::rolls up metaphorical sleeves::
The preview episodes of Clean Sweep will be available on Tapas tomorrow, 08/19. They will be putting a couple of episodes up for you to take a look. Then on 08/23 they will drop 10 episodes at once, so you can get the story started.
Tapas staff wrote a guide especially for us. You can find it here: How to Use Tapas. Remember, the episodes drop tomorrow, on Friday, not today. I’m stressing this because Mod R was bombarded with I can’t find it emails when we announced the webcomic. Tomorrow? Phah! BDH doesn’t wait for no stinking tomorrow, it storms the castle today, and that’s all there is to it. Hehe.
And now for some explanations.
Why Tapas? Why not Webtoon?
Our agent approached several companies, and Tapas jumped on the chance to produce Clean Sweep. It’s fun and different, and they thought their audience would like it. Webtoons didn’t seem interested.
How long was this in the works?
The initial offer terms were communicated to us on November 12, 2020. This project was in development for awhile.
How many issues will there be in a season?
I believe 52, but let me check on that. It’s one every week, so definitely at least 50.
How many issues are already done?
This is being asked by people who worry that this project might be abandoned for whatever reason. Right now we are on Episode 36 for colors and Episode 43 for script. So no worries about it being unexpectedly discontinued. I feel you, I was upset when I Belong to House Castielo was abruptly over on another app without explanation, but I don’t think this is something we need to worry about.
Can European Tapas users access it?
Yes. It is being released globally. Also, ta-da!

Spanish adaptation. How cool is that?
How much does Ink cost?
It depends on how much you are buying. You can get a lot of ink via promotions, etc, but here is what it shows me when I buy mine.

Price range table for those who can’t see the image. The second ink number after + is a bonus. The more you spend, the higher is the discount.
1,600 ink = $1.99
4,000+1,000 ink = $4.99
8,000+2,500 ink = $9.99
16,000+6,500 ink = $19.99
40,000+20,000 ink = $49.99
80,000+50,000 ink = $99.99
I read a lot, so I usually buy it in chunks of $10 or $20 and it lasts me for quite a bit.
How much each issue costs?
Short answer: 30 cents.
Long answer: This is a Tapas original, produced in-house, which works a little differently than when someone uploads their comic to Tapas. First 3 episodes will be free. You will not see a price on those. Starting with the Episode 4, the episodes will cost ink, Tapas internal currency. The cost of episodes typically ranges somewhere around 350-375 ink. I have never seen more then 375. You receive discount if you allow automatic unlocks, and that can drop it down to 300 or so.
So if you bought $4.99 worth of ink, you could likely read 16 issues, assuming 300 ink price after unlock.
Let me explain automatic unlocks: Tapas asks you if you want to purchase every episode. When they say “Subscribe,” they mean that when a new issue is posted, you will be notified, but you still have to manually purchase it. It’s not like a magazine subscription or a Netflix where money is automatically withdrawn every month.
Subscription means only that when you log into the app, Tapas will show you that a new issue is up. You still have to manually pay for it to read it.
Automatic unlock basically means that as you are going from issue to issue of the comic title you are reading, Tapas will stop asking you every time if you want to spend the money. It withdraws ink when you click Next Issue link, which allows for more seamless experience. I’ve attempted to demonstrate this in this little video and it was an epic fail.
To sum up: not a Netflix type of subscription, there is nothing to cancel, you buy ink in chunks and pay as you go.
How much of that 30 cents do you get?
So it’s a little bit complicated because Tapas needs to recoup production costs and we are getting percentage of the profit, etc., but I would estimate about 5 cents.
You did it for the money!
Absolutely. You found us out.
Why did you do it?
We did it because it’s cool. It’s a visual adaptation of our work. How awesome is this? It was a chance to return to Clean Sweep, expand the world and the storyline, and maybe get new readers who might pick up the novels after looking at the comic.
The money is important. We have bills and kids and kids and bills and all that, but we want to be read. We want our work to reach people, and this is a chance for Innkeeper Chronicles to reach a whole new audience. They might not like it, but we hope they will and we won’t know until we try.
Should we buy this to support you?
No. You should only join Tapas and buy the comics if you want to actually read them.
