The Dushegub Faction of the BDH informed us that today is a Hughday. Contrary to their initial statement, they were not willing to discuss.

First half here.
Three months ago, he had come to Baile with 332 soldiers, all that remained of the Iron Dogs, the elite army he once built and led for Roland, the sun around which his universe had revolved.
He’d thought of Roland as his god and father, the man who rescued him when he was a child, taught him the magic and secrets of a forgotten age, and granted him the gift of the bloodline bond, mingling their blood and sharing his power.
For his part, Roland had thought of him as a convenient tool. When tools stopped working, they were discarded.
One failure. Just one. That’s all it took.
A gust of wind fanned him. He waited it out and resumed his trek along the ledge.
Roland had purged him, stripping him of everything: his power, his place, his purpose, and the immortality Roland’s affection promised. The bond that used to be a source of strength and reassurance turned into a burning void that gaped in his soul, gnawing at him with scorching, razor-sharp teeth. It nearly drove him out of his mind, and he’d crawled into a bottle to find oblivion. He would’ve died there, except his once-father hadn’t been contented with throwing him away. Roland also decided to dismantle everything he’d built, so he used the Golden Legion, his necromancers armed with hordes of mindless vampires, to exterminate the Iron Dogs.
For their sake, he pulled himself together enough to reshape the tatters of the best private army on the continent into a small, but powerful, fighting force. A force that needed to be housed and fed and had no means to pay for either. He needed food and housing, and Elara and her people required protection from Roland’s necromancers who desired their castle.
An alliance was formed. His reputation was shit, hers was worse, they married to make it believable and to buy time. He and Elara clashed the moment they met. They argued over everything: money, strategy, people… He rushed to fortify the castle against the attack he knew would come and she clung to her traditions and tried to cobble together enough money to keep up with his requests. He’d thrown himself into this tug of war, at first enraged and then looking forward to it.
He was almost to the window now.
And then they were invaded by an enemy like no other.
Somehow in the middle of it all, Elara became the center of his world. They slept together once, and those short few hours were the first time since the purge he felt a hint of happiness. A cruel glimpse of what life could be like.
They saved the neighboring town, but the enemy returned just as Landon Nez, the Legatus of the Golden Legion and Roland’s premier necromancer, came calling with his undead horde.
It was the kind of battle that spawned legends. In the end, he managed to turn the tide, but Nez had captured him, and he got to see his father one more time.
Roland’s image surfaced from his memory, wrapped in magic, with the face of a sage, radiating kindness and wisdom.
Take my hand, Hugh. Take my hand and everything will be forgiven. Everything will be as it was.
He’s laughed in his former god’s face. He thought he would die. Instead, his wife came for him. She appeared before Roland in her true shape, and it was so terrifying that the immortal wizard fled.
The memory of what she was lived deep inside Hugh as well, but he did not reach for it. There were no words to describe the chaos of teeth, mouths, and eyes wrapped in a cosmic cold. He’d tried to recall it before and remembering it stretched his sanity to its limit.
He had woken up in his bed three weeks ago. She came to visit him and brought him crepes she made.
You’re my husband, Hugh. As long as you want to stay here, you’ll have a home. I’ll never abandon you.
They hadn’t had a real conversation since. They nodded at each other, they resumed their petty bickering in a half-hearted way, but they did not discuss his past or what she was. She hadn’t come to his bed again.
And now she was not at her desk for the fourth day in a row.
He reached the window. The ledge had ended and there was no windowsill.
The woman was a fucking disease that took root in his brain and refused to leave.
He gripped the edge of the window and slowly leaned as far as he could, craning his neck to glance through the glass. She sat in an overstuffed chair with a knitted blanket on her lap. Her long white hair was down, and it dripped over her shoulders like a silver curtain.
The wind hit him again, and he pressed his back against the stone. This was one of the few times in life when being smaller would’ve been an asset.
The gust died and he leaned to the side one more time.
She was watching a computer monitor mounted on the wall and taking notes in a small notebook.
He focused on the muffled sound coming through the window. A soft male voice with a trace of London.
“… pastry week.”
What the hell.
“…the rough puff pastry… bakers… rolling out the dough and laminating it with cold butter. If the butter is too warm…”
Hugh took a deep breath and leaned back against the wall.
He walked across a narrow ledge a hundred feet above the ground in the middle of the night for a baking show. He had no one to blame but himself. He let the harpy get under his skin and this was the result.
A hint of movement at the edge of the forest caught his attention. He focused on it.
Three people emerged from the tree line, two in Iron Dog black and one a nightmarish meld of wolf and human, a shaggy monster seven feet tall. Karen. One of his best scouts.
The other two were Stoyan, one of his centurions, and Sharif, also a werewolf and the new scout master. The three Iron Dogs double-timed it to the castle.
