We have the target date for the Audio and it is July 10th.
The files are recorded and uploaded, but our distributor takes a little while to process and push it across their network. You probably noticed how our self-published audio has become much more widely available at libraries and retailers. That’s because we have partnered with Dreamscape. The price, so to speak, for that wide availability is the slightly longer lead in time.
We have tried our best to meet the June 13th, but unfortunately that is not to be. Besides the Dreamscape, there were other factors. It took us a while to find the right voice for Kate, and we had even ran the final recording by the focus group to make sure BDH would enjoy it.
Also, Wilmington Files have scenes from Curran’s point of view, which are voiced by “Curran” from Graphic Audio and he has delivered an amazing performance as well. All this made things slightly more complicated.
Here are the samples showcasing both voice performances.
Magic Tides Audio Sample
Magic Claims Audio Sample
::Makes deep voice:: Paul, listen carefully…
Once again, sorry for the delay. This was quality over speed decision. We hope it will be worth the wait.
omg I will wait ✋ but it will be impatiently waiting with me pouting until I can get it lol
Aaaaah…Erra’s 9 month disappearance and the subsequently telling Kate that’s she’s a good mom!!!
*tapping nose*
*shifty eyes*
*rubbing hands with absolute glee!!!*
I forgot I can like a give “kudos” to a comment, lol
I don’t generally buy audio books of series I have been reading because I already have my version of the characters’ voices in my head so they sound off to me when I hear the reader’s voice. I may have to make an exception. Listened to both of the samples and they are great.
loved the extra snippet in the audio
can’t wait!!
I used to feel the same but the audios were so great that I got to love the new voices and faces in my head even more. I must have audio now since I have to read while driving. When an audio is great its unforgettable.
opps, title says 4th, but blog mentioned the 14th? thanks for any clarification, bc I can’t wait to get my hands on ’em!
July 4th! Corrected in the text 🙂
Can we get a pre order link?
Title says 4th but the blog post says 14th…- which is accurate?
The 4th! Modified in the text 🙂
Screams in excitement 😱😱
I know everyone is focused on the beautiful gruffness of Currans voice. But that 2 sec bite of Conlan’s “Yes Dad!” sounds very near how my own 9 yr old takes direction from the husband.
Gifted Audio…. they are awesome I can’t wait!!
Just to clarify, this is not a Graphic Audio production 🙂. It will not be available through their app.
It is the traditional audiobook, which is produced by House Andrews. The actor who embodies Curran was hired for Curran’s POVs independently, because he did such a good job with the character.
Oh I got that. Just pointing out how all of their narrators are awesome.
I’m an avid audiobook listener and am so excited about Clams N Tights. Thank you so much.
Anything from HA is absolutely worth the wait!
Who is the name of the new Kate narrator? 🙂
I’m going to be a tease and say that meeting the new narrator is one of the treats you can expect in the virtual tour Q&As 😊 https://ilona-andrews.com/blog/magic-claims-vitual-release-tour/
It sounds a bit like Julia Whelan but not quite certain. Either way excited for the new book!
So I just finished listening to both audio samples. I love Curran’s voice actor. But ummmm….. is Hugh Kate’s cousin???? 🤔 🤔🤔 When did that happen???? What did I miss????
Mod R….. such a tease
Can’t wait for Tuesday….
I actually googled a cousin chart after Sweep of the Heart’s “cousin x-times removed”! But I’m still stumped. A cousin through Erra’s kids? Erra mentioned she’d never had a granddaughter at the end of Magic Triumphs, and before that she mentions never having the daughter she’d wanted, but we also know she had (many) sons, so her line might have tended to boys? She could have had grandsons that wandered around France, before the idiots committed unalive by annoying Erra…
I second the nomination for “Best Moderator Tease” award!
I agree. Erra said she corrected the mistakes of her sons’ existences, but I still think one of them left a pregnant tavern wench behind. Hugh was super shiny, after all.
And yes, Mod R is a teasy tease tease!
