I did promise you last week that I would have more surprises from Graphic Audio and I am here to deliver.
Magic Triumphs has an official release date and a preorder link here – the 19th of May! Audible and all other third party retailers will have a live preorder sometime in the next couple of weeks.
Nora and team are working hard to ensure we’ll have the complete main series Kate by the time summer rolls around – we’ve just gotten Magic Shifts and Magic Binds is also on preorder for March here.

The last installment will be a tour de force for all the voices we’ve come to know and love, and the majesty of those final battles will be done full audio cinematic justice.
And that’s not all!
The Hidden Legacy series has started recordings and we have a release day for Burn for Me as well- 25th of April! You can already preorder the book on the Graphic Audio website here. You will be able to order on Audible, Chrip, Hoopla etc in the next couple of weeks.

The director for the Hidden Legacy series is Megan Hastie. Megan has a strong background in sound design, and comes heartily recommended by Nora, with whom she has worked before, including on the Innkeeper Chronicles and Kate adaptations, so she is in no way a stranger to the world of Ilona Andrews.
Megan and the lovely people at Graphic Audio had creative meetings with House Andrews before the holidays, and the authors had input in the casting choices for the main roles. The usual collaboration when it comes to adapted script feedback, pronunciation, fan-favorite scenes, etc will also continue. We are in very safe hands!
And speaking of, because I’ve been listening to Magic Shifts on repeat since it came out on Friday, I wrote to Nora and she generously sent me another snippet to share. Behold, our newest prezzie:
Butt + Bee snippet in Ghastek’s office hehehe.
For those who aren’t yet fans and might have some questions, Graphic Audio produce full-cast dramatic adaptations of the books, with each character being interpreted by a different actor, with immersive sound effects and cinematic music. Their tagline is “A movie in your mind!” and I believe most of us agree they deliver on it.
I have covered in more detail how to buy and the accessibility of the GA app in this post, which you can also supplement with the Graphic Audio Help FAQ on their website.
Also a reminder that adaptation rights for a series/book are sold to Graphic Audio upon them showing interest in it, not upon author commission, and the company make their own business decisions. Whilst there is a lot of collaboration and advice about pronunciations, characters and canon etc, House Andrews don’t control any of the scheduling or creative choices.
It is an entirely separate business venture, and it will not be replacing the traditional one-narrator audiobook format, which is produced directly by either House Andrews or the publishing house on each book release.
Yay! More GA! All the GA! Listen to it in the car with my teenager regularly!
YAY! I’ve been enjoying rereading these Graphic Audio productions for a while. I look forward to hearing how they handle the Hidden Legacy series. Great news!
Oh Happy Day! Truly the gods love the BDH!
Nothing personal, Hidden Legacy is not my favorite IA series. I’m thinking I’ll try to wait for the series sale. Hopefully, I’ll be forgiven since I typically preorder the KD and Innkeeper audios asap
First time I’ve heard Roland’s voice. You know who he reminds me of? Jafar from the cartoon Aladdin.
Now that you mention it, I hear it!
PSA – Graphic Audio is running a sale including pre-orders until Feb 14th should that be any incentive for any of the Horde.
Thank you Mod-R for keeping the Horde in shinys.
Sending peace, healing and safety to all!
Thank you for the heads up on the sale. I now have everything pre-ordered.
And thank you House Andrews and Mod R.
Having the full Kate series is like getting all the infinity stones.
Manifesting Blood Heir + Wilmington Years get GA releases too
I’m manifesting right along with you! And for a GA release of Iron Covenant!
I want Gunmetal Magic so bad I can taste it!
Okay, listen. I love love love Graphic Audio books for while I’m crafting. It really is so nice to spin, knit or crochet while I listen to a familiar book. But after the last few times that I got to the farthest book GA had recorded and then struggled to go back to the other audiobooks (partially because audible was missing a few) I decided I would wait until the whole series was recorded before I started a re-listen. And it has been HARD. Can’t wait for the last two releases so I can dive back into my craft and listen Kate sessions <3
Thank you Mod R! That scene is hilarious. I had my head in my hands and laughing so hard my stomach hurts. It’s almost a “don’t drive and listen to this section of the book. You may be needing to pull over and laugh too hard to watch the road.” type of thing. 😀
I’m so happy that the entire KD series is being released this year!!! I already pre-ordered book 9, but I just snagged book 10. Am so, so happy. The Graphic Audio adaptions are so amazing that I listen to them more than once, each time picking up nuances I’d missed before.
I had pre-ordered all IA titles already but had to double-check.
Thanks for the reminder Mod R!
I am sooo excited for HL on GA.
Love love love love x 10000000 and more
🎉🎉🎉Yay!! The Baylor family in graphic audio!!! 🎊🎊🎉🎉
Boy do I hope they do the Edge series, but anything you have written is a joy to read
I would lose all my chill if GA wanted to do the Edge! You could not talk to me that day! Jack, my beloved Jack! And lord Bill!
