I know that the previous post was Chapter 2 Part 1 but it actually should be Chapter 1 part 3.

Chapter 2 Part 1
Druidism was a strange religion, Hugh reflected.
He stood on the edge of the hollow, his arms crossed. Around him the woods were waking up. Golden sunshine spilled from the early morning sky, setting the fall leaves aglow. Squirrels dashed through the branches, chittering at each other. A small herd of deer peeked through the gaps between the tree trunks.
On the other side of the hollow, Aidan Zhào, Dugas’s chief apprentice, studied the twine wrapped around the oak. He rubbed the twine between his fingers, smelled it, and rubbed it again. In the hollow, Fiona, another of the senior apprentices, lay down flat in her white robe, looking at the bones from the side, her face in the dirt. A third apprentice, whose name he couldn’t remember, crouched by some bushes.
Lamar came striding through the trees, carrying a thermos. The tall, lean centurion took in the scene, shook his head, and passed the thermos to Hugh. Hugh screwed the cap open and took a gulp. Coffee. Good, real coffee. Just what the doctor ordered. He saluted Lamar with the thermos.
Lamar nodded at the druid by the bushes. “What is he doing?”
“A rabbit showed up about ten minutes ago,” Hugh said. “They’ve been staring at each other ever since.”
Lamar blinked and pushed his glasses up the bridge of his nose. “Do you think he’s talking to the rabbit? Are they communing?”
Hugh just looked at him.
Aidan pulled the twine back from the tree trunk and released it like a rubber band. The twine sagged. Aidan tilted his head to the left, studying it.
Bale marched up. Five foot nine, with dark red hair and skin that burned from prolonged exposure to table lamps, Bale was built like a tank. Lamar, despite having four or five inches of height on Bale, was at least fifty pounds lighter. Standing side by side, they made an odd pair – one looked like he could scale a mountain without a rope and the other like he would punch his way through it.
The druids turned as one and waved at Bale.
He smiled and waved back. “I told you these guys were good.”
“Define ‘good’,” Lamar said.
Bale pointed to the druids. “Clearly they know their business.”
Aidan hugged the oak, thought for a moment, then turned around and splayed himself against the tree in a kind of backward hug.
“Yes, if that oak had arms, it would be hugging him back,” Lamar observed.
“These are my culture’s sacred traditions,” Bale growled. “Show some respect.”
Hugh raised his hand. The two centurions shut up.
Bale and Lamar never saw eye to eye. Lamar was a strategist who thought a lot and said little, while Bale blurted out whatever came into his head as soon as it occurred to him. Left unchecked, they would bicker, and Hugh didn’t have time for that.
He’d taken Elara and Savannah, their head witch, to the site in the middle of the night. Neither his wife, nor Savannah, had any idea what the bones were. After some discussion, the three of them agreed that at first light, they needed to get the Dugas’ druids on site. He had gotten zero sleep.
The druid by the bushes went down on all fours, lowered his head, and swiveled it side to side. A large rabbit popped out of the bush, rubbed its head on the druid’s head, and scampered off.
“Bale, I swear by all that is holy, if they start singing to the woodlands creatures, I’m out,” Lamar said.
“If you don’t want to be here, just go.” Bale shrugged his massive shoulders. “Otherwise, be quiet. You might learn something.”
The druids came together, spoke in hushed tones, and then approached, Aidan in the lead.
Hugh braced himself. “Yes?”
“It is druidic,” Aidan said. “It wasn’t done by any of us.”
“How do you know this?” Hugh asked.
“It is druidic because druidic implements were used in creating this site,” Aidan said. “It is not any of us, because they used stinging nettle twine. I am allergic to it.”
He held up his hand, showing reddish fingers and welts on his palms.
“We use dogbane twine,” Fiona said. “Stinging nettle is an invader, while dogbane is native to the continent.”
“So does this mean it’s a European druid?” Hugh asked.
“It could be,” Aidan said. “We tend to use what’s natural and familiar to us.”
“However,” Fiona said. “Some people are traditionalists. They import their supplies.”
“If someone bought stinging nettle twine, we would know,” Aidan said. “All of our supplies are locally harvested and communal. Unless someone is hiding covertly purchased twine under their bed, it wasn’t one of us.”
“So the culprit could or could not be a European druid and they are probably but not certainly not one of you?”
“Yes,” Fiona confirmed.
“It’s bad,” the rabbit druid said.
Hugh looked at him.
