Thank you for supporting BLOOD HEIR. All the love. Your guys are the best.

A very short story
Some days everything lined up perfectly. And some days, you were Sandra.
“How could you, Sandra? How could you?”
Colt, Sandra’s husband, certainly had a flair for drama. I couldn’t see him from my perch on the roof, but he put so much effort into his vocal performance, it was almost better that way. When you named a child after a horse and a gun, drama was sure to follow.
“A harpy? A fucking harpy?”
I took a swig of apple cider from my canteen and stretched a little, shifting the weight of the sword on my back. The magic wave was strong tonight. The sun was slowly setting, its red rays filtering through encroaching summer twilight. The charming two-story craftsman sat in the center of Candler Park. I could see the trees of Candler Wood to the north and the steeple of the Neighborhood Church to the north-east.
In post-Shift world, churches, especially ones with significant congregations, were the islands of safety. Faith had power, and an address close to a church came with a large mark-up. Colt and Sandra had paid a small fortune for a safer place to raise their children. Their house was painted the perfect shade of beige, their yard was manicured, and their cars were always clean. Appearances were important to Colt. He was the type of man who left passive aggressive notes on their neighbors’ doorstep while his wife was missing because they had forgotten to put away their trashcans. I’d watched him do it.
“What am I supposed to do with this, Sandra? Am I supposed to explain to our friends that every month my wife grows feathers and claws and turns into a fucking harpy?”
Next to me Teddy Jo sighed and murmured. “You’d think he would be more concerned about all the blood on her. Your wife disappears for three days, then comes home bloody. Wouldn’t you take her to the hospital or something?”
Being married when things were going well was easy. As long as both of you were safe, healthy, and making plenty of money, harmony wasn’t that difficult to achieve. But eventually tragedy, grief, or money issues struck, and that’s when you found out if your marriage was built to last.
“Have you even considered my feelings? Have you thought about what kind of position this will put me in?”
Teddy Jo’s eyebrows came together.
The sun had almost set, but the air was still hot and humid. I missed the coastal breeze. Atlanta used to be my hunting ground, but I’d moved awhile ago. Wilmington was home now. My husband built us a fortress on the edge of the beach. If we were there now, I would be sitting on the balcony, listening to the surf.
My husband and I returned to the city every summer so our son could spend time with his grandparents and friends he saw once a year. I almost never took jobs in Atlanta anymore, but when an old friend asks you for a favor to help find someone kidnapped by a cult of Empusa, you have to make exceptions. Especially if he pays you in homemade cider. All you can drink.
“What about the children? Have you thought about the children? What are we going to tell them? How do you think that conversation will go? Hi, Anna and Jordan, your mommy has discovered that she is a fucking monster.”
“I’m going to beat his ass,” Teddy Jo growled.
“That’s not your fight.”
“A disgusting feather covered abomination!”
Teddy Jo leaned forward. His eyes turned solid black.
I put my hand on his forearm. “Let her do it. That’s the point.”
“A gross, foul, fucking monster who…”
“It’s twenty-eight days,” Sandra said. Her voice was cold and clear.
“The transformation doesn’t happen every month. It happens every twenty-eight days. It’s tied to the lunar cycle.”
“Why the fuck would I care how long it takes? Is this even important right now?”
“You would care because I explained it to you. Because you are my husband, and this should be important to you since it’s important to me. But then you never cared about things important to me, did you, Colt?”
Teddy Jo rubbed his hands.
“How can you say that?”
“I’m neither ugly nor foul. I’m βασιλεία. My strain is a royal strain. Of all the harpies in Atlanta, I alone can produce Πρίγκιπας.”
“What the hell is that?”
“A prince, Colt. My magic is thousands of years old. My line had been blessed by Athena. My powers are hereditary. So, when we talk to the children, we will tell them that they too are royalty. Our daughter will be βασιλεία like me. Our son will be a prince, a male harpy, one in ten thousand.”
“Oh my fucking God.” Colt’s voice shook. “You infected the children with your filthy disease. You… You…”
He choked on his words and came into my view, backing away, down the front walk, a tall, broad shouldered man in a black T-shirt and jeans, his dark hair tied into a bun.
Sandra stepped forward.
Harpies came in all kinds of varieties, but the most common one was the black vulture, with dark brown feathers and pale claws. Sandra was not a vulture.
Her feathers were tawny brown, flecked with cream spots. They covered her huge raptor legs, her talons an inescapable reminder that before birds were birds, they had been terrible lizards. From the mid-thigh up, her body was unmistakably female, with flared hips, supple waist, and full breasts, all of it sheathed in cream colored soft down. Her neck was long, and her face was beautiful and regal. A plume of long brown feathers cascaded from her head. Enormous wings spread from her arms, like a feathered mantle of power, ending in raptor hands armed with three-inch talons.
“Athene noctua.” Teddy Jo smiled.
The owl harpy stared down her husband. “Stand by my side or leave.”
“Stand by me or leave. Choose.”
He shook his head, turned on his foot, and took off down the street.
“Mom?” a child voice called.
The queen of harpies turned. A warm, beautiful smile lit her face. “Yes, honey?”
“Can we stop hiding now?”
“Yes, sweetheart. We won’t be hiding ever again. Get your things. We’re leaving.”
I took another swallow of my cider. All was well that ended well.
“By the way,” Teddy Jo said. “You wouldn’t believe who I saw in the city the other night.”
“I would.”
His eyebrows crept up. “You know already.”
Of course, I knew. She was my kid.
“I’m guessing she didn’t come home, because if she had, you would’ve told me.”
She didn’t. I hadn’t seen her in person in eight years. “What was she doing?”
“Coming out of a small church on the edge the Warren. I didn’t get too close. The girl is a magic radar.”
That was true. If he had gotten anywhere close, she would’ve made him.
“She looked different. If it wasn’t for her magic, I would’ve never known it was her. What the hell happened?”
I sighed. “It’s a long story.”
“Do you want me to find her for you?”
I had talked to my aunt. The Rose of Tigris had many talents but lying wasn’t one of them. Usually, she talked about her granddaughter non-stop, but this time she told me that “the child” was off on “some errand or another.”
Something was happening. My kid was involved in it, my aunt knew about it, and neither of them had said a word about it to me. Watching Erra contort herself trying to avoid the topic was almost painful. They both hated lying, so they simply kept things to themselves.
“She is homesick,” I told him. “She wants to come home. The fact that she’s so close but she hasn’t dropped everything and showed up on my doorstep means she can’t. I trust her. She will ask for my help if she needs it.”
Teddy Jo shook his head. “It’s like I don’t know you anymore. Are you the same person that freaked out every time your son sneezed?”
Sandra walked out into the driveway, leading her two children, Jordan, five, and Anna, nine, both with backpacks. Jordan was holding a teddy bear. They weren’t taking much with them.
“Children grow up,” I told him. “It hurts, but you have to give them room.”
Sandra turned around and waved at us.
Teddy Jo looked at me.
“No,” I told him. “I’m not doing it. I’ve spent the last two days dangling in that sling you call a harness while you flew all over the damn city. You are not carrying me. Get me off the roof and I’m walking home.”
“Whatever you want.”
Thanatos spread his black wings and picked me up. The air whooshed around us, and he deposited me onto the driveway.
“Thank you for everything,” Sandra told me.
“It was a pleasure.”
