It is Monday the 89th of January (or certainly feels like it) and if, like me, you need reasons to push through to the end of the month, I have them right here.

The dramatized adaptation of Magic Shifts will be released by Graphic Audio this Friday, on their website as well as on other third party retailers platforms (Audible, Chirp, etc).
Because the Horde is what? Beloved! I have 2 generous exclusive samples director Nora sent over just for us:
Why *does* Kate always hang out with weirdos? aka Luther in the hooooouse!
And car chases are a girl’s best friend. (Only if that girl is Dali)
For more, including the classic Apple + Bee moment and the heart-wrenching earring carrying scene, we’ll have to make it until Friday. Courage!
Nora and team are hard at work already on Magic Binds, unapologetically my favourite, so I preordered and can’t w*it for March. That means the main Kate series will be entirely adapted this year and we will potentially hear more about the dramatized fate of other books in Kate world.
I will also have more exciting announcements from Graphic Audio for you next week, if all goes well, but until then, the fun isn’t over!
Clean Sweep Graphic Novel Volume 2 Giveaway
The second volume of the Clean Sweep graphic novel is being released tomorrow by Andrews McMeel – this is the Tapas run comic book, turned into paperback and Kindle format.

To celebrate, the publisher is running another Innkeeper sticker sheet giveaway for US-based readers, from now until February 2nd which can be accessed here – also includes an extensive list of retailers. Good luck all!
Disclaimers: This is not Sweep in Peace, a sequel to the Tapas episodes. It’s the second volume of Clean Sweep. The comic book has expanded the story and added new characters. Tomorrow’s date is the US release for the paper format – the Kindle version will be released on February 4th. Please check your retailer of choice for international dates (Amazon,, World of Books etc) – in the UK for example, we have to w*it until March.
We have a lot of surprises coming, and we heard you about more quizzes, games and snippets each Friday. In the meantime, happy listening, reading and sticking!
How odd…I think I’m first! On a Monday!
Woo Hoo! We are BELOVED! Looking forward — fluffily and chalantly — to ALL THE THINGS!!
Ahem. Maybe I had just a wee bit too much coffee this morning. Mondays, you know.
+100! Especially to ALL THE THINGS!!🤗
We are beloved! Thank you Mod R and House Andrews
Whoo hoo! I can’t wait for Magic Binds to drop in my GA account!
So happy we are beloved and get audio snippets!
I’ve pre ordered everything so now it’s just the w**ting game.
I love the snippets! Julie’s voice is a little younger than I imagined but the spirit is perfect.
I know it’s a few books off, but I look forward to the magic splashing scene with conlan, Luther and Kate.
The audio snippets were fun – and I don’t even like audio books. Though, to be honest, I love Kate…
Thank you for a lovely Monday post.
Please take care of yourselves. We worry…
MAN, I wish I could listen to audio files and enjoy them. It’s a type of auditory shortcoming-I retain nearly nothing just hearing something. I am so visually dependent on information intake!!
Same. College lectures were a nightmare.
I have the graphic novel on pre-order! I’m looking forward to seeing how the story was expanded and illustrated. Yay!
Also, thanks for the Hugh snippets. I had to go back and re-read Iron and Magic this weekend.
Yay and thank you! I am going to have those snippets on repeat all this week as I wa*t.
ModR, could you pretty pretty please ask Graphic Audio if they could provide a sample of Doolittle speaking? I’ve been wanting to hear his voice ever since Ilona’s post about his accent.
Will try 🙂
Thank you!
We are definitely beloved and fluffy. Thanks for those two audio snippets. The second one just cut off right before the two best parts…the bathroom scene with Julie asking Kate if she can get out of Ascanio’s pity party, and the dinner with Roland at Applebees.
We get another audio snippet Friday?! Mod R, you are the best of best.
Magic Binds…I just read through that one. If you are taking requests for the audio snippet of that one, I really, really, really want to listen in on the whole scene in Mishmar between Kate, Erra, and Semiramis. Holy moly on that.
No extra audio snippet on Friday, the release is on Friday 🙂
although there is an extra snippet on the GA page, if you want!
Oh well…Horde, I was hoping!
Here’s to hoping for another Hughday. 😉
I need a House Andrews book! My community is gone. It rained like crazy on the weekend and it snowed in some of fire zones. Mudslides, Snow and Fire! It is so bad here on the Westside of LA. I feel like I am wandering in a war zone, though it’s just Mother Nature’s wrath. I need a big break from reality….
Sending virtual hugs your way LAJ….I can’t even imagine. Hang in there and take care of yourself. 😢
A little bit OT, but Smart Bitches Trashy Books is celebrating their 20th anniversary, and published a list of their favorite reviews over the years — including Emerald Blaze.
OMG, your opening line got me– it IS the 89th of January! Work for the last week plus has been insane. I am looking for something bigger than a hammer to whack the moles!
Thanks for the levity; it made a positive difference to my morale. 😀
Thank you everyone! The snippets and posts are really helping get through this endless January!
Why are you doing this to me? Ok, take my money. I love Luther!
I will buy this when I feel the urge (fairly soon, I’m sure), but not immediately upon release – I’ve already bought all the books I can afford at the moment.
