Today is Mathias and Ramona day. FATED BLADES is finally out and you can order it here: Ebook | Print | Audio. As you can see, the print version will be available at a later date. Fun pandemic times.
This was so much fun to write. Now that it’s out, I can finally say that. Like all Kinsmen stories, FATED BLADES is a twist on traditional romance tropes. Silent Blade was arranged marriage, Silver Shark was his humble secretary, and FATED BLADES is soulmates. Hehehehe. Okay, I should stop. I’m not sure what’s left. Secret baby?
Saturday Virtual Release Party
This Saturday, we will be seeing you at our virtual release party, where you can ask all the questions that we haven’t yet answered. Mod R would like me to remind you that she is also taking questions for topics other than Kinsmen for this digital meet and greet, so if you always wanted to know how Roman takes his coffee, drop her a line. (Black and sugarless, like a serial killer.)
The format of meet and greet will be the same as always: we will blabber and answer your questions for the first hour or so, followed by 30 minutes of spoiler answers. Be careful what you ask, for we will answer. Or at least Gordon will.
Spoiler Thread
This post will serve as the official spoiler thread for FATED BLADES. Feel free to discuss the story in the comments and let the spoiler force flow.
Any word on whether there might be a link to a recorded version for those who are unable to attend?
There will be either recording or transcript ????
*Me sipping black sugarless coffee after a shift in retail*
Yep, that’s fair
Yay! Thank you! ????
Transcript please, if you can swing it. Thanks.
“A malignant toaster” ????
FRAK! Who else is old enough to have binged on Ronald Moore’s Battlestar Galactica??
Me. I even have them on Blu-ray. ????
Old enough to have watched Glen Larson’s Battlestar Galactica first run on ABC-TV and in the movie theater. (Feel the rumble of the battlestars in the theater with all those speakers.)
Thank you, same here, can’t attend but would love to be able to watch it.
Hi Mod R, unfortunately, I wasn’t able to attend today. How/where can I get a recording of it? I’d really really love to watch Ilona & Andrew talk about Fated Blades. Oh who am I kidding…I just LOVE them and love listening to them. ???? I’d really appreciate it if I can watch what it. ????
Either the recording or the transcript will be uploaded on the blog ????
But without the spoilers, or so it was before 🙂
Happy Book Birthday! I started to read it, but had to go to work…
As with all your books, I love what I’ve read so far.
Thank you for doing what you love so that we can also have moments that we love while we read your writing!
I have started it, but have baking duties (kouign amman) for my part of the Thanksgiving holidays. While the dough is rising I will continue to read! Yay, it’s out!
At last something new from House Andrews. It seems like forever, that’s how needy I am for your new words. Thank you.
There was a House Andrews release in January ????! Greedy BDH is greedy hehe
No, BDH is hungry.
BDH is also thirsty, as IA have sometimes noted.
Thank you so much for this wonderful romantic escape. I know, with a roughly 100 people dead and great action scenes plus a whimsical family entourage just calling it a romance comes short.
You are masters of plotting and character development and yes, world building. Loved it, loved it, I loved it all. my favorite scenes were in the temple, it sounded so magical and them dancing. I got a bit bloodthirsty about their cheating spouses, it’s good that you’re better people than I am. Thank you very much please feel free to write more in their world, I’m hooked.
The temple and especially the fire lighting were my favourite too! ❤️
The fire lighting… ohhh yesss
Loved, loved, loved it.
Read it in one sitting, now going to spend my evening doing a slower read
Heh heh, that’s how my Dad took his coffee: Black, no creamer, and absolutely no sweetener! 🙂
Stayed up way to late to read and now I’m book hung over.
But it was so fun to read. Glad it was fun to write.
Excited for what’s next but hope you can have a nice long break so you can be excited for what’s next.
Happy Book Birthday! Happy Wolfenoot, Happy Thanksgiving, Happy The-Last-Leaf-Has-Fallen!
Thank you!!
Devoured in one sitting this afternoon.
It’s an amazing book, and I’ll be re-reading it again before the end of the week.
Loved it. Maybe a new project could be a book involving the characters from all three books? I already miss them…
Thank you House Andrews for yet another great book!
I would /also love to see what happened to Venturo and Claire. Celino and Meli we did get a glimose of in Silver Shark, that was so nice.
I would really love to read a second full story of Ramona and Matias. I loved them so much as individuals and as a couple and there a things that I would like to see play out: how do the two families get along or will they still start a war with each other? Will Matias and Ramona have children and if yes will they change tradition? They both seemed to be burdened by family expactations and both wanted to escape and both entered marriages out of duty/necessity to/for the family and where unhappy with that (duh…)
Will they train their children as secare but not put so much pressure on them?
So many questions!
+1 to Stefanie’s comment! I loved it. Must read it again!
Happy release day! I’m putting up my reviews for my purchase on the retail sites this morning and I hope the book does well for you. I loved it. Such an intense fun read! The descriptions of places and people were so vivid it really should be a movie. And the heat between those two …oh my. I said in my review that I appreciate how you two always write ethical characters and that’s especially true in Ramona’s and Matias’ situation.
Thank you kindly for the ARC and I’m glad you both cut loose with it.
I had THE WORST DAY yesterday. I got home at 9:30 after a 14 hour day, opened my Kindle and Fated Blades was there early (yay West Coast!) No exaggeration it was the best surprise gift and salvaged the whole mess of the day. Thank you!!!
Yeah, book release day is HARD on the East Coast. 🙂
Yall did it again!! I stayed up reading it because I couldn’t put it down! I love the world’s you create!
I loved the ending it was hilarious to see how the two families reacted even after seeing them fight together and could see they were bonded they still were shocked with the marriage!
Yes. And can you see Haider cackling in the background? Of course the whole scene will have been recorded…
Happy book birthday! I am reading it now, and like all the other Kinsmen books, loving every part of it.
I also received Luisa’s print that is the book cover for Fated Blades. It looks great since I can see the entire cover without the title and other print. Yum, yum! 🙂
Now I realize where Luisa got her inspiration for the cover. I don’t want to spoil it for those in the BDH who haven’t read the book yet. 😀
Ooooh, juicy! Can’t wait to read. The cover is gorgeous and if it even has some meaning, that’s awesome.
