I’m running on about 3 hours of sleep. I would love more sleep and if I could, I would get it, but every time I fall asleep, I start choking in about 30 minutes. So not fun. I’m improving, but at a crawl. Between dad’s visit and this plague, we are now catastrophically behind schedule. Bear with me as I try to be coherent.

Goodreads once again nominated us for the Best Fantasy of 2018 award. Yay, IRON AND MAGIC! We never win, but we still appreciate your vote.
When the innkeeper will be out?
Sigh. I am going to try to work on it today, but I am pretty out of it and Gordon is MIA. Please be patient.
Whoever recommended Jonathan Creek, I love you so much. Thank you. I was so miserable at 3:00 am and watching the first 3 episodes kept me sane.
Jeaniene Frost, who is getting rave reviews, has officially put Dromeo’s quote on her blog. The Master of the Dark Coven is secretly flattered, I would imagine.
For those of you inquiring about dad: of course, we took him to the airport ourselves and my stepmother sent me a text via Skype a few days ago stating he arrived safely. She had used his absence to hire handymen to fix a few projects to which he hasn’t gotten so once I am able to communicate without coughing, I am planning on getting full report out of her.
congrats on the nomination!
and, take the time to get healthy.
i’m glad your dad made it home ok, and your step-mom had a production vacation as well. 😀
I’m glad you are on the mend – and I used to watch Jonathan Creek back in the days – when it comes to “comfy” crime series the Brits rule 🙂
Yes they do, and having searched for related series, I came across an Australian 1920s drama ‘Miss Fisher’s Murder Mysteries’. It is fun, sharp and progressive about women’s rights too!! I wholeheartedly recommend this while I go back to Jonathan Creek
But also, Dirk Gently!! I love that series. It is so kooky, I don’t even have the words to describe it.
Oh yes! Miss Fisher is brilliant. I think they’re bringing out a new series too. Yay!
Take care of yourselves, Ilona and Gordon. Don’t add more pressure to the mix. We’re adults here. We know how to wait for good things. 🙂
YES +1 – LOVE Miss Fisher. Great book series too, the books are short easy reads.
Love the Miss Fisher series, can hardly wait for the movie. Feel better guys.
I have seen the TV series, but the Fisher books were great.
And go to the Danish/scandi ones for dark and creepy!
Is Jonathan Creek the one with Alan Davies?
Yes it was
For anyone unfamiliar with Jonathan Creek; it’s about a guy who works on inventing new magic tricks for stage magicians and who thinks totally outside the box. He’s called in when an “impossible” murder/theft has happened (like I mentioned, classic locked room scenarios). Alan Davies is a comedian and brilliantly cast.
A lot of the enjoyment comes from trying to figure out how the “trick” was done yourself before the reveal at the end. All the clues are there but can you put them together?
Is that on BBC America or a streaming service?
Ilona mentioned she was using Britbox so I checked the listings on their website and saw it – hence the recommendation. BBC America will have it (it was made by the BBC) but I don’t know whether you can stream from there or have to wait for them to broadcast an episode.
How crazy is it that I, a Brit, can’t connect to British shows on US services? Given that BBC shows are paid for by everyone in the UK having to pay a yearly TV tax, called the “licence fee”, just for owning a television! Seriously – Google it!!!
I guess we can say the Colonies are getting screwed minimally, instead of fully.
A whole three hours of sleep? Be thankful. I’ve got the Common Cold. Purchased over the counter Muci… whatever. Got worse, doc gave me stronger doses same stuff. Lay down, dog tired, start coughing, been awake for near forty hours now. Decongestants affect bladder flow. My Urologist says, “One or the other, your choice.” Estimate it will last three or four more days.
Ilona and Gordan, get well soon, that’s the important thing. Thanks for the laugh Simon, it’s better than a decongestant.
Oh my gosh I LOVED that series and was reciently trying to remember the name (so I could watch it again 🙂 and the Miss Fisher series is another I loved. (Oh dear most of the mystery/crime I adore is British)
If you love that then Death in Paradise is another awesome and hilarious murder mystery. (Then there’s New Tricks…)
Got the Goodreads notification yesterday and already Voted!! 🙂
Feel better!!
Oh shoot, I’m sure your dad was super happy about that ?
Congratulations on the nom. I voted for you when voting opened.
Lemon tea and honey might calm your cough, while adding vitamin C.
Get well soon.
