First, we will be at Romantic Times Convention in Atlanta on Thursday and Friday, but we will not be at the Book Fair on Saturday. We are mainly there to get a Career Achievement Award in Urban Fantasy. Flattering beyond reason and a little odd, since we’ve only been publishing for ten years. We will park ourselves in easily visible spots. Look for a plump dark haired woman knitting something or other and a handsome blond man likely reading his Kindle. If you see us, come up and chat. We will sign anything you hand us. You are not interrupting. That’s what we are there for.
Now then, onto Hugh d’Ambray.
“I knew how it would end from the start,” he continued. “Violence, magic, and fire. An old power got involved and broke open the mountain under the castle to release the magic of a dormant volcano. I knew I had to kill Lennart. We fought. I broke his legs. He broke my back and threw me into the fire. The whole thing was idiotic.”
Volcanic fire powered by magic would have melted stone. He should’ve been instantly burned to a crisp. “How did you survive?”
“I teleported out. Had a water anchor in a vial around my neck. There wasn’t much of me left. Roland put me inside a phoenix egg for three months. Took me another five to get my strength back.”
He’d spent three months in excruciating pain. He said it so casually, as if it didn’t matter.
“If it wasn’t for Lennart, I might have convinced her. She wavered.”
“I don’t think she did.”
Rounded, my dear, rounded. Plump puts me in mind of a roasting chicken.
Rubenesque 🙂
Ohhh, good one!
Nailed it Olya! Ah the good old days when “rubenesque ruled”
I always liked ‘zaftig’ –
How about using the words ‘pretty’ or ‘happy’? Or IDK, quote Tom Jones and use the phrase sex-bomb? 😀
That would be what Gordon calls Ilona. 😀
“It was idiotic” I love it!
Yeah, keep telling yourself that, Hugh. [What an ego!]
That’s what I thought, too! The only person he’s kidding is himself.
No, she did waver. 🙂 She doesn’t come out and say it, but if you read her descriptions of Hugh after the fight, there is admiration there and when he is turned on after the fight, she practically runs away. When you don’t care, you just shrug it off.
This is what I thought! Nice to know I was right 🙂 I thought she had a moment with him because of their likeness, because of their nature for battle and appreciation for each others abilities with a sword. Plus, Kate was struggling with being Beast Lady and Curran was ignoring her. She had a moment, because she’s human.
This book talks a lot about what happened. Hugh kind of doesn’t get all of it, but Elara does, and when they talk, he eventually starts figuring things out.
Excellent! I am so looking forward to reading this book and his inner journey, helped along by Elara’s insights.
Me too! It also makes re-reading Magic Rises and Magic Breaks very interesting, when you read those with the perspective that Hugh really thinks that Kate wavered…he really thought he had a chance
Given enough time to woo her, do you think Kate would’ve ultimately chosen Hugh rather than Curran?
No. Again, I don’t want to ruin this book for you, but she wouldn’t have. What she felt for Hugh was different from what he felt for her. It wasn’t hate. It was complicated. 🙂
How about if she never met Curan, or met Hugh first and he didn’t threaten her family/friends ? (That last bit is a stetch, I know. Its in Hughes nature tio take what he wants. )
Exactly what I was thinking. Before Curran, the only person in her life was Jim (since Greg died).
If Hugh found her then, she was likely vulnerable to his advances at that moment. Once there was Derek, and Curran and then the rest of her friends, he had no real shot anymore.
They are too much alike. It would have never worked. Hugh became a sociopath because he was basically raised by Roland, who has a god complex. Kate, while being raised to be an emotionless weapon, had some very influential people who showed her kindness and “goodness.” If Kate hadn’t had those softening influences she would have become a female image of Hugh. That made enough of a difference to let her see that she needs someone who is not a “crazy” version of herself.
No, not after 5 Days in the watery pit with no regard for Gastek. Every time he got ahead in the wooing, he blew it by hurting some one for no reason.
Can’t wait to see how this goes! Thank you for the great books!
I don’t think she was ever going to forgive him for the casual cruelty of Christopher in a cage either. Kate protects the weak and vulnerable, Hugh exploits them.
