Yahaira Lopez (Bombas)
Jun 25, 2020, 1:12 PM EDT
Hi Ilona.
My name is Yahaira and I’m a member of the Happiness Team here at Bombas.
We heard about your wonderful story and that awful purchase you made and wanted to make sure you had the pairs you deserve.
Which one of you forwarded my blog post to Bombas? Because I just Googled and I don’t see it anywhere in the recent google results, so how did they find it? Own up.
On your way, there is a small gift from us, made sure to add some plain white socks easy to match.
Bombas loved your small story about our socks!!!
Let us know if there is anything else we can do for you.
A quick examination of the email confirms that Bombas sent us free socks.

Well, now I have a moral dilemma. On one hand, free socks. Super nice of them to send free socks. Kid 1 actually like the Bombas and is excited. On other hand, I don’t know if it would be ethical to accept said socks. After all, I did call them the stupidest purchase I made.
I have consulted the family and so far it’s 3 against 1 in favor of taking the free socks. Apparently House Andrews can be easily bribed with free socks. What to do… If we keep the socks, I will have to order more socks from Bombas to soothe my guilt for accepting the gift.
Also, there is no privacy on the internet.
I had never heard of Bombas before your post and was curious after your blog post! I thought it was endearing- comparing the socks to diamonds made me laugh. I looked at it and while I might not buy at least thanks to your post it was on my radar–so I think you did help the brand awareness out as an additional piece of context to assuage any guilt.
Exactly. I had never heard of Bombas and now I’m wondering if I should get a pair for my niece.
Plus, the free socks is not changing your negative review.
I used to be an ethics adviser and I think you should keep the socks guilt free.
Your honest review still got them tons of free advertising, even good advertising because lots of commenters said how much they like their Bombas socks. I too had never heard of them.
Add this to the happy column. You deserve it.
+1 never heard of them either, and lots of others said good things ..So was a win for them.
Yep. +1
My son reviews fancy computer parts. His “pay” is that he keeps whatever they sent him to review. These sock people just did it backwards, sending you socks after you wrote about them. Good or bad, what my son writes is exposure for the manufacturer. Cheap advertising for them. I think he would die laughing if I suggested that he purchase a “bad” item out of guilt for giving it a poor review.
This is it exactly. Booths at trade shows straight-up give away gear far more expensive than a few pairs of socks-even THOSE socks- as advertisement. Let their PR department pay you an in-kind comission for the chatter you generated.
+1, excellently explained 🙂
+1 – also, your “review” didn’t say “these socks suck, don’t buy them,” it said, “socks are socks and I feel like I spent too much money on them because socks always go missing in our household.”
Since I rarely have socks go missing (not since I lived with my brother. ONE of us used the money she worked hard to get at her after-school job, to buy nice soft warm wool socks and super nice gloves. And the OTHER ONE would hijack them, take them on a Boy Scout camp-out, and if they came home they would be full of holes), that doesn’t count as a negative to me… and then you posted that they’re sending you free socks, which makes me think, “this company has good customer support” which makes me more likely to buy from them in the future.
Don’t feel guilty for keeping the free socks.
I have to be careful of ethics violations in my job. I agree with the majority, there is no ethics issue here. That they have send you some free socks on their own without you soliciting them in any way shows me some things about the company. They have excellent customer service, a good sense of humor and they got some great marketing out of it. Like many others I had never heard of them before.
+1 Keep and enjoy them as a thank you (or payment if you prefer) for the free advertising.
This. I had not heard of them before your post and I went and checked them out. Free advertising. Keep the socks.
I completely agree with E! Keep them with no guilt and don’t purchase any more (except maybe for Kid 1).
+1. Used to work in PR/Communications/Outreach and you gave them some nice free brand awareness to an audience they couldn’t have reached otherwise. I know that wasn’t your primary intent with the post, but it’s an outcome. The value of that mention is definitely a lot higher than those socks. Plus, it’s a nice gesture on their part. Keep ’em, guilt-free.
Exactly what has been said above: 1) they reached an audience they otherwise might not have, 2) they get mentioned and talked about AGAIN on a well loved and known blog that is seen world wide, 3) they give away freebies on several occasions. I mentioned this blog to my husband, who due to his job, is often the recipient of many types of random samples and “free gifts” from socks, to clothes, to camping gear, etc. He said “hold on a minute” and came back from our bedroom with 2 pair of this brand… after searching for 30 min through some of his gear bags, and said “do you mean these? Yeah, they sent us a some to try a while back.” I had never heard of the brand and had no clue. Still haven’t checked out the website, either. When I mentioned your feeling of guilt, he agreed that it feels strange to get stuff, but for the cost of shipping you a few socks, they earned a ton of free world wide advertising: “Keep ’em, and if you like wearing them, say something. If not, just use them for cleaning and don’t post about it.”
Personally, my vote agrees with my husband’s: keep them, guilt free. Gift a pair to someone who needs them or really wants to try them but cannot afford them if it truly continues to bother you every time you see the socks. If the white ones are great, comment.
As for ways the company may have found out, here are my guesses:
1) someone in the Horde is a member of the company
2) someone in the Horde ordered some and mentioned in the order under “where did you hear about us” this blog site
3) the company has a search engine that scans the internet for sites / postings with their company’s name (this is very, very common — you can set it where it only picks up if certain phrases are used, including # of times company name is mentioned, etc). A LOT of companies use one of these, and even use it to input employees names combined with the name of their company to track postings. I know of 3 different people who lost their jobs due to something posted either by them or someone else posting about them on a social media site / blog. Companies were using the search engine and scanning open social media sites and found the postings. As you said, “there is no privacy on the internet”.
I’m pretty sure House Andrews is already aware of #3, which gets my vote for what may have happened. Just thought I’d put it out there for anyone who is not aware. It is the 3rd lesson I teach in my tech class every year, and shocks my students. I even have guest speakers who come in later in the semester and it is always one of the topics my students ask about and many are shocked again when the guest speakers confirm it.
And just advertised they have good customer care / service team
100% agree. Keep the socks. They got lots of great advertising no matter what you think of the socks. If you still feel like you should do *something * make a donation equal to the cost of the socks to a charity in their name.
Exactly! Or donate the sock to a shelter.
And it’s not that you said they’re your worst purchase quality wise, but that they were too expensive to loose one of each pair and have only one of each in the sock drawer.
No need for additional purchases. They are doing good customer service and now have MORE free publicity because you posted this. Keep the socks, guilt free!
Out of all your posts, I think this was the one I was least expecting to have a part 2.
I’m really glad it did, though.
It’s like finding the missing sock(s)…
Lol +1
True ????
Agreed. Really surprised me!
My guess is that a bombas employee is a fan and saw the post. 7 degrees of separation at its finest
+1 My suspicion exactly – a Bombas employee with great taste in books and authors – and a knack for PR. ????
+ 1
Plus the employee has a lovely name! Maybe give it to a character? 🙂
Either that or they have a search bot which mines the ‘net for any mention of Bombas, and the blog pinged their parameters.
I guess I’m one of the few who *had* heard of Bombas — their ad pops up regularly in my Facebook feed.
My Scots blood and memory of my Depression-era parents would keep me from ever paying that much, but, as they’re freely offered, all my inner voices say keep the socks!
This is exactly what I thought too!
You already spent over $300 on the socks. I’d take the free ones. If you feel guilty you could donate them when Goodwill or the charity of your choice is taking donations again.
Great comment! Agree 1000%
Keep the socks. You gave them free advertising and now even more free advertising.
It’s a win for everyone.
I wear these socks and like them.
They were on sale.
+1 Plus, you gave them lots of free publicity just by mentioning them and many of the comments were positive for the socks, so they might have benefited with some sales (they are probably up money from your post, even if that wasn’t your intention).
I agree with donating some socks to charity to balance your Karma (but they’d probably prefer a large quantity of regular socks instead of the expensive socks). Maybe a homeless shelter?
While I understand that when you don’t have much more is generally better, the poor shouldn’t have to constantly settle for the bottom of the barrel. Go ahead and give them the food stuff too.
Yes. Shelters and emergency housing for at risk women always need new shoes and underwear. Also tampons and pads and baby diapers and wipes.
I didn’t mean to imply that they shouldn’t get good stuff, but that they might prefer (in winter anyway) a large pack of good wool boot socks to a a few pairs of thin socks. Or some nice, regular cotton socks to expensive “fancy” socks ($10 for 10 pairs versus $10 for 1 pair – used as an example only, not necessarily the prices). While my experience is limited, when I’ve volunteered at homeless shelters, good basics seem to be the most popular. It was just a suggestion, I didn’t mean to imply anything bad.
Breann I agree with you. I was thinking if they want to donate – to buy men’s socks from Walmart. New men’s socks are always in need and Walmart has pretty durable ones in multipacks.
Good idea! And, just a thought, wearing matching socks is so last century. Every teen I know wears two different socks at the same time. Same brand (of course) but colours vary. You could be very trendy with no effort! 😉
I agree with the others. Keep the socks and don’t feel guilty! They get lots of free advertising from it, and have now shown themselves to have excellent customer service, which will also probably generate sales. Enjoy your new socks! And I hope these ones wont go missing like the others lol.
Rejecting the socks would crush the Happiness Team. You can’t crush happiness.
Except maybe you should crush happiness.
Decisions, decisions…
This is EPIC!! I love it! Thank you for the laughs. Keep the socks 😉
That is some impressive customer service. Take the socks. You raised their brand awareness.
I bought my first pairs of Bombas 4 years ago and winced at the price (even on sale). But they have lasted and are still as comfy and shapely as when I bought them. Sometimes you do get what you pay for.
I had never heard of Bombas Socks. There were as many people who liked the socks. I thought at the time what great publicity for them. My granddaughter is getting some for Christmas.
By the way, Target has their Shabby Chic on sale according to my daughter. Lol
No, no, all is well. The company has made an effort to make your purchase more palatable. They will make a LOT of sales simply because of all the people replying in the comments saying how much they liked the socks. You do not have to buy or say one more thing except possibly thank you. The company did the right and intelligent thing by happily sending the socks. And you have further facilitated their business by publishing their clever response. Smile. You just made your three family members happy with new socks, the Bomba company happy with great advertising, and even your dogs will be happy because they can play with the old socks. Your toast landed butter side up. How much better can it get?
I agree!
So true! Enjoy your socks, leave the guilt!
What she said.
+1, perfectly said
Lol, wasn’t me, bought the blind two brothers blind box buy and got socks, not a huge fan of socks. Due to your post did see others really did love bombas socks. So in a way I’d take the socks as a thank you. I got out of it sock part, was you were not the biggest fan, but others gave them a huge thumbs up. Leaving me to believe the socks where good, but the “sock thieves” really find them tasty, making mismatch socks a regular thing with them. So I’d take as a good review lol
Ugh, I did the blind box buy too and got socks. As I’m also not a huge fan of socks and live in a warm location…definitely wasn’t worth my money. I try to console myself by remembering that Two Blind Brothers donates to finding a cure to blindness. (But really, reading that you had the same experience as me, just makes me feel better. Thank you!)
I can’t stop laughing!! First, I am sorry you have a moral “d”, but second, who’d da thunk they ‘ve got a “Happiness Team”, and they sent you socks?? I have no idea what you can do, I mean, wow, free socks, but, not your “cup of tea socks”. Huh, well I guess there’s going to be more conversation over this “sock issue”. Could be worse, we could have been talking about ill-made panties, or “gasp” jockeys!!! hee,hee, hee!! Stay safe, and well, I’m now up to #5 in the KD World, and loving every word!!! (Reread for the third time)
I wonder if this strategy would work on a Gucci handbag?
True story: the company I work for has sent free product to a blogger posting a negative review of one of our products, simply because we liked the blog. To be fair, the blog wasn’t quite as negative as yours ;), it was more in the vein of “I could never like that product, it’s too plain and staid and boring” so we sent it over with a message saying “just try one, if you happen to like it after all, feel free to buy more, it’s a set of 85 parts 😉 ” It was a fun blog, why not.
From a professional standpoint, yes, sending you a freebie makes total sense. Because now you’ve mentioned the product again to your many thousands of readers, and in a not nearly as negative a way, and they sound nice and like they have a sense of humour.
All that for a couple pairs of socks against cost plus shipping! It’s a very good deal publicity wise for them.