While I understand that some authors insist on a hard sell, we never demand anything from you. Right now promotion is heavy because we are juggling two releases and still writing, and we are trying to reach everyone. Some of you access the blog constantly and others once a week. We want to make sure we catch your attention. But you will never see a post that says, “My pet goat is dying and I need you to buy all the books right now, omg, or I will stop writing forever and ever.”
We are grateful for your support. We know that without you purchasing our work we will not be able to write full time. We appreciate you, but we do not write for you. We write for ourselves. If nobody would read us at all, we would still write for us, for our ideals, for our amusement. We have been incredibly lucky that stuff we write for ourselves also resonates with so many people.
Thank you for reading our work. You are the best. Please don’t feel obligated to pay for something you don’t want.
Will you stop writing books?
No. See 5 cents. Heh.
Will the book version of Clean Sweep be expanded to reflect the extra stuff in the comic book version? Will there be printed versions of the comic?
No. Or maybe better: not at this time. For this to happen, the comic would have to be outrageously popular, enough for fans to want to have a hard copy. You are seeing this with Solo Leveling, because that comic exploded. There is even an anime adaptation coming up. I don’t think Clean Sweep will get that popular.
This is not a challenge, BDH. Seriously. Even if each of you went and made 10 accounts and bought an issue, we would not reach the Solo Leveling numbers. Clean Sweep will either do well organically or it won’t. Only time will tell. Meanwhile, let’s enjoy it.
I don’t like it, I have a problem with Tapas, I don’t like the character design, etc.
None of this is compulsory. You don’t have to read it. You don’t have to buy it. You don’t even have to let us know that this is not for you. We still appreciate you reading us in other ways. :insert smiley:
We have done our due diligence. This is not a scam. It’s an opportunity to experience a fictional world in a new way. A lot of readers here enjoy Tapas and webcomics, me included. It is fun for us, it provides us with much needed relief from stress. Please respect that. Please don’t be the person who tries to smother other people’s excitement simply because they are enjoying something you personally don’t like.
And now, so we don’t end on this note, I bring you a little teaser of tomorrow’s Innkeeper, if Gordon and I can get ourselves in gear and finish it.
As the delegates filed out of the arena, taking the tunnels to their respective quarters, Kosandion leaned toward me and said, “I heard my aunt takes frequent walks.” I confirmed that indeed, Her Grace took frequent walks, to which he said “I should like to walk as well. It’s good to stretch your legs after so much sitting.” I nodded, stepped away, and let Caldenia know that Kosandion also liked walking.
Now Kosandion pondered our pond while Caldenia was moving through the inn toward us.
The backstory. It is coming.
But how does it work, cousin?
I will kill you with a spoon.
A dull spoon?
I imagine her level of aggravation would be too high to use a grapefruit spoon. ????
This reminded me of the Eddie Izzard skit “death star canteen.” ????????
“I could kill you with a tray!”
(YouTube video is the Lego version with voiceover. Warning, NSFW.)
Thats what I thought as well, love the death Star canteen ????
And it’s so true. This tray is wet. This tray is wet. This tray is wet.
Me too! Ha!
Haha I thought of the Riddick movie. When Riddick was in the prison and the guard says “what! Are you gonna kill me with your soup cup?”
And Riddick says (essentially) “no, I’ll kill you with my tea cup”
Haven’t thought about that movie in a while… maybe I should watch it this weekend… nah Tapas instead!
All hail Alan Rickman (Sheriff in Kevin Costner’s Robin Hood)
You must use a spork, then your military enemies will respect you!
sounds fun.
I’ve been reading “Not-sew-wicked Stepmother” on Tapas. The interface is pretty good, and the app is very responsive. I’m looking forward to “Clean Sweep” on the platform.
Backstory! Love me some backstory.
As someone who understands russian, mila kunis shut down of the reporter is priceless. Also i normally dont read graphic novels but i love innkeeper so will have to try it
I’m reading one about a rabbit in a leopard territory and it’s adorable and also one called something like the beginning after the the end. Would make adorable anime. I’m not gonna lie I would kill…legit kill people and hopefully not get caught so I could still consume – for this to be made into an anime. I’m excited for the comic. Beyond pumped..but I cant even as a show. I’m just saying if I ever become a millionaire I’ll have hundreds of accounts – might need BDH assistance – to ensure we get it ???? Regardless I can’t express my thanks enough for House Andrews. At the end of a week this cures all my struggles even if it’s just for a few minutes. May you continue to love writing forever so I can continue to enjoy reading forever!