I wavered right there too,they had a fierce connection seen in fight scene with the kangaroo/Gorillas and in this scene as well. Hugh has always been an intriguing character from the first moment in the restaurant when he was introduced.
Its so funny that this story came about because of April Fools joke, but I think his story needed to be told.
Nope – sorry Hugh – no wavering for Kate!! Squeeee! this is getting good – I will not ask when it will be released – just keep the snippets coming! Thank you!
That is all
Carry on
Am so excited about the Hugh book ((actually ANY book you all write is exciting!) and the snippets just whet the appetite. Will it be released as an indy book like the Innkeeper series so we get it sooner, rather than having to wait for the mills of regular publishing to grind with agonizing slowness? I will buy both the ebook and dead tree version, ebook for immediate gratification and dead tree for re-reads and leisure.
Anne in Virginia
It will be a self-pub this fall.
🙂 🙂 🙂
Thank you, thank you, thank you!
How does self publishing in the same “world” work with publishers/ agents etc? I am assuming that they have contracted for a certain number of books in world and they get first rights of refusal? Or can you choose to self publish any books that haven’t been spoken for yet? Thanks in advance!
Depends on the contract. This is not technically the same series as Kate because it’s not from her POV. It may loosely fall under KD world, but our contract option clause states next in the series. We won’t sign another contract restricting self-publishing, because of the Innkeeper. 🙂
Interesting, that makes sense! Thanks for the information!
Also yay innkeeper! 🙂
Hurray! Hurray hurray! (scribbling a reminder to buy for myself and the library in as many formats as I can)
Fall? Yaaay! Earlier than I thought 😀 I should be going to Dubai in the summer but I’m more excited for Hugh atm to be honest.
Sooooo looking forward to this book (or anything else you guys write). Seriously, this year has so many great books to look forward to! Thank you for the snippets
Hugh’s ego is still alive and kicking thinking he had nearly convinced Kate to join with him!
Can’t wait for all of Hugh’s story! Wish we lived near a book signing!
Dark hared women?
So, um… I take it, rabbit costume?
Yesss! I love his description of his fight with Curren!
He’s such a deliciously, irresistibly villainous character. Best former evil henchman ever. Or evil former henchman. We shall see.
Now to be head evil-dude-turn-ambiguous.
Yay, Hugh!!!
Who’s POV is it?
Isn’t this one Elara’s? She described how he talked about his experienc (that he casually shrugged of the pain as if it was nothing).
It might bounce back and forth. The earliest(?) snippet was Hugh massively hung over and wanting to kill his companions, iirc.
Congratulations on your Career Achievement Award. It’s certainly well deserved. Your books are amazing from the worlds you create to the unique people that fill those worlds. In the ten years you’ve been publishing, I’ve never been disappointed by one of your books. I can’t say that about any other author.
What Becky said! Congratulations on the recognition and for all the years of stellar books we have gotten to enjoy!
Me too jinx
I’m just sitting here cackling with glee. I’m so glad Hugh is getting some page time. When I look at KD as a whole, I can’t nail down just ONE favorite book/part. But I could pare it down to a handful (if it’s a giant’s hand) of scenes. The sword fight with Hugh is one of them. I love him. There’s a lot of hate for him but seriously, he’s awesome. A dick, but an awesome dick.
Yes, yes. I so agree! That fight was awesome and you almost are rooting for Hugh because Curran is being a big penis too! Loved that book!
Yes! Totally agree! That fight was so awesome!!
Awesome fight, until Hugh and Roland cheated.
“This fall”??!! Woot! Woot! Cannot wait!! The amazing thing is how far Hugh has to grow to be (mostly) human and empathetic.
Yes, I struggle with Kate wavering, even a little. I’m so glad Curran was there, even though his scheme caused her great pain. I’m going to go with her acknowledging Hugh’s potential, but not with Kate actually close to going with him. I need that. Hugh is certainly a hunky sort, but is so untrustworthy, I would fear for anyone close to surrendering their heart. I see his ego is alive and kicking, but I also wonder at the impact of Roland cutting him loose. It had to have devastated him on some emotional level. Now we will see (hopefully) how he has evolved from that loss.