“It goes against Dugas’ teachings,” the rabbit druid elaborated. “We’re meant to be one with nature, not to tame or conquer it. This magic is imposing human will onto nature. Changing it, twisting it. The rabbits do not approve.”
Bale nodded sagely.
“Did the rabbit see who might have done it?” Lamar asked.
The rabbit druid looked like him as if Lamar was a toddler asking to drive a car. “We all look the same to them. They are only rabbits, after all.”
Hugh rubbed his face.
“Could you come with me?” Aidan asked.
Hugh followed him to the oak.
Aidan pointed to a shallow scratch on the bark. “We know that the twine was wrapped around the tree right here, about thirty-two inches off the ground.”
The senior apprentice nodded, and the two other druids wrapped the twine around the trunk matching the scratches on the bark and held the edges of the twine together. Aidan hooked the twine with his fingers and pulled it from the tree.
“As you can see, it is wrapped exactly twice around the trunk. But we have all this slack.”
And there it was, the worst-case scenario.
“Is the twine lubed with fat?” Hugh asked.
“It is. I’m so sorry,” Aidan confirmed.
“Fuck,” Bale said.
“Exactly,” Aidan said.
“Was something bound to the trunk?” Lamar asked.
“Show him,” Hugh told them.
Fionna sat by the roots of the tree, her back against the trunk. Aidan wrapped the twine around her neck and wound it back around the tree. The cut ends matched perfectly.
“Human sacrifice.” Lamar hissed the words.
“We must confer with our master,” Fionna said. “This is not permitted in our domain.”
Sacrificing a human was done primarily for two reasons: as a tribute or a trade. The first was done as an offering to the gods; the second, to acquire a massive boost in power, usually for a specific purpose. And they had no idea what that purpose was.
An Iron Dog came running through the woods.
“Yes?” Hugh asked.
“A messenger from Aberdine, Preceptor. They are waiting for you.”
When it rained, it poured.
Hugh looked at the druids. “Tag it, bag it, and undo as much of this as you can. Bring it all to Bailey and quarantine it.”
The druids nodded in unison. He turned around and headed back toward the castle to put out whatever new fire was waiting for him there.
It was going to be a long day.
certified 😀
Yay! Thank you so much. I just finished rereading the first book this morning. 😀
Wow! TYVM! Amazing as always. Cool to see that Bane is friends with the druids and how the Iron dogs are integrating with Elara’s people. I cannot wait to see where this story takes us.
whoops! meant Bale, not Bane. 🤣
I love Bale so much, he’s hilarious
Thank you, druids & all!
Thank you, Tuna for allowing us this tidbit.
Poor Hugh – it never ends.
What a great surprise, thank you!
+1 on both counts!
Thanks HA, it’s great!
the plot thickens…
also, nice to see Bale and Lamar again!
I’m sooo torn. Part of me wants to keep reading the snippets, but the other part wants to read it all at once when the book comes out.
Argh, The Internal Dilema!!
Well, I for one don’t mind reading these books more than once. I’ve read the Hidden Legacy books at least 6 or 7 times, and each Innkeeper book at least twice (Sweep of the Blade probably more like 7 or 8 times!). And I’ve read Sanctuary 3 times, and Hugh’s first book twice, and all the Kate books and the Wilmington books twice… Plus I read all the snippets. Maybe I’m a fanatic, but… it is sure fun to revisit old friends!
Try the 8 chapter, Alpha Origins.
So dark, but so good!! Took me the first two readings to get all the details in order. Kind of like intense dark chocolate – not for everyone, but for those who are fans, an indulgence!
That’s how I’d describe it, too. Time for a reread, I think!
I’ve read each series multiple times. It’s the deliciousness of reading for the first time all in one go.
You’re a slacker when it comes to the Kate books. I’ve read them 5 or 6 times (I’m re reading them right now in preparation for Hugh 2) We’re about even on Hidden Legacy, but again, I’ve read Innkeeper 5 or 6 times. You beat me on Sanctuary, The Edge books 3 or 4 times, and the Kinsman novellas 5 or 6 times. I’m a big fan of re-reading good books.
For me, it’s an Eternal Dilemma.
Mostly, because it takes FOREVER for me to make up my mind.
This is an absolute internal struggle for me, I want to hoard up this book and race through it all at once. But my willpower is only human. aaaahahhhhhh
“If it were read when ’tis read, then ’twere well
It were read quickly. If the temptation
Could trammel up the consequence, and catch
With my restraint success; that but this book
Might be the be-all and the end-all here,
But here, upon this blog and fleeting snippets,
I’d wait the final book to come.”
