Today didn’t quite turn out as expected, since we had to make a run to the doctor’s office, which was scheduled, but she was unable to draw my blood for some routine bloodwork, and we ended up going to the LabCorp. That had taken almost 2 hours – the wait was long – but was worth it, because it took the phlebotomist .5 seconds to find my vein. Best appointment ever. I told her she is amazing and I stand by that statement.
So this is a little bit late, but we finished a Prologue to Iron and Magic 2. It was posted as a partial before.
This is a possible prologue, because Mod R pointed out that it reads quite dark, so it may not be indicative of the mood of the book. Although I&M 2 is a dark fantasy, it is also a happy love story. So we will see. It maybe a bonus scene included in the book instead.
Warnings: references to child abuse and sex among minors. Due to the dark nature of the prologue, it will not be sent to your inbox directly. You have to click the link. You have been warned, read at your own risk: Awake. If you would like to comment, leave your comment on this post as pages do not allow for discussion.
I will chat with you again on Tuesday, hopefully. Happy Monday!
Oh boy…
wow. this is gonna be a humdinger.
I am tingling with excitement. I have read all of your novels, and reread them. This next chapter for Hugh I couldn’t be more excited. Elara is a perfect foil for him. can’t wait to read her story. And just saying hoping for another in the Hidden Legacy series. 🤞
I couldn’t have said it better myself.
Squeals in delight!
My precious!!!
Thank you and a very Happy New Year to House Andrews!
That was….AMAZING! Funny thing is, that I wasn’t one of the ones hyperventilating over the possibility of Iron & Magic 2 – how ridiculous of me.
A phlebotomist who can find the vein that fast is gold. Chef’s kiss.
I just read the snippet. Oh boy. What Elara said about her power in Iron and Magic makes more sense.
Makes me wonder if Elara ate the souls of her Grandmother and mother. 🤔 We’ll see.
After reading that short snippet, I keep thinking about steel and magic in keeping with the first book. The steel comes from Elara as a little girl. Magic comes from both Hugh and Elara as adults.
I totally understand that the book title is your decision and may not come until later. 😊
the Iron in “Iron and Magic” comes from Hughes Iron Dogs, right?
Oh now you’ve done it! So looking forward to reading this – I hope it’s satisfying to write…
my ‘best’ experience with a professional vampire came when I was in for an emergency appendix job. Apparently, my vessels had ‘retreated.’ After the nurse poked around for a bit, she said, “this isn’t going to work,” and they put in a call for the ER phlebotomist.
He showed up a few minutes later, leaned in from the doorway, and sort of threw the IV needle across the room – ‘doink!’ right into the vein. Not that IVs and veins go ‘doink.’
I just read this and almost snorted coffee out of my nose. Thanks for the morning laugh! Doink! Hahaha. I’m going to think of this every time I get blood drawn.
Dark fantasy happy love story? O-O
it makes an excellent prologue in terms of elara’s history and giving us empathy for her choices but it definitely does not set up a light romantasy vibe…. I love it though. It makes her more real, seeing her trauma.
Well put. I second this comment.
I completely agree, well said.
Yes!!! Well said.
This is true. And the first Iron & magic prologue is also pretty dark, iirc it’s Hugh drunk and hopeless sleeping in a barn. Iron and Magic is romantasy, but it’s also pretty darned dark 😅
My veins have become quite difficult for the average person to get. The highly confidant ambulance EMT even failed last time. If you are a consistently difficult stick, I highly recommend requesting the pediatric gauge needle. I also was sent to the lab after three failed attempts. The phlebotomist heard that and decided I needed the smaller gauge typically used for peds. I have very few problems when they follow this advice! Personally, I far prefer the draw to take slightly longer over getting stuck multiple times!
Um – you all probably already know all tricks to make it easier to get blood. But – just in case – I went through a phase of having increasingly traumatic blood work experiences similar to those shared here by others. One phlebotomist encouraged me to always insist staff use the narrower gauge butterfly needles, and that helped. But then I learned there were things I could do as well, so I do, and it seems to help. I try drink as much water (not fluid – water) as I can a little before having the bloodwork, I wear upperbody layers even on a warm day and, these days, I’ll some upperbody weightbearing exercise and a little cardio before having my blood sampled. It does seem to make a significant difference, as well as increasing my sense of empowerment in what can be a very painful and sometimes frightening situation.
I already liked Elara a lot. I didn’t think anyone could shake Kate Daniels off my ‘favourite heroine’ pedestal. But this insight into Elara’s history is very high quality. Thank you.
Happy New Year!
Apparently House Andrews is going to deliver another amazing book!
cannot wait!!!!
LabCorp is the best! We won’t go anywhere else for our tests.
Thank you. Looking forwards to the dark love story.
Ooohhhh! I like it a lot. Nice pre-birthday treat.
Thank you…perfect for today’s second round of snow in Northern VA…..
I love this! Fits my cold snowy day mood.
Oh wow…. This was awesome! I just finished re-reading I&M1, so Elara is fresh in my mind; what perfect timing!
Thank you for the snippet 🥰
As a proud member of the BDH, I LOVE it and want MORE!! Thank you!
thank you, thank you, thank you!!!!!!! 🙇♀️🙇♀️🙇♀️
Holy moly! This will be their best book ever!
Wow. I don’t think I breathed during that prologue. Very suspenseful, very cool.
If you are thinking that it is too dark, please don’t. It is no darker than elements of other books, even some you have authored. A regrettable fact is that many would read that and feel uncomfortable because of the resonance, others because they do not believe it happens in reality. But it is very mild and helps to understand the character.
Really looking forward to the next book to see where Elara and Hugh’s story goes, but the authors’ reality and health first please.
I think it would definitely make it into the book either way 🙂, the “possible” is whether it’s at the beginning as the prologue or not, because it’s not indicative of the general tone.
Hhmmm, what do you know that you aren’t telling us Mod R?! “Indicative of the tone…”? Share with the group please.
What’s already been said in the article 🙂 – that this scene is darker than the rest of the book and the story won’t continue on these themes or timeline. It’s just a flashback to Elara’s childhood, so we have a notion about what she survived.
Regardless of where it goes, it is brilliantly written. I can imagine this scene. It enables me to understand the child’s lived experience, her magic, her insight, and her cunning. It makes her more relatable to any reader who has lived through similar real world trials without triggering said reader. Well done.
I agree, this is definitely not too dark for book 2. The KD series established a very dark past for Hugh and Elara’s darkness is hinted at but it is awesome to see the development of her darkness more fully. It sets the stage for building their “post-darkness” happiness. Or at least post-“as-much”-darkness!! The two of them are a great match… it really starts to set the stage on how she can handle his past and what he’s willing to do.
getting so excited for I&M 2…….
thanks for the snippet.