What I’m trying to say is, enjoy the socks, no guilt necessary, they got a good deal and if you like the socks, so do you 🙂
If you’re Kate, you send the socks back. If you’re a merc, you keep the socks. If you’re Julie, you keep the socks and give them to all the street kids….I guess members of the pack wouldn’t need them ..
I buy my socks as cheap as possible through stores like kohl’s … I just can’t pay full price for things like that. I guess keep them… don’t look gift socks in the seam or something.
Ahaha, I’m sorry, but it is very funny. Nice and funny. Well, it is a good thing, I believe. It is a gift, so yey, you probably love making gifts, so why not enjoy receiving them too, besides you are mentioning them again and therefore advertising more of them, so you earned the socks. Keep the socks I say.
I agree 100%. It’s like having your blinds all day with neighbors 2ft away and it spreads what is seen faster than work place gossip and that’s saying something. Though it could also be someone who works for the company is a fan of your work and checks the site.
Most likely I would end up buying something. Every time I would look at the socks I would feel guilty until I did. But the rest of my family would likely be- Free socks!
There’s no such thing as bad publicity. Your post raised awareness for Bombas, and isn’t actually all that negative (the only real negative was “overpriced”, and it’s not like they had the price tag. And now they get good PR by sending free socks to someone who gave them a less than stellar review.
Accept the socks with no guilt – you earned them.
Hoho… Someone must have a connection. I LOL’D at your dilemma. Perhaps accept the gift and pay it forward another way. You were thoroughly out voted. ????
I thought your first post was funny as we can all related to some purchase that is outside our norm and made us go “what on earth was I thinking?”
The second post crack me up!! I fell off my chair laughing. Keep the socks.
You can donate them to a homeless or womens shelter
Give the expensive socks to kid 1. Give a package of the white athletic socks to the shelter.
Keep them! Because you actually have given them advertisement with your post. I know I read it and thought, “I should get another pair sometime, I love the one pair I have.” Truly, your complaint didn’t necessarily cost the company money. And your posting of their email shows the company in a good light with how responsive they were.
I say “SCORE”!! Free stuff is always great. Enjoy guilt free. You gave the company free publicity twice now which is priceless to most corporations. I can almost guarantee someone bought some Bombas socks after reading your last post and more will buy them now after this post. If you still feel a bit guilty, post a picture after your free socks arrive and tell us all about them. That will more than make up for the cost of the free socks.
Maybe you have a fan at Bombas who reads your blog and that’s how they found out. Anyway, love your blog posts.
These are the “ripper cushions” of your excellent blog.
Keep the socks, don’t buy more, you know why.
Ripper cushions.
OMG! Who said ripper cushions? I can’t for the life of me remember!
Helen in Sweep of the Blade. 😀
Oh yes! Thanks Patricia.
“Ripper cushions” have been a part of my vocabulary since Helen first said that on the blog.
OMG! I totally love ripper cushions!! So true.
I just absolutely love that the discount code added was “SURPRISE AND DELIGHT”. Touché Bombas (I went to the website to make sure the discount code doesn’t work before noting it, I wouldn’t want to ruin their business with an accidental free sock code).
But what a fantastic little touch added to their marketing. Happiness team indeed.
Your review gave them free advertising. It doesn’t matter that it was negative because it created brand recognition, addressed your major concern (mismatched patterns and colors) and compared them to a luxury item (diamonds) that are something we treat ourselves to. You also pointed out their charity work. I dare say you created more sales for them, not less.
As for who called you out, you probably have at least one blog reader (probably a lot more) who work for Bombas. It’s a small world.
Personally, I would accept those socks. They are sending you white to address your number one complaint and also this follow up blog shows they have incredible customer service.
Pretty awesome “ripper cushions”! You guys gave them much free publicity. I’m with the group that had never heard of Bombas, and now I’d probably pick them due to name recongition in a “I must have socks but why are their so many KINDS?!!” dilemma. My vote? Keep the socks.
Eh, don’t worry about it. The dryer will eventually disappear each sock, thereby getting rid of the evidence of your ethical dilemma.
+1 hee!
…and I have to admit that when I saw the title of the post I thought “they have a storyline about fire trucks?”
bwaaaaa haaaaaaaa haaaaaaaa keep the socks, buy some more for the ones that like them.
If you wrote a blog about me, even if it was negative, I’d send you free socks.
Same. Being featured on a blog with this many readers is a huuuuge influencer boost.
I’m sorry to call House Andrews “influencers” (you’re so much more than that) but I’ve definitely bought something you recommended or mentioned (a book) so you have consumer influence.
If I recall ‘Bombas Happiness Team’ was mentioned in a comment. They might do searches on their own name.
A member of the BDH works for Bombas
Part of standard web analytics reports show where people came from to get to the site and their “destination” site when they leave Bombas. If enough of the BDH went to check out the Bombas site Directly from the IA site (I am guilty of this) it would have shown ### of people came from the IA Blog posting. They would have checked it out and read your blog post.
Enjoy your new socks. They sent them to you unprompted by you – great customer service.
Even complaining about socks isn’t scared anymore. =P
Keep the socks and NEVER BUY ANY MORE
Keep them!!
I think it’s a nice ‘thank you’ for giving them backlinks and sharing with your considerable following. I’m sure they budget for it in marketing. Plus- your ‘stupid mistake’ doesn’t mean they can’t be kind and compassionate, right?
You’re an influencer now! Take the free socks!
Think of all the free publicity you gave them = free socks. No guilt.
You could donate them
1. They got free publicity – I was of the school that they are way too expensive but a lot of your readers say they love them so I may rethink which is what Bombas is look for – a win for them
2. You did not solicit the donation or attempt to extort them.
3. You had already tried the product and were expressing your honest opinion – unsolicited – not sure that this is any different than a post on Yelp or Amazon about a product.
4. I doubt you are about to have the Baylors, Julie or Kate start referencing the firm in your next book.
So give them to Kid1 and let it go. Or give them to a homeless shelter since, according to the Bombas TVads, there is a lot of demand for socks at those facilities.
Oh My God! This is the Best Thing ever!!!! Keep the socks Ilona. It is your Destiny!????????????????
They probably have a spider crawling the web looking for mentions of their company name. After all with socks that expensive they can afford a few more IT expenses than a regular company.
I say, take the socks. They probably cost them less to produce than the postage to return them. The workers who produced them are happy for the work.
It’s probably been mentioned, but socks are among the high-need items for homeless and domestic abuse shelters. Then, everyone wins.
BWAHAHAHAHA!!! What you don’t know is one of the BOMBAS employees is a fan. Thats so funny it hurts. OMG.
Its good, responsive customer service to send you the socks. You have now come closer to receiving a reasonable amount of product for price. And they worked so solve your matching issue. Let them fix their issues. Its good business practice. You don’t need to reinforce their overpriced behavior by purchasing more unless they lower their prices in the future. We don’t reinforce bad behavior. 😉
Take the socks. Bombas, as a company is fantastic. I think it’s so great that they reached out to you, just to make you feel better about purchasing the socks. I’m admit, I’m biased; I own probably 20 pairs of various types. Luckily, they’re still all matching pairs… Enjoy.
I laughed out lot and my kids looked at me funny.
You are truly amazing Ilona ????
I vote you keep it and not feel guilty about ordering some more.
Take the socks they got publicity by you posting about them and someone who reads your blog will probably buy some socks ????
One of my brothers swears by them. I do like them but cannot wear anything higher than just over the ankle due to an issue with one leg. The tee shirts are very nice (I have two). The company does donate to others so feel no guilt. Let the Family enjoy.
Awww I loved your post; it was funny and normal. Glad that Bombas it’s wanting to make you happy, but maybe donating the socks to a shelter would help? This way you don’t feel obligated to change your feelings/review, but Bombas still seems like a great company but just not the socks for you.
Either way you choose, it’ll be fine. Than you for sharing this cute life story.
Don’t feel guilty about taking the socks. Yes, many people have commented that it was good advertising for Bombas and that’s a fair point.
Another point to make is that Bombas is generating good will towards their brand. Good customer service is hard to find these days. When people see a company is willing to go above and beyond in their customer service efforts, it supports their reputation as a good company and generates conversation between people that spreads that reputation.
Your post has likely already generated more revenue for them than the socks cost. Take the socks and enjoy.
This is amazing.
😀 you brought socks for … over 300$ right? you already brought enough socks to easy every moral dilemma socks can bring in a life time.
its their choice to send you free socks. its right in the name. FREE socks. not socks for zero dollars but the obligation to buy more” thats a mouthful.
its fine. take the socks.
you even made a blogpost about it two actually, see you already promoted them as nice and consumer friendly brand. you went above and beyond. its fine.
Plot twist!
A member of Bombas PR team is part of the BDH. ????
I work in marketing. My advice, unsolicited, is to acccept the free socks and move on. You do not need to order any more socks from Bomba. The story you shared was hilarious and it provided publicity to Bomba. It’s a win for them, and it was a win for us too. It wasn’t mean. The socks were fine. You spent more than you wanted in the end which so many of us do. I ordered Bomba socks too and while I like them, I do feel I spent too much for them as well. Am I likely to order more socks from them? No. Right now I have all the socks I need. Enjoy your new white socks. I hope the missing socks show up so you can pair them up again.
By the way, I did not share your story with Bomba. 🙂
Many late shows get paid much more handsomely for making fun of products (like John Oliver). You promised nothing and they decided to send you socks because you got people talking about their brand. And then you told everyone they sent you socks.
Transaction complete, both sides satisfied with the interaction. Keep the darn socks (or give them to kid 1).
Lol~ someone on Bombas is an Ilona Andrews fan.
I thought so, too!
You could donate them or some. If Kid 1 doesnt mind sharing. Win Win ??
I understand your dilemma. My kids bought me bomba socks for my birthday and i am afraid to wear them because of the price! i guess u might have to buy a few pair to make up for the free ones.
Hi Ginny, your kids gave you the nicest socks. It will make them happy to see you wearing them! You will be happy to have them on your feet.
You should totally wear them! My son gave me a pair for Christmas and I love them.
Keep them. There’s no such thing as bad publicity on the internet. I have never heard about those socks and went googling after I read your post. They might make some sales out of your post and their nice response to it and you get free socks. So it’s a win win
Give kid 1 the socks as a gift. No guilt. You didn’t ask, they sent, but post a nice thank you and accept said gift.
My advice: buy another 4 pairs (same size and color) so you can have extra socks to match just in case. Soothe your guilt, practical for all.
Not often you get freebies like that. Take advantage, knowing that in 99 cases out of 100, you would get nothing!
I bought Bombas for Son the Elder and Son the Younger. Both love them. Son the Younger has switched to “Feetures” socks, which I also wear, because he’s in the military and the Feetures crew is allowed with one of his uniforms. (SO many rules about uniforms!) I don’t wear Bombas because I have fit issues and they are kind of thick. Feetures socks gently squeeze the foot and are epic for my long walks.
Keep the Bombas. They are an excellent product and if you follow the washing instructions they will literally last years. Even if they don’t match they are great for padding around the house.
I hear a radio ad for them a couple of times a week, about one partner getting a tattoo because they sold a million pairs (maybe it was donated a million pairs, but they are the same thing…….but your ad didn’t make me change my mind about them…….and it did get them free advertising to HOW many households????
????????????No ethical dilemma. You did not solicit the free socks. They are offered to you as a marketing gesture. Enjoy your new socks ????
I regret my purchase (or actually many purchases) of your socks. Just for the record.
*checks email*
*checks mailbox*
Atta girl, yeah you.
???? rascal
Just take the socks and work on your feeling guilty part. Yes, your post was more anti-advertisement for Bombas than anything else. Yes, they are outrageously expensive for no sound or reason! If they want to send you free socks – that is their right. Lol. But it looks more like a bribe to me with a goal to butter you up. In that case, it is sneaky. So, just enjoy free socks!
????????????No ethical dilemma. You did not solicit the free socks. They are offered to you as a marketing gesture. Enjoy your new socks ????
You know what you needed in your life?
More drama! Perhaps drama centered on socks!
That is an interesting punishment for speaking freely on the Internet.
I wouldn’t sweat it. Bombas has access to the information needed to make a decision and they either made a mistake or they didn’t.
The resulting socks are yours to dispose of as you like.
I myself would probably toss them in the donation pile and hope they make someone else’s day. And then I’d promptly forget about the whole incident.
The story put a smile/smirk on my face. Thank you for that!
