Back in November, House Andrews announced that there will be a full cast dramatic adaptation of Clean Sweep done by Graphic Audio.

I promised to remind you when the release is upon us: it’s TODAY!
You can listen to a small sample here on the order page. They also have the details of all formats available and instructions for using the Access app to listen to your purchase.
Step 1: Create an account with Graphic Audio (you can take the shortcut and link it to your Amazon account)
Step 2: purchase Clean Sweep
Step 3: Download the Access app on your device and look in the “Collection” section for your download. You’re ready to listen!
If you want to chose the zip download options, they give the user the ability to listen to the files on third party players or to back up the files on personal drives for collection purposes. Read more.
Notice there will be a CD version, but the release is slightly later, in February.
It will be available on March 1 at Audible, Storytel, Audiobooks dot com, Overdrive, Google books, Apple books, Chirp, Hoopla, AudiobooksNow, Kobo, LibroFM and more.
There are no geographical restrictions to purchasing the book or downloading the Access app. Depending on your bank, a small foreign currency fee may apply if you buy from another country (for me in the UK it was 20 pence).
House Andrews are very happy with the collaboration and they were able to make sure the pronunciation of names and terms was accurate. Graphic Audio adaptations, for those who don’t know, are quite similar to the radio dramas of old, and include a diverse cast, with each character being voiced by a different actor, sound effects, music etc.
I had a bit of a sneak peak listen under Mod prerogatives™ and absolutely lost it at the Arland drinking coffee scene hehehe. The actor really runs with it.
Happy weekend listen!
I am so excited to to hear about it. I almost forgot about it. Congratulations on the graphic novel.
I’m sorry I meant to write Congratulation on your graphic audio of Clean Sweep.
Oh geez, I got about 1 minute and 30 seconds in and lost it. It’s been a while since I laughed like that. Must Have!!!!!!!!!!
Will this be on sale in audiobook websites (audible, libro, etc)?
Just guessing, so there might be an official answer – but other GraphicAudios I’ve purchased tend to appear in the non-GA stores (e.g. iTunes etc.) once the CD version goes live; at least, that’s what happened with the Elizabeth Moon ones.
I’ve asked and will update the post as soon as we find out 🙂
I just posted a comment about this on the previous post. I’m excited. ????
I preordered it but haven’t figured out how to download it in their app????
Hi Lynne,
Here is a page with instructions about using their app
Once you purchased, the download will appear in the “Collection” section on your app. It helped to log out and in again to prompt the download to start 🙂
???? I forgot all about this! Such a lovely surprise. Thank you!!! Can’t wait to listen.
Arland and coffee – worth listening to ????
Wow, sounds great!
Oh wow, I dont normally do audio books but this was so good I bought it.
Is this available for purchase in all regions I am in Europe?
I didn’t have any issues buying it from England and my friend is currently listening to it in Australia, so you should be fine 🙂 . Try it and let us know!
Well I tried buying it and it worked so it is available in Europe. I am looking forward to listening to this adaptation
Thank you both, for great progress with the new chapter.
LOVE IT SO MUCH!! I heard the sample just now and laughed out loud. I don’t do audio books because they narrators don’t always get out the emotions behind a dialog the way I imagined it and it spoils the book for me. But THIS was brilliant. Downloading for sure!
I don’t do audio books, but I used to love listening to radio dramas as a kid. I’ll give this a try.
I want, sounds interesting. Thank you for reminding me…now can I get it is the question. Have a great weekend
I’m so excited for this. But I’m waiting to listen to it later this month for when we drive to Vegas and back. It’s killing me to wait.
Hello! Could you also let us know if this will be available through This is the indie version of Audible and where most of my audiobooks live. If it will make it there eventually I would prefer that, otherwise I am still interested.
i’m listening now! So far ! I’m loving it!!!!
You had me at “Arland drinking coffee scene”
Soooooo excited. Taking my daughter back to university on Sunday with a 4 hour drive home by myself. Not any longer…. as I will be a fly on the wall at Gertrude Hunt. I can’t wait!!!
Yes! I’ve so been looking forward!
Also FYI depending on what version you purchase. If you choose the MP3 or MP4, you can download the book to a computer, and listen to it via iTunes or any other program that imports audio.