Teddy Jo picked up Jordan. Anna turned in a flurry of wings and feathers, and the four of them took to the sky.
I watched them for a few moments, then turned and walked down the street. Living with two werelions meant taking into account that they were ravenous and often. I had dinner to cook and cultist blood to get out of my T-shirt.
Thank you!!!!
Kate! Huzzah! What a lovely surprise on a Saturday morning. Thank you!
Uhmmm… Saturday afternoon. Well it was Saturday morning when I started.
Simply marvelous
Oh my god!!! Of course Kate knows what her kid is up to! This has just made me so happy! Thank you ????
+1 ????
Can I say +100 000 000???
+ 1 What a wonderful surprise!
Right? I bet Curran also knew it’s her when he was in the guild and she hid away xd
Happy sigh.
What a great snippet! Thank you so much!
Wow! Thank you.
Yayyayayay! Thank you!
Yassssss!! Thank you
Aw, she knows!! But she trusts her and is leaving her alone.
I’ve always adored Kate’s relationship with Julie, so thanks for this!
Been a traumatic afternoon for football fans after Erikson’s collapse (he is stable now thank goodness). This Kate scene has lifted my spirits so thankyou.
She knows that Julie is in town ????
Aaaaaaaaaahhhhhj!!! That is all.
Of course she knew!
Thankyou House Andrews.
Wow!!! So good to read Kate’s perspective again!! Of course she knows Julie is in town, mama knows everything!
Thank you!
Oh!!Thank you, thank you. Of course she knows!! But trusts her daughter. I have to re-read.
Thank you so much for the snippet. I loved Blood Heir and I’m patently waiting for the next book, just looking once or twice a day if there’s anything new on the website.
By the way – who is Sebastian North?
Nice try just smoothly sneaking that one in there :D. It won’t work, but nice try hehe.
Totally worth a try!
It was worth a try, wasn´t it?
I’m waiting much longer for a new Innceaper than for a new Kate Daniels (or Julie) book, so – just asking. But I love every new book, so it’s ok, I take, what I get.
Have a nice day
Kate!!!!!!! How I missed her. And glad she knows and is giving Julie room to so her thing.
Thank you guys!
It really feels like “home” when i read Kate’s voice. Love it, thank you.
This! I was trying to figure out what I felt at reading this short story and ‘like home’ pretty much sums it up. Thank you ????????
Indeed “it feels like home” is a great way to put it. So great to have something of Kate…and her comments and the snippets of what’s been happening to her and her family!
Yes, exactly !
Thank you so much Ilona and Gordon.
OMG!!!!!!! KATE!! after so long.. and she knows!!
My thoughts exactly!!! (including all the exclamation points!)
I think it’s missing a few. I’ll contribute!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Lovely snippet, thank you
Omg thank you, thank you, thank you!!! Love it!
Thank you
It’s KATE!! It’s KATE!!!!!!
Thank you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
Oh My Gosh! I cannot WAIT for this new one to be published. I have to say I loved Blood Heir, but I missed Kate.
Oh my god, Kate really is living her happily ever after! I miss her, miss her voice, and miss the running snide commentary. But this Kate is more like zen Kate, you can tell she’s more settled in, life is good to her now, she probably still runs head first into a fight, but she doesn’t have that it’s me against the world mentality anymore.
Thank you so much.
Zen Kate +1
Yes, thank you. Nice to see her more zen. So, was the cider made from apples of immortality? TeddyJo has to do something to get rid of them.
My day has been made. Thank you so much. <3
OMG a Kate snippet, thank you so much. Cue the BDH doing the we’re not worthy bow from Wayne’s World.
Thank you ????
Thank you. I hadn’t realized how much I missed Kate until I read this. Good on her that she recognizes Julie has important reasons for staying away and honoring them.
Thank you for this amazing birthday gift!
Happy birthday! *Kate happy birthday dance!*
This was absolutely the best. Thanks a million. I have been feeling crappy and this was a great pick me up.
Thank you do much! What a delicious treat ♡
Ooh, nice celebration snippet ????????
Cool. Always good to get more Kate. Thanks. Hope you don’t get pestered about it too much.
Ahhh, Kate! Brings a smile to my face and a feeling of contentment.
Ahh, the instant rush of happiness when I realized this was Kate’s POV. And she knows Julie is in Atlanta!! What a gamechanger. I can’t wait for book 2.
That was lovely thank you!
OH MY GOD ????????????
Yay Kate!!!!!!!!! How I’ve missed you!!!! And hi Teddy Jo!!!
Of COURSE she knows Julie is back in Atlanta. I’m pretty sure Christopher and Barabas figured it out in the last book.
Did Christopher know the same way Teddy Jo did?
I just finished Blood Heir and Christopher doesn’t know Aurelia is Julie. Has this been confirmed anywhere else?
Not that I am aware of
I vaguely remember BDH deep-dive debates over this, and if I am remembering correctly, ilona chimed in saying only those who were explicitly stated in the book to catch on knew. That neither Barabas nor Christopher had caught on. But I wouldn’t be surprised if HA finds a deeper and more beautifully clever mix of info to weave in
Wow what an unexpected treat! Kate is Kate, she is wise enough to realize that Julie ie Aurelia is staying away from her for a reason. I also love Sandy the harpy,we love raptors and the description of her is dead spot on as to how raptors are.
You guys have a dedicated fan base because not only are you guys fantastic writers and spinners of yarns, but you guys are fantastic people too, you return to the fans what they give you.
What a wonderful surprise – thank you so much, you made my day!!
Kate knows… of course she knows! Parents…
Thank you! Awesome weekend treat!
Thank you! Lovely snippet..always such joy to read anything you write.
I can’t even…Im so ready!!!
*happy dance*
Kate!! And Teddy Jo! Yay!!!
Always so good to hear from old friends!!
Hope Sandra and her kids find a good place to be themselves.
Ahhh so good!!! Reassuring to know Kate knows
Awesome surprise to find first thing in the w morning!
Thank you ????
This was wonderful. Thank you so much Ilona and Gordon. So very grateful for this snippet and so grateful you are such amazing humans.
Oh my days. Squeeeeee. And now I want to listen to KD again. You guys rock
omg. Woooo! is all I can say.
What a happy surprise to find. You are so generous.
This just filled me with such happiness! She knows and she trusts her. All the feels. Thank you ????
I love these characters so much! They will always be my favorites! Thank you for the little visit!
Yes, children do grow up. It can be equally beautiful and painful as we need to let them go through trials without stepping in unless asked.
Thank for making my Saturday that much better!
Oh my gosh!!!!!! She KNOWS!!!!! thank you thank you for this!!!! So much love.
Thanks for the treat! Cultist blood, hm? ????
Oh thank you what a lovely treat…. sending love from Oxfordshire
Thamk you!!!!! Thank you so muchhh!!!
Holy cow. Thank you!
She knoooows!! Can’t wait to see how the reunion go!
Thank you for the cherished snippet! ????????????
Thank you. Wonderful!
Perfect, there was no way Ryder was getting away with the hiding thing. This is just, perfect.
Thank you, Thank you!!
Thank you!!! This makes so much sense!
*happy sigh* Thank you.
Love!!!!!!! Perfect little insight into what Kate knew during blood heir. Thank you! Also Sandra sounds amazing.
Oh my gods, tears welled. Literal tears. This was amazing, and my inner dancer is spinning around and freaking out, and I’m smiling all by myself.