Stoyan wasn’t fond of night adventures in the forest, especially their forest. Magic waves nourished the trees, speeding up the growth, but the woods around Baile defied all expectations. They felt ancient, as if they had been growing here for a thousand years, with old, rugged trees and undergrowth that spawned hungry things with savage claws and bear trap teeth. The Iron Dogs treated the forest with healthy respect and never went in alone.
Something happened. Something bad enough for Sharif to notify the centurion on watch and urgent enough that Stoyan didn’t wait until daylight to check it out.
The small door within the gate swung open, and the three Iron Dogs passed through into the bailey. Sharif inhaled and stopped. The three of them looked up, directly at him.
Stoyan squinted, as if he wasn’t sure what he was looking at.
Hugh put his finger to his lips and pointed at the window of his study. Stoyan gaped at him for two seconds, nodded, and the three soldiers jogged to the keep’s door.
So much for the quiet evening. The Universe must’ve decided that he rested long enough.
The wind pulled at him.
Hugh gritted his teeth and started back along the ledge to his turret.
Thank you for the update! Love this series.
+1 🤗
Really looking forward to this.
The pace, the writing style, the characters and the storylines which I love so much in the Kate Daniels post-apocalyptic world. Thank you and Happy Friday!
+1 million agreements
perfect timing, can read on my lunch break!! tyvm.
I have missed Hugh for quite some time, this is going to be good!
Fingers crossed that the Dushegub faction stays fluffy and chalant and House Andrews doesn’t have to pull Innkeeper techniques to keep us in line. 🙂
Show of hands . . . how many people want to say “Do wish to discuss?” in meetings only to realize that no one would understand?
So many +1’s!!!
hahaha, all the time!
I did say it in a meeting just the other day and snickered internally
I bring my dushegub and bdh bags to all of the conventions and meetings in the hope that I find a Bdh member
I’ve worn my Barsa Barsa Barsa shirt on my vacations in the hopes of running into fans in the wild
I have not met any fans gone wild but have been asked many times about my “Book Devouring Hoard” hoodie. My answer is “It’s like a book club…uh…on Meth”.
I mean, you’re not wrong Sherri! 😂😂😂
I wear, usually, my ‘Here kitty kitty’ t-shirt, or sometimes ‘The Consort, ever merciful’ when we drive from New England to my brother’s in Maryland. Even though the rest stops can b crowded, I’ve never found any BDH. Yet. I chose to live in hope.
I have randomly found a fellow BHD who lives 30min from mine, without realising it. we methrough my cousin, they are friends, didn’t know at the time that both of us are members of the BDH.
realised when I wasms wearing my merch, explaining to my cousin about this writing duo that I’m into, and she said that the merch thing sounded familiar, and that the friend of hers that I’d met in London, was also a fan.
I discovered this while in oz at the time.
so we are out there, and in close proximity, we just seen to fly under eachothers radars like stealth BDH battle ships
Flying under the radar is right. I only realized that a good friend, whom I see only occasionally, was of the BDH when I visited and saw a BDH sticker on his laptop.
ha so it’s not just me with my BDH tote!
I was wearing my French cover Kate sweatshirt at the grocery store and a man said “Hi Kate!”. I got excited for a second and then realized the shirt says ” Call me Kate”. Hahaha, almost… I did tell him the name of the character and books and recommended he look them up.
Definitely! So may times on so many different occasions.
I *have* said that in meetings and then no one understands why I’m sad that no one gets it. No one ever gets my quotes. sigh.
We feel your pain. No one gets why I think the Consort, ever merciful, is hilarious. And my sister-in-law couldn’t understand why I felt my Roman Christmas tree shirt(I’m not evil. I’m just beloved by evil things.) was appropriate to wear on Christmas Day with just the family. Honestly, I’m pretty sure she was just happy I didn’t wear it for her big 17 ppl dinner the night before.
This is why we need the BDH!((Hugs))
PS: Thanks to HA for posting more Hugh. It made my day much better.
exactly this, I wore mine at Christmas thinking that of me festive for once…. no one got it 🥺
I told my nieces and nephew I wore it in honor of them…it took them a minute.
yup all the time…. and then miraculously someone in my office saw my rippercushions mug and said I love IA! made my day
It has passed my mind. I also once in a while receive a work email from a real life man named Nick Feldman and every single time I have to suppress the urge to address my reply to “Uncle Stupidhead” but I fear neither he nor HR would find it as hilarious as I do.
Hahahahahaha! That made me properly snort 🤣
🤣🤣🤣 Oh my.
“So much for a quiet evening” I am really looking forward to this book. So happy it is Hughday!
hey Hugh nice seeing you again this week
LOL Oh Hugh…
Thank you for the snippet!! Love it. Hugh is my favorite character.
Have a great Friday 🙂
It is Hughday! Thanks for the snippet.
All that sneaking to learn that Elara is watching a cooking show. I laughed when I read that part. Poor Hugh. Now, he has to get back to his window with the wind blowing.
