First things first, up in the top menu, you will now find a link to the search page under I’m looking for…
Hopefully that will make sure that you can find things you are looking for.
Second, I am reading a new book. ::waves a little yay flag:: We receive a lot of books from publisher and individual authors. The publisher requests take precedence and books people hand us get put into the pile. Eventually we get through the reading to the bottom of the pile and fish them out.
I think I remember a woman walking up to us during the tour, although don’t ask me when or where, and asking if we would accept a gift of her book. I recall taking it and it had a lovely message inside. It said, “Thank you for your incredible stories.”
The book went into the reading pile. I fished it out this morning. It’s THE UNLIKEABLE DEMON HUNTER by Deborah Wilde.
At first I wasn’t that excited about it, because it seemed a bit like every other UF out there. Female protagonist, demons, meh, meh, meh, flip flip flip… Nava explains awesome Yiddish and Hebrew words used in this series….
Wait, what?

Then I did a lovely impression of a car screeching to a stop.
It’s about Jewish Demon Hunters. When we did research for Magic Bleeds, we did a lot of reading into Jewish Mysticism. Half of our vampire mythos comes from Jewish mythology. I wanted to write a book about Jewish demon hunters at some point, except that I just don’t know enough about the subject and it wouldn’t read as authentic.
Now I don’t have to. Someone has done it for me.
So I started reading the book. And it’s good. When I went to get the cover for you off the Amazon, I saw this negative review of it.
The main character was vulgar, profane…yes, unlikeable and not respectable.
An Amazon reviewer
Yes. All of that. Except for the unlikeable part. She is actually quite hilarious in a sad knucklehead way.
It’s like Bridesmaids but with Jewish Demon Hunters. In the beginning of a book, a severely emotionally compromised heroine is trying to get laid to feel better and as she gives the guy a hand job, he turns out to be a demon and explodes. Into golden sparklies. I can’t wait to tell Jeaniene Frost about it. She will laugh and laugh.
So this is not a full recommendation yet, which is why there are no buy links. I only got to read the first 30 pages and then Gordon came into the bedroom to ask why I took so long to get dressed and if I needed rescuing from something. Also I am unreasonably excited about the use of Jewish mythology.
I will report back when I finished it. So the jury is still out.
And now I have to go shopping for Kid 1, who requires my opinions about a skirt. 🙂
Bless mothers who are willing to shop with daughters to battle insecurity as to whether an outfit actually looks good or not. Have fun shopping! I’ll look forward to your future review.
My bookclub on Goodreads read that book last spring, I think. We were looking to branch out into paranormals (and yes, we also read Burn for Me to great acclaim and addiction).
I enjoyed the worldbuilding and Nava herself. She’s young and a hot mess in a way but she held her own and beat back some organized misogyny while she was at it. Bit like Buffy in a way.
That reminds me that I need to go back and finish the series. I think you will really enjoy it!
I love Nava and Rowan. There are some angsty moments but what UF story line doesn’t. The last book in the series comes out in March. 🙂
* Rohan.
He’s Indian-American, and she’s Canadian (The first book is in Vancouver?, though the series moves around later).
There’s also a wonderful subplot/discussion about dance and music, as she tap dances and he is a musician.
Gordon rescues you.
That’s beautiful! Sry but I got stuck on that. Marriage is so difficult because it’s forever (for some people) and it’s beautiful when it’s forever and you still care enough to rescue each other.
PS can’t wait for the book review.
Just started this book a week ago. Have not had time to read much until this weekend, maybe later I will have some book and cookie time. Enjoying it so far! I baked way too many cookies this year… eggnog cookies. snickerdoodles, cranberry oatmeal bars. Ugh. Oh well I will give them all away at the New Years party ?
I like that series. I have the next book (#6?) in my “To Read” collection in Kindle. That’s the only way I can keep track of the books I’ve bought but haven’t read yet. I think there’s 30 some books in there.
O.o. Good Idea! I need to make a TBR collection for my Kindle books. Thanks#
I have so many in my TBR pile I had to break it into TBR- Magic and TBR – Other so I could go to the short stack when I’m in the mood for something with a little ‘sparkle’ LOL
This just flat floored me in a way I cannot even describe….people have a backlog of books they have actually have and haven’t read yet? This is just inconceivable to me….I can’t have an unread book! I mean, I have a few I’ve tried to plow through and just couldn’t make myself finish (TWILIGHT springs to mind: someone gave it to me, and I’m sorry, but it’s just AWFUL) but I cannot imagine having a book I haven’t even cracked.
