We’ve been getting a lot of questions in the comments and emails of Hughday snippets, and since not everyone reads the replies, here they are in one convenient place.
Hugh 2– when does it happen?
The action picks up right after Iron and Magic (three weeks later according to chapter 1).
As the notice in front of Iron and Magic says, the entire Hugh series happens before Magic Triumphs. That has not changed.
The chronological order is: Hugh series (all installments) – Magic Triumphs- Sanctuary- Wilmington Years (all installments)- Blood Heir series.
How long will Hugh’s series be?
Currently, House Andrews are thinking of it as a duology, but since the manuscript of volume 2 is being written as we speak, things may change.
Does Hugh 2 have a title?
Not yet. We’ve been calling it Hugh 2, Iron Covenant 2, Iron & Magic 2, Elara’s book, the d’Ambray Bake Off – at the moment, whatever you recognize works.
Will Steve West narrate the audiobook?
The manuscript for Hugh 2 has not yet been finished. That means there is no known exact date when it will be ready for publication, how many pages it will have etc. Which in turn means we cannot yet go to the very busy Steve West and ask whether he is free to take on the project, this is how long it would take, this is when it’s needed by, and all the other necessary details.
What I can guarantee is that House Andrews, the agency and everyone involved believe as much as we do that Steve West is perfect for the role of Hugh and no effort will be spared to book him if that is at all possible.
Will it be a blog serial?
I think House Andrews will be generous with snippets up to a point, but not a traditional serial that shares most of the book in regular installments, as updated this past Friday.
Yes, admin, very interesting, very interesting, I’m not snoring at all. What about spoiler spoiler spoiler spoiler?
No one knows about spoiler spoiler spoiler spoiler yet in Hugh 2.
Stop mentioning spoiler spoiler spoiler spoiler in the comments and spoiling spoiling spoiling spoiling fellow Horde colleagues who want to follow the natural course of the story.
Your comment will be hidden asap, but it might be too late. W*it for questions to be answered by the book and PUT DOWN THAT SPOILER, you Dushegubs!
That’s a good point, what about Blood Heir and put down that cow?
Blood Heir is currently the furthest in time KD World has ever gotten, and it’s roughly a decade after Hugh 2. Whatever bovine developments took place will require our p*tience.
The story was published somewhat out of schedule, because of the pandemic, and the similarities between what we were going through and what Julie was called to do. Like us, she couldn’t go home and see loved ones, or risk losing them. House Andrews wrote it and shared it with us in weekly chapters, as another loving hug in hard times, and I am very grateful it came when it did, even if it jumped the publication queue.
It will be followed by Blood Heir 2, which will be a sequel.
Let me clarify that: Blood Heir 2 will not be the story of Derek’s missing years and Julie’s time with Erra. That rumor started around the fire pits of my people, the proud pioneers of Team Facts be Damned. Love you guys, but no.
What House Andrews said was that it will explain what happened to Derek, but it will take place after Blood Heir 1. That’s why we need Wilmington 3 to come first, so we can fully understand some of the developments in Atlanta. ::cough Pack cough cough:: Oh dear, I really must have that seen to.
Yes, what about Wilmington Years?
The Wilmington Years series, in its entirety, happens between Magic Triumphs and the Blood Heir series.
There is a Wilmington 3 in plan, but not in progress. We have been given a tiny snippet from it here.
Currently, though, IA are working on Hugh 2. As much as we want all these books at once, and that once better be right now, and actually with Maud’s Innkeeper wedding on top, and you know Puffles … – we must attain fluffy awareness that they each take time and effort to be written.
What about Sanctuary 2?
Not on the schedule right now.
Where can I find any extras to tide me over?
All of them can be found on the Free Fiction page, organized by series.