NOT just a cooking show, but the Great British Bake Off, the jewel of all baking shows.
Poor Hugh he can’t compete against Paul Hollywood.
I agree. Especially when Paul is talking about making bread, rolls, and pastries. 😀
+1 Hugh definitely has it uphill versus PH.
Thank you for the fun snippet! I am looking forward to the book.
Hurray for Hughday! I love that Elaira is watching a baking show and taking notes but that surely didn’t account for all four day missing from her desk. I look forward to more.
I’m pretty sure Elara knows Hugh will be spying & Elara got the bestest spy around
I also think she’s caught Hugh in some kind of scheme!
That was delightful. Although I would have thought they’d keep the conjugal visits going.
She must have waited until the whole season was streaming and is watching an episode a night
Yay!! So good.
love this! Thank you! and referencing great british baking show was an excellent cherry on top
Thank you so much! The January blahs have got me firmly in their grasp and this really brightened my day.
So much squeeing. I do love that She has just been watching Baker show and he couldn’t just ask. And now got caught in the act but not by her. So delicious!
Wait, we have a Dushegub faction? Does this mean I can be part of the Oombole faction?!? Pretty dances to calm and soothe the other factions into w*iting!
Ohhh, I want to be part of the Higgra. I want all the attentions. I have the patience to w**t on my prey (more Hugh!!!) but I might sit on your keyboard to get what I want.
Thanks for the snippet!!! It’s so good. I love that Hugh got caught. 🤣🐈⬛
I’ll be part of the Higgra faction with you!
Oh yes! Another Higgra faction member here! One of my favorite screen savers is the photo of the Higgra candidate. Thank HA it’s Hughday!!!
Hooray for Hugh Day!! Love this. And I too have been carefully dribbling out the Great British Baking show for stress relief. Leakage and soggy bottoms are such a break from real!
Yay! Hughday is something to look forward to these cold days.
Thank you!
A bit of goodness in an otherwise fruitless day: my newly adopted 7 year old cat swatted at the vet tech so his nails are still untrimmed since September….we get to wait until next week and his first vet visit to see what drugs he gets for his pedicure!!
There was a new vet at the old office who insisted my once-feral 18 pound panther was only making keening noises because of a high strung owner. Insisted on taking him in the back without me. All witnesses agree the cat did not bite or intentionally scratch, but ran right up over the top of the vet with all pitons deployed to the tune of 30 facial stitches and a red cover on Danny’s med records “owner holds unless sedated”.
I have come to the conclusion that cats were put on this world as a foolproof method of detecting idiots before they can cause too much harm to themselves or others.
This goes a long way to explaining why SOME segments of humanity loudly claim to hate cats…………..
yup those baking shows will getcha. lol!
woohoo!!! Hughday!! Love the snippet
yes. just yes. Broken, flawed, burdened people like Hugh and Elara have a special place in my heart.
Thank you! 💜💜💜
Good to know that the GBBO survived.
You have to love Hugh in all his weird thinking ways 😂
Oh, he’s got it baaaad.
It will be glorios 😍😊
So good. Thank you for this gift today.
Ya gotta Love 💕 Love! Thank you for the great snippet! Happy January all!
Oh my – lol I love it! Your snippets make me laugh, grin and then leave me hanging!!!
Have a great weekend!!
I LOVE the idea of Hughday. And I snickered when he realized she was watching a version of the Great British Baking show!
Thanks for the snippet.
Happy Friday!
Thanks for the snippet—it made me laugh! 🤣🤣🤣
Have a great day!
Can Hughday be a weekly day (happily replace Monday with it!) and not an annual holiday? Tho such holiday vibes!!!
you made a terrible day much, much better.
thank you!
You have no idea how much I needed that. It’s been a very heavy time. Thank you so, so much.
❤️ thank you
I love The Great British Baking Show.
Omg Elara watching great british bakeoff, my day is made
lol, I was watching the Great British Baking Show last night and love pastry week! Go Elara! She should enter and Hugh should watch!
Wheeeee more Hugh!! Thankyou!
Oh I cannot WAIT for the Iron Dogs to start giving their beloved leader crap about sneaking over to his wife’s window.
This is so good !! Thank you.
Ha ha 😆 love 💕 it can’t wait. Thanks 😊
Poor addicted Hugh and his harpy. I love them so much.
I LOVE IT I LOVE IT I LOVE IT SO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
love this, thank you!
i love it. you made my friday! thank you!
Love this! I’m so excited for the book!!
Love the snippet!
Maybe she’s looking for something else besides crepes to make for Hugh?
After all, she’s taking notes…
She made him crepes, she made him gaga, what’s next 🤣
OMG OMG thank you
I love Hugh ( now he has been rehabilitated by a more scary monster) Thank (h)you for this. Should I introduce my hubby to Hugh? Or to Kate first?
