Saw this mug advertised on Facebook at Writing Is My Lfe Page.
You can buy your own version at Gearbubble, but it’s only offered for a limited time.
Gordon is working on a new Rogan POV. If we give you the POV, do you think there is any possibility you will stop emailing about Hidden Legacy? Because we all know the answer is Kate 10.
PS.ย RWA, Austin, tonight at 6:00 pm, Q&A.ย Details are here.
*snuggles Authorlords and offers Tea and Scones*
Heres hoping something fun happens to lighten the load.
I appreciate all your hard work. Kate 10 is gonna be epic!
oh first ๐ ?? – Rogan POV _ yes ye yes!!
ok not first but 3rd – ๐ Kate 10 and still some selfpublished before right… the time will fly ๐
The whining will not stop until Kate 10 is released. Surely you know that. And probably not until thre’s a new innkeeper and a new nevada/rogan.
But the POV would be great!
Dawn (who is going to the NYS Sheep and wool festival this weekend, and is already high from the wool fumes.)
Agreed! And then the begging will switch over to what hasn’t been released yet, because we are deserate, greedy readers!
Add to that all of the initials of the people who are editing the document, and that’s my thesis right now. XD
My dissertation was like that. Add in all the different data sets used until the extremely final, absolutely going to use data set is completed, and that’s what I went through. ๐
Very similar in computer analysis/modeling/academia —!
PS I love any and all books – you guys work very hard. The blog helps me wait for the next book ๐ so thank you!
…I was thinking of just that.
Sadly any given project I have has names almost exactly like that (and similar timestamps)..same for papers I write.
It’s missing the _DoNOTUseThisOne.
So true
Even the least snippet from the AuthorLords is glorious!
A Rogan POV would be great. ๐
I will shut up for a rogan POV. Yes.
(Zipping up mouth)
Oh my Lordy – I click-bought that mug so hard. I’m freelance writing for an organization that doesn’t understand the concept of thorough review and prefers making last minute pants-on-fire edits at the most inconvenient of times.
This naming convention is my life. ??
I love you, you are the best, Rogan POV please.
But, um, ahem… for your own sanity, doesn’t this kind of encourage the idea that whining will be rewarded? Not that I would scorn the rewards!
Agree, agree. Sheesh, people, let them get on with their work!! I’ve got my cranky-pants on today.
That is one point in favor of version control software is that the file name has to stay the same. Unfortunately, to be effective, it requires you to put in adequate comments. Otherwise you’re going “was is version 23? Nope. 22? Nope. 21? Nope. Come on people, put in the comments what you did! Let’s try 17. Nope, went too far back. 18?….”
Please please please oh great author Lords, some snippet please.
Anyone else trying to double-click on those files? ๐
Yes. Yes I did.
My finger was already moving – but brain won. ๐
Just keep working on Kate 10, that is a contractual obligation. Ignore the questions and “whining”. We will be grateful for any snippets, POV, deleted scenes, etc. You have buying and moving to do. After you finish Kate 10 , there will be time to contemplate other projects. By the way are you going to RT in Reno?
Don’t cave to the pressure. We will never be satisfied. With that said, anything you produced is wonderful.
Rogan POV please. I haven’t bothered you with an email, but I will now officially promise not to ๐
Hangs head. So sorry you’ve been pestered. Anything you want to give, anytime you want to give it will be wonderful.
Rohanโs POV very welcome ?
As I havenโt harassed you guys about future released via email can we have a small snippet please? ?
I’ll take Rogan POV, thank you!! I’m still unsure why people do t know the answer is Kate 10. I mean, reading. It’s the whole reason we’re here.
*don’t know the answer*. Cuz tiny keyboard.
A Rogan POV would be awesome. But, honestly, we’d even read your grocery list. ๐
“The Stomach desires of Authors on a Deadline”
A Rogan POV will tide me over for a little while. But I may need another before Kate 10 is available.
Sorry, but I don’t think the pestering will stop but a POV would be awesome!!
Rogan POV!!!!!! Yes please please please please please
Rogan POV my favorite thing, Kate my favorite thing, Hidden Legacy my favorite thing, Innkeeper my favorite thing ….
Hmmm, I didn’t see the “total shit”, “absolute shit” and “what the hell” file names listed plus my personal favorite: “WTF.”
