Hi Anne,
Please find enclosed the manuscript for Magic Triumphs.
— Gordon Andrews
The book is done. Or that is, the first draft is done. Now it’s time for a beta read. This will have to be the NDA to end all NDAs, because it’s the end of the series and it cannot get out. I am wondering if there is any way to add, “If you leak this, we reserve the right to kill you with a spoon” clause to this agreement.
It’s done. Yays! Done. It done. We did it. We done done it. It’s done. Ten years. Done.
Our agent called in the middle of the final battle scene and I don’t think I was quite coherent, because I responded with something like “Kill bad guy, die book, die.” She laughed and hung up.
Did I mention that the book was done? It is.
So many congratulations! I’m drinking a glass of champagne in your honor.
Yeah. The book is dead, long live the book!
Thank you so much :))
Soooo looking forward to be reading it legally and bought, so I won’t have to worry about spoons.
I’m with you!!
I remember buying the first book in the series so many years ago. Your family was still in Georgia and your girls were young. Finding your website and checking your blog became a weekly, sometimes daily ritual and has stayed that way ever since.
Thankyou for all the years of great storytelling so far. It makes me a bit sad that this will be the last Kate/Curran book but I still can’t wait to read it.
^100% what they said!
Whoooo! Congratulations!!!
Now the wait starts for us to receive the book… Is there a new release date? Amazon still shows May 8.
I think it will be more like August, but definitely 2018.
Still super excited for it!
Thanks for the update. And a *huge* congratulations for completing an amazing series!
Congratulations! Rest well for a while! Enjoy the new digs!
Make it a rusty spoon….so if the spoon doesn’t kill the infection will.
Woohooo! I’m so excited for this. A little sad because it’s the end, but I suppose that’s why I have all of the books to read over and over.
Hurray! Now all the BDH needs to do is be patient…
Very sad this is the end of the series (weeping and moaning on the floor), but many many congratulations for finishing! (if you need more beta readers, pick me! pick me! (I will consent to the killing with a spoon thing)
I can only imagine how satisfying it is to finish a project that took up so much of your emotional and physical energy for 10 years. This series must have changed the direction of your lives, and it has certainly added so much value to the lives of your readers and fans. Congratulations. I am at least one reader who is grateful you took that journey.
Congratulations! Thank you to you and Gordon for sharing your wonderful talents with us, the readers.
I can’t wait to re-read the whole series from start to *sniff* finish. While it will be sad for the series to end, at least we can always visit their past incarnations. And with hope there will be future glimpses into their characters’ lives through additional stories???
Wow… the end of an era is on the horizon! This is HUGE… =) I am sure while I will miss Kate and the gang, you and Gordon will come up with new and marvelous characters for us to adore!!!
btw, I volunteer as tribute for any beta read slots!! =)
Why a spoon, cousin?
Because it’s dull, you twit. It’ll hurt more.
I can think of 5 ways to kill with spoon without hurting (theoritically). If you really want to hurt them, blocking access to your books and blog would be the best.
That said, I will agree to your every demand, logical or not, to be a beta reader for the book.
Have a heart. I am from India. I have to read your books as ebooks because paperback versions are not available here. Convenience sake, ebook is good but it can’t beat the feeling of holding the book and turning the pages. Still… I always pre-order your books and start reading them at midnight.
Though I have no qualifications as beta reader other than I have devoured your books, please do consider me
My favorite line from that movie! He was great!
I loved that movie!
Mostly for those that don’t get the reference. Robin Hood : Prince of Thieves with Kevin Costner as Robin Hood. Lot of great actors in it.
Congratulations on finishing the book. I have to wonder, will that be the end of their World? or is that just then end of the Curran and Kate story arc?
Can’t to read the book and see where your future endeavors are.
Congratulations, looking forward to reading it!
Well done!! It will be sad to see the end of the series, but all good things must come to a satisfying and fantastic (as I’m sure it will be) conclusion. Have a brain break for a while before starting in on another project. You both have earned one. I can’t wait to read it!!!!!
Sad but can’t wait to read it. Enjoy your new place!!
That’s fantastic news!! Congrats on managing to finish a book just after moving house and surging the holidays! I don’t know how you stayed sane enough to carry on writing LOL
If you’re going to be looking for new beta readers I would happily sign an NDA that promised you could murder me with a spoon if I spilled your secrets because I would NEVER betray your trust like that! I’m sure you have plenty of people on your team already though so I shall just have to remain patient until the official release. I can survive a few more months right? ??
Congrats! I look forward to picking this one up!
Cheers!!!! Can’t wait to read it! I’m going to restart the series so I’m ready!
Congratulations! Can’t wait!!! (I have an extra spoon if you need one….)
Thank you for this amazing series! Looking forward to devouring it!
Congratulations many times over!
Yesterday I had an author, Siobhan Fallon, visit my classroom and talk to several groups of students about writing and publishing. One student asked if she ever regretted putting something in–or not putting something in. She thought for a moment and responded that no, once it was gone, it was done. Done.
The finality in her voice, laced with pleasure, was absolute. Being done is a glorious moment. Congratulations:)
Yea! I know this is a big relief. Two pieces of good news today. I took a very close friend to doctor for results of PET scan and the cancerous tumors are dying! I was so happy I wept. Then to come home and see this news…my cup runneth over! I got,her reading your books and all four of her boys love the Edge books. Today is a good day.
Slow death by spoon is more than appropriate. If you need a beta reader I’d be honoured. Just saying.
This is my favorite series! I’ve reread it so many times. I’m excited for this book but sad to see it end. Congrats! You are my favorite author and I can’t wait to read what comes next.
Yeah!!!!?? Congratulations!!!
Yay it’s done! Sad it’s the last one in the series. Can’t wait to see what you come up with next. The Inn series was left on a big cliff hanger hint hint.
Congratulations and thank you!
Yes. Congrats and thank you. Now go find your wool stash and play!
Congrats on finishing the book! Can’t wait for it to be on my reader in….can we have it now? Lol, just kidding it wil mega worth the wait!
I got a little choked up…the end of the Kate series?. I’m excited for the book, but it will be so sad to read the end. I think it will leave a hole in my world. You are masters of your craft, and I will forever be your fan. Thank you both for so many hours of escaping my real life for a piece of this world.
Oh gosh oh gosh. Heart palpitations. I’m very excited for you two. This series has to be a giant milestone for you. I don’t want it to end but all good things do. Very much hope to sneak in on that beta read! Congratulations authorlords!!
NOT THE END-END!! Thanks for all the years of mental vacations. Saved my sanity many times.
Congratulations! Now, it’s on to Julie, Derek, Hugh, Catalina, Maude… so many exciting possibilities!
Holy cow am I happy for you (and excited for the eventual release!!)
I’m a little sad that this will be the last book, but I’ve enjoyed all the stories set in Kate’s world. Can’t wait to see this one on the shelves!
