House Andrews will be at Dragon Con in Atlanta at the end of this month. You can find a tentative schedule and a FAQ with answers to the most common questions below.
- Is there a guide that can help me keep track of things?
Please use the Dragon Con app and the official digital resources made available on the convention website.
- Ilona Andrews Events Schedule?
Friday August 30th
10 am: Melding the Real & the Magical: World-Building in UF
Description: Our panel of authors will discuss both the challenges and advantages associated with adding the supernatural to their creations that take place in a recognizable world.
Panelists: Gordon Andrews, Ilona Andrews, Anne Schlea, Darin Kennedy, Jeaniene Frost, Carol Malcolm (Moderator)
Location: Chastain 1-2 Westin
Length: 1 Hour
4 pm: Care and Feeding of Writers: The Family That Writes Together
Description: As an addition to our ongoing series of taking care of our writers, our panelists will discuss the joys and challenges of writing with your spouse or significant other.
Panelists: Ilona Andrews, Gordon Andrews, Clay Shepard Griffith, Susan Griffith, Andy Presby, Joelle Presby (moderator),
Location: Embassy AB Hyatt
Length: 1 Hour
5:30 pm: And, the Plot Thickens
Description: Some people have trouble plotting. Are you one of them? This panel is designed to help writers who struggle with plot development.
Panelists: Ilona Andrews, Gordon Andrews, Rachel A. Brune, Richard Lee Byers, Bobby Nash, Venessa GIunta (moderator)
Location: Embassy EF Hyatt
Length: 1 Hour
8:30 pm: Magic and the Natural World
Description: Our panel of authors will discuss how their systems of magic both derive from and affect the natural world settings of their stories.
Panelists: Ilona Andrews, Gordon Andrews, Kim Harrison, Richard Kadrey, Jim Butcher, Carol Malcolm (moderator)
Time: Fri 08:30 pm
Location: Chastain 1-2 Westin
Length: 1 Hour
Saturday August 31st
11:30 am: The Perfect Blend: Essential Ingredients of UF
Description: Urban Fantasy contains an intriguing mix of components, that variety often proving the basis of the genre’s appeal. Our panel of authors explore which ingredients they employ, and discuss which they feel to be essential to the genre. *There will be a signing session immediately following the panel.
Panelists: Ilona Andrews, Gordon Andrews, Richard Kadrey, James J. Butcher, Jeaniene Frost, Carol Malcolm (moderator)
Location: Chastain 1-2 Westin
Length: 1 Hour
1 pm: Signing Showcase: Urban Fantasy Track: The Perfect Blend
Panelists: Jeaniene Frost, James J. Butcher, Richard Kadrey, Ilona Andrews, Gordon Andrews
Location: Overlook Westin
Length: 1 Hour
5:30 pm: Crafting in the Craft of Literature!
Description: SFF Knitters and Crafters Gather round as we talk about how crafts influence and are presented in literature. Our panelists will even end up talking about their favorite creation hobbies. (As if being amazingly talented authors was not enough.) Please bring your own projects to share and work on!
Panelists: Kim Harrison, Ilona Andrews, Jody Lynn Nye, Jeffrey Falcon Logue, Oriana Leckert (moderator)
Location: Embassy CD Hyatt
Length: 1 Hour
10 pm: Violence in Urban Fantasy
Description: The level of violence in Urban Fantasy varies, sometimes even between books in the same series. Our authors discuss the use of violence in their work & what lines they may be unwilling to cross for the sake of their stories. (Mature Audiences Only)
Panelists: Richard Kadrey, Ilona Andrews, Gordon Andrews, Wesley Chu, Jeaniene Frost, Carol Malcolm (Moderator)
Location: Chastain 1-2 Westin
Length: 1 Hour
Sunday September 1st
4 pm: An Hour with Ilona Andrews
Description: Interview & audience Q&A with the authors of the Kate Daniels, Hidden Legacy, Innkeeper, Edge, and Kinsmen series.
Panelists: Ilona Andrews, Gordon Andrews, Carol Malcolm (Moderator)
Location: Chastain 1-2 Westin
Length: 1 Hour
This schedule is 99% there, but minute adjustments might happen up to 10 days before the convention start.
- Will there be a private meet and greet at a coffee shop or similar?
No, the Convention owns House Andrews time. There is a signing event and a special event for meet and greet on Sunday, please try to attend those.
- Will Ilona and Gordon have special editions/ signed editions/merch etc we can buy from them?
The authors will give away books and special merch tote bags (new designs!). There will be no special editions at this time. You can get things signed during the signing events.
- Will you sign…?
House Andrews are happy to sign anything you bring to them. Except bodies (and loan documents, I asked!). Books, kindles, clothes, toys, bookmarks, merch, posters – all good.
- If we cannot make it to the convention, will we get to see the material you’ll speak about anywhere else? Will it be recorded and shared?