Of course, I have a list of books to find and acquire….and I think maybe this one just got put on it…but, but, but.
OK so maybe I’m just sort of anal-retentive on that. and a fast reader. LOL
I have probably 500 books that I own, but haven’t read yet 🙂 My husband built me a bookcase especially for them! I have three different Amazon wish lists …
Every year my New Year’s Resolution is to read down that bookcase, but even at 300+ books a year it’s going to be a long term project 🙂
Any unfiled book at the end of my 20 pages of collections (by Author, and please Amazon, WHY won’t you allow subfolders?) is TBR. I may have 50+ pages in total *cough*. But I keep rereading my favorites and there’s ALWAYS something new to read next…
“…she gives the guy a hand job, he turns out to be a demon and explodes. Into golden sparklies” ? Priceless. I will go hunting for that excerpt.
PS: If you accept aditional ideas, I think asymmetrical skirts are a good option.
Another PS: I’ve just seen the “I’m looking for” page. I love it ?
bahahaha that excerpt alone makes me want to read it, it’s clearly not a book that takes itself too seriously- perfect summer beach read for me. (I live in a place where it is currently summer)
It’s a fun series – enjoy!
I totally loved this series. It was different enough from many others that it kept my attention. Then again, it also had several books, so I could read them all in a row.
Still in a total cranky pants book slump so pretty much willing to try anything at this point. This one sounds interesting! Thanks.
That’s what I loved so much about KD. Different mythologies are so interesting.
It’s a great read! Love the heroine! She is funny and snarky!
Hmmm, interesting. I haven’t been reading much sadly. Based on the other comments it seems to be a good series so I’ll have to check it out.
I read this once upon a time. Looking at my notes, I enjoyed it and found myself irked in equal measure. Meant to get back to the series and somehow just didn’t. Might need to take another look.
If your kid requires your opinion about a skirt, you have won the parenting.
Oh goodie! I’ve been desperately looking for a good read…… keep finding duds! I’ve seen this a few times and wasn’t sure…… going to dive in tonight! And good luck on the shopping!
If you have not read R. J. Blain (or her alter-ego, Susan Copperfield and two more I haven’t gotten to yet), consider looking at her books. (She also commented on Gutenberg in the previous post.)
What I’ve read is mostly paranormal romance so far and a bit on the wacky side sometimes. Also, puns are scattered through her books like little booby traps. There is usually violence.
If I haven’t scared you off, take a look. The “Witch and Wolf” series is not as light as the “Romantic Comedy (with a Body Count)” or the “Royal States” books. The first two are Blain, the last is Copperfield.
Julie, not sure what you have and haven’t read, so not sure if any of these are ones you’ve already know about, but here are a few of my favorites… most are paranormal or urban fantasy romance… J.R. Ward – Black Dagger Brotherhood, Patricia Briggs – Mercy Thompson and Alpha and Omega series, Nalini Singh – Psy/Changeling series, Shannon K. Butcher – The Sentinel Wars, Pamela Palmer – Feral Warriors, Lara Adrian – Midnight Breed series, Carrie Vaughn – Kitty Norville series, Robin D. Owens – Celta series, Becky Chambers – Wayfarer series (sci fi). I have also found some very good young adult series like Cassandra Clare – Shadowhunters and a few others in that world, Melissa Meyers – Cinder and the Renegades series are a few of my favorites.
I super enjoyed the “Romantic Comedy (with a Body Count)” series. I didn’t know she had a alter ego, so thanks for that bit of info. 🙂
Grace Draven’s books are another recommendation for a really good read.
Perfect timing for a new read for me. Thanks for doing the research. Happy New Year!!
Just got it. I need a nice book to finish the year. Thanks!
Hmmm. Does she want your opinion about the skirt
(1) because she trusts your judgement to know what looks good on her or
(2) if you like it she knows never to buy it
Guess which kind of daughter I have!
Happy New Year to all!
Third option…maybe Mom would pay for it. My kids are so broke, they usually like me to accompany them shopping, with my credit card of course.
Hahaha! How could I forget the third option!!!
All of the books in the series are quite good- the last one is coming out in a couple of months. I am subscribed to her newsletter, and she periodically sends out her UF recommendations. It was actually her rec that persuaded me to start reading KD.
