The preorder for the dramatized adaptation of Magic Binds, Kate Daniels 9, is live on the Graphic Audio website. The release will be March 25th on all platforms – that means for the GA app as well as Audible, Hoopla, Chirp etc.
Mercenary Kate Daniels knows all too well that magic in post-Shift Atlanta is a dangerous business. But nothing she’s faced could have prepared her for what’s to come in this heart-stopping novel in the #1 New York Times bestselling series.
Kate and the former Beast Lord Curran Lennart are finally making their relationship official. But there are some steep obstacles standing in the way of their walk to the altar.
Kate’s father, Roland, has kidnapped the demigod Saiman and is slowly bleeding him dry in a never-ending bid for power. A Witch Oracle has predicted that if Kate marries the man she loves, Atlanta will burn and she will lose him forever. And the only person Kate can ask for help is long dead.
The odds are impossible. The future is grim. But Kate Daniels has never been one to play by the rules…
I am excited for every one of these immersive releases, but Magic Binds is my favourite of the KD main series, so I double-extra cannot wait. Roman wedding planner extraordinaire, Christopher’s identity revealed, Kate in a tutu, the battle for Atlanta AND the realisation that GA Magic Triumphs is right around the corner, which will of course be epic!
I’m trying to pace myself, so I’ll remind you that first we have the Graphic Audio release of Magic Shifts this month, on the 31st of January. We’ll get exclusive samples of it closer to the date.
I know that everyone wants to know what will happen after the main Kate series is fully adapted. Will we get the same full cast of actors, immersive sound effects and cinematic music treatment for Gunmetal Magic, Magic Stars, the Wilmington Years, Iron and Magic, Blood Heir? I don’t yet have answers for you, I’m afraid, but our enthusiasm has been heard.
What I can share is that we had a very productive meeting just before the holidays – and the official release for the dramatized adaptation of Burn for Me, Hidden Legacy 1, is scheduled by Graphic Audio for April 25th this year.
So we’ll have overlapping Kates and Nevadas for a while, living the Horde dream!
first??? So excited for all new things!!!
Already preordered what I could on Audible. I can’t stop devouring the GA adaptations. They get me through my work day, my commute, and some dinner preparations and then they’re over all too soon because I can’t stop listening to them without getting grumpy. And then…book hangover. But it’s worth it!!!
“Book hangover”? O My, that is what it is!
So excited for Hidden Legacy! I can’t wait.
with you on that – hard to wait `
Oh the dreaded w*it…. careful with the swearing guys, or ModR will dish out the rippercushions 😃
me toooo!
Yay. something to look forward to.
May everyone under the sweep of the next lot of cold and storms stay safe and warm.
*Graphic Audio Happy Dance*
Woo Hoo!! Just over here being fluffily and chalantly enthusiastic.
Also, I REALLY hope that release date for Hidden Legacy holds . . . it would be just in time for my birthday. 🙂
Heck yes!!
Done! So excited about Hidden Legacy!
GA has hopefully figured out that the BDH is mighty and will snatch up all Ilona Andrews releases so they should work on every book and novella! 😁
+1! 🥳
The Horde is mighty! Hear us roar! Politely, of course. 😁
Lol, seconded!
Yes, this book has so many good things in it. Kate fully owning her tutu is one of my favorite scenes in the series.
meow….purr, new IA GA is the best catnip ever.
Yay 🎉🥳! I can’t wait for Hidden Legacy dramatization!!!
I have ALL the Graphic Audio releases for the Kate Daniels series (and the Innkeeper, actually) and can confirm: they are absolutely top quality. The immersive sound and the different voice actors thoroughly pull you into the story. There is no comparison to a regular audio book.
Of note – lots of libraries which lend audiobooks also have some Graphic Audio releases which is a great way to check it out!
Why do I have the feeling Graphic Audio is stunned by the Horde’s wanting more, more, and more?
At least they are giving what the Horde wants with the audio books.
Thanks Mod R for keeping everyone calm while waiting. 😀
Be safe with this next storm everyone. I’m staying home until next week. The joys of working from home and don’t need to get out on the roads with other drivers.
i hope they have enough GA sales to sustain IA and team between books. Since these are adaptations, I hope the meetings and Q&As with the GA team doesn’t take away too much time from their writing schedules. And i love these cuz they are the next best thing to a movie for their books.
