Today we are working on organizing beta read for Iron and Magic. I keep having to warn people that the book is pushing the envelope when it comes to violence and sex. Hugh starts the book as a suicidal alcoholic and he was a villain for most of the KD series. On one hand, he has no breaks. On other, he was so fun to write. Elara was, too. But I feel like a broken record at this point: hey, here is the book, it’s violent and has sex in it. Hey, here is the book, it’s vi…
One beta wrote back: From you two? Never.
In other news, Dina – Macht des Zaubers is available on German Netgalley. If you want to read it for review, please email us through the reader form on the website.
::looks at the to-do list:: Aaah!
Okays, I’m out.
Can’t wait for what you have done to get Hugh started for redemption.
Mostly tortured him emotionally in horrible ways.
*punches fist into the air*
(Not even because of that much animus directed towards Hugh, at this point, exactly…)
Ha! Can’t wait to read this … and the sex and violence is good with me lol ?
He totally deserves every bit of torture you two could think up. I hope you gave it to him good and long and hard. So to speak.
Good, he deserves it for Auntie Bea.
I just can’t wait
Good:) he deserves some of that for at least the first half the book. Or the whole book and some redemption in book two:). ?
He deserves it. I echo Jaqueline.
Anti-hero types with a painful tortured past are my favorite!
Hopefully involving cold water and starvation, although he had starvation as a child.
We can live with that, as long as it’s you guys who did the torture 😀 XD. I’m aching to read this! ACHING!!
Still not up on Kobo for pre-order, but I’ll keep checking! Can’t wait to check out the action – heh heh!
How Hugh’s redemption will be brought about has been an interesting and intriguing point for me. I’ve no doubt it will be done well and in such a way I could never have conceived but which makes absolute sense. Thanks so much!
I think the foundation has been laid masterfully – even as we despise Hugh, we understand why he is the way he is.
Well. That’s disconcerting that my picture automatically popped up. I wonder how to turn that off?
Hi, Britt. WordPress automatically pulls in the profile pic that’s associated with your email address from Gravatar.
You can learn about gravatars here:
On that same page, look for:
* the section entitled “Upload an avatar” to change your current pic
* the section entitled “Remove an avatar” to remove your current pic
Hope that helps.
You Rock! mdy
going to go learn a thing
Thank you.
Well, we all know that Hugh isn’t a PG-13 kind of guy. More likely a R with eventual redeeming qualities.
Can’t wait for the new book. Sounds like more. It read like KD but there was something more to Hugh and Elara. While Maud and Arland are the good guys, then there is Hugh and Elara for violence and sex. Yes I know there is probably both in Sweep of the Blade but I since more in Iron and Magic. Can’t wait.
How do you know Hugh will have sex with her? Maybe Hugh will have sex with someone else…
Maybe because they get married it is assumed?
Yeah, but the main male character is Hugh…
And as the Author Lords have said “they hate eachother”!
There was a reference to Hugh and Elara in an excerpt that was posted from KD10 that showed (to me) that they were in a relationship. (Coz they were arguing and Hugh lost the argument I think. Lol)
I reckon they drive each other so mental in the course of the book that they end up on that very fine line between love and hate and something will tip him over…. or else he gets a very hard knock on the head!
In the giant excerpt [1] that was posted on this site a few weeks back, it’s clear they intend a marriage in name only and that Elara is fine with Hugh playing the field . . .
“About this marriage,” he said.
“I meant what I said.”
“Good, because I liked the blond that brought us tea.”
The nerve. “My people aren’t slaves, Preceptor. If Caitlyn wants to let you climb on top of her, that’s her business.”
Honestly the violence and sex warnings are just making me even more eager. I’m so ready for this book!
Me too!! +1
Exactly 😀
Yep, stressing the violence and sex in the book is doing the opposite of turning dirty-minded readers such as myself away.
My hate for Hugh was huge. Possibly still is. But, when I learned he had married, I immediately assumed it was strategic. No way would/could he feel love. But, on second thought, with you writing it, I knew I could be led in that direction. I expect formidable scenes of violence and sex with regards to Hugh. Nothing else would fit. So, instead of being put off, your warnings have lit a fuse. Can’t wait.