I listened to it and I am in love with already ????
Tho I’m not sure how I be able to get my hands on it :/
Waiting for the release on Audible (where my other 1434 audiobooks are including GraphicAudio books from other authors). I don’t want to start another audio format.
Thank you for the reminder. And congratulations on having clean sweep released as an Audio Play. Excited to listen.
Hurray, just ordered it! My day just improved greatly!
Fun! I listened to the sample. I like the use of multiple voice actors but audio books are not for me. It was still interesting to listen to that snippet. I’m sure people who enjoy audio books will like it.
I’ve listened to Harry Potter audiobooks on long car rides (because they generally came out the week I had to drive to the Midwest with the kids) and enjoyed them. That would be my first encounter with the book though. I get a little bit of the same phenomenon I get with cover illustrations once the series is underway: They don’t always match the picture I have in my head. It’s visual in that case, but the same thing can happen in auditory form with voices.
It’ll be released on Audible on March 1. Other stores are usually 1-2 months behind the release on the direct store.
Excellent news. I’ll keep my eyes open for it on Audible
Thank you Matt, that’s very helpful!
Listened to the sample. Fun!
I’m glad I was able to listen to the sample. In the presentation, I recall the scene and it was comical when Dina sent Sean away from the Inn into the apple trees. But Dina’s portrayer was too hard for me to understand, and I will not order it.
So wonderful! Don’t know why it didn’t occur to me that Dina would have a southern accent! Sounds more Georgia than Texas – wasn’t her parents’ inn in Georgia?
I also never thought of Dina as having a southern accent! I never never bought an audiobook for myself before because I read very fast. (I buy for my kids.) Now I’m wondering if I should shell out the money for this….I will reread the book now. ????
Guys, she grew up in Georgia and lives in Texas! ???? Of course she has a Southern accent!
That was my thought when I first was surprised by the drawl ????
Congratulations on a very nice addition to your work! Despite how much I hated my previous graphic audio books, I will admit that this was really very acceptable. I appreciate that the background sounds did not drown out the readers! There were a couple places where the voices sounded like they were at a distance and were supposedly in the same room, but that’s a minor quibble.
And it was nice having distinctly different voices. That said, the dual voiced audiobooks I’ve recently bought were equally good renderings and don’t have competition from the background. (Yes, apparently I find that distracting).
Would I purchase this in preference to the original audiobook? I don’t know. I’ve listened to that one so often and I really love it. But I could see a newcomer to the series preferring this. And I’ve not been excited by a couple of the newer readers (I disliked Sweep of the Blade enough that I’ve not listened to it again), so having this as an option would be pretty darn nice. Anyway, congrats again! I enjoyed the new audio!
I loved the snippet. It made an already great book even better. Hopefully it’ll become available via Audible ????????
Wow, this is excellent news. Thank you.
I have listened to several books on Graphic Audi which are available on Hoopla. It’s more interesting than listening to most audio books. The exception would be Steve West reading Iron and Magic.
Steve West could read about paint drying and it would sound amazing.
Congratulations! I found the sample quite enjoyable and hope it introduces you to a wider audience.
I’ve been listening to it all morning I’m 3 hours in and I love it!!!
Sooo…I’ve never listened to an audio book but I think this would be a great way to get my dad interested in the series. If I buy it on his phone can he then listen to it in the car through the car’s audio? I noticed there is a specific app you use but I wasn’t sure if it would run through the cars audio as something like audible does for him.He currently listens to books in audible.
WHAT a bright spot to a dismal start to a year!!! I am getting all set up now!!!
This is so exciting!!!!!
OMG! That sample was absolutely phenomenal!
I hope the actors enjoyed recording the book as much as we enjoyed the earlier editions! I eagerly await your update re: a potential Audible version, ModR! Thank you!
Will this be available an Audible? That is where all my audiobooks live (including every Ilona Andrews other audiobooks) & do not want to start a new platform that I would only be using for one book. Thank you!
Hi Halima,
The book should be available on Audible on the 1st of March 🙂
I have many books done by full cast audio and by graphic audio and love them. thx for doing this house Andews rocks!
