We are back from the con. We had an amazing time. The panels were interesting and well attended. There were many awesome guests. We said hi to people we haven’t seen for a while and it was lovely.
We had two meet and greet events and I wasn’t sure anyone would show up, because our first signing surprisingly had a long line. I talked to Carol, who runs the Urban Fantasy track, about it, and she gave me a look and said, “Don’t worry, if nobody shows up, the three of us will just chat for an hour.”
BDH came out in force. Once again, underestimating the horde is a fatal mistake.
Thank you to everyone who came to see us. We are so sorry we couldn’t spend more time with you. Between the panels and industry meetings, our schedule was very full. Especially Saturday – our first meeting was at 8:00 am and our last panel was at 10:00 pm. We didn’t get to the room until around midnight.

Someone emailed asking why authors do not cosplay, because that would be much more entertaining. Apparently we must look boring. Cosplayers and authors attend cons for different reasons. Cosplayers are there to showcase their amazing costumes. We are there because of something we wrote. When people take pics of the cosplayers, they want them to look like the characters they are portraying. When readers take pictures with us, they want us to look like ourselves and be recognizable. We also attend a lot of business meetings, where we represent our company and our brand.

To sum up, great time was had by all, and it was so nice to see those of you who came to say hi. Thank you for reading our books and taking the time to come and talk to us. If we missed you, we are so sorry. We will try to see you next time.
Now that we are back, we need to finish up Maggie the Undying, and then we will be taking a week off from writing to cool off our overworked brains. We’ll be rambling on the blog and resting before diving into what will likely be Wilmington 3.
As we rode in the Uber back from the airport to our house, Texas offered us a beautiful rainbow.

I am so glad to be home.
First? Really?
Welcome home, I’m glad you had a great trip!
Glad you had a great time. Re st and recover. No matter how fun, traveling is hard.
Nacreous clouds in Texas? WOW! Nacreous clouds are formed from ice crystal clouds.
Glad you had a great time, and can I just say – Wilmington 3 – yeah.- can’t wait!!!!!
Loved the pictures; glad you had a great time. Take the time you need to rest and recharge yourselves; you had a challenging summer.
Welcome home! May the words for Maggie come swiftly and beautifully. May the cooling of the brains be relaxing and rejuvinating.
We are always happy to ramble with you on the blog.
getting home is always so wonderful. Glad you had a good time.
Welcome home. My southern granny had a saying that always made me giggle. “Home is the place you can scratch where it itches.” Hope that saying brings a smile, at least. Take care, rest up, and we’ll look forward to ramblings by Ilona.
Welcome home! Glad it was a good weekend! I would not be able to keep that schedule lol 😂 it makes me tired just imagining!
Glad you had a great time. Hurray to the Horde members who were at the con to support you and Gordon.
Just rest and relax after getting Maggie completed. Any and all ramblings are great to read. 😀
Wilmington 3???? Behind the calm lies a celebration dance and whoo-hoo! before going back to the calm. I just finished Magic Claims this morning.
Interesting times ahead for Curran, Kate, Conlan and the rest of the group with them.
I don’t do Cons but my sister does and came to your urban fantasy panel discussion because I said she should. She has never read any of your books or stories, but said you were both very entertaining and informed, so she will pick up one of your books and see if she likes it.
I didn’t know which one to recommend for her. What would the horde suggest?
That’s a tough one. If you have nieces or nephews then you might want to suggest Innkeeper, because I’ve noticed a lot of the BDH say their kids liked that series.
If she’s more fantasy than romance, the KD series. If she loves romance, really anything except Alphas: Origins, which is an acquired taste. Sometimes I suggest people pick up short stories first. My intro to House Andrews was the story in Must Love Hellhounds.
I agree with Tink, that is a tough decision. I don’t know why, but the Hidden Legacy series keeps coming up in my head. The Baylor family may be the ones to introduce her to first.
Then, if she likes the series and asks for another one, introduce her to the Inn or a magic/tech city called Atlanta and all the shenanigans going on there. 😀
That’s tough! I’d ask what she prefers normally. I started with Innkeeper and fell in love from there. I read a lot, so it was a really nice to get a new-to-me plot (the whole inn thing). I think if she likes space sci-fi, I’d lean towards Innkeeper. If she likes more up front action, Kate may be the way to go though. Edge and Hidden Legacy are more romantic, if she goes that way.