What Wont said ^^^^^^^^^^
Hey, whoever thought Kate would have a relationship — ok, maybe “relationship” — with Roland!! Love the twists/turns!!!
Yes, the foreshadowing for Kate and Roland’s big meeting was expected to be a lot more “Inigo Montoya” and less, “hello Dad”. Hello, my name is Kate, you killed my mother – prepare to DIE!
The emotional impact of the book will be Huge.
Very punny.
Wait, it pushes the envelope when it comes to violence more than the giant pit of melting human body parts did in the 2nd(?) chapter of the new Kate book??? That’s…. disturbing.
(I can’t wait to read both)
That’s not violence. That’s just gross.
Ok, so it’s more like the human body parts are being cut off. That’s oddly comforting (compared to the giant pit, that is)
I agree! I can handle slicing, dicing, and chopping just fine. Hundreds of people boiled into gel is far worse to me personally.
Yeah… And the stench!!??
Magic Bites had a pretty sharp hit of violence/gross there in that final fight scene.
I can’t deal with all this excitement. I keep looking at my preorders. I’m so excited!!
I’m dying to see how you redeem him!
I’m in the same quandary. Did Ilona redeem him? Surely after all the hell and heartache throughout the series, someone big has to bite the dust. Will it be Roland? Not sure how I would feel about that. Though I believe he deserves it. I’m pretty sure if Hugh loses the big fight, it won’t be in this book, it’s the first in a trilogy. I’ve no doubt Ilona could repaint Hugh’s baddass stripes, but….will she? It’s masterful how she has hooked us all like a fish. I’m just hoping for more snippets before the release. That’s fair. **squint eyes**
I think he might deserve it more then Hugh- after all it could be argued that Hugh is Roland s creature/creation. But then you see possible redeeming points for both- plus you see the reason behind why they became the way they did- more so for hugh.
And the sex may be secondary characters- allowing for a longer story arch of getting to like eachother after hating/disliking eachother/being very violent towards eachother.
Have to remember that Kate and Roland are tied together. If one dies so does the other.
I’m trusting Ilona to produce a way around this. I don’t believe she would allow Kate to die. So, the Roland connection would have to be severed in such a way that doesn’t kill her. As Erra is still around, I bet she would know how to manage this.
At the end of Magic Binds (in the epilogue right before Kate marries Curran) Evdokia, Erra, Kate, Sienna, and Maria were talking about the White Warlock being a conduit for Erra’s being (spirit?). The conversation starts when everyone but the three witches, Kate, and Erra leave the tent. It ends when Evdokia says “Come on.” “We’ll talk about it later.” and leaves the tent with the other two witches.
So…it will be interesting to see how that conversation is going to mesh with Hugh’s and Elara’s story.
Pre-ordered and waiting patiently?
Pre-ordered and waiting impatiently ?
Me, too. Impatiently!
Me three!
bopping up and down on my chair. Can’t wait, can’t wait. Is it time yet?
Now I’ve always liked Hugh! He was a bit of an arse but he has wit and charisma!!
Same here! Always liked him even thou he killed chars that others loved XD
+3, yes Hugh is a pain but he was manipulated from being a child so perhaps he deserves to have a second chance.
Looking forward to release day ?
I would expect it from Hugh, he never did anything easy.
I always loved the character the way he was so I’m hoping he isn’t too tamed.
I always loved the character the way he was so I’m hoping he isn’t too tame.
Lol I the Beta. *snerk*
The scene in Applebees family dinner……perfection!
Kate’s pretty violent too, she chops people up with swords, but I get it. After all Hugh tried to torture Kate into capitulating by putting her in a well and leaving her there until she nearly died. I’m not sure how redeemable he is but I’m sure looking forward to finding out! I hope Elara puts him through hell.
Looking forward to the book! Bring it on!
As Martin Luther once said, “Be a sinner and sin boldly.” That is a fine example of extrapolation, by the way. I still like it. Can’t have light without shadows. Every superhero is an obsessive mutant with ego issues if they don’t have a supervillain with obsessive egos and a mutation. Go, Hugh. We have no Idea when it’s your birthday.
