To answer some of the questions: Diamond Fire is a bridge novella. It is roughly 30,000 words long, so about a third of a typical book. It features two viewpoints. We start with Nevada, but move on to Catalina, who is solving a mystery during the wedding. At the time of the wedding Catalina is 18 years old.
The next trilogy after the novella will focus on Catalina and jump in time a few years, so she will be older. We wanted you to know where Catalina was coming from and to show her to you at a time when she felt at her most vulnerable, so you will understand what happened to make her into the woman she is when the trilogy starts.
It’s a bit of fan service, which is why they are selling it through Impulse at $1.99. If you are expecting some sort of deep love story with Alessandro in this novella, that’s not realistic. He is in it, and it’s important to understand how she feels about him, but they are both still very young.
Nevada and Rogan are beginning their HEA. The wedding itself is not the focus of the novella, but is more of a backdrop. 🙂 We are moving on, to an exciting beginning of a brand new story.
I’m so excited for the new trilogy!!
Thank you!!
This is so great, all these stories to look forward to, WOW! Leon, Leon, Leonnnnnn!
I love the cover art – congratulations to the artist for the art and concept. Though I have to say I prefer the wallpaper version you posted a little while ago. The magical construct in front of the protagonist is much more intricate and impressive and the cityscape in the background is a really cool touch. If I had a choice, I’d go with that one as a wraparound (cityscape on the back cover).
But cover images ought not be too intricate, I imagine — one wants to catch subconscious attention quickly, providing mental hooks to the kind of story within, while the conscious mind processes the words of the title and is driven to open the book to see what is inside. This cover is perfect for that purpose. The wallpaper is more suited for framing, yet another a gift to us from our generous authors.
Thank you! I found Catalina fascinating in the original trilogy and hoped the learn more about what happens to all Nevada’s siblings. Kinda glad Alessandro and her aren’t a huge love story right now. Not saying it never happens ( I married at 22) but sometimes you meet the right person at the wrong time in your life. You guys are awesome!
This. I married my jhs sweetheart but those stories aren’t exactly exciting to read about. A little conflict, a little enemies to lovers (the theme with most/all of the Andrews’ h/Hs), maybe a little kidnapping or “here kitty kitty” or pissing on an apple tree… I can’t wait to see how Catalina and Alessandro’s story unfolds!
Thank you! Take care of yourself. I love your work.
I am stupid excited about this novella! So glad you are transition points of view, very smart of you. And 18 is very young for a love story so I am grateful that she will age a little before her big book!
Looking forward to this, and everything else you’re willing to write!
Thank you!
Preordered! ?
Please have the trilogy have a lot of Leon in it.
Thank you. 🙂
I wish you could narrate directly into my head. I NEED a new book.
Thanks for all your hard work!
Pretty sure you could write a love story from the point of view of a dog, and I’d buy it [and now I’m thinking of a saucy french poodle for Grendel, dang it. Or maybe for Zeus? This poodle is friend, not food.]. Very excited for Catalina’s story – especially any interactions with Arabella. Those two could probably conquer the world single-handedly.
“saucy french poodle for Grendel” hahahahahahahahaha
Wouldn’t have to be a cat for Zeus? Maybe a shy snow leopard.
That whole poodle thing; great idea. For Zeus.
Grendel would probably throw up and pee all over his new companion and look at Kate like “what do I do with this new thing tailing me?”
Not that it’s likely to happen, but I wonder what would happen if Grendel reproduced. I know he’s the teleporter (graham?) dude’s hound, but is he like… divine? If not then would his pups look like normal pups or his other form? If so, do his pups gain his divinity?
The authors have said Grendel is not a dog. That is just the form he takes. He was with Bran before. Grendel may not be able to reproduce.
I’m really excited to read more about Catalina! Very intrigued to see what makes her into who she’ll eventually becomes. Thank you so much for the extra insight. I’m looking forward to reading this story so much!