I’m excited for you. I hope it has a good reception
First: CALEDINA BACKSTORY!!!! ????????????????????
Second: Is anyone else wondering if they got a pet goat ????? ????
Thank you so much for taking the time to explain all that! I’ve never used Tapas, but I’ll definitely check it out and see if it’s for me. I love all the new ways that we’re getting stories now. Reading them in a new format gives a new perspective to an “old” favorite. ????
Yup, the pet goat was totally what I took away from this post too ????????????????
I’m just barely stopping myself from asking for pet goat pictures, lol.
It’ll come up in a month. “Any updates on the goats? How are they doing?”
Didn’t Nuan Sama have an old dying pet goat in One Fell Sweep? Probably an intergalactic alien pet goat.
Sorry, I meant Sweep in Peace!
Here for the pet goat too. How dare they keep it secret! We demand pics now!!!
Random compliment: I really like the little avatars that show up when you comment. They give a Gordon visual and an Ilona visual that have a lot of personality.
And have a nice day!
“This is not a challenge, BDH. Seriously. Even if each of you went and made 10 accounts and bought an issue, we would not reach the Solo Leveling numbers.”
Just you wait! Bring on the Challenge!
I like that they know they had to specify that ???? …. But I still think we should try it…
Just to clarify, Tapas is a service where you are paying to be able to read the comic (like watching a movie in the cinema), but you don’t actually get to buy and keep the comic, is that right?
I was wondering about this and also offline use – found this page: https://help.tapas.io/hc/en-us/articles/115000415034-Read-offline which says one can download episodes but they are only available for 30 days.
Excited to see the first few!
I’m fairly new to comics but to experience a world I love in a new way, heck yeah! I’m excited and will be trying it out for sure.
Speaking of new formats, I was too overwhelmed to try Chapters Interactive Stories for Burn for Me. Is this something you’d pursue for more of your novels?
Hi Emily, just to make sure I add the right question to the list, do you mean “this” as in the webcomic adaptation or the Chapters interactive stories? ????
Sorry, will HA pursue more Chapters? While I didn’t try out the genre I was still curious about its potential.
I will ask ????
Oooh backstory!
Lol. I signed up for tapas when you announced this having never read a webtoon of any kind and only one graphic novel ever finished. It’s barely two weeks later and I just finished binging all of Solo Leveling!???? I got plenty of ink left over. Bring on Sean and Dina toon-form!
Same. Not even close to finish solo leveling but am now reading 20 webtoons simultaneously … it’s so addictive!!
I have four going at the moment and one is being published weekly so must wait, can’t splurge! Solo leveling was so bloody binge-able that I ended up getting sick of buying small amounts of ink and bought all you can at one time! I have a 100 thousand ink waiting to be used for Innkeeper!????????
If you download Tapas, it gives you a week to subscribe and get free episodes for up to 7 premium series — which ones should we pick? Thanks!
There is a post with suggestions here 🙂 https://ilona-andrews.com/2022/what-to-read-on-tapas/
Oh, dear, given the comments above, I’m glad I’ve not actually started any yet. No time for binging/becoming addicted to anything right now.
First, this may be blasphemous for some BDH, but I’ve never read a webtoon or comic, but am very curious and looking forward to Clean Sweep.
That said, I’ve already created an account and like a typical BDH have been hoarding all the ink ever via the offered surveys and videos (current count 2,095 ink!) LOL
Gordon – you live very precariously my friend. You do know you have to sleep sometime! :insert smiley”
Caldenia backstory – woot!!!
Thank you! I am beyond excited to SEE the characters and I hope we one day get to see Orro and the Hiru. Thanks for trying something new. I wish you great success with it!
Also thank you for intro to Tapas; I inhaled Solo Leveling, just amazing.
And wowwwww, can’t wait for backstory
Thank you for the instructions/background on Tapas.