Peace light and love. ?Kimberley
Yay for the Goodreads nomination. Innkeeper can wait – health is more important. Sending good vibes for a good nights’ sleep and a swift recovery.
Here’s hoping your recovery accelerates! Don’t sweat Innkeeper, we can wait, no matter what some over-eager types think. =) I’m glad your Dad got away safely and I hope he avoided the bug that laid you low.
Just focus on getting better for now, the rest will follow!
What she said goes for all of us!
+1. You and yours are more important so take the time to get well. Come back when your batteries on all levels are recharged.
especially the part about sweating Innkeeper … I personally view it as a gift you two share with us.
Gifts are just that … gifts … I vote that you take care of yourself and become well …
Hire a masseur to come to the house and massage your aches and pains and encourge the function if your lymphatic system to heal you up!!!
+1, a very generous gift. Don’t sweat it and take care of yourself first.
Voting is done, good luck with it.
I once had asthmatic bronchitis. Thought I would never stop coughing and/recover. Rest when you can.
I also got an adjustable bed that I can tip up some to help when I have trouble with drainage. Expensive but I love it.
I got one too… absolutely love being able to adjust the bed… before that, I got wedge cushions to prop myself up when needed, they come in different sizes, angles, etc.. It was not only good when having a stuffy nose or congestion, but also helped relieve getting heartburn.
Ditto, what she said. Also, already voted for you on Goodreads.
I meant ditto to Andri/Kaylen, to clarify.
Glad you’re recovering (albeit slowly ?), & that your dad got home safe. There’s loads more of those kinds of programmes – top of my list is “Judge John Deed” with the oh so beautiful Martin Shaw, who in a strange coincidence is also the star of my second favourite “Inspector George Gently”, you’ll love them, promise!
Already voted! ?
Hope you have a speedy recovery
Sorry that the plague is taking so long to leave you. If you feel like reading some more to pass the waking hours, the second part to Tsumiko and the Enslaved Fox came out last week. Its called Kimiko and the Accidental Proposal. Feel better soon!
Glad you’re improving, and wishing it were faster. I hope your father stays well.
And my the Lesser Grebe of Ennui nest in the rafters of the domicile of all who cry out for more.
So sorry to hear you’re not getting sleep. If you sleep on a flat bed (most of us do), you might try elevating your head & shoulders. When I’m sick, I just use a pile of firm pillows, but foam wedges & articulating beds work too.
Hope the sleep deprivation (and the illness) ends soon.
My wife prefers the elevated head part. It helps her sleep better. She also likes to fall asleep in the recliner with it as far back as it can go. When we got a camper, we got one of those long pillows and put it under the mattress to elevate it.
I second the recliner recommendation. I seem to wind up in mine whenever I have breathing/sleep issues. Recline as little as possible and put your book/tablet on a small pillow and just l st yourself fall asleep when ever it happens
That is what i was going to recommend too. If you have a comfy recliner.. it can be your best friend for catching some sleep
Ooh love a bit of Jonathan creek, I’ll second judge John deed too.
If you’re binge watching telly then call the midwife is good but will make you cry…..
LOL@your stepmom – BTDT!
We watched the first episode of the Chilling Adventures of Sabrina last night on Netflix. It was good spooky fun or maybe a little bit higher than spooky. A complete 180 from the old sitcom and maybe good for a person stuck in bed with a plague.
I’m kinda shocked Magic Triumphs wasn’t nominated, but I’m afraid to enter it as a write-in lest it take votes away from Iron and Magic . . .
I voted when I first got the notice from Goodreads about the nomination. C’mon BDH, we can do this. It would be a really nice get-well present for Ilona and Gordon and IRON AND MAGIC deserves it on so many levels. After all, they redeemed HUGH of all people when none of us thought it possible. And we enjoyed it and believed it. Now that’s craft of the highest order.
And do not stress about INNKEEPER. It’s hard to be creative when you feel lousy and we would rather you spend your energies on getting better. We aren’t going anywhere.
Anne in Virginia
I voted for you. Much thanks for the link because I also picked up a bunch of new books to read.
Now, I know you said no remedies (please don’t cut me), but this really works for me. Whenever I’m congested and have a sore throat and lungs from hacking, I apply heat to my chest area. It can be a hot water bottle, a microwavable hot/cold pad, an electric heating pad, or one of those supersize pads that warm up when you tear open the packaging and expose them to air.
Hope you feel better!
Broadchurch is also a great uk crime/ detective series.