If I ‘fess up, will you ban me? Please don’t ban me.
I don’t work for Bombas but I do work in public relations. I knew the company would enjoy the post and you would likely get free socks. No ethical dilemma here – they get incredible reach through an influencer, Kid 1 gets socks she loves, and the BDH, of which I am a proud member, got another hilarious blog post. Win-win-win ????. Keep the socks ????
You sneaky little thing, you! ????????
I will admit to emailing Verdant Tea that I became aware of their tea through this blog (after placing a couple of orders and joining the Tea of the Month Club). I hoped she’d get some free tea out of it (after so many of us posted that we were going to try it, she deserved it!) ????
Culprit found! ????
I had a book compiled of ridiculous letters sent to various companies and the responses the undercover author received regarding those letters. It was sweet how seriously the companies treated the author’s issues.
You’ve been outvoted, so keep the socks.
I’ve heard of Bombas before but the name makes me giggle. Bomba means naked or partially naked in Tagalog and “bombas” means a group of naked or partially naked people.
Hahaha! I was wondering if anyone would confess. Good job.
Well done. 🙂
hahaha,…. well, mystery solved.
This has probably been the coolest thing that has happened to me Thank you!!
Well played.
Thanks for launching the joy this post generated.
Thanks Faith. I would take a bow but I’m afraid the Mistress of House Andrews will give me a smack upside the head ????. I am glad House Andrews got socks and BDH got another fun post. Sorry about the ethical dilemma tho…but I still think they should keep the socks ????
Google is picking up new posts and keywords awfully fast to feed their search engines. I’m not surprised that Bomba is keeping up with posts/comments/feeds with a keyword of ‘Bomba’ + ‘socks’ +- ‘bad’ or ‘good’ or ‘great’ or ….
They obviously read your post and know the context you wrote it in. They will be tickled they got more publicity from them giving you free socks since you posted their response.
Enjoy the free socks! And no guilt!
Yep, Google is at it again. After the first Bomba post, I don’t remember where I was at, but an ad for Bomba showed up right at the top. I’m thinking, Hmmm, that was fast.
Never heard of them, never searched them, but got an ad for them right after visiting Ilona-Andres blog on Bomba socks.
Love the presumed intentions behind it, but worried you will think twice about giving us more “Bombas” stories in the future!
It’s at times like these you have to think to yourself: what would Dobby do?
Stop feeling guilty, Ilona. You’re a free elf now.
Similar to your sock purchase dilemma and as someone else noted – buy the expensive socks they will last forever. For me my brand is “endur” socks (Canadian) which have similar price point and very good quality. I can only speculate as others have that a) someone is a fan of yours or b) they google their own names. I am sure your family will enjoy them and you will enjoy the white ones and to assuage your guilt the next bday present to purchase for someone just get a few pair….done and done. Please wear them in good health or whomever gets them wears them in good health…Stealthy marketing!
Keep them and order another set. That way you will have a spare of each color so when you lose one you will still have a pair.
Just chuck it up as a learning experience. Besides their name is now out to more people and they will probably sell more socks.
Only order for the kid who likes them. Dilemma solved.
Hahaha! Hilarious!
Alternate option. Someone at Bombas reads your blog.
I love that they are sending you white ones! Truly easy to match. But I am the type of person that believes that socks don’t have to match in the first place.
My OCD has anxiety just in knowing there is an advocate for non-matched socks.
But I wish you happy feet even of it is different than my version of happy.
Ha! My kid 1 took apart the matched socks so she could wear two different socks for a while. It drove daycare batty, but you never really win a sock fight with a four year old.
Thank you! This made me laugh so hard I had tears in my eyes. I really needed this today. ~M
Any publicity is good publicity.
You gave them free publicity. Even if I didn’t order their socks after your post, I googled them.
You have earned the socks.
I agree! Ilona gave them free advertising twice. The company would have had to pay to get that kind of exposure.
I am cracking up. Accept the socks. Dont do a guilt purchase, they will see a boost just from BDH eho may order from curiosity.
So sorry someone sent your blog and tattled on you. You definitely deserve the extra socks for that alone.
You could make a donation somewhere and pay it forward if you accept the socks? And it wasn’t me that told them, I swear. Maybe you have some fans that work there!
Hahaha take the socks!!!????
Forgive me if this was already posted, but were you aware that Bombas donates a pair of socks to the needy for every pair donated?
I think they were actually founded around finding a way to help the homeless. Does that help with the feelings surrounding the original purchase? Regarding guilt, you’ve given them tons of free publicity, so I think they are most likely more than happy with the way things stand!
I wonder if they have some alert set up about negative experiences? Something more advanced than I understand. I’d take the free socks and probably just buy a pair of socks.
I think you can keep the socks without guilt. They want people to be happy.
Maybe whoever let the sock company know was actually the owner of the sock company and loves your books. I sure hope that is what happened and not little trolls trying to stir up trouble. Lol
Take the socks but send them a donation with instructions for them to send out some additional socks to the homeless people the are already helping. It’s a win-win thing.
Don’t feel guilty. You bought the socks – over priced. You gave them free publicity in your first post and again in this post. They have chosen to give you a free gift as thanks for that publicity. ALL publicity is good.
Wear them and enjoy. Smile every time you see them because of the story behind it.
Keep the socks. Somewhere there may just be a fan that reads your blog 🙂
Nah, you gave them free publicity! And yes, you think it is negative…but trust me, they got sales out of the exposure. They chose, with NO ASKING FROM YOU, to send you free product. You’re fine to let Kid 1 enjoy those free socks (and enjoy them yourself, should you so desire) and not obligated to buy more :-).
Also, there’s a decent chance they found it on their own. A lot of companies have people who really do spend their day looking for mentions of their product around the internet.
I agree with everyone. You raised awareness and I bet they made other sales.
Think of it like that 1 star review that says “This book has too much sex” I’ve known so many authors who say that paraphrased type of review gets them a ton of sales. No such thing as bad publicity.
hahahahaha…..I never thought of that type of review!
Lol!!!!! I cannot believe someone ratted you out. Maybe a Bombas employee is a fan and just happened to see it! Take the free socks! They did not live up to their promise of being better than others so they owe you!!
Or you could look at it like averaging the cost out– with the socks they sent, the overall price averages out much better, right?
They look like very pretty socks. It was their choice to send you the socks. I think you should keep them and wear them in good health.
No worries. Lay your guilt aside– because of the positive reviews by THE BDH I decided to try Bombas socks. I credited your blog with the purchase!!
Lol here is another that told…so Ilona don’t feel guilty you helped with sales, and their free donate pair for the homeless. Wear them guilty free and obligation free
Oh man. This just made my day. I wish I could take credit for sending them your story. 10/10
That was a smart move… probably a fan, but who says “no” to free advertising, or free socks in this case.
But I still don’t see the problem, my socks never match, my kids socks rarely match. Between friends it’s my superpower.
As the owner of a business (much smaller than Bombas) I say take the free socks and don’t feel guilty. They didn’t HAVE to do anything in response to your post, and they choose to send what they did. I would want to apologize to an unhappy customer, whether or not they bought more from me. It’s their version of doing the right thing. Plus, as others have said, you gave them an international platform for their socks. You can’t hardly BUY that kind of exposure.
Keep the free socks! It was a very nice gesture on their part. Very nice indeed….
You didn’t solicit anything, in fact your post was unfavorable. Give the socks to your daughter and shop for some yarn.
I vote you keep the socks, you did provide exposure for their brand and at least one of the responses indicated that they liked the socks.
An aunt of mine wrote to a toothpaste company when they pulled their only non-flouride toothpaste off the market, letting them know that my uncle broke out in mouth hives with flouride. The company calculated toothpaste need based on his age and sent enough toothpaste to last the rest of his life. This was pre-internet with no expectation that they would get free press from it. Sometimes the happiness committee thing is just for happiness.
Plus. Free socks.
I love this .
Hahahahaha. This is the best ever!!!! Maybe someone who works there is a fan of your books, because let’s face it, they’re awesome. Just a thought. I’d hate to think someone snitched. Snitches get stitches but bitchin gets you free socks.
Not that my vote counts but I vote for keeping socks (guilt-free) – You weren’t begging for a hand-out or something. You didn’t ask the company for your money back or free socks. They made the choice to do this on their own. Enjoy!
We love Bombas (except one kid who says they are too thick). They are pricey but they support one of my favorite local charities called Streetside Showers that provides showers once a week to the unhoused. (Lance the guy that runs the charity prefers this term to homeless). Not only does Bombas support him, when he submitted his application, they moved him to the front of the line, sending him socks within days because his charity is so close to their corporate directive. It’s nice to support a business that truly does what they advertise.
+1 Really love this story, thanks for posting
Ooh! The parental “own up”. I love it. I can honestly say it wasn’t me, but that’s hilarious. And I sympathize with not wanting to accept the free socks. I would have guilt over it, too.
A brand mention on a good influencer blog is worth tens of thousands of dollars. With your avid followers, you are certainly worth that much to advertisers. Bomba got the publicity too cheap from you! Hehehe
If Bombas donated a pair of socks to the homeless for each sock pair they sent you, it is a Win/Win/Win. Free socks for you. Free advertising for Bombas. And clean free socks for some homeless people.
Any advertising even negative is good for business. You are a very popular writer with a loyal fan base. Therefore the “free socks ” are just the cost of doing business. So accept them with absolutely no obligation. IMO.
I agree with the others…keep the socks.
I’m celebrating since Liverpool Football Club won the Premier League today! Hurray!!!!! They still have 7 games to play to end the season.
Sounds like a bombas giveaway event to me! (And not just because I love giveaways. Because I need socks(
Apparently they have plain white socks you can order. =)
I only have “Dobby is a free elf now!” running through my head…
Perhaps one of your readers works for Bombas?
Let me try to reframe this for you… The socks weren’t a gift. Bombas just got some very nice publicity for their responsive, customer-centered response to your story. It will likely sell some socks. Even if you hadn’t written about this, you probably would have told people you know how nice Bombas was. That’s a win for them.
Take the the free socks. They (powers that be) read blog and were not offended. I say enjoy.
Lololololol, joy, happiness, lightness of being, THANK YOU SO VERY MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I just want to say that reading the comments and following the thread(s), or would that be yarn(s), of the sock story has caused me to laugh at a time that I have been in dire need of the smallest drops of laughter, and this has given me a well spring.
You, and your writing, bring so much needed laughter to all of your fans. Take the socks and enjoy them, then at the time(s) when their life(lives) are done, find a cool, awesome IA, way to renew, recycle, repurpose them.
I, for one, love you guys for the joy you bring me. Thank You, and may you ALWAYS have warm, soft, comfortable, perfect socks for your feet.
1) Google alerts are a thing, maybe that’s it?
2) Take the socks.
3) Don’t buy more of their socks, you are not obligated.
I burst out laughing. Wasn’t me!
Take the socks. Say Thank You. Move on.
Take the socks no ethical issues as far as I can see. If you don’t like said socks give them to someone who will appreciate them.
The reason for no ethical issues is you gave an honest and unflattering review. No issues there.
They sent you socks, to try to change your mind, which you may or may not. Again, no ethical issues.
If you feel their generosity requires something good from you you can comment on their customer service.
We didn’t like socks but the we got good service anyway. You could also add it was perhaps in return for publicity.
In the meantime they get the publicity and a chance to change your mind. You get free sock and a story for your blog. The BDH gets a chuckle, and knowledge of a pricey product you’re not recommending.
Everyone has been honest, everyone’s motives are clear so no ethical issues as far as I can see
In the other hand you could return the socks with a thank you but no note. Your choice ????
If you get more than one pair, let kid 1 pick one or 2 then donate the rest to charity. Don’t agonize over it. Not worth it.
I put a complaint in to a local supermarket around Thanksgiving. The complaint. I was to receive 1.50 change. The teller said he didn’t have any $1 bills. I said quarters were fine and the kid said he wasn’t allowed do that. Still scratching my head on that but I ended up standing there for a half hour. So I wrote a letter to let management know they should work on training. Didn’t give it a thought till a week later a gift card showed up with an apology. I didn’t do it for monetary gain and felt guilty so the gift card got donated to the food bank. Yes I was acknowledged for incident but wished more that they mentioned if their training was impacted so the kid could think for himself
I had never heard of this sock brand but now it seems I see influencers left and right doing ads for Bombas.