House Andrews are always on hand for questions and advice, especially recording pronunciation clips for names and input on protagonist casting, but I mostly deal with the GA directors on script review and general feedback about the series, characters, fan-favourite moments, general admin etc, precisely so Ilona and Gordon can have time to write 🙂
You are amazing, Mod R! We are all so lucky to have you! 🤞🏻GA asks for more IA content. I would love everything on GA, and i believe they could sell. 😁
Yay!!! 😁
I tend to not like audio books. But after trying GA’s I’ve bought a bunch of my favorites from them. It is fun new way of living the stories. I just finished listening to InnKeeper. I bought but haven’t listened to Kate yet.
I am SO happy Hidden Legacy will be coming. I can never get enough of that series.
I have become a Graphic Audio addict. I sit at my desk and catalog books and listen to all my House Andrews faves. It is seriously the best.
Thanks for sharing the happy news!
My heart leaps at the thought of being heard ha ha. Thank you for the updates. My preorders are up to date.
I love the graphic audio adaptions, the Kate Daniels cast is amazing! I already preordered Magic Shifts, awesome news that Magic Binds is following soon ☺️
3 big woos for all 3! Esp the Legacy series. Can’t wait!
woohoo awesome news!
I buy the kindle version of all books. I need the back light I have bad eyesight. I also buy the audible version and then of course the dramatized version too. lol I looove being in the horde and living the dream!!
Woooohoooo, love the GA adaptations of your fabulous stories, and so glad my all time favourite series is now getting made.
Dreams do come true! Cannot wait for the next KD GA and Hidden Legacy on GA. 🕺🏾💃🏾🪩
I have been in a weird book funk lately where almost nothing new or old is fully satisfying. Except IA books. I have listened to the Hidden Legacy series sooo many times you would think I would become bored of it. No, not even a little. If fact it just makes me want to GA version even more.
There is something magical about Hidden Legacy, though, I have to document it. No matter how many times you reread it, and I’ve done it countless times by now, it feels fresh and exciting!
If you heard excited squealing coming from California they was me because there is a date release date for Burn for Me.
I love the Graphic Audio adaptions and listen to Hidden Legacy more than is probably reasonable.
WoooHoo! I am so excited!!
Wahoo!!! Can’t wait for hidden legacy!! Also Magic Binds was an epic book I’m all about her knife in this book 😉
Fantastic post Mod R! Your enthusiasm comes through and you know how to get and keep our attention! At the end of the post I felt excited, anticipatory, and can’t wait for GA’s Hidden Legacy release. Happy dance here! Thank you thank you thank you. Cheers!
Thank you, just pre-ordering that one. had looked to see if burn for me was live too (exhibiting the usual level of hord p**ience ). 😄
Wahoo! So excited for this, cannot even pretend to be chalant or calm. I am fluffy and I will wait, but I’m definitely impatient people. I am unreasonably excited for Hidden Legacy (as I sit drinking tea in my ferret heist mug)! And more Kate!! Totally having a serotonin rush.
Mod R, love your new avatar. And you have the best job don’t you!?
So excited, I loved the Graphic Audio Adaptations so far, can’t wait to hear more!
I’m soooo excited! Hidden Legacy is my favourite series that I keep coming back to❤️ I can’t wait to hear all of the voices!
I am absolutely excited for Magic Binds AND Hidden Legacy!! I have no time to even breathe right now so this will keep me going until April.
I enjoyed reading “Magic Shifts” and “Magic Binds.”. I have Hoopla, and I am looking forward to being able to listen to them being read to me also.
I like to read the book and listen to GA right after I finish a chapter to see what they make into background instead of narrative or see what phrases they change. It is so interesting to me. So times I’ll follow along with the book while the audio is on.
Movies are good, audiobooks are great but the book is always better 🥰 thanks for your hard work IA and team!
I realize that I may be the sole dissenting voice but I haven’t enjoyed the GA versions as much as the original audiobook versions and to me Renée Raudman IS Kate, Curran, Dina, Nevada, etc. I hate abridged versions vs the original full versions of books and I’ve anxiously noticed that some authors on Audible seem to have books ONLY available as the GA version.
Mod R, will IA always have a regular Audible version with the GA as an additional added treat for the readers who enjoy it? Please please please don’t stop releasing regular unabridged Audible versions of IA books.
There will always be traditional audiobooks 🙂. Those are produced by the authors/publishing house.