This was just so perfect. Thank you, thank you, thank you!
Me, too. Literal tears
Just saying : I love you !
You so make my evening !
PS : I never feel as close to Kate as this moment when she was ready to work for homemade cider ><
Teddy Jo home made cider so…:D special apples hehe.
OMG! Thank you so much! I saw the Greek letters and I teared up a bit! Greeting from Athens, Greece!
I’m in love with this. Thank you, thank you so so so much. From the bottom of my heart. Thank you so much!
“Being married when things were going well was easy. As long as both of you were safe, healthy, and making plenty of money, harmony wasn’t that difficult to achieve. But eventually tragedy, grief, or money issues struck, and that’s when you found out if your marriage was built to last.”
I love when bits of fundamental wisdom like this are thrown in to stories.
Exactly , thank you, great sort story.
Love this
Thank you
How lovely. I adore Kate. I’ve missed her.
Thank you so much for the very short story.
Super love
this snippet
Thanks much
thats so mean… it was great and totally awesome but mean now its in my head and i dont know when the next book is coming and it will make me crazy…Thanks ;]
Thank you House Andrews! This made my week!
Wonderful! She knows, but doesn’t KNOW, and she has developed enough patience to wait. I love this, thank you.
Thank you ????. Your characters are so memorable and I am thrilled to know that Kate knows. Have a wonderful evening.
Love so much and came at just the right time for me!
Thank you so much.
So very, very happy ????
I love the fact that the Rose of Tigris can’t lie for beans. A lot of people forget Mama’s powers. I am glad that Kate is comfortable where she is. Curran building a fortress on the beach is quite a picture. Thank you
A fortress with a balcony too – I have a mental picture of Kate looking at the water through the crenellations. Big grin.
???? it is amazing how hereditary this trait is. Could this be another reason the builder of towers just went on building his crazy empires & frying peoples brains? If you can’t lie worth beans, just zap them into adoration to do the thing you want them to “for their own good, of course!”
Thank you!
“Zen Kate” snippet made my day!
Yippee it’s ????
Yeah, thank you! We have Kate. Great way to end my day. <3
One: This was total awesome sauce.
Two:. Now I want a snippet where Curran knows about Derek.
Absolutely the best! Thank you so much.
Thanks for the flash fic!
Oof. I’ve been suspecting Sienna has been…less than honest with Julie/Aurelia, adjusting what she tells of her visions so Julie/Aurelia will ultimately return to or stay in Atlanta. Kate’s awareness increases my suspicion.
I wonder if Sienna has been compromised by Moloch? And if they found another witch to replace Maria to complete the three witches council. That last scene in BH makes her suspicious.
I. Love. It.
I should never have underestimated Kate. Of course she knows Julie is in town.
I eagerly await the sequel to BH. Guessing Derek will return to his original name and Curran-affiliated status.
FANTASTIC! Thank you! Go House Andrews!
Wow, just wow!
Loved it. Thank you!
Awesome! Thanks for all you do????
Oh thank you
Thank you so much. It’s a relief to know that Kate is aware that her daughter is in town and is not freaking out (much). It was making me a bit anxious ????.
My thoughts exactly… somehow the “tension” is lowered knowing that Kate knows…and is willing to let Julia do what she needs to do.
???? thank you!
Fantastic! Love it. Thank you so much. I knew Kate would know…
I’m clutching my heart! Thanks so much! My day just got infinitely brighter. <3
OMG! Kate!!! Squee and happy dance. Thank yo so much for this snippet. It’s nice to know Kate is in a good place. Hope you had as much fun writing this as we had reading it.
OMG OMG OMG SHE KNOWS OMG. Squee. So squee. I have been having a craptastic day and this made me smile – something I didn’t think would happen today. THANK YOU!
Thank you! I loved this so much, and now I’m going to be wondering about where they went for the rest of the day.
Thank you so much for this. It feels like home. ????
Great snippet. Thank you.
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!!! As part of the insane KD fanatics, this was so special to read today!! You guys are the best
Thankyou, what a wonderful surprise!
Whaaaaaaaaaat???? Oh my gosh. Thank you so much and congrats on Blood Heir. Well deserved.
WOW!!! That was awesome!!!
Thank you sooo much????
So pleased Kate knows now it’s waiting for Julie to make her move.
22.05 here so have a chilled day tomorrow.
Fantastic!! Thank You!
Moms know! They just know.
It’s ridiculous because the books are always there and I can go reread them but I miss Kate. Also, of course, she knows her kid is back. She is Mom. Moms are creepy…I mean superhuman like that.
Thank you for the short story ????
She is fine. She knows….
Hey Kate, long time no see
I am happy to know she is living
at the coast with her two cats. Buisness as usual…
Thank you!!
Good to know Julie couldn’t fool Kate. And are Sandra and the kids going home with Teddy? If so, hooray!
Thank you for this present! This makes me so happy! Trust and understanding!
Thanks, this was great. Still looking forward to the next Innkeeper but Kate Daniels is equally as good.
Thank you! Of course Kate knows that Julie is in Atlanta. Erra can’t lie for beans. Conlan may have spilled the secret. As Teddy Jo says Julie is a magic magnet. I mean Luther knew due to her magic, and Uncle Stupidhead…um Nick, knew something wasn’t quite right with Aurelia. Derrick knew by the way Julie sits on her horse. Christopher knows, and most likely Barabas.
Julie is going to have help even if she thinks she’s sneaky. ????????????????
Love these kinds of surprises! Thank you!
Thank you for this. All these snippets are so helpful in staying positive. It means a lot. So, thanks!
Thank you! Now of course I’m going to be wondering if she knows about Derek. Also, how many people have approached her with “you know whose in town…” Also curious if Curran was aware of Julie’s dash to the bathroom.
Especially with a little girl with her. ????????????
Yes! Kate and Curran might also know why Derek left.
Oh Wow! What a surprise and what fun! I can only begin to imagine how this will all play out. Thank you guys. You are simply the best.
O happy day, o happy day!
The perfect little treat after cleaning bathrooms
Thank you for the Kate story!!
Thank you,thank you. Miss Kate so much ????
Ohmygoshohmygosh a Kate Daniels story! Like finding a pot of gold at the end of the rainbow…. thank you SOOOO MUCH!!
This is wonderful. Thank you.
Thank you!
I will add my voice to the choir to say Thank You! This made my heart happy in so many ways.
WTF, Awesome, thank you. You are the best.
And so, the plot thickens … wonderfully. Thank you!
Thank you so much for this short story, yesterday was my birthday and today is my kids birthday. This story feels like a gift even if is a day after, I hadn’t realized how much I missed Kate, like an old friend I hadn’t seen in forever. Thank you so so much for this small glimpse in her life. ????????????????
Such a pleasure to see old friends again.
Thank you!!
Wow!!!! Love it! Thank you!
Had an extremely tense and emotionally exhausting week with no resolution in sight, and this just helped bring a bit of lightness, and a lot of happiness to my world.
Thank you!!
Thank you for the snippet. I hope it is in a book I can purchase some day. I know Austin is a big city…but could you let us know that you & yours are okay anyway. I wish it didn’t seem like another day another shooting.
Hey Steph,
Everyone House Andrews is safe, thank you for checking in. Heart-breaking events :(.