It makes sense in Hugh’s book, I promise.
I don’t think she wavered because of any romantic feeling for Hugh, but because he is pretty close to a family member, they were raised by the same man in the same way. Pretty sure at some point in one of the recent books she even says something along the lines of thinking of him as some sort of big brother
No, that was Nick, son of Greg and currently leader of Atlanta’s chapter of the Order. I think she sees Hugh as someone who shared history with Voron, but that’s not the same as “perilously close” to being a big bro.
Ahhhh, thank you!
This book should be called. It’s complicated lol
Wonderful snippet. Have fun at RT
Yes “Magic Complicates” lol
Love this!!
Hahaha ‘Magic Complicates’ is great!
I LOVE Magic Complicates! That rocks
If nothing else Hugh certainly shows that we all have different sides. He certainly has a sense of self worth that can’t be dented. It will be fun watching the light dawn on Kate. Will self pub be only e-book or paper also. I am not sure of how self pub works. Have we been introduced to Elara or have I just missed it? This is such fun to see the other side. It also puts Kate in a different light. Such a nice Tues treat. Enjoy Atlanta
Read the Hugh snippets. Elara appears in them.
It’ll be interesting to see if Hugh’s view of Kate is changed by his abandonment by Roland. I always thought that a big part of his attraction to her was because she is Roland’s daughter.
Kate may have had a slight waver, but she is too pragmatic and self-aware to have any real feelings for him and it would be hard to love someone who is so in love with himself!
yeah, kinda like Lisa marie to Michael Jackson – the ultimate Elvis accessory was his daughter.
Congratulations on the award! It is well deserved.
It is unreal what changes in 10 years. It looks like the Kindle ereader came out the same year as Magic Bites, and I remember buying Magic bites in a Boarders book store on a whim, I think before Magic Burns came out. It would be years before I even think about getting an ereader.
When I think about “urban fantasy” as a genre, there wasn’t a lot that I read before you published Magic Bites… Tanya Huff had a few that I think would qualify, and PN Elrod had the Vampire Files novels about 25 years ago, but they were almost mysteries … they reminded me of Forever Knight which was out around the same time. I don’t recall that anything was called Urban Fantasy then.
Thank you for the Hugh snippet, it is very fascinating getting other peoples’ interpretation of events. Have a fantastic convention!
THANK YOU! I LOVED “forever knight” and have never found anyone else who has ever heard of it.
Used to watch that show. Didn’t they try a really bad remake of that at some point?
I got the DVD’s off of ebay for the first 2 seasons. It was interesting.
Loved it too,no memory of how it ended tho, maybe I blocked it out. Made in Canada, right?
I watched that show back in the day, too. For some reason, I’ve blocked out my memory of exactly how the series ended, only that I hated it. I think it ruined everything for me.
Hated the ending, too. I think they were told it was the last season and it was rushed.
Hugh is delusional. I’ve always thought so, this confirms it 🙂
Also-congratulations! Nice!
OMG…the villian we all love to hate!thanks ilona Andrews!
If Hugh had a FB account his relationship status would probably be *Complicated*
These snippets are so tantalizing!
I thought she wavered because in a weird way, he is kind of like family. They probably would bicker like siblings.
Congratulations on the award. Who cares what it is called, you both deserve it! Will there be an audio of Hugh’s book?
Congratulations on your achievement award! It seems like you’ve been writing a lot longer than 10 years – but what an incredibly awesome 10 years it has been for this reader!
I’m glad Hugh is getting his own book and that it will be coming out so soon. I always felt sorry for poor Hugh.
Congrats on the award. I saw the congrats to you on Twitter, then on Anne Bishop’s page saw that she won Urban Fantasy, which threw me off, because I couldn’t figure out what category you would have won in. She had a link and I followed it around until I saw you won Career Achievement, to which I thought, “they haven’t been writing that long, have they?”.