Congrats! An achievement and look forward to reading soon
Congratulations!!! I can’t wait to read it!!
Oh my goodness gracious, I’m both thrilled and saddened.
This is an amazing series. The world building in the first book got me interested. The characters and storylines you and Gordon wrote got me hooked. Seriously…”Here Kitty, Kitty”! I also love the Edge series and everything you have written since. I can’t wait for what comes next.
Yay!! Congrats! I’m so excited to read it. You guys have given us such great entertainment. While it’s sad to see it end, it feels right. Thank you so much for all the joy!
I’m so happy for you!!! Congratulations on a job well done! Good work. And thank you!!!
Of course, I’m super happy for me that this means that I’m that much closer to getting my hands on the final book in this wonderful series.
Counting down to August(?) 2018.
Thank you!!! So excited!!!
Congrats!! Yay!! Do you need beta readers? I’m an ED trauma nurse so I am used to keeping things secret ?
I was four months pregnant when I discovered this series. I remember feeling the first flutters of mt little girl while reading the first book. I devoured that book and then anything else about Kate that was out. For 6 years, I have read along. I’m sad it’s over but I’m glad there is an end for you both. Thank you so much for everything you write. It’s funny, yours are one of the few books I love to reread. Your characters come to life.
Very happy. Been with you since book 1 came out and was going thru a huge Urban Fantasy re-discovery trying book after book. Many ended, but not Kate. Very sad but very happy too. Wish you both lots of love for this series and your recent move. Have a great year and take a couple days off to rest.
Awesome news, you guys rock!
Congratulations for work well done. Kate’s tale was the beginning of my affair with your words. You have made my reading enjoyable. That enjoyment is sustained by your succeding series. Even though I have read most if not all of your work, I could not be a good Beta reader. I would have to shout it it out. I don’t need or want a death by spoon.
Congratulations on your achievement. It must have been such a wonderful decade for you guys. Mucho gracias! – for all your efforts, hard work and creativity.
Congratulations!! ???
My name is Anne, and I LOVE pretending you were sending this book to ME!!
Congrats!! I look forward to reading it, I know this has been a very long journey.
Thank you both so much.
Congratulations!!!?? How time flies when you are enjoying yourself, is true.
Looking forward to your final Kate book and feeling gutted that it’s the end. (I felt the same about the Edge series) I hope some characters pop up in your others books like George and Jack in the Inn Keeper which was awesome.
I wish you both all the luck in the World and hope you have another best seller. ?
I am so excited to read it! I’m also a bit sad, as so many others have mentioned, this is my favorite series, bar none. Each book is better than the last and I’ve reread them so many times that I’ve lost count. So, I know that this last book will be absolutely amazing!
I look forward to reading whatever you decide to write next, whether it’s in this universe or another. Heck, I’d happily read your grocery lists.
Yayayayay!! So happy for you!
Uhhh you haven’t perchance seen this have you?! https://youtu.be/jkJ6HIX4k3E
I haven’t seen/thought of this video in ages but your NDA spoon clause sounded like it was inspired by it!
I look forward to reading this! You have taken us all on a wonderful journey. Though I admit I felt a slight frisson of fright when you said this is the end of the series. At least I know you have other books in the pipeline.
Henry phrased it well…an affair with your words. I have been enjoying that affair for years now. ❤️
Congratulations! I must be in denial though, because I am stunned that this is the last Kate book. Such sweet sorrow.
Congratulations! Happy Happy for you. Kind of sad to hear no more Kate, but she still lives on with all of us! And, we can, of course revisit whenever the spirit, or too much reality, moves us.
How awesome! I just can’t wait! They have become just like friends
Congratulations ??? but I’m so sad Jate Daniels series is coming to an end!! She was one of my favorite heroines. Her relationship with Curran makes it even better!!!!
Congratulations! This feels weird.
End of the series???!! Say it isnt sooo. I cant imagine there wont be more Kate Daniels books. But seriously Ive loved each and every one. *sniff* Thank you for all of your hard work.
Congrats. Tears ? Can’t wait to read it, but I don’t want it to end.
Yessss! Can’t wait to get my hot little hands on that final chapter.
Oh well done! Congratulations!
Now take a brief, well deserved rest before you gear up for the next stage!
I just realized, I’ve been reading you guys for 10 years!
I wish I could be a beta reader!!
I’d love to be a beta reader. Please let me know if I can help!
Congratulations! Maybe you should upgrade your NDA weapon from a spoon to a spork? Good luck! I look forward to this whenever it comes out.
OMG!OMG!OMG!OMG!!OMG!!!! Thank you guys for bringing this world! I hope you can get some more books in Kate’s Universe!
1) Congrats
2) Awesome cover
3) I eagerly await the opportunity to read it myself.
4) Feeling conflicted, because New Book! But Last Book!
Still, every series has an endpoint. At least here we will get to read it in a relatively timely fashion. Unlike some other authors/series.
Congratulations ??? ! I hope you 2 can take some relaxing time away before the editing starts. Thanks for all the lovely stories. I’m reading Gunmetal Magic again….biding my time…
What an amazing accomplishment! You guys rock and deserve all the congratulations. Pop a bottle of champagne and know that we are all waiting with baited breath. It will be amazing.
“Hurray! The book is done! Done, I tell you!”
Now please, relax a little, sleep a little. Just hearing about your last few months was exhausting. We want our author lords to be healthy and strong for a long and glorious reign.
Are you, in fact, accepting new beta readers for this? I’d love to do it anytime, but I’m going to be out for several weeks after surgery Friday, so… OMG how amazing would that be?
Great news! Look forward to reading this . . . and re-reading the rest of the series first. 🙂
Enjoy your achievement. You guys have created a great series and deserve a reward. Thank you so much.
Hurrah! Can’t wait to read it!
If you’re looking for a beta reader, I’ve read all your books and live close enough to be killed with a spoon. If I don’t successfully defend myself with a fountain (ahem) pen.
Wait… This is the LAST book. No more Kate after this? That makes me a little sad but I can’t wait to read this. Congratulations on completing another book and developing such a wonderful world. Thank you for sharing it with us.
Congratulations! You made it. The story arc is complete. (I bet there were some times you thought you’d never say that.)
I’m going to miss the crew in Atlanta so much. If you should happen to dream up a side journey for one of our friends from there, I hope you will let us in on it. I swear to preorder any such item as soon as I see the link…
In the mean time, we have other friends to visit. Thank you for letting us in on their adventures.
When I read this post my heart went through a myriad of emotions. My stomach sank. I went from sadness to relief to happiness. I’m so excited and happy to read the last book but at the same time I get that devastating feeling when a great series ends and a chapter of my life is closing.