Congratulations on the nomination but..
…when are you getting a vacation?
I remember reading about your vacation in Florida (two years ago? Three?) and you seemed so very rested after it.
I ask not for goodness of heart but for the very selfish concern that, much like an unresting athlete, The Unvacationing Author(s) will burn out before my expiration date, which would leave me with years without any of their books, snippets or amusing bits of RL reportage.
Rest! Recover! Heed the call of Relax!
They went to the beach a couple of months ago. And well deserved it was too.
You guys are true writers – half dead and still compelled to put words on paper. Amazingly!
Just read the new Cormorand Strike novel by Robert Galbraith (J.K. Rowling). Really good book if you can get the audio. (Have a hard time reading when I’m sick.)
After taking car of Kid1 & Kid2, I hope they’re able to return the favor while you 2 recover.
If you like English TV shows, Lovejoy is another with a similar feel. Lovejoy is a handsome, roguish antiques dealer / con artist, and there’s always a bit of a mystery to be solved. The setting is pretty countryside & little towns, and it’s quirky and gentle.
If you fancy a shaky-background space sit-com, Red Dwarf is highly binge-watchable. It’s about Lister, a slovenly, low-ranking mining ship’s lieutenant, who wakes to find all his colleagues dead. His only companions are Rimmer, a hologram of his worst enemy, Holly, the ship’s computer, Kryten, a robot who’s trying to be human, and Cat – a humanoid cat, a descendant of the ship’s cat.
Both series are from the 90s (or late 80s, now I check). RD is free on Youtube.
Being so ill is awful. Being forced to binge on TV is the only consolation.
Glad you liked the Jonathan Creek recommendation ?.
Alan Davies, the actor is also a comedian. He’s one of the permanent guests on our unusual general knowledge game show, called ‘QI’ with Stephen Fry and a whole host of guest celebrities – very interesting and very funny.
Hope you both feel better soon xx
I remember back when QI started I was expecting Alan to be a genius from watching Jonathon Creek and instead it was all klaxon klaxon klaxon!
that’s a new twist to get the “Honey-Do” list done… send the Honey on a vacation so you can get a professional to do it. She’s seriously smart!
Get better, we can wait for the Innkeeper!
Y’all need to get healthy before y’all do anything else. Every one else bitching about Innkeeper can effing remember this is a freebie that y’all don’t have to post online. So, focus on your health. Period. No need to relapse because you tried to do too much too soon. Y’all are too good to put up with that kind of bs from “fans.”
Not advice, just observation: when my mom and dad were fighting that plague, they elevated the head of the bed with a few bricks (yes, dad had them laying around in the yard.) You might find some relief trying to breath while laying down.
Feel better!!
ooh! if you’re in a brit binge and looking for a police procedural, try “touching evil” starring robson green. i loved this one and there are 3 seasons. (side note: green also starred in a cute little romance called “me and mrs. jones'”)
ooh! if you’re on a brit binge and looking for a police procedural, try “touching evil” starring robson green. i loved this one and there are 3 seasons. (side note: green also starred in a cute little romance called “me and mrs. jones'”)
Already voted. It’s always a toss up between IA and Patti Briggs for me, but you came in first!
Roll on next Tuesday! No more political ads and three new books out that day. I have a firm date with my kindle that night and might even splurge on some wine to celebrate.
Happy to hear you are feeling incrementally better!
Take the time to get better. We are (mostly) adults and can practice patience. Lots of good TV recommendations in the comments. Have you tried binge watching YouTube cake decorating videos? Very therapeutic. Maybe there are knitting videos out there for you.
Forget innkeeper. When you’re sick, you’re sick. No sense in pushing and making yourself sicker. We can wait. No biggie
Yay for Jeaniene, Yay for your nomination, Yay for your stepmom getting things done while your dad enjoyed his trip. Thank you for the update, I hope you’re able to sleep more soon.
That sounds exactly like what I had a few months ago. I think it’s one of the nasty influenza strands going around this year. I’m in Australia but I had friends across country experience the same thing.
The hard part is there is nothing you can do. I would lie back and cry a few times in between choking and the sheer f’ing misery I felt. I had to sleep propped up on 3 pillows. It was so uncomfortable.
I rarely get sick but when I do I Do it big. I told my immune system “you’re getting a workout and building you germ fighting muscles.”
Get better honey, just rest. Allow yourself to wallow in bouts of misery. Then rest some more.