Unfortunately, no. Because of the nature of the convention contracts, everything will go through Dragon Con. They may offer online track and some panels maybe recorded, but we do not know what they are atm.
- Can we bring you presents?
House Andrews would prefer it that you didn’t, they’re not very comfortable receiving gifts without reciprocating and the BDH always goes overboard. Realistically, I’m aware you will still bring some lol, I didn’t the meet the Horde yesterday – please keep in mind they will be flying back and forth and have luggage limits, so nothing too big, breakable or expensive if possible.
- Do we need to prepare anything- read up on material ahead of time, have questions ready?
Not at all! Just come as you are.
I hope everyone going has a great time and sees all the panels they want!
I hope everyone who attends has a great time and the authors feel much better by then!
Sounds amazing, wish I could be there.
Wow, I didn’t realize they’d have panels that late into the day. I have GOT to remember to sign up next year. Hopefully House Andrews will attend then, too.
I’m also really curious about who came up with the idea about the crafting panel. Have they always had that, or does someone who works for DragonCon also a member of the Horde and created the panel just for Ilona. 😉
Yay! Can’t wait! 🙂
Goodness! That looks like an absolutely exhausting schedule. Take care of yourselves.
I was in Atlanta for a Romance writer convention, I think it was 2017 and had a blast. We spent a whole day at the Botanical Gardens and it was a magical experience. I highly recommend a visit to the BG if you’re in Atlanta.
Is this your first time back since moving to Texas? I hope everyone has a good time, wish I could attend.
Does Mod R attend?
I will not be there. But if there’s ever a convention or event in London, we’re definitely Hording it up 😁
I see Jeanine Frost is going to be there,too! It’s lovely that Ilona and Gordon will share a panel with not only some other very talented aurhors, but a BFF,too!! SO wish I could attend, but the east coast is not an option for me at this time.
After seeing your schedule I understand how draining it will be and the needed recovery time.
Best of Luck.
I really wanted to go, but when tickets went on sale I wasnt sure what our schedule would look like since our middle kid would be heading to college. And dont you know it, her move in date is that weekend 😏 😭
Maybe next year when shes a sophomore I’ll let her dad move her in and I’ll run off to DragonCon. But this year I have to see her off and try to contain my emotions. She’s only going an hour away, but still she wont be home in the house.
Everyone who is going have a great time! Enjoy the festivities and panels!
Wow, they are really working y’all!! How punchy will you be by Sunday? It’s a lot!
If parades are among the events you like, there is a major league crazy-amazing one at Dragon Con!! Jeaniene F. posted pix from last year’s on her social media (can’t remember which account), looked like Mardi Gras and Chinese New Year had a baby, with some Renaissance festival thrown in for good measure!!
On the Dragoncon website they offer a $10 streaming membership to Dragoncon tv. They will live stream some events and videos will be available on their site after. It looks like they have videos from previous years. The membership gives you access for a year.
Nice! Thanks!
No loan documents?!?! Then I’m not attending! 🙂 This sounds so fun, I hope everyone enjoys it.
Hope you all are fully recovered by then, and that you have time to fully recover from the con. Have a great time everyone!
Omg, I must be really exhausted from keeping up with my toddler, cus I re-read the name “Gordon Andrews” several times under the ‘writing with your spouse’ panel, and thought, “oh, wow! Some other writing team is using a really similar name to Ilona and her husband…I wonder how they feel about that? Doesn’t seem right…”.
…then it clicked💡
When are you coming to the U.K……PLEASE????????🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
What is the likelihood of you attending the Daytona convention next year? I am 71 and 80,000 attendees at last year’s Dragoncon sounds a little overwhelming.
I am dying (figuratively) to see you in person.
It is a bit premature to know the schedule for next year 🙂
Wow! What a schedule!! Have a great time, everyone! So jealous! 🙂
OMG so exciting!! I live in Atlanta but have never been to DragonCon… or any Con, though I love Sci fi/fantasy/UF/speculative fiction. I’ll see if there’s a way to come to just the House Andrews hour.
ETA: I just bought my ticket for Sunday!! Can’t wait to meet the Author Lords in person!
Nice you guys gonna be on a panel with Jim Butcher I cant wait to see the vídeo on YouTube. I live on another hemisphere so cant go there. That probable gonna be very fun. Jim panels are always entertaining. Also lots of panels with Jeanine so you gonna have some friend around for most of It.
Whew! Feisty schedule! Wish I could come! I would attend all that !
To be a little bird in the corner for Magic and the Natural World
I literally bought a full day pass to Dragon Con because of this post. Thank you for sharing it!
It will be my first Con, and apparently I am on the “Go big or go home” team–lol
Thank you ahead of time for this amazing gift of your time and expertise!
I really hope some day you decide to go to LibertyCon. Dragon Con is just too big and crazy for me.
Hope you are both feeling better. Have a great Con. i am looking forward to seeing photo.