Thanks for the prologue. It looks epic! Having blood drawn is no fun but it helps when it’s done well! We are digging out of snow. It is only a few inches here. Further south it was a lot more or ice or both. I got petite baby yarn on clearance for under a dollar a skein. Still deciding if I make a baby hat or booties. The booties I’ve made before. Maybe a beanie type hat. First I’ll finish the 3 baby quilts. I’m making them summer quilts. Just the quilt top with a flannel backing. Happy 3 Kings Day!
The amount I love Labcorp is a sad comment on our supposedly top-notch health system.
Read the prologue- I’m sure the book will be brilliantly written, as everything you write is. But I’m not sure I can handle it. Thank you so much for the warning, I was prepared and braced myself accordingly, so no problem.
I completely respect your boundary, and we will see you for the next book! 🙂
I just want to clarify for everyone once again that the childhood abuse is not one of the themes of the book. And whilst Hugh and Elara have their fight against the big Evil, House Andrews see this book and series as a whole as a work with a hopeful message, a happy cracktastic love story with stubborn unicorns.
Happy cracktastic love story with stubborn unicorns. Okay, so before this description I was all challant and fluffy. Now … lol 😂 Netflix somehow needs to keep me entertained during the wait!!
this makes me feel better thank you! . anytime child abuse comes into a novel I cringe. if it’s written well, as a part of a characters history, in very small doses, I can handle it. anything else and I’m not reading the book.
if I didn’t know how well House Andrews writes and trust that this won’t cross those boundaries I would probably skip this. so I don’t think this would be a good prologue to the book for uninitiated HA readers!
Oh my. Sounds very good. Hope this year goes better then last year. That goes for all the BDH
yeeee hawwww ……..I cannot wait!!!!!
This snippet made my day!!
Thank you!
Ok. I wondered how Elara became. Dark, but powerful!
A good lab is worth their weight in gold!
P.S. The prologue gives a glimpse about Elara.
I think it’s a brilliant prologue. Dark, yes. But it seems fitting & I expected it based on the hints of Elara’s backstory we got in book 1. Thank you for sharing! I can’t wait for book 2.
Holy Moly!! That was an eye opening snippet!! I am waiting with ( chocolate) bated breath for this one to be finished!!
Hoping 2025 is a wonderful year for us all.
And kudos to the phlybotomist! I know they appreciate it when they are complimented.
Have you ever watched the show Friends? Do you remember the episode where they decide to watch the tape to see who came on to who between Ross and Rachel? Joey has this really awesome scene where he says “I’m so happy.” I love that part. That’s how Im feeling right now, so giddy and happy.
I don’t mind the darkness. Often the darkness reveals just how strong a person is and what they’ve overcome in a story like this.
That’s exactly it! An insight into Elara’s choices and attitude, based on what she’s already survived. Much like an exceptionally redeemable ex-warlord we know and love…
That’s what I kept thinking when reading the snippet.
I remember thinking when Elara and Hugh met it was an unmovable object meeting a movable force. We all know what happened next thanks to the first book. 😀
I honestly don’t know. Someone new to House Andrews might well say, “not only no. but he!! no.” But with it being book 2 coupled with a proven track record it’s probably okay. Part of it is that I dislike grimdark intensely. But I know enough about the universe to know that it’s not grimdark.
Eek – I can’t wait to read the rest. 😬
I really liked the prologue, I don’t think I breathed the whole time I read it. Great suspense! Though it may be ‘dark’ it felt more about rising resilience than despair.
😲…… but ready to press the pre-order button.
left wanting more, what a fab start, thank you 😊
Aha! Since the earlier snippet of this snippet (snippette?), I had wondered why her family was treating her as some foul obscene creature, when they were the ones preparing her for the scary magical rite. Now we see that she didn’t become THEIR “vessel of darkness”.
which snippet was that? do you have a link? i tried searching for it but couldn’t find a prior elara snippet
The intro of this scene was shared 3 years ago. It’s the same content as the one today :), and was archived.
I thought I had read this before 🙂 3 years ago, huh ?
Has anyone ever used Accuvein to find your veins? I am a notoriously hard blood draw and this device made a HUGE difference! No more being poked and prodded multiple times by multiple people.
Dark. Powerful. Compelling. But because the writing is all those things, the darkness may well be beyond what I want in my head. This has a tiny thread of hope, but I am not sure I could read a book that is going where this one seems to be going. Even tho I’ve met Elara and Hugh as adults.
This is just a flashback scene, it’s not going to be the setting for the book 🙂 .
The sequel will take place in the present of Hugh and Elara as adults, immediately after Iron and Magic. They will both be set just before Magic Triumphs, chronologically.
It’s dark, but it’s only one scene. Some of the scenes in the Edge series border on horror imo, but that’s a minor element in the mix that becomes a comfort read for me. I can handle a few scenes like that against the book as a whole.
I am so looking forward to this book! Also Maggie. And whatever else is on the table. ALL THE BOOKS! I wants them. Thank you.
Looking forward to this book. I see it as a step closer to finding out why Elara and Hugh’s son was hoisting a cow. 😉
I&M was already my favourite book from House Andrews, & I loved that prologue – dark for sure, but Elara’s past had to be dark from the glimpses of background we’d had, & only a woman with the strength to survive the dark could be a match for Hugh. Superb. & now for the w*it. Time for a reread of I&M ☺️
+1 Well said!
I have thin veins and a phlebotomist who can draw my blood without causing a huge bruise is my favorite health care professional.
Thanks for the prologue!! Great to have more back story on Elara!
I also get bruises frequently after a draw. My local vampires use a smaller needle on request and I ice the site afterwards if it even vaguely looks like a bruise is starting. So far it has helped significantly reduce the number of week long bruises.
As a former phleb, get that person’s name and don’t forget it!! A good vampire is hard to find!
Well. That’s a heck of a start. Looking forward to the rest, that’s for sure.
I get all my blood work done at LabCorp. Schedule online, wait in the car until they’re ready for you. Phlebotomist takes about 2 minutes to draw 3 vials and I’m done. Unlike my recent visit to a large hospital’s ER, where the phlebotomist on staff could not find a vein. RN came in and it took her about 30 seconds.
Time to go back and reread Iron and Magic. This was definitely impactful and as usual, now I want more. 🤭
Thank you! Awesome peek into the next book and the dark I kind of expected because of the earlier snippet.
Mod R, love your description: “a happy cracktastic love story with stubborn unicorns”!
Wow, I love it
This ishow you tell a tale. I’m hooked, horrified, but want to know more. Fabulous.
Ooo! Not too dark at all! LOVE it!
So good! I love how dark it is. I’m so excited to come back to Hugh and Elara.
OMG yes this so good I can hardly wait for the book to come out.
Wow!! That is heart-stopping for sure!! Looking forward to I & M #2 to see where this fits into what Elara reveals to Hugh!
Also, a skilled phlebotomist is worth their weight in gold! Blood draws are easier when you get a pro!!