Only 49 more days …
I’m interested in being a beta reader if you still have any opening. Hugh need a lot of redemption. Ted was an a?? On an ego trip, but I really liked Mauro!
What does one have to do to become a betta reader?
You me a man that lead a violent life and been basically brainwashed/ had his freewill held hostage since he was a small child is not going to be a bright Ray of sunshine happiness and giving of good cheer to all and sundre immediately?????? GASP!! SO SURPRISED! As a reasonable adult I just can’t comprehend that!!
I would live to be a Betts reader!!! Violence doesn’t bother me, sex doesn’t bother me.
Oops beta reader, autocorrect
Hugh is scum.
Lol….tell us what you really think Sarafina ?
Wow violence AND sex?! Be still my heart. Snort.
Thank you, Ilona Andrews for the warning. I understand your concern about violence and sex in Hugh”s story. But what you have to remember is you can lead a thirsty horse to water but you can not make him drink. You did your job, you let everyone know this is more violent etc than all your other writings. So let it be. Slap an R rating or whatever and move on.
Or do like alot of writers and publish under a pseudo name like Jayne Castle (paranormal romance) aka Jayne kentz (contemp romance) aka Amanda quick (regency romance) or j. D. Robb (Lt Eve Dallas) aka Nora Roberts (contemporary romance) or Andre Norton (sci fiction) aka Alice Marie Something (non fiction) or Katie Ruggle who writes mystery suspense romance (Rocky mountain k9 series) and erotic romance under a different name that my sibling reads. Same author just different name and different genre/ ratings… just makes finding books entertaining at bookstore. Not to mention finding the screen play for the movie that bears no similarity to original book except character names.
I can’t forgive Hugh for Aunt B. But after reading the chapters you provided, my mind has opened a crack. If anyone can redeem Hugh, you guys can! If Kate can forgive him, maybe I can to.
I’m with Judy on not being able to forgive Hugh for Aunt B and, after reading the chapters provided, wondering if he is perhaps redeemable. Was he also responsible for Mauro’s death? Another likeable character killed off and I can’t recall the details and who was responsible.
Obviously I need to do a reread of the KD books to prepare for the Hugh book and for Kate 10.
I could not agree more with everything you said. Even though technically Hibla killed Aunt B, it was under Hugh’s orders so I ultimately hold him responsible for her death. Add on killing Mauro, and I would have never dreamed I could ever come to be sympathetic towards the character. And yet, with just the snippets the authors have shared so far, there’s that little bit of softening towards Hugh starting to happen. As you said, if anyone could redeem Hugh, it’d be Ilona and Gordon. Now I can’t wait for the release date!
Wait, forgive? Or be willing to work with him under super dire circumstances?
(I mean, clearly, Kate will forgive Hugh, and Nick will forgive Kate, and a campfire, s’mores and singing will be involved… oh, wait, that would be Nick would forgive both Kate and Hugh…)
I agree that realistically Kate can never forgive Hugh, (and probably neither can Nick, though we don’t have the details about that) but to be honest there’s a part of me that kind of wants that.
Maybe not forgiveness, but at least some kind of understanding, like “I’ll never forgive you, but the next time I see you – and don’t need your help – I won’t try to kill you”.
Regarding Kate and Nick, I mean, she didn’t really do anything to him, so maybe at some point he’ll pull his head out of his ass and see that.
I would not expect anything less from Hugh. Wish I knew how to be a beta reader I would sign up for this in a heartbeat! I cannot wait to read this book. I love Hugh’s personality
OMG!!! Now I have to WAIT until it’s released. Why do you torture your faithful readers so? With hints and innuendos? WHY??
I cannot wait for this book! I am literally counting the days down. I sort of always liked Hugh. It is possible that I may have a thing for smart arse bastards !! ?..
Darn, I don’t suppose there will be a PG13 version like with Inkeeper? I know a couple of barely-teens who love reading your books but a bit concerned about this one. Having said that anything that gets kids reading these days ?
Thank you, but that is such a futile warning. I don’t care. I will skim anything that truly offends me and keep right on reading. (I don’t expect anything to really bother me.)