This whole story is hilarious. You can never have too many socks, I’m always losing mine in the laundry and can never find matching pairs. Accept the free socks. You deserve them.
(don’t forget the exclamation point)
Bombas do have a lifetime warranty, so in a way, you’re owed the follow up pairs 🙂 Embrace the surprise and delight 😉
I love that they sent you a pack of white socks. They really did read it. That’s a nice touch. Look at all the free press and goodwill they’ve gotten. I would say you have nothing to feel guilty about.
Accept the penance of free socks (after all, you did call them the stupidest purchase you made). Order more socks. Never write about socks again.
*laughs so hard*
I was gojng to reply to your last post with my own story of how I almost bought Bombas socks but decided to feed my family of 7 for a week instead… but decided not to. Now I wish I had. I might have got free socks.
To help with guilt- I’m sure Bombas has enough money for this. Make a donation of socks or just the money to a homeless shelter or women’s shelter. They always need donations of sock and underwear. That way the corporation is happy they made you happy and you know who got what when.
Also, a book recommendation for those interested in marketing. The Power of Moments by Dan and Chip Heath. There is a lot around creating “moments of delight” by truly listening to your customer’s issues. Bombas seems to have taken this to heart by not only sending you free socks, but sending you free WHITE socks. The first part is good customer service, the second is a moment of delight. The fact that the word delight is in the code is also a dead give away lol.
Maybe you could donate half of them to a shelter. I don’t mean one of every pair.
Sorry, I was laughing so hard at that image I couldn’t write for the tears and hiccups!
You’re such a good person.
Sorry, when I wrote this I didn’t see any other comments above.
Seriously Ilona. Keep the socks guilt free. It sounds like they got free publicity from you. And free socks? A win/win for everybody 🙂
You gave your honest opinion about your purchase, right? And, you did not ask them to send you freebies, correct? So, there is no reason to feel guilty over them sending you the free socks. It’s their way of thanking you for your purchase, apologizing for your disappointment in their product, and their way of building customer goodwill and establishing good customer relations. Accept the socs in the spirit in which it was given, and enjoy.
Sooooo. My 2 cents for what that’s worth (being 2 cents.) Keep the socks. It’s a good deed on their part. Goodness in the world is… good. Plus Kid1 gets socks! Personal note: I wondered whether Bombas was a scam somehow (they donate a pair for every pair sold) and decided to try them out and bought hubby 4 different types of Bombas socks for Christmas. Yep he had a sock Christmas. He’s particular about his toes. Only one design type worked with his feet and I tried to return the ones he didn’t like and they said, give the ones he doesn’t like away and they replaced them with the type he did like. He now only wants those socks. They don’t constrict his toes. The elastic hasn’t pulled and 6 months later you can’t tell he’s been wearing them in terms of wear and tear. So although my purchase felt pricey I feel good about their donation matching policy and their guarantee of customer satisfaction was rather impressive.
Take the socks. Guilt-free. This post pays for them ????????
I think you should keep the socks.
You posted publicly about them sending the socks and that’s probably equal to or more valuable than what the socks are worth.
Ohh thats just… I have no idea what that is when someone rats you out. Doing that didn’t cross my mind although I did get a good chuckle at your expense. Sorry-not-sorry.
Enjoy the socks.
Someone if the bomber employers is a fan of your books ????
Small world????
I’ve seen lots of ads for Bombas socks, even went to their site–but their prices are outrageous, no matter HOW nice their socks are. If I were you, I’d say ‘Thank you for the free socks’, give them to Kid 1 and leave it at that. As for how Bombas saw your post….maybe one of their employees is an Andrews fan?
They probably saw an uptick in traffic on their website and found that people came over after reading your blog.
Now, instead of new potential customers seeing your original statement, they are likely to see this one where the company made themselves look good. Plus they offered a solution to your biggest complaint. That alone would be worth the cost of sending you socks.
Regardless, they did not ask for anything in exchange and made a good will gesture. Not accepting it may be more rude than just accepting the socks. If they asked for an updated review or something, then it would be a lot easier to refuse.
I’ve heard of Bombas. Couldn’t buy too pricey. They are recommended to some cancer patients. Donate them to the nearest facility where patients receive chemo. ????. They’d appreciate it. Too long a story to explain why I think cancer patients and the need for good socks are a necessity, besides the obvious. Hopefully that alleviates any guilt
You should use your new power as an influencer for your own enrichment.
You get the idea.
They want you to be happy with their product. Future purchases are up to you.
I’m just wondering if all companies have renamed customer service to Happiness Whatevers? Isn’t this your second group of Happiness Engineers? ????????
Accept!! Free socks is something you deserve, good karma for stgh good not necessarily related that you already did 🙂
You don t need to buy anything more down the road or to write anything else about this, the fact that you already blogged that you received a free gift is good publicity for them (implies good customer service) .
Good karma all the way for all parts concerned.
Haha it’s possible a Bombas employee is a reader!
I believe that ethically, you can keep the socks without any obligation to buy more socks from them in the future. There is no contract, real, or implied, when someone sends you unsolicited free socks.
Merry half-Christmas today. Socks are very appropriate. I’m listening to Christmas music & making gingerbread men. I drew the line at gifts & Christmas dinner but the kids get a Christmas movie.
Enjoy the socks
Didn’t you write Mrs. Rogan telling Catalina, “Always accept a compliment”? Apologies if I’m misremembering. If true, I believe this falls under that category.
Besides, you just told >30,000 people that nice company did nice. I have to think that’s worth more socks than you could ever wear. Wishing you warm feet and an easy conscience!
Excellent Point on the 30k people!!
Take the gift and then don’t buy anymore. Give to Kid 2 or the doggies for a chew toy. $80 for 3 pair is ridiculously expensive.
I wish my Help Desk at work was a Happiness Team more like the Crabby Team. I guess the memo got lost.
This is hilarious…I bet you are not alone.
I love my Bombas socks. I too lose the darn things. I think I lose them at a faster rate than my non-Bombas socks. They probably got a sales boost from your post. I’m sure people were curious about them. At the end of the day you have to do what best serves House Andrews. I must admit I can be bribed with socks.
It’s a gift. You’re obliged to accept it. Also, you spent HUNDREDS OF DOLLARS on their products, so I don’t think you should feel guilty that a company whose reputation is all about being awesome decided to prove their awesomeness. But you can throw them in my trash can anytime ????
hehehehe… this made me laugh out loud, lots!
First, I solemnly vow that it was not me who dobbed you in to Bombas…. but I think it is hilariously funny that you got caught out and contacted regarding it.
Secondly, you take those socks, and you wear the shit out of them! (especially the white socks). You deserve it.
Take the socks and run!! You probably sold more socks for them than you can even calculate!
They’re free socks. The company is giving them to you. Accept the gift, graciously, if possible.
BDH has so much unguided compassion for you all! I’m still laughing so hard that someone forwarded your post to them. Classic!
FORTY FIVE DOLLARS?? For four pair of plain white socks???
I agree with you on every single thing you’ve said about these socks: I don’t care if they are the greatest socks in the world; no sock is worth that much money.
And I pay almost that much for those special socks that compress and supposedly help with your circulatory system.
But yeah, I would keep the ones they send you. I mean, it’s not polite to turn down a gift, right? It’s not like you had to lie or cheat to get them.
If they read your post, and they still want to send you free socks, take them. Wear them. Perhaps they will change your mind about their product. Many people seem to think they’re the bomb (sorry, couldn’t resist), and if you still don’t care for them, say nothing. Socks are good for polishing furniture and cars as well as keeping feet warm. If you like them, maybe buy a pair or two down the line. You folks give away free writing, which you sometimes charge for later. They give away free socks. No difference, except they can probably write them off as advertising. Bet you can’t write off all the killer free writing you pass along.
BTW, my daughter’s socks used to go missing all the time. I bought her nice, cute socks, and then I stopped. One day I found one of the mesh bags with a zipper. I hung it in her room and she put her dirty socks in it each night. Throw the whole bag, socks and all, into the wash. Never lost another sock.
Great idea!
+1 love this idea! Especially if the mesh bag magically turns the socks right side out! 🙂 Thanks!
I started doing this a couple of years ago. Works wonderful. I buy a delicate bag for each member.
Ha! If I was the happiness commissioner, after that blog, I would most likely send you( woopsie) 8 individual socks in 8 different colors. Have you gotten them yet?
I agree with the responses to your post about keeping them guilt free, as the manufacturing costs of the socks are likely just a tiny fraction of what you paid. You did give the brand lots of eyeballs, this is like gold to them. Their prices are too high for socks that look too much like regular socks, I don’t care what they say about giving to charity (you can give to charity of your choice on your own).
Take the socks! You can buy some later and they will donate to charity, so guilt can be DOUBLY assuaged. Plus: Free Socks!!!
You deserve comfy free socks.
You can’t throw them away (the environment) and you can’t re-gift (talk about guilt), so keeping them is all you can do.
P.S. I am NOT the one who outed you to Bombas, but I am one of the ones who laughed that someone did. 🙂
Honestly I think there is no problem accepting them, after all they did read what you wrote. You didn’t commit to writing a retraction right? I don’t think more of a thing you don’t like will make you like it. I have Bombas that were free from hubby’s job and I like them because they fit like something between compression socks and normal socks. But I don’t think they are for everyone. And I’m not sure I would pay retail for them, I’m too penny pinching.
Most of my purchasing regrets are attempts to move out of my normal wardrobe habits which never work out. However I did purchase a mini donut machine which I used just once. It makes 4 bite sized donuts at once and a regular batch takes something like a day and a half to make one tablespoon of batter at a time.
Hmm, it’s a tough one. I get why you are troubled.
While it’s true that they’ve given you the socks without prompting and request, it’s equally true that if you hadn’t mentioned them specifically they obviously would not have sent you free socks; however it’s equally valid that they would not send out free socks if you were not a person of significance who mentioned their product and thus (albeit unwittingly) drew attention to it, promoting it to a wider audience. In that sense you have earned the socks and are able to keep them without further thought.
Correspondingly though is your personal problem that you were not entirely complimentary in your mention of said item, nor were you even 100% happy with your purchase and were unlikely to repeat it. The fact that you made jest of it’s value and invited others to share that has not adversely affected the product but in your conscience doesn’t lessen your perceived culpability (were you raised Catholic by any chance? my grandfathers’ family managed to hold onto it in Lithuania and while I myself managed to leave the religion I’ve noticed the perpetual guilt lingers).
In this situation I personally would either
A) Return the socks politely and thank them while clearly stating it was an unnecessary gesture, the original socks were of adequate quality and the loss of matching pairs was a personal mistake.
Or more probably,
B) Accept the socks but insist on paying the full price (plus if it was me and having a lot of extraneous guilt floating around, I’d likely add a bit extra on top) either directly to the company as a donation to buy extra socks for the needy or to a charity of their choice.
That way you can all wear the socks happily and you won’t be reminded every time you see the socks that you made fun of them and then they killed you with kindness!
Damn those morally upright sock selling fools and their sneaky generous tactics!
But you do have to do what your conscience tells you. (Last night I traipsed out in my nightdress – sinus strip on my nose – onto a humid and hot street to verify the screams I heard were definitely just foxes and not the local youths (justified as there was a stabbing last week and we were told to look out for retaliation fights) but if I hadn’t and then heard there was an incident how would I live with myself?).
Ignoring that prickle is what makes us monsters. Sure it’s a tiny minuscule thing to stress over socks, but fill this space with all those sayings about the path to hell, all that evil needs, the first step etc. And now look at what you wrote about moral dilemma, ethical problem. Something inside you is prickling. Something wants to say sorry and feels uneasy about just accepting them without doing so. I can’t count the number of times I must have looked a bit crazy or been a bit endangered doing or checking or returning or paying or saying or interfering in somethingI found prickly. But like I try to explain to my family, I have to live inside of myself so if I only do the right thing when it’s easy where can I go when it’s not?
Count me in the group that believes you gave an honest review, brought the brand a fair amount of attention (I’d never heard of them before) and can enjoy your new socks guilt free.
Personally love Bombas socks! Yes, they are pricey; but, they are made really, well. They last forever, too. Plus they donate a pair for every pair purchased. Life is short, COVID19 SUCKS, and damnit, this was really great of Bombas to do ..Treat your feet and wear the socks. Pay it forward somehow/way. ❤️
Keep the socks! You may dislike them too, if you want!