Can I have some more, please.
its a good prologue. People who have read the first one will already know that Elara has a dark secret behind her, honestly this isn’t as bad as it could be given the extreme fear people have of her. What is interesting about this story is the arcs of redemption for both Hugh and Elara.
that’s exactly how I feel too
So true. It also helps make a lot of things make more sense in retrospect. I’m still trying to figure out what exactly she’s channeling her magic from but it promises to be quite dark and interesting.
Ooo, what a fabulous and unexpected treat! Thank you!
My mother has the same problem as you, so I’m glad that you found someone skilled enough to draw blood.
Holy flying fruit bats!!! I am in awe! This. Is gonna. Be AMAZING! Thank you, House Andrews! EEEEEEEEEEE!!!💜💜💜
I’m just very confused by the end of this scene. does that mean Elara’s power is innate? That weird otherness inside her was something she was born with?
I think a reread of the first few paragraphs would help 🙂
We will also learn more in-depth info in the rest of the book.
Feeling your pain. Had to reschedule today’s doctor appointment because I totally forgot to go to Labcorp last week. They are great. I have super dodgy veins (3 tries is my limit) and they hit me every time.
*flailing Kermit arms*
I seem to remember reading just a bit of something way back that was similar to this. It’s fascinating and I’m really looking forward to I&M2. As tho I don’t look forward to everything y’all write! Thanks for sparking up a dull day!
Oh my…. got the shivers! Hugh’s origin wasn’t super nice but Elara has him beat. More, please!
Well this was absolutely incredible!! The dark was brilliant. Hugh was dark all through Kate and look and how much we adore him. Dark fantasy happy love story is perfect for Hugh and Elara!!
I’m going to do an absolutely terrible job of being chalant and p*tient
–Sits and w*its for rest of book, like a fluffy, chalant horde–
I love flashback stuff like this that shows us how a character got to where they are now. It adds so much depth to the exact same words said in the now. Or scenes of ‘oh THIS is the moment they stepped onto their path’.
A vampire / phlebotomist (that’s what my eldest daughter used to call them in the days when she was little and they took blood twice a week) who can find a vein fast is a true treasure.
Wow. Love it. Yes darkish but you can see her vengeance coming, I can’t wait.
Mommy. Dark and delicious! Thank you for reeling me in. I have resisted reading I&M 1 for so long. It must be time!
What struck me in reading the prologue is the parallels between how young Hugh and Elara were when they first encountered the negative power that shaped their lives. The contrast in how empathetic and kind Elara is as an adult given this lack of nurturing is impressive. It makes her even more remarkable to me and demonstrates why she and Hugh are worthy of each other. Thank you!
I really like the idea of glimpses into Hugh and Elara’s dark childhood starting each book. They were both shaped by how they were treated, but they still grew into decent adults. Both managed to keep a core of goodness despite the nastiness of the adults who brought them up. Hugh had to be constantly suppressed by Roland’s magic to keep him from giving in to his kinder impulses, while Elara’s responsibility towards her people probably forced her to make some hard choices. I love their characters so much.
Wow! What a great surprise on a snowed in day. Thanks!
That was different.
Beautiful (can I use that word? Demmit! I’m going to use that word) backstory telling.
Yes, creepy and icky, but even this little snippet explains much.
I guess that’s why the ALs get the big bucks, eh?
Thank you ALs
woohoo! Recently reread Iron & Magic so this was perfect timing. Thank you House Andrews!
Wow. This is dark. But I am happy since it’s finally happening. The next I&M2. I am glad Elara and Hugh have their HEA.
I was exited for iron and magic 2 before this snippet, but now my chalant is at the breaking point. I will go listen to KD on GraphicAudio.
Thank you!! Bring the darkness – can’t wait!!
Awesome snippet, it is rather dark and I agree might scare off new readers if you drop it on them cold in the prologue (we who are already BDH will of course not be daunted!). As an alternative, how about working it into the narrative? Not as a flashback but as Elara describing the event to Hugh.
My thoughts too. I think most of the BDH would be ok with that as an intro because we understand how the book will generally be overall (and if you’re not, that’s understandable too!), but for the casual person that picks it up and thumbs through the first few pages or gets a digital sample, it might turn them off a bit.
Can definitely see this as a memory/dream/flashback or even a bonus scene if you feel it needs a trigger warning and don’t want that for the whole book.
Would taking off the stated age make it less trigger-y (Is that a word? Trigger-some? Probably should be apt to trigger, but that’s not at fun.) for people? I see why you put it. Just a thought. 🤷♀️
Really do love it though and looking forward to the book! Thanks for sharing! 🤗
Triggerish? It would be useful to have a term for a quasi-trigger, for sure.
Triggerish works for me. Except when I see it typed out for some reason. It sounds better in my head than it reads. 🤷♀️
Shorter and darker than the version three years back, but it has me drooling even harder for Hugh #2. I will keep a sharp eye out for the pre-order link.
Oh my… Thank you!
Thank you for the snippet!
I love it even though it seems a tad darker than I expected. Can’t wait to see more of it when it’s ready! ☺️☺️☺️
dark yes, but awesome!! thank you!!!
OMG! OMG! OMG! I can’t stop grinning/clapping/dancing/squealing! I am so excited! Thank you! Hope it comes out in hard copy with autographs from Arcane Society to match my Iron & Magic & Blood Heir books!
I like this as the opening to I & M 2. It may answer how Elera become who and what she is.
Love, no words, well other than intrigued. Thank you.
yay more back story. still waiting to know what she is. grabby hands wants more.
I add a plus 1 to Jewel Wing’s comment. The Edge has the roughest well written scenes in all the HA universes.
Poor Child. I have no sympathy for Mother and Grandmother, though I suppose her Mother having been treated the way she was has some excuse. Still. I know the history of my Grandparents and Great Uncles and I know that despite nurture we all have a choice, maybe that is where nature comes in. Elara certainly made a different choice than her family
I used to feel the same way. My mom’s behavior was very hard to excuse when she was alive and causing damage in the moment. But she came by it honestly, due to a huge trauma when she was a toddler. And her parents, due to their own childhood trauma, lacked any capacity to help her deal with hers.
Trauma is cumulative, it’s generally more damaging the earlier it occurs, and not all trauma is alike. Some of the most difficult people I’ve known have turned out to have truly horrific childhood experiences that they never shared, out of shame, until very late in life. We can’t know the whole of others’ struggle.
See: Hugh, pre-Iron and Magic.
I enjoyed it. I didn’t think it was too dark. I think it sets up just how much Elara has had to go through before she finds Hugh. I say use it.
Thank you for sharing!
This prologue seems to reflect the chaos and anarchy of the post shift world. It gives a great insight into Elara’s backstory and gave me as a reader at least one ah ha! moment. I think it would be easy for people to grow quickly into really bad choices in this world and it will be an interesting reflection on Elara to see how she pushes back against her beginnings (which she seems to in the first book).
Great writing as always, covering tricky subjects with enough detail to inform, but not upset.