If I remember correctly, I think I found you guys via one of your Edge books being recommended through Kindle. I think it was the fourth book, and I hate starting a series in the middle, so I bought the first Edge book and read them all. Somewhere around the 3rd or 4th book was mention of the first or second Kate book or something. I was hesitant to get on the ebook train, but I have to admit, I’ve found a lot of great authors through their recommendations.
Congratulations on the award!!!! You deserved it. When Ithink of urban fantasy, Kate Daniels is the first serie to come to my mind.
And thank you for this delicious snippet! I know we have to wait patiently, but… but… but… so many questions!!!
Congratulations. Definitely well deserved. Thanks for the snippet. Can’t wait for Hugh’s POV. Also looking forward very much to the Hidden Legacy books (so far I’ve read Burn for Me at least five or six times in preparation) and will purchase the re-release of BFM for a complete set. I’ve also read the Innkeeper series numerous times…. Not to be pushy, but do y’all have any idea when you might be able to start the next Innkeeper?
Wish I could come to Atlanta, but I’m shooting for Portland in June!
Congratulations. While I will agree that “only” 10 years seems a bit early for a lifetime achievement award, consider how many books you have put out in that time frame. There are many authors that only put out 1 book a year on average. You have what, 3 a year on average? So the quantity is there and the quality is top notch to match it.
IMO it is well deserved.
They may not be equating lifetime achievement with career achievement.
Perhaps they are acknowledging what we the faithful Book Devouring Horde have always known – they are able to create several believable, fascinating and thoroughly enjoyable worlds. The series set in each of these worlds have been successful.
Very few authors can achieve success in multiple worlds when it comes to fantasy of any type. Many stick to friends and family approach in a single world or are successful in two worlds.
The completeness of the world building by our Authorlords is phenomenal! None are lacking and all make us (BDH) clamor for more, More, MORE!!!
This is definitely worth celebrating as a Career Achievement. Congratulations! Extremely well deserved!!!
And Thank You for sharing all your worlds with us.
Congratulations on the award. I hope your lifetime achievement goes way past 10 years!
And, thank you for the snippet. I am really looking forward to Hugh’s POV.
Congratulations!!! so glad to hear Hugh’s book is coming soon. Speaking of self pub, how long is the wait for ebook titles/audios reverting to author ownership?
If this is a self-published book, doesn’t Ilona Andrews, Inc., own the rights, unless there is a ‘Kate’s World’ clause, and is there? You have had more than one contract over the Kate series, haven’t you? After all, iirc, the original plan was for 7 books, not 10.
Thanks for this. I look forward to this book. For the record, the sword fight between Kate and Hugh is one of my favorite scenes ever.
Congrats on your well deserved award!
“She wavered” it reminds me of all those guys that when a woman turns down their advances they keep telling them selves that there is a chance, if she says “not if you were the last guy on earth” and he comes back so there is a chance?
Possibly not the best comparison. Kate told Curran that if they were the last two people on earth, she’d hop on a moving island to get away from him.
I wasn’t sure I’d be interested in a book about Hugh but there’s snippets have DEFINITELY piqued my interest!!! I’ll be ordering a copy!
I thought I was the only person who felt like that.?
I agree ? %. The snippets have changed my minded make me ashamed for doubting the Author Lords
Hugh is scum. He left Kate in a pit without food, remember. True, I’ll buy the book in one or more formats, and enjoy it, but Hugh has tortured and murdered an astoundingly high number of humans and other beings. The stories are wonderful, smart and funny and sometimes complicated. Kind of like life, I guess.
I too had decided I wasn’t interested in a book about Hugh because (1) his giant ego, general villainy and (2) I can’t forgive him for Aunt B being killed on his watch. However the snippets have piqued my interest. I still don’t believe he, or Roland, can be redeemed but they sure aren’t boring and I trust our dear Authorlords’ skill and intelligence. I think the Hugh book may well prove to be fascinating.
I am so glad you explain things, about the story, I’m just not that deep I guess 😉
Now I wish I was going to be in Georgia, that would be fun to meet you in person sometime. Maybe one day…now when you want to come to the Wilds of Southern California I will make an effort to play hookie from work or something.