I’m now even more excited for tomorrow!! Caldenia backstory (rubs hands in anticipation)!
FIVE WHOLE CENTS!!! WOW! (Maybe you can take your goat to the vet!) I’m being sarcastic and teasing you. Good luck on this new venture. I hope it turns out AMAZING!
So greedy keeping five entire cents, everyone knows you can survive perfectly well on just two cents and a bucket of screws ????????
All those people wanting to be footballers for the money have nothing on this. (Are US sports players as vastly overpaid as UK ones? otherwise this joke does not work)
“Please don’t be the person who tries to smother other people’s excitement simply because they are enjoying something you personally don’t like.”
That is an AWESOME statement!!!
And oddly enough when I saw Tapas in the title, I thought of little plates of food. ????????
It’s the same concept, but with illustrated stories ????. The Horde can devour both.
OMG. That connection is now blowing my mind. I didn’t even think that was why the company named themselves TAPAS but of course they did and it’s perfect.
I have no idea whether that’s the reason for the name, but it does fit hehe!
Ilona, I appreciated your attempt at showing how 1-tap works. Last week it worked perfectly for me. The last few days I’ve been having the same experience as you. Seeing I’m not alone in the malfunction was a relief.
Thank you, House Andrews, for all your hard work!
I’m so thrilled to read more about innkeeper on Tapas!!! It sounds like such a fun and different experience than you all have had in the past, which is awesome too.
So excited to see what this next chapter with walking is all about!
I will probably try it. Is didn’t think I would like the Graphic Audio books. I’d already read the books and I generally struggle to focus with audio books. Turns out, I love them. They are perfect when I have a task that requires hands and only need part of my brain. They certainly kept me sane while stoning 10 skating costumes (think gluing 1000s of crystals on a costume). It’s good to try something new!
Yes to all of this! Except I devour Innkeepers whilst driving for work. I definitely cant be a ‘stoner’ and do that! lol
Thanks for the patience you show in explaining things to us.
I can’t decide if we’re like excited toddlers on a sugar-high or zombies fixated on “WORDS . . . WORDS . . .”instead of BRAAAAIINS.
Speaking of excited toddlers (this is me, I’m the excited toddler) — the BACKSTORY COMETH!!!
“This is not a challenge, BDH. Seriously. Even if each of you went and made 10 accounts and bought an issue, we would not reach the Solo Leveling numbers.”
Right … we hear you loud and clear :wink, wink:
:whisper – challenge accepted:
PS – I love solo leveling!
Has anyone yet made the decision on whether to first read Ruby Fever or the first 10 episodes on Tapas on Tuesday?
It’s going to be a VERY, VERY, VERY happy birthday for me!!!
It’s gonna so hard! I really wanna see all the art. At the same time though Ruby fever is the finale of this arc. I think I’m gonna flip back and forth between the two.
sorry, no contest! new book over comic book. Patricia Briggs is second in line and only then Tapas
And Happy Bday upcoming!
Alas, my list goes :
Ruby Fever Monday night (kindle book)
Tapas Tuesday morning (if posted)
Patty Briggs Tuesday night (after appearance at Murder by the Book)
Sleep late Wednesday morning
(I am retired. Only the cats will complain…)
I have never read web comics but I am looking forward to trying them. I tried sweep of the blade graphic audio and loved it. But if I try it and don’t like Tapas- I will definitely keep it to myself. I wasn’t a big comic reader as a child but tastes change and I am going to keep an open mind! Most of all I adore all of HA books and that Caldenia’s backstory is on the way!
One last thing, am I the only one who thought “brother/cousin” aka Leon when Gordon posted his comment.
Better watch out Gordon, Ilona is promising ripper cushions.
“ Please respect that. Please don’t be the person who tries to smother other people’s excitement simply because they are enjoying something you personally don’t like.”
Or as my kids learned in 5th grade, “Don’t yuck my yum.”
Thanks for the handholding through Tapas. Next week will be so exciiiitiiiing!
learn something new every damn day! “Don’t yuck my yum.” Hehe
First: Thank you for always being in integrity. I don’t care for graphic adaptions, but if they really made a difference, I would buy–and never look at again. It would be worth it to support you.