I have severe disabling foot issues . I’ve looked at bombas several times because foot care is my entire life. Didn’t buy because of price &suspicious. Then your story. No bombs fer sure. Their response well ok taking another look. You earned those socks, keep them.
Free publicity for them plus good karma because they did a nice thing for a nice person and homeless people got more socks? I wouldn’t go against that positive energy.
In Yucatán, México we have small poem rhymes called bombas (*perdonen si no se entiende mucho, aún tengo que pulir mi inglés*)… they are mostly comical, some also adult… ejem… they are especific of the zone and not know in all México sooo… yep, instant atraction, had to investigate what it was.
(result: not related, so sad, good laugh)
Many companies have their social media person also do searches for instances of their names, using lots of different engines. They may have found you that way, or someone who works there may be a fan!
This is a company based on gifting socks, I thnk it makes them happy to gift socks. i would keep the socks and then donate to a humanitarian cause instead of buying more socks from them, since they are also big on helping those who need help. Returning the socks qould inpky that they are bad socks, and you wouldnt want to insult them like that. They can be a stupid purchase but be decent socks 🙂 plus, they are obviously happy about the PR mileage they are getting, and the ooddles of comments to your post that say Bombas are the best.
I agree, I came here to post something similar. They may be hoping that you would end up liking their product and posting something positive. But even if you don’t want to do that, you have shared their great customer service response to an unhappy customer. If you don’t feel comfortable keeping them, I understand that clean, dry socks are something that homeless folks really appreciate getting, so a shelter might be a great place to donate them to.
You always make me smile 🙂 thank you for that!
I googled Bombas blog … and your blog was 3rd on my search list… not sure if thats because of Google’s AI or not.
I doubt that a non fan would get that result, have your cousin who has never read a fictional book in his life, google and see if it shows like that for him
Lol I am so going to try this!! Stay posted!!
You wrote an honest if negative review and they decided to send you freebies on an unsolicited basis. You don’t owe them anything
I think it might be similar to celebrities getting free stuff. They use it and talk about it, and even if they don’t love it, the companies get more press. In this particular instance, it was even a lot of mixed press with all of the endorsements in the comments.
Keep the socks guilt free. All of us will look kindly on Bombas because they gave them to you.
“One can never enough socks”, said Dumbledore.
Keep them.
Companies have software that hunts for their name being taken in vain on public websites. Market research that is honest, unsolicited and free is valuable.
You are in Balance.
It’s possible that no one ratted you out. My friend once wrote in a blog saying that a guitarist in a band we saw perform was hot, and got an email from them. This was years ago, before digital marketing got so huge. Their digital marketing people probably scan the internet regularly to see what people are saying about them. You gave them free exposure . And you’re giving them more free and positive exposure with your second post. I’m pretty sure
when they convert the exposure you gave them to a monetary equivalent, it would be more than the socks are worth. So enjoy the socks 🙂
I get it. I’d personally keep the socks, if they are contacting you personally then they most likely feel the free advertising they have received from your posts, greatly exceeds the costs of a few socks. I actually had to learn how to calculate such things, so just consider it payment for accidental services rendered.
On a personal note, I found out my favorite farmers market is owned/operated by a racist today. The ridiculous part is they told themselves while I was there buying produce, apparently racists get righteously angry when called racist. Not quite an ethical dilemma, given the obvious answer, but still bummed me out.
He wasn’t quite as blatant on his website, but just in case ur curious:
I work for a company that has a happiness team that does similar programs to this. Take the socks! You likely have a fan on their customer support team and it made their day to send these. It’s not a huge expense for them, and it keeps you talking about them. You’ve more than paid them back in marketing via these blog posts. Seriously – this is the fun stuff when you work in e-commerce.
They absolutely know that they got you, great move on their part. Graciously accept the socks, and, defeat. They were just that good. Refusing to accept will not look good on you, think long and hard before your next step, hopefully that step will be taken in matching socks. You are an author, put them in a scene, or two. And they could have found out because one or more of the owners are big fans.
I have one set and never bought another. They are okay and great for my Converse, but a tad expensive. Eh, they donate a pair to the needy for every pair purchased. A redeeming quality.
I would keep the socks and make a monetary donation to a homeless shelter.
(Laughin mah bombas off)
I’m pretty sure they’ll see at least a few sales that can be traced back to your post. Bajillions of people know about Bombas now that didn’t before. They’re just, like, retroactively paying for advertising and it’s probably one of the cheapest campaigns they’ve ever run. And you posted again about the gift. Bonus. I wouldn’t feel too bad about it. ????♀️????
This just goes to prove that I read and enjoy anything you write. And that if you write about socks, socks suddenly become interesting and compelling and funny and worthy of note – something good to balance the network news. Thank you! ????
I have a friend that is difficult to buy for because i hate giving/getting knick knacks and thats what they like.
But they also love socks and have cold feet.
Not gonna lie – i already ordered some BomBas Socks for them. I definitely hear Kuzko saying boom baby every time i think of these socks and how they are a good gift because i don’t feel like I “cheaped out” and they will love them.
ROFLMAO! And that is why I love being a happy sociopath. If I didn’t do it, and they sent them anyway, it’s a windfall, and my conscience is clear. They’re happy to get any publicity, even bad, in a great tale, because people will remember “Bombas socks” and their good deed in sending them to you. They get to write off the socks as a good-will donation, or as part of business overhead, and you and House Andrews gets free socks. Wins all around! 😉
Don’t fret yourself over the socks. They were happy to do it, I bet. 😉
It’s very possible that an employee at Bombas is also a fan of your blog. I understand that nothing is private anymore, but when we all may be working from home now due to COVID-19, then those of us in service oriented jobs try to find new ways to connect with customers. For example, I have been monitoring the Reddit threads for my university…I see what students are complaining about and try to help. I’ve forwarded concerns to other organizations within my university and they take action. It’s very possible that you have fans or readers, who also work at Bombas. It’s nice that they’re replacing your missing socks. Even though no one needs my opinion, I don’t think you should have to buy more socks, especially if the price point seems high. After all, you just boosted their “signal” as I had never heard of them before and checked the website out after the last blog. (I am highly sensitive to the power of suggestions from advertisers, so I try to avoid commercials whenever possible.) But, I was really curious so I looked at their site and I have a friend who’s hard to buy for. I bought him Bombas for his upcoming birthday! 😀 … Face it: You ARE an “influencer”… usually for books, but sometimes for teas, yarn, spoons, teacups, purses, art projects, and now socks. Enjoy the socks! (P.S. You’ve given free books to libraries…same thing. It’s nice to be generous and still boost awareness of your products at the same time.) Stay safe; be well!
I am highly sensitive to the suggestionmif food. I read a book by IA and i get hungry…. I wonder why ????♀️
My first thoughts when you posted “bombas” (when it came across my email) was… ‘You like that song?’
It has been a weird Thursday…!
I like that song too ????????????????????????
Its genius!
My Bombas just came in the mail today (by complete coincidence). They actually come with a 100% happiness guarantee that claims you are protected against growth spurts, hungry dogs, squirrel theft, sock eating washing machines, sock eating dryers, or alien abduction. So they would have replaced them if you had contacted them directly. So, you’re not special, hope that helps
I didn’t comment on your first post, but one of the reasons I love Bombas is because this is very typical of them. Your socks come with a guarantee. They will replace socks with holes, missing socks, all sorts of wear and tear. Please understand that this isn’t special treatment, they are fabulous to all their customers. I hope you’ll accept the socks.
I blame Raphael – he has no shame when it comes to pranking the sanctity of a woman’s boudoir!
It was me! (It wasn’t me.)
I bought some Bombas tho. 🙂
You should keep the white ones for sure????. And send a pair to the “friend” who lives in the blistering cold region of Florida. That was nice of them- I would feel bad too though.
And BTW, my ridiculous purchase was a LoveSac Sactional- like I guess I briefly thought I was rich.
I would like to add that the 5-seat Sactional cost more than my new range, refrigerator, dishwasher, microwave, washer, and dryer combined. ????♀️
What an experience xD
It’s ok to have a mixed feeling.
Hmm. You guys are pretty smart. Smart enough to know that this second post highlighting the companies shall we say good deed is in fact a way of paying them back. No? Well played.
It’s your huge popularity. You’ve made an error buying them, but, like princesses, when you put them on, everyone want to buy them.
Or, simply, there is a fan at Bombas. He/she was SO surprised to see your article, he/she send the gift.
Win-win situation. Even more with this last post.
They got free advertising to thousands of people, and a great brand image.
Take if you’re given, run if you’re punched. Best advice from my father
You have supplied them with pages and pages of brand mentions on a searchable platform, to a large engaged audience of their buyer demographic, but in a venue they had not previously reached with advertising.
I say you did better work than some marketers for those “free socks.”
Enjoy them!
That is freaking hilarious! I laughed out loud when I read the first Bombas post. I buy socks for my family every Christmas. Not sure why because, as you said, no one asks for them.
I swear I did not rat you out.
Keep them for sure. No one is talking about socks right now with everything else going on in the world so they got some very nice, free publicity. Entertaining conversations about their socks = advertising gold.
Rofl. I love it. I will admit your “stupid purchase” made me curious enough to put bombas on my to try list. I bet I am not the only one.
No you do not have to order more socks, you can just do a blog post about how nice they were to send them.
I guess they didn’t actualoy READ your post where you said that they were nice enough, but not that much more special than any other good quality sock. However, your blog posts reach a lot of people so they got free advertising (just the mention of the brand no matter what context puts the name in peoples’ conciousness) and you got paid in socks, even if unsolicited 🙂
Out of curiosity did they send yoj colors you ordered previously or did theh just make a total WAG when they picked them? They are definitely in my favorite color range, but hopefully you like that as well. Too funny and a liitle creepy.
Too bad i don’t have a highly read blog where i could go on about the merits of expensive Fox River hiking socks… but then i wiuld probably be like you and call them saying “But, but I didn’t pay for them!”
My current job is figuring new strategies to sell stuff (software) and I can tell you that for the amount of sales you generated for them by mentioning them on your blog twice they could afford to send your family a mountain of free socks. No need to feel guilty about it!
There are people that get paid thousands of dollars to mention stuff on their social media and most of them have a fraction of your audience. Enjoy the free socks 🙂
Just enjoy the free socks!! How often does something nice like this happen? You do not need to buy more! Think of how many you already purchased! Bombas is getting free advertising! Lol!!
Your having posted this is recompense enough for saying the socks were your stupidest purchase ever….if you accept the socks you allow them to redeem the socks and you. And it throws a gently flattering light on the company, which seems appropriate!
Not sure if this matters, but I received this post via the Innkeeper RSS feed (to which I subscribe), not through the main blog feed. (The address it linked to is https://innkeeper.ilona-andrews.com/2020/bombas-part-2/) Just thought I’d let you know!:)
Keep the free socks. No need to purchase more. You gave them free advertising, and lots of people talked about Bombas on your blog comments. I have 2 pairs. Occasionally, I get foot cramps. The Bombas socks are tight in the middle and help on days my feet hurt. The rest of the time, they feel too tight. So they will never be an every day sock for me, but I like having a few pairs around. How did I find out about Bombas? My Sister-in-law gave me a pair. Because you blogged about the socks, someone out there will tell someone else their Bombas story, and that person will buy a pair. Same thing happens with the Book Devouring Horde. I found 3 new authors I like from this blog. I told someone about Murderbot, and that person, who never reads this blog (or romance novels), Loved the Murderbot Series and recommended it to more friends, and now a whole new group of people who have never read your blog know and like Murderbot. So enjoy the socks, because someone likes Murderbot. 🙂
Their customer service positivity profile also gets high marks from me:
1. Moniker of “Happiness Team”
2. Internal discount code “SURPRISE AND DELIGHT”
3. …and unsolicited free socks?
Agree with everyone else, keep the socks. You don’t have to specifically wear any. You can re-gift or donate, etc.
> Apparently House Andrews can be easily bribed with free socks.
And there is nothing wrong with that 😉
Free advice from the Netherlands: Check for small print, but if it’s truly free, always (ALWAYS!!) accept. You can throw it away if it turns out to be useless.
P.S. Off to Bombas to see if SURPRISE AND DELIGHT is valid more than once
This is HILARIOUS. And I can absolutely be bribed with free socks, I’m not surprised the rest of your family can. I would ask, why can YOU not be bribed with free socks? Heh. ????.
1) keep the socks.