Someone, was it Ilona? Recommended starting ppl with the third Kate Daniels book because that’s where she felt they’d really hit their stride. Unfortunately, I (had previously) started my husband at the first KD book, and while he says he will probably read more, it’s not top of his list. I’m wondering if I should try him on Innkeeper next, or stick w Kate. But it would b hard to start w Hugh, I think. It really depends on the reader. Good luck in luring him into the BDH! My first try didn’t quite stick, but I’m in for the long series here.
This book is going to be fun!
I love Stoyan, I hope he get’s his happy end as well.
Thank you very much for the snippet, so excited for the second book!
I lurve him and the Banshee! I can’t wait for their courtship, I have a feeling it will be so sweet! He’s come such a long way from Kate dropkicking his crucified form.
But I have to admit my absolute favourite is Bale. I’m holding off an extra loud squeeeee for when he starts teasing Hugh for being in wuuuuuuuuuuv. Twue wuuuuvvv!
It’s whyyyy we aw gawthewed heahhhh twodahhh….
No skipping to the end, we want all the Hughdays! But I will w@!t and watch the Princess Bride (again, obviously!) to control my frothing at the mouth. Thank you HA!
Have to re-read Hugh #1… 🤔…. Yep, will start now… 😄
Love these bits! Love Hugh Day!!!
Oh, I have missed Hugh! And the Iron Dogs and Elara! What a great start to the new book. Thanks HA 💐💖💐💖
Hugh is being such an idiot about Elara. It’s hilarious! Their mating dance must be entertaining the whole of Baile. Thank you thank you thank you!
Of course it’s a baking show! What else, Hugh😂
Yehey! thanks for this. happy friday
Well bless the dushegubs in the BDH! Thank you so much for this snippet. It made my day.
So tantalizing! Poor Hugh! Caught being an idiot. Bwahahaha!
Lol! Thank you! 🤩
My TBR list is humongous and now I’ve got to go back and reread the first one. The only saving grace is that I know it will be worth it. Thank you!
I’m trying to hold off until after I listen to the GA of Magic Binds. But the struggle is so real!
Awesome as usual!
Lovely! Absolutely lovely! HughDay is happy day from now on. Thank you!
Great update. Thank you!
Fabulous! I was still expecting him to get caught 🤣
I am loving the snippets thank you, it’s good to be back in Hugh’s world 💜💜💜
Thank you, its a ‘Great’ start to the weekend again xx
Yay! Thank you for sharing!
Thank you so much for this snippet, can’t wait for Hugh and Maggie.
I love Hugh so much! I love this series so much! I love you all SO MUCH!!!
Hahahahahaa! Oh Hugh! She’s watching the cooking show so she can make a pie for you.
It’s bad enough you decide to be stupid enough to climb on a tiny ledge to spy on your harpy of a wife, then you get caught doing so by your crew, only to get news that something bad is coming. This really isn’t Hugh’s day.
Can’t wait for Iron Covenant 2 to come out. It’s going to be awesome! But I can’t wait for Maggie either, and we KNOW that’s gonna be a whopper of a book, yay!
Awww 🥰
Wonderful. Risking life and limb to find out she us watching a baking show 😀. Thank you
Dushegub faction we salute you! now leave HA alone so they can finish the story and I er we ::flushes guiltily:: can immerse ourselves in Hugh once more.
I want and I want it ASAP! Of court I know this isn’t reasonable or possible but I thought this was a way of letting you know that I can’t wait.
Amazing!!! Thank you so much! I 💗Hugh with Elara.
Squee! This is going to be great!
thanks for the snippet and hope things have calmed down some.
lol…great thangs this is what i need after the Thing wiht my mum and her star in Hospital…thangs love your works
I LOVE it! Too funny. I cannot wait for the book to be finished Need any beta readers????
Hughday is fun- I love that Elara watching the Baking show was making Hugh crawl along the ledge of the castle. Just to be spotted by his Iron Dogs. This is perfect, especially after this week- thank you HAandcthsnk you Dushegub faction of the mighty BDH
I’m pronouncing it Hugday, FYI.
I have the same addiction to the Great British Baking Show, and I’m very glad there’s a version still being shown on Streaming. 🙂
Can you hear my sigh of contentment. Thank you for the update.
It has been a season of grief and loss for us, with no clear way to see relief for perhaps years. I have read everything you have written multiple times in the past months and your words and worlds have brought me both comfort and escape.
I just wanted to thank you from the bottom of my heart for what you have given me. Too many of us go through life wondering if they have made a difference. You will never have to ask that question. Bless you. I wish you all the health, happiness and abundance in the world.
I’m so happy you have found a measure of relief and escape in the books. I hope things start to feel better soon. *Hugs*
+1 here
so glad Hugh is coming back!!!!! I love all your stories , especially the Kate Daniel’s books and Hugh
thanks again
Thanks. I was having Hugh withdrawal. He and Elara are great together.
