others.
I love dragons and shifters. Looking forward to reading more Cat and Bones. I live in the US. Thank you for the giveaway.
My favorite (hard to pick just one) might have to be dragons of all kinds. I’m in the U.S.
Dragons! They may be evil, they may be good, but they are always beautiful…
USA – Happy 4th of July
I like different paranormal creatures and enjoy reading about them. One that I really enjoy reading about is shapeshifters. I think it would be cool to be able to do that. I live in the United States.
My favourite paranormal creatures are the Nac Mac Feegals from the Terry Pratchett’s disc world. I love their stubbornness, their language and their general attitude to life. I particularly enjoy their cattle stealing method – “Put down that cow!”
I am from the UK
Not only from the UK, but I live there too!
I am from the US and I have to admit my favorite paranormal animal is dragons. Why? Because they are dragons!
I’ve always adored animal shifters in all their many flavours, though wolves are their own special type of awesome. (USA)
My favorite paranormal has always been a shifter. I love the thought of being able to heal with a shift and being able to transform into an animal.
I’m in the USA.
Werewolves, because I feel like you could snuggle with them in both forms. 🙂 (USA) Happy Independence Day!
California, USA
I think I’d have to go with the fae. Mainly because they’re a little tricky and you have to listen to what’s not being said.
From the USA. Bones is my absolutely favorite character, he is snarky, loyal and determined, all good things the world is short of.
I think my favorite paranormal creature would be the cait sidhe, as featured in the October Daye series from Seannan McGuire (don’t kill me, I also love all things House Andrews and Jeaniene!). I live in the US.
Shapeshifters – I find it very intriguing to be able to shapeshift. I am particular to Native American Indians stories of shapeshifting or skinwalkers as well as the Irish/Scottish stories of selkie mythology.
Seattle, WA – USA.
I would have to say shifters, the idea of instantly being able to become an animal who thinks like a human is cool. I am from Pennsylvania, US
Shifters of all kinds. Preferably in books with low body counts and great humor
Live in Ky USA
Vampires. Just because there are so many different portrayals of them. It’s so fun to get each author’s take on their abilities, weaknesses, etc. Love it! – USA.
If I could be any paranormal being it would be a large bird shifter. Perhaps a golden eagle. I could soar all over the world and see views otherwise off limits to a humans. Imagine riding the thermals over the grand canyon. Flying around tropical jungles or ancient ruins. Getting free tours! I could perch in a tree and listen to important conversations or just get to know the many cultures of man and animal. I could fly!
My favorites are actually creatures by Seanan McGuire (Aeslin mice), because talking mice in a strict theology that imprint on specific family members are endearing and hilarious. And I’m super glad I don’t have to live with them (also, we have cats).
I’m in the US
Sacramento, CA
I don’t think I have a favorite but I identify more with witches/warlocks.
Werewolves would make the best husbands. If you forget to shave your legs – eh… no big deal!
I’m a basic betty ???? I’ll forever stand by my favorite paranormal creatures: vampires. So common but the stories I’d love to be involved with ???? I live in the USA. NYC to be exact ????
I love shape shifters. Once I was able to control the pull of the moon life could be great. All three novellas look great.
I love ALL paranormal, but if I had to choose I suppose it would be fae. But that’s only because it happens to be what I’m reading at the moment. Ask me tomorrow and my answer would be vampires. Can you guess what I’ll be reading?? Here’s a hint: It releases today and is part of this giveaway. LOL
Thanks for the chance from Georgia (USA)
I could not choose a single favorite, but I do have a special fondness for shifters because I really love stories that include the loyalty to family/pack and that use more behavioral gestures of affection. I find the way authors choose to incorporate traits from the different species fascinating. In the Kate Daniels universe, my favorite would probably be the boudas. ???? They just have such personality, and I tend to enjoy characters that color outside the lines, so to speak, and that rise to the challenge despite what others think of them. (United States)
My favourite supernaturals are unicorns, I even have a tattoo of one. When I was a child, I fell in love with ‘The last Unicorn’ by Peter S Beagle. Later I found the books and own a copy in German and English. Also, I am totally in favour of the copious amounts of unicorns in the LGBTIAQ community.
And yes, I am from Germany.
My favorites were shifters. Nothing beats turning into some fierce animals. ????
Country: canada ????????
Happy Canada Day to all Canadians
Currently, vampires because Bones 🙂 I live in the US
I love Cat and Bones! So excited for this.
Favorite paranormal creature would be shifters. Such a variety of possibilities with them. Although, I would love to have my very own unicorn.
I live in the USA.
Favorite paranormal Vampires. Love the different takes by different authors, from totally alien to somewhat still human. From USA.
I love dragons because they’re amazing magical beings who can also wield magic. Also probably still influenced from Anne Maccaffrey’s books when younger. I’m from the UK
Any/all of them
From USA
shifters and really like hybrid shifters seeing two or more different species mixed and blending of characteristics and traits from the animals.
I love them all, but I think vampires are my favorite!
USA. Seanan McGuire’s Aeslin mice. Because they’re cute. And fun. And they talk.
USA here. I like the angels, archangels from Nalini Singh
Today it would be Quillonians because I could use a slightly hysterical Red Cleaver chef in my life right now. I’m from the US.
And shoutout from my childhood to the person who said Falcor!
I can’t wait to read it! My favorite supernatural being is probably a dragon just because I think they’re both beautiful and fierce. From USA
Shifters because they can shift into animals and be one with nature and I love mates concept.
Love Curran❤
I’m from India.
Started reading it last night when my preorder was delivered to my kindle. A very nice surprise.
My favorite paranormal? Vampires or fae? I can’t pick one. There’s just something so sexy about being bitten and the fae are always so gorgeous! I like in the US
I love reading about all kinds of creatures but fae are my favorites. It is just so much fun to see different authors take on them.
It was great getting to read something in the Night Huntress world again, so thank you and happy release day!
I love paranormal romance. I have reread some of them at least 5 times. my favorite paranormal all of them. because they are sometimes miss judged by others. and also sometimes they do or say something in the book to make you laugh ????
My favorite paranormal creature the Coyote from Native American mythology because he is a mostly benevolent trickster or at least not actively malevolent most of the time. He’s also fun.
Ghouls are awesome! Marie Laveau is an amazingly fun character. Love that she rules New Orleans. USA
A Phoenix. To be able to start over
I have so many!! But Orro was the first one to jump into my mind ❤️
Bowling Green, Kentucky, USA
Mermaids for sure! They’re so interesting and beautiful. I love the myths and stories! And being able to explore the secrets of the sea! And the connection to nature and water.
From FL, USA
Orro. Email on my first entry is wrong
Bowling Green, KY. USA
All but mostly cat shifters. U.S. here!
I am partial to shifters. I don’t even know why! 🙂
Thanks for the giveaway! I am a Texan living in TEXAS! 🙂
Canada! My fav changes almost by the book LOL today I’m loving on Shifters. Those over the top alpha men who mate once for life and if you catch them they are all yours!
Werewolves, or were-anything really. I like the idea of being able to be something else, and also humans being able to actually growl. (US)
The fae are my fave creature there is so much variety in shapes, looks, powers, blood thirsty ness etc. oh and I’m in the US
can’t wait read all the books
There are very few paranormal creatures I’m not fond of, but one I always turn to are vampires. They were, after all, my first contact with uf/pnr, with Jeaniene and Richelle Mead, so they have a special place in my reader heart. (From Brasil)
Werewolves are by far my most beloved of supernatural creatures. Of course, I am not referring to the Hollywood half human/half wolf type that can only turn during a full moon and that lose all control of their actions. I like the ones that can actually turn into wolves. Werewolves have all the best qualities. You get to be strong and fast. You can dine on regular food and not be restricted to blood such as vamps have to be. And you can be out during the day and night. You have life longevity and excellent hearing, smelling and eye sight. They have a pack mentality so a big “family” is a given (which could be considered a bad thing if you’re more of a loner). And, of course, you can turn into an actual wolf which, in my opinion, is one of the most beautiful and lethal animals alive and they protect their own, loyally and viscously. I can’t think of any other paranormal creature that is their match (in my humble opinion of course). My country of residence is the USA.
Hello from Normandy, France!
I like honeybadger shifters a lot because they fear nothing and have all sorts of crazy funny ideas.
I really look forward to reading those 3 novellas. Take care!
Are there characters that are honeybadger shifters? That sounds AWESOME. I’ve totally missed those.
I love vampires because they are possessive and fierce but also have vulnerabilities. Living in Illinois in the USA!
I love so many it’s hard to choose but if I had to pick one it would be the one that started it all for me. Dragons. Reading stories about dragons started my love of fantasy novels and blossomed from there. (USA)
The easy answer for “my favorite paranormal creature” is vampire; but the more complex and honest answer is, “my favorite paranormal creature really depends on the author!” The way an author depicts his or her paranormal characters can really make it or break it for me. (USA)
(Sorry for the odd double-post…for some reason, the first post appeared as a reply to someone else’s comment.)
Pegasus, what’s not to like about a flying horse
Country: England ????????
I can’t decide between vampires, shifters, and demons! I love them all for different reasons. Vampires for their imortality and allure. Shifters because id love to be able to change into an animal and know I had someone I could always count on. And demons because their abilities can be limitless.
My county is U.S.A.
USA, AZ – It depends on what series I’m reading but it’s a toss up between Vampires and Witches (good ones). Vampires are so versatile and the instant healing would be SUPER handy (bad knee, hips), but the empathy/union with the energies of the world would be amazing too. Earth witch, obvs. LOL. No matter which way this goes, I’m getting the anthology. I NEED to know how everything turns out. Thank you ALL so much for these. It’s the escape I need when things get weird.
USA: shifters – get to eat a lot of food and still be able to run/climb/hunt; lots of affection; have a useful extra voice inside my head; heal quickly
Shapeshifters. It would be so wonderful to see the world from two different perspectives. Werecats, werelions, maybe even wererabbits? 😉
I’m in NJ.
Thanks for the give away! It’s a wonderful way to start the new month.
My favorite creature would be a shifter. Having an alternate form would be cool and I could probably get away with not shaving anymore. Think of all the money I would save in razors alone! Hairy legs here I come! Plus who doesn’t love animals? ❤???? Presently, I am in the U.S. but on the 13th I am moving overseas.
Oooo….. Gonna have to say Dragons are my favorite. I’ve been fascinated since early childhood and have pewter, glass and ceramic dragons throughout my home plus t-shirts, paintings and a distinct obsession with Elmore Dragonlance prints 🙂
Can’t wait to read these novellas! I’m already hooked on Jeannine’s books and am always looking to check out new authors!
I’m in the US — Already have the anthology in ebook (because travel size) but just debated print as hardcover or paperback last night with the spouse creature. In the US. Worth trying for whichever in print.
Favorite Supernat-Creature. I’m going to go with shifters — werewolf, werecat, dragon-shifters, ect…. there’s a lot of fun play with dual species evaluations ect and the heightened sense of the world that they usually provide to the story. 🙂
Thanks again for this fabulous contest! This is awesome
My favorite paranormal creature is dragons. I love them because they are smart and very deadly
Country: USA
I think my favorite paranormal beings are witches, because, depending on the universe they’re in, they can have really cool and different powers!
I’m from Italy ????????????
Werewolves. First perk of being a werewolf you get speed and beauty without blood lust. Okay,I am Team Edward but if I were to be a supernatural creature it wouldn’t be a vamp.coz if tbe blood lust.And you get an amazing mate bond too.If you are lucky enough, you find your mate your life is set…LOL. So,my favourite is werewolf.
My Country-India
Shifters are one of my favorites. MI, USA
Shifters are mine favorites, especially dragons and bears. Being a “generously sized” person, need somebody scaled to my size.
I’m fond of selkies. The idea that even supernatural creatures can be thwarted by an abusive human resonates with me.
There is something about dragon shifters that makes my heart go pitter patter. They are ultra protective, they fly and any man who shifts into such a magnificent creature must be magnificent himself. And then there is their hoard….
Forgot to leave my location. I’m in Missouri in the USA.
Shifters have been and will always be my favorites. Dragons, Bears, wolves.. ya know, just to name a few. I love how they always seem to hold onto their two sides all while doing what needs to be done to keep everyone around them safe. Or at least in one piece. LOL
Vampires are second. I mean, I am a huge Jeanine fan. I have missed Cat and Bones. Big time! I can’t wait to get into this anthology.
South Carolina, US
In the United States. I’m a big fan of **ghosts**
They’re my long-time favorite and tie into lore from where my family is from originally. So many spooky stories about specters.
You asked for my dearest paranormal figure? That would be a shapeshifter in Denise’s demonic variant. To be nearly impossible to kill and change into every person I want.
It would make robbery a bank so much easier and then I could afford to buy any book I want ???? love from Germany
My favorite supernaturals are wizards/sorcerers because magic! USA
I think I like vampires the best, I’m a bit of a sucker for Byronic heroes although I think I like Jeaniene’s wise-cracking group a bit better than the average vampire. I’m always fascinated by the different mythologies people use for vampires. USA
Long ago I read a book about occasionally snarky unicorns, and if I ever remember what it was, I’ll be ecstatic. I love ’em all, except zombies and especially dragons. United States.
Also, in case Jeanine is reading this, I will note that my name is Siobhan and I grew up not far from Centralia, PA, so chapter 14 in the second Ian book really rocked my world. 🙂
Country of residence: Poland
Favourite paranormal creature: Południca (eng. Noonwraith).
It is a slavic demon that attacked people, who were working on the fields during noon.
I like this demon because it shows how the ancestors tried to make sense of the things that happened to them. They didn’t know about sun stroke, so they blamed Noonwraith.
Exciting! Can’t wait to read it ????
My favourite paranormal creature is a witch, partly because I am a witch but also because I really enjoy the various ways that different authors explore the concept. I love the Witch Oracle in KD especially, and I find the black witches in Patricia Briggs’ Mercy Thompson series really compelling. And disturbing. I’m also fascinated by the magic in HL – they aren’t witches per se, but humans using complex circles and spells to enhance their magic, and I may have created a spreadsheet (okay 3 spreadsheets) to keep track of all the types of magic, Houses, and characters…
I live in Canada. Thank you!!
I’m in the US. For me it’s always been dwarves. They have such a stubborn streak that I fully identify with but I think they have soft hearts.
Dragons! Can’t go wrong with flames & a horde!
From USA
Urban fantasy Shifters are my favourite: They are two-natured, strong, value family/pack ties and protect the vulnerable. Horror genre shifters are pretty cool too, but I wouldn’t want to share space with one.
Canada is my country. Today is ‘Canada Day’ for us, so greetings.
Cat shifters. Warm and cuddly with big teeth and paws. Usa
The tikbalangs in Hugh’s wedding coz they came from the Philippines 🙂 fave!
I would love to win 🙂 location – Philippines
My favorite supernatural creature is the one who starts out human and then becomes “OTHER”. Viewing the changes that develop them into a new (and hopefully better) version of themselves.
Living in Wis, USA
My favorite would be the kumiho/kitsune fox shifters because they have such a great blend of power, mischief making, and mystery. I’m in NH, USA.
Oooo – new book birthday to celebrate!!
Favorite paranormal creature – I always want to choose some weird, unknown thing, but then I realize I’m not that interesting, lol!
Favorite these days are witches/hedge witches, because often when written they can do amazing things with little magics. The underdog/overlooked of the paranormal world, succeeding in big things.