Graphic Audio isn’t commissioned to do the adaptations, they are the ones with the interest, who choose which rights to buy.
Thank you so much for the response Mod R, I really appreciate that you’ve put my fears to rest.
I am so in love with graphic audio and excited to hear this! Looking forward to the next releases.
Graphic Audio is one of my favorite ways to listen to IA books. It just allows the colorful worlds they make to really come alive. That being said, the Hidden Legacy series is my absolute favorite, and I cannot wait for April 25th to come!!!!!!
Another present, thank you!!!
already per-ordered
Can‘t wait
So delighted to read this! Happily, I am selfishly cooing and whooping for all the IA world of books to be dramatized in GraphicAudio. Yep, BDH forever.
I am the breathing chalant!
Fabulous news, love the GA productions thus far!
Thank you very much for the heads-up about Magic Binds at Graphic Audio. I just pre-ordered it! Sadly, the pre-order link for Burn for Me isn’t live yet.
Me: heading into my day, wearing big silly smile … something to look forward to!!!
(BTW, have you heard that people listening to MSNBC news is down by about 40% post-US-election, and fantasy, romantasy audiobook sales are up by large percentages? Golly gosh, anybody in the Horde surprised? Nope, nobody surprised here!)
Woohoo! GA releases of this series are my absolute favorite. Cannot wait to grab this
SO excited for Hidden Legacy Graphic Audio versions! Thank you.
Done. Preordered.
This is off topic but it’s your latest post so I hope it is ok.
Almost a year ago now you wrote this post https://ilona-andrews.com/blog/writer-hate-and-the-dreaded-30k-slump/ in response to a question I asked on another post.
I wanted to say thank you so much for it. All the things you wrote here really helped me break through my usual 20-25k slump where I just give up on a book. I’m still working on it but at this point I’ve managed to get to the 45k point of a piece I’m hoping to get to 90k. I don’t know if it will ever be seen by anyone other than family and friends, but at least I will prove to myself I am capable of writing a full book.
I can’t thank you enough or express how much of an inspiration you are to me.
– Ash
Now the planning starts on how and when to obtain awesome things. Love Graphic Audio productions of good stories.
I absolutely cannot wait for all these releases!!!! Graphic Audio is how I discovered you guys and the Kate Daniels series and now I can’t shut up about it and I have purchased all the physical books and cannot stop recommending it to EVERYONE.
Please get GA to do The Edge series! It would’ve fabulous as aGraphic Audio. So many fabulous characters that I would love to hear brought to life. George and his brother, Kaldar, the whole Mars swamp rat family, Cerise and William etc.
Sounds wonderful
All I can say is “YAAAYYY!!!!!”
I have questions about audio books. Do the people that do the audio books actually know anything about the characters they voice? Because in a couple of yours Andrea and Rafael go from have American accents to having European (of some sort) accents. Roman goes from an American sounding guy in one audio to
Ro-marn (sounding) with again European accent in another book. From personal experience i have had friends that at home with parents they had accents especially after speaking their parents language. To no accent with me.
Ohh. So excited for Magic Binds and Hidden Legacy.
Squeeee! Kate and Nevada to look forward to?!! Happy dance, happy dance. Can’t wa*t. Thanks HA + Mod R.
*Happy screams*
Okay I’m going to be honest here… the news that HL drops late April has me a little nervous!
I was really hoping Nora would headline/direct Hidden Legacy the way she has with KD and InnKeeper, but noticing only a month will pass between KD book 8 and HL book 1 makes me think a different GA director was assigned to the HL series.
Any insight on that??? Will Nora continue to be our GA director for all things Ilona Andrews??? 🙏🙏🙏
It won’t be Nora Achrati as director, she is extremely busy at the moment, and training a new generation of fabulous directors. The Hidden Legacy director is someone who has worked with Nora previously, and who has been part of the Innkeeper project, and has a strong background in sound design. House Andrews met with the new director before Christmas and it was a very productive meeting, with input on casting and the story and pronunciation. I have done the usual review of the script, with feedback and background and fan-favourite scenes to focus on and will be on hand for any questions.
We have all faith that it will be an amazing production!
Thank you for the reply! This makes me feel better!
Burn for Me as a GA release?! Yes!!! I love the KD releases so much, every character matches perfectly. I can’t wait for more books to be released in this format. If all of your series could be recorded with a full cast… a dream come true!