Love love love love love! Thank you!!!
Thank you!! Happy Friday!
I’m so happy to be reading Hugh again! I like the Kate series but if I’m honest, I adore the “spin-off” series far more. The books in which Hugh, Julie, and Andrea were the leads were some of my favorites 🙂 Aaaand if we are playing favorites, I like Hugh best.
Thank you! Thank you!
He he! Loving Hughday! Thank you!!
Love it! Thank you ☺️
Lovely, thank you. Excited to see this come together
Ooooh!! Thank you. Have a good restful weekend
I disavow any relationship to a Dushegub, but thank you, thank you, thank you for Hugh #2!!! Love it! and British bake off too!
w**ting, w**ting for whatever is next,
BDH member!
WHOOP, WHOOP!!!!!!!!😊😊😊😊😤
So when I saw a werewolf mentioned my mind screamed Derek! But it was just a Karen Werewolf 🤣 🤣 🤣 🐺
😂😂😂 Thank you I guess to the Dashegub contingent. I love Hughday! That was delicious as always.
Happy Hughday to you!
You are too good to us!
So is the second book before Magic Triumphs? Or in the middle of it?
Love the snippet, can’t wait for more❤️
Both of Hugh’s books happen before Magic Triumphs 🙂
OMG Elara is watching The Great British Bake Off, a woman after my own heart 😆
This is amazing.
LOL! Happy Hughesday! I wonder if Rook witnessed all this and Elara will get an account of it later 🤭
Dushegub faction: we have humongous cousins (in an unknown forest in Kentucky) who have captured and tamed a a dough laminator for puff pastry. Peace offering.
Do you wish to discuss?
Thank you! ❤️
Awe I do love the GBBS. It is happy and calm making. Makes sense she would be a fan
Happy Hugday!! 🥰 So good, love it thank you. I am looking forward to IM2! Do you wish to discuss?
I don’t even bake anymore (no sugar or carbs for me) and I STILL watch GBBO anyway. It’s good to know that in our parallel universe in which magic has destroyed the world that recordings of GBBO survive.
My favorite bit is Stoyan looking up to see Hugh on the ledge and giving him the eye.
yes!!! <3 this series… also <3 pastry week
OMG I am so hyped for this story, hope the keyboard troubles improve!
Thanks for the snippet
Thank you! Friday and a snippet ❤️
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you, Ilona, for the gift of more Hugh!
Shout out to the Dushegub Faction!
Wishing all of House Andrews, ModR, the Horde and those they love peace, health and safety!
Lol, busted! Thank you for this.
This is that day.
You will post of the HUGH.
Thank you! Also, I like watching The Great British Bake Off as well, Elara!
I did t think I could like Hugh, but if anyone could make me like home it was you. Now I lurv him
Thank you, so gratefully, House Andrews! The snippet made me squeee in pure joy! Hughday helping me make it through this pneumonia!💜💜💜
So…. Croissants?
hahahaha, I too love pastry week. This last season was really good too, everyone was really good
p.s i feel so spoiled ily
Snicker, chortle, guffaw!
I still say he doesn’t want to admit, even to himself, that he was worried.
Hugh can never do things simply, can he? I’m so excited for his next book!
Thank you so much, this was SOOO much fun! I mean, it just HAD to be the GBBO (and btw, by coincidence I literally had a Mary Berry show streaming while reading this!) All I could picture was Hugh fuming on the ledge while Elara is inside taking notes, maybe with plans to create a special pastry for him. Those two….I just love them! 🥰💕💕
Yay for Hughday!!! I love it.
Thank you!!! You bring so much joy!!!!
I’m so happy to be back with Hugh and Elora. Thank you
Yay hooray for Hugh Day!!
Thank you!
Ah I’ve missed Hugh! 😁
Am I the only one channeling Steve West’s voice while listening to this? I may need to do a reread of the actual book instead of the audiobook for once.
YES!! she’s a fan. That totally makes me happy!
heh, laminated layers 😀
thank you!
I’ve said once and I’ll say it again. I love Hugh.
I admit defeat ! I was one of the BDH who swore I would never forgive Hugh because reasons (which can be summed up as ‘ Aunt Bea’). However I read Iron and Magic and softened towards him a bit. Now I find myself cheering him on and eagerly anticipating how he will win the girl! House Andrews, I applaud your smarts and writing ability to be able to redeem Hugh.
Love the Hugh snippets! I’m so looking forward to finding out what the chicken eating story is!!
Oooo, maybe Elara will make a chicken hand pie or pot pie, but refuse to eat it herself, leading to the chicken challenge? Or maybe not…just trying to connect the dots(GBBS … chicken issues of unknown origin).
Really looking forward to Hugh’s new book, but then I love every book you write. I hope this is a good year for you both.
