We are grateful for everyone here. We wish you peaceful and happy holidays.
Here is a little more of Dina and Sean to keep you company and to say thank you for reading our work and hanging out with us on the blog to offer suggestions of yarn and tea.
I studied our reflection. Innkeeper robes came in a variety of styles, but these simple ones were our daily uniform. We looked like a couple. My parents wore robes just like this, except my father preferred grey and blue.
I never thought I would have this. When I was younger, I had imagined myself as an innkeeper of a successful inn, but in my dreams, there was never anyone standing next to me. My parents were still missing, my sister left to marry a vampire marshal on a faraway planet and took my little niece with her, my brother still wandered the Galaxy, but I had Sean. He loved me and I loved him. We were no longer alone.
The blond innkeeper woman in the mirror smiled back at me. She looked happy.
“I like it,” Sean said.
Three days ago, he refused to wear a robe, but I had made this one myself and now he liked it.
“You don’t have to pretend,” I told him.
“I like it. It’s soft.”
“I tumbled it with rocks for 24 hours. And I tattered the hem.”
Sean hiked up the robe and looked at the worn hem.
Our profession was old. By chance, Earth sat on the crossroads of warp points and dimensional gateways, a convenient waypoint on the way elsewhere. We were the Atlanta airport of the Galaxy. Because of this special location, an ancient pact had been made between humans and the rest of the Galactic civilizations. Earth was designated as neutral ground. Nobody could conquer us. Nobody would ever enslave or devour us. Human race would be allowed to develop naturally, ignorant of any alien intelligence in the great beyond.
In exchange, Earth provided the alien visitors with safe havens, specialized hotels, each manned by an innkeeper like me, existing in magic symbiosis with our inns. Within the inns, we could bend physics and open gateways to worlds hundreds of light years away. Outside of the inns, we were only slightly more powerful than normal people. The innkeepers had only two primary goals: to see to their guests’ every need and to keep their existence secret from the rest of the planet.
Gertrude Hunt, my inn, accepted Sean because it sensed that he loved me. When he spoke to the inn, it obeyed, and it tried to make him comfortable without being asked. Sometime in the last couple of weeks, between fighting off a clan of alien assassins and nursing me back to health after the death of a seedling inn turned me catatonic, Sean had become an innkeeper. He had been an innkeeper for a few days, I had been an innkeeper for a couple of years, and in that short time we both had skirted dangerously close to crossing the primary laws that governed the inns. Now the innkeeper Assembly, a gathering of prominent innkeepers, decided they wanted a closer look at me and Sean. Refusing the invitation wasn’t an option.
“In the eyes of the Assembly, I’ve only been an innkeeper for blink and you even less,” I said. “I don’t want to show up there in brand new robes.”
Sean reached over and caught me in a hug. “It will be fine,” he murmured into my ear.
For a long moment I just stood wrapped in him.
“What’s the worst that can happen?” he asked.
“They’ll downgrade Gertrude Hunt to half a star, and nobody will ever stay with us again. Without the magic of the guests, the inn will wither.”
“We still have Caldenia,” he said.
That was true. Once a galactic tyrant, her Grace had chosen Gertrude Hunt as her permanent residence. She paid a hefty sum for it, but it didn’t come anywhere near the size of the various bounties on her head.
“And Orro.”
“Orro is staff, not a guest.”
“And your sister and the thick-headed vampire.”
That was true, too. Maud and Arland loved each other. No matter what happened I was sure they would end up together, and House Krahr, Arland’s clan, would always stay at Gertrude Hunt.
“And the Otrokars.” Sean kissed me. “And the Merchants.”
I kissed him back.
Something banged below in the kitchen, followed by a deep roar. “Fire!”
Gertrude Hunt must’ve been concerned enough to channel the sound to us.
Sean groaned. “He has to stop doing that.”
“I’ll go check on him.”
I sank through the floor, slipping through his arms, and landed in the kitchen. Sliding through walls required practice. Sean would take it as a challenge.
The delicious aroma of broth and cooking meat enveloped me. At the stove, Orro poked something in a large pot with an even larger fork. Seven feet tall and bristling with two-foot long brown spikes, the Quilonian chef looked like a monstrous hedgehog. He spun toward me and bared a mouth of nightmarish fangs. “Water for tea is boiled!”
“Thank you.”
I tossed tea leaves into a small glass teapot, poured the near boiling water from the electric kettle into it, and watched it turn golden brown. Orro found our TV fascinating. His latest discovery was the Food Channel and Garry Keys’ Fire and Lightning cooking show. Garry specialized in Latin American cuisine and when things went his way while cooking, he’d shout “Fire and Lightning!”
Orro had shortened it to “Fire!” which he yelled at surprising moments, giving Gertrude Hunt kittens.