Yay new story!
Really excited! I love all of your writing
Thank you for the explanation! I remember reading snippets here and there and was always a bit confused as to whose POV we were reading. Now it makes more sense and I am SO excited for the next trilogy. There are so many questions that I have about the world and how magic works, etc.
Thank you so much for the clarification!!! Looking forward to it.
Thank you so much!
Did you get your Mermaid Suit?
“We do so hate to be bored.”
Trilogy?! Yeah!
Love how your minds work. They are a dark and light and very quixotic place.
*still just as excited. Roman general or no roman general. As long as it’s written by Ilona Andrews!!♡
Ilona, where you able to get your mermaid dress for finishing Dimond Fire?
I’m so excited and grateful for your thoughtfulness providing this lovely little bridge. Cuz I’ll take everything I can get. Lol
I love the cover. Very Catalina. ?
Yay for Catalina! I’m so glad we’re not diving into a Catalina and Alessandro romance so soon. They really do need some time to come into themselves.
I agree with Rachel, you really could write a book from pretty much any POV, and series, any genre, and we’ll devour it…. over and over.
What a pretty cover!!!!!!!
That is exactly what I was hoping for. 🙂
Ahhhhh! Is this the cover reveal? Very shiny! Very pretty!
I think it’s so cool that you guys are writing different stuff, different universes. It keeps it all fresh.
I’m so excited for this! I’m soaking up every single clue and tidbit that is released about anything Hidden Legacy related. So it’s great to have clarification so my imagination doesn’t run wild 😀
This helps, thank you. My eyes were bugging thinking you had done a new first in what 3months? No wonder your hands went on strike. Gotta love Leon.
Thanks so much for the clarification. Rest now. Let your hands heal. We will wait for you.
Much love
Whatever you write, it’s all good. I just want to read it.
I went to Applebee’s tonight, because I’m 600 miles from home, and when I got here I found out the person I came to see is dying. It’s not a premature death; the person is simply tired of living. That information would have been useful a couple of months ago, however. There are family members who will not have the opportunity to say goodbye.
I wasn’t up for any of our usual spots, and Applebee’s made me think of Ghastek’s lame drawing and Rowena rolling her eyes, which got me through a decent dinner without freaking out other diners or staff. I really could not have choked down fast food, so thank you.
My/our condolences. You are in my prayers. This sort of thing is tough, especially so far from home.
It’s very frustrating and hard to watch someone, who is not ill, slip away from life. My condolences. 🙁
Thank you. The person is the last of their generation in the family, and has not in fact been in truly good health in decades, and started refusing all meds weeks ago. Unfortunately no one in their community saw fit to inform us, and the individual doesn’t tell us these things by phone. Thank God I happened to make my annual visit earlier in the summer than usual. Another relative is going out to visit this coming weekend, and we just hope it’s not for the funeral. Moral of the story: Trust but verify. We should have checked with the caregivers rather than rely on self-reporting.
I thought Alessandro was older since they used him to test Catalina’s magic. Maybe in his 20’s. It didn’t occur to me that he could be younger.
I believe he is just 20, 2yrs older than Catalina. Which will be fine when she’s older, but not now.
Nevada’s impression of him was that life hadn’t left its mark on him yet. I think that’s the point; both Alessandro and Catalina are just about to start their journeys. He hadn’t encountered any real opposition to his powers until he met her. Which may be why he’ Interested.
The great thing about the two of you is that it doesn’t matter what you write it is just good. I look forward to Catalina’s story but I will miss Nevada and Rogan – I hope they are both in the books.
Glad to hear your hands are doing better. My wife is a Medical Transcriptionist and has injured her hands on a couple occasions when the work demanded greater production. They weren’t very sympathetic to her plight (sounds like some fans, I suppose). Time and taking it easy were the only cure. It was incredibly painful for her and it hurt me to watch. It sounds like the two of you have the same typing style…drive those keys like your punching through a board. She learned to type on a non-electric type writer. I’ve never heard of someone wearing the edges and letters off a key and leaving fingernail divots until I met her. Her keyboards eventually look like someone took a blow torch to them. We truly enjoy your work. Do take it easy and we hope things continue to get better.