Fantastic as usual , thank you for taking time to send us a quick glimpse of Kate.
This made my month! I was worried what was going to happen when Kate found out Julie was not coming home for a visit. This was perfect. Love Teddy Jo. Thank you both very much.
Every time I think I can predict the direction….you totally show me a new facet!!!!! Thank you!
It only takes a snippet to pull you back into Kate’s world
Oh this made my weekend. Thank you so much for this bit of Kate and Teddy Jo.????????????
This made my entire week.
Thank you so much!
You all are the absolute best ???? Thanks for glimpse into Kate’s POV. Just love it
Absolutely wonderful…can’t wait for the next book in the series..
Fan girl squeals… I did a little happy dance in my chair as I read this. Thank you so much for your generosity in giving your time and talent to the book devouring horde.
Am I surprised? No. Am I happy? Beyond thrilled.
I love Teddy. I hope he’s involved in Aurelia’s story, too.
Thank you!
I am in progress reading every IA book in existence ; I need to read and I have not found anything recently published that holds my interest. Perhaps IA books are bewitched? hmmm
I cannot begin to tell you how fabulously fabulous it is when you provide snippets and shorts. Honestly, it makes my day. Some days are pretty damned awful and the work you share with us absolutely turns a gross day around. I cannot thank you enough.
I always knew Kate was a smart woman and figured she would know when Julie was home but would also know something was up if she didn’t come see them. Thank you for the snippet it’s always great to see what your favorite characters are up to.
Its so nice to see Kate. Thank you.
Awesome!!!! Love it!!!!
This is the cutest picture and child on planet! Of course it would be an IG post from Octavia Spencer. The woman is magical!
If there’s any further about Sandra coming, I will be highly interested!
Squeeeeee! Thank you! This was such a heartwarming story. It makes me want to be as good a mom as Kate. I hope I can let go and trust this well when my kids are older.
Thank you for the story. Always love checking in with your various characters. Of course Kate knows something is up with Julie! ????
Live, should be love, stupid autocorrect.
Fixed it for you ????
Aww, ModR, that was nice.
I have missed Kate so much… thank you, thank you, thank you. ????
One more “thank you!”
Thank you. That was a very nice surprise and much appreciated.
Good to to be in Kate’s head again.thank you
What a surprise and delight that was to read!! I love everything you do, but Kate and company will always have a special place in my heart. House Andrews for the win, again.
Thank you so very much
Thanks so very much. I really enjoyed this short story.
I LOVE THIS SO MUCH. <3 <3 Thank you!
Oh I needed this so much today! Thank you for being a bright spot in a very hard day (week, month and year). You deserve all the accolades headed your way!!!
What a lovely treat,thank you ????????
This was great. It kills me they moved out of Atlanta. Sniff. I love these little visits. Thank you!
That was wonderful Just a small nibble xxx
So, so happy to get snippets ????????????????
Oh thank you! This made my week. Trust is a good thing and I love the idea that it is trust and love that lets you get through.
Thank you! It was great meeting a beloved old friend
OMG that was Awesome!
Even more so because it was unexpected!!!
Thank you
I love it. Thank you
Oh! What a gift, thank you!
Blood Heir was a gift. This short is another gift. I could be feeling a bit spoiled. Thank you both for your kindness and care.
Cool story! Thanks so much!
oooh a Kate novella?????
That was a marvelous snippet.
Hey Sara,
This is a Kate short story ????, self contained; not a snippet from a novella.
Hope this helps. ????
???? but we all know if we prod long, hard, and united enough, sometimes “short-short” “contained” or even, dare I say it “April fool’s jokes” can bloom into wild and glorious monster ideas! “I mean, if there’s already a ready market for it…”
ok I didn’t see the “Very short story” bit at first since I dove into the story immediately.
But still marvelous.
I can’t wait for your next book????
You made my day!!! Thank you
Moms know..
Thank you so much! I loved it.
Thank you! Kate has not missed a step; or rather you had not????. Your writing is always enjoyable.
Thank you. You are the best.
Awww, of course Kate knows. She’s my favorite character. I do feel kind of bad for Julie, though. She comes into town thinking, I look different, I smell different, I sound different, and I had a cool secret hideaway built to live in. And what seems like five minutes later everyone knows who she is and where she lives ????????
hahahahaha!!!!! So true!! But I love it!
I think it’s only about 5 people in the whole big city of Atlanta who figured her out without them wanting to, so Julie is doing actually pretty well
Given that these are the people she grew up around and are close family and friends. Or PAD Biohazard cheats who see magic hehe
This is a great gift! Thank you! Especially welcome on a rainy winter Sunday
thank you thank you thank you!!!
Thank you!
Kate!!!! Yay!!! Thank you so much!!!!
This is so great! I just finished re-reading Blood Heir, and this is the cherry on top of the sundae – thank you!!
Is it Christmas? It feels like Christmas!! Thank you!! Always a joy.
Thank you! That was wonderful
Thank you! Loved it!
KATE!!! I can’t tell you how much I love this!
thank you
Kate! Thank you!
Thank you, thank you, thank you.
Yay! Lovely story, and I’m glad Kate knows.
Loved it!!!! I can be a Harpy Queen
Thanks for the shortie story!
Lovely. Thank you!
Thank you for the story. It made me smile.????
Thank you, thank you, thank you! We did nothing whatsoever to deserve this. We buy the books because they’re awesome.
MIND. BLOWN. Kate knows!!! Kate knows, oh my god!! I’m just gonna walk round in a daze for awhile now … Kate knows … omg what a lovely statement of trust from her … omg Kate knows … I’m not crying you’re crying …
Yes! I knew Kate was aware. Because she’s KATE. That was seventeen kinds of awesome to read.
I miss Kate, so this was awesome!
Thank you, I needed that. I have this huge smile on my face now.
Yay, thank you for the snippet. I love how chill Kate is in this scene
Eeee! We got more Kate!
So happy right now.
Thank you!
Ahhhhhh! Very cool. Thank you!
Lol not sure why I’m so surprised but u guys never fail to blow my mind. Love it!
I just knew it!
I knew Kate knew about it already, nobody could ever put anything over her.
loved it thank you
Thank you so much for this short story! It made my weekend! Love that Kate knew about Julie, I’ve missed Teddy Jo, and it was cool to hear more about Kate’s life outside of Atlanta. THANK YOU!!!
Oh you are such a lovely wonderful person! Thank you for the snippet!
Love it. Thank you.
Love it! Thank you!
WHAAAAAT?!?!? I actually gave a shout when I read that!! She KNOWS.
Thank you so very much for being so generous with the snippets and shorts. You are fabulous writers and also just nice people. I adore all your series, but BH is one of my all-time favorites.
Needed this snippet. A harpy, royal at that, very nice. Ha on Rose of the Tigris and lack of lying skills.
Kudos on Blood Heir, well deserved. ???? ???? ????
Thank you! I know that you have no idea how much I needed this today or how grateful I am to have smiled for a little while, but my deepest thanks for making a bad day a little brighter.
This was a lovely surprise. Thank you!
MORE, please … can’t wait. Terrific short.
At the risk of sounding like a typical “extra” Kate BDH fan…. OMG THANK YOU SO MUCH THIS MADE MY YEAR TO DATE (in a literary sense)!
A Kate story. Oh I miss her so much. That sounds crazy but I don’t care. I am so happy she knows and trusts and understands. I wondered.
