Woo hoo! Congrats on this step and so looking forward to reading it
Can not wait!! Congrats!
Congrats! Can’t wait till it is out!
Sarah Psays
Yay You! And Thanks for feeding my addiction ?
It’s such a great feeling to complete something whether great or small. My small completion is finishing spring semester grades, but you have a big one crossed off now. Congratulations!!
Happy Teacher Appreciation day!
Yahoo!! Enjoy your new found freedom!!
Happy dance. Can hardly wait.
congrats – great news
Jeannette Ksays
when the talk of Hugh getting his own book started I was NO, nope, noway, that scum deserves no more of our time. And then i read the snippets… in true Author lord fashion you sucked me in and I cared what was happening to him. Not sure how you manage it but i am eagerly awaiting this book too! You could write any thing and I would read it! Thank you
I find the longer I DON’T reread anything with Hugh in it the less scum-like he appears.
cheryl zsays
Once I read the first part wherein Hugh was a starved, frightened child who was rescued by Roland, I was ready for redemption. OK I must admit that even though Hugh was monstrous in Magic Breaks,his humanity was also showing. Can’t wait for his books!
Patricia Schlorkesays
Happy dance, happy dance! Woo-hoo! Celebrate! Let the party begin!
Now that’s out of my system…thank you very much for spoiling the Horde. You guys rock.
Let the stalking of Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and any other book website begin.
Patrica Schlorkesays
All of a sudden I have “whoop there it is” going through my brain.
Yay I’m so happy for me! I mean you… definitely you.. and me… but mostly you!! Lol ?
To quote my much-missed friend Anne, (who got me started on your books!) ::happynekkiddanceofjoy:: =) Yes, she misspelled it deliberately, but it was her way of expressing her feelings of joy and accomplishment even though i’m pretty sure she never actually did a happy naked dance of joy. =)
She must have been from the south. Naked is the fact of being unclothed…nekkid is unclothed and up to somethin! She sounds like a good friend to have.
And thank you Authorlords! Whoohooo!
Nope, she was from New York City, but yes, she was an absolutely amazing friend to have and I miss her still. =)
Congrats, I am at similar stage too. Tomorrow I will receive critique to my bachelor thesis… Ouch.
Congrats on getting it done! My daughter wrote several theses (proper plural?) over her career in higher education. The big thing always was finishing the thing – she’d worry about how she did later. Don’t worry, hon. If you did it, you did it right. (It’s waaay too much work to do over.)
Congrats! Can’t wait to read it!
Does this mean we can expect the cover reveal any time soon???
Ms. Kimsays
Ooooh, cover reveal.
Congratulations! I have always loved the ‘bad boys’ of fiction; they are often the more interesting characters. And although you said Hugh is a bad guy (vs a bad boy), I am not so secretly hoping he can be redeemed…. you know, with the love of a good woman.. lol, a lovely fictional trope that is more difficult (impossible?) to achieve IRL. Either way, I know the BDH will not be disappointed and I am super excited to dig into this one! I am ready and waiting to push the ‘pre-order’ button….
Chris Lsays
Congrats! Can’t wait until it’s out! Super excited
Tina in NJsays
Congratulations, Authorlords! From the sneak peeks and snippets, I can’t wait to read the whole thing. Elara feels different from most heroines and could probably stand on her own. You said you planned to take a couple of weeks off when Hugh’s book was finished, but I’m not sure this is the point you meant. If it is, enjoy. However, please could you tell us what this means for Innkeeper? I just don’t want to get my hopes up too soon. (Also, I’m selfish when it comes to Maud.)
Woot! Can’t wait to read it in its’ entirety!!!
This calls for a beer! Pop ’em if you got ’em. Go ahead, I’ll catch up.
Congratulations! I can’t wait to read it, lol
Congratulations! Now I hope you can take a bit of time to relax and rejuvenate after the stress of the past several months.
Lynn Fitzgeraldsays
??????You doing your happy dance! On the kitchen counter? Congrats. Sing at the top of your voice… I be done. Take the night off and spoil yourself. And thank you from your fan.. me.
Cathy Bsays
That is awesome news! Enjoy the rest of your day….
Yeah! Congratulations!
Yay! Congratulations! I can’t wait to read Hugh’s book. It will be so much fun.
Doc Jules, were-unicorn wannabesays
Brilliant! A snippet to celebrate perhaps?
Happy Happy Joy Joy! Congratulations!! Thanks for all your hard work 🙂
Patricia Schlorkesays
Love the Calvin and Hobbs dance. That’s what we’re all doing.
OMG yes!!! Can’t wait to read and fall in love with Hugh’s character after hating him for so long.
And job well done on finishing it through al the stress and sicknesses!!