I wouldn’t start with a short story just because I feel like the depth is where HA really shines and no matter how good, you can only go so deep in a short story. Unless they prefer short stories. 🤷♀️
So, overall, not helpful at all. Sorry! 🤣
I agree with what others have said, about it depending on what she usually enjoys. I’ll also add that my first “in” was the Kinsmen Universe, specifically Silent Blade, and I think any of the stories set on Dahlia would be good for someone who likes romantic and/or character-driven sci-fi.
Also, this was advice from Ilona in the Sanctuary release party discussion, specifically for introducing someone to Kate Daniels:
“If you’re going to start somewhere, start with a Questionable Client, and then I would suggest skipping maybe book one, or two, and trying Magic Strikes, and then going back and getting the rest of it. Because if you like Magic Strikes, you will like the rest of the series.”
I started reading the Kate Daniels series with Magic Breaks. I wanted something to read at that time and the cover drew me into reading the book. Then I got curious about Kate and started reading the series from the first book.
As they say the rest is history. 😀
I would recommend Sanctuary because the most recent book is always my favorite 😉 she doesn’t read digital and it isn’t out in print yet.
Hi Kate, Sanctuary is absolutely out in print already! A POD paperback is available from Amazon, B&N, Waterstones and other major retailers. You can also get it from Blue Willow indie bookstore or from your local indie if you give them the Ingram Sparks number, which is ISBN: 9781641972918. 🙂
😯 I didn’t know that! I will let her know. Thanks. 🎉
Kate Daniels is a commitment (10+ books)
Innkeeper is incomplete (as of 2024) which can be a deal breaker for some, though for others it just hones the anticipation
If she likes romance as a major plot point, then Hidden Legacy is a good choice.
Also the Kinsman short stories could be a quick entry point.
Could also go back and pick up the Edge series which is complete, but if she’s invested, could lead to Innkeeper
I attended several of your panels and the signing. It was lovely to meet you and to learn about writing from you. You both have a direct, no nonsense approach to writing, which I really enjoy. You were also really kind when some of the fan questions were difficult to answer. Thank you for giving us your time!
Welcome home!! My friend went to one of your panels and she had a great time!!
good Lord! I don’t even work at Cons (anymore) and really can’t people for days afterwards.
I’m spending a week with random doctors appointments 350 miles from home and am going to lock myself in my house when I get back and play with the kitten for the entire weekend and not speak to anyone.
Y’all are amazing
I love how you always believe the BDH won’t show and I giggle every time you write that. Bc every time, every time, They Show Up!! lol You’re adorable.
Someday I’ll get to Dragon Con. Glad you had a great time!
Probably a good thing I didn’t go. I took this week off, and naturally developed a sore throat Thursday afternoon. Worked from home Friday, just in case, then went to a clinic Sunday, where they diagnosed strep throat. 55 years old and first time for strep. Guess I can check that one off.
You didn’t mention still feeling bad, so hopefully you’re all over covid.
Enjoy your time off.
Such a a great panel
Saturday morning!
I saw you guys signing at the Mart/Vendor Hall near closing on Sunday. I didn’t join the line as I figured you guys were probably exhausted by that point (I know I was with a quick run with hubby to hit up Chessex and Ravenswood).
I’m glad y’all had a good time and hope you can make it back again!
And as always, can’t wait to read new books!
Glad you had a good time. Hope that you were not too Covid tired through it all.
We do cosplay. We pretend to be the author versions of ourselves. The hopefully entertaining version of ourselves. As opposed to the reality of a nice middle-aged couple who likes to stay home, work, see the kids and reward ourselves with true crime shows and computer games.
🤣😂🤣 You do my favorite cosplay! I do a similar cosplay when in public where I pretend to be a person that wants to be there. It’s hard to keep character sometimes. 🤗
As my niece says, I’m really three owls in a raincoat. My cosplay is a normal person.
lol, same. Too true!
⭐️🥇🏆Best cosplayers ever!
I hope you had time somewhere in there to get coffee and a bagel or ice tea and a muffin with Jeaniene F!!