I DO buy, have bought, every single book you’ve written or contributed to, because you are excellent.
Second: YES! Caldenia and Kosandion! Thank you!
Does anyone know if you can purchase ink to get this for someone else? I have a feeling that my friend will like your world in this form a lot more than he will like reading it in book form.
Never used Tapas before, I like dead-tree for my reading ????
Thanks for the How to Use link. I’ve been muddling through, starting some series, dropping others while waiting for the Innkeeper Chronicles. I love this blog, and the BDH, I’ve discovered so many new things, new authors, new things about Texas!
The last line I read the first time as ” the back stabbing is coming” ????
Fascinating. Comics and manga are not my thing, but I’m going to have to give this a try. And love the teaser on tomorrow.
Honestly, tapas tends to be very generous as their wuf episodes seem to permanently unlock so you can spend time unlocking then binge read. They are also fairly generous on free tickets and ink. So I am glad they worked with you and I am excited to see it.
I guess I’m just an old fart because I don’t understand this whole ink thing. I’ll just go sit in the corner and wait for Ruby Fever. Lol.
Congratulations to House Andrews on the new venture and I hope that this will bring more converts to join the BDH.
As one old fart to another, it’s just a way to pay for some work on the website Tapas. It’s kind of cute to call it something like “ink”.
I really like that it’s NOT an automatic payment like Audible (at least if you want their discount prices anyway). I recently tried out Kindle’s Vella, which is a means of paying an author for their serialization. You buy “tokens ” and then plunk them out for each episode you want to buy. I’m not likely to do any more though. I’ll wait for the finished product instead, as it’s better edited, heh.
I just want to say that I appreciate how much you (including Mod R) do for us!
As someone completely unfamiliar with Tapas, these posts with info about how to use it and buying Ink and reassuring us that this is a long term project are very helpful. I notice you all do this every time you announce something whether it’s GraphicAudio, signed books, virtual discussions, or whatever. Not many authors/teams seem to engage with readers like you do so thanks!
I didn’t make it past “pet goat”. Had to go watch YouTube videos of baby goats. Cuteness overload.
Baby goats _are_ super cute. But somehow not surprisingly so. Baby donkeys on the other hand… yes you should go Google it.
Your welcome
Hello, all. Just wanted to let you know I tried Tapas and LOVE it. If you are on the fence, just try it. I’m totally addicted. I’ve laughed, I’ve cried, I want to share!
Squeeeeee! Backstory! Plus, I’m not a comics reader, but I’ve gotten all set up on Tapas and I’m almost done with Solo Leveling, which is insanely good. Come to me, shiny new Innkeeper format! I’m ready!
I’m really excited! I downloaded Tapas when you guys made the announcement of the Innkeeper adaptation and have gotten into a few of thr other welcoming, including Solo Leveling.
Whoaaa this was super thorough and helpful for how to use Tapas. It’s a new system to me so the guide is super helpful.
Growing up reading manga/manhwa, this is very aligned with my reading interests. Thanks for spending time in doing this! Love the graphics, posts and interviews that have been featured so far regarding this project.
Did Gordon survive the metaphorical spoon? Tehehehee
For new Tapas users, the app offers better promotions and more chances to earn free ink than those who solely read it online via computer.
For instance app users can send out invite codes to friends and they earn 500 ink for each new user (WYRD873X if anyone wants to sign up with my invite code. #gratuitous)
oh and new users get free ink too with the invite code.
And Fortune Cookie Mondays give you free bonus ink too but only in app, but it has to be used before the next Monday comes.
I’m now so frigging excited to read tomorrow’s Innkeeper, I can barely contain it. And I’m really looking forward to the Innkeeper webcomic.
Interesting as always. Thanks for the snippet and thanks for next week’s excitement!!
Ooh, yay backstory!
Also, yay for Spanish edition!
So I was skim reading this and I blurred the line ‘We have bills and kids and kids and bills’ and it became “We have bills and kids and kills and bids” which was a whole rabbit hole of WTF?!?
Now all I can think of are the possibilities of what House Andrews is really all about…
Kill Bill!