I would love to be a beta reader, but I would be a terrible one.
I gallop through my first read-through – “What happens next?” I would translate the text into readable syntax, no matter what it actually said. I often see the words I “expect to see”, so proof-reading would not be happening. I am not usually critical of the plot, because I know I can’t do anything one tenth as good as a run-of-the-mill book, much less the excellence the AuthorLords bestow on us.
I probably would only notice the archaic words used incorrectly, especially the past tense of many irregular verbs, i.e. weave / wove / woven, slay / slew / slain, tread / trod / trodden, etc. For whatever reason, I find that incredibly annoying and many editors / proof-readers neither know, nor care, that they are using the wrong words – weaved, slayed, treaded. (My on-line dictionary only objects to “slayed”, it lets the other two go. We have used them wrong until they have become acceptable.)
Second or third readings might pick up the typos and extra words, but maybe not. On top of everything else, I am mildly dyslexic, so I don’t catch misspellings all the time. They are usually mine, of course, which I notice as soon as I have posted my comment.
You are better off with anyone else than with me. (I have proofed this at least twice, and I guarantee I’ll see at least one mistake as soon as I post it.)
How do you feel about irregardless? ?
Irregardless is not a word!!
Sadly, it is a word, just one that should not be used. ? It drives me crazy too! Here is a video from Merrium Webster explaining why it is a word, and in their dictionary (although they recommend against its use ?)
“Irregardless” is not very archaic. (My “dictionary” does recognize it as a word.)
I know it is used conversationally by those younger than I, i.e. almost everyone, but I wouldn’t use it myself. I would use “regardless” if I used anything like that.
If I were proofing something and I came across it in a quote, I’d probably leave it. The author might have meant the character to use such a pretentious word. In a description, I’d change it.
I’m the same @Kommiesmom baring the picking up of the weave, wove, woven bit 🙂
Always a beta-reader wallflower as a result. As i wouldn’t be good enough to join the betareaders
I am sooooo ambivalent. I hate Hugh, and August 2013 you said he could never be rehabilitated, because he was his master’s creation. On the other hand, if anyone can do it, you can, and most importantly, if you write it, I will buy it.
Scum, scummier, scummiest = Hugh.
Don’t care! Bring it on!
I love villains and will be dusting off my angst-filled rock albums to accompany it ?. Hugh to me always had a bit of Richard III, bad for complex reasons and enjoying it.
Are you accepting new people for the Beta read on Iron and Magic? I know a thousand people want to do it, and I’ve offered before and never been chosen.
I completely understand that not everyone who wants to do it will be picked to do it, and I can see why you would want to choose Beta readers that you have used previously, but I am still hoping to get to Beta read for you some day!
I have read all the Kate books numerous times and am waiting impatiently for Hugh’s book and the last (sob) Kate book!
I dont think anybody expected fluff and sunshine 🙂
I assume Dina- Macht des Zaubers is an Innkeeper book so I googled the German to English translation for “ Macht des Zaubers” and it comes up as “ makes the glamor” . Is this the German title for Clean Sweep? Or am I completely confused? Any German speakers in the BDH who can clarify this for me please.
The literal, word by word, translation of , Macht des Zaubers, means power of magic, for some reason titeltranslations and translated books are always off, don’t ask me why, i stopped reading them if the original book is english, greetings from germany complete with autocorupped,
I checked
Clean sweep = Dina – Hüterin der Tore ( Guardian oft the Gates)
Sweep in peace = Macht des Zaubers
If you translate the Titels it should be
Sauber Gewicht or sauberer wisch
Frieden rein/ hinein gefegt/Gewicht
Which is not realy romantic an Mord in tune with a good cleaning
Which explains the different Titels,
the Bad side is the connection to dina’s broon is lost
I’m thinking the literal translations would be more like
Kehre Alles
Kehre in Frieden
It’s the german translation of Sweep in Peace. Macht (noun) means ‘power’ or ‘force ‘ , so it translates back to ‘The Power of Magic” or ‘The Force of Magic’.
Thankyou Michaela and Ismaha for clarifying this for me and greetings from Australia.