All the sympathy. I felt like crying too, but I was already choking in mucus, and I was scared to make it worse. I am so miserable.
It’s okay to wallow in misery while you’re sick. I do it too. Rest, watch good TV, listen to your body, keep from being dehydrated, and before you know it the misery ends.
I’m semi-wallowing right now. Lots of rain equals higher mold count equals my body going haywire. I hear you about feeling miserable. ?
I just finished The Doctor Blake Mysteries. Mini series Set in the 50’s in Australia. Blake is a war vet doctor just come back to his hometown to take over the family business and ends up with a penchant for solving homicides to the chagrin of the local police. It reminds me of a Downton Abby/House/ police procedural mash up.
First 3 seasons on Netflix – last 2 seasons on Amazon
Already voted for you; always have, always will.
Innkeeper is such a treasured gift. I will always buy it regardless of your generous offerings in the blog. It’s a blast to get the blog entries and you’re the only authors I know where each chapter is so captivating for me. Full to the brim with the the characteristics that saturate your completed novels. I still marvel at your mad skills in accomplishing this. Every.Time.
Sending positive, healing and restorative energy out across the ‘verse to you.
OMG just get better! No sage advice on how to do that, just a boatload of good vibes to you and the family. And the dogs. It sucks to be sick. Your books have seen me through some tough times and I wish I could do more to help you through yours.
In the spirit of halloween have you ever seen Pyschoville? I don’t know if it’s even available Stateside, but it’s by the makers of League of Gentlemen (also excellent) and very bizarre creepy funny.
I love your stepmom’s approach . . . Probably because I do the same thing!!! ?
Vote already in yesterday, I believe. Fingers crossed!!!
Congratulations! Quite the feat for a fake story….Ha!
Please take the time you need to feel better, that goes for Gordon too. Everything else will wait. I hope you can manage to sleep a bit sitting up. At least give yourself permission to veg. For however long it takes to feel better. ? congrats!
Rest in small doses and innkeeper and the impatient BDH can wait- it’s really not worth pushing yourself through until you’re properly better.
I’ve had a couple of similar thing where I cough till 4am and almost vomit and cry at the same time as I feel so rotten. I self medicated with wine and nightnurse which I definitely do not recommend but it was the only way to sleep. I was abroad with work and staying on a friend’s sofa bed the first time! This time I took a few days off work but was still exhausted and coughing after 3 weeks. The pharmacy advised a cough suppressant with codeine which worked in the end but I imagine that’s no use with the mucus.
So the short and selfish version is please take the time to recover so you don’t relapse, and forever deny us your amazing work!
Enjoy Lovejoy and Red Dwarf and try some murder mystery- Inspector Morse and the sequel Lewis, both set in Oxford. Do also look out for the much missed comedian Victoria Wood- try Acorn Antiques or Dinnerladies. However please don’t Google her song about the woman’s weekly magazine until you can breathe properly.I’d feel bad if you die laughing!
Congratulations on the nomination! To follow my fellow BDH, do not even consider working on Innkeeper or anything else non-health related work. Anyone who complains about not getting Innkeeper…just don’t.
Lovejoy…….that’s all I will say.
Try sleeping in a recliner. It should prevent the choking, and they’re pretty comfortable.
Commiserating, I’m hacking up my lungs in CO, along with you. It’s a PITA! Already been a week of misery. May you get better faster than me!
I can’t hide your cutting implements … SO
REMINDER, the hardest, worst, wretchedest part of being sick is … ? … ! … ! Being Sick!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
We want to get away from the drip down your throat
the drool stuck to your chin
the gummy eyes, the tiredness, the aches, the pains …. the hurts of drinking, eating, bathroom runs … all of it
Taking care MEANS being sick AND conquering those symtoms as they rear their vicious dripping pain gripping body invasive heads! Nothing else is as important
BUT; speaking of vicious,
Martin Wilsey ‘The Virtue of Being Vicious’ amazon
selected for the title, enjoyed for the WoW, Whooooa,
O Kkkk, not to mention making me forget the typo’s ( it is possible there were no typo’s)
Don’t spend your get better too soon, we’ll see you when you are Well. Take care
I’m so sorry you are miserable. I know you are not seeking advise but I can’t seem to help myself so…
I have asthma but I haven’t had to use an inhaler in a couple years and when a cold gets into my lungs (which are susceptible because of asthma) I am able to get rid of it overnight. I use frankincense. I put it on a cotton ball and inhale the fumes. Last time when a bad cold settled in my lungs I breathed it in for about half an hour at bed time. I was fine the next morning. It did return a few days later but I used frankincense again.