I think it is a little dark but not really off putting because it’s a sequel book, so I’m already expecting some happy romance based on book one.
Thanks for the snippet 🙂
huge huge surprise. want more need more BDH member shutting up before begging gets to bad. thank you for snippet please please more
Wow! Thank you so much for the snippet. It is powerful. You’ll know best where it goes
Congrats on having good luck with Labcorps…certainly improves your day, I’m sure! 😁
I love this snippet! I always liked Elara a lot, as there was just ‘something’ so unique and special about her. We don’t know her full story yet, but it always felt like she had gone through something very, very dark and instead of being crushed by it, came out the other side both unbelievably powerful, but also unbelievably decent and loving. She and Hugh are two halves of the same beautiful whole. I can’t w*it to read the book!
Mod R, I won’t ask a dumb question, but I’m pretty sure that this is an expanded version of a snippet from a few years ago. It was 2020 and HA were loathe to do I & M 2 because of how dark it was, but they gave us a snippet with no background info. If I remember correctly there was the part in the room, but a lot less details. Also the taking her out to a vaguely sinister event, and cows were mentioned. My memory of all things Andrews has not let me down.
Yes, indeed 🙂 – as the blog post says, part of this was shared before, but now we get the extended version!
They mentioned it in the post above. That there was a version posted before.
Also, they were purposely vague, and hinted that we might be able to guess who the character the snippet was featuring. Frankly I was stumped, but the comments from several people had guessed Elara as the protagonist, but no confirmation was forthcoming. And that was it. It vanished into the mist, never to be mentioned again.
Well, here you go: it’s been mentioned now 😀
I love it! Yes it’s dark but it fits the hints we’ve been given about Elara’s past. It’s filling in the blanks perfectly and I can’t wait to read the whole scene!!
I don’t care if it’s a prologue or a bonus, but my two cents would be that since we started with Hugh’s childhood in book 1, it would feel right to start with a scene like this in Elara’s. It was his rebirth when Voron and Roland found him, and this is hers.
I can’t vouch for the whole fandom, but to me this doesn’t make me feel like the rest of the book will be dark. It feels like it fits with Elara’s history, and has exactly the right time.
Can’t wait for more snippets! Fighting, my favourite authors!
Maybe a trigger warning just for the prologue, suggesting that they skip to the first chapter if they’re not sure? They can always come back and read the prologue later if they want.
Muah!! That was amazing! And Elara called for some dark prologue for sure. We knew she wasn’t gonna have a happy go lucky childhood. I’m here for the darkness! Can’t wait to see more I miss Hugh he was always so damn funny!
😃 It would help if I was a little more thorough in my reading of the introductory statement prior to this snippet. My eye caught the part about this being a prologue to I&M and I skipped ahead without thoroughly comprehending the whole thing about this being an expanded version of a previously shared snippet. Excuse me while I hang my head in shame for not paying closer attention to what I’m reading.
Also, who’s picking up book 2 without reading book 1? This duology doesn’t really have a standalone structure for each book.
So this may have been a bad choice for a prologue for book 1, but for book 2, after all the hints we got about Elara’s secret that no one talks of, this snippet is exactly the right fit in tone and seriousness.
I do appreciate House Andrews always respecting their readers’ boundaries though. But I also hope they go with their gut. I trust their gut.
Well said! I completely agree. I didn’t find this as dark as it could have been, and by that I mean as dark as some authors might have seen fit to write when giving background to Elara. It was certainly not a scene of all fluffy bunnies and sunshine, but it showed some abuse Elara endured, without crossing the line to something that would make me instantly stop reading and put the book down to never pick it up again. I think it was an excellent handling of what could have been unnecessary horror. It gave some glimpse into trauma that Elara suffered as a child, without gratuitous and long descriptions of evil acts. I think house IA handled this as excellently as the Horde knows they are capable of.
I can’t wait to get my hands on this book! As familiar with House Andrew’s books as I am, I had no fear that this book would be all dark. You can’t have light without some dark, and you can’t show redemption without something to overcome. I think this was handled beautifully, and with the same sensitivity House IA brings to all of their writing.
OOOH! Powerful! No wonder Elara ate the souls of Mom & Grandma! They deserved it!
Great prologue and loved the build up of the tension regarding Elara’s childhood experiences. Also, I appreciated learning how Elara can sense someone’s soul at such a young age and this gift of hers definitely forms her into the woman she becomes.
I do agree with an earlier blog of yours on the BDH interest in Raina and Puffles. There’s not a lot of backstory to Raina, so it feels fresh or like a new awakening or unfolding story for Raina and Puffles. This type of story is appealing to me for some reason right now. If you feel like writing on them more great, if not that’s ok too as I don’t want to apply any pressure etc
What’s got me wondering is if assigning a title as the Puffles story, is incorrect. If Raina is going to the capital to be a member of the dragon legion, would she be allowed to keep Puffles as her trusty mount? After all he’s an old, near sighted dragon. He might be an experienced veteran, but would he be able to keep up with the younger fitter dragons? Maybe we might be wrong about this being the Puffles story, and we should call it Raina’s story. Inquiring minds want to know. 🤔
😀 That was very smooth hehe, but I’m an old hand at these. I guess we’ll have to wait and see!
Can’t blame me for trying! 0_0
Oohhhh I likey.. darkness and all
Oh, this prologue is awesome. 💙
I was expecting something terrible with the ‘darkness’ warning; maybe it was because I was primed to expect the worst that I didn’t find the snippet that dark. Sure, awful things were hinted at, but it was all off-page.
It actually feels milder than Hugh’s prologue, where he was just “six or seven,” was routinely getting kicked by Emile, and also witnessed Emile’s murder.
In any case, it has not escaped me how ‘Awake’ is a perfect mirror/twin to Book 1’s prologue. Hugh and Elara are practically the same age in their respective prologues. We also see the pivotal moment in their childhood that changed the course of their lives and led to them becoming the adults they are.
I’m beyond excited to read the full Book 2.
Also the references to Rene’s abuse in Hugh’s prologue* – I don’t find this darker than that. Also I agree on the mirroring. I think given who they are (and what we know of them already) dark is a necessary requirement for them to fight to live in the light. Besides a woman who only had light in her life wouldn’t be a match for Hugh. And we already know Elara is the Best match (evil grin) for Hugh.
*Also Derek’s lupe family story is not exactly kittens and sparkles – that too is very dark so I (personally – obviously I am a slave to the authors and they are always right!) dont think this is a departure in style – the dark is often really dark but off page.
I am so desperate for book 2 I can’t even explain it!
Yes, I agree 100% about Derek’s backstory being quite grim. Same deal with Curran’s backstory (that period when he was alone until Mahon found him). Julie’s childhood, with her mother’s death and Red’s betrayal, were also not pretty .
They all had to live through really messed-up situations and are stronger for it (albeit scarred), and that’s what makes them compelling characters.