Oh, I might just need a reread.
I picture Lord Bill’s voice as all growly and rough, like he doesn’t use it much. Mmmmm.
woohoo! lots of goodies!
I also hope they do Wilmington Years – love those stories so much, would be great to get them in another format to enjoy as well.
Yay! I love graphic audio and am so looking forward to Burn for Me!!!!
I’m so excited for this!!!! I love all House Andrew series but Hidden Legacy is especially close to my heart.
Burn for Me was the catalyst of me getting back into loving to read. I used to read a lot and always carried a book with me wherever I went, but life happened and I stopped reading as much. I was trying to get back into it one year and was struggling. Then I came across White Hot on the goodreads choice awards and so I started Burn for Me… and it became one of my favorite books/series of all time. It totally renewed my love for reading. I went from reading 10-20 books a year, to 246 the next year (after discovering Hidden Legacy) and I’m still going strong at over 200 books a year since then. So thank you House Andrews! I’m hoping this will be wildly successful <3 You guys deserve it!
I’m so glad it helped you out of that book slump! Hidden Legacy is magical that way, every time I reread it it’s so fresh and there’s something new I haven’t seen before!
All chalantness is temporarily suspended while I do the Graphic Audio Happy Dance!!! The Graphic Audio Dance of JOY!! While I use up my allottment of exclamation points!!!!
More Kate!!!
And Burn For Me is still on track to be released for my birthday!!!
Ok, I’ll try to return to being all chalant and chill.
Too much fun! Thank you ModR! Roland is perfect.
Not just in his own mind, in this case.
I can’t wait for “you can’t handle my snake” as well as “you killed Peaches!”
such happy days!
Love the cover. So much better than the last one! Can’t wait for the GA.
You have no idea how much this made my day. So excited!!!
I enjoy Audible but I’m a real convert to GA! I’m soooo happy they are doing the Hidden Legacy series. Picture me jumping up & Down!
Stay warm & safe peeps!
Feeling beloved and fluffy!
Driving home in the car is very different because of GA. The snide comments, snarkasm and outright laughs. I’m sure other drivers are wondering about me.
Thanks again for the prezzies!
I am so excited by this! Could be my favorite series.
Hi all,
this is my first question to team Andrews. I’m listening to Magic Shifts for the thousands time and I wonder every time. That bit when Roland is inviting Kate to visit her grandmother… we already know from Baba Yaga that last she saw her cousin was on Kalinas mother’s funeral. So why is not Kate like, “hold on, I know that my grandmother is dead so who are you dangling in front of my nose?”.
thank you!
This was Ilona’s answer one of the many times this question was asked previously:
“Kate is sitting in the restaurant, with her father intruding in her territory, and he is actively applying magic to the waiter. Everyone around them is a potential target, she is concentrating super hard on watching his every move in case he decides to do something awful, while he is baiting Curran over and over and over, and then Roland casually drops that her grandmother might be alive.
Now, Kate knows that there was supposed to be a funeral for the grandmother, but she doesn’t know that the grandmother is dead. Because she absolutely could be alive. It might have been a pretend funeral for security reasons, or Roland might have showed up at the last minute and healed Kalina’s mother. Any number of things could’ve happened. She has no idea about the limits of her father’s power.
This is a moment of doubt.
In that moment, the most important thing happens: “Curran glanced at me and I saw a warning in his eyes. Yes. I know. He is trying to distract me and get me out of town.”
That is the point of this scene. Kate from Magic Bites, who was desperate for any family, would have jumped on this. Kate from Magic Shifts says, “No thanks.” This is Kate who is not only mature but is no longer alone. She has a partner, and she listens to his judgement. It is meant to illustrate the progress of the character.
So why wasn’t the funeral mentioned? Because to me it was blindingly obvious that this was Roland’s ruse, and I didn’t think I had to spell it out. I thought that the readers would come across this bit and say to themselves, “Aha! But we know grandmother had a funeral so we know Roland might be lying. Don’t fall for it, Kate.” I wanted the readers to connect the dots without obviously creating a neon sign that said, “Roland lies!” Because there is this really neat moment of tension, when the reader goes, “Wait a minute!” I like doing neat ambiguous things like hinting at Caesar’s identity or giving a sly nod at George and Jack at Baha-char. It is fun for me.“
Oh, it’s so awesome to have confirmation that it *was* George and Jack at Bah-char whom Dina noticed early on in the Innkeeper books!
I had missed the confirmation when it was first shared, so thanks for re-surfacing this tidbit, ModR!
🙂 Of course.
Graphic Audio releases!!!! Waah!!!
Take my money. Go, take it all!
All ordered. I’m also super excited to meet Bug!
Graphic Audio is my crack. I listen to them constantly! Thanks for sharing the great news ModR!
Hidden Legacy is my favorite series! I am so preordering!
Happy dance! Thank you for sharing the news!
