Arcane Society have updated the information on the Ilona Andrews Special Box, containing exclusive hardcover editions of both Iron and Magic and Blood Heir.
The books are expected to arrive from the printer and into the Arcane Society warehouse this Friday, April 19th. That means shipping to customers is estimated to begin next week. You can consult news directly on the Arcane Society updates page or contact them for other enquiries at help@arcanesociety.com.

For anyone who has missed out on the box this time, unfortunately these will not get reprinted. Once the stock is gone, that’s it. Arcane Society are a book subscription service, not commissioned by the authors for the special editions. They are their own independent business who are responsible for creative and commercial decisions, so unfortunately we cannot intercede to have the box reissued or shipped earlier. You can find out more about it on their About and FAQ pages.
However, all is not lost! We will have the opportunity for more pretty books (so purty!) this year, when Subterranean Press release their second Innkeeper Chronicles volume, this time containing Sweep of the Blade, Sweep with Me and the Gerard Demille and Helen Meet short. I don’t have preorder links yet, but it is expected in the second half of the year.
And we do have a sneaky peek at the signing sheets (interior pages made especially for the autograph of the author):

Breaking News: the preorder for Magic Rises (Kate Daniels 6) is live on the Graphic Audio website- release on August 7th.
The release is on the same day now on Graphic Audio and the other retailers (like Audible, Chirp, Hoopla etc), but GA get to add the preorder first as they are not constrained by knowing exactly how long the final product will be.
Thank you! I’d been wondering about that order. Very nice news about Subterranean Press, too
Graphic Audio Happy Dance!!
Thanks for all the updates, ModR.
Loving GA so much! I just pre-ordered!
I was starting to worry, since I am moving next month.
I was sure the box would come on time – well, maybe? But what if it didn’t?
I really want that book (and the extra goodies, of course.)
Thanks for the update. I feel better now.
FYI – Your clock is on mountain time. It’s 11:29 here in Houston…
I just moved yesterday. I emailed Arcane and they got my address updated.
Thank for the updates, Mod R.
What is that I hear? It’s the Horde eventually stampeding the Subterranean website to get the new stuff. 😂😂😂
Thanks Mod R! Pre-ordered!
I missed the first Innkeeper release on Subterranean- will there be a reissue of that at any point??
No plans for that at the moment from Subterranean 😟
Same! I wouldn’t mind another chance.
I just re-read the Innkeeper Chronicles series.
“Sweep of the Blade” is a masterpiece!
Now I’m going through that painful period where it’s all over and I have to find something to read that won’t be nearly as good.
Switch to the Edge and recap the crossover characters 😀
Maud is my favorite
Thank you for the update! I was really starting to wonder what was going on with the Arcane Society orders. I’m (im)patiently waiting for mine to arrive!
Me too, I emailed Arcane on Monday, and they told me the same thing Mod R said.
I am sure I’m not alone in being absolutely gutted at missing this sale. You’d think they’d want our money enough to do a reprint 🙁
Any change the artist will sell prints of the cover art?
I will ask Luisa 🙂
It’s not that simple. They’re a small company and working on 20-30 projects all the time. It takes resources and 6-12 months of planning for one special edition. They have to book time/space for printers (often overseas).
If they devoted time to reprints all the time, they simply wouldn’t have energy/resources to focus on new books. It absolutely sucks missing out on a sale, but I can understand why a company doesn’t want to reprint.
lol I just read the preorder for book six and Diane even finish reading the newsletter, just hared off to the GA site😆
Came back to say thank you Modcar for the heads up.
back to the other site to finish my order now.
I love Arcane Society! Would love to see more collabs between yall. Out of all the book subs they are my favorite.
For those asking, book subs never really do reprints because of contractual/agreement stuff. Not necessarily because they don’t want to.
Do you think GA will ever do Magic Mourns or Gunmetal Magic?? I was hoping they would also do those since they are doing Magic Gifts!!
At the moment, they are focusing on Kate POVs, except the material in Small Magics 🙂 .
After those are finalized, who knows? They might look around to complete the series!
Thank you for letting me know!!
I never particularly loved audiobooks, but I really enjoy GA audiobooks because it reminds me of all-time radio. Anyway, pre-ordered and paid. Lol.
…old-time radio…damn autocorrect…lol
Fun fun for everyone~
I agree Maud is gorgeous! I hope that image is on the cover of her next book.
I’m also enchanted by the Iron & Magic cover… it’s like the cover artists actually read the book and understood the characters. Even the font is beautiful!
Oh my goodness, how gorgeous. I read ebooks due to my health and tiny living situation (and so that I never have to worry about finishing a book while standing in a queue at the checkout) but they would tempt me back to paper! They are so much more than purty!
I can’t wait to receive my copies from Arcane!! 😍
*incoherent excited squealing*
Magic Rises – GraphicAudio pre-order. Done! Yippee!
Thank you! Fyi, it took me about 10 minutes to figure out that I had to create a Graphic Audio account before the Pre-Order button would work. Success at last!
l want to thank you from the in bottom of my heart. just anticipating to read new books or re-reading them. what a joy!!!
Hi Mod R, great news about the new Innkeeper release from Subterranean Press. Is there any chance the ‘When Gerard and Helen meet” short will be finished or will it just be the tantalising snippet we have enjoyed thus far?
We shall see, we shall see. 🔮
(I’m doing the mysterious thing, is it working?)
Yes. I should have asked Gordon; you’re as bad as Ilona in not spilling the beans!
OMG! The Iron and Magic set AB FAB!!!
I just finished Blood Heir. it was awesome. Will there be a book 2?
I’m outing myself as an occasional visitor but did any of Kate’s main books get pretty hard covers? Or have these been done and are now in the chronicles of history:)
I just got my shipped email!!!!!! ***happydancehappydancehappydance***
I noticed the current flooding and tornados in Texas. I sincerely hope that you and yours have not experienced difficulties wherever you are in Texas. No comment necessary. Just thought of you when I saw the news articles.