It needs a “F*ckIt_ItsGoodEnough”. Not that I’ve ever named a file that at work, but I could definitely see giving into that temptation at home.
I’ve been tempted to put “crap”, “crap, crap”, and “ultimate crap” for some of my files when I was in school. What stopped me was the thought of my professors looking over my shoulder and sees those names.
Well, we had a sys admin create a temp user named “Douche McGee”. On a customer network. Where they could see that name in the email directory. {sigh}
I would love a Rogan POV. And I have never pestered you for release dates ever, nor am I planning to do so in the future. However, I mostly just happy you are more active on the blog again and if you want to gift us a snippet I’d be deliriously happy!
A Rogan POV is always a good bribe.
God luck for your writing, may the muses visit you!
And here I thought the answer was alcohol, chocolate, and yarn.
Just be glad we’re beyond the days when “cut and paste” involved real scissors!
My method was cut and tape; all my papers! I would end up with scrolls. Those were the days…
OMG! Glad to hear I’m not the only one who did that!
Me too!
Authorlords are the best! Personally, I’m satisfied with the blog and the occasional snippet. There will be books and I can wait for them. And then devour them…
By the way, I seem to recall Ilona mentioning a new series pitch. Once Kate 10 is done it would be amazing to hear about it – even if the comment is as simple as “Approved. Coming. Watch this space.” In the meantime, Kate 10 ๐
Gordon has time for a Rogan pov? With house stuff/kid stuff/book stuff/life stuff going on? That man deserves a medal!?
I have been good, I haven’t pestered at all. A Rogan POV would make my month.
But….yeah, I get it. “Kate 10” now replaces 42 as the answer to life, the universe, and everything. ? All the best to my favorite authorlords!
I have the same problem with my thesis, I have version number, date, who edited, and then started describing files with full sentences
oooh! Rogan POV – that just made my day, week, life…Thank you!!! Thank you!!! Thank you!!!
OMG, I just started trying to update my resume. Took less than three minutes to discover/remember I haven’t used an office program in the last fifteen years! Had to figure out how to download a printer driver, etc, etc. Spent a whole evening on that then needed to buy ink so I could print. When did ink get that expensive? Boy do I need an update class. Sigh.
You are not alone. At almost 33 ( apparently I am back to describing my name in fractions and degrees) I have been contemplating the need to take a computer course because I have forgotten what I was never really good at in the first place and what I do remember is most likely obsolete anyway.
Honey, my last computer class involved Fortran and punch cards. (1968!)
My solution – no computer but Apple. Well, once they started making Apple computers, anyway. Also, I really couldn’t afford a computer until then…
I was the very last class to do Fortran and punch cards, kommiesmom — 1978. I dropped the box once, which is no doubt why I ended up doing things very, very, very far from programming.
A POV in the midst of all those urgencies? What unexpected pleasures are to be found at this blog!
You didn’t number your cards? I would wait for my husband while he was compiling. Anyone who ever saw or heard about dropped cards started immediately.
My sympathies. I did post punch card Fortran.
One college job involved hours inputting data about wheat growth rate to get those demm’d punch cards. On the up side, narrow strips of Fortran cards, placed in the coin receptacle of the washers and dryers in my dorm stopped the quarters from falling but still triggered the “on” function!
? Everything is good/desired!!! Yes we are greedy/voracious!!
Don’t care, love everything the two of you write, be happy, write loads, never stop!!!!!
Seriously, everything the two of you write is golden and I will read it all so do what makes you happy xx
and tell Gordon he STILL owes us part II of Curran’s POV from two years ago… ๐
We appreciate anything you throw our way!
Why does this bring back memories of the first computers I used in school. One solid square chunk of beige plastic. The screen a small square with large pixel white font on a black background. Then a blue background on a two pieced computer. And Dial Up connection sound is forever embedded in my head; right up there with nails on a chalkboard. Also does anyone else remember when television broadcasts would cease a little after midnight and your TV screen would either flash to a color testing stripes with a teeth clenching wine sound or gray particle moving pixelation/waves with the static shhhh sound.
SSSSShhhhhh!!! You’re giving away our….your age!! Remember that stuff?? Just saying the dial up connection put that sound in my head. AAAAggggggghhhhhh……
You forgot the national atheme was played… The days before never ending infomercials.