I poured my tea into a cup and sipped it. Mmmm…. Five days ago, the siege of the inn had finally ended, and we celebrated Christmas, a full week late, on New Year. Two days from now, on January 7th, we would celebrate Treaty Day, the oldest of the innkeeper holidays. You could skip Christmas and forget Thanksgiving, but no inn ever failed to celebrate Treaty Day. Hopefully we’d still have the inn to celebrate in. If everything went according to plan, tonight we’d leave for Casa Feliz, a large inn in Dallas where we would attend an Assembly meeting and answer uncomfortable questions…
Tony walked into the kitchen. Tall, tan, and dark haired, Tony Rodriguez gave an impression of being harmless. Sometimes he looked sleepy and slightly befuddled, although the prospect of tasting Orro’s culinary masterpieces cut right through that and reduced Tony to excited giddiness. Sometimes, especially around his father, Brian Rodriquez, who ran Casa Feliz, he wore the “Grant me patience” expression instantly recognizable by any adult child who had to endure lectures on the wrongness of their life choices.
Some of it had to be a front, because Tony was an ad-hal, Assembly’s guardian and enforcer of its judgement. But most of it was genuine Tony. And right now, Tony looked like he wanted to be anywhere but here.
My stomach dropped. “What happened?”
“I have good news and bad news.”
“Give me the good news.”
Sean walked into the kitchen.
Tony perched on the edge of the dining room table. “The good news is that we don’t have to go to my father’s inn, because your appointment with the Assembly has been postponed.”
Orro spun around. “I do not like this Assembly. It jerks the small human to and fro.”
I blinked.
He stabbed the air with his giant fork for emphasis. “Can they not see that she is exhausted? Do they not know what she has been through? Come to the meeting, do not come to the meeting, is there no decorum?”
“I’m not in charge of the Assembly’s decisions,” Tony said.
“What’s the bad news?” Sean asked.
“You have a special request.”
Now? “Treaty Stay?”
Tony nodded.
No innkeeper could turn away a guest during Treaty Stay unless that guest had been banned from the inns. The Treaty Stay didn’t start for another forty-eight hours, but the Assembly had cancelled our meeting, which meant they thought I would require these forty-eight hours to prepare… Oh no.
Oh dear ????
Thank YOU So Much for this and for thinking of us! Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family! (Including your critter(s) family). This was so much fun to find this morning! ????????????
Wonderful snippet! Ain’t wait to read the book. 🙂 Happy Thanksgiving!
Thank you for a wonderful snippet. A Safe and Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family!
Amazing! I am excited to see what happens next.
Thank you! Have a wonderful feast-day!
I ditto the thanks. You guys always manage to make even small (well, smallish) snippets grab me by the throat and make me greedy for more. Have a great Turkey Day to one and all!
Interesting-a direction I hadn’t expected. Happy Thanksgiving!
What a lovely treat! Thank you and hope that you and family are healthy and happy on this Thanksgiving Day!
Thank you much!! I look forward to the time we get to meet this mysterious guest.
In the mean time from the UK have a very happy holiday with the family and enjoy the ensuing food coma.
hope your Thanksgiving is fun and easy and OMG thank you for the snippet!
Uo oh ! Fun things ahead ! The treaty day sounds like a festivity we have in Spain in January when the three wise man bring you gifts ! ????
I do love this series; thank you Come to think of it, I love them all 🙂 Holiday Greetings to you all. Thanksgiving is one that hasn’t made it here, yet!
Oh my word. Maybe they’ve found their Inn niche. Thank you for this snippet!
Wishing your family the best!
Happy Thanksgiving! So happy to have another Innkeeper snippet. And such an interesting start for the story.
Good God, a delicious cliffhanger! Thank you so much for the snippet and Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours!!!
Happy Thanksgiving to your tribe! 😀 My turkey is in the oven and soon the house will smell like T-Day. Yum!
Thank you very, very much for this snippet. I’ve been re-reading the Innkeeper series and this is perfect timing. “fingers crossed” there will be more forthcoming.
Thank you so much for the lovely snippet! Happy Thanksgiving.
Happy Thanksgiving to you and the family. Also, thank you for the early Christmas gifts. These Dina and Sean snippets are wonderful. I hope the rest of the holidays are calm and you can enjoy being with family .
Thank you. I hope you both, and your family have a good thanksgiving
Thank you! May your Thanksgiving feast be as good as any Orro would cook.
Happy Thanksgiving giving to you and your family. This is such a wonderful surprise.
AAAAAHHH! What a cliff hanger!
Happy Thanksgiving and thanks for the gift!!!
Omg. Thank you thank you thank you!!!! I am so grateful to be able to read your work and find a new world to explore.
But whyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyyy? Cliffhanger.
Happy thanksgiving ????????????
I just finished my prep for Thanksgiving lunch, sat down and found this! Love it and Happy Thanksgiving!
Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours!
And, thank you for this wonderful snippet.
May your day be filled with love and happiness!