Another fantastic story from House Andrews. Your books never fail to bring joy to my day.
I would love to know what Mod R’s suggestion was in that final fight. It was an amazing scene.
I was wondering if it was the surprise sibling aspect?
Or something else?
I’d like to know, too!
The story was totally awesome! I hope you continue with more stories in this world. Have a great Thanksgiving!
Happy book birthday! ::tosses confetti, then sends a Hoover to clean it up so you don’t have to::
right now, my computer shows Fated Blades as #1 in the Paranormal Romance category on Amazon.com. I hope the book performs beautifully and that the authors are happy with their work. I have no doubt fans will love it. this is so exciting, thank you House Andrews for writing this!!
Number 6 in all Kindle books and number 2 in all romance 12 hours ago! Rocking
OMG, I’m so excited! I wish you guys all the best and I hope that you rack up the sales! And I never noticed that the Kingsmen series was a twist on classic tropes! Now I know why they delight me so much! I would love to see a secret baby book, or a childhood sweethearts, a fake engagement or mistaken twin book! Everything you guys touch is gold!
I have to wait until Friday to read this. It’s killing me.
Loving Fated Blades… but have to hit pause while I mark mock exams!
For a future Kinsman challenge – why not a ‘Parent Trap’ type incident – I’d love to see how you might twist that around!
Thank you again for a brilliant read!
LOVED IT! Gorged on reading it this morning and have posted my review to Amazon, extolling your amazingness. I loved the resolution and also the potential for possible future stories. Your ability to put both of those options into the same story was remarkable. Loved the temple and the night-blooming flowers. Loved Haidar and his response and how you just did such a fabulous job of the reconciliation around the table of all 3 families. Just great, great, great!!!!
Congratulations and joyous birthday!
PS – Amazon also has the preorder link for Ruby Fever posted (I know, not this story!).
Thank you for a wonderful return to the Kinsman universe. May it live long and continue to prosper!!!!
Ruby Fever up for pre-order? Thanks! Ordered!
Whee! Ruby Fever pre-ordered, an old novella by Another Author purchased for that collection and, as my public library no longer carries the middle book of the latest Jessie Mahik collection, I’ll have to invest in that one, too. Thank goodness it’s Black Friday, when it’s practically a religious obligation (cultural obligation?) to buy things long needed. And I did labour mightily to achieve yesterday’s T’giving feast, so deserve some reward beyond delicious food and loving company, right?
And after all, I just saved lots on sheets, so I’m still ahead, budgetwise. If you squint and carefully look sideways at it all. 😉
Whoops! Should have mentioned the above was written after my first happy reading of Fated Blade, which kept me up long after I meant to go to bed early — but soooooo worth it. So glad for House Andrews that this was a fun write after wrestling so long with Ruby Fever and just as glad that it turned out to need being longer than originally planned — all House Andrews words are good words, such is their gift.
I love Haider too!! His glee as he says ‘all the money’ is so palpable, and you can’t help but rejoice with him.
I really want to know what Mod R’s suggestion was, too. I’m going with twins …
+1 for wanting to know what Mod R’s suggestion was! I was thinking about it too, and I thought maybe it was switching the enemies all the time, but your suggestion is so much more likely.
Mod R, please tell us!
Also, yes, I LOVE Haider. And all his gleefullness. And the table talk in the end … 😀
Thanks for the tip on Ruby Fever. Just pre-ordered copies for me and my sisters. No being patient and waiting. Must have our own copies.
Thanks! Pre-ordered!
Happy book birthday!! Can’t wait to read it! 🙂
Is the Edge’s ‘flash’ related to the ‘ribbon’ of the secaro?
Nope ????. One is an mouldable energy field based on nanobots and a genetic component developed for a space war. The other is magic current that envelops an already existing blade.
I see you guys ????, stop trying to make the multiverse happen hehe.
But…but…my MULTIVERSE!!! And as Dirk Gently says, “everything is connected”
Sophie, Richard & Cerise vs. Ramona & Matias….
Would their flash enhanced swords cut the seco blade…
Maybe Innkeeper Fight Club – in that Attic or Basement that Sean’s got Gertrude Hunt to make for him! (Dina has tea parties after all!)
On a serious note – Question for the Book Party – is the little cafe on the Bronze Terrace with the Passion Cones the one which Meli used to rent an oven from? And if so (or if not) where does this place this book relative to Silent Blade & Silver Shark – is it in the 10+ year gap between the two books, or some time after Silver Shark?
I guess that’s two questions for your list Mod R – sorry!
Oohhhhh, secret baby. Secret ALIEN baby. Sweet.
Thanks for a great read yet again! I also stayed up until the early hours. I thoroughly enjoyed the book.
Happy Book Birthhday and Happy Thanksgiving! So excited to have a new House Andrews Book ????.
Happy Book Birthday to the book I unconscionably forgot about in the “what next” thread :). Downloaded and waiting for me to log off work. Yay!!!
Fated blades is out!
It’s The great British bake off final!
Talk about diary clash! Even though I’m #teamjurginator
Oh well, looks like I’ll be telling people at work tomorrow I’m tired as my neighbour’s alarm went off all night … *ahem*
Blogged it in my review post of the day (I haven’t read it yet, so it’s a different book being reviewed, but we’re all fans of yours so everyone will be thrilled to know it is out). Congrats! Looking forward to reading it!!
What about the secret twin, or even better, secret triplets?
OOOOOOOh, what if Roman was a twin or a triplet?
Or the switched sister plot saving her beloved sister from a horrible marriage?
Or for gender equality the switched brother?
I have always had black coffee straight up…have not killed anyone…yet. ????
Secret baby kinda sound like a fun plot you should do it!
I just finished reading Fated Blades. Delightful… Please do not make us wait another 10 years for the next kinsmen story…. Pleeease….
Currently reading, I’m loving it so much ????
I loved all kinsmen’s book, so I’m overjoyed you wrote another one
Yeah, so happy. Glad it made you guys happy too. Can’t wait for the release party. I will be drinking wine! ????❤️
Happy Book Birthday! Read it waaay to late last night (technically this morning). 🙂
Wonderful read! Thank you!