I don’t even know why but this totally made me cry.
Thank you. I will never get tired of reading about Kate and her world. You guys rock it hard!
A Kate snippet! What an unexpected and lovely surprise. And nothing stays secret in that universe lol, Julie’s return to Atlanta despite her new face and new scent would have gotten back to Kate eventually. I wonder how she found out but not that it matters. Thank you for this, it was like hanging out with an old friend I hadn’t seen in awhile.
Amazing! A small correction since I am Greek, βασιλεία means reign and βασίλισσα is queen.Sorry but it tickled me????????
Thanks! That makes so much more sense now. I’d googled it while reading the story. ????
Wow! My heart just did a happy dance!
Mmmm, like a soothing balm, reading about what Kate is up to. Love it. Thank you.
Thank you! Thank you! I so miss Kate ,Curran and Conlan!
OOOOHHHHH!!!! I like!
Thanks so much. A short story gift on a sunny Sunday
I love the dynamics you can find reading between the lines.
Thank you! Love your Kate Daniels world and your blog. I look forward to reading both!????
Thank you so much! This was wonderful
Just so, so great ????
Ooooh! Just love it.
Thank you. I missed her. And I always knew she would never be oblivious. Pretty sure Curran also knew when he and Julie were in the Guild.
Thank you! I’ve missed her so much!!
Ok I am having an crazy emotions running rampant moment … This small piece means so much I heart it… Kate n Julie ????????????
Congratulations on Blood Heir and thank you yet again for giving us the opportunity to immerse ourselves in Julies life.
Opening your books always feels like I am being transported there instead of merely reading about it.
And thank you for this story. Progressing from, oh a Blog Post with mystery title to woohoo, a short story, to omg, we are in Atlanta, and get to see Teddy Jo to, squee happy dance it’s Kate there with him! And their exchange, and she is so amazing- in short:
Pure Joy.
Wow Thank you
Great surprise
Love it! Thank you very much for sharing this with us.
Thank you so much!!!
Yeaaaah. Love it.
I love this so much. What a great character arc for her! Thank you for sharing this!
Thank you!
Yay! Kate!
I am shocked, shocked mind you, that keeping something from Kate didn’t work out.
Oooooh, this was awesome one. Made my weekend. Can’t wait for your newest story to come out
May the muse be with you!
Simply beautiful! ????
Thank you so much, I really miss Kate voice…glad she knows Julie is there and that she trusts her
OMG, thank you!
Oh, this just made my morning! Thank you so much. I love Kate, and appreciate you giving a short story to brighten my life. You have given me joy in my heart. Thank you very much, and I hope you and yours are doing well.
Thank you!
A million thanks! ????????????????????
It’s always a pleasure but with some information tidbits as well!
Cool ????
Hyperventilating here. SQUEEEEE. Live you Katiebug!!!
Oh my.. A diamond snippet!
Thank you, thank you, thank you! IA
I should have known nothing would slip past Kate. So great to hear her voice again. I love the relationship between Kate and Julie – empowering love.
Great to get some Teddy Jo too – never fails to lighten my mood.
Endearing insight to Kate, Curran and Conlan’s life. I miss them.
Seems like Julie is not fooling that many. I’m hoping all her powerful friends will help her in the battle to save Kate.
Roll on BH2 and EB. I can’t wait.
Lovely…..Just….LOVELY….(happy sigh)
Ahhhhhh. Thank you
Thank you for this – awesome!!! I love Kate and really enjoyed this look at her thoughts.
MOM KNOWS! I love this! I’m so glad we get a hint that Kate knows something is up, but trusts her kid to take care of it!
Thank you! It might be short but wow, so much to learn. Kids always think they are getting away with so much! The awesomeness continues????
Of course she knows. I think it’s time for a reread again. I miss them es all like friends
Just wonderful to see Kate again.
You bring so much joy into the world through your writing.
Thank you.
Thank you! ????????????????
What a lovely surprise! I am eagerly awaiting the next book/novella/web series from House Andrews, and snippets like this help make the waiting a little easier. Speaking of the next publication, is there a name yet?
Not yet ????. The novella is not self published, so there will be an official press release around it.
Hope this helped ????
Mothers always know.
Oh, dear. A short story based on Aurelia being in Atlanta and Kate knowing about it. So exciting to imagine the next book coming out with all the things it will contain, besides poor Colt’s stupidity! Another thing to look forward to!
I guess we’ll just have to wait. But we can imagine that it’s coming now, right? This says there’s more to the tale of Aurelia to come, right? VERY exciting.
Thank you.
Oh, that was great! It blew me right away, straight into the Kate Universe (I also forgot to turn the food in the oven, but it was totally worth it)
Thank you so much.
And while I am still on a high from the story, I will just mention, for no particular reason, that is has been awhile since we heard from Hugh… just saying. :))))
On the second read through, I noticed the douchey husband had a man-bun. Hee-hee-hee. I love you!
Thanks, I needed that. My puppyboy just had knee surgery, so life’s been stressful. It was great to see what Kate’s been up to. When can we meet her baby girl?
Loved this! Have been missing Kate, so this was a wonderful albeit very short visit with her—and it was comforting to have my assumption that Kate knew Julie was in town confirmed. She is a good mom!
Awesome, thank you all!
And of course Kate knew Julie was in Atlanta. Why did I ever think otherwise?
Having lived only in the Midwest and West Coast I was puzzled about Wilmington’s location. I googled some time ago and learned that there was more than one. I’m guessing it’s in NC because of the beach, though. Correct?
Excellent news from Atlanta. Teddy Jo gets his HEA. Now, how did he and Sandra meet up, and why did that poor lady put up with Colt so long? I love ???? how he scoops up the kid with the teddy bear…. Now I get to wonder what Ted and Sandy’s kids will be like. And Desandra’s kid the lamassu may get to meet a really appropriate girlfriend sometime down the road.
Nick’s head is going to explode!
Thank you for your comment. I guess I didn’t catch that Teddy Jo took her away to be with her, and I needed a poke in the eye to tell me that. YES! I had figured he was just moving them to somewhere to be safe from the idiot she married.
That was an absolute delight to read. It’s good to see Kate again. Like checking in on an old friend.
This is beautiful. Thank you. <3
Thank you for the wonderful surprise!
Werelions are the only ones who are ravenous and often.
I love that line so very much!
Oh I so needed that fix! You guys are amazing!
I love these little snippets from your stories. It a peek into the other characters lives.
Thank you.
Wow. Thanks!
Love it!!!!
Thank you for this treat!
She knows, wow. Thank you
Thank you! I enjoyed that immensely!
Felt like this was a present just for me. My name is Sandra and I’ve been known to be a royal pain in the ass, well, a harpy as it were, since menopause hit. Thanks so much for this snippet!
Thank you so much for the snippet. In a way it’s a relief to know that Kate is aware that Julie is in Atlanta. We don’t have to get stressed that Kate will go looking for her, and and the prophesy of Kate’s death will come true. We can now just enjoy the story!
This is during blood heir…she knoooows
Like the others, love this!
Thanks for the snippet. Like getting a letter from home.
Amazing. Thank you, thank you for this Saturday gift
Many, many thxs
I LOVE THIS SO MUCH!!! I cannot get enough of this world.
Thank you thank you.
More please? Please more?
Thank you.
Oh, I love Kate’s voice. Thanks!