Oh my gosh yes! I also remember the really good Godzilla movies would be on very late. These were the ones where English was “dubbed” over the Japanese. It was hilarious to see the person talk when the English words were done.
Commodore 64 computer anyone? Aaaaahhhhhh!
Yaris on Atari.
If you offer the BDH a Rogan POV, we will ask for another Hidden Legacy book.
If you give us a Kate snippet, we will want a Derek/Julie short story to go with it.
An innkeeper blurb will invariably lead to needing another Edge novel.
And why did you stop the kinsmen stories?
And when is Hugh’s book coming?
However, we will take a Rogan POV.
When IS the next Hidden Legacy book coming out anyhow??
Kidding, kidding.
Ah ha, you guys are so much fun. Thanks for keep us readers updated like this.
Do we get a vote, if we all ready don’t send you emails???? If so, then yes I will take the bribe and enjoy it immensely.
I thought the answer was 42…and “thanks for the fish”.
I’m so happy for Kate 10 because she is the one that brought me to y’alls books, but I have to say YAY too Rogan POV!!!
just keep swimming just keep swimming
author version just keep writing just keep writing tears rolling down your face
I haven’t been writing any emails, but I would love a Rogan POV nonetheless
Love it! Just bought it! It perfectly captures my life right now!
No emails from this member of the BDH. Too busy with work and other stuff.
Pov from anyone is fine with me. Thanks!
Now I go to re-read Wildfire. ๐
If you give a mouse a cookie it will want a glass of milk
If you give the BDH a Rogan POV it will want a……
Unless the answer is Kate 10.
Kate 10!
Also missing:
Story2_total rewrite
Story2_total rewrite_2
Story2_total rewrite_alt POV
Story2_merge draft
Story2_merge draft_2
And also:
Story2_random scenes
Story2_future events
Story2_cut scenes
Story2_bloopers_NEVER USE
POV would be awesome. I am waiting patiently in the manner of a faithful canine companion who has heard a food package being opened but was told to sit and wait. For Kate 10 but also anything else… POV, snippet, shopping list, whatever.
No “Like” button for comments here. ๐
I agree!! Need the like button! That is perfect! I patiently wait for whatever crumbs they feel fit to give me! I do wonder how they deal with the pressure knowing that there are so many people waiting for any sort of output from them.. I think I would get sick of it pretty quickly!
Lol. Agreed. Waiting patiently (?) for what the author lords dispense to their peasants ???
So I tapped into 1st response because . . . yeah
my difference is, watched pots & boiling
thanks 4 the rewards shares pats & itch scratching . . .
U na,snips povs & the rest
Aw, I wanna read the bloopers one.
I just reread all the Hidden Legacy books. Yes.
You don’t bug me about my job, and when I will get any given project complete, so I won’t bug you about yours. You both work very hard, and very long hours. I am always thankful of the work you do, it’s simply brilliant. I’ll be waiting for your next release date. Thank you for all you do. I love all the worlds you build, and all the people who inhabit them.
Rogan POV, yeah!!!
I’ll send you an email right away hounding you about Hidden Legacy, so that I can promise to stop hounding you and mean it!
Or I could just continue to not hound you and promise to not start…
Hummm, what to do??? Bother you when you’ve been so generous with your time (blogging) and words (blogging, booking*, etc…) or just wait patiently as I’ve been doing… What a conundrum…
;o) No I’ll just say: wow that’s a very organised and clean folder!!!! No clutter, no chances of mistaken one document for another. I’m impressed! And Chapter 8! This is looking good, although I’m guessing that you still have a way to go.
* Trying to make a pun, “writing book” in one verb, meh…
Thank you! No hounding here!
If I remember correctly, Hidden Legacy is an evolved Kinsman. Love the Hoard’s comments.
Thank you for the POV. Love all of your work so I’m happy to wait.