Congratulations! Finally some “no deadline” time to be enjoyed even if it’s cleaning house and giving all the pets a bath. How is kid #1 doing with her new job? R & R while you can.
Julie Stransays
I can’t wait! Your work is so wonderful.
Ms. Kimsays
Oh boy ohboy ohboy ohboy!
Cheryl Anne farleysays
Hooray! Makes my day with something to happily anticipate. Swinging through the edge series again. Thanks dear talented people.
I’m so looking forward to this adventure. Can’t wait to see how you make Hugh redeemable (locking Kate and Gastek in a well until almost dead – not cool) but can’t wait to read about it. I hope his lady puts him through it.
The well redeemed Ghastek, though.
Congratulations – looking forward reading it 🙂
Great! Hopefully you can rest now.
All the congratulations! I hope you guys have a celebration!
Congratulations- bet you feel great! ?
Pat Crouchsays
Congratulations! I’m so looking forward to release dates.
Hurray!! I’m excited
By the way, I’ve been trying to preorder Iron and Magic but can’t find a link. ???
Emma Lsays
See blog post from 2 days ago!
Just found it on Amazon!
Thanks, yay, it is up for pre-order at Amazon
Hooray! (Kermit flail dance!) Take your time off while you can. You more than deserve it.
From what you said before this is a really tight schedule. Thanks for plugging onward!
Gale Dsays
Congratulations. Can’t wait for the book!
Shreya ksays
Congratulations. I am sure you are relived and hopefully can relax now.
Woohoo congrats
Yay! So excited to read this book!
?congrats! Time for R & R? Or more deadlines To cram into your busy days?
Very excited!!!
Anne in Virginiasays
Just pre-ordered the kindle version of IRON AND MAGIC and will also order the dead tree version when/if it goes live too. Hey BDH, if we try we could probably push this title into the top 100 kindle titles on pre-orders alone like we did the Hidden Legacy novella.
Anne in Virginia
Melissa Bsays
Great idea, I just preordered it too.
Congrats to Ilona and Gordon! And pre-order placed! ?
I hope that you celebrate, take some time to congratulate yourselves, and then *take a break* for a little while. You really deserve one. Thank you for all that you do!
Roxanne Chinsays
Woohoo! Congrats!!
I’m so excited!! Congrats on finishing!!! *throws confetti** ?
Hey, will this only be available on kindle? There’s no listing for paperback/hardcover.
Lisa B.says
I was wondering about that as well! I prefer reading a book, as I spend too much time looking at computer screens as it is. Though I’ve purchased all the novellas and short stories as ebooks, some are even duplicated in paper books as well. Must support the Authorlords!!!
Patricia Schlorkesays
Lisa and Lisa B. check the new post by Ilona this evening. Your answers are there as well as an awesome cover reveal.
Lisa B.says
Thanks Patricia for the heads up! I found Ilona’s response. Whew!!! I think I’ll be able to wait for the print edition as I don’t have a Kindle. Must stay strong! Having a paper edition let’s you enjoy the awesome cover art work more! ?
Woot! Put your feet up and relax!
Omar Mtzsays
YEah!!!!!!!! But what is she!!!!!!!
Melissa Bsays
Happy for you guys!!! What a relief and bonus now that the house is sold too. Celebrate this Mother’s Day weekend ☺️
Amy Annsays
Congratulations!! Hope you take a well-deserved break to relax and renew.
You guys are awesome. Very grateful for all your hard work.
Cocktails all round!
Yay!!!! Whoot whoot! Chiiii! ?????????? Congratulations, and thank you for another wonderful book!! Simply cannot wait to get my greedy little paws on it!! ?
Hope you are able to get some well- earned rest now!!!
Yippee! Can’t help it, still doing happy dance!! ?
Bill Gsays
Yeee-haaaa! And the pre-order for Amazon is up. I’ll be there soon.
Teresa Hughessays
I have pre-ordered and will grab the audio also when it comes out? Thank you for continuing to provide me and your many readers with superior fun
Padmini Ekbotesays
Pre-ordered the book on Amazon. Can’t wait to read it!
Celebrate ? A load off you shoulders!!!!!!!!!!!
Charlie Morgansays
I’m looking forward to it! The cover is just, WOW, and I love that you used Stephen Colbert for your announcement!
I don’t do any social media (don’t trust it) so I hope all involved read your comments here . This Is THE MOST GORGEOUS AND COMPELLING BOOK COVER EVER!!!!!!!!!!! There are no words to describe its effect. If I were walking through a bookstore and had never heard of you ( because I just got back from Mars, or something) I would find myself walking out of the bookstore, clutching said bagged book and thinking, “I don’t know why, but I just had to have it!” Kudos to everyone involved, especially to you and Gordon for a super spin-off. Can’t wait to read it, but I’ll give it 5 stars just for having it’s vibes in the atmosphere.