Yes, I also wondered who Kate’s cousin was until Curran said he’d been “domesticated. by his wife and children” and surely that is Hugh??? How???
So happy that Michael Glenn is voicing Curran in these books. What a coup!
Oooh! I love it! Can’t wait!
Of course it will be worth the wait. Your stuff always is.
Oohhh Curran’s growly voice!
Quality=worth the wait. The voices sound wonderful.
(Inhales) squeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee Curran from Graphic Audio! squeeeeeeeeeeeee!
When will we be able to pre-order the audiobook on either Amazon or Audible?
We will let you know as soon as the preorder link becomes available, it’s dependent on the checks in the system so there isn’t a precise date yet 🙂
OMG must have audio! Thank you so much!
Always will take quality over speed! Thank you!
Thank you for the samples I am so looking forward to these when they come out.
Got my paperback copy of MAGIC CLAIMS yesterday afternoon. I am bleary eyed but grinning widely today. It is wonderful. I will start a re-read tomorrow for the pleasure of the prose and savoring the characterizations. Of course I have also pre-ordered the e-book version as well and although I haven’t ever ordered the audiobook versions of any of the books, my daughter has bought all the GraphicAudio versions. Her enthusiastic review of that format disposes me to perhaps explore that medium as well. Can’t have too much of Ilona and Gordon’s writing!
Anne in Virginia
Not much longer for the rest of us. Day after tomorrow! Woo-hoo! 📚🤗
I love Curran’s voice. swoon worthy. I’ll wait for the GA version since I started out that way. Btw I think the cousin must be Nick. High is more a brother. i.will be waiting up Monday night for Magic Claims to drop onto my Kindle. no sleep for me! Can hardly wait.
There is currently no agreement or guarantee in place for the Wilmington Years series to be adapted by Graphic Audio.
A reminder that GA are an independent company, not commissioned by Ilona Andrews, and they make all the decisions related to the adaptations, including whether to purchase rights to certain books or not. Currently, they have only bought rights for the main 10 KD novels (Magic Bites to Magic Triumphs and the KD content in Small Magics).
GA adaptations are completely separate from the traditional audiobook which is produced by Ilona Andrews and published as part of each book release.
oops that Hugh! not High. lol
Oooooh! “My cousin.” With kids! NICE!
Hence the unforgettable line during the phone call:
“Put down that cow!”
Followed by:
“Just wait until your mother hears about this!”
Oh sooo good! Great choice for the narrator for Kate and getting the GA voice actor for Curran!
Totally worth the (insert forbidden word here) to get quality work! 😁
My 2-cents is that the cousin must be Hugh. These 2 books take place before Blood Heir and we know from Blood Heir that Nick is involved but not married to Dessandra and Hugh is married and has kids.
Yowza!! That Curran purr! Kate is a very lucky girl!
All your books are worth the wait. These audio books sound like they’ll be great.
I love Curran’s voice!
Okay, I give in. After listening to the two samples I’m going to have to try these two audio books. I really liked the character voices.
The good news is that they will be released as a 2-in-1 bundle! 😊
Looking forward to them!
Everything you guys do has always been well worth the wait! I have total faith this will be too! On a similar note – it’s been a few days since I read the most recent snippet of the work in progress and my mind still wanders back to ponder the new characters and worlds to come. So happy to have something fun and new to look forward to! Thank you!!
Will they be on Graphic Audio as well?
Graphic Audio have only purchased adaptation rights for the main 10 Kate Daniels novels (Magic Bites-Magic Triumphs) and the KD content in Small Magics.
There is no agreement in place for any of the further books, like the Wilmington series, Iron and Magic or Blood Heir.
Thank you!
Dear Mod R, a question about a voice in GA “Magic Burns.” Is it my imagination or does Doolittle sound Irish to you, unlike in the earlier book when he sounded Gullah. Thank you!
This would be a question better asked to GA directly ☺️ https://graphicaudio.zendesk.com/hc/en-us/requests/new.