Repeat. Bring it on!
I am SO F**€ing excited about Hugh! He was such an egotistical, selfish, evil but HOT (wet dreams) kind of character!!! I love Kate and Curran but that bad boy kept me awake at night… okay, I’m calming down… moving on to my point, I would expect nothing less than violence and sex from Hugh. And, I’m patiently waiting… ?
I am a proud member of your BDH, and I always preorder/buy everything you’ve written (that I can find).
So, with that being said, I want to know how grateful yet apprehensive I am that you’ve sent us a warning about the graphic content that Hugh’s trilogy will contain.
I read all of your books because they are masterfully written. Your worlds and characters are so three-dimensional. You two are my favorite writers, and I am grateful for the hours of weekly entertainment you provide me (I re-read or re-listen to all of your stories on a regular basis).
I skip over detailed sex scenes and am not generally bothered by the violence that abounds, but I am nervous about Hugh’s trilogy.
I have preordered “Iron & Magic”, and so forewarned, I am prepared to skip sections that are too gratuitous or graphic, so I may understand Hugh’s journey and not miss out on anything essential that ties back into Kate’s final book.
I love how you write and am grateful for your warning so I can be prepared for Hugh’s darker tale. Though saddened by this fact, I can see why Hugh’s journey will be “rated R”, since he really has lost touch with morality. I am looking forward to his redemption as a person, and hope his first book is the only one that requires forewarning.
Really, I just want to enjoy your amazingly written stories, because when you write romantic relationships, your characters are developing and portraying love, not lust.
Thanks for that, and for all you’ve created.
Like others on here, when pressed for time, I skim anything I’m not interested in, or anything that would draw me out of the story. Out of respect for the author(s), I do read the book the whole way through on the second read. If they thought it should be in there, they had their reasons. Sex and violence don’t offend me unless they’re gratuitous. I may not read those scenes more than the one time, though, even if I read the book many more times. It depends on lots of factors, from time available to personal quirks.
i don’t see a problem with violence and sex. we asked for the book coz we wanted to read about hugh. if we had a problem with his personality we wouldn’t have asked for the book.
if you suddenly changed his personality to a submissive little kitty we’d all burn the book and riot, lol.
Well said!
Gotta say, didn’t ask for the book.
when I heard Roland cut him loose, I wondered what he’d do.
Hugh is as cruel to his dogs as Varon was to him. He cares for his dogs like Varon cared for Kate.
Hugh was a homeless street urchin when Varon found him.
He was jealous that Varon left him (Hugh) for Kate.
He wanted to break Kate. He hated that people would sacrifice to save or help Kate.
He hated that Kate mattered to people.
left Hugh alive to suffer, being cast aside by Roland. Because of Kate.
Roland is trying, striving, wanting a relationship with Kate.
And then I start hearing about a book about HUGH
When something needs to be said; a character will fight, bellow, and act up to say it!
Kate was about love, her mother turned Varon for love of her, Roland tried to kill her for love of her mother, Kate lived her life for fear of what love would do to her and those she loved.
Hugh got sex and violence, beat it, subjugate it, devalue it. Its why he treated Kate the way he did.
Kate gave Hugh love and his first understanding that he did NOT have to be what those in power dictated he be.
Iron and Magic (Hugh’s story) if you take what we know of his back story, Christopher and the cage, his treatment of the Iron Dogs, Kate and the water torture, Aunt B, Hugh believes that love is about breaking something until all it can do is what you want. Is learning you are a person redemption?
“Roland tried to kill her for love of her mother” is not true. Roland tried to kill Kate in the womb because he was afraid of the competition. Roland kills his family. He aimed Erra at Kate because while he didn’t want to kill Erra himself, he wanted her gone. Roland’s attack on the keep was not for show. He may not have killed Kate to save himself, but he would have subjugated her somehow. Roland is not a kind old man. He’s a narcissistic murdering monster.
Remember the oracle’s visions of Roland spitting Conlan on a spear?
Like all of the Authorlords’ character’s Roland and Hugh are complex. I’m rereading from Kate #1 and it is so interesting what you see when you read knowing that Hugh has a book coming up and will be redeemed and what you see when you know that Roland does love his child.