Woo hoo! Congrats on this step and so looking forward to reading it
Can not wait!! Congrats!
Congrats! Can’t wait till it is out!
Yay You! And Thanks for feeding my addiction ?
It’s such a great feeling to complete something whether great or small. My small completion is finishing spring semester grades, but you have a big one crossed off now. Congratulations!!
Happy Teacher Appreciation day!
Enjoy your new found freedom!!
Happy dance. Can hardly wait.
congrats – great news
when the talk of Hugh getting his own book started I was NO, nope, noway, that scum deserves no more of our time.
And then i read the snippets… in true Author lord fashion you sucked me in and I cared what was happening to him. Not sure how you manage it but i am eagerly awaiting this book too! You could write any thing and I would read it!
Thank you
I find the longer I DON’T reread anything with Hugh in it the less scum-like he appears.
Once I read the first part wherein Hugh was a starved, frightened child who was rescued by Roland, I was ready for redemption. OK I must admit that even though Hugh was monstrous in Magic Breaks,his humanity was also showing. Can’t wait for his books!
Happy dance, happy dance! Woo-hoo! Celebrate! Let the party begin!
Now that’s out of my system…thank you very much for spoiling the Horde. You guys rock.
Let the stalking of Amazon, Barnes and Noble, and any other book website begin.
All of a sudden I have “whoop there it is” going through my brain.
Yay I’m so happy for me! I mean you… definitely you.. and me… but mostly you!! Lol ?
To quote my much-missed friend Anne, (who got me started on your books!) ::happynekkiddanceofjoy:: =) Yes, she misspelled it deliberately, but it was her way of expressing her feelings of joy and accomplishment even though i’m pretty sure she never actually did a happy naked dance of joy. =)
She must have been from the south. Naked is the fact of being unclothed…nekkid is unclothed and up to somethin! She sounds like a good friend to have.
And thank you Authorlords! Whoohooo!
Nope, she was from New York City, but yes, she was an absolutely amazing friend to have and I miss her still. =)
Congrats, I am at similar stage too. Tomorrow I will receive critique to my bachelor thesis… Ouch.
Congrats on getting it done!
My daughter wrote several theses (proper plural?) over her career in higher education. The big thing always was finishing the thing – she’d worry about how she did later.
Don’t worry, hon. If you did it, you did it right. (It’s waaay too much work to do over.)
Congrats! Can’t wait to read it!
Does this mean we can expect the cover reveal any time soon???
Ooooh, cover reveal.
Congratulations! I have always loved the ‘bad boys’ of fiction; they are often the more interesting characters. And although you said Hugh is a bad guy (vs a bad boy), I am not so secretly hoping he can be redeemed…. you know, with the love of a good woman.. lol, a lovely fictional trope that is more difficult (impossible?) to achieve IRL. Either way, I know the BDH will not be disappointed and I am super excited to dig into this one! I am ready and waiting to push the ‘pre-order’ button….
Congrats! Can’t wait until it’s out! Super excited
Congratulations, Authorlords! From the sneak peeks and snippets, I can’t wait to read the whole thing. Elara feels different from most heroines and could probably stand on her own. You said you planned to take a couple of weeks off when Hugh’s book was finished, but I’m not sure this is the point you meant. If it is, enjoy. However, please could you tell us what this means for Innkeeper? I just don’t want to get my hopes up too soon. (Also, I’m selfish when it comes to Maud.)
Woot! Can’t wait to read it in its’ entirety!!!
This calls for a beer! Pop ’em if you got ’em. Go ahead, I’ll catch up.
Congratulations! I can’t wait to read it, lol
Congratulations! Now I hope you can take a bit of time to relax and rejuvenate after the stress of the past several months.
??????You doing your happy dance! On the kitchen counter? Congrats. Sing at the top of your voice… I be done. Take the night off and spoil yourself. And thank you from your fan.. me.
That is awesome news! Enjoy the rest of your day….
Yeah! Congratulations!
Yay! Congratulations! I can’t wait to read Hugh’s book. It will be so much fun.
Brilliant! A snippet to celebrate perhaps?
Happy Happy Joy Joy! Congratulations!! Thanks for all your hard work 🙂
Love the Calvin and Hobbs dance. That’s what we’re all doing.
OMG yes!!! Can’t wait to read and fall in love with Hugh’s character after hating him for so long.
And job well done on finishing it through al the stress and sicknesses!!
Yea for you! I am so happy for you and for us!
Best April’s Fools ever! Words cannot describe how much I’m looking forward to Hugh’s story!
Fantastic News!!