Thank you! Thank you!! Thank you!!!
Love your writing and this short has given so much food for thought! All things are intertwined, yet separate. And have missed Kate! Oh, am so waiting for the reunion!
Woohoo – thank you! Don’t know why or anything but thank you !!
Kate!!!!!!! I’m so happy.
Kate is the best. House Andrews is the best. That’s about all I have to say.
Thank you for that lovely snippet. I hope that all who are part of House Andrews are doing well.
OMG! My heart just melted for this snippet! Thank you so much! It’s like a surprise visit from a dear friend you haven’t seen in a long time. Thank you! Yay Kate!
There aren’t enough words in my vocabulary to express my appreciation,,, that snippet was as good as a new book.
Thank you.
My heart is full ????????????????
Thank you so much, I loved reading this.
Ooooh! Thank you! ????
I love that Kate trusts Julie to take care of whatever comes up.
Great snippet
My Greec is, unfortionaly somewhat rusty so I’m having trouble with the pronunciation (never mind the traslation)
Sandra tells Colt she is Basileia /va.siˈli.a/ -(clan) royal and that her son will be Prinkeps /ˈpɾiŋ.ɟi.pas/ (linked to Latin princeps)- prince
Hope these helped
Thank you.
Why do we keep reading you?
I was in a discussion on Twich yesterday and it made me realize.
Because you keep the magical mystery going. There will always be things we do not know that you will only explain in your own time if that. People may try to guess and wonder the next step, but not all things are meant to be known.
We still believe in the magic you provide and wait for it to unfold.
Fantastic!!! Thank you!
Hooray! Story time!! Thank you!!
This is nice.
Thank you for the celebration story! Always a pleasure to hear from Kate with hints of new stories and interesting “people” thrown in to whet our appetite for more, more, more!
My small Montana town got baseball sized hail this week with a tornado being sighted and massive flooding. They really needed the moisture but not that kind!
Oh my gosh! That last line is killer – “I had dinner to cook and cultist blood to get out of my T-shirt.” THE BEST! Thank you
No, you are the best! Thanks so much for this! I’m in the process of packing up everything to move tomorrow and I’m sore, tired, and ready to be settled. I just pulled up my email and saw this and took a few minutes to sit down and relax and read. Now I’m enervated and happy and will crank out the rest of this mess. Thank you!
Thank you!
Oh. My. Good. I missed her so much!!! I love Julie, I do, but this is Kate. KATE! Thank you guys for this, thank you so much ????
OMG!!!!!!! Its kate and teddy joe, this was amazing thank you. I missed kate tons. Can’t wait for the next book.
Ahhh. I figured she’d know. Didn’t make sense that a magical PI married to the ex-Beast Lord wouldn’t know. Someone would spill the beans sooner or later.
I acknowledge that you 2 absolutely don’t need my thumbs up on this one so I’ll quietly wait in great anticipation for your next book!????
Wonderful and generous snippet as always! And I feel dumb for asking, but is Kate living in Wilmington North Carolina now? When did that happen?
Hey Terra,
We find out about it in Blood Heir
: “Lennart once led the Pack, and Daniels has claimed—her word, not mine—the entire city in the past. Now they spend most of their time up in Wilmington because their son attends a private school there, but they come back in the summer to visit family and friends. That family is complicated.” Andrews, Ilona. Blood Heir, Aurelia Ryder 1. NYLA Publishing, 2021. Kindle Edition, page 38.
But there is also a Wilmington in Georgia, which also has a beach!,_Georgia . I will have to ask House Andrews which one it is, but my money is that they’re not all that far from Atlanta?
Hope this helped
And I noticed that Wilmington (island, beach) GA is near Savannah, where Kate lived before coming to Atlanta to find Greg’s killer. So it could be either … inquiring minds want to know …
It did! Thank you for the clarification!
My assumption was since Nick said “up there”, that they moved to North Carolina. If he said “down there” then Wilmington, GA would make more sense.
“That family is complicated.” I laughed when I read that statement in Blood Heir. I thought “yep, and you’re part of it!” He-he-he!
* gasp! *
Oh, I love it. And now my heart hurts for Julie, because she’s so worried Kate will come stomping in and end up dead of prophecy and Kate knows something up and it’s probably better to let it play out and ow. Poor them. Hats off, great job!
EEEK! Kate! ????????????
Thank you Team Andrews!
Thank you so much for this. After an extremely difficult week, this was a wonderful surprise. You’re the absolute best! ????
Oh my goodness! Thank you, thank you, thank you! I really needed that to brighten my day!
As always this was fun . Thank you.
Cool! I love how we can’t lie to our kids, after teaching them not to lie! Thanks!!
That. Was. Awesome!
Thank you.
This made my Sunday, amazing and so surprising to read about Kate again. Keep it up!!!
New Kate is better than a hot fudge sundae. Thanks Clan Andrews!
I read the snippet yesterday and re-read it again today.
My favorite thing is that while Kate might be ‘retired’,
she’s still making the world a better place using her unique skills.
The peek into her postapocalyptic retirement was like getting a letter from an old friend -much appreciated. You’re the best!
Thank you so much!
No sympathy for the man-bun man.
Thanks for the story.
Boy, Kate really has relaxed, huh? I bet Conlan is responsible for that, LOL. Relax or have a stroke, what can you do? ????????
Thank you so SO MUCH for this peek at Kate’s side. You guys are truly the nicest authors to their BDH I’ve ever had the pleasure of knowing. House Andrews forever!!
Of course Kate knew. Really happy to read this very short story. Nice to “see” Teddy Jo again.
Thank you so much. loved it. Kate knew?!?!
OMG !! Thank you so much for this, we know just how busy you are so this is such a gift xxx
Thanks, I enjoyed Blood Heir, glad Mom knew and understood…. Looking forward to future episodes.
Love it so much! ???? Thank you.
Thank you! It brings a smile to my Face to hear from Kate.
Thrilling. Why am I not surprised that Kate knows? Of course she trusts her daughter. Wonderful little scene with the Harpy, thanks.
Great short story! Always wondered if Kate would find out about her kid. Does this mean she is now doomed? How does one do away with an undying god of fire? In any case, nice story. Sandra sounds like an interesting person/harpy. Did you read: The Last Unicorn? That harpy was vengeful, but not interested in killing everything in sight. Is Sandra an Immortal? Anyway, nice story. If you do another Julie story, maybe Sandra could be a character. Thank you.
Kate knows that Julie is in town, but she doesn’t know why, so she is safe from Moloch ????.
Thanks for that. It seems an important distinction.
That’s why it was emphasised in the short story
You are so talented. I can’t get over it. It makes me cry, you’re so good. I love your work!!!
Thank you so much!
I just read Magic Stars again, and I’m halfway through re-reading Blood Heir now. So this is a real treat. And my mind is blown as usual.
It’s always really amazing to me the way y’all can move right back into your characters after a year or ten has passed in your storyworld, and the world has moved on, and your characters have changed and grown, but you’re still so entirely right there inside them. Without missing a beat…
Moloch is never going to know what hit him.
Just what I needed. You guys are amazing, thank you! It was like catching up with an old friend!
Whooooooot!!!! Thanks a million!
Yes! Loved the Kate POV from Blood Heir! Thank you!!!!!
A new KD character, that’s great stuff in this snippet. Excellent, but it took two reads to get everyone sorted out. I liked the way it was presented.