Well, they have been known to discuss the best way to kill a person. I don’t remember who overheard that (I think it was a contractor of some sort?), but I think that’s hilarious. ????
So excited!!!????
I have been telling the grandkids about Innkeeper and had the graphic novel on in the kid taxi .
I hear a …
Wait…are they sword fighting ? from the back seat … hehehe
They will love tapas !
Ahh I’m so excited! I really love how you guys have been able to do cool things with Innkeeper (serial release format, graphic audio, webcomic). You’ve introduced me to a bunch of cool new formats! And thank you so much for taking the time to explain Tapas – I’ve never used it before, and this really helps break it down.
Now, if only someone could explain to me how BookTok works…
Ahhh, The Backstory ! That will be a walk on Getrude Hunts grounds to remember, I am sure.
And now I can figure out the tapas App in the meanime for a double FrInnday tomorrow, how cool is that.
EEeeeee! So excited for more Caldenia and Kosandion.
I am so happy I found youse ????.
“Webtoons didn’t seem interested.“
Foolish mortals
So business-related question… Did you sign a contract with Tapas for just this book or for the whole Innkeeper series? Do they get first right of refusal to do the next one? If Webtoons realized they were foolish, would there be a conflict if they were to do Kate, for instance? Or would you be more likely to stay with Tapas?
Ok, so it was more than one question. Work with me here.
Thanks. This post has saved me a lot of “Okay, what does this mean and what should I do next?” uncertainty. The only webcomic I read currently is “Girl Genius” and they do their own publishing, so I haven’t needed to deal with buying web comix.
I can do this – and I definitely will. I think this format will do Innkeeper justice – and the small differences from the book(s?) will be fun. (I collected comics for a long time but gave them up as boring a few years back.)
So, tomorrow I will use the link, bookmark it, and probably acquire some ink so I can spend it…
Preview episodes!!
Less than a week to release day!!!
Oh you bought a goat! How nice! They are great lawn mowers–if you put a poop bag on them and don’t let them spread the weeds around. In Texas they climb trees because they eat fresh leaves!
Just kidding. My takeaway from that was not that you bought a goat. Hehe.
I think I’m going to have to dig out my tablet so I can properly appreciate the Tapas Clean Sweep. Trying to read comics on my phone is an exercise in squinting. I’m eager to see how the series goes!
Oh noes, save the pet goat!!! ????
On a more serious note, yay for trying fun new things.
Ooooh, Spanish! Thank you!
I’m so excited for both releases! I’ve really gotten into webcomics the past few years. I usually use webtoons, but I’m kind of excited to try a new platform as well and see other comics.
I love all of your books, but Inkeeper is something really special!
I’m honestly really glad to have learned about Tapas because of this. I found the app confusing at first, but as I tried out the freebie ink, it made more and more sense. I really like some of the manga I found and even if Clean Sweep doesn’t work for me in this format, I’m happy to read the ones that do. (I’m pretty sure that I’ll enjoy the adaptation though!) Thank you!
Tapas is great timing considering I have no chill as a BDH member and consumed Ruby fever cover to cover days ago and am not thrown into the void of despair awaiting another House Andrews release to devour.
Very good timing indeed
You have a pet goat?????hehehe
Thank you for the “How to Use” guide! I started in Tapas last week to get used to how it worked with a “free to read” comic (getting prepared for the release – yes I’m a planner). .
It’s really cool and I’m going to have trouble picking between my TBR list and reading comics!
Just one? LOL.
I think I’m currently reading at least 7 stories simultaneously on tapas, in addition to my usual pile of books.
Can you recommend other goodTapas stories to try for us newbies to Tapas?
Here is a blog post specifically on that ???? https://ilona-andrews.com/2022/what-to-read-on-tapas/
The comments have recommendations too.
> You did it for the money!
> Absolutely. You found us out.
haha who doesn’t do things for money?? Authors sadly cannot live on a diet of moonlight and magic can they
Can Ilona share a referral code for herself for Tapas? I wouldn’t think it would cause problems, but ????♀️. That way even if your nickels add up slowly, you still get ink? ????
Wait, is your baby goat dying?
Squeeee, Caldenia’s backstory!!!