Kate’s backstory wasn’t pretty either with Voron basically abandoning her with a canteen and a knife to find her way back home and the arena fighting when she was young, and all the other things that happened to her when she came to Atlanta while trying to hide who is really is throughout the books.
wow! this is going to be good! tyvm!
I absolutely adore Elara and can’t wait to learn about her power. This intro while dark isn’t any worse to me than Hugh’s considering what he and poor Rene were going through. It’s a very interesting parallel in that their magic is going to be their way out though the road is obviously bumpy. What’s different is we don’t know Elara as well or what’s on the other side of this prologue for her. I had to remind myself that she’s going to be okay!
This so good. Thank you.
It’s perfect. I can’t wait to read the rest…
ohhhhh so good and creepy.
I love it! It fits Hugh and Elara’s overall theme (meaning, it’s not too dark, at least for me). And it fits Kate Daniels’ magic world as well, IMO. We (readers) always knew there’d be horrible people doing such things, and it’s been referenced a few times in the books. It’s really ok, I don’t think it’s too dark.
Can’t wait! Thank you for sharing!
It is definitely a mature work but … it feels so good. Our « dark » scale may vary and maybe it’s because I watched Nosferatu last week but I am DIGGING this and wouldn’t making it a bonus scene take away from the understanding of who Elara is ? Point is, I love it, I hope you keep it as is, I love y’all and yay for the phlebotomist, drawing blood is always a trial
It’s interesting to read the comments and see the variance. I’ve read much darker and had to back off due to explicit-ness. This was ok for me. I very much loved it. I am so excited for Book 2.
I understand why some readers may be concerned but I do think a centuries-old warlord and a Vessel of Darkness would have horrors in their past. We need the darkness to appreciate the light. As another commenter mentioned, it highlights how both of them overcame their nurture to love and care for their people. (In your face true Evil Grandmother and mother. Hugh and Elara are the leaders you can only dream of becoming)
I really hope this prologue remains even if as an extra scene. I’ve seen other writers do a Trigger Warning tag (as you did) and where to skip ahead. Then a brief non-graphic summary of Elara explaining her powers to us. I mean Hugh. But really us.
Oooh love the possible prologue. It doesn’t feel too dark compared to Hugh’s first book.
Also if you’re saying this is written in a darker tone than the rest of the book…. Does that mean that there is already a first draft?! I assumed that House Andrews were going to kick off the writing process this year. Beyond excited and trying to be p*tient about it.
No, there is no complete first draft, no ready manuscript – before the rumours start!- but the authors know what the story will be 🙂
Well as long as there are kids picking up cows I’ll be happy!
Wow. So, it starts with some knowledge of Elara. Cool. Thank you.
Oh My….
I don’t see it that dark. But I don’t mind a bit of darkness if I can get some payback in return. That is always satisfying. I am a great believer in Karma.
So good, Thankyou for the snippet.
Yasss! Maggie sounds amazing and I’m looking forward to it, but I love Hugh and Elara!! Thank you
I’m absolutely fine with dark. I know not all your readers will be, but if we get a vote…
I’m absolutely fine with dark — I read a lot of straight up horror* — but I also very much appreciate the content warnings. I have expectations from IA stories that are mostly NOT dark. In fact, I have often reread IA after reading too much horror**. I’m delighted to see you expand your writing, but I definitely appreciate knowing which books/stories are the expansions.
*I’m SUPER picky about my horror, and I have to say, this snippet gave me a lovely thrill of dread. I was not expecting that at all.
**when the solitaire game on my phone starts dealing cards in a sinister manner…
Oh my !!! That is a very VERY good PROLOGUE 👍✨️👍✨️ !!!
🤗🐾 Daniele
(from Paris, France)
Many thanks for the trigger warnings – much appreciated!
I also love that this line — “She was whole. There was no room for anyone else’s power in her.” — explains why she’s the best prism.
Ooh wow. Just wow. Personally I dont think its too dark, but then I am mid reading J D Robb’s ‘In Death’ series which is both very very dark in places and a happy love story so it fits that mood for me.
Yay on finding an expert vampire to draw your blood. Hope you got her card so you can book her when needed.
YUM! Thank you for the warning. NOT graphic which I appreciate, but very umm “suck me into story”. I do NOT knowingly read graphic stories about child abuse/sex. From reading your prior books I know you do not do graphic abuse scenes, which allowed me to read this amazing prologue.
I second the suggestion of warning on prologue with note of where to start reading if reader wants to skip it til later.
This year is going to be wonderful, I am looking forward to Maggie and whatever else you decide to share with BDH.
i hope Elara eats all the souls….
Olá do Brasil!!
Simplesmente incrível!! Estou ansiosa pelo próximo livro!! Amei o prologo!
Oh wow! Just wow. I can’t wait
Wow! Thank you for that😀 Nothing is better than a bit of new reading from house Andrews❤️
I don’t think it was too dark, a character like Elara clearly came from a dark beginning. I can’t wait to read more!!
Squeeee! Sk excited you have started on the new book! The snippet in all it’s darkness made my day!
Ahhhh I loved it! Elara, my precious!!
Also, thank you for the trigger warning! It’s a very sensitive topic and I really appreciate both the warning and how it was handled in the story, imho is enough information to better understand her backstory and the dynamics involved but I expected worse/more descriptive. I usually avoid these topics but I trust House Andrews 🙂
Dark and compelling, totally loved it and am looking forward to the book.
I love it, not to dark!
Awesome. I can’t wait!
I like this beginning very much. It establishes who Elara is and why, while still leaving open the details. Her arc needs to start in a dark place and then ascend to the love she nourishes for her people and Hugh and his people. It is a very good starting point. Thanks!
Yesssssss. So excited to see how the story unfolds.
This is really powerful writing! I love the idea that even though there is cruelty and evil, she is going to be strong enough to overcome it. Hasn’t every child thought, then they will all be sorry! Elara has the power for that. So excited to read this!
Wow, just wow! Can’t wait!
I was riveted while reading. Elara’s start as the White Warlock is very suspenseful. I cannot wait until the entire story is ready.
Shiver me timbers, this was goooooood! Can’t wait for the rest!
It was very good, and honestly, the biggest thought in my mind while reading it was hoping that Elara gets her revenge on all of them.
hello, para mim podia ser um pouco mais dark.
Woo hoo!
No way! I’ve been excited for I&M 2 for so long, what a wonderful treat.
Thanks for the peek inside…..looking forward to it!
So good. I don’t read that as too dark. It is less dark (by a lot) than the pool of people ooze in on of the Kate Daniels books (don’t remember which one). I think it is great to set the linchpin of Elara’s “birth” into the world and to see a glimpse of her creation, surrounded by evil and darkness, and her standing against it, which is the core defining theme in all Kate Daniels and adjacent books,
Wow!!! That’s an intro!
I’ve been waiting for this book a long time.
Want to see the relation between Julie, Hugh and Elara, why she goes to visit them.