Thank You Thank You! I’ve missed Kate.
Thank you! I needed that. So Kate knows… something!
OMG!!!! OMG!! Ofcourse she knew! She’s Kate freaking Daniels
Omg. This has me hella excited for the books to follow!
Wow. What a wonderful surprise and unexpected twist to the story. Can’t wait to read what happens next.
Love, love, love this! I miss Kate like a friend I haven’t seen in years. I’ll happily take any more Kate you want to share with use.
This was awesome! I miss Kate so much!
Sandra reminds me of a relic I saw in the British Museum 15 years ago, which was one of my favorites. I had to dig through my photos.
Per the label, she was the Queen of the Night, a Mesopotamian goddess, either Ishtar or her sister, Ereshkigal. It was made in Babylonia, 1792-1750 BC. She has wings, taloned feet, and owls next to her.
That is so cool! Thanks for the pic!
This is so striking! Thank you for the visual.
Thank you so much! It is so good to get a glimpse of Kate once in a while.
If course she knew *face palm* She’s Kate Daniels, she’s a mother and she loves her daughter, and she has Magics all of her own. Loved the snippet. I’m really hoping one day we’ll meet Conor as an adult. Thank you. I was sick all day yesterday. This has cheered me up!
I am dealing with heart related issues..I get the monitor at the-hospital tomorrow.
Thanks so much for the break!
???? ???? ???? ???? ????!!!
I wonder if Curran is as reasonable when he finds out about Derek?
Kate and Teddy Jo – woo hoo!! So happy! Thank you!!
Totally AWESOME!
Thank you! What a lovely way to start me day ????.
Love, love, loved it. I know you are busy but Kate is who I live for. Please more of her when you can. Thank you
Many thanks for the very short story from me as well. I’m glad Kate knows Julie’s in town and is staying out of whatever her “errand” is. I was afraid she’d find out by accident & then rush to find her; letting Julie go is the right choice (and the hardest thing for a Mom to do!). Then there was this “My husband built us a fortress on the edge of the beach.” Why am I not surprised? Curran is an overachiever when it comes to sand castles!
I can hardly wait! And, I’ll bet Sienna has something to do with the changes in Derek & his being in Atlanta; why else would she be asking for forgiveness in advance from Julie? I also have my own ideas about what future Derek saw when he ate the sphinx’s heart. 
I know Christopher knows Aurelia is Julie, but Barabas won’t unless Christopher tells him. Someone way up in the comments said they thought that Conlan spilled the beans. No way! He understands the danger of that. Also, I don’t think Curran knows Julie was at the Guild. Kate may or may not tell him she’s in town; it would depend how “zen” he is now. Then again, shapeshifters tend to let their kids have more freedom earlier than non-shifters, so it would probably be OK. And, I’m sure Curran still hears stuff from the pack one way or another, and so will learn that Darren Argent is Derek Gaunt – if he doesn’t know already.
What I’m waiting to learn is, What did Derek do to himself? Hunter green to mint green might be from adding silver…
Thank you. What a pleasant surprise. Looking forward to the next book.
Thank you!!!!
Wonderful surprise! Thank you.
To read this – this is what bliss feels like
Thank you!!
Thank you for the delightful story. You conveyed a great amount of information with a minimum of words.
Thank you! So glad all is well with Kate and that she knows Julie is in Atlanta and there’s some reason she’s keeping her distance.
Thank you so much. I’m having a rough time and today feeling particularly broken, and this was a lovely way to end my evening.
You both are so generous to your readers! Thank you for the awesome short story!
I’m so very happy. I had found it so hard to believe in Blood Heir that Kate would have no idea about Julie. Sigh. I love Kate’s attitude and I can just picture her conversations with Eire. Thank you!!
Same way I knew that Derek knew I figured nothing would get past Kate! Mom ALWAYS knows ????
Thank you so much! And congrats
Awesome snippet!! BLOOD HEIR was such a breath of fresh air during COVID! And it really felt like a remote community coming together to cheer on!! So proud of you guys (and your community — us!) for pulling together and making something that really felt like it helped people (and me too!) during that crazy crazy time. So excited for whatever is next in the KD/BLOOD HEIR world!! 加油!!
Thank you
Love, love, love it!!!!! Thank you for sharing this story with us!!!!
She’s so wise *sigh*
Love, love, love!
Hi there Kate! It’s been a while!! So glad to hear about you!!.
Well, of course! Brilliant addition.
Thank you very much, much appreciated ! ????
Take care!
So good to hear from Kate! Thank you for that lovely surprise!
KATE!!!! thank you for this! made my day.
OMG, I can’t believe that Kate knows about Julie!!! This is amazing, I was so curious how Julie was going to keep from seeing Kate, and now we know that Kate is keeping a distance as well because she understands that something is happening. That’s pure Kate. I love it, thank you so much House Andrews, you’ve made my morning!
I am so confused. Thank-you! This was a pleasant surprise. I need to reread because I am still confused.
I read it again and I am not confused anymore, lol. This was wonderful, thank-you!
Oh oh! Mom knows! Woot! Things are gonna start happening now!
Just realized the cider is made of magical apples! Throw back!
Thank you so much!!!!
Yumm. Love it. Miss Kate. Looking forward to more Blood Heir and everything else you two wordsmiths are creating.
I love this older, more mature, secure version of Kate.
She has gained the wisdom to resist helicopter-parent instincts.
Roland has honed his helicopter-parent instincts into a Kamikaze-parent urge.
Thank you!!!!!
Thank you, Ilona Andrews for the snippet. It was good to see Kate again. Thanks.
Wow, thank you. I knew Kate would know that Julie was back in town. The surprise is that she didn’t seek her out. I guess Kate grew up too. Love the short story, you guys rock.
Thank you you so much!
There aren’t words to share gratitude of a mother’s appreciation.
Thank you! And on to my millioneth time re-reading KD now… lol
I love that she knows and that she has utter and complete confidence that when Julie is able to come to them, she will.
This, this is what makes me so willing to buy anything you write and an avid blog reader. Its like a ray of sunshine so practical and awesome that you just want to bask in it while you can. Makes my heart happy.
Awesome; U know, U R awesome have I ever mentioned that. Did I remember to tell you
The timing, the pacing,the pictography of your story telling
I really really really enjoyed Sandra. AND NOW, to share
I haven’t read BLOOD HEIR yet, got it, preordered in fact (congrats on best sf, so far) this bdh member hoards your tales. I can’t decide if I can read it before Hugh’s book ( preordered that one also) and I can’t read that until you let me know you have time & mind space to work on Hugh II CAUSE I cannot survive the wait between I&II
a little empathy here, you KNOW what you’re going through just trying to write’em … all I can do is wait! I can’t encourage, that’s like pushy, ANYHOO … O_O
Thank you, for Sandra, snippets, sharing and keeping the faith to keep writing, so I can keep buying … U know how U exhort us to be polite, I really tried
I want RUBY & INNKEEPER & whatever bits and bites & snips of magic madness or mayhem may be passing through your brain, NOT to be demanding or impatient U know … it’s just,Sandra, awesome, thank you so much
Loved this short short! Thank you so much!
Wow! I can hardly wait. Thank you.
It is so exciting and such a comfort to experience Kate again! It is like coming home and seeing an old friend after a long time…amazing how involved in your characters we get! Awesome snippet. Thank you.