I love you guys, yes site mods all the way down to the cuddly pets you kindly share with us
Why aren’t all audiobooks like this! I absolutely loved it!! I’m an avid fan of audiobooks, I usually have both. This is fabulous! Thanks IL!
Yay! So happy you liked it <3
Woohoo! I preordered this as soon as it was announced. I’m going to download it now!
Oh YAY! Will it be available through Chirp in the future? I know other House Andrews audio books are. I believe I’ve seen offerings from Graphic Audio there also.
Hi Ronnie,
Please see update regarding other retailers- it will likely be available 1-2 months after the direct store.
I love the idea, and loved the sound effects. But my mental ‘voice’ of Dina is so far from this that it doesn’t work for me, sadly.
I agree, in my head she sounds totally different. But I liked Seans voice.
So not for me, but I hope a lot of people will have fun with this
I liked Sean’s voice as well. And I definitely hope other people will enjoy this. I really regret that it doesn’t work for me.
Purchased! I’m 45 min in and this is so awesome! The accent threw me at first, but I love it so much! In my head, when I’m reading, all voices have a British accent! The voice acting and the sound effects are so cool! I love it Soooo much!! Can’t wait for the coffee scene!
Now that I have an account at graphic audio, does anyone have any recommendations for other cool stories done this way??? I don’t mind audio books but prefer to read my Kindle than listen. But this is awesome so what should I listen to next?????
The Lightbringer series by Brent Weeks is one I love on GA.
Congrats on the full cast dramatic adaptation! I hadn’t heard about it back when you two first announced. Wonderful surprise to discover just now on a trying weekend after a hectic week.
Woooooooo! I am super happy to hear this news.
*makes grabby hands*
*runs off to create an account, download the app, and buy the masterpiece*
*returns to whoop in joy*
I’m an old fart. Which means I hit my full SS retirement age this year. I’ve never bought an audio book. But I will seriously consider buying this one.
I’m a big fan of Renee Raudman’s reading of Ilona Andrews books including Innkeeper so didn’t know whether there was a necessity for another audio version.
I listened to the sample, purchased the Graphic audio edition and loved it! it’s terrific. Having different people doing various characters helped bring the story and characters (especially Sean) alive and I thoroughly enjoyed listening to what proved to be a fresh take on a well loved story.
My only negative was I wasn’t keen on how Caldenia was portrayed. I think they need an actor who can communicate more steel magnolia and less gossipy old Southern lady. If ever they make a movie I hope they can get an actor who can channel Helen Mirren as she was in RED.
Congratulations Graphic Audio and Ilona Andrews. I hope this edition is successful enough to warrant doing the rest of Innkeeper.
Ummmm, Caldenia has an RP British accent…
I am a big fan of this Sean too!
Hi Mod R, love your work and attention to the BDH.
I don’t think I explained my self clearly enough regarding Caldenia. I wasn’t referring to her accent in my comment referring to gossipy Southern lady versus steel magnolia , rather I was referring to Caldenia’s character as communicated by the voice actress. I think an upper class/ educated British accent is entirely suitable for Caldenia but I felt she came across as a fluttery old aristocrat rather than the well groomed older woman with an incisive mind and spine of steel ( eg steel magnolia) .
Having listened to the recording for a second time, I am still delighted with the experience of different voice actors bringing the story alive and hope they do the rest of Innkeeper!
This is amazing! Not being American, I hadn’t thought to read it with the accent or maybe didn’t recognize an idiomatic expression that should be read with a southern accent, so I’m loving this! It’s entirely different from how it sounded in my head, and so much richer. Dina sounds so done with Sean. I was laughing from the get go.
I love it.
I love most the vrooom of magic happening.
I am glad you mentioned the pronunciation of the names, etc.
I just got the audio of Blood Heir and the new narrator pronounces a bunch of words differently. I am not sure if it was her doing or author’s decision but it throws me off when I hear that ????
The pronunciation of names in Blood Heir is the correct one, following the intent of House Andrews had all along. This is confirmed here ????
Went and purchased it. Downloading now. This is awesome and so excited!!!!