Ahhhhhh!!!! Thank you!!! Sooo good! Im so happy????I love Dina and Sean. Oh and Happy Thanksgiving! Im Canadian so I always forget.
Happy thanksgiving! Thank you for the snippet too!
Thank you so much for the Thanksgiving day present! Warm wishes to y’all!
Thank you for all the fun over all these years! Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours!
A very Happy Thanksgiving to your entire family from ours.
I (we) are so very thankful for the artistry you both possess that enables you to write stories that enthrall us, entertain us and give us, your fans, happiness and joy all year round.
And, as always, thanks also for the snippet! I love these and they keep me hangin’ in until the next installment of which ever series comes next. (and I read them all as do all your fans)
Made a special day more special! Thank you for the gift…I love Orro!!
Thank you for the snippet. Happy Thanksgiving to you both and Kids 1 and 2!
Thank you!
Wonderful snippet! Thank you! Happy Thanksgiving to the entire clan!
oh no?……oh YES! Thank you.
Things that I am thankful for.
My sister accidentally booking an 8 p.m. flight to visit grandkids.
My nephew deciding that since he’s not leaving until this evening, he wants to meet me for lunch.
That our favorite restaurant will have holiday hours.
That favored authors chose to post a snippet.
Stuffing. For breakfast.
May everyone have a safe and joyous holiday.
Oh, very nice. Characters just don’t have a story without trouble, and this sounds like very good trouble.
Thank you!
A day for thanks indeed. Thank you! Have a lovely Thanksgiving 🙂
I am so thankful for Ilona Andrews and both the wonderful people behind it! Hope you have a lovely celebration and great food
That’s so rude… in a very good way, of course. Thanks for sharing and Happy Thanksgiving!
Thank you!
Happy Thanksgiving! Thank you for this nice treat before I start cooking! I was sitting here with my coffee trying not to stress to much about the timing of everything when I took a peak at your blog. What a happy surprise
I wish you both a very Happy Thanksgiving, celebrating with your family and friends!
Thank you for this Thanksgiving gift!
Awesome snippet, thanks!
Happy thanksgiving, everyone!
Yay! Thanks for the snippet and have a great Thanksgiving!
Happy Thanksgiving!!!! ???????? Thank you for the snippet ????
Happy Thanksgiving from a Northern neighbour! Thank you for the teaser from the new book – it sounds like Sean and Dina will NOT be having a peaceful and happy holiday though!
This is a pinnacle of a cliffhanger!!!
And we’re very thankful for it and all of House Andrews…
Happy Thanksgiving to y’all!! Thank you for the snippet, you guys are the bestestestest!! xoxo
Oh. Thank you!
Thanksgiving blessings to you and your family, House Andrews. Be sure to eat too much. ????
Yay! New Innkeeper coming!
Yay! Thank you for the lovely snippet. It makes a good day even better. 🙂 Happy Thanksgiving!
Happy Thanksgiving! Thank you for the wonderful snippet, I have missed reading Innkeeper!
+1 ????
Thank you very much.
We hope the Andrew’s family has a wonderful Thanksgiving as well.
Thank you! Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family!
Better than carrot cake.
Happy Thanksgiving to you and all whom you hold dear. Wishing you all only joyous surprises in the next year.
I’m shell shocked to find myself in first dozen commenters.
I must learn to comment faster…still chuckling at my hubris.
Thank you for the new innkeeper snippet! 🙂 I only started reading your work lately, finding the innkeeper books first, and they are my favorite, so I am always looking forward to a new one 🙂
What a nice thing to do for us on Thanksgiving day! With all the food prep and family coming, I can’t believe you made time to blog and give us a snippet! Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family. I am certainly thankful for House Andrews ????. Now I have to go reread all the Innkeeper books!
OMG, thank you so much for the surprise snippet! I’ve missed Dina and Sean and the whole gang, so these little goodies are a wonderful treat. A wonderful holiday to you and yours.
Oh! Around 48 hours preparation… can it be a tricky/dangerous guest(s)?
Thank you for the snippet!
Thank y’all and Happy Thanksgiving!! Love the snippet and appreciate it ????
I was expecting a post on what you were making for Thanksgiving. Gotta say, I like this better.
Happy Turkey Day everyone. Unless you’re vegetarian or vegan, in which case, Happy Fill-in-the-Blank Day.
Though what you served is always fun…
Happy Thanksgiving to all of your family and to everyone! It’s a beautiful day in Mississippi. And thank you for the Sean and Dina snippet. I love snippets.. all snippets… and novellas… and books. I would probably enjoy reading your grocery list!
Yay! I love reading more Dina and Sean 🙂
Quiet here today – something to do with an American holiday of some sort maybe? Well here in the good old U of K it’s grey, miserable, wet, and an utterly ordinary day, so thank you for the snippet, but talk about cliff hanging endings… “Oh no” what????