When I started reading this series I was in such a different stage in my life. I remember the day I picked up the first book in this series and was instantly hooked onto the works of the Ilona Andrews duo. I remember sitting at my desk in my old room and then having to rush back to the library, lug all of your books back to my house to binge read through the night.
The characters grew, the storyline grew and I grew as well. I moved three times, graduated, started working, got married, had two children, and all through this time this series grew with me. I’m a completely different person now but my love for these characters and this world stayed a constant in my life. Now the series is ending and I feel this bittersweet emotion raging through me! I know I’ll be bawling when I finish the series and will go back and reread the last couple pages then continue sobbing some more. I’m dreading the moment but at the sane time I can’t wait to read it.
Your post just made it all the more real and brought it to the forefront of my mind. I’m preparing myself for the closure that is to come and already hoping for more spinoffs! AND I would like to say yet again that my favorite of all time that I cannot get enough of is the Kinsmen series so I’m hoping for more books in that series!!! You will not believe how many times I have read Silver Shark and Silent Blade… over and over and over.
But more importantly… congratulations!!! I look forward to reading new series, imagining new worlds and continuing on this literary journey with you two!
Thank you for all your work on the Kate Daniel series!!
Joanne, I thought the Kinsman series should have been continued also. It was, almost, in an alternate Andrews universe The Hidden Legacy.
Yes! Which is why I also LOVE that series as well. The Houses with their politics, magic rankings, and hereditary magic are fantastic reads! But the Science Fiction setting of the Kinsmen series put my imagination into overdrive.
The Innkeeper series and the Kinsmen illustrates how well the Andrews duo can write Science Fiction and make magical worlds and weapons come to life! I just can’t get enough of the Kinsmen series and just can’t lose hope that one day there will be more!
YAYYYY!!!! Congratulations. I cannot imagine how amazing this must feel for you two. I hope you celebrate.
Ten years. Like, getting a kid from birth to middle school. Good luck, book!
I love your books. Sad that the series is ending. But I definitely understand and look forward to more from you. I could be a beta reader. Been reading for over 40 years!!!
Well, I’d love to beta read and will sign any NDA you’d like. I’ll take every secret to my grave if necessary! NO SPOILERS!
I read all of your books twice in a row, once to rip through it to get the high points (and find out what happens at the end, usually followed by cursing because now I want to read the NEXT ONE and have to wait) and again, more slowly to catch the nuances I missed – sometimes followed by starting back at the beginning of the series because did I forget something or did I somehow miss that nuance somewhere along the way….. Did I mention I spend my life in hotels and airplanes so at times I have a LOT of time to read on my hands? LOL
Either way, I can’t wait to read it! And congrats on getting it finished!
Now take a breath, and a day, and get cracking on the next Inn Keeper installment. You’re killing me slowly 🙂
Woo hoo for you guys!! Kudos on what will certainly be the epic completion of an epic series. Sad for us but I’m confident you will continue to treat us to new and amazing adventures! ?
You got me with the Twinkie one (Edge #1). I stayed for Kate and loved the heck out of everything else that’s come along the way. You both so totally rock! Noggin! Duuuuuuuuude!
It’s gonna be epic. Happy sigh.
Congratulations! You’ve done it! I love every world that you build, but I think Kate’s world has a special place because this is how I found you and became a member of the BDH.
I’d never want to be a beta reader for this book; I want to wait for the polished, finished product to dive into. I don’t want to read a version and then have things change. I’m looking forward to enjoying it when it auto-downloads onto my device.
And, just to show I’m a member of the BDH, then there is Hugh’s book! ???
But seriously, I hope you can relax and enjoy setting up your new home now.
I think I woke my husband up when I yipped as I read this. OMG. Like so many others here, I’m torn. Not that that changes this being the end. I feel like cussing a little, but that won’t change anything either. I keep telling myself, this means you will be on to other things, like more Hidden Legacy. But….but…..
Congratulations. You should feel proud.
Congratulations! It has been a wonderful and enjoyable and pleasurable and lovely and addicting and an adventure and just EVERYTHING to read Kate Daniel series. I cant wait for the last book to come out. I am like an addict itching needing for it. I am very very sad this series is ending. WWWHHHHHYYY?? ?????PLEEAASSEE make more. Thank you for making the books.
Congrats! It has been an amazing ride, and I have loved the entire experience. I am so excited to read Magic Triumphs and then see what happens next.
I volunteer as a beta reader! I have a little bit of experience and I would love to to gain more as oned of yours.
P.S. I am more than willing to sign a NDA with any death clause you wish to add.
Wow. Congrats. On preorder since…since I could. Now going to buy the last 2 ebooks from the KD series that I do not have on my Fire. I have hard copies, but the ebooks are with me always for immediate reading anywhere. And an extra external battery just in case. Will be busy this weekend (3 days off) rereading KD again.
Congratulations the relief can imagine even if there will be changes puts me in mind of my daughter finishing her PHD
Wow. Congratulations. I guess. I mean… uhhh… I’m excited to read the next book. Really. But also, the idea of not getting any more installments of Kate and Curran, and their child, and all the rest of the fabulous people you have created? What about Derek and Julie? Andrea and Raphael?! What…but, I mean…Okay. Calming breath. Still. Gonna miss checking in on my favorite married couple. Their repartee is just so much fun. And all that attitude being directed at doing good. Oh well. Congratulations on a phenomenal ride.
Ditto to everyone’s comments. Unless they were negative comments. I have standards; I only steal positive comments. Or insightful comments. Or comments that make me sound smart. I especially like those.
Noooo ! Why Kate , why? I just had to get overly dramatic reaction out of the way.? . I can hardly believe it’s almost over. You guys have given me many hours of pleasure, Thank you.
Magic Bites was my intro to UF, and sparked/renewed my love for all things fantasy and badass. You continue to surpass yourselves with every new installment. I have no doubts I’ll LOVE Magic Triumphs (and anything else you write). I’ll forever insta-buy anything you create. <3
Congratulations! For me, this is very bittersweet. I want more story, can’t wait to read the new book, but don’t want it to end. Up until the day I picked up Magic Bites, which was given to me as a gift from a friend who swore it’d rock my world, David Eddings’ the Belgariad was the standard by which all series were measured, at least in the world according to Julie. David and Leigh, may they both rest in peace, will need to be content in the hereafter knowing they wrote my 2nd favorite series. Kate and Curran and the rest of the gang will always hold a special place in my heart.
I so agree with you Julie. The Belgariad was my favorite series until I found Kate and Curran. Mind you, that just means I’ve added another fantastic series to my re-read list. I can’t wait to see what the authorlords come up with next. Every book has been enthralling!
There’s gotta be a lawyer out there who can get that spoon-death clause in there legally for you… ;-). Looking forward to the book!
Popping the cork and pouring some virtual champagne for you guys!! Toasting to a job well done and sprinkling that with some hallelujahs! ?? Yippee!!!
Already crying bloody tears… END OF SERIES?