Aww, thank you! This made me very happy.
Lovely lovely lovely. Love me some Kate on the weekend. And for once she knows that something is up and is chill(ish) about it. That’s amazing.
Many many thanks for the snippet…a bright spot in (still) tough times!
I think a tear just ran down my cheek. Not sure yet. OMG! I love you guys so much for this because I’ve had a terrible week and haven’t been able to read anything. Thank you!!
Kate is the ultimate, of course she knows! Such a perfect little snippet!
I found this on my Birthday so thank you for the unintentional Birthday Gift!!! You guys are awesome as always
She knows! This whole story makes me so happyy! I miss Kate like I miss an old friend :’)
Thank you. I didn’t realize how much I missed Kate till I read the snippet (once, twice, multiple times!!!)
thank you so much for this! love everything you write but i have really missed Kate & Curran etc lately
Kate – I miss you.
Looking forward to Julie/Aurelia dealing with realationships in Atlanta and the threat of Moloch.
Thank you for this glimps into the “down the road” life of a favorite character.
Awesome thankyou soo much. I often miss Kate and Curran (probly why I have read the series so many times.
Congrats on so many people recognizing Blood Heir for the Gem I believe it to be.
Thank you! Love the story!
So so so much love for this!
Thank-you! What a sweet treat of a Monday pick-me-up story! I LOVE your world(s) & that there are NEVER any wasted words in your tales! You have my prayers for the time & nimble fingers to keep on gifting us, your humble (& admittedly greedy) readers, with more…
Thank you for all the extras, especially this one.
I have been searching for info about Alphas Origins, hoping there would be a sequel to purchase.
I have always purchased anything you write, hoping for more Innkeeper reading in the future.
Hey Shelley,
There is no sequel to Alphas: Origins and as of now no plans for one either.
Kate knows! Of course she knows. How did I not guess that? Loved hearing from Kate again. Thanks!
Wow, what an unexpected surprise gift, was not expecting Kate POV!!
Also, maybe I’m just dumb but I don’t understand this:
” “Coming out of a small church on the edge the Warren. I didn’t get too close. The girl is a magic radar.”
That was true. If he had gotten anywhere close, she would’ve made him. ”
She wouldn’t made him do what? ??
Hey Sleepy,
“I’ve been made” is a colloquial expression meaning one’s cover is blown, I’ve been recognised/spotted.
In this case Teddy Jo didn’t approach Aurelia/Julie as she would have recognised his magical signature.
I hope this helped
Oh very interested, thanks! I’ve heard of “I’ve been had!” to describe if you’ve been cheated/tricked, but never “I’ve been made”. Must be a regional US difference
So good! Thank you!!!
Passive aggressive people just can’t appreciate royalty! You are free now Sandra; spread your wings and fly!
GREAT! Gosh, I miss Kate but love everything you write!
Yea! Thanks !!!
Love it. Than you much.
I found out this weekend that two of my daughters are finally reading KD after much prodding. We spent a while geeking out about what we enjoyed in the early books. I want to send them this, but I guess I’ll wait until they catch up to Blood Heir.
This was beautiful, and also heartbreaking. I know you don’t typically take the stories to end in the broken, but all I can think is “don’t let Aurora loose her mom! She’s lost so much already! They all have!” I’m thrilled Kate recognizes Julie with all the changes. A heart gift to them both!
Also, heartbreaking to hear the daughter ask if they can stop hiding now.
Thank you Author Overlords! We are not worthy (okay, maybe we are, but you are very nice to us regardless).
Thank you for the peep back into the KD universe. We all love Teddy Jo and such a real pleasure to get a glimpse of Kate again. I always wonder about the parenting adventures of Kate & Curren with Conlen – what adventures they could have! Also if they’ll have any more children.
Many, many thanks for this little gem.
Thank you! It made this crappy Monday so much better.
PS: Wishing you and your furry ones all the best.
I will always love Stories with Kate in it. Thank you very much.
I love this so much! Have read it probably a dozen times. Love the KD world and Kate’s voice in particular. So happy to see her in the Blood Heir timeline, which, for the record, I also love!
My eyes are hungry for more.
thank you for once again sharing your worlds with us.
Awesome! Thank you!
Plot twist !!!
I’ve never actually been to Atlanta, but reading this was like coming home. Thank you so much for the snippet.
Love you House Andrews!
Yup, yup, yup, I like the direction this is taking
THANK YOU! This was such a welcome little treasure. I’ve been having kind of a rough few days and this really cheered me up. Now let’s hope and pray that I get well and all will be great.
Thanks, again!
Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!
Thank you for this snippet, I’m so happy Kate knew Julie was there but trusted her.
Thank you! I knew it! Kate knows.
But why “She was my kid.”? Because Julie’s not her kid anymore?
Hey Karina,
The past tense is by far the most common tense, whether you’re writing a fictional novel or a nonfiction newspaper article. Julie is still definitely Kate’s child ????.
Hope this helps.
God I missed Kate.
So perfect. Anyone want some fore with that shadowing?
Love it!! Thank you
Are you ever going to write more about the Edge? I re-read all the books this past week. They are soooo good. George is obviously smitten w/Sophie. I’m dying to read more about them and Jack.
AND Rose is pregnant! Can’t we have more on them too? And William and Cerise have puppies!
Do you ever respond to your emails?
Ilona Andrews is in the second spot of my very fave fave authors.
Thank you. R. Sosa
Hey Rachel,
The Edge series is finished, but you can follow George, Jack, Sophie and Gaston in the Innkeeper Chronicles series, where they appear as adults
???? Hope this helps!
Excellent! Love it…a lovely chapter to include in “my kid’s” next book. Looking forward to it. Btw, I love Teddy Jo!
Damn! Now I’m a little homesick. You guys are amazing
Thank you!!
Oh my goddddd
Thank you so much!!!!!!!!
I love your write <3
Thank you, thank you, thank you.
I have purchased Blood Heir (ebook and audible), but I haven’t started it yet. I want to start from the very beginning and catch up first. It’s a good day to read!!
Thank you for all the entertainment you guys have provided my friends and I over the years. You are one of only a few authors whose entire works I find wonderfully fulfilling. I love ever book and partial book in your arsenal.
Thank you
Thank you for the story
Started my day with a smile. Thank you.
I miss Kates calm.
That was great! there is no one like Kate!
Omg !!!! I think I just died lol. Thank you
Thanks for sharing this short story! Reading it made my day.
Omg thank you so much.
I miss Kate. Thank you for giving us this glimpse of an older and wiser Kate. My own son, who has been living in Chicago, still 3 hours away, is preparing to leave for a 2-year stint in graduate school in London. It is painful to contemplate. Still, I know that the heartstring connecting us will stretch.
I realized I have gushed over and over about the feelings this snippet has given me, except for here. I love that Kate knows and she trusts Julie. And like still Julie is so so so worried about it all. Gives a bigger twist to the angst knife and I love it!
MWAHAHAHAHA – I knew Kate or Curran would notice her in town.
Don’t know how I missed this one in my inbox! Cleaning up the unopened, I found this gem – thank you both! I suspected that Kate new,,,
Thank you!!! Figures Kate knows XD. The first line is my favorite. “Some days everything lined up perfectly. And some days, you were Sandra.” I can relate to that
This made me smile. I miss Kate.
Thank you so much!