The rabbits approve!
my dilemma is wanting more yet being patient and understanding. wanting to give time for creation and keeping myself from begging for more…. but it’s only yo be expected when the work is this good. brava!?!
+1 Our rabbits also approve
Thank you!
Thank you!!!
Gee Lamar, get with the program. You can’t use rabbits as eyewitnesses- humans all look the same.
I love how Bale and the druids are just vibing together. Also the line of sunburning from overexposure to table lamps 😂
That too is an important part of his culture 😀
That is an important part of my culture too! SPF 100 is my friend lol
When I read that line, I laughed and thought, “He is definitely one of my people!” 😂
Same on all counts! 😂
Here’s a random (not really important) question: Hugh tends to go without sleep a lot. We know he’s a hard worker who is highly motivated to get the job done ASAP, but I am also wondering if, with his healing abilities, he just needs less sleep than most people?
Thank you. I missed these guys, especially Bale. He reminds me of Jayne from the Firefly series.
Baletowne, with a statue of Bale on the town square? (Now ik what it’s like to go insane…) Now you’ve done it, I’m going to have to rewatch that Firefly episode, which WILL lead to rewatching the whole series… I’m so jealous of ppl watching it for the first time!
Excellent point!! Another favorite world I revisit often.
“Bale nodded sagely.” just about took me out 😀
Bale has depth 😉
I am glad Tuna decided he had enough attentions and let Hugh have his day
Just an inch or maybe two….but hey, it’s how you use it, amirite?
Woo, Hughday! And a Rabbit Druid! Thanks for making me happy today.
Thank you so much. I thought we might not get a Hugh snippet today because we just had one on Monday. This was extra nice.
and fluffy. Extra fluffy!
the fluffiest!
Hail Hugh day! As soon as I read “stinging nettle twine” I knew it was going to be nasty.
Thanks s for the snippet. It’s rough right now.
Poor Aidan, touching the itchy thing to prove allergy. I did that once at Birka to prove to a spinner that her baby alpaca was itchy no matter how soft and fluffy it was.
Oh, thank you, again. Just love reading what you write.
This had been a stressful day and I sorely needed that laugh. Thank you, House Andrews, for yet another wonderful snippet
thank you for the snippet. can’t wait to find out how things will develop ❤️😊
Oh the plot thickens! It is so fun to see everyone back. Thanks HA!
Thank you Tuna for letting your owners work on Hughday! You are so cute.
Thank you for the snippet!! Hughday is my favorite day.
Thank you for the snippet!
Oh boy, who did the nefarious beings choose as the sacrifice? What is the end goal? Yes, bad actions of course but are they targeting Hugh, Elara, both? Why did they specifically use that location? More questions but no answers..how grand!
Thank you ever so much. Everyone have a good weekend.
Loved the rabbits! Thanks for another snippet I love these!
I am excited for plot but I am also very excited for Hugh and Elara being mushy and adorable together. Thanks for the snippet!
Yay for that lovely psychopath they all wanted to kill being mushy snd adorable!!!
Hmmmmm….. *squints in thought while stroking imaginary beard* I wonder…..
Need more data. Will continue to wait in quiet gratitude for generous snippets.
My day started w my credit cards fraud division asking if I had made a purchase in a country on the other side of the planet at a time when I was dead asleep (spoiler: I did not. Neither did my partner). So this was a welcome pick me up.
thank you!
Thank you. This is a nice treat before the upcoming snow stormy week.
My first thought was Hugh should call Kate, she knows all sorts of freaky stuff. Then I remembered this is pre Magic Triumphs so no help from Kate!
Even though I am clearly Team Dushegub I will exercise patience…
I laughed out loud twice–this snippet was great. I’d love to know which of you thought of a rabbit druid…
Thank you so much! It’s exactly what I needed! 🤩
I’m with Bale on getting sunburned by overexposure to table lamps. 😂😁
I kept thinking “first Roman with his creatures, now Hugh dealing with the rabbits who do not approve with all the druid shenanigans.”
European druids…hmmm…🧐🤔
Thank you! Nice surprise.
Such a nice treat. The writing. Not what they found.
Thanks talking rabbits 🐇 lol
So a rabbit is involved, cold be if it was followed we may find a giant turtle. Maybe we should talk to Roman about his mother.
At first, funny! But then…hmmmm…
If the bunny turns into a cat, then we know. 😁😉
Bad things coming.
Thank you!!!!!