Yes, I also learned on a non-electronic typewriter and I do wear the keys off the keyboards. My deepest sympathies to your wife.
My mom typed on a manual typewriter when I was very young for her school papers. She used the pads of her fingers (like she would be playing the piano) and started to wear the keys out. I started to learn on the same typewriter. However, when I was a junior in high school, I learned on an electric typewriter (whew). When Smith and Corona brought out the word processor (electric typewriter with a monitor), I used that in my undergraduate papers since at the time desktop computers and printers (dot matrix ones) were expensive.
Ah, yes, learning on a manual typewriter probably did train you to press keys harder than on an electric typewriter or computer keyboard. I don’t wear out the keys on a keyboard, but I do rub off the labels on the letters.
I learned on a manual typewriter as well, and I always had the hardest time with hitting the keys with my little finger of my left hand hard enough. You know how often you need the A key!
Hi! I just want to say thank you for all of the wonderful books you’ve written. I get lost in them – they are my haven. I can’t wait to read the last Kate and Curran book. I can’t wait to read more Innkeeper. I can’t wait – but I will. Because I also understand that your health and happiness must come first. Please don’t let the complainers ruin for you (or us). I will wait patiently and happily for every word.
Yes. Rest those hands a good long while (so important for full recovery). We will happily wait when its something so important for your well being. You two are a treasured gift to us.
I have to say Hidden Legacy is my favourite series and was beyond happy w the announcement of more books. Thank you so very much. We are verocious in reading anything you write but need you all to be healthy and happy, please take your time, most of us can be patient……
Love the cover!
I’m delighted they are continuing with this series, but I’m disappointed it will focus on Catalina. I was looking forward to having more Rogan and Nevada. I get too attached the main character(s) in a story and usually don’t want to read from someone else’s POV. I’m sure it will still be great though.
Well, I really enjoyed the main characters, but the rest of the family were so.interesting and fully drawn, that I’m curious about them too. So thank-you Authorlords for letting us continue to learn about the family.
I am sure we’ll have plenty of news about Rogan and Nevada, the Baylors are a tight unit and the main focus has just changed from Nevada to Catalina. Besides, it makes me happy to know this Series is going on, no matter whose main POV gets choosen for it. I think you’ll feel more dissapointed without more books too,.. so a change in perspective is in order ?
I can’t tell you how happy I am that this world isn’t being left behind. Your worlds and histories are so incredibly well built and I am facinated by them. Thank you.
Cool. Thanks for everything.
Thank you for the clarification! And the “exciting beginning to a brand new story” is just what we need!
Ah! And the cover is fantastic!
Maybe the cover curse has ended?
I think this is a self-publish, which means no publisher to contend with. The authors chose the cover.
Nope, this is Avon, but if you look on our front page, you will see the background we use for the website advertisment of Diamond Fire. They said, “Tell us EXACTLY what you want” and we sent it to them and said, “Make it like that, please.”
Thanks for the update!! Looking forward to the new trilogy. And the cover is GORGEOUS!!!
Very excited here! I’m so glad you have future plans. As much as you deserve it, the thought of you retiring would be sad to those of us who are your adoring fans.
Beautiful cover! Thank you so much the new novella and trilogy to look forward to. I am so glad you have not ended this series yet 🙂
I saw the word Trilogy. That’s already enough to get me excited. You gave us the tiniest teasers of what the younger members of the family can do. I’m really looking forward to seeing them shine in their own stories (really hoping they all get their own stories, especially Leon :p ).