I love a lot of creature. One of my favorits are dragons, but not the evil ones, i like the fighting scholar typs of dragon. This one an advanger can ask for a advice who is somtimes a little bit cryptic in the answer. I like that they have power but choce the wisdom. I like that they can fly and have enough power to stay indenpendant when they choice so.
I forgot I am from Germany
My favorite are the hybrids like shifters who can cast spells or harpies that can shift shape.
I like the fact that you can come up with anything your mind imagines and it’ll work as long as it’s presented well.
Necromancers: I love the uber creep factor and the weird personality that goes with someone who hangs with the dead.
Racine, WI USA
Shifters tend to be my favorite. They make interesting characters when they try to fight their animal instincts. USA
For me, it’s magic users. The thought of having all this power (think Kate Daniels) at your fingertips is heady. Applied wisely of course! NYC, USA.
My favourite would be elves ????♂️
They live long lives, are wise and mysterious, can shoot a bow skilfully and they ride beautiful horses and live as one with nature.
Josefin, Sweden
Celtic green man. Nature spirit. NY/usa
My favorite paranormal creature is Mouse, the Foo Dog, Temple Guardian, and friend to Harry Dresden of the Dresden Files. Aside from being stalwart friend and companion he is also fiercely loyal and protective. In various places in the series you learn that he is very intelligent, wise, and possesses a good sense of humor. His supernatural abilities on top of all that almost seem like a ridiculous bonus! In a short story from the series he even gets the chance to shine in his own segment, giving a glimpse of the world from his perspective and highlighting the love he has for HIS people. Love that pooch!
Vamps, shifters, fae ‘OH MY”
I’m a pretty all inclusive paranormal lover 😀
I live in Southern Indiana USA
Dragons are undeniably my favorite. No matter what “type” of dragon people write, I love reading about them all! My favorite would be the worlds were there are all type of dragons everywhere and they are integrated into human society.
Alabama, USA
One of the most famous Chinese mythical characters is Meng Po, or Old Lady Meng. She’s the one who makes sure the souls that are ready for reincarnation forget their previous lives. She prepares the Tea of Forgetfulness and makes sure the souls drink it before crossing Nai He Bridge to leave the underworld. She’s one of my favorites, even though she’s often portrayed as slightly evil, as she won’t let you remember your past life. Honestly, in almost every story where the main character manages to trick Meng Po to skip the tea so they won’t forget their lost love ends in tragedy, so just drink it already and move on.
Well, used to be vampires, I was transfixed by Bella Lugosi as a tot. Not a vampire from Kate Daniels’ world for sure. Now it’s a warm and cuddly (in private) shapeshifter, probably something of the feline type.
Maryland, USA
Don’t make me choose; not fair.
Oh, ok then. It has to be vampires.
My favorite paranormal creatures are dust bunnies because they are vicious and adorable at the same time.
Favorite… Hmmm that’s difficult. Not from your books, but i love Selkies ???? the horse ones from Maggie Stiefvater, in the Scorpion races. They are so wild and ferocious.
And i’m dutch by the way, from Lunteren NL
I like witches/mages. Magic can be so much fun. Also, vampires as they are so versatile.
I’m quite partial to vampires — it’s the lure of the other, I suspect. I’m in Canada.
I don’t care what anyone says. Gertrude Hunt is the coolest creature in the supernatural game. She’s no mere inanimate object. She grows, feels, and even travels (albeit in a stationary interdimensional sort of way). Most important to any supe rating, my girl kicks ass. A protector and nurturer at heart willing to throw down with her crew when necessary? Yep, Gertrude Hunt is all about main character vibes. ????
Yay, now I know which series I’m repeating next.
Favourite Paranormal creature is The Fae because Fae lore is just sooo rich and fascinating; they are beautiful (a lot of the time), powerful generally and like many people, they are not always what they seem.
Country of Residence – South Africa
My favorite creatures are shifters – weres, skinwalkers, whatever. Mainly because I am jealous of their ability to heal with shifting. My latest ill is a frozen shoulder – I had never even heard of this before – and so I am off to physical therapy again. I am a frequent flyer there! My country of residence is the US, but I have roots in Europe.
Hello, thanks for the opportunity to win the book ????
Favorite paranormal creature: the Librarian from the Unseen University Library (Discworld of Terry Pratchett) since he is surrounded by and protector of magical books and has been turned to an orang-utan a long time ago, easy going, but powerful being on itself with time-space powers on top of it! Don’t mess with him!
I am from Calgary, AB, Canada.
Happy Canada Day, day of reflection this year!
I think I would choose Fae since they are always up to no good and they usually cause plot twists and stir things up! I’m from Ontario, Canada!
Dragons, without a doubt. Elegant, powerful, smart – what’s not to like. That’s why I’m Team Yu Fong, although it appears that ship has sailed…
I’m also quite fond of Hawaiian Menehune, and their Irish cousins, the Men O’Green.
And, I’m in the US.
Shifters are my absolute favourite! I can’t wait to read this book- 3 of my favourites all in 1.
I live in Canada!
My favourite paranormal creatures are vampires. Why? They are the best bad boys of the supernatural world. Strong and full of anger but capable of tenderness and great love. Happy Canada from Canada, home of Kelley Armstrong.
I love werewolf who have to struggle to control themselves and make rules to live that. My second favorite is children of half human types who learn and grow with all strange heritage and powers. USA.
Hmmm… favorite paranormal creature? I would have to say shape-shifting of some sort. The metabolism is faster and as a kid I always wanted to be able to shift into a kitten so I could explore places a person couldn’t get to.
Alaska, USA
USA/Texas definitely dragons. Saw one in the cloud formations today!
Vampires, shifters and witches, Oh my!
Okay that was a bit cliche but it’s only the beginning of creatures that I love to read about. As for a favorite…..I can not pick just one. They all offer up a bit of spice to life. Fingers crossed on winning a copy.
Happy 4th weekend to all!
Sorry. USA resident. My favorite paranormal creature the Coyote from Native American mythology because he is a mostly benevolent trickster or at least not actively malevolent most of the time. He’s also fun.
Woohoo! I’ve always really liked Rawhead and Bloody Bones. Maybe it’s partially because I grew up in Missouri (USA) and there is a version of the story that centers around the Ozark backcountry. But the idea of a slaughtered creature coming back in a nightmarish concoction of bones and gore to drag their killer down into a torture-pit-of-no-return really gets my goosebumps prickling in a good way.
“Rawhead and Bloody Bones
steals naughty children from their homes
takes them to his dirty den
and they are never seen again.”
*chef’s kiss* Amazing.
Tough call between Barque cats (Anne McCaffrey) and Sproingers (The Others series by Anne Bishop). Cute and protective creatures.
I love dragons! I live in the US.
I love the idea of shifters but I have to say witches are where it’s at. Not just the spell casting ones but also the mental ones as well. And they get a familiar which is like a fur a baby and a Bestie all rolled into one! I’m from Massachusetts Usa
I always enjoy finding new authors to love. 🙂 And I live in the USA
That’s a tough question, because my answer is VERY dependent on the author of the book. If I ABSOLUTELY had to choose in terms of my go-to when I’m looking for stories to read, it’d be Vampires (but not KD Vampires, lmao) followed by shapeshifters. There’s something about the dark mystery of vampires that I love, and it doesn’t help that the book that got me back into reading as an adult was Twilight. Still, shifters have a special place in my heart thanks to the dominance and possession. It’s sooo hard to choose.
I’m in Maryland, USA
I love the ones who aren’t the same as the others around them: Cat – the 1/2 vampire, Mercy – the rare coyote shifter, Leah – the electric psychic, Kate – daughter of whatever Roland is. But Vlad Tepesh Dracul is my all-time favorite vampire. Because, really, just righteously burn ’em up if they don’t behave. That’s hot, right?
Favorite supernatural creature would have to be shifters. Though a lot depends on how an author portrays them and what “world” they come from. USA
Oops. Texas, USA
I’ve already bought the e-book, but who wouldn’t want multiple copies (especially a print version)? I’m a shifter/changeling person, in Kansas, US.
Dragons – maybe because I hoard books like they are said to hoard gold… maybe because of their awesomeness.
Denmark here.
Namewise I am fond of “Slattenpatten” from danish folklore. She is know for her long, long breasts *g* boobies all the way!
Vampires because they can be seductive and dangerous.
Congrats to the authors on their new release.. Super excited about this anthology. It sounds so good.
I’m all about shifters – wolf, big cat, dragons…I love them all. ???????? Thanks for the chance.
Witches are my favorite I like how diverse they can be and their only limitations are what your mind can come up with.
I’m in the USA
Wow hard to choose my favorite but I tend to lean towards shifters because it’s always interesting to see how each story/world portrays the merge of animal and man together. USA
Okay so I really can’t say which is my favorite creature when it comes to vampires and werewolves, they are both equally fascinating depending on which story or stories they are featured in and how their stories are written …………USA
I love shifters, what a cool thing to have another form! I’m in WA, USA
My favourite paranormal creatures are wolves.
US Massachusetts
I would love to be a shifter!!! To be able to have second skin and being able to lose yourself in it…. and of course be extra strong!!
I live in Canada
Yay! This is fun. I can dream and a possible prize.
Fave (at the moment depending on what I am reading) paranormal creature: Dragons!
From U.S. of A!
My favorite paranormal creature are lees, specifically Cookie. Sweet, smart and cunning. I’m from the Netherlands.
My favourite paranormal creatures are shifters, because they can change their apperance at will. I’d also like to be able to do that…
I live in Austria ^^
Vampires, no sparkles.
United States
Anything with wings, gargoyles, angels, etc. Besides the pretty aesthetic, flying YES
I’m in the US.
I love all the paranomals, but vampires were definitely my first. I’m in the US.
Oh – three of my favorite authors rolled into one book? Yes please!! As for your question, I think I’m going with vampires because they were my first paranormal love (not in the romantic way hahaha). I’m in the US.
Dragons- I love so many different types of supernatural species, but my heart is always with the dragons. What’s not to love about flying, flame, and finding treasure.
Forgot to put, I am in the US
I am a fan of vampires and shape shifters. Country of residence is United States
Shapeshifters, so awesome to have a second form that is so strong and resilient! United States.
Was very surprised when the book landed on my kindle last night, I had forgotten that I had preordered months ago but what a nice gift for me.
I love shifters , the idea of never seeing the sun again is not appealing to me at all, maybe it is because I’m from Florida USA
Love a gargoyle! I’m in the U.K. and thank you for including international
Kindest regards
Oh, tough choice to choose a favourite (hello, I’m from Canada, hence the ‘u’ in ‘favourite’ haha). I think shapeshifters are my favourite. There’s something intriguing about being able to take on another form and be a specific animal.
Love them all but since Cainsville was my first urban fantasy series the Fey have a special place in my heart. They are portrayed so differently by all my fav urban fantasy authors that is hard to define why I like them but I find their beauty, questionable morals, ethereal presence alluring. I am Canada ????????
Shifter is my favorite! From the US!
I have to say vampires because you can get so many different aspects of history and lifestyles due to their ability to live so long. We get history of wars, battles, different lands and the experience of new vampires relating to elder vamps. My all time favorite (yes I even had a shirt made) “Hey, Walks Like An Egyptian, how about for once you drop the formal stuff and talk like you live in the twenty first century?”
“The shit’s gonna splatter, start buggin’, yo,” Mencheres responded”
I live in Chicago, Illinois USA
Amanda Coppola
Although if we are talking IA creatures the award goes to Kate. We all know she considera herself a type of creature..”that’s me Kate Daniels (insert copy written line here)” she’s absolutely freaky and fabulous.
I like them all. But I’d have to say vampires, if forced to choose. I collected all the vampire books I could find, in high school, and they all fit on a very short shelf! Things have improved greatly since then. (USA)
Happy book birthday! I would love being a vampire… Eternal life… unless you get decapitated…
From Canada
My favorite paranormal being is really anyone with supernatural powers, I love reading stories of any type of magic user and getting lost in any urban fantasy.
I live in Fl, USA
I adore vampires. They are sexy, strong and mighty scary when angry. So cool. Although I do agree that Armstrong has opened me up to werewolves lately as well. But vampires do still wins in my opinion.
I’m from Sweden by the way!
I love whatever we would call the Innkeepers (they are part of the paranormal creature-verse, right?) in the Innkeeper Chronicles. I love this character concept for how they share such a symbiotic relationship with their Inn, how they exist and create in tandem, and how they heal each other. It is a very beautiful concept.
(Country of residence: US)
I absolutely love shifters. The more rare of the animal they shift into the better. I’m a US resident. Thanks for such a great giveaway!
My favourite paranormal creatures are vampires. I find the male vampire very alpha and very sexy when he becomes aroused that he bites you in the heat of passion, but does not hurt you instead arouses you more.
I am in Canada.
I’m not actually interested in entering the draw, but just want to say a huge thank you to Ilona Andrews for being so thoughtful of international readers. Your generosity comes at a potentially greater cost to you, given the ridiculous prices of international shipping, but is very much appreciated!
I also love shifters, probably big cat species-specific shifters the best (though it is hard not to love a good werewolf!). I guess I’ve always just been fascinated by the animalistic energy. Also residing in the US ????
I wantes to join the give away real bad, adn then I realized I hate picking favourites, because I always feel sorry for the ones that don’t get picked. But I guess you have to say something. So I’m going to go with Trickster gods. Not surebit qualifies, bit I love the chaos, the unpredictability, and the goal of balance.
Country is The Netherlands by the way
I’m partial to dragons. The first two fantasy books I ever read were Dragon’s Milk by Susan Fletcher and Jeremy Thatcher, Dragon Hatcher by Bruce Coville. I’ve been in live with dragons ever since.
I live in the United States.
I loved Dragon’s Milk, that was one of my first fantasy books as well!!
I love werewolves. My current favorite characters are the black wolves of Boston from the Wen Spencer’s book of the same name. USA.
Wow! It’s a toss up between vampires and shifters. But I’d have to go with vampires first. They are more worldly and other-worldly.
I like any being that has some sort of telepathy or mental magic. Is that paranormal?
I’m in the US. Thank you!
My favorite are dragon… paranormal or otherwise. Oh what I wouldn’t give to fly and breathe a little fire when I’m angry! Florida, USA
3 years ago, I would have said vampires of course. Now, I am very much into vampires still, but I love me some shifters. I will be predictable and say wolf shifters. Why vampires? I guess its the danger, strength, beauty, and long life. The perceived immunity to being able to be hurt. The dominance is also very attractive. Some of the same answers as why I like shifters.
I think shifters are probably my favorite supernaturals. I just love the idea of being able to change shape. US Resident
My favourite paranormal creature is a mermaid because I am a water person. I also love to scuba dive and fantasize about swimming without needing breathing apparatus. I have dreams where I can shape shift to a mermaid. When I wake up, I am devastated that it is not true.
First of all … Thanks for the Giveaway(to all the authors as well) …It’s a cool thing to do and it will make the day of the lucky winners.
As to the question of favorite paranormal creature I like em all.
Favorite is more of an “type” this type being “odd or new or somewhat unique” examples of this type off the top of my head Elara, Conan, Julie/Aurelia, the new Derek, the Houndmaster’s God(the gal god that didn’t want any of what Kate could give her), the guy in Mediterranean that melts the castle Asturmur?? or was that the name of the power word dwarf? I forget…(both of them are great) Saiman and his Brother & his investigative partner … and OF COURSE KATE!!