I am on the fourth book of the Unlikable Demon Hunter and I love it! I hope you enjoy it!
I have been eyeing those books for a while now as possible Kindle fodder. In fact, that was one thing I was doing earlier today.
If you had to be hauled away from the book, that’s recommendation enough for me.
Ok, someone has to be the East German judge. I really liked the first part of the first book and then the main character just got annoying and I put it down. Because I will have to live forever to finish my TBR pile. I was surprised to see it was at 6 books. So, does she get less annoying? Worth another shot?
Hmm. No, Nava doesn’t get less annoying. She does grow a smidge, but only a smidge. This is one of those series that I sometimes skim parts and it’s because Nava starts to annoy me. Once in a while another character will annoy me. Overall, I think it’s a good series, but you might need to skim some bits in every book. Of course, I roll my eyes at people who name their vagina in what seems like an attempt at being edgy instead of because they simply named it, so your annoyances may differ from mine!
That’s why I stopped reading Evanovich’s bounty hunter series. It was funny but with people trying to kill you and cars that keep blowing up, you need to get better at your job. Dumb luck only works for a few books. Also frustrated that she couldn’t make up her mind on Morelli vs. Ranger by book 7.
+1. Yep
With you on this. Kept hoping there would be character growth. Everything you said. Finally stopped reading the series.
Ditto this. Each book started feeling the exact same, Ranger this book , Morelli the next, she will almost get killed by case, whichever she is stuck on for that book gets her out of trouble and solves the case, rinse and repeat. They are cute, sometimes funny, but I wanted her to decide on one or the other and then start to be able to save herself. My twin loves them still, so I know there are a lot of fans out there, just not for me.
I read this earlier this year and really enjoyed the mythology. I was so/so on some of the characters but did not find the main character unlikable.
I love these books. It is a unique world and premise as compared to other urban fantasy which is why it caught my eye. I love and hate the characters in equal measure ?, which to me shows how good the story is. Enjoy!’
Bought it based on your reaction and the comments. Been going through and prioritizing some of my TBR in Jan 2019 books. This one will make the cut if it’s as good to me as the comments predict. Thank you very much for sharing. I try to just sample on new authors, but that list is long now too. If having a TBR pile on Kindle will keep Death at bay, I will outlast Methuselah. Hopefully heaven lets me keep my Kindle account. ?
Would it be heaven if it didn’t?
Love these books!! Nava is so freaking funny.
I love this series! But I have a weakness for snarky female lead characters. You want to give the characters a good shake and call out “Oy!” Every once in a while, but that’s normal for me and keeps me engaged. Have fun!
I forgot about these! I’ve read a couple and mostly enjoyed them. I’ll have to start them again.
I will read or try to read most anything that’s not insipid…lord I hate whinnying whimpy incipient anything…especially heroines …sounds like I will give this a try! Plus the author did not give you the book in a dishonest manner…..
O K, Princess
a quiet place, with dedicated readers. WE like to read, so recommendations matter to us. Cause, it be like U get tired of looking. Ya unnerstan yet … moving on
totally agree on the skimming, skip to mi loo
This series is amazing! I envy you a little as you’re not going to have to wait quite so long for the last book to come out (March, I think). But the series is amazing and Nava and the gang are hilarious and heartwarming. I’ve also learned a lot of new things, which I love and it’s opened a new world of UF and myth.
I’ve also been in contact with Deborah Wilde to tell her how amazing her books are and she comes across as a genuine, nice person, which makes her books even more endearing.
Happy reading!
I enjoyed these books as well. Some of it was predictable, but I liked the dialogue and the female
Protagonist is just different enough to make it more interesting.
I tried to read it but just wasn’t enjoying it and deleted it. I rarely do this, but when I found I agreed with the title, I figured they already knew it wasn’t for everyone. There were a lot of new fun things going for it, so I’m sure you’ll enjoy it.
Thank you, Ilona, for this mention that means everything to me. And to all of you who have taken the time to share your thoughts on the book. There are a lot of urban fantasy choices out there and I’m so honored by this. ❤️
I just spent the last 45 minutes roaming around the “I’m looking for” link. AWESOME! Thank you for setting that up! Plus it totally reflects your humor!!! LOL
Now off to investigate Ms Wilde’s book.
I’ll be back! ?