Mermaid Suit achieved. Congratulations! And I’m loving every Diamond Fire snippet. Thank you ☀
I already pre-ordered the book. This series is my favourite, and I’m so happy that there is going to be a new trilogy and that it will have Catalina as the main character. She is so interesting. Altough I admit that when I read “what happened to make her the woman she is” I worry about what happened to her.
As for the romance, they are both too young, Catalina has just been thrust in a world of shark and she still has to learn to navigate it. She isn’t ready yet to fall in love. I do look forward to the romance in the next trilogy tough (and to Grandma Frida’s input).
I cancelled my pre-order when they had the paper version of I&M ready to go. I can always order the ebook again.
If you wrote just a chapter I would still buy it, read it and love it. Have got my husband hooked onto KD series. He’s read both the inkeeper series and Nevada series . Thank you for all the books
How much will Rogan and Nevada be in the new trilogy?
Yea! Thanks for the clarification. Can’t wait to read it. Hope your hands are better.
i love this!!!! i hope we seemore of the other houses and the world in the next books !!!
That’s it right there! The other houses!
I really don’t care how long it is! I’m just so excited to be getting it!
I like the cover. I do not see the cityscape which Simon viewed, but I see a landscape with a range of hills. The model appears to have used the tiara to unveil what looks like a calendar of the Zodiac or a universe described by runic symbols. The model may be searching for a clue, for time or direction.
What I’m wondering about the cover is, are those emeralds in the tiara, or did Rogan buy the other two green diamonds?
Brand new. Yea yea yea
I’m so excited! I love your books, and we are getting a bonanza this year!
Thanks for the clarification and this soo cool! Happy Monday to all!
Congrats on finishing and thank you for the clarification. It was always interesting to see Kate from the POV of other characters so I can’t wait to read things from Catalina’s POV.
Any Catalina/Alessandro is a treat! I am so glad we are getting books about them and don’t have to say goodbye to this world, it’s so interesting and well built! If we also get an Arabella book in the trilogy, all my dreams are coming true!
Awesome! I love it. It’s like an extended epilogue and prologue all at the same time. Wonderful!
YES!! Setting the stage.
I am so glad to hear there will be more! I was afraid to ask. I love this series! Hope the fingers are feeling better.
Is this already available? Love anything you write.
Not yet. I recall a recent post about just having finished edits.
Thrilled to have more coming in this universe!
Is it bad that I kinda wish Nevada and Rogan would have to wait a little longer for their HEA? 😉 I’m not ready for them to become secondary characters so fast, you spoiled us too much with 10 Kates haha.
I agree! I love Nevada and Rogan and could easily read a dozen books about the next 30 years of their lives. Ilona and Gordon would make it brilliant! Imagine Rogan chaperoning his daughter’s 8th grade school dance?
Ilona and Gordon, you two are just wonderful people who create joy with your thoughts! Thank you.
Ali and Addy, risking my life here, I’m with you. When I first read Burn for Me I was so completely hooked. It was a fabulous story in it’s own right, but I felt it was the perfect story line to ease us away from Kate. It helped with that sting. I assumed if the books sold well, we might get more. I have no doubt I will love what ever Ilona writes, but I sure hope we will see more of Nevada and Rogan in more than a supporting role. And, as I’m being greedy here, I hope we will see more, perhaps an entire book, of Augustine. And Linus Duncan. And Michael Latimer. ….running away now.
Me too! I am definitely here for Augustine! Nothing like seeing an uptight icicle melt!
OMG! A flash forward snippet of Rogan and Nevada chaperoning an 8th grade dance would be fabulous! As a parent of an 18 yo, this has so many ways it could go to be both funny, exciting; while it would show that there is a world after an HEA. But, then again, I also love all the new stuff so any writing will make me happy.
Love the cover…does anyone know what 30 thousand words means in terms of pages? Is it about 150 pages?
I just finished my 3rd read of the Edge series (after I read Iron and Magic the 2nd time and a full re-read of all 9 Kate books). Earlier this spring I re-read the Hidden Magic series. It’s been 3 straight months of Illona Andrews books! Nothing else seems to satisfy.