I am not an expert in Gullah dialect, I’m afraid.
Will do, Thank you!
Gotta tell you, I both love the samples!!! and I’m more than willing to wait in order to not buy from Audible. Thank you for the preview! It will be worth the wait.
*Rubs hands together* Oooooh, this is going to be fantastic! Those voices are dynamite, in the best way.
I totally trust you for quality over speed and agree with your priorities. Besides, we’ve been fabulously snippeted, both with current writing thing and upcoming audio releases.
Okay, Curran’s voice is amazing and purrfect and oh no. I’m going to have to get all the audio versions of the series too aren’t I?
One of us, one of us…
I’ve listened to them all multiple times, the different serieses, and they are all excellent. I can’t say that about many authors, especially ones with such varied worlds. I get very excited about it because it’s so consistently well-done!
The performances for Nevada’s books are especially amazing, I re-listen to them several times a year. Sweep of the Blade became an instant comfort listen, it’s just so good, and another “I don’t know what to listen to, so a book all about an utterly competent woman who still has feels it is”. Hugh’s book done by Steve West is pure joy.
I hope you get a chance to enjoy some! Those are my faves, but the Innkeeper ones in general are wild because of all the different non-humans involved. My library has a huge stock of audiobooks including most of HA’s books, and they’ve been happy to buy books I’ve suggested/requested.
Although maybe because it was the Mercenary Librarian series, so they wanted to read it too…
I love the Curran voice on GA. He is so so good. Thanks for the quality over speed. We will all benefit!
So I have been listening to the Inn Keeper books again and I have a question. I’m right now listening to Sweep in Peace, this will probably be my 5th time doing so. (I love these books 🥰) And After each time I still cannot decide if I like George Camarine. I know he’s end game was to end the war, but he manipulated Dina to do it. So my question is, was George the “the bad guy” of book 2?
You really need to read The Edge series. The characters are rich and varried and George is one of them. Reading The Edge will put a whole new spin on all his behavior.
Happy to wait! Happier to have an updated date. Happiest for the audio snippets!
Hugh is her cousin?!?! ahhhhhh!!!! I need more info-facts soonest!
I ❤️ the performance of Curran. So good!
I’m so excited for this! I’ve gotten into listening to audio books on my drive to work, and I’m working my way through the Kate series now.
Cousin!!!? When did Hugh become her cousin😱
So excited I can’t wait until preorder becomes available. I love to have books in audio and kindle format
Love the audio choices.
“We hope it will be worth the wait.”
Suffice to say, anything from HA is more than worth the wait. 💕💕💕
Thank you!
Ah July 4th. With the rockets red glare, the bombs bursting in air, gave proof in the night that the Audible version of Magics are now there.
With apologies to Francis Scott Key
AWESOME!!!! Can’t wait, it will be my summer indulgence!!!
The audio sounds so good! Congratulations all your hard work has paid off!
Damn! I don’t enjoy audio books, but these samples are impressive! Arrrgh!!!!!
love the samples!
i’m not an audio book person as i’m a visual learner. i have to *see* it to understand and retain it. i have aspergers and i have trouble with processing audio input. there’s a delay from when i hear something to when it gets through to my brain and i understand what i just heard. which usually means i miss what was said immediately after that first sentence while my brain was processing. its so frustrating. i even watch tv with the closed captions on so i don’t have to keep rewinding to hear it again and catch what i missed. but i know there are many people out there who are the opposite of me and do better with audio than visual, and i’m glad audio books are an option.
i think the voices of the audio book readers are very fitting to the characters and how i imagine them in my head when i read.
Definitely worth waiting for. Guess I’ll be buying the Audible copy too!
OK – great snippet. who is the “Cousin”? Is that Nick Feldman or a new person we have not met yet? Or Hugh? I thought Curran changed his mind about him/them?
Glorious. Fantastic talent, fantastic performances. Thank you so much.