I think I might try Tapas out after my family holiday. Things have been hectic past few weeks so haven’t even done my Mercy and Hidden Legacy rereads yet. But heck, you can never have too much reading fodder right?
Help please 🙂
I can’t find the comic on tapas.. I tried to search using “innkeeper” and “clean sweep”. The banner didn’t work for me in either Firefox or Chrome.. What should be my next move?
The same issue here. I’m on my phone, android, and using Chrome and when I click the banner it’s just a .jpg picture, not a link. Couldn’t find the story using tapas Search function. Please help!
Me too, I’m guessing that it releases on US time ?
me neither and it’s 9 am 19 August (aka FRIDAY)! Didn’t tapas put it up at midnight or haven’t they been expecting the BDH?
It is not live yet ????, we do need to be patient just a little bit longer.
When I didn’t see it up at 7am EDT, I thought to myself “Mod R is about to be bombarded by the Eastern Frenzy division of the Horde.”
Good luck encouraging patience!
Them’s dirty words around here 😉 . “Wait”, “patience”, “a few hours”. I’m going to get my mouth washed with soap by the Horde.
Do you know the exact time? Announcing that might help. I’m in Europe, it’s already 5 pm on Friday here!
The only surprise is that the post about it being missing was not 12:01am GMT. The Horde has been pretty astoundingly patient for what it is.
On release days, we are not a cute and fluffy Horde, but a sea of open mouths filled with fangs and drool waiting to devour the words.
I’m not currently a user of tapas but I’m sure my daughter will be all over it and will check it out. I must commend you for being willing to “expand your horizons and try new things.” We’ve been avid readers of your works and are eager for anything you put out. Thanks so very much for the joy you bring!
Thx for the info.
I have downloaded Tapas just to read the Inkeeper serie and now, I await.
I’ve been opening the app every 15 mins ????
It’s gotten down to every two mins for me! I’m being obsessive at this point!????
Maybe if we all look away and pretend not to care, they will give us the innkeeper?
It’s Friday—I still can’t find it on tapas anyone else?? I even bought ink first…
Hi Niki,
The content is not live yet :). Just a tiny bit more patience!
Mod R, when it does drop, what genre(s) will it be listed under?
It is listed in Action ????
But I need it now. 😉 Do you know what time it is going to be released so we can stop bugging you?
I came here to say this haha. It’s still not up!! Will check the app again soon!
What is this thing you call “patience”? We are the BDH – RAWRRR! ????
Umm. Feeling really stupid but can’t find the preview on Tapas today (Friday, 8:30 am Pacific time). Just not posted? Wrong website?
I searched for Innkeeper and Clean Sweep at https://m.tapas.io/
D’oh! Should have read the other comments first. Sorry to pile it on.
Wonder how Tapas is enjoying their introduction to the Horde.????
That is the correct website 🙂
The content is not live yet. I have asked for an approximation of the time, I do not know yet what it will be, but will report back ASAP to the Horde when I do 🙂
Thank you, Mod R.
Thank you. I hope they get back to you with a time 🙂
Can anyone tell me How to find a particular series without scrolling page after page on TAPAS? I tried going to the help but there is nothing about drilling down to a certain series.
Hey Charmaine,
You can use the search function and input the desired title. With a caution that Innkeeper content is not live, so will not appear just yet.
On the Tapas app, the search magnifying glass symbol can be found in the bottom right corner ???? – see image, circled in red.
On the Tapas website, it is in the top right corner.
I’m sure Ilona had to warn Tapas about the BDH too-Reasons be damned.
BDH, its clear our challenge is to beat Solo Leveling.
I think that will be especially challenging since it seems that quite a few BDH (including myself) checked out SL while waiting for Innkeeper to drop 🙂 lol
We will triumph as did the Turan Adin on Nexus! ⚔️????
It’s here! It’s on Tapas!
The early content is Live on Tapas!
Innkeeper is up in Tapas!
Yes, yes the first 2 chapters are amazing.
I am not a huge comic reader, not my preferred medium, but I figured I would try it. Since I am familiar with the story I can fill in everything I feel like I am usually missing, right? But OMG the artist is brilliant. I outright lol’d several times over the art choices. And the magic use?!?!? Soooooo amazing. ❤️❤️❤️❤️ Bought ink so I can keep going.