Love the costume pix – the trio of unicorns is especially cute! 📚🦄
I hope you had a good time here in Marthasville/Terminus and The Southron Hospitality was displayed. I don’t do DragonCon, else I mighta come by fer a chat.
Happy you enjoyed the DragonCon event. Thanks for the photos of the event.
Pleased you’re all able to rest and recharge a bit before diving into more work (which we all love)
Always excited at prospect of more fabulous reads from HA and really trying to patiently await new releases.
I am glad yall had fun! Also WOOOOO! MORE BOOKS!!!! My whole house has covid and I think that the first time I smiled today was when I read that. More books makes this cranky heifer happy lol
Oh noe’s! Hope everyone gets better soon and you can take it easy!
Awww! I live in Maine, where there are a distinct lack of cons. Of any kind. So I’ve never been able to go to one.
However, reading how the Horde showed up in possibly overwhelming numbers, makes me feel like such a happy Otrarkar!
Thank you!💜💜💜
There I am! I am in the first picture (with everyone else)! So fun to have my BDH participation immortalized on your site.
You did an amazing job. It was terrific hearing you answer a wide variety of questions. Thanks so much for attending.
Glad you re home and that your time at Con was as smoothly as my brain surgery went this Friday. Feeling better and better but your books help, as always. Hope to be home soon and no people, just my kitty.
Love always. Looking forward to Wilmington and Maggie. Thanks for your words and imagination 😘
Get well soon!
Best wishes to you. Being in the hospital is its own kind of trauma, all by itself, even with a good outcome. Hope your kitty gets to see you soon!
Keep feeling better Isabelle! Sending hugs and well wishes from me (and the rest of the BDH, I’m sure!) 😁
That is such a COOL rainbow! All torn and shredded but still shining.
I hope you two were able to feel fully human before heading off to DC, and I hope you don’t have any Convention Crud smacking you around now that you’re home.
Aw! Glad to hear you had a good time.
I’m glad it had a good turn out. Hope you guys are feeling better after getting so sick. Take care of yourselves!
Yay!! Welcome home!
Love, the BDH
That rainbow is lovely. Your home must be happy to have you back.
Saturday was my first Dragon Con, so been there, done that now. I thoroughly enjoyed the 11:30 panel with all 4 authors. Very enlightening. It surprised me how many people were at the Con, So. Many. People. After your panel, I wasn’t able to do anything else I wanted as the lines to get into the different hotels were absolutely ridiculous.
Glad y’all are home and can recover now.
It was a joy to see you at the Friday panels – thank you for coming!!
Hooray!! It was so nice to see you! Thank you so much for coming to DragonCon! And thank you for taking a selfie with me and my new friend!
Oh! I’m in the pic too— I’m the one who waved and then turned to talk to the person sitting next to me!
Which book features Black Pegasi with Gold wings and horns? Glad you are back, hope you feel well.
My husband Richard and I are big fans and have enjoyed all of your books. We are re-readers, so your characters are in our lives often. Very much enjoyed the Roman book.
My son, Alex and his wife Nicole came by your booth at DragonCon 24 to get a signed copy for us as a surprise ( my husband recently had a lung transplant). He was saying how nice you all are and what a great time he had meeting you.
Thank you for bringing great joy reading experience.
Can’t wait for the next adventure,
Vicki and Richard
I will probably never get to a Con but the costumes look amazing. Traveling is nice, exhausting, and really makes getting home wonderful! I’m sure meeting with fans made their trip exciting and worthwhile. I know I really appreciated meeting the few authors I’ve met in person. I had a nice chat with Charlaine Harris at the symposium in Virginia before I moved; it totally made my year!
Congratulations on getting the final Maggie draft off to the editor! So excited that it’s your longest book to date! Enjoy your well deserved break!
I think I’ve read before in the blog or general socials that Dragoncon is the only one you attend. Am I remembering correctly BDH??? Debating an epic holiday to get to dragoncon next year. 🤔 Would be a rather large set of flights for it. probably +24 hours.
Hi Bec,
This year, House Andrews have attended Coastal Magic Con back in February and Dragon Con this past week.