I’m really excited for this, but when I looked to purchase an mp3 version, it sounds like all versions are captive via DRM and can only be played through yet another proprietary app. Are there any versions that can be played without installing an app?
I downloaded the MP3 and played it on another app. So yes you can.
Hey Joe,
All 3 of the zip download options give the user the ability to listen to the files on any player they want – no restrictions.
You can also back up the files on a personal drive for collection purposes.
We liaised with Graphic Audio and the recommendation for you was MP3 Zip Download with Access App option, which is the most compatible format for any third party player out there.
You can read more about it here
Hope this helps ????
Wow! I purchased this immediately and love this!!!!!! Thank you so much.
I was so immensely excited when you guys announced this was happening! I love GraphicAudio and seeing a series I love being done by them made me actually gasp out loud. Forreal, I already have the original audiobook copy of Clean Sweep and I got this immediately and am already done with it.
I hope this is just the start to a continued partnership and we can hear more!
Thank you for the info!
I usually don’t do audiobooks, but I might this time, it sounds interesting.
Have a great day
I usually do not do audio books as I read faster that I listen. But I had to get this and finished at 3:08 AM because I could not stop listening. I look forward to any other Graphic Audio books you decide to do. This one was excellent and very hilarious at times.
This audiobook was great! Highly recommend listening to it. The Costco fight was my favorite. Now off to re-read the rest of the series.
Unfortunately it seems there is no option to purchase this with INR. Paying in USD does not really work for me. 🙁 Alas, the sample sounded rather enticing.
Totally awesome! Downloaded it last night. Thanks and I hope it goes well, looking forward to getting more of them.
The sample sounds amazing!! Love those old radio dramas!
I already own all of Innkeeper in both e-book and audio book formats (print is next on my list!). This was an absolutely amazing addition, and I loved it!
I’m really hoping (i.e., desperately praying) there is enough momentum to keep this up and finish the series with Graphic Audio.
Thank you for always being a bright spot ????
It was great! Enjoyed every minute of it. The Texas accent is a little over done, but otherwise spot on.
Loved the sample. Will wait until it comes out on CD
Liked this graphic audio, but am glad I still have the original audio, the background sounds hit the headache problem I have, so while this weekend I started listening to it, and was enjoying it. I had to stop and go to other audio when my headache, started getting to bad, (do to weather not the audio), I hate not finishing a relisten. Regardless will go back and give it another try when my headache calms down. Did enjoy the separate voices and sound effects, it seemed to be a great change for the very often listen to original. Still very happy the originals still hits my comfort tones. Will still be interested in getting more of these, so thanks
I was going to wait for my road trip coming up to listen to clean sweep. But apparently I have no self control lol. This is amazing and I hope they do more I will buy everything! I’m really picky when it comes to audio books. Some are really terrible ! The first audio book I ever listened to I was so disappointed when I realized it was only one narrator. I thought it would be like the plays we had to listen to in school. Then i was excited when I bought a book with a male and female narrator. Then I was disappointed again because the female read the female chapters and the male read the male chapters . I thought the female would do all the female parts and the male would do all the male parts. I had never heard of graphic audio until Ilona and Gordon said they would have the first innkeeper recorded with graphic audio. This is everything I’ve been missing in life. This audio version made my day listening to it. So thank you so much for writing everything you write and do for us. The world would be a darker place without you both and your writing!
Laughed so hard – this is awesome! Unfortunately I don’t think l can afford it right now…
Love Dina’s accent, but thought her voice would be a bit younger.
I dislike audiobooks normally but would definitely listen to this.
“Movie in your mind” indeed! Just finished and this was great. So much fun!! From the background sounds which really built on the narration, to the extra voices, this was just a fantastic listen. Any chance the rest of the series will follow?
I buy all Andrews books in both Audio Book (Audible) and Kindle version already. Plus I already love audio books, and listen to at least 4 audio books a month. But this was a new experience and added a lot to it.
Thanks for doing this! It was a real treat.
It was fabulous!! I listened to it yesterday and the time sped by. What a marvelous way to enjoy this book. Now , of course, I want more House Andrews books in this format. But even if this is the only one it is amazing. What a great cast.
I absolutely loved the GA adaptation (even though I already have all the books in audio format)!