Really almost all of the complete character list of House Andrews, you take these “types” and convert/flesh them into dynamic unique entities … even if they go beyond the basic “type” …
I really enjoy the “true to life”depth & unique developments … and enjoy the range especially when it extraordinarily broad like Elara an almost “saint like” who will sacrifice anything for her people / ancient mind bending manifestation of something …evil … but beyond evil. It’s better than a Reese’s PB cup!
George from the edge through him becoming an arbitrator is another excellent example.
During the peace conference when you show how he screws over Dina but then does even worse to himself was genius…and he’s “almost” a normie.
Anyway sorry for the ramble…thanks for the Giveaway..I’m in the US.
My favorite paranormal creature is the druid. I’ve always wanted to talk to animals and take their shape. Which leads to my next favorite- shape shifters.
Live in the USA.
My favorites are the wereanimals and those with powers. I am in the United States.
Shifters! Because wouldn’t that be amazing and even a little scary?! US resident. Thanks for the chance!
Wolves,there,loyal,fierce, protective & love deeply
I love Dragons – especially wenn they behave like a cats – you have to earn their respect ????
I am from Switzerland
I would say fae (so many different species! ) France resident.
My favorite paranormal creature has to be Derek the boy wonder! I’ve watched him grow up on paper and he has stayed with me in my thoughts more than any other when I think of the Kate Daniels series. Amazingly protective. A freaking fantastic warrior. He puts it all on the table on the side of what’s right to correct the wrong in the world.
Favorite paranormal creature would be a banshee.
I love them all but right now I’m on a vampire kick!
I’m in the US.
Hi, I am truly a para addict. I read them all but I enjoy most those people in what could be a real world who have special skills that the mundanes know nothing about. I like being in my world with magic on the side. It can be psychics, Innkeepers, vamps, witches, weres, fae… really anything!
I cannot wait to read this book!
Thank you Ilona and Jeanine for this chance.
I love Hobbits. The Hobbit was the very first paranormal book I read and I was really young at the time so it left a big impact on my imagination and beliefs. I love them for their constancy and loyalty and honesty and humbleness and so much more.
Country: USA
The complexity of the character and the ‘twists’ to make them unique by the authors are more important than the exact type. But one of earliest to catch my imagination were the dragons in Anne McCaffrey’s Dragonriders of Pern (so a sci-fi twist never hurts). Though would not mind a brownie to take care of my house.
Favorite paranormal creature is Zeus from Hidden Legacy. His appearance in the books always makes me laugh because he’s essentially a housecat but in the form of a very terrifying creature
Vampires — I like all the different folktale versions of vampires and their abilities.
Canada here!
I’ve always been a fan of the dangerous shifters – dragons, lions, tigers….but lately I’ve been reading Nalini Singh’s Psy/Changeling series and the Psy are fascinating. 🙂
Crow shifters are my favourite. Like the crowgard of Anne Bishop. I identify so with them as I am always distracted by shinies, like pretty yarn or a funny beetle on my walks or a shiny piece of nerdy information on the Internet.
Magic users/ socerers. Especially when they have quite a bit of action packed in with good lore about how they came to be in each world.
I truly just enjoy good books with suspense and action.
Thank you!
Favourite creature is a toss-up:
koo-ko because philosopher space chickens
Zeus because he is so sweet
Impala worm because the monster in the sewer.
Happy Book Birthday for Jeaniene from Germany.
Vampires, hands down. They’ve literally ALWAYS been part of my media consumption. From Count Von Count on Sesame Street as a toddler, to Leslie Nielsen’s portayal of a screwball Dracula for Mel Brooks when I was all of *seven* years old. Bunnicula which we read in class in 2nd grade. A lot of my earliest (and favorite) memories of media and fiction involve vampires of some sort or another. They’ve always been with me, they’ll always be with me. And they can cross so many genres – they can be sexy or mysterious or scary or funny or comforting or grotesque or or or….
(US Resident here)
I have to go with werewolves or shifters of various types. I love the various ways authors explore the dual nature of human and beast, incorporating aspects of both. It can also run the spectrum from horror through humor and I like something a little in the middle – lots of humor, but some down sides/negative consequences to balance it.
I am a US resident.
I’m going to go with shifters, especially ocean-based shifters. Love the idea of being able to live above and below the sea. Thanks for the giveaway! I’m in the US.
My favourite paranormal creatures are shapeshifters, I would love to have their heightened senses and strength/stamina.
Huge thanks, I love all Ilona Andrews books and I can’t stop recommending them to people
Probably vampires end up being top of the list. The whole long lived idea and the fact that those characters, by nature of what they are, are complicated if they have any morality. Because of the long lifespan lots of chances for reinvention and evolution of self.
I have been a vampire fan from way back, but I also like shifters as well.
Country USA
My favorite paranormal creature(s) are the Fae. I love learning about all the different ones and the magics they are capable of.
I like fairies and elves. I love seeing how different authors portray them. There doesn’t seem to be any set rules which make reading about them fun.
I love vampires. They get to live forever. Perhaps that’s actually a curse, but the romantic in me sees love that never has to end.
I live in the US.
Selecting only one paranormal creature was difficult but ultimately I have to go with shifters as my favorite. I like how some authors present them better than others, but overall I appreciate the common characteristics those types of paranormal creatures typically possess. I live in the United States.
Honestly I love halfbreeds. A mix of two or more paranormal species sounds incredible to me. No one really knows what powers they have and everyone is different. I love surprises.
So excited for the giveaway ????
(County of residence: Germany)
I’d say my favorite is the vampire, as in the Frost version. The ones that are still very human, but more. I’d marry Bones if he wasn’t taken 🙂 Though the shifters in the Andrews books are pretty cool, too, so a close second.
Country: USA
My favorite paranormal creature is a dragon. I’ve always found the many different versions of dragon fascinating and always wanted to be a dragon rider!
country – USA
Vampires. Powerful, immortal. USA
It’s so hard to choose my favorite supernatural creature–sort of like asking me to pick my favorite child. I guess I have to say werewolves. I love their strength, and swift healing, and to be honest, the dominance thing is sort of sexy, too! I live in the USA, in Indian to be precise.
It might sound boring, but my favorite is probably still a werewolf. I was first introduced to werewolves in middle school, and my 12 year old self thought they were the perfect combination between a boyfriend and the pet dog my parents wouldn’t get me 😉
I’m in the US.
I think we need more tiger shifters (some of them are vegetarians I have heard) in the world… ohhh or dragons…. heck, I’ll take a hedgehog with a great story…. some of the funniest books I have read have been around non-predators dealing with some of their more toothy brothers-in-arms.
Not very exciting but witches are probably one of my favorite. They can be good, they can be bad or a little bit of both.
I have been recently thinking about litches but I will go with griffins as my favorite. I still need to make a sculpture with the front as a harpy eagle and body a snow leopard. Maybe the litch could ride him. Fantasy creatures get the best looks.
Country of origin U.S.A.
I like changelings/shifters like in Nalini Singh’s Psy/changling series. So cool to go from somewhat normal human to big cat.
Live in Texas
Oooooh I love Vampires, i don’t care the universe, Andrews, Frost, they are all as*kickers!
Country: Argentina
I love to soot creatures from Spirited Away and the Darklings from Tamora Pierce’s Tortall Books.
Dragons because they ate beautiful and powerful. I’d love to fly and breathe fire!! Greetings from Phoenix, AZ. USA
Maybe boring, but I love the Fae, beautiful and ethereal with a checkered background.
Country: USA
I like shape shifters. The idea of being able to become an animal is fascinating to me.
I love elves. Because…Legolas. Enuf said 😉 country: US
I’ve always been a fan of vampires. I think I like them so much because I am fascinated by how much history they experience and how that’s shaped their worldview. Country: USA
I can’t pick a favorite!! I just want there to be magic in the world. Since I have to choose something for this fun opportunity, I’m going with… dragons. No, centaurs…. or maybe djinn. Gah! Ok. I’m picking witches. It’s a nice broad term, and the possibilities are endless. I’m from California, USA.
Hi Jeaniene, Ilona & Gordon –
I’m from the US.
Favorite paranormal creature is dragons. Because, well, DRAGONS!
Also, they can be amazingly evil and dangerous, or really sexy and amazing.
I’ve always thought Griffins were amazing looking- both majestic and dangerous. I was very into stories about knights & their heraldry as a kid (I can thank the Edward Eager book “Half Magic” for that, I guess), and was always excited to spy a griffin on someone’s heraldic shield or banner.
I live in the U.S.
I can’t decide between werewolves and vampires. I am fascinated by the distinct presentations of these types of fantasy creatures. In different stories there are different representations and I love that it’s never quite the same, it never gets boring.
Country: Austria
I enjoy nymphs, magical, ethereal, deceptively direct in their protection of nature.
Dragons. Definitely. They are the embodiment of magic in many worlds. And in the worlds where they’re just big flying lizards, they’re still BIG. FlYING.LIZARDS! ????
USA, Tennessee
I love phoenix’s. I started loving them when I was young because of Harry Potter. I loved Fawkes. As an adult I think I just love the idea of a creature able to rise from the ashes and become reborn.
My love of them is tied with my love of dragons though. Even though Smaug was the bad guy in The Hobbit, I still loved the idea of such a beautiful and deadly creature. Plus, it’s very cool that many different cultures (that had no contact with one another) had some form of a dragon myth.
Country: USA
My favorite are the Valkyrie because they are female badasses.
Love reading about magic users of all kinds, but especially stories around dragons. Being able to fly and live long lives (with lots of time to learn as many things as possible) intrigues me. With love from the US!
My favorites are the vampires that exist in your Innkeeper series-I laugh when I think about Arland running butt-naked in the orchard after a cup of coffee…very relatable and the vampire characteristics are explained and believable.
Thank you for the giveaway! I so enjoy your writing , as well as Jeniene Frost’s writing! (I’m in the US.)
Probably witches. The ability to practice magic and things is amazing. But it is so hard to really choose because I do love my vampires (Bones, anyone?!). I kinda have a thing for blond, British vampires (Ethan, too!). Sigh.
I love shifters of all types. There’s just something primal about them.
Georgia, USA
I just love Zeus from the Hidden Legacy Series. I can imagine his blue fluffy fur and nose. The scene when he met Matilda was adorable
I am in PA in the United States.
Shifters are my favorite since I usually prefer animals over humans. I’m in the US.
I like shifters, especially when the human side of the character displays character traits of the animal. For instance one author I follow writes honey badger shifters, and even as human, they don’t give a s#!+. They are mean, thieves who don’t care and are impossible to kill. Awesomeness!!
My favorite paranormal creatures are vampires. Not just any vampires, Jeaniene Frost vampires! They are sexy, deadly, determined, loyal and very intriguing. Her books are definitely needed when I want to leave my world behind. I live in the USA…San Diego, California.
Werewolves. Changing shape seems fun, and so does having great night vision and an excellent sense of smell. I also like the way packs work in many stories.
Live in US.
Skin walkers ! I just find them to be kind of self explanatory but still ambiguous enough for so many different stories and characteristics in different cultures and tellings!!
United States
I think that fairies are my favorite because they are so diverse and have such fun personalities – love a good pixie or a screaming banshee.
My pick is the humble Putto. These are the little toddlers with wings that you see depicted throughout the renaissance period.
Contrary to popular belief these folks are not always little angels. They are capable of great mischief and I think would make a fine villain in one of your stories.
This is a harder question than I thought once I started thinking about it. I decided on shapeshifters, purely for the variety factor. Also, my country of residence is the USA.
I adore all paranormal creatures, however I will pick shifters
I grew up in the Philippines and when I was small, in order to get to school, we would drive down this road called Balete Drive. If you google a balete tree, you’ll find images of enormous trees that look like they’re entirely composed of thick vines. This drive was lined with huge balete trees and I was told that there was a giant creature called a “Kapre” that lived in those trees. For some reason, I always pictured a horse-like creature in my head, smoking a cigar and sitting in those trees. Now, I read that they look more like a gorilla. Kapres like to enchant people or play pranks and I spent many years trying to catch a glimpse of this creature on my way to and from school.
Texas, USA
Thank you for the wonderful giveaway! I just finished all the Night Huntress world books so can’t wait to read this novella. I am finding it hard to choose a favorite paranormal creature – but I think some kind of mental magic (hidden legacy, Bones and Cat being able to read minds, Sookie Stackhouse..) is my favorite!
I’m in the US.
Congrats on the book and thanks for the giveaway!
Witches are the ones for me. Their history and powers can be shaped in so many different ways. Love them, especially if hats and cats are involved!
Country: Hungary
Dragons (and dragon shifters) because they are a priceless asset to my World Domination Plans!!! From Canada ????????, where the best WDPs are generated ????????
It’s not very clever or original, but vampires are without a doubt my favorite paranormal creatures. Vampires that can fly. Dragons run a close second. I guess I just want to fly. And I’m kinda tired of getting old and achy.
I live in the USA.
OMG, I love a vampire demon hybrid, or the vampire-witch hybrid – or just the witch – they are all great! – I love Jeaniene Frost’s work and I’m sure I’ll love Kelley’s and Melissa’s too – I’m in Davis, CA – thanks for the chance!!
Witches who train at their craft to do things that defy nature’s laws.
I like sphinxes.
Part of it is aesthetics, but I also like the idea that lack of knowledge can be deadly, especially when travelling out in the wilderness or to foreign (to you) cultures.
I’m in the USA.
So fun, and so hard to choose! I’m going with witches because it would be so cool to be able to practice magic and then I could still use magic to fly like so many other options that were tempting me 😉
Thanks for the opportunity!
I live in Washington, USA
I’m fond of Kelpies, because who wouldn’t love a vengeful water horse bent on killing you. That’s how Disney convinced me to watch Frozen!
United States
mmm, I think dragons are my favorite. Like Dragos Culebre from Thea Harrison
I’m in the U.S.
My favorite paranormals are the half-breeds. They make such interesting stories, overcoming not belonging to any one “side”.
Shifters fo sho! They seem to have the most fun!
Living in the USA
Love dragon shifters. They have all the benefits of shifters and they can fly. Plus they could burn their enemies to ash
Gotta go with shapeshifter because I would love to become an animal but don’t want to be tied to the moon. I live in south Carolina usa and sending good luck to everybody in hope I’ll get lucky here and think it’s awesome no matter who wins.
Vampires!!!! Absolutely love them in every guise!! I’m from the UK 🙂
Thank you, Ilona Andrews for the post. Thank you Jeanine Frost for the “snippet”. It was interesting.
Were animals are my favourite. I think it would be awesome to have another form. And seriously, they always have change related healing – that would be amazing!
I love all urban fantasy creatures – were-animals, vampires, mages, etc.
But a certain priest of Chernobog who can be occasionally found in Eeyore PJs holds a special place in my heart…..
I live in the US – Happy Fourth of July weekend to all!
Favorite paranormal creature, huh? Mmmmm. I would have to go with the wolves from The Others set of stories by Anne Bishop. They make no effort to “blend in” and the way Anne writes it, I’m quite comfortable with that. I would be cautious but still would love to hang around with them.
This isn’t to say I don’t love the other creatures I read about but Simon Wolfgard and little Sam Wolfgard make me want to read the story over and over. Um, I also need Meg Corbyn there as well, please. Just wouldn’t be the same without the cassandra sangue. 🙂 I’m in the USA.