An unexpected treat, always the best! Plus a Rabbit Druid and a Tuna sighting! What a Friday! Thank you!
Yay! None of this sounds good. Bad things stirring. Can’t wait for more!
I see a bad moon araising,I see trouble on the rise.
Now I have John Fogerty’s voice in my head. 😂
Thank you, thank you, thank you❤️❤️❤️
Awesome! I am fighting the urge to reread IM1 right now lol! I have books to read! Some that will be due at the library shortly and that have other people waiting for their turn. It is so good to connect with old friends! Bale and Lamar! I love them all lol! Thanks!
yay thank you 😁 loved it yay to book soon I will order it once it’s available.
Thank you. The book is starting out intriguing.
And the mystery deepens. Oooo I wonder if it has anything to do with the dying herbs? And who besides Nez or the remaining might want them out of the castle and why? I’ve been seriously wondering what happened to Nez when Roland was ejected.
Thank you, thank you! This was unexpected and so very welcome!
Just to clarify, this takes place before Magic Triumphs and Roland being banished to the pocket reality 🙂
Oops I know that, but stuff just pops out hehehe
I believe you have given us a clue. Evdokia, Roman’s mother, or another of witches of the coven, told Kate she would need the White Witch to help in overcoming Roland.
A rabbit has lead Kate down a path that takes her to a giant turtle. To reach the witches you walk through the turtle’s mouth.
This rabbit in Hugh 2 is probably Evdokia’s and trying to get Elera, the White Witch, to meet her so they can talk about her supporting Kate in her forthcoming battle.
The White Witch has already defeated Roland when she got Hugh out of his clutches.
Team facts be damned?
A bit OT, but sort of castle-y and sort of turtle-y: Those interested in architectural eccentricity can check out a Zillow listing on Welling Hall Road in Doswell VA, zip 23047. “Road” in this case being a longish gravel drive, and I suspect the house for sale was the first one on it.
Thank you for Hugh Day! I guess Tuna finally decided to move from her spot on the keyboard lol
Thank you <3
Love love love
Hee hee! Rabbit Druid and Bale for the win!
Thank you! 🤗
What she said
Thank you !! So much promise
A large rabbit popped out of the bush, rubbed its head on the druid’s head, and scampered off.
“Bale, I swear by all that is holy, if they start singing to the woodlands creatures, I’m out,” Lamar said.
I had to stop reading until I could see again, I was laughing so hard. This was desperately needed today. Thank you so much!
So the berserker (Bale) is a druid? Is he Germanic, Celtic, or Viking heritage? So many questions!!
And thank you for this chapter!! 📚
No, Bale is not a Druid himself. He is part of the same culture that gave us Druids, though 🙂 .
I feel like the red hair and skin burns from lamps can give you the general clue there hehe.
I love Hughday! Thanks for the snippet!
I am in awe of your ability to create these stories!
Thank you for the Hugh Day gift!
Truly appreciate these snippets and all blog posts in general!
The depth of research (type of twine) and sheer’s creativity – rabbit druid!?!?! And overall writing style/voice is just so amazing!
Sending peace, health and safety to all and those you love!
Loving it! Thanks for the new tidbit.
My new career: Bunny Druid! 💜🐇
Loving Hughday, whenever it arrives—thank you for the gifts, Ilona and Gordon! Made my whole day!
Wow. Aidan hugging the tree seemed funny then suddenly got dark real fast.
I just wanted to tell you how much I appreciate HughDay.
I know you don’t have any obligation to post or keep us updated. But the country is shit and depressing, and this is so fun and interesting and exciting.
Thank you for sharing with us. It does make me feel better, and I am grateful for it.
“and skin that burned from prolonged exposure to table lamps” I laughed so hard, I feel SO SEEN with this line 😂😂
Primary care physical and mammogram today. Carpooling with husband bc his car got totaled as he pulled into our driveway by a girl that’s always speeding on our road. I’m finally in bed reading. And love the humor mixed in here. “We all the same to them, they are only rabbits after all “.. 😀 thanks for the anippet!!
Hopefully your husband is ok.
Thank you, he is fine. 💗
What a nice glimpse into the next book! Thank you so much!
Happy Hugh day!
(Doing a happy dance💃🏻)
ooohhh mystery thicken love it
An exciting and mysterious snippet AND a rabbit Druid? It’s been a wonderful day, thank you!!!! 😁
Thank you so much! I really needed the Hughday today!!!
Love it!
Thank you 😊
THANK YOU! This novel is excellent and I am more excited with each snippet!