Congrats on the award, you definitely deserve it. So excited to get so many books from you this year! I am impatiently waiting for White Hot!
Congratulations on your award! You both deserve it. Also, thanks for the snippet. I needed that. It’s interesting to read that fight scene from Hugh’s pov and what he saw In Kate’s face when she wavered. Remember everyone the reason Roland cut Hugh off is because Hugh almost killed Kate in Mishmar. I wonder if Hugh realized that. If not, what a revelation that would be.
I can hear Hugh talk about Kate coming into Jester Park with Curran and Landon Nez and grinding his teeth while talking.
Ooh, good point. If Hugh is pissed enough at Roland for throwing him (Hugh) away, and Hugh discovers that killing Kate may kill Roland, hmmm….
Yeah, but Erra may have something to say about that. She’s helping Kate.
I just had a thought. For a tiny bit of time Hugh and his group join forces with Kate, Curran, and their group to go against Roland. Christopher may want to take Hugh’s head off in the duration but……’s a thought. 🙂
My thought was that the future scene from the castle wherein Kate and Hugh are fighting back-to-back might still happen, just in the service of Kate instead of Roland.
I was thinking about that, too.
Ooooo u r evil and it’s a great idea. I NEED this book. Actually any new IA book will do.
Congratulations on the well-deserved achievement award! You must be thrilled. I know I am thrilled for both of you! Thank you for Hugh snippets and the anticipation of the self-pub upcoming novel. Sometimes the bad guys are so interesting and complex that we want more. Can’t blame Kate for the mini-waver; she’s human too and Curran wasn’t showing well at that point in time… Three new books from you two in the next few months…YAY!!!
How about voluptuous? I’ve always preferred that one!
Excellent word, easier to pronounce than rubenesque and not at all sandwich sounding.
Congratulations on the CAAUF!! You may not have been publishing for that long but you’ve certainly made an impact in the genre.
The snippets are scintillating enough for me to now be anxiously awaiting Hugh’s book. Although I was always going to read it, I was still giving this crazy idea the beady-eye of suspicion. You guys are genius. Did I miss a title announcement for this book? Can you still keep the Magic ___________ format even though you’ll be self-publishing?
Congratulations on the award! Poor Hugh, knowing that she wavered a tiny bit is probably hurting and keeping him motivated at the same time.
You guys are awesome, I was really hoping to be back in the U.S. by fall but the military has other plans for our family. Have fun those of you who get to go!
Yay, I can’t wait to see you at RT! Congratulations on your award 🙂
:snorkle: No Hugh, just no.
Congrats on the Career Achievement award! Even if it has been only ten years, you two have totally earned it.
Interesting that Kate did waver–I don’t know if I picked that up when I read the book, but it’s been a while. I wonder if Hugh knows the only reason Kate didn’t kill him at the end of their sword fight is because she saw Curran standing there in the background? Different kind of wavering… 🙂
1) Curvalicious not plump. 2) She definitely wavered and I think many of us would. Looking at what she was going through I think she wavered way less than others would have due to her HUGE inner strength. 3) I am SO excited to read ANYTHING the two of you write I am doing an inner squeal and jump up and down. 4) Big Congrats on your Award you both deserve it!
Thank you for this wonderful snippet! Are there multiple points-of-view in Hugh’s book? I could be wrong, but I recall that most/all of the Hugh book snippets thus far have been from his point of view, but this seems like it’s from Elara’s? Hugh labeling this past transgression as idiotic bodes well for his character development!
I am going to sound like a chauvinist pig: I did not feel any romantic wavering on Kate’s part… is it because I am a man?
I didn’t say the wavering was romantic. 🙂
I think the wavering was real. Even where you are totally committed to one guy, if another hottie strolls in and expresses fervent interest, it is flattering and affirming and hard not to feel some pull back towards that guy. Especially when Guy One is acting like a total asshole. It’s not romantic exactly. It’s like Desandra says – hot in a sick kind of way. As well as ego boosting. And let’s remember Kate has been alone so long and only had a couple of boyfriends in her whole life. So yes, she knows Hugh wants her for something. She knows he’s a sick bastard. When reason returns to its throne, she would never, ever in any universe be with the man who put Christopher in a cage. But in the moment after the fight, she’s not operating on reason. This gorgeous man wants her for herself. And I don’t care who you are. If someone with Hugh’s power and looks and skills shows he’s in lust with you, there’s a tiny flicker of response. Gotta be.