Yeah, today is a national day of serious overeating, followed by a day of over-the-topconsumer shopping. Sane people stay home. As a newly retired nurse, This will be only the second or third Thanksgiving I don’t have to work. I have my turkey TV dinner, a pumpkin cream cheese pie, a whole can of whipped cream and the makings for peach bellinis. Now with this snippet, Best Thanksgiving Evah!
PS, I bet the bad news means the entire Assembly will meet, and stay, at Gertrude Hunt.
I second that feeling of grey, wet, miserable non holiday UK day. Thank you House Andrews for the cliff hanger snippet from a grateful BDH member.
I also wish you and yours a happy holiday full of yarn, tea and food!
Aaahhhh! I love your teases!
Thank you.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Happy Thanksgiving! We are starting with dessert and this was a wonderful treat for me! YAY!
Happy Thanksgiving! Thank you so much for sharing this with us. Now, I’m dying for more!
Happy Thanksgiving! Thank you for the snippet, wonderful! I hope you take the long weekend and relax and enjoy. And could Dina be preparing to host The Assembly?
Thank you! I hope you are enjoying your holiday.
Now you’ve done it! I was OK with them standing in the robes, looking in the mirror, knowing Sean was wearing the robe Dina made, from the snippet before this. Now? AUGH! Forget turkey and side dishes! Forget pretty lights for next month! Forget it ALL! So many possibilities for who is showing up for the “treaty stay” in Red Deer! And I have to go cook my dinner. *sigh*
Usually, the snippets are just fun to read. This? This is too much excitement! We’re all going back to Gertrude Hunt and something is going to be happening that’s big enough to postpone an Assembly meeting! I agree with Orro. “… is there no decorum?” No. I have none left. Just stay healthy and keep writing, please. Thank you for making the future look brighter with the promise of this book to come. Enjoy your holiday, have a day off to eat too much and laugh with family, and then… Wow! I can’t wait to read more!
And I really thought I was eager to get my eyes on the new Hidden Legacy! AUGH! Now there are TWO coming to dance and prance about as I pretend to be patient!
Thank you for the lovely present! Have a wonderful and peaceful Thanksgiving!
One more thing to be thankful for! We appreciate you guys so much. Have a Happy Thanksgiving!
I might be falling in love with Orro…
Ahhh! So very lovely!
Thank you for sharing!
Best wishes for a Thanksgiving full of food, fun and family!
I hope that you and your family have a very Happy Thanksgiving.
Happy Thanksgiving everyone, and thanks for this InnKeeper tidbit they are my favorite!
Thank you for this antipasto! I am desperately waiting for more ! I would be glad to send you a gift box of homemade italian foodstuff if it would further the cause.
Now I have more to be thankful for! Thank you so much! I hope your Thanksgiving is filled with love, laughter, happiness, family, friends and food. (And thank you again for the new Innkeeper snippet!)
Thanks on Thanksgiving! For all that we have, and for the snippet!
Thank you so much! What a treat and so nice of you to post on the holiday. I hope you and your family and all your readers have a wonderful Thanksgiving.
I am loving the promise of this new novel! Thank you!
HOOKED !!! (BTW Happy Thanksgiving.)
Thanksgiving Blessings to all! ????????
Thank you for that snippet, I can hardly wait for the next book! Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family!
Thank you very much! I’m so excited for more Dina and Shawn.
Have A very Happy Thanks Giving. May wonderful food and lots of family bring you and yours, Immense Love and Joy!!!
In my prayers of Thanksgiving to our Creator you were included…..hope you don’t mind.
I am very thankful for your Thanksgiving gift. It came on a much needed cooking break.
I can tell you that your writing is spot on,when I got to the end of the snippet it was jarring, like hitting a brick wall,the natural assumption was to keep going…also helps I live Orro. He reminds me of a story my mom told, of a restaurant she ate at in the late 40s in midtown Manhattan. They had this tall, big,bald Austrian pastry chef who used to come out from the kitchen and berate the brothers who ran it, yelling at them that the butter was crap,the flour was good only for maggots to eat, they were cheapskates who were an offense to restaurant owners , and worse things,and they would sit there beaming at their genius *lol* (as a side note the pastries were to die for according to my mom)
Happy Thanksgiving to the Andrews clan and to Gordon and Ilona,whose books are one of the things I definitely have to be thankful for, and meeting them in person,no matter how brief,at KissCon was a highlight of the year!
Aaannndddd … we’re off! (I hope.) A wonderful start, if a start it is. I hope your Thanksgiving Day is fine, and all of the rest of the year.
May the Forks be with you!
Happy Thanksgiving! That was an awesome snippet!
Thank You!
Happy Thanksgiving to you, your family, and guests ???? .
Hope your day is filled with good food and even better conversation.
Aagh! Now I want the rest of it, SO BAD!