I started listening to audiobooks and reading the books as well, and noticed I pick up very different things from each format. A lot of that comes from the interpretation of the voice performer, and I’ve found the ones I enjoy most put expression not just of the words but of the story itself into them. I listened to one a month or so.
My eyesight started to degrade around the beinning of the COVID lockdowns, so despite so many wonderful books to read, I was struggling. I live alone except for my cat (who might actually just be a very furry slug), so after a few months I always had an audiobook on. They’ve kept me company, but I’ve also discovered so many books and authors I wouldn’thave found otherwise!
I now follow some voice performers with the same joy I follow authors — Greg Tremblay/Boudreaux is almost always an auto-buy for me as he makes mediocre books excellent, and good books fantastic. He’s made finding more LGBTQ+ romance (or UF) so much easier. The first is his straight/PG-13 performance name, the second is his spicy name, heh.
I miss reading as an action, but I’m just so glad to still be able to enjoy favourite authors and have their words paired with the expressions of favourite performers. The first House Baylor trilogy is out of the park good, and I have the Steve West performance of Hugh which is absolute gold.
I am waiting, breath abated, for him to bellow “PUT DOWN THAT COW” for real, although I’ve heard it in my head dozens of times 😂
My vision is still iffy. I’ve well and truly hit middle age (somehow — when did that happen?) so I likely need bifocals as well as a better prescription so I can read street signs from more than 10ft away, but I also have an ongoing health issue that causes fun brain pressure in my brain, and swelling of my optic nerve. We caught it early and my blind spots don’t overlap yet, but it’s… well. Brain stuff. At least I have proof I still have one!
I’ll excuse a lot for audiobooks, and sometimes I really have to just stop and read the book, but that’s quite rare. I’ve done QA for a few indie authors to make sure the text and audio align, because as one said, “Asking an author to find 10+ hours of quiet and then to actually read and listen to their book is like asking them to self-edit a final pass, it’s the last thing you want”. I don’t know if all authors feel this way! But since this was part of my job as a game developer (both ensuring audio and captions were correct and matched, etc) it was definitely in my wheelhouse, and again introduced me to new (very local!) authors.
So thank you so much for the audiobooks, the wonderful choices of performers, and the continuing accessibility to your words. I’m still happy to buy both book and audio, especially when other languages are made available too, but I know localizing is a whoooole different process. I’ve done NA French for some games years ages ago (was it really Burning Crusade, yikes) and still find the whole process fascinating.
Big essay, please pardon. Very big feels on audiobooks, and I’m used to authors saying it’s not in their budget if they aren’t announced simship with the book. This was a wonderful thing to read, today 💜
Yay! You take such great care of us! 😍 so cool that you were able to get the guy who voices Curran to participate in this recording!!!
Release schedule says July 14th for Wilmington audio bundle. Blog says July 4th, which is a holiday. Which one is correct?
Thank you
July 4th 🙂
Awesome samples!
Double 4th of July celebrations!
Really love Michael Glenn as Curran. His is the voice in my head when I first read the books.
Loved the audio, but I always like Renee Raudman also. Hope to see more from Hidden Legacy series which I have listened to many times – like a kid – lol. Love your work thanks
I’ve had a migraine most of the day, so am late to reading and listening to today’s post. And I have to admit, I’ve always “heard” Curran’s as about the same depth and timber as Barry White. still, that voice actor managed to do a food job, especially when trying to get
Paul to hurry and get his family and friends and bring them to the new house. if he is as good on the rest of the books, I’ll change my impression to more like him.
Sorry for the slightly garbled message. the migraine has eased up some but is still pounding away, but it wasn’t going to stop my reading today’s post. I meant Curran’s voice. My husband suggested that I might need to explain who Barry White was. go on line and find a copy of You are the First, the Last, my Everything and listen to it. Comics used to joke about his voice causing people to think that a small earthquake was happening, that how deep his voice was.
Thanks for the update.
Making sure you both are happy with the various assets you put out in the world means a quality product we will love.
