Hey Guys,
I have three things that we need to announce and or discuss, Warning: If my tone in this post seems brisk it is because we are super busy trying to get everything done.
The Next Innkeeper installment will be tonight or tomorrow. That is all I’m going to say about that.
And this is an important one: We need a proof reader who can look over Iron and Magic this weekend and get it back to us on Monday or sooner if possible. We’re looking for someone who can go over it and look for mistakes in grammar and punctuation. We are not looking for story comments, it just needs to be as clean and free of spelling and grammar mistakes as possible. Basically, we need an English teacher. If you think you can do this, please email us directly through the contact form. https://ilona-andrews.com/contact/
By us I mean me and Ilona, leave poor Brandi alone. 🙂
Seriously though, this is not a call for beta readers or people who just want to read the book, please only contact us if you think you can proof it over the weekend and get it back to us. Please tell us why you are good at grammar. Thank you in advance.
Update: we have enough people. Thank you so much!
Curran Twitter.
Lastly, Brandi has received over five hundred emails asking her to manually add people to the newsletter and or blog. She is working super hard on that and the Curran Twitter thing will be posted when she is done and not before that. We want to make sure that everyone who signed up, gets it. Also, you don’t need to worry about confirmation emails. As long as you changed your preferences, you are fine.
Thanks Gordon, waiting patiently ?
+however many ???
Thank You
Thanks for the updates!
Thanks for all you are doing! We all appreciate it. Your writing gives me some much needed levity! I know we, as Fans who are a super devoted to the point of obsessive horde of greedy readers, can be a giant pain in the tush. The reason being is that your work is a beautiful oasis during dark times and we are dying of thirst. I for one try to dial it back a notch. Thanks!
Here, here!! I try to keep it under wraps, too, but I admit I was one of those to assault poor Brandi with an email. I wasn’t sure if just registering was enough, or if I needed to email her as well.
Your work is awesome, and it is deeply appreciated. You two provide a bright spot for so many of us!
Thank you both!
+1 🙂
Thanks for the updates! You guys are awesome! Thanks for being awesome!
+ 1 ! (and loved the matter of fact tone, right up my alley)
Thank you for the update. We will be here when you get a breather. Good luck on completing everything as you want it completed.
Thanks for the update.
You guys sound quite busy!
Obviously we fiends of the BDH love it sooner, but we understand.
Love love luv kitty
Thank you for the updates and thank Brandi.
I will, she is doing a great job and her mother told me I should give her a raise.
Smart mum ?
Brandi’s done a great job! ?
Brandi is awesome! 🙂
I agree. I hear Brandi is a fine girl. (Sorry, I couldn’t resist.)
I think it’s very kind of you to take the time to update us — not necessary since you’re obviously busy — but then even more appreciated!!! THANKS!!!
Thanks for the updates. Love the meme as I feel that way most of the time. ?
The effort you, Ilona and Brandi go through to keep us updated is one of the many good reasons you’re held in such high esteem, thank you for taking the time despite having your hands full! I’ll send your request to a freelance editor friend of mine to see if he can help this weekend. Looking forward to the next installment of Maud’s tale whenever you are ready to post it. Hope you both take a breath soon too!
What Red said…??❤️❤️
Sir yes sir. I appreciate the status update. And dadgum poor Brandy.
Good luck with the finding a proofreader ?
Along with everyone else who’s posted: thank you for the updates. Too bad cloning is not an option for the three of you.
I can wait for postings. I know how hectic things can get. All of a sudden it’s Friday afternoon and wondering “where did the time go?!”
Since 500 is a much smaller number than 6,000 ( 18,000/3 ), Brandi must be feeling like she’s on vacation!!
U R … evil
or maybe its me, l found that funny (stern face)
which is why u r …
I updated/resubscribed to your Newsletter + Blog – no problems + I didn’t need to email Brandi ?
I received your wonderful Nevada + Rogan (+ blue maserati) snippet. Loved it ?
Many thanks for everything you do for us BDH – LOVE YOU ❤❤❤ xx
What maserati
November, now I have to search
Wahaatt, are you messing wit me
Am I the only one who is excited because the update was by Gordon? It’s funny to read his update vs. the updates Ilona writes. Part of why they make such a good team I guess!!!
I hope Ilona’s in good health.
Sounds like she’s super swamped right now.
Oooh, baby baby
Daddy’s got this . . .
I want to have exceptions to the word excited …
What am I … a fan girl or …
yeah, excited
You do what you gotta do. We can wait
But thanks for the updates. You ALWAYS deliver.
Pretty much this is the reason you are the only author on my autobuy list. You are good to your fan base. The fact that I can read innkeeper for free as you write it is amazing. Can’t wait to buy the finished product and gobble it up from beginning to end.
Thank you so much to all of you ????
Thank y’all so much and poor Brandi that is a lot of work but she is awesome!! We can patiently wait for Curran Twitter and Maud for y’all to get finished it’s the least we can do when y’all keep us updated and are letting us stay engaged in yalls writing. Have a great rest of your Friday and if San Antonio is as hot as it is here in Andrews Tx then go climb into the pool or fountain and stay cool! I finally let my own two little rug rats in our pool because they couldn’t wait any long to go swimming and it’s still blistering hot out 105 at 5:19pm compared to 109 at 2:00 pm ?
Laughed when I read you had enough proofers. I figured you’d be inundated when you made the request. Hope all goes well this weekend and thanks for the updates.
Thank you for your continuing kindness and fot the wonderful escapes to new worlds.
Thanks, Gordon, for the update. I was looking forward to reading Innkeeper while the psycho pup and I wait for power to come back on as well as severe weather to move onward. Yes, I know. Murphy’s Law in action. But when ever you finish, will be fine with us. The spoiled rotten pup and I will be just fine until then.
Thanks for the update.
Oh my. I just happened to go to the blog. It’s a habit now. Never expecting to have a post. You are amazing. Thank you.
Updated the blog and newsletter myself. It seemed easy which makes me worried. I am totally not into computer. Somehow I fixed my phone so that I can not get apps. If I messed this up I will be crying on the blog.
Should probably give Brandi a raise.
Pretty sure they pay her in books. Which would be awesome.
Oooh really awesome.
Thank you for the update!
Thanks for the updates. And the Innkeeper post made my week.
Sorry for the image, my technologically crappy week filled with lots of gremlins continues apparently. But on a positive note, after multiple tries in different web browsers (Edge, Opera) I finally got a comment to post.
I wish I had time, or I would volunteer to proof read. I was a reader for a Master’s professor. I’m able to read for grammar and spelling without touching content. However, I’m sure you have more than enough volunteers who can meet your timeline!
Short sweet informative
is not a bad thing ^o^
from my rightgeous position of name calling mumbling under my breath, but no emails, please allow me to bring to the attention of the anxious
How much TIME they spend WRITING updates
They are the awesome duet cause they answer BUT
THEY are the authors, let them write, if somethings screwy they’ll let all us fams know.
Suck it up peeps, everyone knows when you whine for a TREAT it becomes a CHORE!
meaning no disrespect to anyone
Thank you both for all you do for us, your humble fans. ?
Dont want to bother poor Brandi who is right now overloaded but even thou I made the newsletter updates I was instructed to make I did not receive email notice of this post or the last Maud episode. Am I doing something wrong?
I LOVE getting your blog and newsletter in my email in the morning….Thanks for the levity.