Excellent Hughday, thank you. Kudos to the Dushegub who did not wish to doscuss!
yay, yay, love it, thanks ❤️
New words, and I’m basking in them. It’s like laying on a tropical beach comfortable and warm. Your words defy the cold freezing wind that’s howling outside. Thank you.
Love Hugh. So happy!
Squeee! Thank you for the lovely snippet! 💙
Has the title of Book 2 been announced, by any chance? (Just making sure I hadn’t missed it.)
If it has, I have missed it as well.
AFAIK the working title is still Hugh 2
“In the naaaame of love. One man in the name of love…”
Sorry. I’ll see myself out
Hugh 2, Iron Covenant 2, I&M 2, the d’Ambray Bake Off lol.
There is no title yet, and everyone (including je) seem to call it different things each time, but fortunately, we know what we mean 😀
Wait! Oops, sorry!! W*it! ‘The D’Ambray Bake Off’!?? Who calls it that? Is it HA? Do they call it that? Is this a clue? (Watches BDH dash off in many directions all at once. While dashing full tilt myself…)
It’s not a clue, just a joke based on the snippet above 🙂
Mod R, you know the Horde will take any joke and run with it to the point of no return. 😁🥸
Bahahaha! ‘ Sharif inhaled and stopped. The three of them looked up, directly at him, squinted, as if he wasn’t sure what he was looking at.’
I love this for Hugh. 💜
Thank you both, again, for the way you build your worlds. It is much needed.
Hughday is now my favourite day of the week. Thank you so much.
Btw you guys, I’m trying to complete my collection. Does anyone know if the smaller works like Jim and dalis story can be bought as a real book?
You can check the page, it will detail retailers and option for every one 🙂
Some are only available in print anthologies, like Magic Steals for example.
Thank you ! 🙂
Dushegubs of… Creeeeeak hisss hisss creeeeak knock: it is Hughday or
Smother-you day. We do not discuss.
That made me laugh. Hugh is not only jealous, but busted by his besties.
I wish I had an opportunity to use*do you wish to discuss*. I will some day
Lovely. Thank you, and I also must give thanks to the Dushegub Faction for precipitating this.
what was she knitting? is it something baby would wear?
Elara is not knitting 🙂 .
She has a knitted blanket on her lap. She is watching the British Bake Off and taking notes.
Looking forward to all things Hugh
I am excited the series will continue. I like all the characters.
So glad to see Hugh again. Missed all of them. Can’t wait for more.
Sorry if this has been asked before, I looked but didn’t see it.
This book, the second Hugh book, does it take place before the last Kate Daniels book? Just working to get the timeline right in my head.
All three of Hugh’s trilogy happen before Magic Triumphs. Remember how Hugh shows up in that book to help with their dragon problem?
That’s correct on the timeline (Hugh’s books are before Triumphs) but currently House Andrews envision it as a duology rather than trilogy 🙂 .
Ooooo, thanks for that Mod R.
how I missed him…… 😀
Kermit the Frog flailing his arms meme!
I love this – I just reread Iron and Magic and this was perfect timing!
Squeeeeeeeeeeee! Thank you!
never thought I’d say it but hooray for the Dushegub’s among us and their refusal to discuss!
I think I can wait more patiently with Hugh off a ledge.
thanks for sharing. hope you have a good weekend
Hughday!!! Yes please and thank you!
*sigh* happy, happy, joy, joy! thank you! have an awesome week!
🤣 Love it!
What an amazing story! I read and it’s like a story within a story. Love it.
So good, so good!! Thank you so much for that! May we have some more?! We are not the BDH for nothing,!
I am so looking forward to this book. I know he’s an ass but his redemption makes me smile.
Thank you so so much! I needed something fun today. I so appreciate the care and effort that you put forth for the BDH. Desperately trying to get my daughters to read your books, and I’ve been giving them snippets and giggles for a while. I’m tempted to go full Dushegub on them, lol!
LMAO. This is hilarious. I can picture Hugh in my mind standing on the ledge with the Iron Dogs staring up at him.
A simple big WOW. So ready for this book.
I so hope this book will be serialized🥰🙏
<3 <3 <3
I’m 99% sure Elara put the baking show to screw with Hugh 🤣
It can b both. Watching it because she wants to AND to torture Hugh. Win-win
Okay – i want it.
You do this always and
i love it 🙂
This is awesome. Hughday!!! Yes!
Hahaha …. Instead of asking …he scoots along ledge . Yep… he’s a guy …and he like likes her. Sweet ! Can’t wait to read the next Hugh book!📖
Exactly! Why go asking when you can do it more difficult…! 😂
So many feels!!! I am so happy you are continuing this arc!!! xxx
Just wow!!!! Oh my!! Thank you!!! You have made me so, so happy! This past week I returned to teaching 4 courses to undergraduates at a small liberal arts college, and . . . this is my reward!!! Rapturous delight! Another Hugh and Elara adventure! Something to look forward to following at the end of the week of suffering young, untrained, imprudent minds willingly, but not always graciously (and the end of the week will not always have a posting because House Andrews is human and has human needs like “rest,” “recreation,” “food,” “offspring-care,” and “animal-care” as well as wanting to keep my hunger’s edge sharp–I get it!). Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!