But, WHERE will we go from here?!
With Derek or Roman or Julie.. you know 🙂 there are so many interesting characters. Lets wait and see, i trust the authorlords. They never disappointed me.
Hourras for the two of you!
I’m guessing it’s a load off your shoulders.
Breathe deeply and celebrate, you deserve it!
Oh, I feel sad now. How will I go on without reading about Kate, Curran and all the other wonderful characters.
Congratulations. I am delighted for you. I am also delighted that we readers can anticipate this final instalment knowing you are happy with it. That is one terrific cover too.
Congratulations! ??? I hope you celebrate adequately, my dear authorlords. ?✨
It’s a little bit sad to know Kate’s story will finally end. But please just promise to continue writing, all your worlds are wonderful and amazing! ?
It’s so crazy to think that this series is ending, that it’s been 10 years. I remember picking up Magic Bites at Borders (when that was still a thing) when Magic Burns had just come out. Reading it I felt something click into place, like the way it did with Jennifer Cruise books, and I could feel my worldview being shaped by the characters who seemed as real to me as Hogwarts did when I first read the Sorcerer’s Stone as a child. Kate became a loadstone for me, sometimes a new book in her series was my only saving grace (not to put too fine a point on it, no pressure, eh?). Thank you for so many years, so many moments, of pure happiness. I’m excited to meet all the new worlds and characters you both will create in years to come, but mazel tov on touching so many lives with your talent. Truly wish you both nothing but the best, and in that vein…let’s hope the edits are few and the purchases many! 🙂
I loved Borders! That’s where I got my copy of Magic Burns too. I really miss them.
Congratulations!!! As someone posted earlier, I would imagine that you have bittersweet feelings at this moment. I look forward to the last installment — and the gorgeous covet!!! Thanks in advance for all your hard work and the very memorable characters of Kate’s universe!!
Congrats on finishing the first draft, but I’m still going to cry because the series is over.
Eagerly await the release.
Yessss kill bad guy, die book. Live book.
Oh, man. I’ve been looking forward to this for years …. just realized I am totally going to grieve when I get to the last page… ????
I am so torn….
I dont want this to be the last book.
I want to read the series till Conlan starts his own parade of girlfriends even after that. Congratulations….
So happy for you
So, like me, you’re okay that this is the last in the series, provided it’s about 2400 pages? ???
I am not okay… I dont want this to be the last Kate Daniels book centering her.
I love all the other wonderful eccentric characters…
But Kate is Kate. She glued them together. She made an impression in my life.
To say the least she made my all other heroines pale by comparison.
Kate and her cats dont go anywhere. We will see them walk by in novellas and such. Which is why i can heartily congratulate you to finishing this book, If i thought i never again will read about them, i would bawl my eyes out.
In the end it is no end, but a transition.
I think i can live with that. Because there is a kid to see grow up while were with Jim or Derek or Julie or Roman or…
I cannot wait and I never wanted this day to arrive. Kate and Curran are the benchmark of the genre, for me. A second family with whom I love to love, grieve, laugh and triumph together. I almost cannot bear the series to end, although I totally get that ya’ll can!!! Please don’t forget that Derek and Julie need their HEA, too. Derek is my third son. I have loved to hate Hugh but hope he finds redemption somehow. I grieved for his severance from Roland. He is as much a victim as he is a villain. Having selfishly gotten all this off my chest, I celebrate with you for a stellar achievement! Here’s to more of the same in years to come ~ with a whole new host of unforgettable characters ~ and a well deserved celebration for you both. I especially hope you continue to restore and refresh the well of creativity with breaks, when you need them!
About Hugh…
I loved the character Mauro especially in the 4th book.
He killed Mauro.
So i am very interested to see his path to redemption.
And to see whether Kate will add him to her collection of misfits?
I know, Mauro was so kind and decent and that killed me to an ugly cry. And I know that other than her brain injury, Hugh’s near starvation of her came the closest to killing her. But I believe the potential exists where Roland’s severance may spur a “come into the light” opportunity for Hugh. I just don’t know if he’d be like Era and still have to die, or if there is potential for him to have an HEA. He’s such a strong character that’ I’d like to see that. But, I know whatever the outcome, if it’s done I’ll love the way it’s done. Of that, I have NO doubt.
Yay!! Whoop whoop!!! ???? CONGRATULATIONS!! Bad guy die, book done!!! I am happy for you that it is finished, can’t wait to get it and devour it, but am sad at the thought it is the last installment. Here’s hoping some side stories develope that continue some of these marvelous characters that so many of us have come to know and love. I will definitely and always purchase ANYTHING you guys write – short story, grocery list … doesn’t matter. Your talent is amazing and I know you could make even a grocery list highly entertaining!! Congratulations again on finishing Kate 10, and thank you for all the joy you have brought me and so many with your gift!!!
Like many of the BDH, I both look forward to and dread the end of the series. These characters have become old friends. Take some time off to celebrate and rest-you’ve earned it!
Congratulations! So happy for you! Double congrats on finishing while moving house!
p.s. I will help you sharpen the spoon because: DIE SPOILERS DIE!
p.p.s. Happy you’ve finished, sad that the end is nigh. But on to bigger and better things! I would not say no to a Roman spin-off, I think he and his family dynamics are hilarious.
Congratulations. Thank you for continuing to have a glance into kates world!
Congratulations! ?? ? I hope you get the beta readers locked up tight. Sharpen the edges of your spoons ?
Did you say you needed Beta readers?? Hmmm?? Because I will absolutely sign a document that requires Death-By-Spoon should I disclose anything! 🙂
Thank you both SO MUCH for all the many many hours of pleasure your books, and especially the Kate books, have given me. I am in the middle of a complete series re-read (which I have done probably five or more times) of the Kate novels (and novellas) all in order. I’m up to Magic Bleeds. I took a brief breather so I didn’t sail through it too fast, but my breather was rereading all three Hidden Legacy books, LOL! I finished Wildfire this morning, so I’m jumping back into the Kate books with Magic Bleeds tonight.
God bless you both!
Congrats! Bitter sweet as it is the last of kate books but looking forward to whatever is next. Thank you for your wonderful work
So happy for you guys! Congratulations on the last installement of the Magic series! 10 years is a long time to dedicate to one series of books and I will read it with all the respect it is due.
I know you both will continue to enchant us with your works for the forseable future so I’m just full of anticipation for the news worlds your both are going to make us discover through your words.
Good luck with the proofreading and editing!
Respectfully yours,
Gaelle from France
Fantastic news. Congratulations.
Both bittersweet and exciting at once.
Btw I’d happily be a beta reader for you and would be willing to sign a contract that said I’d consent to death by spoon if I ever leaked anything ( given how little i contribute to social media poss a safe bet that spoilers would never make it out 🙂 )
Congrats! I know this one was giving you both fits. Excited and a little sad to read the end. This is one of my most anticipated books of the year.