Is there any release date yet ?
Go for it! You’re doing a superb job with all the sagas.
There is no official release date as of yet. Any update will be shared on the Release Schedule page as soon as it is known.
ooooh. Answers incoming.
I don’t think it’s too dark. It fits with the rest of the Daniels world, which is messed up as all get out and this scenario just fits. It speaks to a long term-planning we don’t always see in the stories (we see the effects fairly often, but not the in progress horrors that went on to bring them about). I like.
oh I love it! can’t wait!
Omg loved it 🫶
Wow. Even better. So much more going on.
Really playing to the written word’s strengths. And so not a victim….
I love it. I think it perfect to delve in to her background and show what mountain of baggage she had to over come to find her love and partner.
Keep it. We already know this is a dark fantasy love story and this OWNS it.
I am looking forward to it.
I dunno. Content warnings are good, but the content itself is well-structured. Yes, it’s dark, but there are scenes in I&B 1 that are at least as traumatizing to read. I’d give this a STET. (As if I had a say…)
Well that answers many questions I didn’t realize I had. I have been waiting patiently for Iron and Magic 2. Now I need to contain myself for like 3 more years, maybe?
Looking forward to the books we get in the next few years.
OMG, I love it and can hardly wait for the book!
OMG, I love it and can hardly wait for the book! While this is dark, I love that we get to see young Elara.
Thank you! I am excited to read this next book. Hugh and Elara are my favorites. They are who they are because of their pasts, you don’t enjoy the light without going through the dark.
I am also happy that you found LabCorp. They have excellent phlebotomists.
Wow oh wow! This is gonna be good! Thank you!
this is so, so good.
thank you, I’ll be waiting for the book to be published!
Love it! I am looking forward to preordering the book.
Now just have to wait until you let us know what happened to Derek.
So often abuses and hardships in childhood create a foundation from which the character builds in goodness and strength; I am rereading JD Robb’s Eve Dallas series and she does the same thing, overcoming childhood to become adult.
I like it exactly as it is!
Wow….just WOW!!!
I have been waiting patiently for this book and now that I see it happening, I’m so excited!
It definitely reads real dark but… the Iron Covenant has the makings to be a darker fantasy than Kate. The origin story for Huge is already pretty brutal and what was done to him was a form of systemic abuse. So while the book itself doesn’t need to feel dark it makes sense that the prologue would be heavy. Elara fits him not just because she’s powerful but also because she was manipulated in her childhood by powerful people who should have been better. I like it. It’s scary and horrifying but it’s not out of sync. I mean y’all have always danced on the right side of horror/comedy.
I honestly **love** the prologue. Elara comes from darkness and this just makes me better understand why she and Hugh work well together. Both of them were betrayed by the ones who purported to love them. I am highly interested in reading more.
Wow, just wow! I have chill bumps!!!
Cannot wait!! Already hanging on every word!
Ohhhhh! Bring it!
This is amazing 👏 🤩! Thank you so much! I cannot wait for the book!!
Looking forward to any and all things Iron and Magic 2 you might generously throw our way!
I don’t think it its too dark, in Iron and Magic 1 Hugh deboned a mercenary…
Very much looking forward to the book!
I really like this backstory. Elara always seemed a bit spooky and aloof because of the enormous power that “lived” within her, which I didn’t really understand in the first book. Though dark, this backstory really illustrates that she is a “good” person who is still herself regardless of this scary separate entity/power.
That is probably a terrible, muddled way of describing her. But I think I like her character even more now.
I hope you keep this somehow in the next book.
Thank you for sharing this snippet!
Agree and loved this look into Elara. I am left with questions as to how she has this power in her? Was she born with this “inside monster” that thaws out with the magic wave? So much to look forward to and to speculate about. Thank you for the snippet. Loved it.
I love and hate this. I feel that Ilara deserves that we be willing to see what she endured, and the bare tale really punches her backstory home. II hate that she had such horrific experiences-but like all your KD characters, life is real, life is hard and their characters reflect this beautifully.
Bravo for being brave enough to tell the story so clearly.
I loved it! And honestly? I didn’t find it too dark. Dark, yes, but did anybody really expect that Elara’s origin story was sunshine and puppies?
Oh my…! What a lovely tease – thank you and HNY!
I love origin stories… or at least a glimpse into an origin. Thank you so much for sharing – I am so amped for whatever House Andrews publishes next!!!
I am so looking forward to this book. I can’t wait to read it.
I love Elara so much, she is a kind woman despite the obviously horrible childhood.
If I may say, I can see what Mod R. says about it being dark, but it’s not overly so? Besides, it shows that Elara came from a terrible upbringing, and that makes her future happiness all the more poignant.
I love everything you all write, but just wanted to say that I don’t think this would set the tone too dark! <3
I don’t know if I’ve been reading too many stories with dark themes, dark imagery, and trauma.. but this didn’t feel dark to me. Morally gray, yeah, but not dark. 🤷🏻♀️
Thank you thank you HA!!!! I’m of course grateful for any story you provide, but Hugh and Elara hold a special place in my heart. I’m so excited for Iron and Magic 2. Happy 2025!!!
Happy New Year! I’m so excited, sounds amazing!
Oooh this is good! I’m liking the way the book is shaping up in your minds from this sneak peak.
It is dark yes but doesn’t feel too much darker than the rest of Kate’s world and maybe a Hugh book could take it?
We already know Elara’s story has a dark beginning. I don’t think this is egregious or overly graphic. She has to match Hugh in redemption. I was very inspired by Hugh’s clawing his way out of the pit he was left in, and his commitment to his troop. Elara is the same. It is a geat love story
Not too dark at all, it’s amazing and nuanced and full of hopeful potential, especially having already known adult Elara. I can’t wait for more!
I sympathize about the phlebotomist. I have rubbery veins. Even when they can find them, the needle keeps slipping off. I finally started telling them to take it from the back of my hand, which is incredibly simpler and much less painful.Those aging hand veing finally have a purpose!
oh wow. was NOT expecting this. a way to start the new year indeed…. 🙂
I love it!!!!!! It gives a glimpse of Elara’s past and of course, it leaves you wanting for more!!!! Thank you!!!@
The prolog shows Elara’s dark origin, and we know Hugh’s already. The fact that they are able to come back from that and learn to love each other is amazing and makes for a great HEA. Don’t change a thing! 🙂
Yes, it’s dark, but it makes sense to the Horde who have read the other books and can place this in context. It was not triggering or too dark for me, it didn’t go into details, but I appreciate that you provide the warnings as it could be triggering or difficult for other folks. I look forward to reading the rest of the book when it’s ready.
Gleeful rubbing of hands in anticipation of the book!
*excitement intensifies* Well now I need to go reread Iron and Magic 🙂
I liked it. It sent tingles down my spine my spine. What a great beginning.
That was so intense! Cannot wait for more of the story. Thank you for sharing.