It is important to get 100% pure essential oil, and it isn’t cheap (fragrance is made to sleep like it but is chemical not plant based). Also don’t try to breathe in deeply , instead expel as much air a possible.
I hope this can help.
Please take the time to feel better. One of the things I’ve appreciated from you and Gordon is that no matter what kinds of delays you have going on, at least you are kind enough to keep the horde informed. There are other authors, whose work I adore, in whom I’ve become deeply disappointed because they refuse to talk about their progress, or lack thereof… So thank you again, not only for the great stories, but also for the extra mile to which y’all go to keep us “in the loop”.
Congrats on the nomination. Good for your Stepmom. Echoing just about everyone
else – spend your time getting well. We will wait for the rest of SoTB it’s much more
important that you recover properly so that you don’t relapse.
Congratulations on the nomination! Hopefully you will be able to sleep soon. Don’t worry about Innkeeper please, your health is more important.
From someone who’s dealt with respiratory problems almost all her life, I have learned that sleeping with your head and shoulders elevated can make a big difference. I have slept in the recliner upon occasion so I can breathe while sleeping. And, no, recliners are not THAT comfortable, but it beats not sleeping.
Not sure if by choking you mean waking yourself with coughing, but if so, i cannot recommend Cepacol lozenges enough. They numb your throat enough to get back to sleep. I have one open by my bed when I suspect a middle of the night wake up coughing fest. Feel better!
Only work if it helps you feel better. Like to help you avoid thinking about the crud. We can wait. Its more important to get well. You come first.
Numb is a blessing. They work.
Regarding viewing, have you or Gordon seen Farscape? It’s amazing, multiple seasons with Muppets. Ben Browder and Claudia Black star with an Australian cast. Truly remarkable.
Can I recommend Miss Fisher, Doctor Blake, Mystery Road & Jack Irish as some good Australian Crime shows?
Also Killing Eve – not Aussie, but so SO good.
And Rake – not crime but hilarious! The latest series is based on our government and pretty much sums up the stupidity perfectly.
Ps – voted for Iron & Magic. Love your books so much, all of them! They’ve gotten me through sickness and depression and breakups. I feel like they’re all old friends.
Rest and get better. We’ll still be here when you two feel well enough to work again, so no rush on Innkeeper. The anticipation will make it’s eventual arrival just that much nicer!
I voted. It’s the first time I’ve ever voted for a book. It was the least I could do. All that excellent writing, editing, press and living your lives is mind boggling. It was an excellent book. I’ve already read it twice. (And the series twice) You two are… well the only words I can think of seem trite; awesome, amazing, excellent, fantastical ?. I wish for you good rest, excellent health and peace. Get better. Your health is WAY more important than people who become angry and impatient because you didn’t post your free story updates. Sucks to be them. Take care of you and your family. Without them, you wouldn’t be the amazingness that you (both) are. Cheers!
With all Ilona et al do I keep wondering how the heck they get it all done. Writing, gym, taking care of the family. Only 24 hrs in a day. They have got to have some kind of time warp going on. Or a shift to some fey realm where time goes slower so you can fit it all in. I try to contemplate fitting that much in on a regular basis. My head wants to explode. LOL You guys rock the competence. Please tell me you at least have a messy desk.
Already voted for Iron and Magic yesterday, hope you guys win this time, you deserve it!
Forget about Innkeeper until you get better, sending you guys a big germ free hug.
Been there, done that on the voting. Of course!
Hope you both feel better soon. Don’t even give a seconds thought about Innkeeper until you are up to speed on other things that I am sure are now behind. We will be here when you are ready and able!
+1 ?
I voted ..for the first time!
Tysvm for thinking about us ,even when you are so no well.. but please take rest and get well soon ,so that, when you do produce your marvellous worlds ,we can enjoy guilt-free;))
Wish you all the best ?
Happy Halloween. The other day we watched “Monster Family” with our grandkids and everyone was laughing at it, probably not one for when congested but worth a watch I’m my opinion.
I have C.O.P.D. So every time I get bronchitis or pneumonia what helps is breathing Menthol and Eucalyptus (shown to reduce inflammation in nasal and respiratory tissue). I have the eucalyptus essential oil and pure menthol crystals but things like Vicks have those components which it’s probably easier to come by.