My finger is ready on the button for pre-order?
Congrats to you both!
Congratulations! Is he partially redeemed?
Congrats!!! We are just as excited as you are!
WoooT! Congratulations.
Can hardly wait for the book to be available!
Congratulations! Finally some “no deadline” time to be enjoyed even if it’s cleaning house and giving all the pets a bath. How is kid #1 doing with her new job? R & R while you can.
I can’t wait! Your work is so wonderful.
Oh boy ohboy ohboy ohboy!
Hooray! Makes my day with something to happily anticipate. Swinging through the edge series again. Thanks dear talented people.
I’m so looking forward to this adventure. Can’t wait to see how you make Hugh redeemable (locking Kate and Gastek in a well until almost dead – not cool) but can’t wait to read about it. I hope his lady puts him through it.
The well redeemed Ghastek, though.
Congratulations – looking forward reading it 🙂
Great! Hopefully you can rest now.
All the congratulations! I hope you guys have a celebration!
Congratulations- bet you feel great! ?
Congratulations! I’m so looking forward to release dates.
Hurray!! I’m excited
By the way, I’ve been trying to preorder Iron and Magic but can’t find a link. ???
See blog post from 2 days ago!
Just found it on Amazon!
Thanks, yay, it is up for pre-order at Amazon
Hooray! (Kermit flail dance!)
Take your time off while you can. You more than deserve it.
From what you said before this is a really tight schedule. Thanks for plugging onward!
Congratulations. Can’t wait for the book!
Congratulations. I am sure you are relived and hopefully can relax now.
Woohoo congrats
Yay! So excited to read this book!
?congrats! Time for R & R? Or more deadlines To cram into your busy days?
Very excited!!!
Just pre-ordered the kindle version of IRON AND MAGIC and will also order the dead tree version when/if it goes live too. Hey BDH, if we try we could probably push this title into the top 100 kindle titles on pre-orders alone like we did the Hidden Legacy novella.
Anne in Virginia
Great idea, I just preordered it too.
Congrats to Ilona and Gordon! And pre-order placed! ?
*click* And look at that cover!
Done, done, and done! ?
You bet!! ?
I hope that you celebrate, take some time to congratulate yourselves, and then *take a break* for a little while. You really deserve one. Thank you for all that you do!
Woohoo! Congrats!!
I’m so excited!! Congrats on finishing!!! *throws confetti** ?
Hey, will this only be available on kindle? There’s no listing for paperback/hardcover.
I was wondering about that as well! I prefer reading a book, as I spend too much time looking at computer screens as it is. Though I’ve purchased all the novellas and short stories as ebooks, some are even duplicated in paper books as well. Must support the Authorlords!!!
Lisa and Lisa B. check the new post by Ilona this evening. Your answers are there as well as an awesome cover reveal.
Thanks Patricia for the heads up! I found Ilona’s response. Whew!!! I think I’ll be able to wait for the print edition as I don’t have a Kindle. Must stay strong! Having a paper edition let’s you enjoy the awesome cover art work more! ?
Woot! Put your feet up and relax!
YEah!!!!!!!! But what is she!!!!!!!
Happy for you guys!!! What a relief and bonus now that the house is sold too. Celebrate this Mother’s Day weekend ☺️
Congratulations!! Hope you take a well-deserved break to relax and renew.
You guys are awesome. Very grateful for all your hard work.
Cocktails all round!
Yay!!!! Whoot whoot! Chiiii!
Congratulations, and thank you for another wonderful book!! Simply cannot wait to get my greedy little paws on it!! ?
Hope you are able to get some well- earned rest now!!!
Yippee! Can’t help it, still doing happy dance!! ?
Yeee-haaaa! And the pre-order for Amazon is up. I’ll be there soon.
I have pre-ordered and will grab the audio also when it comes out? Thank you for continuing to provide me and your many readers with superior fun
Pre-ordered the book on Amazon. Can’t wait to read it!
Celebrate ? A load off you shoulders!!!!!!!!!!!
I’m looking forward to it! The cover is just, WOW, and I love that you used Stephen Colbert for your announcement!
I don’t do any social media (don’t trust it) so I hope all involved read your comments here . This Is THE MOST GORGEOUS AND COMPELLING BOOK COVER EVER!!!!!!!!!!! There are no words to describe its effect.
If I were walking through a bookstore and had never heard of you ( because I just got back from Mars, or something) I would find myself walking out of the bookstore, clutching said bagged book and thinking,
“I don’t know why, but I just had to have it!”
Kudos to everyone involved, especially to you and Gordon for a super spin-off. Can’t wait to read it, but I’ll give it 5 stars just for having it’s vibes in the atmosphere.
Well done to you and Gordon!!! Love the cover.