It is pretty dark, but this is the second book. We need Elora’s backstory and from what we, the readers, know from book 1, it wasn’t pretty. I don’t think this prologue will take away from a happy love story.
dark but ok.i am glad to read about Elara again <3
Oh wow. The snippet ist amazing. Yes, it is dark, but it ist so very promising. There ist no light without darkness, and I think we’ll see a lot of Elara shining over the darkness her family was.
O. M. G!!!!!!! More!!!!! Please🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻.
Plus I have a vampire who comes into the home to collect my donation monthly. A much better idea all round as it saves queueing. The only snag is that I don’t have great veins. They hide at the sight of the needle so they use the paediatric needles now- much better.
WOW! Now I’m going to have trouble waiting patiently for I & M #2.
Does that explain the split in Elara’s group and why she left? I am at work right now so can’t look it up. Was it the Departed?
Iron & Magic is my favorite. Don’t tell Hidden Legacy?
It is indeed the Departed, who split from the Remaining – but we don’t yet know precisely yet if this is the incident that caused it.
We have to read and see! 😁
Sad… Elara certainly deserves her HEA
Whoa! I love it! I’m so excited for I&M 2!
Yes, it’s dark, twisted, ominous…but we know a BIT about when Elara grows up, so what a GREAT prologue!!! Thanks for the teaser, no matter how it winds up, I will love it.
Yeow, that is pretty scary!
I read it. It is wonderful, sad, and fabulous all at the same time. I want to take Elara and hug her and keep her safe. Thank you for posting it.
Hope you new year is healthy and blessed.
Thanks for the insight to Elara. This passage explains the obsession she has for the safety of children over all others. I don’t think it is too dark.
I have been waiting for this book since I devoured the first. Thank you.
Can’t wait. That poor child though! Ugh. Get ’em Elara! 😂
Ooooh, cannot WAIT!! 🥰 Thank you House Andrews!
Powerful scene. Thank you!
Oh, wow! What a decadent teaser! Lol, patience is not a virtue — it is a torture!
Thank you so much for the juicy morsel that must now temporarily satisfy my craving for Iron and Magic 2.
Thank you so much!
wow! That was dark, but so powerful! Definitely pulled me in
I have so many questions, and I’m so pumped for this book!!
Thank you!!
Thank you for the warning. I’m sick today and not really in the head space for dark. I’ll just go back to hanging out with Catalina and Alessandro and come back when I’m ready.
I try to always tell the labcorp techs that they are awesome at what they do. Total pros. I know they are all underpaid, undervalued and over-hassled by the corporate machine. We should call them Crabcorp. Hard-shelled, spiny, crush you with claws on outside, soft warm flaky buttery goodness on inside… maybe not.
Holy moly… or unholy moly as the case may be!! Can’t wait for this.
Dark? A bit. Juicy & ridiculously good? 100%. Love the snippet!! I think it makes Elara’s character that much more complex – to see where she came from to where she ends up before & after Hugh. Thank you!
I have been waiting for this for years! ❤️
Ofc it reads dark–it’s a window into Elara’s past and the horrible people around her. It’s a very fitting piece to I&M#2, as book 1 was Hugh.
I could see a book opening with this, then Elara waking up or pulling herself out of bad memories because she’s got a castle to run and a husband to keep in line.
I can’t wait for more!
oh my! drip. drip.
If you know that your veins don’t cooperate with a blood draw, a trick is to drink a lot of water/liquids (not alcohol) before hand. If you can start 8 hours before, it’s better. In other words, stay hydrated. But having an experienced phlebotomist is the best. They make it look so simple. I am always in awe.
Received my Arcane Society books yesterday, a birthday present from my favorite son! Now I know which one I’m going to read first! (by the way the books are beautiful! I literally cried when I saw them!) Great little snippet! Thank you and hope you and Gordon feel better soon!
Oh, I would read what followed as fast as I could. But I do see the point that this doesn’t make me think love story.
It does make me confident that Elara wins.
Can‘t wait
Oh wow – I’ve had a long rubbish day at work and this was the perfect surprise when I got home.
I love it, Iron & Magic is my favourite comfort audiobook listen. If I start Kate I need to do the whole series and that’s a week written off!
I crave Iron and magic 2 like it was oxhygen. Thank you for the prologue..
Thank you so much for sharing this prologue/bonus chapter!
It makes me hungry for moooooore!!! I re-read your books all the time and
I know which one I’m going to go back to next.
Holy wow. That was intense but not as disturbing as I was afraid of so thank you for that. Lol
Wow, just wow can’t wait for the book powerful beginning
Wow! Cannot wait!
I can hardly wait…Not too dark…suspense is killing me. lol
Looking forward to yet another fantastic tale from House Andrews:) Given Iron & Magic 1, obviously Elara won free of those who should have sheltered her instead of using her for their own aggrandizement. To be fair, sounds like Elara’s Mom wasn’t exactly raised with love or care by her mother – sounds more like manipulation is a generational thing – but the key word I read was ‘let’ when she was telling Elara to do her duty. So sounds like Elara’s mom actually had/made a choice. Like another book character known as Red, she chose power or the chance of power, too bad if someone else had to pay the price of it.
I always knew Elara had to have come from a dark place….your writing never fails!
On another note, I use Labcorp too. They do have some of the best phlebotomists. I have also noted that there’s little to no wait at new sites and at labs in unpopular areas. If I don’t go in the early am I usually only wait 5-10 minutes… email me if you want a list of my secret sites! LOL Lizzy
Thank you for the snippet! I am looking forward to finding out more about what happened to Elara and H&E getting their happy ending.
Ohhhhhhhh, woooow. Can’t wait to read the rest of the book!!!!!
Not too dark. Just right…
Okay, maybe I’m jaded, but I would call it shadowy and not full-out dark. But sooooo cool! Thank you for sharing.
It is dark, but I like that the girl is going to nuke these people. Good.
I didn’t think it was that dark. It’s in keeping with the story.
So good. Very promising. Didn’t have a feel for IM#2 before but now I am.
That was so spooky and creepy and I want more! 😀
This makes me want to cry. It is dark, but evil IS dark. To portray it any other way would be like the grandmother, a false, kind exterior hiding the monsterous, evil core. I’ve heard people say, oh, he really looks like a serial killer, but a serial killer can look just like any other person. Ted Bundy was a handsome charismatic person, and almost avoided a conviction by being too likable. The jurors couldn’t believe such a”nice person” was a monster.
Is it too dark?.No.No more so than a dozen other events you can see on the news at any time. Child abuse. Murder and torture commited in horrific ways that humans have developed over thousands of years.
So no, it’s not too dark. Sadly it’s just a reflection of reality.
The best part is when the character overcomes the evil antagonist and delivers JUSTICE. It gives me an emotional boost. As I see it, this makes it a positive story.
Thank you for writing emotionally moving stories. I look forward to reading them.