I really hope the rest of the series is done this way, too ????
When will it be out on CD? Where and when can we buy that version?
Hey Captain Pat,
The CD will be out in early February and will be available for purchase from the Graphic Audio website 🙂
Looks like there isn’t a possibility to rent instead of buy?
Maybe when it hits the other retailers in March ????
Ooh will look out for that, thanks!
I got the graphic audio app and bought the new improved radio-type version of Clean Sweep through my Amazon account. The book was a lot of fun. I hope Graphic audio are allowed to do more of the Innkeeper series. The Maude and Arland book recorded like this would be amazing.
I just finished listening to the Graphic Audio version of Clean Sweep. It was awesome. Such a delight to listen to. It was sheer genius by House Andrews to try graphic audio. The variety of marvelous voices wonderful and made for a lively listening experience. The readers make such a difference. The other reader I like is Steve West. I have listened to Iron and Magic many times. Y’all select some really riveting readers. Thank you so much for this joy!
Loving it! I hope there are more.
This is great! Too bad Dina’s voice didn’t click for me though Sean was fine.
Got it and listened to the whole thing today. Love this series and this audiobook is very good.
Thanks! ????
I agree with Mod R. the coffee scene was great! I downloaded this yesterday and listened to it in an afternoon while working on the fendish jigsaw puzzle my DH gave me for Christmas. While I loved the original audiobook with Renee Raudman, this was fun too. What a great way to spend an afternoon!
I’m really enjoying it. Mod R do you know if there are plans for them to do more of the series?
Wow! The accent got me at first but by the end of the clip I was like, “Yeah, yeah this is working for me” 🙂
This was fun!!!????
Thanks so much for greenlighting a treat like this! I had to work through the weekend, and listened to this while I was working – it was an excellent carrot. The only downside was that when it ended, I couldn’t just jump to the next book in this format. I hope you’ll consider doing this type of adaptation for the rest of the series!
Just listened to the audio sample. Yay! Picky question here.
I didn’t know Dina was originally from Texas? Where was her parent’s inn again? Because that would inform her accent.
Sorry to bring it up,
Trish :^D
Dina grew up at her parents Inn in Georgia and currently lives in Red Deer, Texas.
I hope this helps 🙂
I didn’t really try audiobooks until the pandemic, and found that I enjoyed them and the performance.
An audiobook is like a candle to the campfire Graphic Audio has created. It’s amazing, and everyone who likes Innkeeper needs it, now.
My very first graphic audio ever. I do not have strong enough words to express how much I enjoyed it. Now I want every IA book in graphic audio.
I loved the new audiobook so much. It felt like less an audiobook and more like a radio drama with the background music/noises (which took a while to get used to but eventually I loved it).
Please do the rest of the Innkeeper series and other IA books, if possible. It’s likely expensive to produce but sooo worth it as a reader.
Is this lovely book an unabridged version….?….
Full Cast Audio (sorry, old name there) usually ARE unabridged, but after getting burned a couple of times, I’m very cautious.
WHY would anyone do one of Eileen Wilks Lupi books and cut out Rule’s son?
No, all the content is there ????
Bought this book about a week ago and have listened to it at least 3x now…just saw that there was a preorder option for Sweep In Peace…DONE! I can’t wait for Orro!!!
Hey, I was just on the GA site and it says Sweep in Peace will be available 7 march? I hope so, but why no annoncement on the blog?
Hey Vicki,
I was a bit hasty with Monday’s post and it went out before the news was available that they will be adapting Sweep in Peace too.
I hope it didn’t cause too much distress 🙂
Ok, I just have to mention this. First, I love the Clean Sweep story. I have the original audiobook and was looking forward to listening to the graphic audio version. I had to stop reading books because of eye strain. I’m listening to Clean Sweep now. Great narration, BUT why is the loud background music almost always present in every chapter? It’s very distracting and almost drowns out the narration. In a lot of audio books, there is some music at the intro, but then it fades out and goes away. This graphic audio book just keeps it playing. Sorry, don’t mean to complain, but it’s driving me crazy.
OMG – I cannot believe how much I enjoyed the graphic audio version – it is fabulous! Such insight into characters! Love, Love, Love!