Ok. So I decided to give it a shot. It sounds irreverent and funny! I will update after I read.
Thank you for the recommendation. There aren’t a lot of UF novels where Judaism plays a part.
I adored those scenes in Magic Bleeds and Magic Slays. You got it so right. I especially liked the circle golem. And the cookbook.
Thank you, thank you! My daughter’s birthday is two days after Christmas.I promised her I’d go clothes shopping so she’d have an outfit to go out with friends. Ugh, I’ve been used as a pack horse for the last time, or at least until she needs me again. ;/
On a side note; I miss the Amazon forums. I’d gotten some great recs there.
Based on your blog, I pulled up the book on Kindle, and started reading. OMG, I am hooked! I was laughing out loud by the end of the first chapter. Thanks so much for sharing!
Lucas and Karina have a family! =^.^=
I was totally looking for that! Thank you guys.
I started readig the series last year and had the same experience. It sounded and looked like a typical UF but once I started reading it I realized it was anything but. I love the peek into Judiasm, I loved Nava and her brother and the overarching plot line of the series is intriguing. Nava’s voice is fresh and genuine.
Just finished book 5. Nava is awesome!
I tried this series but couldn’t finish the first book. I really wanted to like it.
A couple days ago I sent a plea to the universe (and Facebook) for some new authors. I’ve read 5 books in 2 days, all of them good, and have 6 book samples sitting here wauting for payday. And the universe keeps showering me with new authors. Yay! Thanks.
Thank you.
I am between books right now.
Per my standard operating procedure I will read it for free on Kindle Unlimited then either donate to the author’s patron if the author is good but the book is meh ( Kindle Unlimited royalties are not great ), or buy the book if it has reread value ( Yes every wall in my house is covered with version 3 of bookshelves that hold two hard backs deep with glass doors from Home Depot. Because dust. How did you guess ? )
Oh, I love this series! Hope you enjoy it, too! So hilarious! And I’m so excited that we’re going to get more in this series after the final Nava book!
I totally love that you guys take the time to try help out new and/or indie authors, thank you so much for that! I love your recommendations and look forward to the review.
I’m one of those people who can’t resist picking up just one more book, even if my TBR pile is, um, large. You can’t have too many books, even if there a large TBR pile that’s developing its own personality.
Unrelated to this post, but I felt the need to share it because the news astounded me: “Writer of Erotic Novels in China Is Jailed for Producing Gay Pornography”
I haven´t read any of the author´s works. I found this link (in chapter 72) on a website whose story I´m currently following – in case you´re interested too: “Guardian” written by Priest & translated by RainbowSe7en here:
Yeah, I tried to read it a few months ago. Could not finish the first few pages. The character is a hot mess and her actions distasteful to me. I could not relate and didn’t find it funny. It was memorable though, her throwing up etc.
However, I do take your recommendations seriously. If at the end of the book you think it is worth reading, I am willing to give it another try. Please keep us readers informed.
Another consideration is individual tastes and preferences, even with humor, need to be taken into account. What one person may enjoy, another may not. Does not make it good or bad, just preference. Even with the books I love and enjoy, one may appeal more than another at a given time or moment.
I will have to read it. Currently purging down my paperback/hardcopy collection before it overwhelms the house. I’ve taken to rebuying some books on my kindle to make more shelf space. Wish Kindle had a feature to automatically organize books by genre!
You are lucky. Last lunch invite — to a place where I can only eat a salad due to my food allergy– ended up with ME spending 3 hours in a dang dressing room trying on multiple pants as I am between sizes and am particular about my pants. Well I am short waisted and hip huggers just fall right off. Plus I never wear what Mother buys as either a wild color or too little. Too big my trusty sewing machine and I can fix and have. Or the alteration seamstress. Nothing I can do about the pastel colors or the shocking electric orange or the purple thing.
So celebrate and enjoy time with kid 1 and 2 and all the others.. Blessings to Gordon for being Gordon.
Thanks for suggesting a new author. Last Xmas my vampire loving sibling gave me two Alex Kava books. I read and sent back [because did not interest me] to sibling with a thank you note. I got hooked on Ryder Creed series later when I researched Alex Kava. So long story short, you never know what series an author writes will suck you into that world or not.