Thank you thank you thank you! Today has kicked rocks in flip-flops but this made it better. I am less “growly” now lol
Ear/mind candy!
Luther is the best and dang, that voice actor is exactly what I pictured Luther sounding like!
Honestly the GA casts are amazing.
I agree. They nailed it with the Luther casting.
I think I might be adding Luther to the list of characters I need more of.
Squeeee! Graphic Audio has realized the BDH slogans of More! and Take My Money! Ha ha ha Yay. Awesome snippets thank you!
The other day you asked for ideas for fun quizzes, etc.
How about match the pet … (idea 1) – match picture of House Andrews pets & grand pets with name, e.g. Charles Tubbins, Tuna, Aretha, etc. … (idea 2) – name the series (or HA real pet) for specific animals, e.g. Beast, Quincy, Ghost, Shadow, Gus, etc.
Artha, not Aretha … auto correct.
I loved Luther! Thanks for the excerpts, they were fun. I need to reread this one. I didn’t remember Luther and Curran meeting hehehe
My fellow BDHers, just wanted to share, today is my birthday!! Whoot!
I cannot wait for all the HA goodies, we are so fluffy and chalant.
Happy Monday to all!
Happy birthday!🥳
Thank you, 😊
Happy birthday! 🎂🎁🎇
Thank you,😊
Exciting! Gives me an excuse to listen to the other recordings all over again!
This is the first time I’ve listened to a series in this way (like a play rather than a reading) and it’s the first time I’ve really truly enjoyed an adaptation of a series that I like. All books/comics should be done like this rather than a TV/film! It’s such a satisfying way to hear your favourite stories come to life without the risk they stray from the original material 👌
But I agree with others – more Hughdays please 🤭
Even though I’ve read the book twice and know exactly what happens, I still felt a lurch when the clips ended. Good job guys!
Fun clips! I love Luther’s scenes, and the Beast Lord Is An Asshole one is a classic. Although the one with Julie in Blood Heir is probably my favorite.
I’ve had this on preorder for ages and cannot w*it, thanks for the samples!!
AAAAAHHHHHH!!!! Is it Friday yet?! I need this like you would not believe. The world is on fire and stories like these are my only comfort.
Ooh 👀👀👀
I was wa*ting so patiently, but then I listened to the samples. I am now working much harder to achieve pat*ence.
my first thought was, There isn’t a tapas scene in Sweep In Peace. *facepalm* I have aged 47 years this last week.
🥺 US Kindle users must w*it til February 4th for our lovely graphic novel version. They changed the release date over the weekend. However the physical version seems to be available today!
Sad, because w*iting is hard, but yay easier to finish homework. 🫤
Amazon now says Feb 11 instead of Feb 4.
My roommate works for Bookbub and she gave me the Chirp link for Magic Shifts
Just thought you might like to have it.
Yay, my birthday is Sat, so a Friday release is the PERFECT early gift!
Oops. I left the link out…
Not exactly about this snippet (which is great). Major Hugh fan, of course. Ultimate bad boy that he is.
I love the graphic audio Kate Danial’s series. I bought it on the graphic audio site but i cannot figure out how to post a review. 5 million stars, of course!
I did find it hard to understand about how I had to order them and then listen on the app. Also I ordered one on kobo now it is only on that sit which is not convenient. I also started the whole thing in Europe so it was a totally different thing apparently so it didn’t work when i came back. Major help needed. Confusing. Maybe posting a “graphic audio for dummies” might help.
Hi Rebecca,
That guide already exists on the blog
as well as, of course, on the Graphic Audio website
You can also contact GA helpdesk for any extra assistance 🙂
The 89th of January feels so real to me! But there are goodies to n store! Hooray!
Magic Binds is my favorite too!!!! So excited for March!!!
It’s available on Kobo, too! YAY!!
Thank you!
I’ve no doubt we, the BDH, have made the Kate books among Graphic Audio’s best selling series. So there is no reason not to give us other books in our beloved world. I don’t normally like audio books but I love GA
Friday can not come fast enough!!!
Thank you.
Thankyou for the snippets loved them , from one of “The Beloved “
Can I just say I love whoever narrates Ghastek. So so believable like did you FIND a real master of the dead to narrate this?!? Thank you for snippits it’s getting me through.
BDH BHD BHD!!! ALERT!!! There is a Sean/Wilmos bonus story at the end of part two – amazon delivered it today and i tore through it oh the POV <3
Graphic Audio has Kate 10 up for preorder!!!
Your books are wonderful! I’m excited to see you reaching an ever widening audience.
Gotta ask: Its been years, is there anything in the works for the next book in the Innkeeper series? Just read it all again and theres so much left unanswerd! Klaus on Karhar,
The Inn cutting on Karhar,
Dina’s missing parents,
Wilmos awakening,
who or what is Sebastien North…anxious and excited for more!
I just read “Klaus explains things” in the release schedule…sigh
I got my GA Magic Shifts!!! Downloading now! 🥳🥰🤗
I guess it’s Friday somewhere! Whoo Hoo!!!
I’ve been wondering (I’m sure it’s been discussed, I just don’t happen to know) are there any plans for webcomic versions of the next innkeeper books? I loved the graphic novel version of clean sweep and want to keep going!
There are no news from Tapas on that front at the moment.