Is there any intention – beyond what’s in the Innkeeper with George and Sophie – to revisit the Edge world? The allusion to the historical impact & power of Declan’s non Weird born mom seemed to suggest that there’s a story that you were thinking of telling there. Love it if you ever went back to that world /storyline — or were to include a dedicated story for George and Sophie maybe in the next Innkeeper.
I can’t wait!
Love this!
Diamond Fire’s release date is my birthday — thank you, something to look forward to!
All this is very exciting. Can’t wait!
Love spending time with the Baylor family!!!
You know we would happily pay more for this, right? Thank you SO much for making this available to us especially when you guys are slammed with work. Hope your fingers are feeling better every day and all is well with the family!
This sounds perfect. I love that you decided to bridge to help us with the characterization of Catalina. Thank you!
Even more excited to read this one now! Thanks for the clarification!
30,000 words. Yikes!! If I counted all the words in the two papers that I liked that I wrote in college (out of however many there were in four years), it was maybe 1,000 words between them. Writing is a gift as well as a skill, and perhaps a touch of magic!! Thank you for sharing yours with your readers!!
Yeah!!! Can’t wait to read it.
I cannot wait…thank you for all your stories and snippets, I love them all! I am so glad you guys decided to continue in this “storyverse”. I actually didn’t read Wildfire until this past March, because I wasn’t ready for the series to come to a close, so you can imagine my excitement when I heard that you guys decided to continue. Hope the hands/fingers are doing better!
it all just makes me want an arabella story … bring out the beast! 🙂
You guys are amazing and wonderful. Don’t let anyone tell you differently. ?. When you get negativity please balance that against the vast numbers of your BDH. That said, I have all your books in print and most in E format. Recently, while loading my IPad with audible books from the Dallas library (in preparation for a long road trip) I realized they had several KD books and Burn for Me. Oh joy. I was entertained for many many miles despite knowing them almost by heart. I usually only listen to non-fiction in the car because I get a Little to wrapped up in the story but this was awesome. Thank you as always for hours of smiles, laughs, sadness and challenging ideas.
Lwhats impulse and do I need to download an app? Is this the only place for the novella? – Techno challenged
Impulse is the publisher imprint (from Avon, I think).
Yes, you’ll need the store’s app to read it (Amazon Kindle, Kobo, etc.) on your phone/tablet/computer if you don’t have an ereader.
Bless whoever asked this question ❤️
+1 like to story treasures
Whelp I meant to leave this comment on the opening the trunk post. Now I don’t know how to delete it and look like a moron. I give up on today. Thank you Ilona and Gordon for all your hard work and the joy you bring to your readers. Sorry I can’t comment correctly ☹️
It’s okay! I saw it anyway.
This makes me so happy! You guys totally rock!
What an excellent way to set readers up for Catalina’s trilogy – great idea!
P.S. The cover is gorgeous!!
I totally agree!!
Take my money!!!
Cover looks awesome, storyline sounds fantastic, cannot wait!
Already pre ordered it. I can’t wait to read more stories see in this universe. Thank you.
I am sooooo excited. I hope this series continues for decades.
Do you know what Letter Font was used to describe ‘Ilona Andrews’? I love the style.
Thank you ?
OMG!! I am so excited !
Looking forward to the new novella but i like Nevada and Rogan, not sure about Catalina, I didn’t get a great impression of her in the original books. Also the figure on the cover is an exact copy of the figure on the cover of the novel Bone Witch by D N Hoxa, which came out last year.
Thank you for the clarification! So excited for the novella and info on future hidden legacy! Yay!
I loved ‘Emily’! I kept scrolling down hoping it would reveal more story. I love your voice and I would live to hear more about Aby and Iris and the Grays!!!!!
Dang! I commented in the wrong place! Yes – more houses! Yay!