I’m not being greedy, really. I remember hints of other Kate-world books being considered for development (or at least entertained). I was wondering if Andrea’s book was on the GA wishlist? Its always felt like the unofficial 11th book in the series. Just curious, not demanding.
I. AM. SO. EXCITED. I love the Kate Daniels Graphic Audio series SO MUCH. I cannot wait to hear them interpret Mad Rogan.
I’m obsessed with the GraphicAudio editions and just finished Magic Shifts which was fantastic. I cannot wait for Hidden Legacy in April!
I absolutely LOVE Graphic Audio books and listen to them all the time! So excited about the news about Burn for Me!
I’m happy to see more Graphic Audio releases coming.
I’m waiting for the Audible releases so I can get them for $9.20 each (1 credit).
I’m so excited about Hidden Legacy on GA! I’ve read the series many times. Then I found Catalina’s books on audio and loved them. I turned to Nevada’s books and, um, Rogan sounds very very interesting! 😳😂 (Am I allowed to say that here?) So I stopped them and have been hoping for a GA version, because everything they do is chef’s kiss!
I’m thrilled!! I listen to the GA of Kate and Innkeeper pretty much constantly while driving, quilting, and doing dishes.
HA books are already my daily sanctuary. Once I tried GA recordings, their delivery platform became my favorite daily comfort listen. That’s very high praise from this weary soul, lol.
That’s a great clip! Thanks for sharing.
I really enjoyed that GA snippet! I want more! Thank you for sharing that with us.
I really enjoyed that GA snippet! I have heard a few books on GA, including the Inn Keeper series but am really enjoying hearing Kate this way.
Love, Love, Love, Graphic Audio productions. Whenever, there is a partial series on GA I listen to the available audiobooks and then read the rest of the books. Once you have listened to GA you can’t just listen to the plain recordings. It messes with my mind on who the characters are when only one person is reading, even if they are fabulous at different voices. Just not the same.
HL was my introduction to IL and I’ve reread and listened to the books umpteenth times. I can’t wait for a new version of audiobooks to add to my collection.
Thank you
I was just thinking about rereading the series, but I can wait until April. I already have the original release with Renee Raudman, but I’m so excited to have a full cast edition as well! I also have my fingers crossed for an eventual release of Andrea’s book. Usually I read it in order when rereading Kate, so felt kinda weird for me to skip it.
Dearest Mod R, I don’t want to stir the pot. And I’m going to buy all the things…but…Kate has four fingers and a weird braid. I was thinking there was some AI going on in the previous covers and I’m not sure how much control HA has over that, but that kinda stinks that they didn’t even try to fix it and make it look better for the last installment of our beloved series.
Hi Danae,
1. The covers GA use are the French publisher covers for the KD series. The French covers were designed in 2020, way before large scale use of AI. You can check that it is the same here 🙂 https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/55819774-triomphe-magique. It’s just the hand position.
2. As I wrote in the article above where I addressed this exact issue, Graphic Audio are their own company, who make their own business and creative decisions, and the authors have no control over them. I also included several links to the GA website, if you have feedback you wish to communicate to them 🙂
Thanks for replying! I know that HA is thankfully able to give feedback on pronunciation and voice actors. That’s honestly the most important part. It looks odd and the braids don’t look straight or quite right, but it’s the interior parts of a book that are the best part. I don’t think my opinion is going to matter, but thank you for listening and for the suggestion. 🙂
Yippee! Both pre-ordered. Grand!
Gods, they do a good job! I cracked up when Rowena asks, “did you forget how to write?” How many times have I read this scene, but it was as fresh and funnier than the first! Love!❤️
I’ve been giggling since Friday 😀
+1 I love Kate’s first conversation with Ghastek. “Sweet cheeks!”
Awesome! Graphic Audio delivers on their tagline ‘a movie in your mind’
Yay books books books! I’m not always an audiobook person but I love Graphic Audio, especially Ilona Andrews books! Its nice to have happy things to look forward to 🙂
Love love love the graphicaudio books and all the voice choices have been perfect so far – Roland is so good in this clip, can’t wait to hear Burn for Me!
Thankyou for the clip. I wish I could afford to get the entire series from Graphic Audio as I listen to them often But I think I love the original audio versions too much. Even if I could afford to buy them all again. Maybe my local library will get them.
Be well! stay safe and warm
Just got the mail for this (yay, this time relativ early, sometimes the mail arrives 2 days late), pre-ordered KD#10, and HL#01 (plus two other pre-orders not related to IA) at once, can‘t wait (as usual)
Just finished GA’s Magic Shift today! Is Bahir voiced my the same actor who played Brian Rodriguez in Innkeepers?
I’m so excited for this! So excited I had to show it with Burn For Me nail art. I hope it can make y’all smile! https://www.instagram.com/p/DFRM8f1ArbA/?igsh=MXFvMG1mcGN3NXlyMg==
Those are so awesome! 💅
Thanks! I hope to do a Kate Daniels set soon too