Besides, wavering is not the same as HEA
Yay! Super excited! Also, Hugh is an addict in withdrawal, being cut off from Roland. It leaves him vulnerable. I’m glad there is someone there to help him figure out how to go on/become functional. Exciting to see how that works out.
Congratulations on the award. Take pictures. Attending that convention is somewhere on my bucket list, right under winning the lottery!
First, of course, Congratulations!
Second – I don’t know what your original concept was going to be, but adding a Hugh book is so gonna rock. He’s so complex, with his good – gone bad – going maybe good-ish, then he has that whole “Tripping Along the Psycho Path” ego ; I can’t wait to see what you guys dream up!
Congrats on the award!
So in the KD series, you created a character like Hugh that I so hated. He was responsible for Aunt B’s death, held Kate hostage in Mishmar, and tortured Christopher. You couldn’t help but root for Kate and Curran’s success. But in these Hugh snippets, I can’t say that I 100% like him, but he’s complex enough that you feel for him, maybe laugh at him. As a reader, you may still dislike him, but there are aspects of him that you want to know more about. That’s how good you are! Congrats on your award and much appreciation for writing fascinating characters that make me want to keep reading your books because I know that the story will keep up way past my bedtime.
“I don’t think she did.”
Ha! Me, neither!
Nor I.
Thank you so much for this snippet. Had a rough day and this helped smooth out the edges. Can’t wait for White Hot!
Thank you, and congratulations!
I always read any softness Kate showed toward Hugh was more along the lines of “there but for the grace of God go I” …. In another words that, but for Voron and her mother’s escape from Roland, she might have turned out just like Hugh. And no, Kate never would have fallen for Hugh. Maybe at the very beginning, before he showed his true colors. But once his true personality was revealed, she would have ended it. I think she would rather be with Ghastek then Hugh.
I always thought that any softness she had for him was because he was the closest thing that she had to a sibling. And the whole there but the grace of god thing as well.
But no, she never wavered, and never would.
You so deserve this, for rocking Urban Fantasy.
Congrats! I can’t believe we’re getting 2 Hidden Legacy books this year plus a Hugh book. I take back all the bad stuff I said about 2017.
When life gets tough I can revisit your books and reread the blog. You guys never fail to take me away from reality for a much needed break. Thank You both.
Same here,,, thank you from the bottom of my pea-picking little heart.
Congratulations Ilona and Gordon! Thank you for your wonderful books. Can’t wait to see what kind of a woman would be a match for Hugh. Don’t see how he could be made a sympathetic character, to be honest.
Is there a Name for this book yet? Will it be a “Magic…” book?
well way back in the day, I believe it was “Warlord’s Price” — but that was when it was an April Fools Day joke. Now… who knows?
Your books are a refuge that helps me get through the tough times. Thank you for the blood, sweat, and tears you put in to your writing. ?
I am waiting with bated breath for the Hugh book. I’ve always had a soft spot for him (sue me!) and I am totally awaiting his story!!
Congratulations ??! And thank you!
Congratulations on this much-deserved award. You two make this world so much more interesting by being in it. Thank you for your AWESOME work.
Omg I love love love you guys!
Can’t wait for White Hot. But whilst waiting for it i started Kate Daniels series and raced through every single delicious bit. You guys are so good you’ve ruined me for any other series authors.
Hugh. Hugh was a baddy that I loved to hate but he was not black. He’s shades of grey that for a bit… a very little bit (when Curren was ‘neglecting’ Kate) i wanted him to have a measure of success with Kate and reform like a regency bad boy LOL. I wanted to see Curren explode i guess.
And now you’re writing Hugh’s story. Please let his heroine be as feisty as Kate and his redemption be epic 🙂 im sure you will and I cannot wait.