Is there an audio sample of Keelan that can be shared?
Looking forward to listening when they come out.
Hey Mod R,
Could you give me a length estimate (in hours) for both audiobooks?
I’m afraid I don’t have that info yet 🙂
Quality > Speed Always! So excited for the Clams and the Audio Books!
Yesterday I got a delivery. It was a paper copy of Magic Claims. I read it in one sitting. 🙂 Author Lords I was so entranced reading outside in the shade, I didn’t even notice the skeeters (ever present in summertime) noshing on me. I particularly enjoyed the erm, animals and castle/Keep. That’s all I’m saying for now!
Yay! so happy you enjoyed it, hope you aren’t suffering from the bites!
I felt it later, after going inside. But that’s what Benadryl cream and spray is for ha ha. The midges are the worst, the skeeters only come out in late afternoon/twilight time.
So excited!!
Who is her cousin? Hugh? I thought he was her ‘brother’?
Just an FYI:
Audible finally has the Graphic Audio Magic Burns up for pre-order.
Gee, that took a while.
Less than 20 days 😂- come on BDH, our w*iting mussels are more developed than that! It’s actually early, it was only set up to appear on Tuesday!
The voices are great. I’m saving up for them as we speak. They’re having a sale until the end of the month.
“This was a quality over speed decision.”
Like they say in the construction business (and pretty much every other business involving making things): “Fast, cheap and good. You can have any two out of the three…”
I have never listened to audio books except when driving with my sister, who likes them. But the samples do sound good.
thank you,
i have much enjoyed your kate daniels series. among others.
I am happy to know these characters will continue to grow and evolve.
I am looking forward to Conlon in coming into his power and possibly?! becoming strong enough to rival all others.
Is there a link for pre-order for the Wilmington Files Audio? I cannot seem to find it. Is it through GraphicAudio? or Audible?
The preorder link is not available yet, it will be shared and linked on the Release Page when it is 🙂.
It is not a Graphic Audio production, it is a traditional audiobook produced by Ilona Andrews.
Will the Willington series (which is absolutely amazing) be a part of the GraphicAudio series? Also, I know this has been asked, but I keep hoping for more info, so you think GraphicAudio will do the latest innkeeper? I love Nora’s version, but I REALLY want the full cast lol. Yes, I know I’m greedy. I’m sorry.
It’s a bit erly to talk about the Willmington series adaptation- GA still have 7 books left of the main KD series 🙂
Sweep of the Heart will be adapted though, yes- I don’t think all the details are ironed out yet, so cannot announce a date etc – but it will be on the blog as soon as it is official 🙂
wait, they won’t be voiced by Raudman?
No, the Wilmington Years series will be a split POV naration by Hillary Huber and Michael Glenn 🙂
I’m late to the party. Could someone let me know why Rene Raudman will no longer voice Kate?
Several issues, including availability, price, and the fact that Kate has not aged and still sounds like a woman in her early 30s.
I have recently found the graphic audio Kate series on Audible. Sadly there’s only the first two out. Waiting patiently for Magic Strikes. When I tell you my two kids were enthralled when listening in the car.. we were all laughing! and the suspense! better than I could have expected. I am so grateful for the performance!
So happy you like them! Magic Strikes is coming out on Graphic Audio at the end of August https://www.graphicaudiointernational.net/kate-daniels-3-magic-strikes.html . I’ll have to check in with them, but I believe it will be available on Audible and 3rd party retailers soon after that, maybe first 2 weeks of September ☺️
wau great can’t wait and counting the days😍
I am a huge fan of Kate Daniel’s books, and Basically all Ilona Andrews. However I am quite sad that Renee Raudman is not the narrator for the Willington years series. She is amazing! Why the change?
Several reasons led to the change in narrator, including availability, cost and the fact that, whilst Kate still sounds like a woman in her early 30s, after 16 years Renee understandably cannot.
Hopefully you will enjoy the new narrators too 🙂.