2) guilt free-your blog did more positive advertising than they could ever dream of. (And it continues)
3) I thought something like this would happen.
4) it wasn’t me. I have purchased these socks. Many people love them. They are not for me.
I know at my workplace, we have someone who, as part of their job, regularly searches the interwebs for mention of us. (I’m in education.) I bet they probably have someone similar – it’s smart policy to do so these days.
My vote is to keep the socks, too. 😀 I mean, on that post there were a lot of comments singing the praises of Bombas, which basically illustrates YMMV (Your Model May Vary). So, there was good press in there, too.
Maybe no one sent the post to Bombas. Maybe someone at Bombas is a big Ilona Andrews fan and reads your blog?
Totally what I thought ????????
Hahaha, I say keep them ???? Facts: you were not satisfied with their products, told it to your community, which gave them a bad image. So they sent you new socks to make you happy and “redeem” themselves. In my book you did nothing wrong, they just have very good client services ???? plus, I don’t know about you but my socks (or one in each pair) are always running away from me, so new socks in always good????????
Perhaps the sock people are fans and read your blog? And +1 to keeping the socks
My sister gives me Bombas for Christmas. I like them, but have gazillions of black socks because of matching issues. Enjoy the gift!!!!
No, Ilona Andrews, you shouldn’t feel bad about the socks. This is known as taking care of customer in the USA retail world. When I worked customer service I learned many new words and how ugly people can be. You actually were nice about the sock problem. You don’t have to guilt buy more products from them. But you should write a thank you note when you receive socks. A gesture of goodwill should always be acknowledged per my grandmother. No one got hurt or maimed and it wasn’t your fault the socks vanished into the lost sock dimension.
Sorry for the lecture. Titan enjoyed the latest Ryder segment. He is upset today as he got the back porch skunked last night and is in time out while porch is deskunked. He brought me a present earlier. I asked him to drop what was in his mouth and out dropped a baby bird. The cat Jupiter had raided a nest and Titan brought it in to me. Unfortunately it expired from all the trauma. Predators!
Keep the socks, you provided A TON of free advertising, got their name out to a horde of people who didn’t know them and probably reminded people who did know them that they might want to order more. I googled them and put them on my wishlist. On a side note/question, when does the parental “own up” stop working? Currently my 2 year old, when i ask “who did this?” proudly points to himself =)
I suggest you take the socks and make a donation to help the homeless rather than buying more socks.
Keep the socks. I suggest you just donate some other socks to a local shelter
Take the socks. It is their way of making up for how overpriced they are, and you probably drove a thousand people to their site.
You can post another blog/Twitter message saying thank you for being kind, which will drive even more people to their site. Win-win, you’ve helped them, they gave you free socks.
(BTW, I would have had a similar moral dilemma, but I’m Irish Catholic, so guilt is just part of the package…)
Coming from a Luddite here, it might not have been anyone who forwarded you post.
Don’t companies have bots that scan the Internet for their name?
I understand your dilemma. You didnt complain to get free stuff. Maybe donate your share of the spoils to a women’s shelter?
This is so good! I really had a good laugh…and I have never read so much about socks before. Keep the socks! 🙂
Speaking as a Brand Manager, if I had seen your blog post about my brand, I would have done the same thing as Bombas. Consumer satisfaction is the most important thing for a brand. You had a bad experience and Bombas is trying to make up for it. Should you want to purchase from them again because you enjoy their product great. You don’t need to do so out of guilt though. By sending you the free socks, and by you posting this on your blog, you’re showing other potential buyers that Bombas cares about consumer satisfaction. So in my long winded manner, I’d say you can accept the socks guilt free, without having to buy them again if you don’t want them ????
I had a similar dilemma. I have a weight loss blog (I am a bariatric patient, and have lost around 150# off my heaviest), and I made a horrible review of a scale I bought from this company, and they’re like, “We read your review, found your blog (um, how?), and would LOVE to be part of your weight loss journey! We’re going to give you a FREE scale, just send back the other one, we’ll pay the shipping, and oh, hey, here’s a free $100 gift card to Amazon too! We just want you to be happy and healthy, and if you like our scale, please leave a good review. As it turns out, I LOVE the new scale, so, I left a really good review, and I did use the $100 gift card, but for protein shakes and such, which are not cheap. I did leave up the bad review, but edited it a bit to make it less scathing. What can I say, I was a new mom who was on a health journey, and eating healthy is not cheap… I say keep the socks if you want. They want to make you happy, let them. 🙂
Congratulations Lizz D. on your weight loss. That is so hard to do, especially as a new mom. I hope you’re proud of yourself. Good job!! ????????????????????
Do not look at me. And I would take the socks.
FWIW, I enjoy my Bombas socks (which are black and white sports socks and delightfully match- and mismatchable.
Since they donate for each pair sold, I reckon they’re also donating for all the ones they’re sending you. If that helps.
When I read this “Also, there is no privacy on the internet”, I laughed out loud. As we all know, there hasn’t been any privacy on the internet since it became available to folks other than scientists sharing research! 🙂 Thank you for the laugh, Ilona, I needed it today! Good luck with your sock dilemma!
They read your post. They are aware of how you feel. They obviously found marketing value in it. “Any publicity is good publicity”. Unless you feel taking the socks is an endorsement, save conserve energy and use or donate
Keep the socks and no you cannot purchase more. Think of it as getting your money’s worth for the first purchase.
To help tilt the scales, I’ll say some good things about Bombas here to help with the “they got free advertising” side of things.
The tall knee socks are the perfect winter socks to wear with layers and boots. If you can keep from losing them, they also last forever.
maybe someone in Bombas reads your blog.
I think you should thank them kindly, accept the socks, and be done with the whole incident. They got free publicity, look like good people (which they probably are) on the internet, and that’s all fine.
I recently won two free giveaways on FB by commenting on an author I follow and another she let take over her site for a bit. I hadn’t actually bought any books (but had ordered some free ones when they popped on bookbub) from the ‘take over’ author. I won a $10 amazon gift card from the second author. Okay cool, got the email and redeemed it. A couple days later I got a second email about a gift card from her, so I contacted her through facebook messenger to let her know. She replied that she couldn’t figure out what amazon was doing so to ‘keep it and buy a book from me?’. My guilt made me buy a boxed set from her (8.99 so not the full 10).
Guilt is a terrible thing to have. Also apparently in PA finders-keepers is NOT the law. There was a news story of a couple who had cashed several months of unemployment checks and the envelope with the cash fell at a CVS and a woman was stalking them and picked it up (then conveniently paid cash for her order upon return to the CVS) and now the cops are sending out the surveillance video because not returning the cash is a crime in PA. Honestly if you pick up an envelope of cash you see fall out of a purse and don’t try to return it, you are a jerk-face who deserves whatever the law throws at you.
???????????????????????????? you think you have a petit comité blog and everyone follows you ????????????????????????????.
Keep the socks, write another honest review/story. I think perhaps they are attracted to you readership base.
Keep the socks guilt free. You provided free PR to the company and already paid a bunch for the socks you originally purchased. I’d never heard of Bombas before your blog posting and that of other readers who responded to it. It was a pretty balanced mix of responses. I’m also guessing that one of your fans works for the company.
Is it possible that one of your fans is an employee of Bombas? I wouldn’t be surprised!
Keep the socks with no guilt! The company is making things right with you which they should. I’m thinking maybe someone who works for the company is a fan.
Yup, never heard of Bombas and despite you not being smitten, there were other reviewers in the comments who loved their warm tootsies. It ended up a nicely balanced review- even if completely unintentional. You’ve also been incredibly open and ethical about their offer and your indecision which is more than many so-called influencers.
You’ve given them a huge, free marketing boost, so I would suggest a gracious thanks (and pass said socks to Kid 1!).
However, it’s up to you and if you want to donate them or even give them to your dogs, it’s actually none of my (our) business what you do- as long as it ‘brings you joy’ alla Marie Kondo.
I’m a great believer in privacy and House Andrews is ever generous with the BDH who I confess love to hear as much about your real life as the books. I do feel a bit stalkerish at times reading the blog and writing this suggestion to keep them feels a bit pushy, even if you did ask!
God- I’m so stereotypically British – anyone seen a queue I can join??!!
I suggest to donate them to charity if you choose to not keep them. PS – I too have been fooled into buying something not as portrayed in the advertisements. Sigh………..
If a comment sends you product unsolicited, you are not required to feel guilty about it; they are trying to change your mind about their product and service.
It’s like when marketing companies send the library sample pens, totes, note pads, etc. I use the product even though I will not be buying anything from them.
O.M.G. ????????????????
$80 for a set of socks/2 sets= $40 for each set.
1. Would you spend $40 on socks you already know you don’t like?
a. Yes- keep them and send a thank-you note to Bombas.
b. No- return with a thank-you note ( House etiquette requires a thank-you either way)
2. You can always donate the socks to a hospital or other charity and send a thank-you note to Bombas with the name of the charity.
Since the original post mentioned lost socks…
I haven’t had that problem since I discovered Sock Cops. They keep the pairs together for the washing cycle. Amazon has them and I like the Loc A Sok Sock Locks.
Quicker and easier than pinning socks together.
Lol. Lucky me, I am from Europe, so I am not tempt. Still, I enjoy your little stories ????.
I agree with all the others – you’ve deserved your guilt-free socks. Enjoy!
Don’t you wonder whether they actually read said “small” story? Bombas has shown up on my Facebook feed too, and I’ve wondered several times whether they were worth it. Well, now I know!
Keep the free socks, and think of it as lowering your amortized costs!
I would absolutely keep the socks! And I would only order more if, IF I changed my mind and loved the new socks.
I love your posts but i dont usually comment but this post made my morning????
If they want to send you socks, let them! They read your post obviously, so why would you feel bad for accepting them?????????
Thanks for entertaining me! I look forward to emails that have your name on them and i absolutely love everything you write! Keep up the creative work!! Love you guys!!
I would take the socks, thank the company and if you like them, write a positive review. No need to buy more socks. The positive reviews mean a lot as well.
This whole story and the dilemma that you’re in makes me chuckle. I can see more Bombas purchases in your future, Ilona. Thanks for sharing.
Bombas wants you to be happy. If the dryer eats a sock they will replace it!
LOL Some days it’s just weird like that. Maybe one of the BDH works for Bombas. Ah, the mysteries of life…. Sounds like Kid 1 has designs on ’em, but if you really don’t want the socks then donate them.
I wonder if one of the employees at the company is a BDH member?
If Kid 1 really likes them, I’d let her keep them and she can send a nice thanks to Bombas. Obviously, you can’t send them back. If you don’t want to keep them for the family, then you’d have to donate them to a homeless shelter, to support Bombas in that.
I’m still giggling that Bombas sent you free socks. I’ve been curious about them for awhile, and I must say that I appreciate their pluckiness. I’m thinking about trying them out after I do a little mismatched sock purge of my own.
Dobby would take the free socks…also Bombas probably had a surge of interest in their website as a result of your story so ..win win…take the socks oh house elf;)
Someone who works for Bombas reads your blog?
This is their way of saying “sorry you hate our socks and they don’t last, maybe this will make you feel better”.
They are treating it like a letter of complaint (replacing socks) without owning up to anything.
You owe them nothing.
???? you thought there is privacy on the internet??!! ???? We’ve noticed we even TALK about something and ads appear for it in the various feeds we have. And, we do NOT have Alexa here. Yeah, no privacy.
Even if it didn’t pop in google results yet, there are ways of making keyword alerts to anything that hits rss feeds (which the blog does),as well as social media, and other services besides google that tend to pop faster. A lot of companies actually pay for services that help them track media mentions so they can keep an eye on things related to their brand (hootsuite, tweetdeck, hashtagify, meltwater, social mention, awario, are just a few such services and tools I can think of towards this end). Since your blog crossposts to social media, it’s only ever a matter of time and how invested a particularly brand is to monitoring mentions.
So I am not surprised.
It’s also standard practice anymore for them to try to reach out to celebrities and influencers who drop mention their brands (even guilelessly without trying to get free goods).
Obviously you’re gonna do what you want. ^_^ In my opinion, you wrote an honest story, unbiased by bribery. If you want to keep the socks even for the one kid do so. If you honestly feel bad about that, donate them to a women’s or homeless shelter. Socks are such a little thing but they are genuinely in demand there.