He does kill his children because they rise against him but if you pay attention to the specifics that Kate and Erra talk about and the specifics of what he says it’s much more complicated.
He does have a vision of a perfect society that he wants to enact. He has no problem with casualties, and destruction of other human beings in order to get his way, but his goals aren’t just to have everyone in the world worship at his feet.
He specifically talks about the fact that his children were corrupted being raised by him (power corrupts and absolute power corrupts absolutely) and were rising against him with a power mindset that was different than what his mindset is.
As far as Erra’s death, I believe it is made very clear again and again that she was tired of this age and wanted to die, and he was aware.
A binary story is probably so much easier to write (good characters vs. bad characters) but I think the Authorlords craft stories that are so much more interesting because of the complexity. I think their stories are full of shades of grey and that makes them much more interesting and it’s these shades of grey that are allowing so many of us to want to see Hugh redeemed.
You mean more sex and violence than on the evening news? Just in the last couple of months we’ve seen people (tiny humans included) get chlorine gassed, run over by trucks, bombed out of their homes, shot at schools, gunned down in streets – even at home in their back yards or on their front porch, babies and children being burned and otherwise tortured by their own parents, etc., etc., etc.
Women, men, and teens and children of both sexes being being sexually abused by those in power, and not just those powerful people in the public eye.
I think we can handle anything fictional you through at us. It will be tame compared to what we are seeing on TV about our daily lives.
Got carried away thinking about all the hints of who Hugh was in the Kate books. So, I didn’t ask for the book
But big heck yeah I want it! ! !
I know that I am a needy child, but is it too early to start the “hit blog refresh”….to see if the new chapter is up? 🙂
Never to early!
Thanks for post.
Wouldn’t it have been lovely to see Meghan do a lantern ceremony before the wedding tomorrow! Maybe when Princess Charlotte marries……..
refreshing… 🙂 also adding to my torture is the knowledge Ilona has an early copy of Shades of Wicked … I thought I’d be complete after Vlad’s books, but then Ian’s storyline popped up … so much “can’t wait” inside… #waitingistorturebutreadingissweet
: Refresh :
: Refresh :
: “Shades of Wicked?” :
: Refresh :
: Refresh :
Shades of Wicked is Jeaniene Frost’s latest book coming out soon in the Night Huntress world… Ian is a very sexy vampire who is on a path to redemption of sorts 🙂 not evil but not “good” either … there are snippets at her website
Thank you! I’ll have a peek!
I think I’ve already pre ordered that one doesn’t Nalini Singh have an new one in her archangel series soon? I know it’s not fair to expect authors to write faster, clearly we just need more good authors out there. I’m not asking much just a new book or two a week.
Maybe? I know she came out with one in psy-changling … ?
Nalini Singh’s next release is the second book in the new Psy-Changeling arc, Ocean Light, coming in 3 weeks: 6/12/18. Her next Elena-Raphael/Guild Hunter book is Archangel’s Prophecy, due out on 10/30/18.
Thank you, Liv!!
I just have to say how sorry I am to the state of Texas and all it’s citizens and especially parents for today’s tragedy. I know this isn’t the correct forum but ilona and Gordon are citizens of Texas and parents.
You hear this terrible news and it takes your breath away and everything has a new meaning. Children are precious and innocent and should always be protected.
Prayers for everyone .
I’ve just seen the news (I’m from Spain) All my prayers and best wishes for Texas ❣
My high schooler is home sick today (in Oklahoma), so I’ve been looking after her. I just saw the news report. My heart is aching for the children, the families and the EMS providers.
Thank you. Beautifully written.
Hope you and your family and friends are safe and unaffected by shooting in Galveston county. With loving concern, your loyal fan.
It’s Friday, my cable is out, sure would be nice to read the next installment of Maud.
Something must have happened, oh well. Hope they are ok
There was a high school shooting in Santa Fe, Texas this morning. Ten people are dead.
is the iron and magic going to be a physical book or just electronic?
i’m finding e-versions for pre-order, but not tree-versions.