Loved it!
Started the book around 1:30 am, finished around 4 am. You owe me three hours of sleep! ????????
Going to start a slow re-read this evening… now that I know the story, I can enjoy the details.
Loved it! Thank you for another great read! ????
Congratulations. Thank you, Ilona Andrews for the post.
Enjoy the party. Have fun. Celebrate your success.
Well, I understand Gordon. Ask me a question —get an honest perhaps undiplomatic to others answer. It is what it is. If you don’t want to know then don’t ask. Shrug.
Yes, my family has stopped asking me “what should I wear to X, y, z? Apparently “clothes” is not an appropriate answer. ????
I always said “something to cover you up so you don’t get arrested”. My family was not amused by that.
I did quick re-reads of Silent Blade and Silver Shark over Sunday/Monday, and just as I finished with Silver Shark, up pops Fated Blades, delivered to my Kindle (West Coast time, yay). Got started but exercised great self discipline and put it down to go to bed at a reasonable hour … work-in-office day, and have to get up an hour earlier than work-at-home days. Looking forward to my lunch time so that I can dive back in!
I just finished reading it a few minutes ago, I read it during work. I enjoyed it. I must reread the others now as it’s been a long time since I read the kinsmen series.
Huzzah! ????Thank you! ????
book, book, book, book!!!!! We needs it. The Precious.
Gosh the book is great! I hope you continue to have fun writing and that you laugh all the way to the bank!
Happy Thanksgiving ???? everyone!
Congratulations! I’m already reading it! ❤️
Oh! This was so fun! I was supposed to save part, but I accidentally finished it!
More romance tropes with a twist please! ????
Mod R Two for the question list please.
Will we get more of the backstory between Gerard and Helen and when she bought the house?
He complains enough about the downsides of being the Black Volhv, what parts of it does Roman like?
Happy book birthday!!
And now that you’ve mentioned a “secret baby” trope, of course I want to read a Kinsmen take on that trope. (Not my fave trope, but if House Andrews writes it, it’s probably going to be amazing.)
Hmm what other tropes are there…
Best friend’s brother/sister? May-December? Beauty and the beast? Friends to lovers?
Any future Kinsmen gold to found there? ????
Lets see…
Secret baby – accidental lovers, farewell with benefits, seduction of best friend’s sibling, farewell and presumably “lost at sea/space”, opposite sides attract.
I’ve always loved mistaken identity tropes, though we’ve sort of already had one of those. But there are so many of them! Sibling substitutions, Secretary/random underling substitutions, You think I’m someone else, but I’m really the expert you’re looking for. I’m not the noble/rich person you’re looking for. I am the noble/rich person you’re looking for but I want to be loved for myself.
Then there are what I call the nerd variations, “I’m brilliant and shy, and can’t talk to normal people because they scare me” , The “I haven’t met anyone who can match my brilliance, but you shall confound me.” “I’m nerdy, but hot, see me for my mind”.
My family is evil variations. “My family is mean and hates me, recognize my amazingness”. “My sibling is evil and conniving and out to ruin me, rescue me and help me overthrow them.” ” I am beset with evil step relatives, help me escape and reveal my natural awesomeness.”
Lol, I shall step away from my keyboard, I apparently am a treasure trove of tropes in my bid to avoid finishing the weaving project on the loom I need to remove from the dining room before Thursday!
Be sure to read the acknowledgments and see how Mod R contributed to the book. Mod R is a force to be reckoned with, clearly.
It was the most minor thing ????. House Andrews are real magic!
I agree. Mod R take a bow! ????????????????????????????????????
Yes! Mod R you rock too! ????????
Thanks for the meal! I very much enjoyed it.
I think the obvious next step, rather than “secret baby”, is to bring to life one of the pirate romance novels enjoyed by our favorite beastkin markswoman 😉
+1 million!
Secret PIRATE baby!
Uhhh, yes! Maybe this would be the first Kinsmen of-planet book. After all, we would need space pirates then.
Yes, yes, yes
I read my new book (YAY!) last night, then had to read some older P. Briggs to calm down enough to go to sleep.
Another hit, my dears!
Lovely, *lovely*, book. I will start the reread as soon as I finish the book I started last night.
You sure about the spoilers? Feel free to omit the next bit if I was misreading that this was the spoiler thread.
*Thank* you for the toaster! I KNEW it would show up some day. Just too good to ignore forever.
I wish I could remember how far back the original post was…
If you’re wishing for what I think you’re wishing hehe, the og toaster discussion is in the comments on this post https://ilona-andrews.com/2021/how-i-got-scammed-on-kickstarter/ and then got mentioned and attributed here in the snippet from the book 🙂 https://ilona-andrews.com/2021/dialogue-and-drones/
Oh yeah, I remember that post! Well…get scammed, write it in a book. 😀
Also, loved the reference to the Escana and Vindograv families in the book. 😉
Matias’s aunt being referred to as ‘like a silver shark serpent’ :)????
Happy Claire and Venturo memories.
Reading reading reading ????
So excited!! Loved the book. Did my due diligence and posted a review so others will find said amazing book, and am now eagerly awaiting the virtual release party! Woohoo! *happy dance*
Hi just a short note to let you know I started to read Fated Blades at 2:00 this morning and finished at 6:00. I couldn’t put it down. I loved it. But I haven’t read anything that you have written that I didn’t love. You are such great storytellers. You suck the reader into the world and we don’t want to leave. Happy Thanksgiving, and I wish you a joyous Christmas and a Happy New Year. God bless.
I have started reading this but had to sleep for work today, loving it so far. Very hard to put down.
Thank goodness today was my first day of Thanksgiving break! I devoured this book like the best spicy chocolate cake! I can’t tell if it’s my favorite because it’s so awesome or because I just read it and it’s fresh. Regardless, I loved it! It was everything I wanted in a story right now. Thank you so very much!
I was lucky enough to get an advance copy from Mod R’s post and have read it 3 times already. I love the imagery And the fighting scenes are amazing. Just opened my kindle, because I preordered it like most of us did awhile back and started to read it again. Makes me happy and let’s me put off Thanksgiving day cooking a little longer. Happy holidays everyone.