Warlocks. Of course, my pet peeve is the stereotype of female witches stirring a pot to make magic while male warlocks simply wave their hands. I think magic should be created by picking ethereal threads out of the ley and weaving them together like a blanket or scarf. That sounds more warlock than witch to me, so I guess I see myself as a lady warlock, secretly casting my bespelled creations (mittens?) at the evil-doers walking past me in the airport with their masks down under their chins…
I’ve loved reading about vampires my entire life! Every story has different origins and the vampires are never the same in each story. I love all the different creative ways authors write them!
Hmmmm, it’s hard to choose. I would say one of my favorites that’s less common are brownies! I just think it’s so sweet that they want to make a cozy home – and if you’re nice and welcoming, They might decide to move it!
I’m in the U.S. Thank you for the giveaway! I’m excited to get an update on Cat and the gang, and the other novellas look fun, too ????
I like dragons best or dragon shape shifters. There is just something so majestic about them. It’s probably because when I was a kid I loved The Paper Bag Princess.
I’m in the United States.
Shifters…love their bad attitudes ????
I too like the wolves and other creatures from and bishops other stories I also love her flying shelties from her which world stories so if the two I think I’d go with the flying shelties they make me laugh and it sounds wonderful to have a puppy that could talk to you and could interact with you and do magic I am from the United States thank you to all for this wonderful giveaway and gentle silliness to celebrate books and creative endeavors
I’m gonna go with Harpies, because in every paranormal book where I’ve come across them, they’ve always been badass women, despite their “ugly” reputation. USA.
Any type of changeling, but my favorite are Dragon Shifters
I’m partial to cats. All types. So favorite paranormal creature would be shape shifter cats. Lions, tigers, panthers, Jaguars, etc.
In general, my (current) favorite paranormal creatures are dragons. In terms of paranormal characters, there are two that I think are particularly clever: Pia from Thea Harrison’s Elder Races stories, and Jade Crow from Annie Bellet’s Twenty-Sided Sorceress stories.
My country of residence is the US
Drawing for a book – squeee! Authors are the best. My favorite paranormal entity are shapeshifters. But I love them all. ???? Best of luck to everyone who enters.
(Canada is where I call home.)
I am going to go with Wolves… If I have to pick one. This is not really a fair assessment because there are so many different authors with so many different worlds. But in the interest of this contest, I will go with simple. I am in the USA
When I first read a fantasy that was actually sci-fi in high school, Anne McCaffrey had me hooked.
Game of Thrones more than 30 years later reinforced. And they come in so many sizes and colors.
While I am tempted to say the Fae, I most enjoy stories featuring witches. I think perhaps I tend to relate more to those characters, especially if they are the protagonist.
I’m in the USA.
I think my favorite paranormal creature differs from author to author and series to series. I like different versions of each! Overall, I think my favorite is witches! I just like the magic and of course the strong females!
Coyote, the trickster. Very scary to have his attention but with a humerous edge. I love how Patricia Briggs brings him to live.
I love shifters….people into animals or the other way around. Thanks for hosting the new book information.
I really like the Bunyip. It’s an Australian water monster. It originates from Australian aboriginal storytelling and is translates as devil or evil spirit depending on the regions language. (There’s 250ish not including dialect) But most Aboriginal peoples have a Bunyip legend and most were afraid.
It’ can be seen as a amphibious giant seal/dog with a long neck, flippers, tusks and a mane or with European influence more bipedal squat like troll with platypus influences (shapeshifting via belief…cool).
But all agree the Bunyip has a booming roar.
It almost always will take the unwary and snatch children from either in or alongside fresh waters bank (river, billabong, creek or swamp)
It’s legend thought to have derived from seals being spotted far up the rivers or diprotodon and other mega marsupial bones being found.
But for one of the oldest living cultures, 60,000 years old, they may know more than European settlers are willing to believe.
Don’t go swimming alone at night. Watch your children bu the water and if you hear roaring get away from the water.
I like elves. There’s something pretty cool about them. Probably from JRR Tolkein’s Lord of the Ring series.
My favorite are the were animals, mostly the cats. I just think it would be so cool to be able to change into an animal and have their characteristics and talents. USA
Fav paranormal creature…I’m pretty partial to Rachel Morgan and Anita Blake – not creatures but fairly kick ass heroines. I like things slightly outside of the “normal” paranormal. I also really like the Dorina Basarab series and Cassie Palmer – a dhampir and a time hopping oracle of sorts.
My favorite paranormal creature is the vampire because I have always been a night person so I connect well with living at night. It is also something my husband and I bond with because of The Huntress series specifically.
I am in the United states
Please don’t enter me in the draw, I already have the ebook, I just wanna join the fun ????
For the good looks I’d have to go dragons – I’ve had a tattoo of one on my forearm since I was 19 (21 years ago!) and have never regretted it. In fact it used to irritate me how people would somehow miss seeing my six inch red dragon tattoo just because I “don’t look the type”! Proof that people really do only see what they expect to see!
For fun and games I’d go werewolves, I’m a big dog lover anyway and hey, someone who can play fetch but also open difficult jars ????
For pure star quality Death but only from a distance and if Binky comes too.
and Death of Rats is also welcome of course.
Vampires. . . . Well, no shiny ones and for goodness sake no tormented whining. But all other paranormals can come for tea too – they just won’t get any biscuits and I’ll probably use teabags rather than my good pot ????
Favorite paranormal creature – shifters of any mammal!
Would love to win something…but does it count that my favorite creatures are dust bunnies a la Jayne Ann Trends?
That’s Krentz, not trendz. Stupid autocorrupt.
I will go with wolves as my favorite paranormal creature however, I just read an interesting book with immortal pirates which really was fun. I am in the US and in the same state as Jeaniene. Thank you for the giveaway!
My favorite paranormal beings would have to be shape shifters. Dragon shifters anyone? Or how about a coyote shifter who’s father is the trickster. A man or woman who is anything but and can literally destroy the world. There are just so many choices! We all have a “gift”. It is nice to imagine what would happen if….
We create our own reality or so they say. Your words have power and some believe that every thing we create actually exists somewhere. Hhmmmm
To only talk about one paranormal creature that I like and claim it as my favorite is truly difficult. I had always struggled with reading and pronunciation of words when I was in school. I never read for fun and dreaded English reading and writing assignments. Then Edgar Allan Poe was introduced to me and the dark literature seemed to call to me but I still didn’t pick up a book to read for fun. I found the paranormal world in a tiny comic book store on the east side of Milwaukee the fall of 1994. I was bored waiting for my friend to finish looking through the comic books she was obsessed with and saw this metal circular book rack with just a small collection of paperbacks in it. I spotted this book with a black haired male vampire on one side and this petite woman on the other. The title read Guilty Pleasures by Laurel K. Hamilton. I opened the book up and started to read. I ended up sitting on the floor of the comic book store and read for over two hours before my friend was ready to check out. I bought my first book that day and haven’t stopped buying and reading books since. The world I discovered that day has opened my eyes to so many great authors and the amazing stories they create. The numerous paranormal creature that I have discovered has been captivating. I guess that necromancer, shapeshifters, or vampires are equally fabulous in my eyes but make the necromancer, shapeshifter, or vampire a female heroine I am hooked into the store immediately. Thanks to all the creative authors that pour out their thoughts into the awesome books we get to read.
I forgot to say USA
My favorite creatures are the fire lizards in Anne McCaffrey’s Pern series. The series has not aged well in many aspects, but it was life-changing for me when I read it in high school. And who wouldn’t want a fire-lizard who understands your emotions and loves you and can show you pictures of cool places it runs off to? (I’m too much of a wimp to want to be a Dragonrider.)
I’m in the US.
Interesting — I always saw the dragons and fire lizards in the Pern books as science, not paranormal. The dragons were genetically engineered.
Granted, they did have a mental connection (telepathy) and the ability to teleport.
I guess considered that more “speculative fiction” than fantasy or paranormal writing.
As I said, interesting choice; makes me thing.
Thank you.
that should be “Makes me think.”
Witches. I like the idea of being able to manipulate the elements to heal, for defense, or just to be able to clean the kitchen after I cook!
I’m in the US.
How to pick just one. I really love them all but as I have to pick one I think I’ll go with shifters. There are so many varieties and differences that it’s always unique.
Cool — I love anthologies . It is how I find new authors. Thank you for sharing.
(p.s., the scorpion pictures yesterday were horrifying … acckkk!)
I’m partial to shifters of all kinds
Thanks for the chance and I’m in the US
I enjoyed the snippets! My favorite paranormal creatures are vampires because that is what I read about first in this genre. I also like the people with different types of magics, too (and no, I’m not kissing up to anyone).
I live in the USA in Georgia.
Thank you!
Dragons! Cuz they’re badass! That’s it. lol (US-Happy 4th y’all!!)
There is a little magical cephalopod in the Valkyrie Beastiary series that I fell in love with. I love all the magical creatures, however this one just settled in and won’t leave.
I’m in the US.
I’ve always had a soft spot for vampires. I love it when an author has a new take on vampires that I’d never have thought of on my own. One of the reasons that I love the Kate Daniels world ????
My favorite UF creatures are mermaids. I find it interesting how different storytellers use the concept — from horror to romantic.
One of my favorite stories is Rumiko Takahashi’s Mermaid Saga.
I live in the US!
Aphrodite aka Venus aka Vanessa. She is a strong woman with amazing powers and still everything doesn’t go as planned!
Forgot to add I live in USA
I’m so excited to check out this book! My favorite paranormal creature has to be Pixies! They are so mischievous and can be portrayed as goofy tricksters or malevolent pranksters. I am from California, USA
In regard to favorite paranormal “creature”, I’d have to say that it depends on the author and how they have drawn/imagined the development of each race/species.
– Ilona Andrews “Kate world” shifters are cool; the vampires are horrifying.
The other magic users, those with “flash”, those with mental magic, those with control of physical elements. Innkeeper world vampires … so cool.
– Jeaniene Frost vampires are interesting folks, with personality.
– Patricia Briggs also has cool shifters (werewolves/walkers);
… her vampires are interesting, but not very like-able,
… she also writes interesting witches (white, grey or black).
– Kelley Armstong’s witches, sorcerers, werewolves and vampires
– Karen Chance’s vampires
– Lois McMaster Bujold’s demon, Desdemona.
– Tanya Huff, vampires, and “the most powerful wizard in the world”
See, it’s hard! So I have to say, … it depends on the author as to which is my favorite. Feet to the fire, have to pick one:
Physics-bending Innkeepers.
Oh, that’s a tough choice but at the moment I’ll go with gargoyles. They get to fly and the females shimmer when they do. They can also blend in with their soundings. And as bonus females can do magic!
Simple instructions… I’m in the UK.
Mental magic! Like flying!
In the United States.
Shifters first then strong, independent woman that are in control of their own destinies. They can wear any skin they want, I just love to live vicariously through their adventures.
I live in the US – Happy 4th, Y’all!
Ooooo I gotta go with vampires, but the classic non Kate Daniels version. Not sure why, just always been fascinating. United States
I love dogs. Grendel, the attack poodle cracks me up, so a favorite for me.
Country: USA
Shifters. Dual natured and unpredictable. Yum
I’ve always had a thing for vampires. I think it’s because I am allergic to the sun so I identified with them from early on. Thanks to DSPS, I also am much better at night. So I guess being a pseudovampire of some sort predisposed me to loving them! ????
I live in the USA.
I’ve always had a thing for wolves, and werewolves are naturally my favorite. I train dogs and the parallels are obvious. I live in Missouri USA. Thanks!
I like to believe that I’m a mermaid with a vampire husband and dragon shifter best friend. I love the ocean, love the sensuality of vampires and love the power of dragons.
I like shape shifters best. One of my favs are the honey badger shifters Shelly Laurenston writes about. Although they aren’t that big. Honey badgers are super tough.
My favorite paranormal creature is whatever Vincent is (lion-man?) from the Beauty and the Beast TV series from back in the day with Linda Hamilton and Ron Perlman. And I love Vincent because (obviously) younger me loved that show.
Since the Olympics are coming up, please imagine me as an obnoxious American fan chanting, U-S-A! U-S-A! 🙂
This is an amazing giveaway!???????? USA
Vampires are my favorite.
From The All Souls Universe …by Deborah Harkness, I would love to be a certain type of witch called a “Weaver”. That is a maker of spells. Really, how cool is that!?
Otherwise I would be a vampire. I mean they are strong, tall, fast and long lived.
I live in the U.S.
My favorite paranormal creature is the druids. My favorite thing about them is the fact that they work with the animals and nature. My country of residence is the United States.
Vampires. Alive or dead nothing is more versatile. And who wouldn’t want love that last forever.
I forgot. Live In on The USA
Hello! I am from the US. My favorite paranormal creature is the vampires! They often have decades and century’s of tales. Often, tragic backstories that give light of the way they are now. Vampires have seen humanity progress through many events that have happened during their time on earth. The lore that surround vamps are very interesting and sometimes even heartbreaking. I absolutely love them and could go on forever but I’ll leave it at that. Thank you all for your wonderful stories and your imagination. You all are appreciated.
hobbits, hobbbits, and more hobbits
Boston, MA, USA
If I have to choose one favourite supernatural creature, I think I would have to go for Imps right now. They are often some of my favourites characters in literature, they don’t take life too seriously and their number one goal is having fun. They are interesting because while not being the heroic type neither are they depicted as purely evil. Morally grey characters, I like it.
Impish smiles from France 🙂
I would have to say Baba Yaga, because as russian i loved all the stories about her, and who wouldnt want to have a creepy sentient house and fly. I also loved her in a soviet new year kids movie called Novogodneye prikluchanie Mashi i Vite
And i also forgot to say, i live in the USA
My favorite paranormal creature will always be the vampire. I like the ones where they are solving some sort of crime so they are positive influences on the world and only misunderstood. lol Mix that in with finding their soul mate… and I’m hooked.
United States
Arrived on my kindle this am. Very happy. It’s nice to see authors supporting each other and expanding our worlds. Thank you Ilona and Gordon ????
I am most fascinated by mares, creatures from German folklore, which ride through the night to find humans and eat their dreams.
It is especially creepy, because dreams and hopes shape our lives and are essentially for our will to go on.
Country: Germany (I know, what a surprise 😉 )
I think my favorite paranormal creature are shifters. I just love the idea of the duality and also getting to experience life so differently.
I absolutely love vampires, I have since I was about 11 years old I’ve read all different kinds of books about them. Anything with a vampire in it I’m likely to read!
my favorite is the shapeshifter. To be able to change into a form which has senses that are more highly attuned and more speed and power would be fantastic!
I like the plain human in the stories that make up for the lack of supernatural power with grit and determination in a paranormal world . Benjiro Heart in Sapphire Flames is a character that I would love to see more of.
I live in Edmonton, Alberta.
Dragon shifters because they can breathe fire! And it would be awesome to be able to fly. But I love wolves too.
I’m in the US. Thanks!
I have always loved vampires. There is just something about them that fascinates me.
United States Resident.
I like both vampires and shape shifters
My favorite paranormal creature would be a necromancer. (Does that count as a creature?) Being able to commune with the dead, or raise the dead. So many interesting things you could learn from them. I am from Canada.
I love vampire the most !! Love how Jeanine created all these hard headed, but soft hearted creatures ❤️ All have that “love you to death” value !