Congratulations! I can’t believe that the finale is almost here and I will have to say goodbye to my beloved characters. For so long Kate was my hero, Curran most intriguing creature. Your books and especially these series has been the ones that had a grip on my soul since I found you in the store bookshelf. Reread them probably more than 5 times and so happy that I have next serries to obsess about. Your fan ?
Every journey must come to an end, and I am sure Kate’s will be a spectacularly good one.
But once the curtain falls, I will miss Kate and Curran.
I hope now you will have time to relax a bit.
Congrats! I’m sure this is bitter sweet. You finished the final book, but you finished the FINAL book. Can’t wait to read it!
Congratulations. May it be smooth sailing until publishing day!
Congratulations ?
Happy for you guys but sad to see such an amazing series end…hopefully there will be lots of spin offs.
Don’t really want anyone to die, everyone has a redeemable spark ⚡️ hidden inside them.
I would definitely risk death by spoon to read this early! ?
Congratulations on slaying the evil magnificent book!
Congratulations! I am excited to read this book, but so sad to see it end. We will miss Kate and Curran. Thank you fir all that you do.
Woohoo, congratulations!! I love everything you write! I know we will have amazing adventures to read about in the days and years to come! The last 10 years of Kate have been wonderful. Thank you so much for writing stories that take you away from real life for a little while.
Congratulations! I am so happy for you. New house and a book done. What a great start to the year.
Wooooooooo! Wow, massive congratulations! And you only moved house about three weeks ago; enough stress yet? This is amazing, and particular congratulations for getting through it so well after you had to scrap the last draft. That must’ve been a huge low, and you guys just looked at it and said, “Nope. We’re good.”
Seriously huge congrats, I can’t wait for Kate 10. 🙂
Oh!! yes!! Congratulations! Good Work!
And now the end is near, and as I face the final curtain . . .
Gotta say I’ve been dreading this since ‘ here kitty, kitty’ . . .
Introduced me to a confused, uncertain, scared PYT determined to be herself. This tale of how she was raised and where she drew the line and lived her life to find & be who she is. AFfirmation!
Kate & her friends, ‘why does she put up with these folks’
Kate & her boo, ‘how can she not know he’s putting the moves on her’
Kate & her world, I have wept & howled gales of laughter, till I moaned and blubbered tears, in public on trains & buses
Kate & her dad. The bogie man, may the magic triumph
Thank you, applause applause, well done, kudos getcha getcha
With heartfelt appreciation, I hope you got to tell your tale
The best thing about a completed series is that there are no cliff-hanger endings coming up ever again. 🙂
In the future it’ll be like having old friends stop for tea.
Whenever I feel lonely, I’ll read all the books again.
Thank you both, for a wonderful series.
Sorry not sorry moment here.
As a writer. I totally get it……Done!
As a Kate fan, I don’t want to leave her world.
Wow, well done Authourlords!!!!
I just wonder though, now that Kate is done, won’t there be like a void on your sides as the Authorlords. You’ve had it for 10 years, through ups and downs, pushing, struggling, nurturing and now you’re at this point ready to release the final product to the world. I keep imagining it’s like sending your child off to boarding school (overseas) – the house that used to be filled with their joy and laughter, even driving you crazy every now and again, but after they’re gone, the house feels empty and you miss even the craziness…
Congratulations! I can only imagine what it feels like to put that last THE END on the series. But I also look forward to all the new heroes and heroines you will bring us.
Whoa! What a accomplishment! Congratulations! It must feel wonderful to have got this far.
I would be a trustworthy beta reader! 😉
Looking forward to 10 more (at least) years of reading your books be it KD world books or Hidden Legacy or your shopping list!
Countdown to August has begun!
I hope there is a LotR ending in the book!
Many many many endings in one, so we know what happens to everyone pretty please?
What a surprise when I saw my e-mail this morning.
I agree with everyone with the congratulations. 10 years….wow! I came in late with the Kate series, but how the time flies when you’re having fun. 😀
Death by spoon? I agree with one of the others of the BDH, make it a rusty one.
Hugh’s book…..Maude’s novel…..Rogan and Nevada…..other books…..to be continued (just don’t burn out).
Now I have to get back to work.
Congratulations to you both on this massive milestone. ???
You have given us such a gift of words these last 10 years. I have loved, laughed and cried with Kate and Curran.
Thank you so much. Looking forward to more tales to come.
“Why a spoon, cousin? Why not an axe?”
“Because it’s DULL, you twit. It’ll hurt more.”
Oooh, I can name that movie in one quote!
Congratulations you guys! It is quite a triumph; aptly named! I look forward to it.
Wow! Can’t wait to read it. Just reread the last in the series so I’m up to date! I will miss all the characters though!
This is so bittersweet. Congratulations to you both on the end of the series. I for one will be deeply saddened to have no more books with Kate and Curran front and center. I love, love, love the dynamics between them. So many levels of respect and love.
10 years ago this series brought me my best friend. We bonded over talking about books and this series in particular. Our mutual love for Kate and Curran and many many talks speculating over their relationship created a bond that has deepened. I could not live my life without her and am not sure how to move on without Kate and Curran. Thank God for rereads!
As a 100% devoted reader of all your published works I would like to add a request to read something somewhere in the future about their cubs. Because surely there are more babies in the future….right? Kate and Curran as secondary characters in future world books as parents to rambunctious toddlers with no impending threats hanging over their heads – just figuring out how to do the parent thing one mini beastlord/magic infused catastrophe at a time….that I would read in a heartbeat!!! Derek and Julie as babysitters….hee,hee.
WHatever the future brings for you as authors, I will be along for the ride – guaranteed! Thank you for characters that make me want to live in their world. Kudos to you both!
Elana, you’re so right and I would love a story about their cubs!
Me toooo!
^—– I second all of the above!
I want Mahon babysitting – don’t you?
You just simultaneously made my day and ruined it! I love this series and will probably read it yearly for life. Thank you!
OMG this is amazing!!!! CONGRATS!!! Having been reading Kate for 10years now I cannot wait to see how her story ends. I have no doubt it will be fabulous. Thank you for all y’all’ve done!
does this mean you’ll start working on hugh’s book? hope you make it into a meaty one, not just some kate daniels #9.5 with the usual one mystery/job to be solved. i want it to be grand and epic. actually you should make it into a trilogy. why not? if you’re self-publishing and we’re buying it. you already have a reader base for it. i don’t want kate daniels world to ennnnnnnnnnndddddddddddddd………………
Congratulations!!! I can’t wait to read it.
I don’t necessarily consider this good news unless you assure me that now you will concentrate on more of the Innkeeper series!
Yaaaaaaaaaayyyyyy!!!!! Congratulations!
I can only echo what everyone else has already said. You’ve given me many, many hours of enjoyment with this series. I love the characters, the humor and can’t believe that it’s ending.