Happy Kindle-linked BDH and authors; sad for those of us who use other media
The audiobook is available in the Apple UK Bookstore if that’s any help?
I am not a Kindle person. But I added the app to my nook tablet, just for this.
I did the same thing. ????
Same. I now own 1 kindle book. But it has such a pretty cover and lovely malignant toaster.
Is there a link to the app?
The nook tablet runs on Android, so I found it in the Google Play Store. I’m sure it’s in the Apple store as well.
I would love to read about the secret baby! Really, I think I love every book and short storey I ever read from you, since I first stumbled over the Yellowstone storey.
Thank you for secret blade. I am about so start on it a second time to get all the finer points.
Loved it so much! Bought both the kindle and audiobook since I like to read it first then listen after. I really enjoy the Kinsman universe and I hope you will continue it. Ramonas brother would be interesting.
Listen :D. I’ve had dibs on Karion since April, ask Ilona! Hehe, jk, I love him too!
That would be my question for the release party. Do we get more Karion? I get George vibes from him.
Happy birthday to ME!! This beauty was waiting on my kindle when I woke up this morning and I can’t wait to tear into it. Thanks, IA—you’ve made my day!
Happy Birthday!
This holiday looks so much brighter thanks to this new release. It’s like you somehow knew my MIL is coming for Thanksgiving and threw me a sanity bone. This year I’m thankful for you!
<3 this too shall go back home! You can do it!
The book is already on my kindle. I will have read it by Saturday. So, no spoilers for me!
It was wonderful! Thank you for a wonderful book and happy book birthday!
Amazing job! I loved how they bought each other out on the shares of the company and then left! bomb dropped and walk away…oh and side note where getting married :)! Thank you for all of the hard work you put into it – it shows and makes a huge difference each time. I loved the scene where they drop in on the davernport office building – a little bit of crazy and a lot of style and ended with a heart warming moment too (thanks to the darn spider and her web)! On that note there are so many pieces of this book that come to mind when I think of what I enjoyed I’m not able to write it all but thank you and have a great Thanksgiving!
I’m so happy and so sad. There are …. no more words to read. I finished the story. Sigh. Now what am I going to read? So many other characters to explore. Like all the other worlds you write, I want MORE. But I am doomed because my authors are also writing other works that I also like. Conundrum.
I finished it at 3:10 pm. My work tasks didn’t get accomplished, but it was worth it! It was so, so good. Thank you IA! I am envious of the people who can attend the Q&A party. So lucky!
I love a man who decides what he wants and goes for it. Matias is just swoonworthy. And, of course, Ramona kicks ass and is equally deserving of happiness.
I am interested in Karion now. But I wish I wasn’t… because that just means that there would be even more IA books to anxiously await in addition to Julie, Hugh and Dina books. And according to the wishers on this blog, a Roman book.
I know, I know. Right now, that is just a wish, but I must say, the fans on this blog are talking about it like it is happening FOR SURE. I think the fans are happily delusional. “If I write it in a post enough times, it will come true!” LOL if only…
Ok, so I’ve been up since 3 am and just finished Fated Blades. No spoilers, but YOWZA!! Our gracious House of Andrews has been truly kind to the BDH. Thank you, Thank you!!! (Now off for a nap. LOL)
Loved it. Devoured in 2 hours. Now listening to audio. Fabulous narrator. Love you both so much and your storytelling is a balm to my soul.
Sending you love and light from Oxfordshire x
Loved it so much that I am starting from the beginning again. The perfect thing to relax with after a week looking after our toddler who has covid!
I’m so sorry, Rowan, speedy recovery!
And done! And…you should be complimented because I got your new book and the new Nora Roberts and I read yours first… And big smile and went back to start it again BEFORE the new Nora:)
Good book.
Happy Book Birthday for Fated Blades.
The book was amazing and I love the comments like -‘You hacked them through a malignant toaster?’, which made me laugh throughout the book.
The setting is amazing and I loved seeing the scene which is Luisas beautiful cover in the book.
The Kinsmen are a very special universe, and this book added so much depth to the history.
Very happy to be able to read it again now and so glad you decided to create this gem, it is amazing.
Reading slowly, very slowly…savouring every sentence. Many thanks and hurrah for releasing.
Thank you House Andrews!!! Congrats and many happy returns 😉
I feel like passion cones now. Anyone else? Is there a passion cones recipe? If not, may we request a passion cone recipe?
Passion-adjacent cone recipes? (Hehe, just-friends cones?) My mom had something called a lemon krumkake that was rolled into a cone and optionally stuffed with fruit (usually berries), but it required a special pan and was cooked on the range. Not a crepe, more like a cookie. Now I have to reread Silent Blade to see what further details can be gleaned. Maybe I’ll try to make dispassionate cones.
Yes, I want passion cone recipe too!!!
Short but sweet. It made my day. What I love most about your books is that you always give us a SATISFYING ending. Thank you and may you give us hundreds more. Cheers and congratulations!
YAS to secret baby!
What are some other tropes?
The bodyguard?
The second chance?
Bait and switch?
Okay, I’ll stop. Very excited for you. Happy book day.
Listening to the audio and bought the ebook. Fun! And that narrator has a voice like liquid seduction. Should be another huge hit. You are kind to your starving, greedy horde…
This may have been asked and answered before, sorry if I missed it.
I use a kobo not a kindle. Will fated blades be released in epub format at some point?
FATED BLADES is an Amazon only release, through their publishing house. It will not be available from other retailers. It’s available in ebook, on KU, in audio, and print formats. For more on this, please see here https://ilona-andrews.com/featured-release/
I am sad about this. I buy all House Andrews books. But I won’t be buying this one due to the DRM. I might have considered it if it were out in multiple formats or a non-proprietary format so it could at least be read on the device of my choice without a proprietary app. But what Amazon is doing is just wrong. I hope that future books will be published in a more accessible fashion.
Authors should be paid for their work. Readers should have full control of their devices. The two things should not be mutually exclusive.