Oh and some of those media trackers also prioritize mentions by metric reach, so someone like House Andrews, a NYT best-selling author team with a large following at a blog, an various other social media platforms is gonna light up like a radioactive explosion on their dashboard.
And Alexa, which tracks internet data from a marketing perspective (and it existed long before the voice activated AI from Amazon, and oh look is now an amazon owned company) can show some interesting FREE data (and you can pay for more): https://www.alexa.com/siteinfo/ilona-andrews.com
But what makes you guys so exciting, is the time on site, and engagement. You’re lucky to get 30 seconds anymore let alone the over 2 minutes, so that means you’re a value rich target. You have target rich engagement. Frankly with your mentions of things like anime and asian dramas, and certain games, I’m surprised no one’s reached out to you before, even just to see if you’d be willing to do a giveaway of their goods in exchange for the brand mention. Or invite you on a tour and maybe do a little filming for social media, or seek permissions to name a character in honor of one of yours and do a fun little campaign on that. It would be fun in one of those space games to come across an inn called the Gertrude Hunt. 😛
Absolutely take the free socks. You just gave them a gazillion free ads. You didn’t like the socks but I read a lot of the comments and many people did. They will probably get many orders from your readers. Also maybe Lahaira Lopez is one of your readers and that is how Bombas heard of your post. Take the socks!!! And don’t buy anymore unless for your daughter who likes them!
1) I have a friend who *only* wears mismatched socks; he has absolutely no concern if a sock ever goes missing (in fact, he’ll never know).
2) Free socks: if you feel guilty about accepting them, let Kid #1 choose a pair or two that she likes & donate the rest to a homeless shelter or women’s shelter.
I wanted to buy some for my son (picky about what touches his feet), but couldn’t justify the price without knowing whether or not he’d like them.
Keep the sox, they are getting free advertising out of this so no moral dilemma!????
Now I want to buy Bombas socks. Great customer service!!!
Enjoy your socks.
Are you gonna change your review now that you are getting free socks? No, right?! So accept it with clear conscience.
No need to buy more Bombas socks. =)
Keep them without guilt! Isn’t it said that bad publicity is better than no publicity? I too had never heard of them and will now check them out. Win for them! And I loved your story about them, it cracked me up!
Take the free socks as a tribute to your internet power . . . and how the sock company wants to get into the good graces of your fans. Remember for them any publicity is good publicity!
I did not notify them but wish I had… Now, most people accept free gifts but You don’t have to if you do not wish too.
Either way, I think I am not the only one curious for this real life finale.
Ps: Impressed how we got to discuss charity, has anyone regretted what you donated?
Take the socks but don’t feel that you need to purchase anything they are just trying to get you to say thanks we are happy. Since Kid1 likes them have her post to social media or on the blog about how she likes them and is happy to get replacements.
Nah. It’s not a moral dilemma. You gave them free advertising space on your blog. It doesn’t necessarily matter that it happened to be the stupidest thing you bought, because any publicity is good publicity, as the saying goes. I say keep the socks. 😉
You gave them the best free advertising EVER! Doesn’t matter what you actually think of them. Keep and don’t order anymore (if you didn’t like them ). Don’t feel guilty, they never could have bought advertising like you gave them.
Someone who follows the blog works at Bombas. (No, not me, I’m retired and not from Bombas.)
Keep them. I’m guessing Bombas figures any press is good press since so many of us read your blog and visit your website.
My guess is that they found your blog post when their social media department Googled their name.
Keep the free socks. You got them for being an internet “influencer.” Your post generates awareness and possibly sales.
Bombas probably has a Google alert set up for themselves, so it wasn’t necessarily one of us that notified them.
Personally, I think you should just enjoy the socks — the fact is they’re getting lots of positive publicity from this, despite how this all started 🙂 Plus you can combine soothing your guilt with getting a nice Christmas present for Kid 1, ha ha.
LOL! The internet is not private! Just take the freebies and enjoy@
1. Accept the socks 🙂
2. You didn’t know there was no privacy on the internet?
3. The more I read your blog the more wonderful I think you are.
I think they sent you socks as a thank you for the publicity, probably under the concept that there’s no such thing as bad publicity :). They also have now added a positive customer service impression to the end of your story by sending free socks. Keep them or not, but I think they’re more trying to repay you for the publicity and besides being kind use the free socks to improve their customer service image rather than to get you to buy more personally.
I am laughing so hard I’m crying!!
Sorry but I burst out laughing when I read this post – how perfect a response – no, I did not send your post to Bombas but have to admit that their response was hilarious .
and although I do not get a vote, if I did I would vote to keep the socks
Laughed till I cried!
Thank you for brightening so many days!
That’s awesome. Now I’m going to have to buy a pair of these for my wife. ;-p
OMG, Take the socks, you paid an outrageous amount on the original order and was not satisfied with your purchase. The company is trying to make it right. So don’t feel guilty, you’re helping them be a better company.
Okay that’s just hilarious. As a Bombas lover (and they give socks to the homeless), I say keep them.
Speaking as someone who has worked in retail, customer service, and marketing, you should not have any worries about the morality of accepting the socks. In fact, by posting about them sending you the gift, you are providing equal value back to them – think of it as an advertising expense for them, which is probably the budget they were paid for from. 🙂
As to how they found it – if they have a Google alert set up for mentions of their brand name, new posts should show up in their inbox regardless of Google search ranking.
(Also, if I search Bombas Socks stupid, your original post is in the first page of results. Many brands have alerts set up to notice unhappy customers, so it wouldn’t surprise me if that was one of their alert phrases!)
Best laugh I’ve had all day!
Should I apologize for laughing my ao at your ethical dilemma ? Eh, maybe……Nah too funny!
Keep the socks… drop the guilt.
You made an honest post.
They got free advertising (so many people commented on how much they love their Bombas).
They sent you a gift for your advertising and hope you’ll buy socks, but if you don’t it’s okay because lots of other people will now check them out.
This is brilliant for them.
I think you are still getting the shorter end of the financial stick here. ????
You guys rock.
I don’t think you should feel any guilt about the free socks because Bombas got A LOT of free advertising from your post. Most of us have since checked out their site and their response to you shows they have great customer service so we’re more likely to buy from them.
And now I just spent a half hour browsing their site… Mildly tempted by their compression socks, so I’ll have to keep them in mind for later. 😉
If I had to make a guess as to how they found out about your post, I would say it’s either:
a) one of your regular blog readers works for Bombas or knows someone who works for them and passed it along
b) Someone on their social media team regularly searches Twitter for mentions of their brand and they saw this Tweet: https://mobile.twitter.com/turkeyheaven/status/1275405511974887424, which was a reply to one of your Tweets, which in turn links to the blog post about the socks.
c) One of the BDH (Chris) had posted a comment in your Bombas Part 1 post that links to one of their help pages – the one that describes their replacement program for missing socks. A large enough number of folks in the BDH clicked on that link to check them out, which caused your blog post to stand out as a new high-traffic Referrer to their website, so they came for a visit.
Personally, I think (b) is the most likely one, but (a) would be incredibly cool. haha!
They know you called them the stupidest purchase you ever made and sent them anyway. Their choice, so you’ve nothing to feel guilty about. Give them to someone who does like them, Kid 1.
I’m thinking one or more of your fans works for Bombas socks. Obviously they would like you to have a good experience with their socks. Also, you have a large fan base and if you like their socks then you will tell your fans. . . . Hard to buy that kind of publicity. . .
You gave them free press with no ulterior motive: no guilt. They gave you socke as a complement/thank you: no guilt. I see no reason to not keep them. As a personality this happens, and you clearly did not do this with the intent of getting anything.
Yes, I was horrified at the thought of such expensive socks, too. Then I got a catalog from the place where I purchase a lot of my sock yarn used for my busy work socks (made while I sit in the car on long trips). I noticed that yarn was running about $6/skein for the cheap stuff. And I need 2 skeins for one pair. Suddenly your socks didn’t look so pricey.
By the way, I keep 2 large lingerie bags on top of my dirty laundry hamper. When I take off my socks, at night, I make certain to put the used pair of socks in either the laundry bag for whites or the bag for colors. When the bags are no more than half full, I secure them closed and start a new bag. My washing machine hasn’t eaten a single sock in all the years since I started this.
How about keep half and donate the other half to a shelter?
Crazy idea… while recalling your Katie/Curran vs. Nevada/Rogan face-off, a sock war (color and design depicts each character set) would be entertaining and great promotion for both brands…Just a thought…I know I would participate????
You may have called them the stupidest purchase ever, but they read the story, thought it was funny, and now free socks. Any publicity is good publicity, and now they are rewarding you with socks.
Presumably, they are also sending out the same number of pairs to a homeless shelter since that’s their whole thing, so not only is it free socks it is free charity socks!
As they already know what you said about them, which is clear in their email to you that they do, why should you feel guilty about keeping the socks?
If you really don’t feel you can keep them in good conscience, donate them to a homeless shelter!
it could that someone who works at bombas reads your books too so they took upon themselves to “resolve” things ????
Lol. Even critical commentary is often appreciated by businesses, particularly small and/or niche online shops who rely on ad clicks and referrals to survive. Anything that increases Google searches and social media hits is a win. And if people actually go directly to their little dot com… score! Tossing you a few socks is less than what even small sponsors of bloggers/vloggers would pay, so no need for guilt. (I spent more on free samples when I had a tiny booth at a street fair.) Assume they simply appreciate the mention as the business version of “even bad attention is good attention,” while they simultaneously use the opportunity to publically demonstrate good customer service. Then you can revel in the joy of free stuff with a clear conscience. 🙂
LOL!!!! I appreciate your dilemma. Maybe donate the pair assigned to you (as opposed to the pairs assigned to Kid1, Kid2 and Gordon) to charity? And there’s an excellent reason you have always been so VERY careful about Kids 1&2’s privacy in your blogs. On the bright side – maybe a Bombas employee is an ardent member of your fan club and had to resolve their ethical dilemma as an employee appropriately. And you’ve provided Bombas with GREAT publicity – I’d never heard of them until your post, and all publicity is good publicity.
Perhaps a Bombas employee or a family member or friend of an employee is a part of the BDH.
The socks are a gift as an apology by the company for your poor experience with their product. Your posting of their goodwill efforts would be more than sufficient with no further purchases necessary. I am sure, though, that they are hoping you change your mind about their products ????????
Keep the socks and make a donation for the cost of the socks to a food bank or homeless shelter. There! Desire for socks – filled, guilt – avoided = Happy Family
I think the funniest comment was on the privacy of the internet 🙂
I am looking at the comments and … if Bombas socks is doing SEO (search engine optimization), they probably saw a spike in traffic from your site to theirs in their Google Analytics. So maybe no one squealed. Also, maybe someone from Bombas is a long-time fan of your writing? Any way you slice it, you have unconsciously given them a market awareness boost, so enjoy your new socks!
First, it is true, there is NO privacy on the internet.
But, as to how they heard about the post, there is a reasonable scenario that comes to mind. You have a fan at Bombas who gets your posts! It seems very likely, from my perspective, since your books are so good.
And, keep the socks. Accepting a gift is the right thing to do for both parties.
Keep the socks. Bombas donates a pair of socks to various charities for every pair they sell. I know a social worker whose office received a huge box of them last winter to give to all of their foster kids who are lacking clothes.
Keep them! look at all the conversations this has started, you gave your honest opinion of them and other people gave theirs. Now other people are looking them up as never heard of them (neither have I but I live in New Zealand). Kid 1 will be happy
Agreed. No privacy on the internet, my dad always says, don’t write anything in an email or on the internet that you would not put on a postcard.
I say take the socks. You already bought from them, so I would not worry about buying again. Delayed gift with purchase. They also claim to replace socks if they are defective etc.
I think they are just trying to make you a pleased customer, give the free bees to Kid 1 who likes them and don’t reorder…
They can afford to give them to you because you paid a lot in the first place…don’t look a free sock in the mouth!
I googled “Bombas.” Your post was not in the top 10 but I did find it. Keep the socks or donate them. Either is goog.
I think Bombas just niced you in a corner. Morally you have somewhat dissed them but they gave you Free Stuff which will ever taint the socks when worn. You can give them to the Kid, which disinfects the guilt but you must never wear or touch their products again. They probably have search engines that key on their name, read your blog and zapped you. I think the Barefoot Dreams socks were more expensive, but are soft, warm and comfy to quote KD.