Please, please continue to write about the Kate Daniels world in spin-offs, novellas, whatever.
Wish you both the very best!
Would love to Beta read one last time. Puts on armour lest the spoon accidentally slip. 🙂
❤️❤️ The BDH Loves You Both! ❤️❤️
Great way to start the year though, don’t you agree?
Congratulations! I am so excited to read it, but it’s bitter sweet ?
Congratulations! 10 years is a long time on any project / series. I’m sure you did the happy dance 🙂
Looking forward to the book
Huge congratulations to you guys! But don’t think you are getting rid of me. I still plan to read whatever you write, whenever you write it. You have been warned.
Be still my heart! Congratulations on finishing the last Kate and Curran book. I will buy it as soon as it hits the preorder mark. I really will try to read it slower to make it last longer but that is VERY difficult with your books. When I have finished reading it, I will let some time pass and start the series over. I will enjoy rereading it. Thank for being such great writers and maybe sometime down the road, you may be ready for another Kate and Curran adventure at a later period in their lives.
Tina, I’ve had it pre-ordered since August on Amazon.
I have mine pre-ordered on my Nook. 😀
eh. Read at your comfortable speed! You can read it more slowly on one of the next few re-reads. 🙂
Mine has been pre-ordered so long that I have forgotten when I did it. I am waiting for the bound book so I’ll have to avoid the reviews until I get it.
A new book! ?
A new book! ?
A new book! ?
Finally some rest for you and a chance to feel settled in your new home ?
Congratulations on all the New Year brings to you! ?
Also, thank you for introducing us to Jessie Mihalik’s blog. Her serial story “The Queen’s Gambit” is amazing! You are so good to the BDH. ?
First let me give out a fan girl squee in a pitch only dogs can hear??????. Next may I add that the death by spoon while probably not a legal thing made me flash to Alan rickman screaming when I catch you I’m going to cut your heart out with a spoon and then the funny bit when he has to explain why because it’s dull you twit it’ll hurt more ???.. I’m kinda sad that it’s the last but it’s been such a great series that’s kept me entertained for many many moons. So again thank you both and eeeeeee
I am happy that it’s done, but sad that it’s the end of the series. This truly has been my very favorite series ever, although I love the Nevada books and the innkeeper series. But Kate is my all-time favorite protagonist.
I’ve had it pre-ordered for months now, and I can’t wait to read it!
:'( It feels bittersweet, like i’m happy for you but sad for me. I totally love, love this story line!!
I’m thrilled and incredibly saddened that this is the last book for Kate andd Curran. In 10 years I’ve imagined myself to be Kate, cried over her heartbreak, crowed over her triumphs, and imagined I felt every bruise, cut, broken bone she ever had. We shared emotional growing pains- She’s been the ultimate heroine for me-. The love affair between Curran and Kate has been wonderful to read. I’ll miss knowing the next story is coming down the pipeline. To me Kate and Curran represent a literary awesomeness that is unlikely to ever be read, much less recreated anywhere ever again. It happened as though it was magic…
So happy for you that it’s done! Can’t wait for it to come out!
Congratulations. I’m sure that we, the devoted fans, will enjoy whatever comes next.
So excited!!! I’m all over the place at this news, excited that the end is close, sad that the end is close, and so curious to read your next project!!
Congratulations!! Sending that email must have felt soooo good, especially since you had to basically rewrite the book after not liking where your initial draft was going. I hope you are proud of doing it the way that felt right to you both.
I love this series and have enjoyed every bit of it many times but I respect authors who plan a story arch and stick with it, even when the characters become so beloved that fans clamor for more…more…moar. I’ll happily anticipate whichever Kate World books you choose to write but I’ll look even more forward to whichever exciting new worlds you build and characters you will introduce me to.
I’d wish you guys some well earned down time but I doubt you’ll get much guessing there are still boxes to unpack and the Hugh book to wrap up and get edited before MT comes out. And of course you’re gifting us with Maud’s story just to keep the BDH happy in the meantime. You guys truly do rock.
Thank you for it all.
What she said with many exclamation points! ? Lada, you have said it so well, exactly what I was thinking and feeling on all points. Thanks, Lada and thank you, the authors, Ilona & Gordon!
Yay, congrats on finishing the first draft! So excited to read it.?
Congratulations on the milestone, but I shall miss the series. I love your other series, but they just aren’t Kate and Curren.
Congratulations, that’s an insanely awesome accomplishment
CONGRATULATIONS! To think you were able to produce a book AND move at the same time….KUDOS to you! I agree with the others, as this chapter closes, another one opens? I TOTALLY would love to read about their offspring and the mischief they get into. I’m also eagerly anticipating Julie and Derek. Thank you for the wonderful reads.
But…but..but… I don’t want it to be done! ?
Congratulations!!!! Awesome!
Sincere congratulations on an amazing achievement. To have written ten books in a series and not have failed in your determination to provide each as a high-quality read is remarkable. To have done it in the midst of all the personal chaos you’ve experienced during that time, and despite the incessant clamoring of the greedy horde for more, is incredible. Many thanks for allowing us along on the ride!
Congratulations! It’s gotta be a relief! I know it’s a draft but the big part is over. Can’t wait for release. Well I can but super excited. Again, congrats. I’m sure you’d have plenty of volunteers to beta for you. ?
Congratulations to both of you. You are superb writers, my absolute favorites (for reals) and I look forward to immersing myself in the next universe you create.
Yay!?? Or should I just start crying now? Mixed emotions r us.
Congratulations!! Can’t wait to read and cry. You guys are aware!
Adding to congratulations – sit back and wiggle your toes, flail your arms, and take a sip while basking in sunshine . . .
Yay for you, but I have to admit that I also have mixed feelings about this because I’ve loved this series so much over the years. Looking forward to more Innkeeper, Hugh, and anything else you guys will be writing in the future. Thank you for all your hard work, dedication to your characters and your readers.
You TOTALLY should have that in the clause! Congratulations! Go eat and sleep while you can!
Congratulations! I very much hope that you now have some time for recuperation: moving, Christmas, birthdays and book deadlines are a hell of a lot to deal with.
Like so many others of the BDH, I will miss Kate and Curran as main characters, but they do deserve their HEA. Plus we get to benefit from what you decide to do next…
As an aside, if it were possible to have such a spoon clause (Gods! I could totally see where I could use it too), it would have to be known as the Nottingham Clause.
The lion’s eyes in the cover seemed sad or melancholic. It’s not some kind of premonition, is it?
I love your response to your agent.
Congratulations! I can’t wait to read it.
Congratulations! I’ve had it preordered forever, and am dying to read it. Also enjoying Maud’s story (and amazed that you have found time to write it!). And of course, still want more Rogan/Nevada/Baylor family books. Greedy, I know, but now that Kate and Curran are wrapping up, I need more to look forward to – I will buy whatever you write.