Have a good new year.
started and put down. Not for me
Not sure if this was mentioned upthread, but this book is free on Kindle Unlimited… I downloaded to give it a try.
me too, I’m about 1/2 way through and I like it so far 🙂
Not related to this blog post, but just wanted to wish Ilona, Gordon, family and the BDH a Happy New Year!
Goodbye and good riddance to 2018, bring us some love 2019!!
Sydney NYE fireworks courtesy of ABC Australia:
Settle in, it’s 12 mins long. There’s an ABBA section at around the 7 min mark (of course, it IS Sydney), and a Aretha tribute at around the 8 min mark.
The Unlikable Demon Hunter was an entertaining read. It was funny all the way through. By the end, I decided not to get the next one in the series. If Nava had revealed any indication of personal growth, or an endearing quality at all, I would want to see what happened next. She remained completely unlikable, as advertised.
By the end of book three she is growing and making some changes. Took a lot to break her out of her fear and insecurity induced shielding. She’s not for everyone.
I read that one and enjoyed it. I got hung up on the 2nd one though and never finished it.
Same here. At the time, work was very stressful and I needed more escapism when I was reading this. I picked up the second to read and realized I was power-reading though and not really getting caught up. Well written, well researched, and I bet the Rabbi that appears has a real-life counterpart who will never know they have been immortalized, I do like that.
Thank you for the recommendation! This sounds like a fun series to try. I’m looking forward to it.
My daughter used to go shopping herself (heavens forfend she should ask her mother for help…) and then call and I would hear her voice saying, “Mom…” Me: “Yes?” Her: “Um, hypothetically, if I found a skirt, would you buy it for me?” Me: “Hypothetically, what might it look like?” …and at the end I would usually agree to either a) hypothetically buy such a skirt, or b)hypothetically pay for half of it.
So Ilona the jury is out on the Unlikeable Demon hunter,so far no good Jewish mysticism….just blowing apart dust like Buffy offing a Vampire…..
You may still get to write the definitivework!
As a Jew I really enjoyed picking out the parts of Kate’s books that came from my religion. I thought it was quite interesting to see what made it in and u had some funny ones! Im excited to check this book out lol. My father teaches these kinds of topics so I always get a kick out of other people’s interpretations. Thanks!
Read the series and LMAO! If you like this you will like Three Mages and A Margarita A little less profanity and a lot less drinking.
I found this series a little while ago and could not put them down till I had read all 4, Nava has me laughing out loud…I’d recommend this series x
Cold Bath Street by A J Hartley is an unputdownable ghost story with a young protagonist. Set in Preston in England. Won many awards. Christopher Eccleston narrates the audiobook.
Just read it and definitely wasn’t impressed. I also found the Jewish aspect rather perfunctory. “Free” on Kindle Unlimited made me less disappointed though.
So I started the demon hunter book. It’s funny and exciting so far. Not too angsty.
I picked this series up a few months back, not bad and gets quite complex further into the series but just not Kate quality. I fear I have been spoilt for many future authors ?
i love the book
the characters are 3D, the world ist consistent and Nava is funny as hell
and then i look at the followup books the storyline is interesting and well written but the relationships between the characters no, just no 5 books of on/of relationships and no growth??
no i can take it. granted the characters are just 20 but even myself at that stage had more sense.
i am looking at my kindle crying because the story is interesting and i just can not read it because relationships arghghhh, sniffffffff
and i so like t-shirts that speak for themselves
of to get umbrella for kindle in case of waterdamage
Not for everyone, I guess, but I am loving The Unlikable Demon Hunter series. Thank you for recommending it, even faintly.
She has been given a bad hand since birth with her brother being the golden child and her interest in dance being a disappointment to her parents simply because it wasn’t brag worthy a faculty parties. When an injury ruins her professional dance career just as it is taking off, no one is there for her and she really digs in with shields due to the betrayal and insecurity she has experienced. Then SHE turns out to be the demon hunter and all she can think of is getting her brother back into the Brotherhood because she would do anything for him, even put up with the misogyny rampant in the old boys club. Hell, they hoped she die before there was a paper trail proving they ever had a female demon hunter, so they delayed her hiring paperwork a week and throw her into demon hunting without training! I love her snark and strength, her determination to save innocent humans because the magic to do so comes with the obligation to use it for good. She is slowly learning to trust and open up. Hate the misogyny, though. It depresses me. As old as I am, with where I grew up (rural), and a career in a male dominated science world, I have had to deal with it far too much in real life.