Love it!
Truly miss the rest of the story! Would love to see more books about Hugh.
Thank you!!! Love it! 💖💖💖
😂😂😂😂😂😂😂Love this part.
There must be a Flare coming. I believed, hoped, prayed, and thus it came to pass- a Hughday. Thank you Chernobog, Lord of Nav 🙏 and head pats for Aspid, the evilest of boys 🐍
I’ve been patiently waiting for the continuation of Hugh’s and Elara’s story! Yay!
I found another BDH member unexpectedly when I used the quote. I shouldn’t have been surprised, after all, she’s my daughter. It was great to get the snippet and am so looking forward to Hugh’s new life with Elara. I’m still smiling when I think of the baking show. Poor Hugh. Human again. LOL.
Love this storyline! I’m very happy to see you’re working on them.
l love it! More!!!!! Please!
🙂 Thank you! Makes me so happy knowing Hugh’s/Elara’s story is being continued!
thank you for this brilliant snippet on Hughsday
More! More!
I will be on pins and needles until the next installment gets here.
I have enjoyed these two snippets so much that I reread the first book… again! Of how I love their bickering and growing affection for each other. I’m waiting patiently for the final result… Well almost patiently then! 😂
Just thank you!
Aaaaaand now I really want to know whats happening. Please continue. Do you wish to discuss? The w*it until the next installment is worth it and I realize that I very much look forward to reading the whole story over the mext months instead in one run until the sun goes up again. I might need to check in with a therapist – I am actually wondering if w*iting or p*tience could be something good.
Thank you for the snippet!
yeah!! such a great addition to a trying week!
thank you!!
Hehehehehehhhh ……
I’m snickering at Hugh being jealous of a baking show…
I can’t wait for this book!
Love you House Andrews!
Thank you!
Amazing! Love it!
Can’t wait for what’s to come, it’s sooo good
aww we he was worried about her.
Could we be so lucky?! Regular installments? Oh please let this be real.
Wow. So good! Thanks. 😀
Now that’s interesting! I wil keep my sanity, such as it is, and not try to figure out the true shape of Elara.
Great clip!
Thanks again for snippets
I love it!!! When do we get the whole thing? Surprisingly I do like Hugh and would love to read the whole thing.
Love it. Love Hugh. Love
*dead* this is me right now :))))))
absolutely loved it and want it now, now now :)))))
Happy Hughday!❤️
Love it!
Can’t wait for more Hugh & Elara.
Happy writing
Thank you 🙂 I love these liitle snippets.
I love this! Thank you. It is very difficult waiting for this book to come out. The last two pieces are excellent.
mmmmm, thank you for the yumminess!!! It is unutterably exquisite to have fresh, unknown, previously unread HA to savor !!!!
This is wonderful. Thankyou! Long live Hugh! Will we see him recruit ppl to train into Iron dogs? His people took heavy losses in the war
I like this keyboard.
They also have one specific for laptops, but I’ve never personally tried it
I love Hugh, but so want to see Bucky in his true form!
thank you so very much
we just got power back on after 4 days, and this is here.
lovely, poor Hugh
We’ve had rain and storms since Wednesday, so trees were down and power lines cut.
And to top it off the week before that was so hot (Tuesday was 35°C) and I’m trying to protect the Avocado trees from the heat.
Sounds like Texas in our summer months. Stay safe and cool down there.
can’t wait 🙂
Saved for calm Saturday, so worth the wait!
Thank you!
I love this so much! Thank you for a Happy Hughday!
Love love love it!
The first three words says it all, ” three months ago”. Wowser!
This is gonna be epic even though we were told some time ago a main person would not survive. Perhaps there will be a change of heart in the direction of the book. However if not, this may be a reminder that not even the good guys always come out on top. We were warned it would be a dark turn in the story. Still, you guys are the best, the very best. Thank you!!
This is lovely! I can’t wait.
I normally don’t read excerpts like these because I know I want to read the whole book and I’m too impatient…
Well I was right I shouldn’t have, but it was too tempting in my defense, now I want to read the whole book and I don’t know how much longer I need to wait :'(
Thank you as always for all your hard work ! 🙂
Yay yaay yaaay yaaaay!!!
Thank you many times 🙂
I’m very happy to read about Hugh. Keep going, please.
ooh….can’t wait…..and am going to be really strong and NOT read the book shorts…..i want to devour the whole thing in one go….
Anxiously awaiting everything, especially this and Innkeeper.