Your opinion was seen, and we will take it into consideration. 🙂
“But what Amazon is doing is just wrong. I hope that future books will be published in a more accessible fashion”
If I Recall Correctly, a lot of people prefer Amazon DRM to Apple DRM because there are more work arounds for Amazon DRM that are fair use ( do not require visiting illegal sites )
Our house hold used to buy hardbacks, and CD MP3 audio books, because they lacked effective DRM ( one can be read with Mark I eyeball, the other on any CD player )
Just finished it and I loved it❣
The best kinsmen story yet ????
It is always fun to see which of the early snippets makes it in and which don’t or how they change. I see a MIL’s name changed and the temple scene changed to be with the brother instead of the Davenports. Or maybe it was a second scene that just cut.
Loved the story. Loved the side characters. Gives new meaning to the phrase “dance battle”
I was wondering what happened to “A Good Provider,” too. I guess it makes more sense that they would turn to family rather than the Davenports, but I really liked that scene, especially now that I understand the references to “weird forest rituals,” “forest gods,” and dancing. So funny!
Finished it and it was fun reading! Haven’t had time to listen to it yet, but that’s next. Congrats on another great addition to your bibliography!
Ooooh, secret baby! That sounds like a hoot. Go for it!
Thanks so much! Took the morning off work to read and it was worth it!
Secret baby kinsmen??? LMAO.
Somehow, I think I would still read that from the both of you, now you got me thinking on how to un-cliche the secret baby trop ????
Happy book birthday. I am already looking forward to this. Sadly I have to wait for next audible credit on 10th December. But life is pain anyway – so there is nothing out of normal. 🙂
I promised myself to save the read for my day off (at the spa) but I have no impulse control and now I find myself up at 00:32 just having put the kindle down and exhaling for what feels like the first time in hours.
Like all your works I loved reading about Ramona & Matias ( it shouldn’t be as much of a surprise at this point) and I want to thank you for the stories you write and tell you that you truly captivate me and escaping into the worlds you build is thrilling as well as one of my safe spaces. Thank you.
Thank you. As I finished the book, I had a wonderfully happy satisfied smile on my face, having spent a great time reading your wonderful book. Thank you again.
Happy Book Birthday!! Looking forward to reading it on Thursday. Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours. Happy Thanksgiving to the BDH!
Hi there. I ordered paperback tru Amazon. How long will it take to receive it. Tq
Hey Chimera,
As specified on Amazon, the paperback will be released on the 15th of February.
I hope this helps
I loved the book although Silver shark is still my favourite kinsman story.
This book made me pine for the next Hugh book….pretty please????
I absolutely LOVE the cover, and I have since the first moment I saw it. I usually read my IA books through the library (retired–limited income), but because I love the cover so much I pre-ordered this one. Of course I had to buy the other Kinsmen books so I’d have the set (those covers are pretty good too, but not on the same level as Fated Blades). The book lives up to the cover. <3
Just finished reading Fated Blades. I love it!
Just curious, will the virtual release party be posted on Youtube or some other digital platform afterwards? If so, will the spoiler section be included?
I did not know that it was missing out from my life until you brought it up, but now I really, really, really want that secret baby story!
Happy book birthday!
Amazon release times meant that I got mine a few hours before the official release date. Had it finished before the official release date, too.
Silver Shark remains my favorite of the Kinsman books; but DAMN, Fated Blades is good! I really enjoyed the dancing.
I loved every second of it. I even slowed myself down (not very much) so I could savor it. And now I am off to savor my first re-read.
That was 1000% worth the years of waiting for a new Kinsmen. You guys rock. Congratulations on your success, and I hope you have a wonderful holiday.
I enjoyed the first half of the book, which I read last night/this morning before I had to get some sleep. I also purchased the audio to listen while driving for work. I only listened for 2 minutes because I was outraged at the narrator.
HOW could he mispronounced the author’s name???? Since when is the L silent in Ilona?
Sorry for the rant. I have been enjoying Fated Blades and now that I have that out of my system, I hopefully will be able to concentrate on the rest of the audio book. Congratulations on another great book!
I burst out into “Say my name, say my name” song of Destiny’s Child infamy :D.
I now have that ear worm going through my head
OMG I want to read the Kinsmen “Billionaire’s secret baby with humble waitress/dog walker/hotel staff from drunken fling” book!!!!
Secret baby might work better if the fling was between a woman of means and a humble guy she couldn’t find afterwards so no stigma is attached to her. Though I guess the baby wouldn’t be secret in that case…
So, romantic tropes… How about beauty and the beast or handsome and the hag?
You cannot drop teases like “secret baby” on the BDH without fallout – let the shipping begin! Heh, heh!
I told myself to save this for the long Thanksgiving weekend …. um, nope! Maybe the 3rd reading …
Thank you for the lovely Kinsman story – it was so much fun to read!
Just finished the audiobook. The narrator was excellent.
So Good!!! Loved it. Thank you!!!
Thanks so much. The two of you are a joy to read.
Loved the “…hacked by a toaster!!!?” Need a shirt for christmas.
Thanks again.
Aughhhh! I loved this so much. All the things! But maybe my absolute favorite is that the cover art EXACTLY matches what Ramona and Matias wear for the showdown dance.
I have to wait to buy it because my husband had covid followed by pneumonia and missed 3 weeks of work and his work is drrrragging his short term check. But I can’t wait to get my hands on it!!!
Great story!!
I loved the fight scene at the end. You write awesome action scenes. I always highlight them in my ereader so that I can easily find them when I want a quick jolt. They always make me respond physically in some way…my shoulders tighten up, I hold my breath, I sit forward in my chair…like that. It is rare to have a book hit me that way but your books always do.
Haven’t gotten too far in yet due to work and life and such, but I’m loving it so far. So before I moonwalk out of this thread to avoid spoilers, I have to say, HECK YES DO SECRET BABY! Ha!
Thank you for this timely gift. My wife and I have been waiting for sequels from you. This is just one of the sequels we wanted. No pressure. 🙂 you are appreciated Ilona Andrews. /respects.
I’m barely into Fated Blades, and All I can say is thank you. Thank you.
Happy Book Birthday!!