Hope I could win her book, been reading her books since high school, love all the series, but night huntress was the beginning of my obsession to her books !!
From the U.S.
Jeanine, I’m so excited to have a story with see Cat, Bones, Katie, and Denise!
My favorite paranormal creature definitely depends on the author. For a Jeanine Frost book, definitely vampires!! For an IA book, is a specific werewolf (I am on team Derek. 🙂 ) This question feels a bit like having to pick a favorite child. I love them all, but maybe differently….
I’m in California, USA.
I’ll say dragon shifters. I’m from the US.
I’m obsessed with dragons. What’s not to love? USA
How do you choose!?! Love all things paranormal! I’d have to say shapeshifters. Imagine being able to live like something else. I live in the us.
I’ve definitely gotta say dragons are my favorite. There is something very cool about a powerful flying dragon. The amount of different color combinations and powers are endless. I’d imagine a dragon to be wise and regal. Knowing they are at the top of the food chain and being able to flex those muscles. Thank you so much for the opportunity. United States
My favorite supernatural is a vampire. Imagine all the changes they have seen, history they lived through. It would be interesting to pick their brains
Unicorns are my favorite paranormal creature, because they’re warriors and a symbol of a pure heart at the same time. I’m in California, USA
Hmmm i think I’ve got to go witch or vampire its a tie really and part of why I love night huntress universe and vampire academy you get both that being said my husband would totally be a werewolf if he was a creature. I’ve loved wolves since I was a girl balto was my favorite movie as a kid, I always had dreams of playing with wolves around me.
Kingston Ontario CAN
A shape shifter…a warm body beats a dead cold one hands down!!
My favorite are Faeries. Being able to glamour and be something entirely different to the world around you is enticing, and they are powerful! I am in Iowa, US
My favorite paranormal creature is a centaur because I love horses and love the idea of a human – horse hybrid.
I live in Canada.
I’m a big witch fan. I think I like them because they come in all shapes and sizes and even the weak ones can actually be the most useful at times. Unlike vamps, who all seem to be sexy and powerful, except for Ms. Harris’ Bubba, haha. US resident.
A witch in a world where that means sisterhood and not pain …. Or a fae in a darker world.
… For now I’m just a normal mom in Canada.
Shifters or angels (ala Nalini Singh). A different form or being able to fly.
My favorite paranormal creature is weres. I’ve always been fascinated with “being” an animal. (When I was 5 years old and asked what I wanted to be when I grew up, I said a racehorse >< )
Werewolves will always be my fav. I love how affectionate and touchy-feely they always are. Doesn’t get much better than an Alpha male.
My favorite paranormal creature is a dragon that turns into a human. They usually have the wisdom expected form the far East and the strength of the west.
I live in the USA
Witch/wizard. The endless possibilities with magic intrigue me.
Since I first picked up Bitten by Kelley Armstrong 20 years ago, werewolves have been my favorite. I love the pack relationships and the complexity of werewolves I discovered in that book and many that followed. Before that they were always depicted as “mindless beasts” and a lot of potential stories were lost to that
Any shifter. I like the idea of having heightened senses and a different way of interfacing with the world.
Thanks for the giveaway opportunity.
Vampires! They are sexy and their life is full with adventures. *big fan from Bulgaria*
I love all things paranormal but my favourite paranormal creatures have to be Shifters. To be able to change your form into that of another creature with heightened senses would allow you to see the world is such a different way which I think would be amazing.
I feel like shifters are very relatable, people have many different sides and faces to them and people often struggle to reconcile those different sides, shifters just take that to the next level.
In a lot of shifter stories I have found that those that accept and embrace their different sides usually become the strongest, which is a very powerful message – accepting yourself in your own skin, whatever that may be is something everyone should learn to do.
– Tori, United Kingdom
That’s a super tricky one. I go through cycles between vampires, shifters, far, etc. but I think shifters are my favorite. The others have an OTHERNESS about them that shifters don’t. Shifters for the win!
I’m still a fan of shifters and weres, whatever you call them! Can’t wait to read it, whether I win or not. USA.
My favorite paranormal creature is the werewolf mainly because I love wolves but also because of their physical power.
I am in the US.
Shifters are my favorite. I like the idea of having two natures and the benefits that come with the change.
I live in Canada.
Thank you
Vampires, because Bones! Yum!
Happy Birthday!
I do not have a particular paranormal creature as a favorite. Although I’ve read several stories with mer-men shifters which I enjoyed. Extraordinary strength, able to command all sea creatures and travel far. Second would be dragons, for the exact same reasons except on land and air.
I love shifters. The idea of being able to just shift to something else to escape human life is just so appealing. I’m in the USA.
Unicorns, because….unicorns. Honestly all of the paranormal creatures have their pros and cons, so I don’t have a favorite. USA
I like shifters… particularly from House Andrews’ gifted pen 🙂 thanks for sharing!! This sounds fabulous! Thanks for the fun giveaway! Congrats on the new release! I’m from the USA
I love being spoiler free, but I had to take just a little peak. Lol. Excited to get my copy. I should be finsj with me current book, by then. Excited!!!
Quite honestly, my favorite paranormal creature are vampires. There are so many legends and stories on sirens that they have an appeal to me in the fantasy world. Also I have to say, for the longest time I have thought that if I were to ever make a choice in becoming immortal, the creature I would pick is a vampire because they are literally stopped in time and some have powers. How cool is that?!
Brianna, USA
Dragons are still my favorite. Could have all sorts of abilities depending on the type, or defintion.
Hello all! I like them all but I have a special fondness for shapeshifters because they tend to be authentic and do not take any BS. Of course, it depends on whose world you are basing this. Also, I do like the idea of being able to heal from most things.
Shapeshifters. Living in the USA.
I would have to say vampires because we’ll….. Bones, Vlad, Ian! I have to support my book boyfriends! I can’t wait to read. I’m in the USA
My favorite supernatural is witches. I love all the different powers and abilities they can have.
– Jessica US
From a paranormal book perspective Shifter cats, in all their variations and personalities. The laissez-faire, the brooding, the stalking, the snarling, the possessiveness, the power… I identify as a big cat lover.
In Real life, paranormal and me are not friend. Not the soucouyant, nor the large’ablesse nor papa Bois or dem bucks. Stay right there in your corner and I will in mine…
Blessings from Trinidad
Tough one. Vampires and/or Fairies. Vampires because they’re fierce, but refined. Fairies because they’re mischievous and who doesn’t enjoy a little mischief.
Vampires (the romantic ones, not the murdery ones) are great but ice planet barbarians are in my reading future.
My favorite is Vampires. I’ve always had a thing for them. USA
I think my favorite paranormals are witches—they seem more “normal” than shifters or vamps, but they have more power and ability to shape their world than “normals”. Plus, wands are cool accessories!
I’m in the United States.
I have to be honest, I think my favorite “paranormal” creature is probably still a dragon, specifically those of Anne McCaffrey’s Pern. Who wouldn’t want to be telepathically bonded to a creature that could transport you anywhere — and even any WHEN — you wanted?
—Dawn Davidson, California, United States
People are gonna get creative and say werepeacock, wereshark and werebees (real books), but I love my tried and true vampires. Sexy, timeless (literally), and powerful, they are familiar and yet can surprise us time and again.
So many to choose from, from OG Dracula, to Lestat and Louis, Mick St. John and Josef Kostan, Angel and Spike, Damon and Stefan, Selene, Edward, Jerry, Viago, Dwayne (Death by Stereo), Adrian, Adam (and Eve). Plus, ya know, Bones, Ian, Mencheres, Spade, Vlad….
Oh, Los Angeles, CA, USA
What books have werepeacocks, were sharks, and were bees? I need these in my life
My favorite paranormal creature is a dragon (but one of the ironic/intelligent/heroic kind of dragon, not the evil destructive kind)
I think my favorite paranormal creature is witches. I just love everything about them. The girl power attitude, having a familiar, spell slinging, I just love it all!
-Cassi in USA
Shifters. But, I adore dragons. So, dragon shifters are especially attractive!! Oregon, USA.
I love so many paranormal supes so this was a tough one… but I’d say vampires are my favorites. They often get a bad rap but they’re just misunderstood. Cold blooded doesn’t mean cold-hearted and like any race/group there are good ones and bad ones. And maybe the bad ones are really only naughty 😉
Happy Book Birthday you awesome authors!~*~*~*
Vampires have always been my favorite supernatural creature, since I was little, I always wanted to be a vampire for Halloween.
So much mystery surrounding them, almost ever culture has a version of it.
I love dragons and dragon shifters. Started with Anne mccaffrey and her perm books❤️
My country is USA and I live in Louisiana
I’ve attached a pic of Blackie, my loyal companion
Shifters are probably in the top spot for my favorite paranormal creature simply because I’ve found so many great books that feature them. I’m always in the mood for a good shifter story. I also enjoy all the interesting ways that shifters are done in different books (like with the science/magic behind them, their habits and how they fit in with the “normal”). I also really enjoy witches and sirens but those stories haven’t come across my radar recently.
There are many weird and wonerful paranormal creatures and I enjoy reading about them all but I would have to say shifters are prbably my favourite because they can turn into animals which is just supercool because I love animals. Alhough I like it best when you have a mix of paranormals in the story. I am in Australia.
I’m not gonna lie, I read the title to this wrong the first time!!!!????????????????
Pick one??!! It’s like picking my favorite child (or puppy).
Vampires have always been my favorite creature. They are powerful, generally sexy and just badasses in general. And fiction can change them however they want. My own are just developing. But I would love for them to be as badass, sexy and famous as Cat and Bones. ????
Werewolves are my favorites. I love in the USA.
Dryads. Women who live in trees and can communicate with them? They’re the hippie dream. As a conservationist and lover of trees, that would be the most amazing thing, to be able to really understand the forests I take care of.
Also, I can’t read instructions and I live in the USA
For me, my favorite supernatural really depends on the story and the characters. Recently, I find myself leaning towards shifters, but sometimes, their alpha personalities DRIVE ME BONKERS! Like, I will find myself SO UPSET and yelling at them when they try to go all alpha on an MC… But I still love them ????
I also enjoy faeries a lot, because there is just so much lore and mystery behind them. There is just so much an author can do with a fae. I really love that!
-Jes, USA
I like vampires best! They are dark and sexy!
I am in Keyport, WA in the US
Thank you!!
My favorite creature is shifters (with a werewolf as the top shifter) because I like how the pack or lack thereof is always incorporated into the story. USA for me. ????????
U.S. My favorite paranormal creatures are shifters. Any kind of cat shifter will do, with werewolves running a close second.
They’re my favorite because of the duality. Sometimes they fight against one side of their nature, be it animal or human. The stories of the shifters trying to find a balance between their two sides are some my favorites. And because…I think it would be an awesome ability to have. ????
Thanks for sharing the excerpt and the previews. Looking forward to reading this.
My favorite would be dragons. They fly, breathe fire and are usually many beautiful colors.
Mary United States
It depends on the universe but most consistently it would be shifters. I would love to be a Jaguar shifter.
So, I’m just part of a crowd when I say shifters. Because authors can create so many stories that are different from another’s use of shifters.
Love reading about werewolves for some reasons. Some of my favorite paranormal books feature them.
Susan-United States
I love all paranormal creatures, but vampires have a very dear spot in my heart. Specially because of Bones, Eric, the Wroth brothers. It was the first type of paranormal centric books I ever read, so yeah, vampires. I’d be a fang banger if I ever met a vampire for sure!
I live in Brazil.
Hello! I’m from Georgetown TX USA. I’d pick vampires. I think I enjoy reading how each author treats them- as villains, as heroes, misunderstood because it’s their nature to drink blood or purposefully flawed because they choose to drink blood. Not to mention the ones that feed on emotions or memories or other types of vampires!
Were-Mongoose, because – Barabas. That scene in Gunmetal Magic where he grabbed the venomous snake that was about to chomp the police inspector was fantastic, funny, and absolutely indelible. My first House Andrews read; this was one of the scenes that got me hooked. Writing to you from New Hampshire, USA. And tomorrow is my 26th anniversary!
Shifters for sure, because in real life being friends up close with bears or wolves or big cats is a great way to be mauled. USA
My favorite supernatural beings have always been vampires. I think it’s the thrill of what goes bump in the night being tangible. Turning something from your horrors into something romantic, plus having a love that can literally be eternal. Vampires are hard to kill, so you can spend multiple lifetimes with them.
Ashley, USA
Always have. Now art of my name!
My favorite supernatural creatures are phoenixes. Powerful and beautiful
Love your books my favorite is vampire and werewolves
I love animal shifters because it’s such an interesting concept to me when some have personality quirks that are related to the species they are. -USA
The bunny cat. I’m not entirely sure why but I love it. It was the first thing I thought of and I am still chuckling. Pa, USA.
My favorite is the fae. There is always magic involved, and usually some level of deviousness 🙂
I am in the USA
Werepossums. Completely resistant to magical rabies. USA
My favorite paranormal creature is a dragon because there both powerful and beautiful.
Puckwedgies are very interesting to me. They seem like they’d belong to the fae sort, but I don’t necessarily want to encounter one! Mischievous little pixie-like goblins doing pretty obsessive about territory! -USA
Love your books my favorite is vampire and werewolves and you can send me a sign copy of hex on the beach in philadelphia
I have always liked shifters, especially cat shifters who seem cooler than wolves for some reason. Also bear shifters – think Nalini Singh’s Russian bears (so much fun!). Shifters are sexy! – USA
I love shifters of all varieties. The duality is just so interesting.
Dragons because they are awesome! And because they can be villains or friends depending on the storyteller.
Thanks for the contest 🙂
I’m in the US
Definitely without a doubt vampires. They are the most romanticized and powerful creatures.
I’d have to say dragons or dragon shifters. Thank you for the chance to win a copy!!! I live in the US.
Hi There – Vamps and shifters seem to be my fav read lately – I read & re-read Jeaniene Frost’s books frequently!! Love the action and humor and the fun nookie!! lol (ok.. really hot lovemaking scenes- done so well!!! )
I am a resident of the USA – California to narrow it down a bit!!
I used to be all about the vampires. Their ability to fly, being immortal, beautiful, and the blood issue the extreme result of their carnivorous tendencies. I still really enjoy stories about vampires. Now that I have reached menopause, I am all about the shapeshifters. The burning up with emotions and transforming into a beast that could rend all who would attack it. Now here was a supernatural I could relate to. The hot flashes, the rage at the injustice of the world, the snapping of teeth and the need to growl/howl. Transformation from one animal to another so fascinating. No lone wolf here, I want my pack. Let’s go for a run!
I love the Phoenix. It is in so many different cultures and has so much history.
Bookwyrms because I am one but I’d rather be the dragon type hahaha!
My favorite books usually involve shapeshifters. I love reading how they find their “mate” (????oops like Curran & Kate). USA ????????
Dragons. I’ve loved them since I watched maleficent turn into one when I was 5 and watching Sleeping Beauty for the first time.
I think shifters are so diverse that it’s hard to get bored. From Kate Daniel’s world-Ilona Andrews shifter characters-to Patricia Briggs Mercy or Alpha Omega series or Anne Bishop’s The Others world, or Faith Hunter’s Beast, I love them all. I live in the USA.
R.j. Blain’s cindercorns
They produce fire, eat napalm and loves a great fireplace for keeping warm.