It’s a shame that there’s not some clever do dah script that could detect all questions from folk asking about HL (who may not have seen past blogs saying that your book life is currently kate 10). The clever script would then auto reply to them with a link to all the blog posts which say that there are no plans for HL/Innkeeper etc until Kate 10 is done. (In my head the clever script looks like a small cobbler gnome/elf who has found a new job inside the web as their shoe work has become mechanised…)
*too much caffeine this morning… Must get my brain off the creatures in the internet and back to my real-world job with actualised wildlife :)*
On one of the fan facebook pages, someone reminded us about that Curran POV, where he was telling Julie about his rise to Beast Lord. Will we ever get the part II to that story?
I know you guys are busy so I will take whatever crumbs I can get from any book you have written or are currently writing.
PS: You are so gracious to us and I’d never hound you.
Would LOVE a Rogan POV!
Kate 10!
Kate 10!
Kate 10!
Whilst I love your other books I got hooked on Kate first so she should come first!
Rogan Pov!!!! Yeah!!!!
I think all this begging from your greedy and voracious fans (myself included) is a testament to what your fans already know – that you are extremely gifted writers that also work hard and produce a quality product! Ignore the whining and begging, do what you need to do (prioritizing your busy life and full schedule), and rest assured your readers will be delighted with whatever you produce, whenever you produce it!!! Try to tune out the whining and hear the admiration and praise for your work that is behind it. Thank you for your work, thank you for sharing your talent with us, and thank you for being so accessible to your fans!! Still sending positive thoughts about closing on the Chateau and moving, as well as the stress of finishing Kate 10 on deadline with everything else going on in your lives! Hugs!!!!!!
My theory is, every minute spent reading emails is a minute not spent writing. ๐
Listening to Keith Urban at the moment “I just want a little bit of everything nahnahnahnah, nahnahnahnah” sums it up pretty well. Have you thought of channeling Desandra and yelling “COOL YOUR TITS!” ? we’d totally get it. Yeah I know Kate 10 ๐
It would slow the begging down for a day. Two for the slow readers. So what is it worth for you for a day of peace and quiet… ๐
That mug is awesome. No begging here…just the occasional puppy eyes. :),
A Rogan POV would be awesome
Anything you do is AWESOME!!! Iโm patiently waiting for Kate.10
LOL, choked on coffee. Cat hiding under table in a huff. Rogan POV, huzzah! New house, huzzah! Kate 10 huzzah! Why are people emailing about Hidden Legacy? You gave us not one but two HL novels this year. They are like Diamond Jim Brady at Delmonico’s.
lol! Too freaking funny! I like to drink out of a Shakespearean Insults mug when I’m not using my favorite yellow one. ๐
Kate 10 of course. Rogan POV is great! thank you
And I will be happy for any crumbs you can give us good book starving fans. ๐
I am SO CONFUSED! I thought the answer was Hugh, Kate 10, then a year off to do whatever you wanted….maybe…
it went from Kate 10, and only Kate 10 blog post, to a comment under the same thing from Gordon that said Kate 10 was pushed back to August, so Hugh was coming out first, then Kate 10.
Now it’s back to Kate 10?
Mind = jelly…
It gives me peanut butter, it does this whenever it’s told!
Justin, we are working on Kate 10 because we are contractually obligated to deliver it. It does not mean that Kate 10 will be published before Hugh. It means that right now we are working on Kate 10.
Thank you for the peanut butter. I now have the clarity sandwich.
Out of control Book Devouring Horde. Bless your heart.
YAS!!! Definitely up for another Rogan POV. And then I shall await patiently on the authorlords.
OMG more Rogan POV!!!
Not sure why I got an error before, but yes, would love a Rogan POV. suffering serious Hidden Legacy withdrawals. Don’t suppose it could be Rogan taking Nevada to meet his mother? really want to see that meeting!
I want to see Rogan when Arabella dives out of his copter and transforms. Then going on thru when he calls to ask the Keeper to move up the trials.
We takes what we gets and we SHUTS UP!
(Thank you for whatever we gets. Love it all.)
*starts salivating for Rogan POV* *sits up straighter* *scours the internet to see if my good behavior has paid off yet* *not yet?* *ok, sits up straighter AND smiles* *how about now?*
Waiting can be so hard, but you guys make it easy. I feel so spoiled. Thank you Thank you Thank you!
The Rogan POV is really sweet, thank you for that, but what about Hidden Legacy?
Rogan POV….yesssss
This made me smile, I’m now answering all the questions I’m asked “Kate 10” ๐