I think Hugh would point out that a magic cult bound by female family loyalties that occasionally sacrificed young female members is not going to be the most cohesive and loyal of organisations.
wow, wow, wow, that was captivating
Thank you so very much.
Thank you!!! SO EXCITED!!!
Wow ….. I’m speechless. I’ll have to set aside a time when I *will not* be interrupted for this book.
I loved it! It didn’t feel that dark at all. It felt exciting and I’m completely intrigued. I think it’d be fine as a prologue in the book. Thank you so much for the snippet! 🩷
Been waiting for this. Thanks.
What an utterly riveting beginning!
Thank you for this addictive start…
I am already looking forward to the continuation …
Don’t second guess yourself. This is spot on. Loved the first volume; anticipate the second with pleasure.
From Darkness comes the light. love it ❤️
I can’t wait for this to be published . May it be as fun to write as I know it’ll be to read.
I love it, no notes!
Ooooo. I am very excited for more Elara and Hugh. <3
I can’t wait for this. I am sooooo excited. Hope your hands feel better soon.
Wow. Just wow.
Thank you! Here in the UK, marking for me has kicked in and being able to read the Prologue for Iron and Magic 2 was just fab. We’re having grey, wet days. I really can’t wait to know more about Hugh and Elara. He’s my fav hero with his unique brand of humour – love it in Wilmington 1 or was it in 2 when KD claimed to work under him & had to let him know should anyone check up!
WOW! Just WOW! That was dark, but VERY powerful. Once I started reading, nothing could have stopped me finishing it! I think some of the darkness was abated in that I did get the sense that they weren’t planning on killing her as a sacrifice or anything, which was something that was a possibility for me at the beginning. Nothing about that was directly stated, one way or another, but from what was said killing her didn’t seem to be what they had planned.
My goodness! Now I can’t wait to read it even more, if that was possible! Knowing your writing, as I have read everything you have published many times over, I didn’t find it as dark as someone unfamiliar with your writing might. I will find it interesting to see what comments other people leave, especially people who haven’t read everything you have written, over and over again. 🙂 I don’t find it as dark as someone else might. Instead I read it with the knowledge that the entire book wouldn’t be dark and disturbing, but that this was just a flashback or memory, necessary to help the reader better understand the history of a character.
I was anxious to read it before, as I am always greedily awaiting anything you write to be available for purchase. Now however, I am on the edge of my seat, and really, really, really can’t wait to get my hands on the entire book! When I finally do, family and friends will find me unavailable (unless it is an emergency), and unwilling to give up any free time I might have because I will want to use every second of it devouring this book!!
As always, it looks like you have hit it out of the park once again, and this will be another wonderful book by Ilona Andrews!!!!!
Happy New Year to all, and I hope the horde and House Andrews find this to be a very happy and rewarding year.
NOT TOO DARK! That was cool! I’ve been reading a lot of detective and spy novels lately, so my brain needed some fantasy for equilibrium. I’m SO glad y’all are working on I&M2. I’m really looking forward to it. Thanks for the snippet!
Amazing start!! I can’t wait for more!!! Thank you!!!!!!
Noooo, poor Elara! I’m excited to see more of her past, though; her magic is still so mysterious…
Leave it. In my opinion. Sometimes to see how much light there actually is you must first show how complete darkness can be. People think night is dark until they have been in a cave. After the cave, the night is full of light.
Ho. Ly. !
My heart rate sped up as I read it.
Can’t wait.
I’m waiting impatiently for this one!! Thanks for this.
All in the name of a good story. Evil must be evil, after all, or there would be little point in creating consequences.
Loved it. Loved it. Loved it. Thank you so much.
Elara! This book is really going to flesh out her character!
I like it as a prologue. It reminds me of the most memorable first line for me in a book – When Ken Follett wrote in The Pillars of the earth, “The small boys came early to the hanging.
It lets you know that the times are brutal. We’re not talking about being forced to watch 20 year old “The Price is Right” reruns with the volume on high while sitting in a surgery center, but truly bone crushingly brutal. I.A., you can do no wrong.
I’m super excited! I can’t wait for the book. I love the first one. Read it 20 times!
I love the prologue! I’m so excited the book is almost here. Thank you for feeding the BDH, of which I’m a proud member.
Happy Healthy New Year!
Hell yea!!! Definitely looking forward to this one!
Thank you, Ilona and Gordon for sharing your craft with the Horde. This view into Elara’s beginnings – as a child with such great awareness – under what had to be horrible circumstances and (from what I can surmise no good role models- even those who SHOULD have had her back) – has me p*tiently w*iting for all the rest of the words….
Sending peace, health and safety to House Andrews, ModR, the Horde and all those you live!
Is it wrong to want to see their faces when they finally see who Elara really is? Can’t wait!
Can not wait to have questions answered.
Absolutely fantastic !!! Wow
Sounds amazing!!! and I’m all for dark fantasy ♡
Amazing! it’s not dark at all, it sounds like a beginning of kick ass heroine. I mean it’s a novel set in post Apocalypse time.
Who expects butterflies and bunnies?
For what it’s worth, I don’t think this is too dark. We knew that Alara came from dark beginnings, and this captures exactly how dark they were.
oooo, just got to read it on my lunch break.
me likey!!!
I don’t think it’s too dark! a child rising above! it’s great. I think maybe if you didn’t know her character already it might be daunting tho
It is very dark, but something like this is needed as it explains a lot about Elara, well written and her family are predators determined to pursue their own ends for generations – hoping it blows up in their faces. As i am very old I hope to see the finished novel. I’m already a fan of Iron and Magic and the innkeeper series and have adopted Roman. Australian, and book have always been my relief from both reality and the humdrum of day to day and a comfort in times of distress. During ‘Lockdown’ here they were a wonderful ‘Rabbit Hole’ when we were all more or less confined to quarters. Judith Weller.
I don’t think it’s too dark. Especially if it’s just a prologue. Sure explains why Elora doesn’t want anyone praying to her, and why her group was the departed and what the remaining wanted to stop the wedding to Hugh.
Thank you so very much for the snippet, I can’t wait to read the book once its done.!!
I think this is a good prologue, and I am not a dark person. It fits the stories so far.
I can’t wait for the book!
Wow! Thanks for the prologue.
Sounds intriguing. Can’t wait. Looking forward to it like I do with all your books.
Happy New Year!!!
Thank you for this exciting snippet. It whets my appetite for more, and it’s not too dark, just perfect!
WOW, SO GOOD. I want the book that tells what comes right after this moment—I need more!
Very cool!
Dark isn’t necessarily ‘bad,’ when you show what your characters have (or had) to overcome, it makes their fight, and their triumph, that much more powerful.
Cannot wait for the rest!
Love this. Not too dark for me!
Oh my gosh, this snippet is fantastic! I cannot wait to read Hugh and Elara’s book. I thought Elara was such an intriguing and mysterious character, and I love to get more of her back story. Thank you so much for sharing! This just brightened my day.