New York, USA
Shifters of any variety. I’m intrigued by their animal self being their instinctual side. USA
Definitely shifters. Anything that has multiple sides….Oh! Or multiple layers. I do like Shrek…
Brought to you from the USA
dragons. come on just look at them. usa
Werewolves are my favorite paranormal shifters. They are versatile, appear in several series by my favorite authors, and best of all, no blood drinking required. I have this thing with blood – can’t see it without passing out. Medical field not a viable career path. That is we have I appreciate Arland.
Werewolves. USA
I think it has to be the shifters. 🙂
I am in Australia
I think beings that are part god are the most interesting, especially when they are limited by being human and have to make complicated choices. They’re more interesting, and I like seeing the choices they make and how they develop as characters. COR: USA
My favorites are hybrid blended characters with different parameters/backgrounds, best when seeing the character get the best of the differences. Like mage/vampire, or vampire/shifter, demon/fay, djinn/witch, elemental/shifter, etc.
Anne McCaffrey was my first big fantasy/sci-fi obsession, so I will always have a soft spot for dragons!
Vampires are totally number one with me. Cat and Bones began my love of reading, after Twilight of course. Lol. But seriously, Cat and Bones started it all for me. My love of reading!!
Oh, I love all the critters and everyone’s re-interpretations of them all! Vampires and were’s of all kinds, magical practitioners of every make and model. I love the use of old lore and the reinvention of the lores! It’s just a wonderful palette to explore 😀 Especially when written so absorbingly as to make me wiggle like a pup in joy when your new books come out! If you make me pick ONE then I guess it’d have to be the vampire. Because the idea of living through history fascinates me.
As for where I reside, it bounces between Paraiso, Cartago, Costa Rica and Tampa, FL. For right now, I’m in Costa Rica but my daughter’s in Tampa.
My favorite paranormal creatures are shifters, because I enjoy the blending of human and animal personality quirks.
Dragons because they are majestic. USA
Witches. Because magic is limitless. Anything is possible given the right authors. My favorites are elemental magic and unusual magic. I also really love the more uncommonly written about creatures. Banshees, skin stalkers, wereotters, Baba Yaga, etc. Especially the ones that include uncommon mythologies. I love learning about new myths and cultures. Normally if I really like a book it incites me to learn more on my own and I am a sucker for good myths and folklore. US
I saw a blue flaming white tiger digital art when I was young and got hooked. However, every time I read, think of, or someone says “cookie” I can’t stop from thinking “Mook!!” I also am great at breaking anything with technology. Maybe I’m on to something here…USA
My favorite is Lion dogs.
Shifter- I like the duality of the human and animal sides.
Werebadgers. They are insane, hilarious and have serious butt kicking abilities.
I could list a few, but the Fae ultimately win. The differing myths from multiple cultures and especially the superstitions. All of it just fascinates me. Love anything with the Fae.
United States
I love complex characters who battle their inner demons and, even scarred and broken, find strength and love.
I love kelpies – the Scottish water horse – mainly because I own an Australian Kelpie (dog) that I love and adore! plus those death horses are hardcore!
Perth, Australia
Vampires have always been my favorites, probably because they were the first romantic paranormal creatures I encountered. My adolescent heart was in love with Barnabas Collins! Anyway, I’ve always found them to be sexy, Kate Daniels universe version excluded, of course. I live in the U.S.
‘Hex on the Beach’ … ooh yes please … make the mini lockdown easier to get through.
BonnieB from QLD, Australia.
Ooh, nice! I love dragons because they can come in so many different iterations and can be as plain or as fantastic as you want to make them.
I live in the US. As for my favorite paranormal creature, I go through phases. My favorite currently is shifters; I like the idea of having dual natures.
It has always been vampires, so I need to stick with my first love of the supernatural. US
My favourite mythological creature is the Salamander. Hard to find books that feature them. 🙁
Greeting from Australia.
I definitely love Shifters of all kinds and variety. The dual aspect in their personality and the quirks they always come with.
Cats. They are supernatural creatures right?
My favourite supernatural creature: all of them XD
Serious answer: I love cryptids. Bigfoot, Nessie, yeti, anything that people swear on their mother’s grave exists, but nobody has ever found proof of. I love the way they pull that vanishing act, or the fact they’re seriously messing with our heads.
Oh,and I’m from Belgium
Firebirds. I’ve only read a couple of books about the firebird, but they captured my imagination.
I think my favourite paranormals are shifters because there is so much variety within that category.
Kelpies – if a story features kelpies I will fall over backwards to read it! (I reside in the USA)
Vampires are my favorite because who doesn’t love a sexy night walker that promises you hours of fun ????
the Phoenix! It’s magical
I love vampire characters ????. So many brilliant series have been written around them!
I live in Australia.
Tough one. I’ve just turned to browse my bookshelves to see which books I love the most – as if that would help. And what do you know – it did. I have books by you – obv – Kelly Armstrong, Patricia Briggs, Jennifer Estep, Kim Harrison, Hamilton – the early years – and I realise what I like it the super real women who can kick-arse but still have bad days and issues, whether their extra power is were, magic or pure sass. So – my favourite paranormal creature is kick-arse women. Does that count.
Oops – I’m in the UK.
my favourites are shiters so much variety it’s easy to feel connection with one or more of them.
My country is Belgium
thank you a lot for this giveaway
I love everyone. They all have their own great character.
I love Vampire and all kinds of Fae – !!! Mix them together and craziness happens !
Stationed in South Korea
How can I choose which creature I like best??? Shifters, fae, vampires, and and and, I love them all!! I live in the USA.
I think I’d have to say Valkyrie as described by Kresley Cole in the Immortals After Dark series. The two gods and a mortal parentage is really interesting. I’m from the US!
Werewolves are my favourite with witches and warlocks a very close second!
I’m in Scotland, UK
my favourites are the fae, so wild, complex and powerful
and always a soft spot for the wicked goblin king, as portrayed by David Bowie
oops, I
i’ve in New Zealand
Primes from Hidden Legacy.
I’m from USA
It’s a hard question as there are aspects of many different creatures that I love but I think shape shifters fascinate me the most. Their ability to become anyone or anything has endless possibilities.
Canada ????????
I like shifters, they usually have dual personalities and quirks that come with them. A great example is Shelly Laurenston’s shifter series. When the characters are bear shifters their human side has some of the bear tendencies. It’s hilarious.
Hi, my favorite paranormal creature are ghosts. I have always wanted to see 1 in real life. I like to think that my loved ones are not just in heaven but visiting this plane. My grandma, grandpa, and my cousin are not with us anymore but I miss them. I’m from the United States and I live in western Washington near Seattle.
Shifters, particularly fond of the feline and wolf variety, would definitely be my favorites! Being able to live “two lives” in one and the amazing capabilities that come with shifting would be incredible.
Dhampirs are my favourite, just edging out cat shifters and Setari. I like the mix of two heritages and the outsider aspect of belonging fully to neither often makes for a compelling story.
I live in Australia.
Witches, they usually have some good tricks up their sleeves.
My favorite is dragons. They can be smart, wise, capricious, and arrogant. I like the surprise of it.
From USA.
I love the shifters (hello werewolves!), the vampires, and the angels, especially when they act mishievous, have a great sense of humor, have over-powered (OP) abilities. Yeah, I enjoy reading about OP characters and the twists they have to face in their adventures<3
From Indonesia with love of fun stories.
I especially enjoy reading stories about shifters. Their power, intelligence and (usually) strong family connections are appealing.
Shape shifter because there are so many different types, stories and mythologies you can explore.
Fae are my all time favorite. They cannot lie but are carry capable of being manipulative with their words.
My favourite has to be witches/warlocks, because they have powers but they are also continuously learning new spells and ways to make themselves stronger.
Shifters. They look like us but have a hidden side to them. A shifter could be anyone…a neighbour or a co-worker.
I love all kinds of paranormals, but I’m sorry, Dust Bunnies have everything beat 🙂 Jayne Castle writes some wonderful dust bunny characters who are in turn cute, cuddly, supportive, protective, heroic and (best of all) chaos causing balls of fluff (until you see their teeth…)
I’m from England
Too many wonderful creatures to choose a favorite – I love them all especially in a well written story. USA
Oh, and I should say I am in the USA. And if I could choose ANY character, it would be our little He Len…half vampire, half human. A perfect 5 year old protector of Maud.
I just love all things paranormal, but my favorite are the vamps! Wouldn’t it be great to live potentially forever!! United States
I’d select the Uktena, a dragon-like horned serpent of Native American lore. They’re pretty badass in an of themselves, but they also have a magical blazing gem. That gem is said to give whoever acquires it some divination powers, minor healing abilities, and an enhanced ability to protect others. This myth has always tickled my creative bone with possible story options, so I thought it a good pick for this context.
If they’re well written, and lets face it, with these authors they are, I love ‘em all.
From Israel
My favorite creature is a gargoyle. I love the fact that they are all around us and can look like people, demons, dragons, fabulous creatures, or even robots (R2D2 is on the National Cathedral). I love all of their variety and that they tend to congregate on cathedrals! I am Robyn Hays in the U.S.
I love shifters of any kind but especially dragons. I love animals of all kinds so I think that’s why shifters appeal to me so much. US resident.
Vampires…the nice kind that don’t kill people to survive. The reason is I would love to have unlimited time to master the worlds knowledge – languages, science, art everything. If not a vampire then a witch that can kick ass with magic and a sword (that is, I want to be Kate)!
Opps, forgot to add I’m in Canada
I’m pretty partial to dust bunnies 🙂 USA
Well vampires are very popular, but I like werewolves the best.
I live in the United States.
Oh that’s a hard one!!! But I’d have to say my favourite magical creature would have to be the shifters! I love the animal characteristics they display and the challenges they have to overcome. And ultimately if I became one of the magical I’d want to be a shifter! I’m from Ontario, Canada.
I’m in the U.S. No one else has put it but I think it fits so I’m going with timelord.
I love the secret shifters it does not matter if they are wolf leopard seal aviary etc… They are always loyal get into mischief and know how to treat their mate when they find them. I love a series with multiple books so I can really get behind the strong characters both shifter and strong willed woman (usually occasionally the roles r reversed or even equal which is really appealing) I live in the United States what better place to reside.. Please keep writing and entertaining us all..blessed be
I like dwarves. I think they’re underrated. They’re no-nonsense, fun to roleplay, and they make the most beautiful things. What’s better than a pretty knife ?
PS : I live in France.
I’ve always found the Black Dog interesting because it could tie into so many different belief systems and so many different types of lore.
hybrids are my favorites, since I read Cat I love it. But in general, they can do many things.
Posting again because my comment is missing now.
Fae, because authors can pull inspiration from legends all around the world and make such a variety of stories.
I’m in the US.
Hey Missy,
Both your comments are higher up in the thread ????- you need to look at all Older Comments to see the previous pages, as there are so many now.
I will remove the duplicates and leave the most recent, which is this one ????.
Thank you! I thought it was a glitch on my end. 🙂
I like the idea of anthropomorphic representations of natural phenomena or specific concepts, such as a river or a tree being also a woman or man. Or summer and death as persons. Or granite as a belligerent boy in contrast to basalt as an adventurous girl…
Shifters are my current favorite paranormal, but that seems to change with each new book I read. I think it would be interesting to be in a different skin and have animal capabilities while still maintaining a human side.
Assuming this is favorite paranormal creature from these author’s worlds, then my favorite is from Jeaniene’s world, the half-vampire, half-angel-of-death-whatever creature Verity is! –Kiri Guyaz, from Maine, USA
Oooh, if not just from these author’s worlds, my favorite creature is the mermaid! 😀
I love vampires! They’re so sexy. I’m not gonna lie. It’s the neck biting that does it for me.
I’m in the US.
Jenny from the southern US here. I’ve loved vampires the most for a very long time. Since Anne Rice’s Lestat & Louie stolen heart a lifetime ago. The long life span, the exchange of power be it the traditional blood or life essence, it just fascinates me.
Wow, that’s like asking which of your children do you love the most!!! You all write the best characters; be they magical, mystical or mundane we can’t help but totally love whichever one we’re reading about in that moment! Absolutely cannot pick just one, SORRY!
My favourite paranormal creature would be a shifter because there is so many possibilities and varieties of shifters! But if are taking paranormal creature that is non humanoid it would have to be a gryphon because i love the strength, and courage they represent!
I am from Canada!!
I am a big fan of any winged supernatural creature because I would love to be able to fly. But I recently read a novella about a medusa and found her head snakes that have their own will incredibly fascinating. And vampires are a favourite too because they are never the same, every author writes them differently and it’s very interesting to see how close they stick to the original myth and how far they stray from it.
Writing from Germany.
So excited to visit with Cat, Bones, and friends again!
Werewolves are my favorite paranormal creature. The pack usually has each other’s back.
Give me vampires any day! The powerful and sexy (secretly hiding their tortured soul) are my favorite! But, whatever creature/person Jeaniene, Ilona, and Gordon want to write about, I’ll read it because they have the fabulous gift of storytelling.
Fan from the USA.
Shapeshifters and magic users. Love them!
United States here
Huh, tough choice between vapires and werewolf/shifters. To be honest, it all comes down to the author and their writing style/storyline and so far Jeaniene and her Night Huntress gang is my favourite… so I guess sexy, adventurous vamps it is 🙂
(Slovenia, EU)
Werewolves – cuz I love puppies.
That’s really a difficult question. If demons are part of the Paranomal, I’d chose demons. There’s so much potential of inner conflicts to outright evil. And there are so many forms, from imps to demon princes.
I also like vampires but … dragons are even better! So for the moment (my opinion might change in a minute, a day…) it’s demons, dragons, and the vampires.
Many greetings from Germany!
I absolutely love Were Panthers. (like most wereanimals)
I live in California, USA
Vampires are my favorite. Long life and lots of time for knowledge.
My favorite paranormal brings have to be dragon shifters!
I tend to like stories that feature the fae! I love the variety of earth-shaking powers and their long life spans, which can lead to some interesting world building and interwoven story lines. Thinking of the October Daye books, here.
I am in the Midwest, United States.
I’m from the US. My favorite paranormal creature is a siren/mermaid because that usually means pirates are involved! I love the deep sea adventures and different tales that are told.
Ok, if I can only pick one then I’d chose vampires and I can’t really pinpoint why. My best guess is because they seem most related to regular humans. Really, I like them all in one story. Fun!
Manticores and chimeras! And I don’t really know why I like them, other than being part lion and having wings is cool.
Sorry, I didn’t finish reading the directions. California, USA
Yay – I live in Canada.
I am fascinated by Selkies, the seals that shed their skin and transform into humans. I love it that their skins make them vulnerable in many ways to both men and women. Their myths have good and bad parts, but I find them fascinating- shapeshifters in n a different way.
This is a difficult choice between vampires, werewolf/shifters, and dragons. To be fair it all is determined by who the author is and their writing style. Jeaniene and her Night Huntress gang is my favourite for vampires. House Andrews KD world is my go to for shifters and G.A. Aiken for dragons.
I’m in the USA.
I tend to prefer werewolves or other shifter types. Because most feature ferocious devotion. I’m in the US.
I like stories about ghosts. Not sure why exactly, I just do.
Me too!
A really hard for me to say what is my favorite supernat being.