Love it and so excited to continue reading it!
HA, you picked a great team to bring Innkeeper to the comics world – thanks!!
This is not a challenge, BDH.
Erm…. okay fine…..
Love the adaption, it looks wonderful!
As said above clean sweep is live ????. I found it by searchingInnkeeper. Devoured the first two episodes. All I will say is nom nom nom, more please:
Got it! It’s beautiful! Woot!
New to tapas. I seem to have managed to get signed up and find Innkeeper, but I have a white column on the right with “information” type stuff that is on top of half the actual page, and I can’t find a way to get rid of it. I am subscribed. I don’t have any ink yet, but I thought the first three were free (plus I don’t know how to buy ink yet). I’d like to try it out, but need to get the full page. Help, someone? Thanks.
Hi Nancy,
I’ll try to help ????.
Are you on the Tapas app or website?
Have you tried refreshing the page/ closing the app and opening again?
That usually takes care of 90% of issues related to computers.
Hi! You’re so quick and helpful! Actually, I just came back here to say I managed to punch the right button—full screen! I think I’m on the app, on my iPad. Although I wouldn’t swear to it. What can I say? I’m pretty smart, but I’m also pretty old. And yes—I do know. If your windshield wipers don’t work, you turn off the car, run around it, and turn it on again and see if they do. (That’s part of a pretty good joke, actually.) Okay. Off to try out tapas! Thanks again.
Hehehe! So glad it works!
Extremely disappointed that you chose to use a platform not available on my Kindle, where I have read so many of your books. Nobody even knows how many millions of Kindles are in use worldwide, yet we are shut out over and over. Will there be a Kindle version of Clean Sweep, so I can enjoy rereading it as I do your other series?
Hi Victoria,
I think there’s a little bit of confusion here.
First, Clean Sweep is already available on Kindle- here is the link ???? https://www.amazon.com/gp/product/B01KZM2J9M/ref=dbs_a_def_rwt_bibl_vppi_i16
The article is not about the book, but the webcomic adaptation- which is to say panels of images, with or without text bubbles. This illustration adaptation has been created by the Tapas team themselves, so they are offering it on their platform.
The Tapas content can be accessed through the browser on a Kindle however – https://m.tapas.io/series/the-innkeeper-chronicles/info . Of course, depending on your type of Kindle, you may be missing out on the beautiful colours of the images.
The comic version is so beautiful and I keep scrolling the comments on the episodes. Most are from us innkeeper veterans but I did see a newbie comment worrying about being spoiled by novel fans in the comments so I think we should be a good responsible BDH and be mindful of newbies and promise not to spoil things so that this can grow so popular we can get adaptations of all the books!
Love this so much
I don’t normally use tapas because there are other apps/ websites I use,but it has been on my phone for awhile. It looks like a will be using it. I am a binge reader when it comes to wedtoons so I will probably start to around ep 4p
FYI Tapas is very addictive. I keep wanting to switch to the episodes where I left off.
More please, like right now…… but have to wait for more inkeeter chronicles on 23rd
Anybody know if House Castielo story was ever in print before it was animated, please and thank you? Looks interesting.
I hope I can scrape the pennies for Tapas and Clean Sweep. Dunno if there is a time limit to watch it yet. One of the pooches committed multiple after hours emergency veterinary visits these last several weeks. (How did you do -this-? the freaked dog companions are still asking?)
Are you referring to the aka
I’m getting to blog the Tapas release and the Ruby release–is there are particularly good link for Tapas? Should I link to the How to? or a more direct link to Innkeepers? Or would you prefer I link to this post explaining it all?
Thanks, Maria
Hi Maria, Thank you for blogging about it, the direct link to Tapas is here https://m.tapas.io/series/the-innkeeper-chronicles/info probably the best one for clarity ????
Yikes. I mean, I’m getting ready to blog and… is there a particularly…sigh.
I was reading this webtoon awhile back (which I found out later on, is a comic adaptation of a novel). Back then, I thought I would really love it if any Ilona Andrews’ novel would be serialized as a webtoon and the universe answered. I’m so happy, thank you!