Thanks so much!
Happy Hughday to all! We need a Hughday song of joy. It’s kinda like Easter-u never quite know when it will b, but there will b hidden treats when it arrives. Maybe a Hughday carol? Perhaps one our more musical BDHers can come up with something? Is that allowed?
The BDH is kinda like Hugh, in that it’s best to keep them busy, otherwise the next thing u know they’re trekking to Nav/on a narrow ledge 100 feet up for no good reason…
Loved this!
“The BDH is kinda like Hugh, in that it’s best to keep them busy, otherwise the next thing u know they’re trekking to Nav/on a narrow ledge 100 feet up for no good reason…”
Love Hugh day – this is the best new holiday!
also I’m telling myself don’t just go re read his book and stay up all night because p*tience is required before the sequel comes 🙂
Thank you!!!! Woot woot woot.
The comment about rabbits not being able to tell us apart made me giggle.
Yes, I loved the rabbit bit!
It would be especially fun if the rabbits end up providing helpful information.
Yay for more Hugh!
Thank you!
Thank you! I loved the druids geeking out.
Thank you for the awesomeness! I am always amazed at how within a few paragraphs of your new book I am sucked in & whisked away on the new adventure.
“They are only rabbits, after all.”
I love the insanity that is Hugh’s new life
Thank you Authorlords.
Thank you – you are too kind it is appreciated
Thank you!!! Hugs all around
Thank you thank you. Today was a rough day. Completely failed to stave off the anxiety and catastrophizing and had some bad moments. I really needed the distraction and the laughs. I always appreciate you and all you give us, Ilona and Gordon, but especially today.
Muchas gracias.
Haces mi día con tus regalos ❤️❤️❤️❤️
Oh my gosh, I am soooo hooked. If this were in book form, I’d be reading it in one sitting. Okay, maybe two. That fantastical world popping from the creative heads of HA…delicious!
Thank you! Am loving Hugh chapters and will be very grateful for whatever gets posted on Fridays.
Happy Hughday! I’m so very intrigued by this mystery. Thank you for sharing.
Thank you for the snippet! Now I have to read the previous snippets again, what a blast 😉
Thank you times a million! Y’all make so many folks so happy with these… We’ll take what we can get. Quiz, snippet, whatever you feel like. Heading back to relisten to Hugh+Elara Book One right now 😃
I have waited so long for this! Thank you!
So enjoyable poor Hugh 😂
Love it , thanks, who’d have thought we all look the same to the rabbits 🐰 lol.
Lovely; thank you! I was going to snark about being unable to cope with the mislabel headings (Oh, woe is me, I cannot cope), but by the time I finished I decided I didn’t want to be mixed in with those who likely will seriously whinge over it.
Love it 😊
Horay! Thank you for making me smile after a really horrible week. Love this, funny, interesting, and HUGH !
Thank you 🙏🏼 ❤️
odd question with no pressure, just want to understand timing: will Julie have a cameo in this? or is it too soon?
The books begins 3 weeks after the end of Iron and Magic. It is several months before Magic Triumphs 🙂.
In Magic Triumphs, Julie is aware of what happened to Hugh. We will let House Andrews tell us the story, but it’s likely.
Did I hear the Julie faction of the BDH cheer very loudly? 😁
Thank you for Hugh-day!
Question – I know that the Hugh series started as an April fool’s day prank gone wrong, but if not for that, what was HA’s thought on his original fate? was he supposed to just gonna die off?
“The rabbits do not approve” is the best sentence ever uttered. And I’m a veterinarian, so I’m often concerned with what different critters approve of or not 🤣. House Andrews is loveliness, House Andrews is joy.
Love Hugh’s tale! Thank you, thank you.
Eek! Normally, I can easily resist the effects of snippets on my IA addiction. However, this is teasing them into a frenzy. Must find chocolate to temporarily appease the jonesing!
waited long time for this read 1st book 3 times can’t wait for whole book release
What she said, with all due patience and grace 😉
Must have read Hugh 1 at least five times, but in the rereads I often skip the part before he arrives at Baile – all the while treasuring every word HA graces us with;-)
Or probably what he said… oops?
Soooo good! Thank you!
So wonderful. Thank you for this.
Thank you. Will wait patiently for any snippets you share and finally for the book.
So I was rereading Iron and Magic this morning, and I noticed Elara’s dress on the cover. Is there a name for that floating sleeve she has? It doesn’t appear to be connected to the dress. It’s a beautiful outfit, of course, but I wonder what that type of sleeve is called.