Originally I wanted to say Vodník, because I have grown up upon Czech fairytales of Josef Lada (Bubáci a Hastrmani, later made into short animated series 13x6min. “Večerníček”/bedtime story, under same name) and Václav Čtvrtek (cz: Jak ševci zvedli vojnu pro červenou sukni, en: How the cobblers made war for the red skirt; Rumcajs) so I like there portraited Vodníks/Vodyanoys a lot. They are good and evil, wise and not, just like people and still being mysterious and different.
As I grew up and became addicted to anime, another mythical beings came to my focus – Son Goku/Sun Wukung, Phoenixes, Azure dragons, ookami and Kitsune.
The last one has grown on me, as I like them a lot. Kitsune are tricksters, wise and funny at the same time, wield strange magic and are good looking too. Also they got nice potrayal in several animes including Wagaya no Oinari-sama, Gingitsune, Digimon Tamers (Renamon/Kyubimon/Sakuyamon) and Kamisama Hajimemashita.
And yes, CZech citizen here.
Interesting links:
Večerníček: https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Ve%C4%8Dern%C3%AD%C4%8Dek
Bubáci a hastrmani: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BggkmGNisGk
Jak ševci zvedli vojnu pro červenou sukni: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=-C925tRP8Z0
Wagaya no Oinari-sama on AniDB: https://anidb.net/anime/5557
For me, it kind of depends on the world the characters are from. In some witches and vampires are evil, in others…. not so much. Overall, I would have to choose werewolves because I like the idea of pack, togetherness and family.
Werewolves are my favorite but fairies are a close second! Thanks for having a giveaway! I’m in the U.S.
dragons forever… strength,flying, beauty, frequently intelligence, sometimes an ally, sometimes deadly opponent. earliest love… but then it would be shifters, so human except when they are not!
from the US
Werewolves! I like the pack community.
From the US.
I think all things fae are my favorite!
Montana, USA
Country of Residence: U.S.
Favorite paranormal creature: Verdandi, one of the three Norns (Old Norse mythology) who decide the fate of humans. Her name means “That which is becoming,” and I feel that’s me. I’m not who I am meant to be, not yet, but I am becoming.
USA -Don’t discount me here or call me insane, but a cat. Don’t tell me they aren’t supernatural. There is no other creature on the planet as unique with abilities like this creature. They adopt humans and make people think they’re the ones doing the adopting. They weren’t just pets, but worshiped for, goodness sake, by ancient Egyptians, yes the people who had the technology so early on to build pyramids, were intelligent enough to worship these paranormal things. Said paranormal things have more personality individually than any other small mammal on the planet -do the research; it’s there- and while I will never say they are neither inferior nor superior to other pets, they do as they darn well please, either coming when called or not, communicate with us in their own terms, meowing and pouncing in the middle of the night, dragging dead critters home for us because we are dreadful hunters, and still we not only love them, but continue to care for them and bend over backwards to keep them happy and healthy. For example, in the house at the moment, I have 4 cats, 5 cat trees, 4 water bowls because they are picky, 2 different food dispensers, litter boxes that I tend, and still love it when any of my 4 cats comes and sits with me while I work. Oh yeah, and they are born trained to go to the bathroom in a litter box! Tell me that’s not paranormal!
If I must choose–shifters! But I love reading about all of them.
I’m from the United States.
Gotta be dragons. Big, magical and they fly. I’m in the USA.
Lauren from the USA! I love cats so I love cat shifters and cat familars! #Curran#Jack#Sebastian North
So what I took from this entire thing is that I need to look into Jeaniene Frost’s writing. I have never read any of her books because they all seemed to be romance novels, but her writing style actually does suit my needs. Blurbs don’t show that.
I have no interest in getting the book free. If it’s worth reading, it’s worth reading, and that’s worth money. I have enough money to buy books, and if this gives others a chance to get the book without cost, so much the better. Besides that, she’s all over my library and I can read there for free, too. The contest seems to be a hit, from all the posts. I hope you have an easy time finding the winners. I wouldn’t.
Vampires have always been my favorite! Dark and sexy and classic.
I’m in the USA.
Shifter-the stories I like are usually tied to indigenous lore & mysticism. Love learning about history of other cultures.
Shifters are my absolute favorite. I’m in the U.S.
I enjoy the long suffering ” poet werewolf” The heros with angst.
But I really enjoy all science fiction, fantasy creatures.
I hope I win!
If I had to choose one then Vampires. Some of my favorites are in the Twilight, Night Huntress and A Discovery of Witches series! They’re usually smart and live forever. I’m in the U.S.A. Happy 4th!!
Vampires of course! They’re always super broody and sexy and powerfully strong!
Witches, because I want to do magic! USA
I love the Vampires! What is not to love about them? They are sultry, sexy and brooding. The Heat is on!
Vampires are just sexy. Is there anything more that needs to be said about them? I like Hell Hounds too. They’re fierce, funny and loveable in most of the books I’ve read.
Grendel, Kate’s “dog” has been my favorite for years because who doesn’t love a demon poodle dog thing to come to your rescue on occasion?
Location: the center of the US
Hard to pick, but vampires. Fascinated since I was a kid (my go to costume for Halloween). I enjoy them in books as an adult, along with their fantastic and sometimes furry friends. Usa
My favorite are vampires. Love how different authors approach their supernatural nature and how they battle with their “humanity” and vampire nature. I live in USA.
Any Immortal, think of all the history they have seen and lived.
I’m intrigued by any creature that is immortal and how they cope with their longevity, but I’d say my favorite is vampires. And I appreciate the diversity in their skill-sets.
Hi April from Midwest US. I have loved paranormal and urban Fantasy for many years. I have many of your books and read them again and again. Thank you for the different worlds to fall into after a long day.
Wonderful news 🙂
My favorite paranormal creatures are shifters, but I don’t have a very preffered choice. The most important thing for me is the story. So I’m not picky about freacky, but the writing.
I’m from Germany
Hi there, Jan from The Netherlands, big-time Jeaniene Frost reader fan. I’ve always loved her vamptastic vampires.
Hello! I’m from Turkey.
My favourite paranormal creature is phoneix. Because it will be reborn by burning. The analogy is fascinating since we are born with a new character by our experiences.
Oops I accidentally replied. Going to repost this reply, just in case.
Favorite would be weres/shifters. Love the concept and seeing how the animal half adapts to society and acts in situations.
Country- United States
Hello- I love all kinds – I mean, how can I choose between shifters, vampires or fae???
But I will saw my favorite magical creature has always been s unicorn.
My favorite is the shadhavar — I mean a carnivorous unicorn with a fluted horn that lures its victims in with beautiful music?! Lovely. Commenting from the US!
Hi Megan from Massachusetts. I think my favorite are shape shifters. The idea of being able to become an animal while still having the mind of a human is fascinating.
Fairy are always my favorite. From the fairy Godmothers to the evil trickster ones. Hello from NS, Canada
I have always loved the idea of brownies coming out at night and cleaning up your house, however living in Australia we are more likely to have the imjin which terrified me as a child.
From Cape York in far North Queensland:
The Quinkins. There were two groups of Quinkins: the nasty, short Imjin who would try to steal the Yalanji tribe’s children
Favorite paranormal: the fae because they’re so diverse. I also enjoy the clash of expectations (small and charming) versus the “reality” (portrayed as vicious and conniving)
My favorite paranormal creature is a ware-animal. I think it would be fantastic to experience an animal’s senses and still be humanly aware.
My favourite para-normal creatures are Dragons, more specifically the shifter kind. That said, I like when there are small creatures like sprites or fairies that come in to play (on the right side) and who add their own spunk to the story. A big thank you to all of you toiling to give us hours of entertainment in worlds you’ve brought to life so we can visit them again and again! I am located in Canada.
At the moment I would say I am most enraptured by dryads. Something about the summer and gardening makes being a tree person particularly great. Canada
Hi from QLD Australia, my favourite paranormal , love the hybrids, shifter / witch/ fae. Adore unicorns and dragons, loved the snippets thank you
I love witches because of Tabitha on Bewitched. I wanted to be able to do magic. USA
The fae will always own my heart. There is so much diversity and nothing but trouble when they are involved.
However, I am a fan of all the freaky supernatural. I can’t think of any I don’t enjoy reading about.
Thank you for offering this giveaway. I’m a fan in the USA
My favorite paranormal creature is a wolf shifter. It would be awesome to be able to shift into a wolf and run through the forest.
Cobble Hill, British Columbia, Canada
Hello from western NY state. This book sounds fabulous, I can’t wait to get it. My favorite creatures are were- cats. Not picky on which one, just a very manly man for sexy snuggles who becomes a soft furry kitty for comfort snuggles. Both of whom excel at killing spiders!!
My favorite paranormal creature is vampires although werewolves are a very close second. Hello from Washington State
Were animals of all kinds. I especially enjoy when the where’s animal traits show up in the human. Cincinnati, Ohio lol
Thank you for the chapters and the snippets; they are a wonderful calorie-free summer treat!
As for my favorite HEX supernatural creatures are definitely Jeaniene’s Vampires.
Creatures or favorites…
The Ladies Fates trio and Baba Yaga. How dare I say I favor any above those?
As a retired Marine, I am not brave enough to serve those powerful ladies a slight.
Born in Germany, traveled the globe, and put deep roots in the deciduous rain forest of West Virginia. So yes, USA.
My favorite creatures are dragons. I have an ice dragon on my shelf that I love. I’m from the finger lakes, New York, US.
Dawn Page
I love the support House Andrews shows to your fellow professionals. Seeing the friendship and camaraderie between you alls and Jeaniene is very heartwarming.
For my part, my favorite paranormals are witches. The variety of abilities, methodologies, beliefs, and personalities makes for endless new story opportunities.
Country of residence: USA
So excited to read this book! From Texas, USA.
I’d say my favorite paranormal characters happen to be vampires. I think much of that stems from my love for bats and the idea they can shape shift into a bat and be a creature of the night.
Thanks for the chance to win and good luck all!
The fey, I love the myths, legends, and fairy tails of them and how so many different types there are, as well as their society, unseenie and seenie courts or the seasonal courts or even courts of different species, and how some are of nature some are not. How they are part of oral traditions or of Christianity, or how they never change or sometimes they do. The mystique that surrounds them allow so many to make of them what they will and I feel like that touches so much of the belief in the unknown.
Omg, way too much. But, yeah, from the US.
Hello, happy 4th! witches are my favorite partly because stories tend to be less graphic when they’re the focus. and their worlds overlap with so many of the other creatures. USA resident
I am a huge fan of all the writers featured in this anthology and when asked what is my favorite paranormal creature… without hesitation I can say the phouka from Emma Bull’s “War for the Oaks” … he was brave, mischievous, charming, funny and loyal. The book was one of the first urban fantasies I ever read and the phouka my first teenage paranormal crush.
And I am from Canada!
My fav supernatural creature is usually shapeshifters. I feel like they’re always what I gravitate towards because of their connection to the earth and their family. That’s hard to choose though! I live in the U.S. So nice of you to give away this book I’ve been dying to read it!
Baba Yaga or Koshei besmertny would be me favorige paranormal characters. The
stories from childhood are the most powerfull I guess . Anyway, I wish someone would write an adult paranormal book about them as a main characters.
The ever elusive flying pig – bbq & wings, all in one. ????
Thank you for the book info & the contest.
I live in the Deep South y’all! My favorite paranormal creatures are vampires.
Hi! US Reader here.
My favorite species usually revolves around the talent of the author doing the writing – I can hate vampires in one series and love them in the next. But I think that my absolute favorite is the Fae and/or gods/pantheon characters, mostly because there are a lot more historical references that can be interpreted so differently by various authors. Much like Jeaniene has my favorite version of Dracula, I enjoy seeing opposing takes on various different “fairytale” stories.
I love bear shifters. They seem to me to be big, sexy Teddy Bears.
Country of residence: USA
My favorite character is from The Innkeeper series, and it is The Arbitrator. He’s a minor character but he has also appeared (if I rightly remember) in Ilona Andrews Fates Edge series, but before he became The Arbitrator. Whenever he shows up stuff happens. And he’s very mysterious. So far he has helped connect Dina DeMille to her sister, Maude, and he may connect her to their brother.
Good luck people 🙂
May the odds be ever in your favour.
Sesshōmaru (Fox hybrid)
Argent (Fox hybrid)
Foxy Foxy Cleopatra
Jersey girl here (USA)
I’d have to say the Sphinx-the legend of its intelligence, cruelty, and protective guardianship. Partly Bc of the one in Harry Potter when I was a kid, partly when I learned more about them and visited Egypt, and partly at University when I studied English lit and art history ????
Hi Jeri from US, I love urban fiction and sci Fi fantasy, my favorite creature is the dragon, because dragon ????
Ness from Utah, USA.I like witches because the realm of possibilities is so open. I feel most super natural beings fit a stereotype and have limits but witches can be almost limitless.
Hello from Ontario Canada, I love all the paranormal creatures, but dragons are a favourite who wouldn’t want to fly and have a giant hoard of books.
I agree with Paige’s reasons for preferring dragons, plus having a hoard of ancient treasures (archaeology enthusiast here) and a long life. I’d love to explore Neig’s pocket dimension now that Roland is making improvements…
I live in the southwestern United States.
Our family has always had a soft spot for dragons. When the kids were little I used to tell “Bobby and Patsy and their dragons” stories on long road trips. Basically I stole every fantasy and sci-fi plot line I’d ever read and sent the kids and their dragons off on them…
I love the vampires especially the ones like Cat and Bones, bad but also good.I read in the United States!
If I had to pick my favorite paranormal type I would pick a were of somekind, like a werecoyote or werewolf, because I’ve always thought the idea of shapechangers is interesting. (Country USA)
I’m going to go with a phoenix!
Country of residence – US
Hi, I’m from NY, USA. I’d say vampire. They are my favorite paranormal books!! Thanks for the chance!!
I love male vampires. They are fast, strong, live a long time and sexy AF!!
Hello, Maxine from New York, United States. Favorite paranormal creature are shifters especially dragons.
I really like the Sanguitani (vampires) from Anne Bishop’s Others series, because they don’t bite to drink blood like traditional vampires. USA.
My favorite paranormal creatures are cats… All the evidence points towards them being… out of this world.
I hail from the Netherlands
Hello! I have a fondness for sea dragons (or sea serpents – but I tend towards the South Asian tales). Sometimes shapeshifters, I always viewed them as dragons that got to swim instead of having to fly. So much ocean, so little time.
(Country: USA)
My favorite paranormal creatures are shifters. I like the group dynamics when they’re in a pack (although I like the individual or lone shifters also). I like the idea of changing into a different form for whatever reason. (United States)
As a scuba diver, I am already a mermaid 🙂 And I love stories about other sea creatures such as true sirens and the Cetus. And I am not so sure that The Bloop is really an iceberg breaking off ( more fun to imagine it as a creature).
Oops! The mermaid forgot to add …. United States!
Magic users–intellect combined with talent and focus
Short attention span today–from the US
I enjoy reading about a variety of paranormal creatures. One that is a particular favorite is the selkie:) (USA)
I love almost all magical creatures, but I love shifters best.
Thanks for the chance to win this book, it sounds awesome.
I’m from Canada.
Hmmmm……tough choice but I will have to go with shifters. I like the dynamics of the pack relationships and how they work together.
I love reading about the Fae (and other mythological constructs) in a modern setting. The combination of reimagining the myth to accomodate modern times and possibly how history/humans have altered the reality of the myths is intriguing.