Thank you both and congrats!!
Hi 🙂 Thank you for these Hugh snippets!
A silly question… when will the rest of Kate Daniels series be available on I have read the books so many times I’ve lost count, and recently started listening to the books & the narrator is FABULOUS!
Thanks in advance~
Aww, Hugh. She didn’t waver.
Wish I could see you guys at RT! I would park myself beside you just to bask in the presence of awesomeness.?
Congratulations, well deserved. I am looking forward to this book, well, any book from Ilona-Andrews. Redemption and justification are two different things. I saw Hugh as living proof as to how Roland corrupts, I believe I read that he had said the problem with his other children was that he had raised them. Kate is an incredible character that Roland’s only contribution was the threat of killing her…..
Thank you for the great stories/worlds.
“I saw Hugh as living proof as to how Roland corrupts” Wow soooo cool Penelope27, never thought of Hugh that way. Almost like he never had a chance – but there is always the nature vs. nurture argument. But when its Roland as the nurturer [shudder]
Is this going to be a book, or a novella or what? Sorry, I’m sure we were told and I missed it. In the order of publication will it come before Kate and Curran10? I’m thinking ‘yes’ because assuming the final confrontation between those two crazy kids and Roland takes place in #10, surely Hugh is going to be part of it. Visions and all.
Love this stuff by the way, and you totally deserve your award. You two are the best writing today in this genre – and also, frankly, compared to a whole lot of other fiction, genre or not, ‘literature’ or not.
Congratulations on your award. You deserve it!!
Great characters who have depth and don’t just follow formulaic relationships…
(they actually get to know each other and have something going for them besides lust!)
Interesting unique worlds and twists on plots that make readers want to visit…
Wonderful humor and repartee that make your people and situations friends and places readers would like to know…
Of course you merit an award, regardless of time with your own publications… Very good job and well earned!
Congratulations on the award!!
Hugh is SUCH an egomaniac with regards to Kate. She can say “no” to him and he still thinks he’s God’s gift to the world. *sigh* But the book is going to be really good, I can tell. Thanks for the snippets.
ALL OF THE SQUEEEEES!!!!!!!! I am sooooo freaking happy and excited about this Hugh book! You guys are making some awesome fun reading with it!
May the naysayers be silenced! XD
Congratulations on your award, it is well deserved.
I loved and hate how he thinks he knows Kate better than herself. I can’t wait to read it.
You both earned that award. I am so pleased for you.
One of these years I will manage to get to a convention – eventually.
I know Hugh did bad things. But he is a product of how he was brought up by Roland. So I might be in the minority, but I hope that the authorlords give him an HEA.
P.S. I can’t wait to read the book!
Many people have tough childhoods. But with Hugh’s healing abilities, I can’t believe he didn’t have choices.
In one of the recent Magics, when talking with Doolittle, Kate says Hugh would never be as happy as he is leading a slaughter. Roland may not have been the deciding factor, just a facilitator.
I am so Happy for my AUTHORLORDS!!! You so deserve the Award!!! I’m Ecstatic that your Brilliance is being Recognized and Appreciated. I thank you for sharing your tremendous talent.
Love all your books ❗waiting, waiting, for next book (s) in k&c world. I hope there are MANY more books to come in , and around the series. ??
This is going to be sooooo good….. I imagine it’s super challenging to write but it feels delicious already
Congratulations and thank you for the joy and excitement your books bring to my life.
Congratulations on the award. !!!
About Hugh.
Well, i read Magic Rises first in the KD series. So, I found Hugh absolutely intriguing, a lot more layered and grey than any other character. I mean I was almost rooting for him over Curran. Then I read the rest of the books, in the right order. And got confused about how I feel about him. And that is exactly how I feel about this book.
But there is one thing i’m sure about. Hugh’s book is gonna rock!!!
Can’t wait for it..!!
Congratulations on the award. Always nice to have your work recognised.
You guys so deserve that award! I love all your books and series. You continue to top my short list of favorite authors. Thank you for sharing your talents.