Thank you for the wonderful hours and days of reading.
Get well soon.
Two things I have tried but wont recommend. the bottle does LOL. Fishermans friend and Buckleys cough syrup. In the bad taste category, these take top honors. guaranteed to make an oncoming cough reverse direction and go out the other end faster than your tongue can react. Only other thing like this is when I gave my pet rat oral cortisone medicine. he was used to getting meds. This hit his tongue and his whole body convulsed its way out of my hands. He ran across the room to some good cover and gave me the most incredulously evil stare.
The Vet warned me it tasted awful. I added an equal part of honey before I gave him any more after the first dose. I had tasted it and it was so bitter. Honey got a somewhat better reception. That said, Buckleys is worse. I can’t say if it really worked or not. It took quite a while to recover from the taste. Fishermans friend isnt something I could keep in my mouth long enough to test it. I tried. I’m Not that much of a masochist.
Thank you, Ilona Andrews, for the update. Glad you are still alive. I know what you mean about that gagging cough. The good news is that it eventually does go away in about 4 to 6 eeeks but meanwhile it feels like a lung is coming up.
At home, I personally use a teaspoon of local honey as that stops the cough for me. Temporarily. I had a coworker that swore by moonshine that his family made..
I slept in my computer chair too. Elevated by pillows just does not work for me. Eucyalptus aromatic/ essential oil in diffuser. Hot tea with lemon juice and honey to drink…
depends/ always urinary panties for when I am at work and hack up a lung and urinate at same time…i bought at my local wal mart in a green and white bag in section labelled male incontinance in pharmacy not in women menstrual supply section….. weird I know. But a real blessing as dry cleaning is expensive because you had a biological accident.
I suggest waiting a bit on Innkeeper. I realize there is a looming deadline but when you are sick, your thought process is squirrelly and you have no clue it is because you are sick / sleep deprived/ oxygen deprived/ medicated…. I am sure the BDH wants you two at your best. The bean counters most likely not.
Thanks for update about your Dad. I was concerned about him getting sick. Sounds like your stepmother is a smart lady.
Put in my vote! Get well soon…
Wow, reading through these comments I can understand why you want to cut people for giving advice! It’s just like having a baby and everyone tells you what to do. LOL.
Get well soon. We can wait a looooonnnnnggg time for innkeeper if we have to. Thanks as ever.
The crud in print:
((dying elephant seal))
>>>inhalerpuff <<>>inhalerpuff<<<
cough cough cough
*rest* cough //shift\\
*rest* //shift\\ cough
((cough cough cough)
*rest* (cough) cough…
cough.. //shift…
cough… … … … ..
[No elephant seals were harmed in this dramatization]
OMG! That was SO me this month. UGH!!!! Also feels like the biggest polar bear is sitting on your chest because he’s waiting for the elephant seal (you) to expire. So that heavy pressure accompanies the pains in your back, ribs and abdomen from trying to (seemingly) expel both lungs via wracking cough method.
I’m so sorry you’re still feeling awful & I hope you manage to get a full night’s sleep soon! Forget about Innkeeper and anything else until you’re all recovered, I hate that some of your fans bug you about stupid things when you’re sick. We all love your books so of course we’re excited for the next book or the next instalment etc BUT your health always comes first & you mustn’t let yourself feel stressed about fan expectations.
Congrats on Iron and Magic being nominated on Goodreads, I’ve read it four times already so OF COURSE I already voted for you. It’s about time one of your books actually won an award on there so I’m keeping my fingers crossed for this one!
I wish you and Gordon will be healthy again soon
I am not sure I found the correct sentence in english
Pretty close. In this context, the word you are looking for is “hope”, rather than “wish”. But your meaning comes though well enough.
The rest of the sentence looks good to me.
Ugh so sorry you are still feeling unwell. I hope you feel better soon. My mom is in her 3rd week of an upper respiratory infection and we still don’t know exactly what it is. Not a cold, the flu, bronchitis, or pneumonia. She’s been on antibiotics, seen the doctor twice. She had to cancel her 2 week work trip to Asia it’s pretty bad. Somehow my father has managed to not get it but then he rarely gets sick (and now he’s in France visiting his parents so he’s pretty useless). I just want her to get better… according to her coworkers (who she caught it from) it lasts several weeks and doesn’t follow the normal trajectory of sickness. At least the horrible hacking cough she had is mostly gone but I wish what she caught on no one. I call her every day to see how she’s doing. I hope everyone who is sick gets well asap!!!