Imps!! I love when they pop up in stories for mischief and pranks. Probably because it reminds me of the shenanigans my kids get up to! Thanks for the giveaway chance. United States
I love way too many but some of my faves are about Greek Gods and vampires. I can’t tell you why but it just always fascinates me reading about them! US!
Púca or Pooka, though I get their lore mixed up with kelpies. I like that they straddle the grey area between predator and blessing, bringing death and/or joy. They may take the form of a horse, a dog, a rabbit, a cat, a goblin, or a human. Púca are alluring, they make deals, but are mischievous.
Dhampire, ????
From California
I always liked Púca. Just as likely to help as harm, generally likes to get into mischief, shape shifting hijinks are the norm.
Thanks for the snippets, look forward to reading the collection!
Trying again since my original comment disappeared. That seems to happen every time lately? What am I doing wrong? Anyhow:
Gargoyles! I love how they’re faithful, stealthy, & stoic (but often with a sense of humor). Never the tragic hero or striving against some curse, they just are what they are. Gargoyles don’t have angst!
I live in the U.S.
Hey Chris,
Your earliest comment has not disappeared ????.
There are over 800 comments on this post, it is on a previous comment page. Older comments can be viewed by clicking the “See older comments” links at the bottom left of each visible section.
Since there is only one entry allowed for the contest, I will remove the duplicate and leave the most recent.
I can’t decide what my favorite paranormal creature is. But my Top 3 are:
1) Vampires ????????♂️: do I have to explain why I like them, because I think it’s obvious… They are strong, fast and sexy. They are also mostly morally grey characters in books and I love it! ????????
2) Witches ????: Since I was a child I always wanted to be a witch. I was always fascinated by their magic and power and I am still today.
Who wouldn’t like to have some cool magical powers I mean come on?! ????????
3) Half-Breeds ????: Because they combine my favorite paranormal creatures or (if they are half human half paranormal) they are the best of both worlds! ????????
I am from Germany!
I like Dryads or the Green Man from stories the best. I live in the US.
I like shifters, because they run the gamut from mythic to ordinary; dragons and unicorns to wolves and housecats. With shifters, the story possibilities range from horror to cosy mystery… and all of the romance. Every author has their own take, and I am very rarely disappointed when the story contains shifters.
Greek/Norse/Hindu mythology characters adapted in fun ways!
(From the US)
Vampires! They were the first paranormal creatures I ever read about with Twilight so they kind of became my favorite over the years. I’m in Brazil ♡
Phoenix: something about the rebirth cycle resonates with me. I like to think the stages we go through life where we try to “start fresh” or “begin a new chapter” are a lot like it. We arent completely different people, just making new stories within are all encompassing lives. Sort of sappy but I like it. (USA)
Can I be real specific and slightly spoiley? My favorite creature is Esen-alit-Quar, star of Julie Czerneda’s Web Shifters series. Hundreds of years old, able to take any shape she tastes, but always careful to take shapes with indeterminate ages because really? She’s about 10. Which should be obvious to any parent. Why? Because I like the combination of unlimited shape-shifteriness and childlike naivete.
Shifters – probably bears the most, because they’re a little out of the ordinary, and because I feel like it’s something quite relatable for my family and it’d be something a little part of me wishes I could escape into. United States resident.
It is definitely hard to pick one but if I had to… I would go with werewolves. I have a soft spot for their dual nature and the whole “pack.” I definitely find myself drawn to their stories more often.
O and I’m from the U.S.
It’s hard to pic one favorite! I’ll say vamps and weres have always been my favorite though because it’s what got me into the genere.
There are days when it would really be useful to be a honey badger shifter. Although, there’s also something very appealing about bear shifters. Shifters in general are just too cool.
Griffin, just so cool, can’t go wrong with lions and golden eagles…USA
My favorite creature at any given time definitely changes with what I am reading at that moment. So right now, I like people of magic (such as Witches and Mages) for the ability to adapt magic to any situation. In my next book adventure, it might be vampires or shifters or any other creature in the author’s imagination. I am from Canada.
Magic users. I like how anything can happen.
Okay, so a bit odd but…while I absolutely adore most things supernatural—especially cats and unicorns and DRAGONS!—I have also realized I love ghouls. Good-guy ghouls, not the ones run by the ifrit. They seem to act as “cleaners” of the environment, and since vultures are truly my favorite animal—they are amazing and wonderful and so critical!—(along with tigers), ghouls fit into that same type of situation.
I absolutely loved the short snippets of Mitchell, and how Kate helped him become Adib. I don’t know how I actually feel about djinn, though—except for Adib, who I love, because he’s not a jerk like Shakush.
Thank you for the snippets from Colorado, USA!
Any of the small fae. Canada
Demi-gods, the children of ancient gods….their magic is weaker than their parents….just a whisper of power, but their humanity compels them to save world from monsters against all odds of their survival. (USA)
My absolute favorite paranormal beings would be Dragon Shifters. I am slightly obsessed with dragons. I mean is there anything more badass? It’s the King/Queen of supernatural beings.
Of course, “my” dragon would have all kinds of magic powers & abilities, including control over elements, flying/swimming/& running at super fast speeds, being able to communicate telepathically, & transformative powers (including taking human-like form).
PS: Thanks for doing this giveaway!
I love reading about shapeshifters. Thank you for the giveaway. I’m in the United States.
My favorite paranormal creature is Vampire because they are sexy, strong and immortal
I’m in the US and I love mages because I love the thought of doing magic.
I love the cat shifters. It would be the best thing ever to be part of the cat snuggle pile.
Werewolves are humans with benefits, after all. My favourites because of exactly that.
My country of origin is Germany
I love everything about vampires. Because every writer can add their own spice to them and they are always new.
I like reading about a wide variety of paranormal creatures, most of which I wouldn’t want to meet in Real Life. I think my favourite are shifters, because the different possible species result in such an interesting array of strengths, weaknesses and talents.
The new anthology sounds like it will be a lot of fun.
I am from Canada
Hands and hooves, speed and speech, legs and locks, size and … size, what’s not to love?!
But the eternal question – where’s the waist?
Slightly horse mad UK resident (can you tell?!)
Thank you from SE England x
Welp, that’s a tough one…kudos on putting together what sounds like a fun anthology! I’m from the U.S.A. (Wisconsin, specifically- go cheese!). Gotta say I love reading about characters from different mythologies/pantheons. Vampires and shifters are great, but throw in a hunky punk (lol- honest to goodness- autocorrect for hinkypunk), or a rusulka and Baba Yaga, and I’m sold. Lately I’ve been intrigued by Dis Pater and Sucellus- I love old deities- fun stuff;). Good luck!
My favorite has always been the vampire!
Jessica S from the US.
My favorite paranormal entity is a witch. So much power! Not only can they manipulate elemental power, they have the power of the feminine self. Alone witches can hold it down, but together they are unstoppable! (United States)
Witches/wizards/mages–humans who can perform magic. Because they can do anything and you can learn how to do it. You don’t have to be born with power or transformed like werewolves or vampires. I’m from US.
I personally like shape shifters (were creatures, if you like). Also, magic users like withes and sorcerers. 🙂
I like witches because you just never know what you’re going to get – good or evil, there are lots of different powers that they have and it’s always makes for a fun read.
I am from Canada.
I just read my ebook copy of Hex on the Beach yesterday and it was fabulous! It would be awesome to have a signed copy!
My favorite paranormal creature would be a unicorn. Yes, really. I loved them since childhood and I still love them now. They look so majestic to me and I love how some authors have made them snarky smart alecs characters in their books.
Shifters are my favorite because I can identify with them the most, especially those with temper and self-image.. I just wish I could turn into something else cool with abilities. If I was a shifter, I’d probably be allergic to myself, though. 🙁
My next favorite are probably with cranky, old Russian witches and warlocks with their crazy families but written with power, love, and humor! Also wish mine had power, love, and humor. We certainly have the crazy.
From the US!
Dragons for me too. They’re my favorite because of the fun childhood books in which they featured that I loved as a kid and am now reading to my kids. USA here.
Fae are my favorite mythological creature (the variety! the drama!), but I really love seeing mythological creatures from other cultures that aren’t always front and center and of those the South American or Pacific Island creatures are my favorite
My favourite supernatural creature to read about are shapeshifters – all the types. My favourite scary supernatural creature is a wendigo! That’s just a wee bonus – I’m from the UK
I’m going to have to go with Witches and Warlocks! I love the fact that they are so diverse and no matter how many times I’ve read a book or watched a movie about them their magic always seems so new and interesting! You can have solely female witches or all genders, white magic or black magic, spells or no spells, rhyming or not…there are just so many choices. Plus as a kid pretending to weild magic was my favourite thing.
Thanks for having this giveaway!! I’ll be picking up the novel anyways but fingers crossed this Canadian girl wins!! ????????
I enjoy crafty dragons who make other characters think, and human+ characters who have paranormal abilities (mental or shapeshifting). I live in the US.
As a lurker member of the BDH, you tempted me to send my first post with the bait of new reading material. Tx for the snippets.
My favourite magical creature would be Polychrome, the Rainbow’s daughter, from the Oz books. She is joyous.
I am from the U.S.
My favorite supernatural creature has always been vampires… ever since I picked up Vampire Kisses when I was in middle school. Jeaniene Frost of course aided in my obsession when I found the Cat and Bones series. To date, it is my favorite series ^_^ I read it at least four times a year! The thought of superhuman beings prowling the night seems like so much fun! I can’t wait to read the snippets 😀
I am in the US!
Were animals are my fav. I love the idea of the duality of man and beast. USA.
My favorite is vampires but I love to read them all. I reside in the US.
Dragon shifters have always been my favorites. Ive always been intrigued by dragons, even as a child, so it makes sense that dragon shifters would do it for me. U.S.A.
Kelly – Texas, United States I tend to like witches as characters.
My favorite supernatural creatures are vampires and shapeshifters, so much room for imagination and a recipe for a good plot! I am from Canada:)
I have rarely read/seen something which is not made better by dragons. Even the trashiest, campiest, clearly-did-not-have-a-real-budget-but-we-made-it-anyway project is usually somewhat redeemable by dragons.
More importantly, everyone has a general idea of a dragon, but there are so many specifics that a creator or consumer can get into. Two legs, four legs, no legs, no horns, yes horns. Dragons associated with the cosmological/alchemical/philosophical elements, dragons associated with specific climate types/zones, dragons associated with different organic materials. Wyverns, wyrms, sea snakes, drakes, bearded dragons, feathered dragons. Dragons based on prehistoric creatures, dragons that are made of up different parts from other animals.
There is literally a dragon for everyone. Magical dragon? Check. Nonmagical dragon? Check. Dragon that wasn’t magical but learned how to use magic? Probably also a check.
Basically I love dragons in every shape, size, color, and kind. Even the ones that totally gross me out, I love to hate.
– Jenna in the USA
Humans with psionic abilities (telepathy, precognition, telekinetics, etc.) have always been a favorite of mine from years of enjoying SF and Fantasy books growing up. I was always hoping that maybe I had a latent ability. I am located in the USA.
My favourite paranormal creature is a dragon with intelligence, cunning and the ability to communicate with humans. A close second is a shapeshifter
I live in Canada.
Pick a favorite paranormal creature? Um, that’s kinda like asking me to pick a favorite book. I just can’t. There are far too many to choose from. AAARRGGGHH!!
If forced (and the prospect of a giveaway of a Cat story with Bones IS an insidious temptation I can’t resist) – I’ll have to go with vampires. Mostly because some of my favorite characters of all time have been vampires. And because my teenage daughter has been binge watching Buffy and Angel for the past week and talking about how much she loves Dru, Angel, and Spike. Ask me next week and I’ll likely have a different answer. But for now, vampires it is.
And then I get so caught up in trying to choose a favorite I forget to say where I’m from…smh.
I’m in the USA
Another great book from some of my favorite authors.
I reside in Israel.
My favourite supernatural creatures are shapeshifters – all the types, but mostly werewolves. There are just so many ways to have them! I’m from the US (Indiana).
Shape shifters because I love the idea of 2 natures
I’m in the USA
Shifters – particularly lupine and feline. The idea of having a way to allow the inner beast out is very appealing.
I’m in the U. S.
I love vampires, but especially those who don’t need to drink human blood for survival. Cat is one of my all-time favourite vampires! I’m from Canada. ????????
My favorite are elementals. They usually have the coolest abilities with few limits like an air elemental turning into air to avoid attacks or pulling the air from their enemies lungs. Plus they’re usually capricious in nature so its hard to guess what they’ll do next. I love a good unpredictable character. Minnesota USA
At the moment, my favorite
creature is a gryphon who can change into a normal house cat or into a horse size cat. There are two of them in Kristen Britain’s Green Rider series, which I just reread in anticipation of the next book coming out later this year. My favorite creature will be something else eventually, but Mister Whiskers and Midnight have the top spot now.
I’m in the U.S.
My favourite paranormal creature is a vampire.????
Rimantė from Lithuania
A talking cat known in folktales as Tom Tildrum has me captured at the moment. I love it because, well, talking cat, but also because the folk tale (the version I know, anyway) is so random.
There’s a man walking home in the forest who sees a collection of coffin bearing cats. They ask him to tell Tom Tildrum that Tim Tildrum is dead. He recounts the tale to his wife, at which point their cat leaps up, shouts, ‘I am the king o’ the cats!’ and runs up the chimney to never be seen again.
That’s the type of paranormal encounter I’d take. Though maybe the cats of the UK — where I’m from — have done away with monarchy at this point.
My favourite otherworldly are the dragons in Discount Apocalypse. They are unique. From Ontario Canada. The Innkeepers run across a lot of unique characters as well. Hope there will be more.
I love werewolves. I think I like that there is so much folklore surrounding them, that there is so much you can do with werewolf characters. You can have them be man beasts, or full on animals. You can have them with multiple forms. They are very versatile and I’ve never found them boring.
I love were creatures because of the metamorphosis. I’m in the US.
Vampires are my favorite because I love Vlad, and find they tend to be my most re-read stories!
USA ????????
Mages. Powerful, sneaky, unapologetic. I’m living in the USA. I’ve really enjoyed reading everyone’s posts! This is awesome.
My favorite paranormal creature is now probably the unicorn. It’s probably the reason I like Tulip and Pea (from that one dragon/gryphon series) so much. And it’s because there is so much potential with it. You could go murder-crazy-abusive-brainwasher as in Worth the Candle. It can be a were. It can be a horse. It can be purity/magic itself (James Mallory/Mercedes Lackey). Would love for unicorns to not be fae, because I generally _dislike_ fae.
But every time I read a version of unicorn, I want to read a different book with a unicorn in it too.
At this point most weres and vampires are easy to sort in world building a few paras in and it’s hard for authors to do something new with them. Don’t get me wrong— I love the Andrews and Frost and Briggs Versions — but if I were picking up a new book, I’d want something things.
I’m in MN, USA.
I fell in love with witches when watching Bewitched reruns as a child in Texas (which is where I live now, again – Texas, USA.) I still love witches. The idea of telekinesis as a power sounds lovely. Longer life spans and immortality sound better and better with each passing year of my limited span. I also love the characters who can talk to ghosts. 🙂
I live in the USA.
My favorite creatures are witches, because: i. you can imagine a very wide variety of powers for characters, ii. They can have super cool accessories like magical pets and jewelry, iii. Since ancient times, they’re a representation of women of power.
I’m based in France, thank you!