The same schedule may not repeat next year, however. It’s still a bit premature to confirm any attendance for 2025, as some of them will probably be arranged by Tor, their new traditional publisher 🙂
We know the DFW Horde group will be out in force. Brace yourselves!
Pleeeease let them have a north east event somewhere next year🤞🏻🫶🏻🤞🏻🫶🏻🤞🏻🫶🏻
Welcome home! You must be exhausted and having major conference hangover. Drink lots of water, take a ton of vitamin C and zinc and sleep as much as you can between editing sessions.
I love conferences, but they always leave me exhausted and I always get sick. Hope you had fun!
It was so nice to meet you! I thoroughly enjoyed all the panels I got to attend that you and Gordon participated in.
Sounds like a great event! I’d love to attend a con and meet you in person someday, but it will be a long trip from the Philippines 😅
Thank you for being so kind during the signing and suggested a photo. I had been so excited about getting a book signed for my best friend and my bag signed for me that a photo hadn’t even occured to me.
That looks like a fire rainbow aka circumhorizontal arc. They can be pretty.
Yay Wilmington 3…
Glad you had fun! We couldn’t believe that there was so much to do there to fill a day with no breaks!
Thank you very much for sharing your attendance at Dragon Con. We went because you went, and while I felt like a purple-headed stalker, I also managed to see a few other things as well.
My favorite moment was when Ilona went into writing coach/mama mode with the young writer. Her question, “Do you daydream about your characters?” said in her mama=mode, coach voice really touched me. Additionally, the absoluteness of your relationship with each other, best friends/soul mates, shined in all the panels I saw you in.
I hope you do DC again next year. If not, I will Hoard with the rest elsewhere.
So happy you did not get sick again! Rest & relax, you deserve it!
Ditto abt mammograms. The new ones don’t pinch like the originals.
Welcome home! Glad you had a good time! I had been wondering if you managed to finish the edits before leaving, given everything going on. Question answered. Good to hear you’ve scheduled a mini sanity break, too.
Best wishes for relaxation post Maggie!
I saw the GIGG trailer and thought; why is that interesting, is it a GASTEK joke?!
Missed the rainbow looking for the joke 🙄🤭
Ooh, a wispy rainbow?!
I think in California we call the cloud a sun dog. There should have been a twin cloud to the right or left of it. they are beautiful, but do not last long. And, Kathleen is correct, my hubby always reminds me they are made from ice crystals
Welcome home.
Welcome home, and I hope you all get some rest.
Looks like alot of fun. But I am glad you are home safe.
“Long live House Andrews!” So say BDH
Oh yeah
Totally ready for a Wilmington 3
Already listened (Audible) to W1 & W2 three X
In need of intervention
Welcome Home!
I just reread Innkeeper series for Labor Day… wow so good (and on the edge of my seat for what’s next!)
Honestly can’t wait for ANY book of yours
I owe Ilona and Andrew a lot of money as far as I’m concerned. I’ve read every book they’ve written at least twice…the Kate books at least 4 times LOL
Will gladly donate to a cause to help get more books published! Seriously, let me know if I can help cover costs somehow.
I’m dying for the second book for Hugh but even more so for Julie’s next installment. I want to see things finally resolve for her and Derek! Julie is way too under appreciated and I LOVE the direction they took her story.
So nice to hear it was safe travels and good times
It was wonderful to meet y’all! Thank you so much for signing at the end of your panel on Sunday. Trying to get into the America’s mart is a little overwhelming for me with the heavy Sat/Sun crowds. The majority of my books are digital these days, so I bought a physical copy just for signatures.
Incredibly honored you enjoyed my cosplay (Nesta, ACOTAR). If/when y’all come back to Dragoncon I’ll have to put together an Innkeeper cosplay <3
I have been rereading my Legacy books. I am so hopeful that Arabella and Michael will someday get a story….or maybe Arabella and Augustine? Please tell me that someday these people will get more adventures and happy endings.
The Hidden Legacy series has ended for now and no sequels are in plans. That doesn’t mean we’ll never get them 🙂, there are ideas for Arabella stories, just that they are not guaranteed.
However, there will never be an Arabella/Augustine couple. The age difference and the fact that he knew her when she was a child and he was the adult with financial power over her are some of the reasons against it.