I enjoyed Fated Blades! I especially liked when Matias and Ramona first meet in the office, the entire interaction with Haider Davenport, the scenes with Cassida’s parents (those crusty buttholes), the final battle scene, and the epilogue with the two families… thank you!
For tropes from romance, enemies to lovers, 2nd chance, or best friends’ sister might work?
Loved it!
I will definitely be rereading it now that I’ve finished the first devouring read.
I loved how you created two powerful, competent people who can lean on each other without feeling like that is a weakness.
And like everyone else already said, yes, please, Secret Baby! That would be hysterical. While you’re thinking of possible romance tropes, don’t forget Amnesia. ????
Happy Book Birthday, and thank you for making my day brighter!
I thought it was “enemies to lovers”!!!!
Happy Book Birthday! I was deliriously happy to see the Audio Book pop into my library today.
Thank you for writing more Kinsman.
This was an amazing story and I loved it. I spent my whole day at work anticipating this and I wasn’t let down at all.
My favorite part was Davenport screaming to the sky about how amazing his was 🙂 had me snickering for a bit there, as many other parts of the book did. The humor is one of my favorite parts House Andrews books and it’s always carried off so well.
Congratulations Gordon and Ilona on an amazing story, and also that spectacular cover art. It really feels like the cherry on top which is something cover art hasn’t done for me in a long time, so thank you Luisa J. Preißler as well.
Wait, there’s coffee that is NOT black and unsweetened? Oh, right! Double espressos!
I have to travel tomorrow, so I am trying to exercise restraint and wait until my insomnia hits at the hotel tomorrow night to start.
This was sooooooooo good! As I am currently “between jobs,” I was able to jump right into it. However, as I’m trying to develop better sleep habits and I knew if I even read the first sentence I wouldn’t stop,I was good and didn’t start until this morning. I read it fast first, because I always do, and I’ve already read it slowly for all the words. You guys never disappoint.
Haidar: such a wonderful scene with the laughing and the howling in such glee.
Malignant toaster: best surprise prop ever.
“I will break you.” I could hear it.
Sigh. So much wonderful.
+1 on Haider and the toaster. I needed those without even knowing it.
We are hours behind the release time (here in Singapore)!
You guys all had the goodies before us…
Well we caught up now..and THANK YOU. So happy!!
Hope I stay awake for the Party on Saturday as it will be 3:00AM Singapore Time. If not, I’m glad to know it will be recorded Yaay!!
Such fun, thank you!
Black and sugarless is the only way coffeee should be drunk.
Everything else is just mucking around :))))
I loved the book so much! I love the Kinsmen universe and it was great to return there. I enjoyed taking a little peek beyond the planet into space.
I would like to use this opportunity to thank you for the great characters you write. I really liked Ramona and Matias but I mean in general. I love reading but it is so rare and difficult to find books with real, likable characters who are not stupid. It happens a lot that I do not like a book because the supposed adults in them act irrationally nearly all the time or just plain stupid to add more drama/conflict to the book so that it can be prolonged. Of course characters in books can and should make mistakes, that’s not what I mean, it should just not be all the time. And they should be able to recognize at least some of their mistakes.
For example I really liked the scene in the safe house where Matias tests Ramona but then realizes what he is doing, that he is acting petty and that it does not help their cause. He made a mistkae because he is a human being and not a roboter but corrects it. It are scenes like this that make your stories so extrodanary and the characters real and liakble. Thank you so much!
And the plot is always plausible. It never happens that I read a book by you and wonder why the characters don’t take the obvious action or have some really bad reason not to do it. I can always understand why they do this or that. That is also a rare thing, so again – thank you so much! It makes your stories so much more enjoyable.
I really liked Ramona and Matias. It was great to have killers with a conscience and solid moral principles. I would have loved to read a full length novel with those two.
And the pacing is excellent as always.
Thank you for writing this great novella, I loved it from start to finish!
Oh and it is really great that you had so much fun riting it. It shows in the book.
Since I am greedy and would love more stories inthe Kinsmen universe, a romance trope that is left would be enemies to lovers.
I know, this was kind of in this one to, but it was not that Ramona and Matias hated it each other personally, they did not know each other, it was a family thing.
I agree with all of this.
First thought… I’m shocked that the author of the initial letter is Henri Davenport. What’s the deal there?
What is the issue here? ????
Maybe the issue is the echo of Honor raconteur series about the shigimani detective and case files of henri davenport – ilona recommended the first book of the series. I found the name an odd coincidence. Sorry about the spelling.
Honour Raconteur series is about Henri DavenFORTH not DavenPORT ????. There is no coincidence there.
Also character names and titles cannot be copyrighted ????, so there wouldn’t be an issue if it had been.
I hope this helps ????
I used to joke that nobody drinks their coffee black except in movies because I didn’t know anyone in real life who did. I always thought it was a made up thing to show how tough you are or something.
But now that my dad is older and he is at risk of diabetes, he takes his coffee black and loves it.
Good coffee is best drunk black. You can taste its flavors without having them interfered with by sweetness or creaminess/dairy.
I tried so hard to read Fated Blades slowly! Didn’t work. So, I will just have to read it again, enjoy your world-building, clever turns of phrase and sly sense of humour and TRY to be patient for the next!
A gorgeous book that arrived in my Kindle at 4.30pm ready to make my evening perfect. Thank you for taking us back to the kinsmen world. And I’m glad you had fun writing it. I know you’re thinking a lot about what to write next but honestly I love them all so I suggest maybe write what will be the most fun for you.
Happy Fated Blades Birthday. Enormous thanks to House Andrews. Finished it in one blink and now I am waiting again 😉 This is my favorite Romeo and Juliette romance retold so far. There was that beautiful thing about First wave temples, is there in the future some nice story about it? OK, I heard your snarling, but I am just curious.
Loved the (audio)book. Did not so much love that it made me stay up till 2 am to finish it 😉
Small rant: Could maybe _someone_ tell the audio narrator that it’s *not* a novella by “I-ona Andrews”? Heck – even the audio sample on amazon has that in the first 5 seconds (and at the very end of the book).