Thank you very much. It’s wonderful to be getting snippets again. We don’t celebrate Thanksgiving here in Aus but I am very Thankful for your magnificent selves. Blessings to your family ❤️
Peace and blessings to you and your family on this beautiful day of Thanksgiving. And, thank you for the Innkeeper snippet. I am really really hoping this means we will have another Innkeeper novel coming our way. I just love that series–all forms of it–whether it be human or vampire.
Enjoy the food, enjoy the family, have fun with your animals. Knit. Read. Watch a sunset. Be free and happy.
Wheeee! And they’re off again!
Thank you so much for this unexpected but very welcome gift of your time and creative energies. And a happy Thanksgiving to you and the Horde as well.
Ooh, love it!
Thank you!
And happy thanksgiving to you and yours!
Waaaaaait! You can’t stop now!!!!!
Oh, oops. ????
I mean, a lovely, happy Thanksgiving to you, favorite authors, and to your kids and critters.
And thankyouthankyou for this tantalizing snippet. I can hardly wait to find out what happens next…
…plus,I promise I can sustain this level of enthusiasm for however long you need to finish the story.
Happy holidays, and thanks again.
The Other Faith
Love love love it!
Thank you & Happy Thanksgiving, House Andrews!
After a really crappy night (literally … new puppy with a tummy upset), this (unlike the others during the night) was a wonderful surprise to get up to. Thank you both so much.
Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family.
Thank you for the snippet! Happy thanksgiving!
Thank you, and Happy Thanksgiving, I hope it is peaceful and joyous
+1 ????
And thank you so much for the lovely, long snippet!
+1 Wishing House Andrews time for quiet contemplation of full tummies (and lives) with your loved ones.
Oooo so exciting!!! Thank you and Happy Thanksgiving!
Happy Thanksgiving! Thank you for the snippet! I love me some Sean Nd Dina!
Thank you for the snippet – it was great and I love Orro. 🙂
Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours. My hubby and I are going to a restaurant that has both regular Turkey and trimmings for him as well as a Vegan seitan and trimmings for me. My family is in Canada and they had Thanksgiving last month.
Wishing everyone blessings of health and happiness today and always. May you always feel an abundance of love, laughter and grace
Happy Thanksgiving and thank you so much for the snippet ????
Yay for snippets! Yay for Dina and Sean! Love Orro. And now I will sit and wait as patiently as I can manage until a new free fiction or a new book is available for me to read. Happy Thanksgiving to House Andrews!
I love you guys.
Thank you for the wonderful snippet. Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family.
I needed that today, I’ve been so sick and hibernating like a bear when I’m not coughing and sneezing.
Get better soon ????????????
Thank you and hope you’ve been having a grand Thanksgiving Day!
NOM! Thank you. May everything end up finished at the correct time, may everything cooked be succulent and tasty. May you share enough of the leftovers to leave enough for you, such that you don’t end up sick of ’em before you finish them off.
Thank you for the lovely snippet! It is a much appreciated break from the Thanksgiving cooking!
Happy Thanksgiving from Hawaii!!!
Weeee! Thank you and Happy Thanksgiving!
Happy Thanksgiving! Thank you for the snippet.
Thank you! Happy Thanksgiving from
North Queensland Australia????
Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family!
Thanks for the wonderful snippet.
Awesome! Thank you! Hope you all are enjoying delicious food today!!
Thank you for the snippet. I hope your Thanksgiving was all you wished it to be.
Thank you so much for the snippet. Love Orro!
Happy Thanksgiving, and hope you have lots of your favorite (favourite!) food.
Best wishes from the other side of the Atlantic.
Thank you.
I’m glad to be back at the inn. I love Maud and Arland and I enjoyed their story, and look forward to another adventure with them, but the world of the inn seems to have so much more potential. I can hardly wait.
Happy Thanksgiving!
Oh! Thanks for this snippet HA… Now I will be waiting for a book of Tony’s story!!! =)
Happy Thanksgiving everyone!!!
Happy Thanksgiving!
I love the Inn.
Happy Thanksgiving! BTW since you like chinese dramas, you might want to check out Once upon a time in Lingxian Mountain on Netflix. I just saw the first episode an it was loaded with campy goodness
Happy Thanksgiving to you all. Really enjoyed the snippet. It brightened up a rainy evening in the UK
Oh my…I’m sitting here do grateful for the snippet and on the edge of my seat wondering what happens next! Thank you for sharing. Have a wonderful Thanksgiving!
Couldn’t say it better. Happy thanksgiving to all!
Thank you both and Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours. Love all your books.
Thanks so much.
And Helen…
Aw, Orro truly cares for Dina. Love the snark!
Happy Thanksgiving! So grateful, among many other things, for House Andrews.
Happy Thanksgiving. The snippet is wonderful.
Happy thanksgiving ???? and thank you for the story. I can’t wait to hear the rest. Are those cute chickens the guests ?
Thank you ???????? and a happy thanksgiving to you all ????????????