Happy day for both of you on this remarkable series.
I remember reading Magic Bites for the first time. I was enthralled immediately. And each book got better. I will miss reading new adventures of these people who I consider my friends.
I have reread each book in the series in order as a new one has come out. I still cry at Aunt B’s death.
Thank you for the many hours of reading pleasure of this series.
I would put in a plug for a small update every so often on these characters . It is hard to give them up and move on.
Congratulations! Relax. You both have earned it! Ok, relaxation is over!! What’s next? 🙂
So excited, and cannot WAIT! and I love the peeks into what I am calling in my own mind “Maud sweeps the Holy Anocracy”. You ROCK!!
Hurray! Yipppieeeee. Can’t wait – May 2018, right?
I’m sure your publisher will never let you have them but if you EVER decide to do a Kindle World sort of thing with Kate and Curran’s world, I WOULD BE ALL OVER IT.
Congratulations on a job completed ✅ You have accomplished not only a series but created a world that is awesome and complex and thought provoking and funny . And did this for 10 books!!! And it only got better each time a new book came out . I still miss Aunt B. I will miss Kate and Andrea going on a food run . And Cunnan’s roar ?.
Thank you again for the ride and letting me be a part of your world.
And I am proud to be your BDH
I never thought I would be in a horde. ?
BTW, any chance of another Curran POV while the beta reading is going on? 🙂
or even a Christopher POV! 😀
Yay, so happy for you. BUT I had no idea this was the last one in this series, sniff sniff. I love these characters so it will be a difficult thing for me. I do have the entire series, though, and will be rereading it, probably often to get my fill of characters. And you do plan to write more books, right???? (Please say yes.) Looking forward, too, to reading how Maud does with Arland. 🙂
Congratulations guys. Great day but sad day too ? End of an erase but we’ll always have Kate + Curran + the gang and looking forward to more of ‘absolutely anything’ you guys write ❤❤❤
End of an Era — autocorrect ?
End of an Erra??? I’ll show myself out.
? actually chuckled there, thank you.
I’m kinda of hoping Erra decides to stick around, the kids need a crazy auntie!
I second the sentiment that it will be so hard to say good bye to these characters and there will be reread. And how do I become a beta reader? I’m afraid of spoons so that work as a threat. 🙂
Congratulations! Can’t wait to get my hands on it. And Maud’s book. Love the Hidden Legacy, Innkeepers, and the Edge series, every bit as much, so any books you write will thrill me! It’s smart of you to realize that you can’t jump the shark. I hope you will also take time to enjoy your gorgeous new home and of course your family. Your books have gotten me through some emotionally tough times and I can’t thank you enough.
I am glad the new book is done, but like so many, sad it is the last in the series. I am waiting for the new series and hopefully more “Inn Keeper” books. Remember you have that new office, so we (all your fans) expect more books to be written by you.
Since the books in the series are done, can we assume that maybe some short stories will pop up as they present themselves to you?
Nap. Wine or grape juice. In no particular order.
Congratulations! Hope you guys get to take a break before the edits come back!
I volunteer as tribute, and will provide the spoon you could use to rip out my still-beating heart from my chest should the file ever escape from my hands. (It wouldn’t. But the spoon would be provided.)
The spoon would be severely rusted, but the handle would be reinforced and wrapped so you would not be hurt using it on me.
But seriously, should you need a beta reader… <3
Congrats on finishing. What a fantastic feeling! 🙂
Lol safer bet, maybe. I fully recognise my inability to keep secrets, so I will just wait for the release of the morbid decaying corpse of the dead book.
Woohoo! I expect you got a good night’s sleep with that load off your shoulders. I hope you get to coast a couple of days now and pamper yourselves a little bit. Ten years with the same characters and maintaining a quality product is a major accomplishment. We of the BDH appreciate your dedication to excellence.
Congrats! If you need proofreaders still, let me know. All the best!
Death by spoon isn’t pretty….
Respect! Ten years – thank you for writing an amazing series! I can’t wait to read Magic Triumphs and I’m hopeful just like the title that Kate, Curran and all of Atlanta have a good and just ending– ( just hope that Roland has a chance to baby sit- thought that would make for an interesting scene Roland as “suburban” grandpa….but alas, who’s to say- many ways to speculate how the story will go and the series will end)
Again, thank you for taking us on such a wonderful, magic filled ride… I hope to read more of Hidden Legacy and Innkeeper.
I am so happy for you! And excited for me. Sad for Kate. Boy, I’m having emotions.
I will miss this Kate World, I know I know promises of other books from this world, but alas it will not be the same. Though I love the Hidden Legacy series just a bit more, I have been w Kate for so much longer. You have given us many books that are in our library recognized only by the dog earred well-read well-used covers (although pages never ever folder over – monsters!!).
Thank you and good luck. I hope you guys are happy and pleased as we are of course.
Here’s to the next world you create!
Also gimme. Please.
I am excited for future writings \o/
I do beta reading for others, so if you fall short….that said, ten years!!!! Has it really been ten years? I feel old now. Lol. Thank you for a decade of genuine talented reads!!
Congratulations to both autors ?
I’ll definitely miss the Kate Daniels’ series. They are my favorite. I’m sad they are ending but what an accomplishment for you guys. I can’t wait!!
I love this series and am sad it’s come to a close. The feels are hitting like when David Tennant said he didn’t want to go before he let go the role of the 10th Doctor. *sniffles*
Congratulations!!!! I’m sad the series will end BUT I know you will be writing new and fabulous books which I can’t wait to read.
I’m awfully sad to see the end of this series but deeply grateful for your beautiful creation. I have re-read this series so many times I’ve lost count. I look forward to other books from this universe and just wanted to drop in and express my gratitude to you and Gordon.
WOOOOOOO congrats to you! 😀
I would absolutely agree to death by spoon to beta read.
Congratulations! I’ve greatly enjoyed all your series, but I’ll always have a soft spot for KD.
I’m sad to learn this series is ending but oh so eager to read it!
Noooooo!!! It can’t be the end!!!
This is bittersweet. I hate seeing the series end. I LOVE the characters, but I’m sure you’re sick of living in that world.
I really love these characters but understand all good things must come to and end. I love all of your stories, but Kate is the character that birthed my love of kick ass women protagonists. Plus, I live in Atlanta, so the setting is dear to me. Can’t wait to read this and also look forward to all of your new work in the future. The Hidden Lagacy books are a fave of mine as well. Good luck!
I am so excited for you and for me. Can hardly wait. It was a blessed day when I discovered your books. I really enjoy your blog. Thank you
Hey, maybe you all can take a week off and go somewhere nice and warm, that didn’t get whomped by Irma – Cocoa Beach?