It seems _someone else_ owes House Andrews more chocolate…
A kinsmen secret baby? Oh my god, yes! Yes, please! I would love it. I actually would have a lot of ideas already how that could work out.
And I think there a still a few other themes left … what about the millionaire, or enemy-to-lover (I guess we have this already with Fated Blades), or friends-to-lovers, or the bride that leaves on her wedding day … well, maybe these are not as traditional, but still very common. I would love to see your twist in these storys!
Anyway, enough of this: I had the luck of having a free day yesterday. Of course, I used it to read through Fated Blades – and I really loved it. So much! Thank you 😀
It’s really funny with these Kinsmen Books. When asked about which book I want next from you, I guess I would never say I want Kinsmen the most. But that’s just because it’s not a series, and I’m not *actively* waiting for the next book. But the story is always so sweet and exciting and creative and on point, that I always think: Yes, that’s exactly the book I hoped and waited for!
Hopefully, over the years we will get more of these, even if the BDH isn’t actively crying for it. Especially, if you had so much fun writing it. That shoud be reason enough anyway. Always have fun writing!
So, I guess I’m gonna wait a few weeks and then do a reread of all Kinsmen books 😀
Oh, and one more thing: A perfect cover for this book 😉
Happy Birthday Fated Blades!
read fated blades in one sitting on the day of its realeased!! so much fun!! and the romance.. chef’s kiss!!
and yes please for another kinsmen book with the traditional romance twist like secret baby or fake dating or anything actually, at this point i’ll just devour anything that house andrews write!!
This was just what the doctor ordered. Thank you so much.
### Fated Blades
Another Kinsman story!!! ( Spouse, there is a spoiler thread, should we check our preorder? )
I loved it, especially the Epilogue ( every good HEA has an good Epilogue )
Stayed up way too late devouring it, and suffered through the next day at work ( some days I think rush hour traffic needs better shield generators and less Vandal warship pilots )
### Laughs
So many great laughs
hideous chartreuse gown,
“security or data breaches in the last few weeks? Go ahead. Check. I will wait”,
“Clearly, he’s gone crazy with power,” she told him. Matias didn’t look amused. The word likely wasn’t in his vocabulary. “He’s gone crazy with something.”,
“Second Wave toaster for your collection,” Matias said. What? Ramona turned to him. “You hacked them through a malignant toaster?” “Yes.” She laughed.”,
“after we were married that all of us realized that nobody got what they wanted. Except for the agitators. We did get those.””
### Tropes
Secret baby would be cool
I used to devour my Dad’s Sci Fi collection, and my Mom’s romance collection, some of my favorite tropes
Local small business owner meets childhood friend who left and made it mega rich/ powerful but misses small town life ( hmmm does Silent Blade count as this? )
Only two people who can bond/ operation a Precursor artifact
Ex needs to officially divorce ( or is that Twister with Bill Paxton )
Unknown Precursor site that transports researchers on a possibility one way trip ( Heechee by Poul Anderson in Dad’s collection Skeen’s Leap by Jo Clayton in mine )
Fake engagement/ fake marriage/ to rescue a blue stocking / a rake / falsely “ruined” woman / a falsely disinherited man
Scholar/ Engineer/ Garage inventor makes a world breaking discovery and changes the universe ( tied into field generators from Fated Blades? )
More modern ones
Adult oriented business owner meets childhood friend that disapproves / misunderstands / is here to shut down the business and must be made to see why the business is needed by the community/ more wholesome than critics portray it / actually is correct and owner should sell / shutdown
Protector of a secret species/ secret planet/ secret society that the universe cannot know about while the other proves they can be trusted with the secret/ keeping it a secret is outdated/ third party about to expose the secret
Character considers marriage an outdated social more and other has to show them why modern marriage is not a prison sentence
A Batman gambit ( see TV tropes ) or a deconstruction of a Batman gambit ( Alan Dean Foster, or his publisher, liked this trope )
### Finished Tropes
You already did many of the “grew up in same town”, “hunted by the family/ misunderstood ancestors / profession/ secret society that the other romantic partner belongs to”, “one rare individual pretending to be a less rare/ less scary profession / family / secret society ”
I swear I meant to savour the story at least until weekend, but when it landed in my kindle today, I couldn’t resist. I just finished it and I am smiling wildly, full of the giddy, happy feeling that one of your books brought me again.
Thank you, House Andrews. Past weeks have been very trying for me and I mostly survived them thanks to rereading all Hidden Legacy, Kate Daniels and Kinsmen series.
(I will probably reread Innkeeper next. And maybe the first Edge, I remember it was very fairytale-ish, exactly as I like it. For some reason, I struggle with the rest of the Edge series)
Regarding popular romance tropes that you could include in potential future Kinsmen instalments: how does fake dating (fake engagement/fake marriage) sound to you? It’s one of my favorite tropes :).
Can’t wait for Saturday’s Q&A! I don’t have any burning non-spoilery questions, but I am looking forward to watch it!
Thank you for the Kelly-particle agitator.
It’s difficult to slowly inhale one of your books, but SAVOR is an experience that is best when edged.
I decided to re-read Silent Blade and Silver Shark first, and it turns out I hadn’t read Silver Shark at all.
I just read the scene where you mention that learning styles had long been debunked for most people. THANK YOU. I work in higher ed faculty development and this is such a persistent myth. It’s awesome that you helped debunk it. Your stories are usually very pragmatic and grounded but I still wouldn’t have expected you to know something so specific and outside of your field – not sure of the exact statistic but something like 90% of teachers worldwide believe in learning styles. Well done.
And the great thing is that it was said 10 years ago! House A are always ahead of their time ????
True, that makes it even more impressive – ten years ago I didn’t know either because I was just starting university ????
Is the ePub going to be available on iBooks?
FATED BLADES is an Amazon only release, through their publishing house. It will not be available from other retailers. It’s available in ebook, on KU, in audio, and print formats. For more on this, please see here https://ilona-andrews.com/featured-release/
Thank you House Andrews and Mod R! Had a meet where the client was an hour late because of bad traffic. Fated blades saved my sanity and made an awful day bearable. Great stuff. You guys rock!