Thank you!
Thank you. Much wonderfulness. AS always, you spoil us with your snippets.
Thank you. It’s been a really rough week and this brightened my morning, talk of human sacrifice notwithstanding!
I just love this book. Thank you, House Andrews.
12 out of 10.
Had such a rough night with the babe I didn’t get to read until this morning. So greatly appreciated!!
Loving this. Thanks so much!
Thanks! Something new I know I’ll like!
So good!! Thank you
Lovely and unexpected surprise – thank you!!!
Thank you for this gift!!!
As much as I adore Hughday, I will have to wait for the book. Cliffhangers and my current state of mind and heart just don’t mix. Back to Kate, Dina, and GA.
I *SO* need to catch up with Kateworld ……
Thank you IA!!
I love the characters, story, and writing as always. Just a note on nettle: it’s true that stinging nettle (Urtica dioica) is not native to North America, but it has been naturalized here for a long time. It certainly grows in Kentucky now. It’s irritating, yes, but it’s also medicinal, delicious when young and as tea, and makes that useful fiber (hence the twine, of course). It’s fine if the local Druids want to make a distinction between native and non-native plants, but the evil Druids could easily be sourcing local nettles. Unless the magic requires foreign plants, I guess. I just didn’t want it to read like nettles are absent from the area.
It’s not just irritating, it’s invasive. It crowds out native plants that like wet feet, e.g. cardinal flower, because it doesn’t have natural controls here. If the evil Druids want to root out every last plant, to that particular extent, they’ll be doing a public service.
Don’t get me started on garlic mustard, which was grown in colonial era vegetable gardens. I’m out in the woods almost every day of my life. In many MidAtlantic parks, you can see more invasive species than natives at this point. The list is so long, and yet people still plant stuff with no consideration of its invasive potential.
That’s why I loved the aside about the Holy Anocracy native gardening philosophy in Sweep Of The Heart.
Given that this is a fictional world, we will just add a stinging nettle beetle that ate all of it in Kentucky. Problem solved. 🙂
Member of Team Julie and Team Metal Rose cheering, as expected.
<3 thank youuuuu~!
thank you
Thank you !
👍👍👍👍👍 it’s a wonderful gift author lords.. I just wish it was already in book form and in my hands..lol.. I know I need to be more p*#$#*t.. but eagerness for such good fare is a compliment to your skill and talent 🤓
Hello House Andrews. I just wanted to say how much I love these snippets you give us. Thank you so much.
Thank you!
Ever since the first book was published I couldn’t help but picture this place in
Looks a little more cheerful than what’s described in the book, but for those who think Kentucky is an odd place for a castle, well . . . .
Oh, and by the way, the city it’s in is pronounced ver-sales locally.
Thank you! Your stories continue to be the best part of the week.
Thanks for this.
Fussy point below, do (or don’t) with it what you will.
The point about stinging nettle being nominative troubled me. I have worked extensively in ecosystem conservation and am a huge plant nerd, and I had never heard this before. Although some online sources do state that Urtica dioica is introduced, the committee on North American taxonomy does not. I didn’t spend a ton of time on this but here is a credible reference: https://www.fs.usda.gov/database/feis/plants/forb/urtdio/all.html
I also didn’t know you could get cordage from dogbane, so that is cool.
Again, feel free to ignore.
Argh! Not nominative. Non-native.
I love the interplay so much. I could just live in these sentences, so lovely.
“The rabbits do not approve.” Love it! Thanks!
Love Hugh!
But I’m officially confused on the names/order.
Jan 24 blog says Chapter 1 Part 2.
Feb 3 blog says Chapter 1 Part 2. (Is that the one referenced as incorrect when first issued? and now it’s updated?)
I was team facts be damned, but obviously not for everything…
The order is easily enough found by article publication date 🙂
Best Valentines Day present ever! So very grateful to the Author Gods Andrews. Thank you so very much! Made my month!
The day you all posted the April Fools Hugh, I was a Book Buyer. Totally fell for it. Spent all day on the phone trying to find out how to buy the book for myself and my company. Forever grateful you brought this story to life along with all the others. Brought my son up on all things Andrews. All our love.
Maybe it’s a future plot point, but I am wondering why Elaria isn’t doing the analysis/assessment she did in Book 1 at the palisade site. Both for this new issue and the deterioration of the herbs. Likely I am over thinking it.
Thanks for this chapter and all the work❤️❤️❤️