Well I guess I better get a start on reading the whole series from the beginning since this is the last one. I have read all of your books. My first urban fantasy was the first Kate Daniels book written by you guys. I have expanded since then. But, I need to thank you for introducing me to a different genre. As an omnivorous reader, and English prof. it is wonderful to be introduced to something different. Thank you, again. Love your blog.
Your proposed NDA clause is the best thing I’ve heard all day. Granted, it has been a crappy day in a crappy week – I’ve had a stomach bug and the only good thing to say about that is you’d be amazed how fast a work week goes when you sleep through 2/5 of it.
Today I felt better but got some upsetting news from friends, and it was a long day of catching up at work; also we had an ice storm and the weather plunged back from January thaw to deep midwinter and now my driveway is a 1/2″ thick in ice and I am out of salt. Again.
A spoon is such a mundane weapon with which to torturously kill someone. Lol.
what an amazing feeling, to be able to say ‘Done’ to a fantastic-10-year-old series! Boo-hoooo I “d like some more please.. Bravo, guys!
Thank you for creating this fabulous series- Kate is amazing and I’ve spent many sleepless nights reading about her kicking ass. Fell in love with Kate&Curran from the first “Here, kitty, kitty, kitty.” – and still can’t get enough of them.
What amazes me is that each time I re-read a book there is something new to discover that you hid there in plain sight and all those little details that make this world so incredible.
Thank you so much for the countless wonderful hours I got to spend with Kate&Co in your world. Congratulations to you for wrapping it up -no doubt in a way we haven’t dreamt of yet- and hopefully you’ll get to enjoy a well-deserved break!
Can’t wait to see what will happen while dreading reaching the final page….
Thanks again for Kate and all your books.
Yay! Mega mixed thoughts though. Glad it’s done. Glad for the two of you. Don’t really mind that it’s the end of the series. Scared scared scared to read it though. I of course would like everyone to have a HEA. Except Roland. Him I’d like in an interdimentional box. Ugh! Excited to read it because I want to read about the baby. Ugh! Sigh!! You are just to good at this stuff. It’s like waiting for a letter from home during you first year away at college. LOL
Wow! Has it really been ten years? I adore all of your series but this one oh Author Lords has always been my absolute favorite! Thank you so much! I read aloud so my cats can enjoy it too!
Congratulations! It’s hard to imagine saying goodbye to the wonderful world and characters you have created, but I look forward to seeing what you all come up with next…after a suitable vacation to recover!!!
????????????????Congratulations ??????????????????????
Wow! That must be a strange feeling of relief and sadness:) I would bet you write scenes in your head for ages after finishing a series. Sort of like leaving family.
Thank you both for such great writing, and world building!
I introduced this series (and you guys) to my 11 year old son this year. He is a huge fan of Rick Riordan books and I thought the Kate Daniels books might be a good fit for him (finally) and a great way for him to see a kick-ass female lead in action. (It also helps that I have electronic and hard copy of all of your books because he reads constantly and can’t take his Kindle to school). He loved them! So much that he continued on and quickly devoured all of The Edge books! And I have had to listen to him complain that he has to WAIT for the last book for weeks now. Welcome to the torture I have endured for years now kid. lol.
Just wanted to share that I have, and do, enjoy your books and love sharing your books with my kiddos. The fact that I have this connection with him now is awesome. Thanks for that!
Eagerly awaiting this last book – congrats on finishing!
Congratulations!!! Sad that the series is coming to a close, but I can’t wait to read the final book.
Come on. Everyone knows “there is no spoon”.
Well done, Gordon and Ilona. Well done.
Now more!!!!
Lol, ditto.
Wow. I imagine the mental exhale you are having now, and that lovely pause after. I hope you enjoy the break and don’t rush into anything to big too soon…
Congratulations on “done,done,done”. I will miss the world of KD but hope to enjoy the continuation of the worlds of Dina & Sean Maude & Arland and Nevada&Rogan ! I have read and re-read the Legacy and the Innkeeper series so many times! The KD books started out as paperbacks but rapidly had to be replaced by nook. Versions when they wore out I read them so many times. I thank the creator we have been blessed with writers such as yourselves to create the worids and invite us in. Take care and enjoy a decent rest sincerely Rose
Please, please please…gimme a chance to be a beta reader ………
Congratulations! Also, if you need a beta, I would be willing. English teacher, MA in German Lit, Teach English Lit at various universities…
Congrats, dear authors! May the edits be few and easy to resolve.
I am happy the book is finally out, but greatly saddened because this is my most favorite series of all time. I hope there may be spinoffs, but I understand that might not happen or might not happen right away. Your other series have the fantastic humor and drama that this series has, but it’s not quite the same. I congratulate you with tears in my eyes.
Congrats on the first draft completion. Mini celebration before revision! Thanks for sharing.
EEEEEE! So excited! So excited! Can’t wait to read. You guys never disappoint.
Why is everything ending?!?! Kate, Nevada, Xfiles, Fever! How will I go on?!? ? I’m sadxcited.
I don’t think fever is completely ending. What with the possibility for so many spinoff books.
Amazon has informed me that the publication date has been moved to the end August – boo !
Does the final version usually take so long from the first draft ???
I got that email also…I was so surprised after seeing the post that it was done. I don’t know anything about the publishing process though…I imagine there are lots of changes etc. Still, 7 months seems like a long time.
I think it could be because it is a first draft and sometimes things have to be changed or reworked. I was bummed too but thats how it works. It will come just have to wait longer lol.
But the hardcover is still set for May 8.
Anyone know why?
But the hardcover is still set for May 8.
Anyone know why?
It’s ending :;(
Grats on finished book though! I can’t believe I’ve been following you guys for so long (well, not 10 years, but a little less). Thanks for being awesome and writing amazing books
Wow! Congratulations. I can’t believr we have been a fan and supporter for 10 years. My daughter got me started reading your books and I have read all your series and love everything you have done. Question: will you continue with a Derek series? Will there be move with Nevada? Thank very much for the enjoyment your books have provided. Has gotten me thru some serious hospitalizations.
I’ll have you know you almost made me spit out my coffee laughing!
Yay! Book is done! Can’t wait to read it!
i’m actually sad about this. i don’t want kate daniels to end.
I imagine it must be bittersweet to end a series that long. You’ve created such deep and complex characters it will be hard to say goodbye.
Thank you for you’re wonderful work. I can’t wait to see what you do next. Honestly you both are my favorite authors. I will miss Kate and Curren, and when I do I will start the adventure over with magic bites and visit with them like old friends.
A heartfelt thanks for all the hours of reading enjoyment you have provided with these stories. I’ve re-read them multiple times over the years and can’t help feeling a bit sad. As others have said, I hope you will find a chance to re-visit this world through different and new characters – the “tech down/magic up” aspect is so original and so much fun to read about! I’ve loved the magical creatures and characters you’ve created.
Looking forward with so much excitement to reading the finale!