Happy Thanksgiving and thank you for the snippet.
Happy Thanksgiving! Blessed Be.
It’s only my Mom and I today so I cooked a turkey breast in the Crockpot and it was delicious. I’m a little shocked that it came out so well.
Love it! Happy Thanksgiving and thank you for your books!
This year i give thanks for snippets. They come into my life unexpectedly and are like a warm hug from an old friend. Can’t wait to learn more about the new guests
Thank you!!
Honestly these snippets are making my day.
Happy Thanksgiving to you both and the rest of the family!
Thank you, thank you, thank you.
Happy Thanksgiving and thank you for the snippet!
Happy Thanksgiving. Hope you have a wonder day with family and friends.
This was a nice surprise, thank you.
I have to say one of my favorite scene is Orro explaining The Christmas Story. That was just classic.
That was a sneaky place to end the snippet. Now I will be wondering.
Happy thanksgiving!
Wow great snippet????, Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family, Thank you for your books my absolute fave is the Hidden Legacy,
Happy Thanksgiving to everyone.
And especially thanks for a fabulous snippet. Sean is now an innkeeper. Sean and Dina have come so far.
So happy for them.
Then we have Orro, I always see a chefs hat on top of a tall hedgehog.
Which always makes me grin.
Hope everyone had a good time and meal this day.
Safe travels to everyone.
Love it! Happy Thanksgiving!
My dog died yesterday. I am so sad. But for five minutes I was able to forget about this and live feed in Dina’s world. Thank you.
So sad ????. I feel for you as my dog passed away in Sept. Doggie lives are too short but their love lives on forever in our hearts ????
I’m sorry for your loss. ((Hugs))
Hugs to you. Your pupper has a playdate with mine across the Bridge.
Your minds are a wondrous place. Yes. Singular. ????
Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family and thank you for the sweet, sparkly snippet.
Oooh, what’s Treaty Stay(please please please)? And Happy Thanksgiving!
Happy Thanksgiving to you all! Snippet is exciting and I love that you do them! Thank you????
Thank you and Happy Thanksgiving to the Andrews clan!
Happy turkey day!!! Wish Orro were here in Pittsburgh, my son burnt the brussel sprouts????????????.
Is that a loss?
Thank you for the snippet. It warms one, much needed as it is currently 23°, heading for 6° tonight… and 0° tomorrow…with around 10” of snow on the ground. I believe I will go reread some Innkeeper books.
Now that’s something to be thankful for.
Happy Thanksgiving ????????
Thank you for the generous snippet. Hope all of you and yours enjoy a peaceful healthy holiday.
Happy Thanksgiving! Thank you so much for the snippet. It makes my day complete. I just had a slice of the worlds best apple pie and read a snippet that ended with Dina in dread of the upcoming two days.
Happy Thanksgiving! Thank you for the wonderful surprise snippet 😀
Happy Thanksgiving! Also, thank you for the snippet!
Are the galactic chickens coming to treaty day?
I’m positive that they are the Treaty Stay! But, I’ve been fooled before… 🙂
I am trying to figure out if they are being challenged with culture shock to test Sean on weird visitors (mating balls with gender fluctuation) , or security ( if they are able to handle dangerous guests.), or keeping guests away from each others throats. That unrefusable guest(s?) should be a lulu. 2 days to prepare sounds difficult to spend usefully preparing if they don’t at least get more info on the species or type coming.
I’m thinking it might be bounty hunters after Caldenia – usually Dina would refuse to let them stay so they wouldn’t even bother trying but it says she can’t refuse guests asking for treaty stay unless they’ve already been banned from the inn. 24 hours to prepare for guests that will spend their stay trying to kill her one permanent guest??
ohhh! Sneaky!!!
Maybe its Sebastian North
My money is on it being the mukama.
I love the innkeeper series, it’s my favorite series so far. I liked the kinsman universe for light reading, the edgebutts up to kate Daniel’s and has spilled a character or two in the innkeepers. Steong.women and men in a being honorable and make decisions.for.treating.wveryone.as each species has value. I’m hooked. Sadly ive read and listened to the 4 clean sweep books and I m impatient for the next. Tbestoey is amazing. You cant get the next one out fast enough! Please write as fast as the two of you can. Devoted fan because the stories toy tell have found a home in my imagination
thank you – just thank you, it has been a stressful few weeks, grateful to read the snippet before bed.
Thank you. A perfect way to end a hectic holiday with family.
May you have many many blessings to be grateful for..
And thank you for including us in the beautiful world of your words..
May the Almighty bless you all and accept your thanks!
OMG what a gift. Thank you for taking the time to give us this snippet.
Happy Thanksgiving! Your snippets are always a welcome but to brighten my day! I welcome your posts eagerly awaiting snippets or need like a friend and a good cup of coffee to savor.
Ah thanks! You made my holiday complete. We had a medical emergency in my family today and while it’s always wonderful to see family (I have a big one), everything was very stressful and not very happy.