Of all the Kinsman this is my favorite. Loved it much! Finished yesterday afternoon because I kept putting off the end.
Got it, love it, thank you!
So I wanted my name in an Ilona Andrews book but not like this lol. Very good read!
Heh. I tell you what, we will make sure that there is a non-villain Whitney in the next book. 🙂
Ahh! Love it!!!
I loved it so much. I love how pretty the setting is and how interesting it is to learn about the history of the planet. I love that the characters care about human life & that they earned their happy ending. Love the creativity of the dance and how they killed the villains by listening together and working together. Ugh. SO GOOD! Love you guys!
As usual this novella is very good. It did not rip into my heart or make me cry like Silent Blade or Silver Shark did, but it had a good amount of laughs which are absent from too many books on the market right now. A sense of humor is needed in 2021. Thank you for providing that. I pray you never lose that aspect. Without humor amid illness and chaos mortality would be crushing agony. A+
QUESTION — if until 3 years ago, the technology of the seco had been lost to the Secare, where exactly do the nanobot ribbons that are implanted in the potential secare babies come from? The novella says the seco weapon is a “marvel of bioengineering,” so are the ribbons created, grown, harvested?
I hope I explained that in a clear and succinct manner. ????????♀️
The ribbons are self-replicating. If you split them in half, they will regenerate. That’s why in the final fight – avoiding spoilers – the bad guy wants body parts.
Loved Fated Blades! Meant to savour it slowly like a good piece of chocolate – ended up binge-reading instead, of course.
One day I will manage it with a new release by House Andrews…
I am so tired, luckily no work today. Thank you so much! Amazing ????????????☺️
I loved Fated Blades! The lush Dahlia world building was lovely, as was the intrigue, dialogue, sci fi tech, characters and other fabulousness, as usual 🙂
You’ve got some other good tropes to explore, though. My favorite is enemies-to-lovers. Or maybe my favorite is forced proximity. Then there is the forbidden baby sister of his best friend, or long time friends or acquaintances who suddenly are forced to see something new in each other. Yay Kinsmen takes on tropes!
Thank you for the reminder that Fated Blades is out! Strange that I need that reminder…is what you may be thinking. Being a Nook reader, with a Kindle app, I don’t get reminders. Darn and Blast! But I do have fabulous authors to remind me. Off to read Fated Blades! ????
Thanks for delivering the new book baby! Got it yesterday and finished it right away, one of very few books I’ve wanted enough to buy on Kindle. I have most of the IA books, but had forgotten all about the Kinsmen world and re-read the previous books in anticipation. The cover art really is perfect for the story! Can definitely see potential books about other characters, but no hurry. Still wanting more Hidden Legacy…and Aurelia Ryder…and Innkeeper…and Iron Covenant….
I’m a sucker for secret baby!
I think if yall did secret baby I would get so excited my head would explode.
Or omg if you wrote Haider and his husband’s story. ????????????????????
Mod R,
Is Hauser’s dad still alive at the end of Fated Blades?
Could Matias’s sister’s children have the genetics to become secare?
Does Ramona’s father believe his parenting was good after the end of Fated Blades?
Sigh. Haider, not Hauser. One point for Autocorrupt.
Mod R,
Does A Mere Formality occur about the same time as the other Kinsmen tales, please?
Hanging for a secret baby story
Loved it. I’m a vengeful creature, though, and wish the father in law got popped in the face, too. Did he abd the wife make a clean escape or were they detained once the news stories came out?
Tropes: secret baby is not my favorite but if HA is doing it with a twist, I’ll bite.
Okay, I scrolled all the comments and didn’t see this question so maybe I just read it way too fast. I was a bit confused in the end fight. Now I must go back and reread it slowly because I didn’t figure out the twin comment.
Varden and the secare hunter were twins 🙂
Okay fantastic. That was a crazy quick response, Mod R! Loved the entire book from the moment I picked it up.
BDH I do believe that final fight scene in the plaza is the best of all the books ever … Who is with me on this?
Question for Saturday. At the end in the epilogue are they already married? Matias says he knew he and his wife were perfectly happy as the last line.
Thank you for this break. I took a day and a half (including part of my work grave shift at the local hospital) immersing myself in the Kinsmen world. I reread all of the previous and then Fated Blades instead of sleeping. (It might be unpopular, but Silent Blade is still my favorite). Enjoy you holiday. All the love.
So that’s where the “Secret baby” stuff mentioned in the other thread came from. I had wondered…a really good idea ????
Bought Fated Blades Tues. & finished it the same day. I just Loved it & put a comment on Amazon.
I was drinking tea (Darjeeling) while reading it & almost spit it out when I got to the Malignant Toaster OMG.
I won’t be a spoiler, but the resolution to the book was Brilliant.
Hope you are able to do more Kinsmen books.
Wishing you & yours a happy & blessed Thanksgiving.
Any chance the ebook version will be available on kobo?
Hey Ariana,
FATED BLADES is an Amazon only release, through their publishing house 🙂 . It will not be available from other retailers. It’s available in ebook, on KU, in audio, and eventually print formats. For more on this, please see here https://ilona-andrews.com/featured-release/
Goddamn it I now WANT/NEED a secret baby Kinsmen novel….
I am thinking. Bruno mars. marry you Song in my head with Mathias and Ramona. Dancing Juice. Chapel Beautiful night. The look in your eyes.
Question. Did the Vandals upload the stolen seco data? They had the tablet. Even if the ship was destroyed if the data was uploaded an off-site server there could still be repercussions from the data breach. I would think the Vandals would have made copies or uploaded the data ASAP once they got the tablet with the stolen data.
Question: Now that the synchronization has been proven to be real. Well the secure start have holding dance / training camps to see who can sync up?
Question: are the Davenports and the two secare families now in some alliance?
I made myself hold off on reading Fated Blades because I was in the middle of another book. Soooo hard… must resist…
Then I totally devoured the book and loved it! Bwaa Ha Ha – the toaster! ????
Thank you IA for another awesome read and so glad that you had fun writing it!
Ahh thank you it was Beautiful! I guess this was sort of enemies to lovers too.. and there was almost an “only one bed” moment!