Keep the socks guilt free. You just boosted their brand awareness by thousands. I am sure that at least one staff member was already a House Andrews fan and that is how they found out about your review. There are Probably even more now. ????
Perhaps someone there is a fan of yours ????????♀️
Told my wife about this, she said give them to a shelter. It’s fully in line with their ethos, and won’t compromise your ethics, and you’ll also be helping.
Ok, I am dying from laughter. Maybe someone who works at Bombas also reads your blog. It’s not a stretch, you have a large reader fan base. And this was EXCELLENT marketing tactics for them. They just got a lot of free publicity. So, you’ve technically paid them back. I do want to share my story about socks though. I have a three kids, but my two youngest are under two and my oldest is a teenager. You can imagine that my life has changed quite a bit. My sister-in-law threw a baby shower from my middle child (about 2 years ago) and my mom decided to buy the baby a cute outfit and some socks from Hanna Andersson. She added everything to the cart and clicked buy. She thought it was a little pricy, but just figured it was because Hanna can be pricy. Everything was well and good until she got the package and opened it and found out that she ordered TWENTY-ONE pairs of baby socks. Twenty-one. She told the story at the baby shower and everyone laughed hysterically. She took a socks back to Hanna Andersson to return them and the sales ladies laughed hysterically. They told her that it the first time someone had accidentally bought 21 pairs of socks.
It still makes me laugh. Thanks for sharing your stories.
I’m betting EVERYONE reads your blog and books, even the sock folks!????????????
I did not do it, but it is funny, We dress up at my work for Halloween, we do compete for bragging rights. I won one year for orginal. With Sock Monster. I was the thing in that lived under dryer. That stole one sock from each pair I could get.
Dead. ????????????
I believe this is the funniest thing I have read all day! Maybe even all week! Perhaps someone high up in the Bombas staff is a fan?
Free socks. Given the transient nature of socks (which you, yourself mentioned in your first Bombas post), you really should accept them.
Also, hahaha! Kill’em with kindness is a winning business model. You’re stuck.
This made me giggle on a day when I really needed it! Also just keep the sock,they’ll make their money back from us weirdo fans buying socks cause we must have what are obsession….I mean favorite writer has!!
Don’t feel guilty. Accept them and then donate them.
Let’s face it. Bombas is getting a ton of marketing mileage out of this! You have nothing to feel guilty about. The “Happiness Team” could have simply smiled and continued on their happy way, but no, they saw a golden opportunity. Take the socks and enjoy. No need to purchase anymore. I’m sure at least 4 to 5 people from this blog will purchase those socks and share the story with their friends. Guilt gone bye bye.
Thank you for the giggle. I needed this. I’ve been seeing Bombas ads for a while, usually on one of the emails I get daily about book deals. I already own so many socks they won’t fit in one drawer so I’ve been able to resist. But their ads were really good and I was tempted.
I actually love my Bombas and had a good experience with their customer service after my order wasn’t right due to inventory issues. It should be noted that they will replace anyone’s missing sock(s) with in a year of purchase: https://help.bombas.com/hc/en-us/articles/360038732233-I-Lost-A-Sock-Can-I-Get-A-Replacement-
So, really, them sending you socks is part of their policy.
Take the socks! The comments on your post were free advertisement for bomba socks As many raves about them. I certainly considered taking a look at them. You have inadvertently earned your socks. Accept with a clear conscious and enjoy or regift or donate. ????
Sock advice. Want to get rid of your single socks. If you have a communal laundry room as in most apartment buildings wait until one of your neighbours has put some loads in the dryer. Ensure that they have left the room and make sure you are alone. Then place one of your single socks in their load. If you put in a colourful one they are bound to puzzle over, plain black or white may not be noticed until they sort their laundry after. Start the load again so the ploy goes undetected. Note this may not work with all victims and should only be done using clean socks 🙂
ROTFLMAO! Thanks for the laugh. Think of the free socks as a balm for your previous purchase not being satisfactory (and hopefully not get anymore bad press), not as a wedge to force you to buy more socks in the future. 🙂
I swear it wasn’t me!
+1 I had never heard of them before reading your post and googled them up. You have given them loads of free publicity. Keep the socks.
Do with the socks what makes your heart happy. my vote, though, is write a blog for socks, part 3! The silliness of part one, followed by the unexpected plot twist in part 2 makes me want a part 3.I want to know the outcome. I’m deeply committed to this story line!
Just saw this on buzzfeed. Apparently it’s the solution to lost socks.
Your ethical dilemma about keeping the socks is one of the MANY reasons I admire and respect you so much. You’re such a great human being! ????????
Most people would be: “Yay, Free socks! Great! Gimme!”. ????
IMHO, you should keep them.
They got free advertising from you blogging about them first and now with their great costumer service and PR awareness, you posted about them again and they look very good. Another free advertising they got because of you and your fan base.
That’s my 2 unwanted scents, anyway!
Ha! As the Bible says, “ be sure your sins will find you out”…
Not that complaining about stupid socks is a sin. I would never pay that much for socks. I couldn’t pay that much for socks. Maybe I have sock envy.
At any rate, this is the company trying to make good, so let them. And don’t buy any more of their socks.
There’s a really good chance nobody sent Bombas your review. Most good companies have someone search for the company name across the internet at least once a week. The response tells you they are a responsive company and take customer support seriously. Keep the socks, guilt free. Your blog post brought them lots of free, positive exposure. And besides, you deserve comfortable, matching socks to keep your feet warm.
I am pretty sure I would not even want them – lol
I agree with you that bombas are NOT the bomb! The hype is due to strong marketing… strong enough that even my sarcastic, cynical brother fell for it and tried to drag me along. But it is white socks or black socks for me (will keep the brand out of this ????).
Well, your socks cost less than the pair I purchased last year, $18…. if I had realized the cost it would never have happened. For ankle socks… needed some to go with new shoes I was buying. $18…. .
Take the socks, avoid buying more of them, give the creepy kudos on customer service.
I’ve read all your series and enjoyed them all. I can’t wait for the next books. I’ve been rereadI got the Edge books and I have a question. By any chance do you have a short story for Declan’s non blueblood ancestor? I’d be really interested in that story.
???????????????? I have also purchased these socks and console myself with the knowledge that someone got free socks with my purchase. Heaven is ours.
Mabey you have a Bombas employee in the BDH…
I say, yay free socks!
Many years ago, I ran into a similar issue with something else. By law, anything sent to you without you ordering it can be kept without paying for it. You did not order the new socks they sent you, they sent them to you (most likely) so that you would tell all of us about it and they’d be seen as a great place to buy expensive socks, and the socks are yours to keep, free of charge. Let your family wear the socks, get over the guilt you do not deserve to feel, and buy Hanes socks next time. You don’t owe them a thing. You’ve told us what they did to try to keep you as a customer, I’m not impressed by it, and you should not be forced to buy anything more from them because that was exactly their goal in sending those free socks to you. Deep breath. Move on.
I think the Bombas people know that you would feel guilty about getting the free socks. They are trying to guilt you into buying more. Don’t give in to this blatant marketing ploy; it will only encourage them to sell overpriced socks
“there is no privacy on the internet”
Right. I’m curious what you have in your Steam Library!
This is hysterical. ????????????
Haha, Maybe the sock fairy is a Horde member. Accept the horde offering with the grace parents try to instill in children.
I’m sure you know by now, but Bombas replaces worn out socks for life! My husband wears them out regularly and they send him a new pair when he gets holes in them. Incredible. But to be fair, it is ridiculous how expensive fancy socks are, and how I keep buying them like an addict. Oy vey.
There isn’t an ethical dilemma because they aren’t asking for you to do something in exchange for free socks, and you already provided an honest review. You have also disclosed now receiving free socks. Disclosing free items is pretty key in ethical reviews. It would only be unethical if you received got the new free socks and changed your review and didn’t disclose.
i don’t like the bombas socks i have. the heel cup is too big, especially on the no shows, and they’re always riding up and falling off.
Thank you for this wonderful story! I understand the dilemma, but I agree that you gave Bombas socks great free advertising.
Keep the socks!
No publicity is bad publicity. You gave them publicity, the socks from them are a thank-you.
That may not have been what you intended, but that’s what happened
Oh my god this gave me the best laugh!
Enjoy your socks ????
If somebody sends you something for free, it’s a gift and it’s yours. Legally AND ethically. (Can’t tell you how many free calendars, mailing labels, memo pads, etc., I received from various charities hoping I’ll send them money.)
Also, all of us who have never heard of Bombas before now have seen what nice people they are, and how much they care about their customers, yada yada yada. That’s a publicity GOLD MINE. The LEAST they should do is send you some socks!
Wear them in good health.
Take the socks, they got free PR. You could send them a book as a thanks, then they could be introduced to IA which is way better than free socks.
I love this story! I bet the free socks make your original purchase more acceptable now.
Stay happy and healthy.
Keep them, or donate them to a useful cause. And move on — there are dozens of places to get socks. Find one you like!
You know, hearing various stories around the interwebs about brand name giveaways due to media/internet mentions seriously makes me regret my lifestyle choice of generally being an asocial mushroom/hermit.
But not enough to change ;D
Watching John Oliver read out the letter he received from the POM Wonderful PR people is always worth a good laugh though.
This is the sweetest thing ever! On the one hand Bombas is doing a good customer service thing. On the other hand you feel conflicted about accepting their good customer service because you said bad things about them. I see integrity on both sides. It just makes me happy!
I wonder if someone from Bombas is a fan and wanted to send a little tongue in cheek response. This did make me giggle though. I would take the socks as a good natured little poke, and if you feel guilty about the free socks, donate them to a women’s shelter, or give them to Kid 1. You did give them some advertising to the “read and be cozy” crowd, and we do love our socks. Have a wonderful day!
You just gave them lots of free advertising so no need to feel guilty.
I think you should accept them. You got many people talking about the pros and cons of their socks.
You’re both an unhappy customer and an influencer so it’s marketing, not bribery. It’s fine for them to send more socks in the hopes that you enjoy these ones more than the last.
This made me laugh at loud! Dobby would be proud.
Definitely keep the socks! Karma obviously wanted you to have them.
So, I looked up Bombas socks on the internet. Naturally, being a curious kind of woman. It’s how I “roll”. (An Andrea, & Kate Phrase) Well, they came, and they’re okay, but my husband doesn’t think they’re “That Great”, and I most prob’ly won’t shop there again, but some place has 2 pair of socks. I’m okay with that.
Keep them! It was an honest review you made before the gift . And as others say you gave free publicity and raised their brand awareness. Also that is hilarious they made sure to send you white socks.
Accept the free gift. If you must soothe the Conscience, donate a pair or make it part of a contest.
You gave them free press and likely earned them a few sales, the least they can do is try to soothe themselves off the stupidest purchase list by fixing it. Besides now you given them good PR by talking about it and many companyies have searches that ping anytime ANY site gets lots of views following mention of the company or product- its how companies track their PR image.
Chuckle chuckle! I just saw a commercial from Kane11.com thats says their socks come in 11 different sizes! Plus if we buy online their is a discount….happy sock hunting if you choose to look????
…..also, now have additional advertising and product awareness due to ethics discussion.
Very smart Bombas.
I JUST GOT A BOMBAS AD ON FACEBOOK! And I have never searched or posted about them hahaha. This either means 2 things:
They are directly targeting Ilona Andrews fans
Facebook really is listening in on everything we read and do in ways that are not possible.
Either way, keep the socks. You’re basically influencers now haha.
Well, I never heard of Bombas until now and I’m about to buy a couple after reading all the comments so don’t feel bad. I’m picky about socks so I hope they work out!
Me before reading this blog post: *has never heard of Bombas socks*
Me ever since reading this blog post: *gets facebook and instagram ads for Bombas every single day*
It’s freaky how much information our devices collect about us..
I purchased one pair of Bombas socks after reading about them on a reputable fashion website. The article gushed over how comfortable the socks were. After purchasing the most expensive socks I’ve ever owned I found out I bought the wrong type. After some research the particular Bombas sock type fawned over by the fashion writer is not made in the style I need. I ended up keeping the Bombas even though I’ve only worn it twice in a year.
keep the socks, you just gave them a ton free advertising to all of your fans. I might even check them out!
Okay MY bombas have arrived and the kid is right! These socks rock! The company is kick ass in the social responsibilities department. And when you ask them for plain white or plain black you get ’em. What’s the trouble? Enjoy the socks, the “squirrel-theft” protected socks.