Absolutely love Hugh and Elara. Keep up the wonderful work.
Thank you!! In my head I dropped the H and read/heard HugDay as a snippet from Team Andrews always feels like getting a hug 🙂
Love love love this! Thank you.
I can’t wait! Thank you!
The idea of Great British Bake-off surviving the magic apocalypse doesn’t stretch credulity at all—Paul Hollywood has to be preternatural with those blazing blue eyes!
What an amazing little Easter egg😍 I adore that Elara also loves my favorite “comfort show”.
Snippets will keep me sane for tomorrow and the next few weeks.
I would be very pleased if you would consider regular Hughdays.
Thank you, thank you, and thank you!!!
thank you, that was sooo funny. Such an occacion to smile on a Monday morning
Bom dia do Brasil para meus autores favoritos!!
Cada dia mais curiosa com essa história! Por favor me dê mais migalhas da vida deles!
That’s hilarious! I’m looking forward to the upcoming book and any future snippets. Thank you for posting this.
Love this. Thank you.
Yay for Hugh Day! The horde is happy 😂
Lol. Love it. I am in a baking mood now
Thanks, really enjoyed this. Can’t wait for the book.
so after reading this, I realized that I had forgotten a lot of Iron and Magic, so I reread it. That led to rereading Magic Triumphs, which I just finished. And I am confused. Clearly the new book takes place after Iron and Magic, but is it before Magic Triumphs? Please help!
Both of Hugh’s books will take place before Magic Triumphs 🙂
Yay!!! Very thankful for that faction of the BDH!
Well. This is a perfect time for another Hugh novel.
He he – thank you! Nothing like getting caught out on a ledge.
HAPPY HAPPY JOY, JOY,ITS HUGHDAY!!! Thank you very much! I thoroughly enjoyed the writings. Now my work day is full of joy. I feel like it’s very hot outside and I am thirsting for cold water and very cold lemonade. When my reality, is below 10 degrees here in Philadelphia, PA . Worst weather ever, here in Philadelphia. I know it winter time but I prefer 80 to 90 degrees. Thanks again for the much needed mental warmth ! I need and want more! 😊💥
I pre-ordered ‘Sanctuary’ and devoured it the day it landed on my Kindle.
I REALLY miss this World, these characters.
(I even got over the resentment I felt when you *made* me go from despising the villainous-murderous-cold-blooded-Hugh, to admiring the formerly-brainwashed-magically-‘addicted’-fiercely-loyal-to-his-Iron-Dogs-Hugh; dammit! ;-D )
Thank-you for drip-feeding me, and keeping me in one of my favourite Universes.
I love Hugh!
Hugh and Elara. Ahhh…
Thank you so much. Old friends – the wait has been well worth it.
it tickled me that Elata was watching bake off! thank you!
Super series…. But talking of psychotic trees is there a timeline for finishing the innkeeper series?
Here is the thing: BDH wants Hugh 2, and Bloodheir 2, Arabella trilogy, and the end the of innkeeper, and more Roman, and can we have a side story with this minor character. It gets overwhelming very fast and meanwhile we need to get back into stores and we have a contract with a publisher.
So one thing at a time, and none of it is real until the preorder link is up in the Release Schedule.
i think i’ve came back to read this 5 times already, help
I love it so far!
Also “he’s laughed” should be “he”. Sorry I proofread professionally lol
hello, thanks for this.
You have no idea how happy this made me! Thank you so much. I am really looking forward to read this book.
I am dying laughing.
oh full belly laugh I needed that. Bless yall
I just did a Re-listen of the audible version of Hugh’s book. I am very much looking forward to part 2. Also, I hope Graphic Audio does Hugh. The opening scene where the Iron Dogs are trying to rouse him out of his drunken stupor would be fantastic. I would love to hear Stoyan, Felix and the berserker quibbling over Hugh.
So excited!!!
Love this, thanks
Ill – off work today – Loved this – made me laugh out loud!! Superb presentation of Hugh and Elara’s characters through a simultaneously ridiculous yet apparently banal moment! Torn between anticipating the next extract in my favourite series and patiently waiting for the whole novel…
Love you guys, can’t wait for more, gives a old woman reason to go on, thanks 😊
I love this so much
Thank you!
I love it! Thank you so, so much, and I cannot wait to read the novel on repeat whenever you publish it!
How about the BDH sharing amusing and/or interesting language tangles?
A toddler was stroking her baby brother in a loving way and said ‘Egg, egg.’
The little one knew that the German caressing sound ei also meant egg.
I’m 77 and on my third reading of all your books
every time I realize I’ve missed something
May I just say, y’all are doing a BangUP job of driving’ that poor fella outta his tiny little mind!
Thank you! Love this new beginning 🙏🏻
The whole Kate Daniels universe is the awesome and the Hugh’s storie is going ti be great liké everything else!!!!!