Please, PLEASE just rest and get better. Innkeeper (and readers) will be here when you’re ready to resume.
Isn’t it funny how differently we all react? I never have the brain cells to focus on a new show when I’m sick. Instead, I get fixated on something I’ve seen a million times and let it roll over me.
I take vacations from reality after judiciously assembling a stack of books that are old dear friends. I know I already like the people and places. They often coincide with a TV fast. No news is good news when I can’t take any useful action.
If you would like something to watch while you are both ill I would suggest binge watching the Miss Fisher Mysteries (period piece set in the 1920’s Australia) or the Dr. Blake Mysteries (also in Australia, but moved to the 1950’s). They are well written with very good ensemble casts.
I second the recommendation for the Miss Fisher series. The costumes alone are worth the view!
+1 – I love the costumes on Miss Fisher! Bring back those elegant days!
Ummm, English TV shows…
The Bill, Colombo, Diagnosis Murder, Farther Ted, The Vicar of Dibley, Waiting for God, Last of the Summer Wine. All shows I watched growing up and all highly recommend for sick bed viewing. The oldies are the best! Hope you both start to feel better soon * insert home remedy of your choice here*.
Voted for you! As always. Please take as long as you need and let yourself heal. And if it stresses you out, stay off of social media. The saying is true – the people who mind don’t matter, and the people who matter won’t mind.
Slept bolt upright for several months or I would wake up choking and aspirating. My GP looked harder and found my thyroid goiter under my chest bone. ENT specialist missed it completely. It was size of grapefruit- you can imagine displacement problems.
I give you and Gordon 30 days R & R to recover and get better for xmas rush.
Yay Dromichaetes!
You are far stronger than I. On 3 hours of sleep I’m non-functional and liable to bite anything that comes near unless they are a cat or come bearing hot tea, a warm quilt and leaves quickly turning out the lights.
Anybody giving you a hard time over Innkeeper should be invited to your house to discuss it in greater detail. Anybody who takes you up on that offer will receive icy hospitality and leave with bacterial sinusitis.
I mean seriously, people. Who is giving the ALs a hard time about Innkeeper? Illona said she was sick; and that it was crazy-contagious. Once Illona got it, it was just a matter of time before Gordon fell ill. I just hope that Roland escaped the bug.
We had to wait a year or more for each new Kate Daniels book. I think we can wait another week for our Innkeeper installment.
When i could not sleep becuse i start choking i sleep setting up. Get better soon
The problem when working for yourself is no sickpay and no time off. Just ignore us and zen out. We will still be here when you resurface. You both do consistently wonderful works and I can’t wait to see what’s next?
It was me ? I recommended Jonathan Creek. (Maybe other English people did too but I know I definitely did) Feeling v happy that you enjoyed some of the episodes. Very happy to hear that you are recovering albeit slowly. I hope that Gordon starts to feel better soon too.
You know, much as I love innkeeper, and jones for a new installment, if you needed to take a month or so off to really rest and recover, I’d rather you did that. I’d like you two around writing books for me for a long time :).
Sorry to hear you are so unwell. If you enjoy British comedies you may enjoy Yes Minister and Yes Prime Minister. The humour is wry but it is fun watching the minister try to get around the civil servants and to actually try to get something done. If you like mysteries David Suchet’s Poirot is still a classic as is Cadfael. Get well soon!
So sorry you’re sick. Sounds like we have the same crud. They are treating me for walking pneumonia. I can’t seem to get enough sleep! Hope this crap passes soon for both of me and you two. This sucks!
Wishing you a speedy recovery! If you need more brit TV recommendations Line of Duty is amazing! Particularly the season with Thandie Newton. and also Spooks.
OMG Spooks was amazing – I think they called it MI-5 in the States https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Spooks_(TV_series) – really great cast over the years. Haven’t watched Line of Duty yet, will check it out thanks.
Ok – late in the game I know – but for those having trouble sleeping lying down for whatever reason (for me it was frozen shoulder) I recommend this article – https://www.womensg.com/best-recliners-for-sleeping/ .
You guys made it to the Semi Finals for Magic Triumphs & Iron & Magic!! 🙂
I like both books pretty equally so it makes me wonder: which would y’all be happier to see win the Goodreads award? Magic triumphs or Iron and Magic?