What a lovely Thanksgiving surprise. Thank you! I hope you are having a wonderful holiday.
(I do confess to curiosity about what the Inn has created for Orro’s living quarters. Hope we will get a glimpse in some story.)
Thank you so much for the snippet. And thank goodness I am almost comatose from eating too much because otherwise I would be jumping around with anxious anticipation shouting, “Who is it? Who is coming to the Inn? Tell me!” I am thankful for many things today, and House Andrews is near the top of list. ????
Ooh, snippets are so delightful. A cliff hanger too. So ready to buy the complete story. Happy Thanksgiving from my family to you all.
I thought about Orro and Thanksgiving today and thought: “It would be so amazing if they have a snippet up for Thanksgiving.” And behold! It’s delightful and gripping as usual. Thanks for the snippet, your writing, and your generosity with your fans.
This is better than pumpkin pie, even through a turkey day fog. Blessings on all of you.
Thank you for such wonderfulness on your day off. Happy Thanksgiving to you both and your family. Make sure Gordon doesn’t put too much rum in the gravy 😉
Happy Thanksgiving to you as well.
(Rubbing my hands with delight and looking forward to more, but I can wait.)
I have been having a sad and solitary Thanksgiving today, although I will be celebrating with my brother, sister in law, nephew and new bride on Saturday when the arrive. This snippet was the perfect antidote
. Thank you, House Andrew.
Happy Thanksgiving! Thank you so much for all the fantastic worlds and characters that you bring to life.
Happy thanksgiving to you and your family. This snippet brightened my evening.
What a wonderful end to the day! Happy Thanksgiving!
Happy Holidays to your family! Thank you for the snippet and the cliffhanger. It’s probably an important vampire house deal, maybe?
Enjoy your family and everyone stop getting sick and having accidents, OK?
Happy thanksgiving !
Thank you! I’m really looking forward to hearing more from the Innkeeper series. I hope you have a wonderful, restful Thanksgiving.
I apologize in advance for my selfishness. I just want more. Sigh.
Thanks very much and happy thanksgiving to House Andrews! Orro is one of my favorites.
Start typing in “Garry Keys” into your YouTube search field and “Fire and Lightning” automatically shows up… Oh, authorlords, how you tease us.
Thanks for the snipits, I hope this book is available for purchase soon! That oh no, has to be explained asap. Or I may start chewing on something.
Thank you for the Innkeeper teaser (oops, I mean snippet) treat, and (slightly belated) Happy Thanksgiving to all chez Ilona Andrews!
Thank you so, so much! For this snippet, but above all for the amazing stories, worlds and characters you share with us.
Happy celebrations
What a wonderful surprise! Thank you so very much,
Happy Holidays!????????????????
Happy Thanksgiving to you and yours! Thanks for the snippet. Delightful as always. 🙂
ahhhhh!!! This is the beginning of a story! Brownies! Must bake more brownies! Must read new snippet with chocolately fudgey goodness!
Thank you for the snippet! I hope you had a nice Thanksgiving.
Thank you so much for the snippet and I hope you snd yours had a wonderful Thanksgiving!
“Oh no”, indeed!!! Fantastic!! Thanks so much, this helped make a bad holiday much better. We’ve been battling the flu at my house. Thankfully, my 96 year old mother made it home from the hospital. Hope you all have a healthy and happy holiday.
Thank you for the snippet Read it yesterday afternoon then again today Hope you and your family had a great Thanksgiving.
I love Orro, Dina, and Sean…. Thank you for the snippet!
Thank you! I am thankful!!!
I hope your family had a great Thanksgiving. This reader appreciates your blog posts and snippets very much! Thank you!!!
Happy thanksgiving! Wonderful
Thank you – loved it! I hope you and your family had a lovely Thanksgiving day.
Incoming Mukama? They were banned from the Inns.
Thank you for the snippet! I can’t get enough of these characters.
Nope, I misread the part about being banned. Please ignore my previous comment. Well, other than the thank you. 🙂
Banned from all Inns, or just their parents’ Inn?
Loved it!
Will this Innkeeper be serialized, too? ???? ????
Thank you! This was the perfect way to end the week.
I love snippets! Thanks!! Happy Thanksgiving!!
Thank you for writing Dina and Sean (and Orro and Tony and Gertrude Hunt…). I am so, SO happy you are writing more Dina and Sean! And happy Thanksgiving. Hope you had a lovely day.
OMG! Tease! I want to know more! :'( LOL
Thank you so much for these blog posts! Happy Thanksgiving!
Evil ???? evil ???? authors …. Annnd they’re back
Oh no …. ? !
think ???? quivering attention
Better than PIE!!! Thank you and Happiest of Thanksgivings to all!
Fudge monkeys. I NEED MORE!!!! But thank you for the nibbles
I thank the universe that you are in my life and I thank you both for bringing Dina, Sean, Maud, Helen, Arland, Orro, Caldenia and all the other characters that you have created to bless my life. I very much appreciate learning more about their lives with every snippit you give.
Thank you!
This is why I love you guys so much, and read all your books. The world is rife with tension, people are mean to each other, Christmas is a week early and people are trying to buy everything before Thanksgiving. YET, you take time from your family, busy lives and everything that stresses everyone to give a gift to us your readers. I miss the Innkeeper series, which causes me to reread the series frequently and check your website for anything. Today was belated Thanksgiving, Christmas and World Peace all rolled into one. Thank you both, Happy Thanksgiving and Merry Christmas, Hanukkah and Kwanza.
+1 And I saw on amazon that Emerald Blaze (Hidden Legacy, book 5) will be
released on August 25, 2020. Thank you
Woohoo! Thanks for the heads up! Ordered:)????
Thanks! I just ordered as well.
+1 google
I initially misread “Orro had shortened it to “Fire!” which he yelled at surprising moments, giving Gertrude Hunt kittens.” as “Orro had shortened it to “Fire!” which he yelled at surprising moments, given the Gertrude Hunt kittens.” [I was visiting friend for Thanksgiving Day, getting there the day before and leaving the next day. The resident cat decided I was an appropriate heat source for snuggling up and applying Cat Gravity to for overnight. sleeping. And every time I shifted position there were annoyed-by-movement-of-human-inconveniencing-the -feline-lounging-comfort cat vocalizations…. ]
Thank you for these surprise snippets. They are much appreciated. I enjoy them so much. It’s like we are able to keep in touch with the characters lives in between books. It makes the wait for the next books in the series more bearable.
I hope you had the best Thanksgiving until next year. Thank you very much for the snippets which have sparked my imagination. ❤️
My heart is happy, thank you
Happy Thanksgiving.
Thank you! this makes me look even more forward to the next Innkeeper tale 😀
Thank u, bless u
More Innkeeper
I am so grateful that you posted this “uh-oh” moment with Sean and Dina. 🙂 I’ve been in northern Indiana (they were in the 30s-40s the entire time I was there; also some snow flakes) with my brother and sister-in-law for Thanksgiving. They did warm up a few days (which I told them that I brought the warmer weather with me).
Your thoughtfulness is why everyone who posts, reads, or sees your work loves both of you and your work. I want to say thank you for everything you do. 😀
Thank you very much for the snippet. I hope your family was able to enjoy the holiday together.
Happy Thanksgiving.
Happy Thanksgiving! Thank you. Can’t wait till the next on the series
Thank you both ????????????
May my gratitude (in the form of excited squeebounces, which look pretty silly coming out of a 57 year old woman) float gently into your memory on a dark day in January and return this blessing with a smile.
Super, super, super! Thank you!
This was awesome! Thank you so much and happy holidays!
Awesome snippet! I love Orro! Hope you’re emerging from your food coma by now. I’m still working on the leftovers. Yes, broccoli and rice cassarole is an EXCELLENT breakfast! ????
Happy Thanksgiving to you and your family! I normally don’t read the Innkeeper postings… saving it for when it is all published together. But I have been listening to Sweep fo the Blade. It is nice to know what Sean and Dina were up to while Maude was “getting her vampire on”. ????
Thank-you! When I see that you have posted an innkeeper snippet, I do a little happy dance. Thank-you for generously, posting these snippets. For a brief moment you lift your readers out of the heaviness of the world and we appreciate it! I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving!
Thank you.
You are such teases! Now I need to see what happens.
Man now I really want to read more! I’m excited for your new book too.
Oh please, please, publish this for Xmas so that I can gift myself!!!!!
I love this series! Thank you so much for this!
This sounds like it is a fun start to the next book in the series.
Exciting! I can’t wait for the next installment!
How did I miss this post? ! Oh wait, traveling across the world. So good to see Dina and Sean! Thanks so much!!!! Squee!!
Happy Thanksgiving and thank you so much for bestowing us with more Innkeeper awesomeness! I, too, completely lack decorum and am ridiculously giddy at seeing more Innkeeper. ❤️ Also, there’s Orro in it! Yay!
> Something banged below in the kitchen, followed by a deep roar. “Fire!”
Aw, the sweet Dina and Sean kissing session getting interrupted by Orro. That’s a…umm… cook block?
Anyway. Since Dina already knew everything about innkeeping when we first met her, it’s going to be interesting to see someone in the process of becoming one. I liked Dina’s sneaky way of challenging Sean. 🙂 (And now I have a funny mental image of Sean using werewolf speed to race down to the kitchen and then slowing in just before to walk in at normal speed so it wouldn’t be obvious. Because a recently challenged werewolf does not simply walk into Mordor–err, walk down the stairs.)
Again, thank you so much for the treat. I’m so looking forward to this book. 🙂