For Kate’s World, they are :
A Questionable Client – prequel to the main Kate series
A bit more Roman – prequel scene to Sanctuary
Purpose, No Heroes – Wilmington Years extras
King of Fire– prequel to Blood Heir
Sandra – Kate’s POV during Blood Heir
Damian Angevin– the Order’s report of the events from the main series
And the fun fan service fiction of Kate and Curran texts, Luther and Roman’s Frinnterviews, Don’t Mess with Fate (Hugh and Roman).
I have a very important final Hugh question. Very very adminy, you have to answer. Don’t think too hard though, first thing that comes into your head, just tell us. Does Puffles fly home?
Nice try.
Certified 🥇
So excite. Very proud. 😆
On a different note, I’m working on making a hardcover book for my niece’s wedding to be used as a guest book or for memories of her wedding. I’ve done the first few steps, measuring and cutting the pages, the book binding board and the muslin. When it came time to glue the board to the muslin I carefully cut the nozzle on the adhesive bottle so i would get a measured amount of adhesive. What I didn’t realize was how runny the glue was and the first bit spurted not only on the board but on a portion of the muslin itself where it shouldn’t go. I hurriedly cleaned it up with my brush and more carefully added more adhesive to the board. The adhesive sets up tacky really quickly and once you press the board to the muslin it is basically in place. It was then the task to fold the edges over on the board and trim the corners to give them their neat fold at the ends. I was finishing off the last corner and lifting up the muslin to do the corner trim. It was then I realized that the glue had seeped through the muslin and the book was sticking to the cardboard surface I had been working on. WIth shades of Kid Two gluing her her glasses to her desk in my mind I pulled the book off the cardboard leaving on a very small patch of cardboard on the muslin which I can remove. The area will also be covered with a decorative paper that hides the edges of the muslin and the outstide fabric covering as well. What I’ve got so far looks “Bookish” and please thank Kid Two for the fond memory. Next step is to bind the pages to the board. I’ll need to align the pages as steaight as I can to stitch them to the board. After that the rest is fun, creating the decorative boarders and raised lettering on the front cover, doing the outside fabric covering and lastly the guilding. I’m learning a great deal and having fun.
How creative! Just making a cover for a scrapbook tasked my patience, It is such painstaking work! So wonderful of you to make such a one-of-a-kind keepsake for your niece!
Happy New Year! It is now the year of the Snake. I once worked in a Chinese restaurant for a few years and have fond memories of the celebrations. Last year was the dragon, next will be the horse. Thanks for the reminder of the importance of patience and inner peace!
Ahh ha! My Year! I am a wood snake 🙂
Thanks for all your patience in herding the sugar-high toddlers that are the BDH.
We will work on our fluffy awareness.
Mod R, just in case no one has told you lately, you’re awesome and we adore you! =)
Agree! Who else can put up with us? 🤣
Ilona did for a while, then she found a sacrifice, er, hired ModR to take over.
If ModR weren’t part of the BDH, we’d probably have broken her by now. Since she is part of the BDH, she just smugly sits in her chair, repeatedly sniffing the early edits of upcoming books she gets that we don’t.
+1000. ModR is a treasure beyond price. Firm with humor is a difficult line to hold. She does it with an agility and grace that cirque du soliel would have a hard time matching!
Ilona still does, more than occasionally. But ModR does it on a daily, even minute-by-minute basis.
+1 😍
😆 +1
With love from the fire pits –
ModR is ‘da 💣! You 😂 crack me up.
I live to be on #TeamFactsbeDamned!
I heard from a little ferret there’s a heist in the plans! (They’re on loan for this series) Board up those dryer vents HA! 😜
+100,0000,000!!! 🙂🙂🙃🙃🫠🫠
wheeeee thank you for the roundup, Mod R! super helpful 🥳
I never put it together until now that Julie couldn’t go home just like we couldn’t during the pandemic. Makes me love it even more. Thank you Authors!
When I read through all the wonderful responses to the questions, I started to laugh really hard on the d’Ambray Bake Off. That sounds like the Preceptor is wrapped in pastry and finished off in the oven. 🤣🤣🤣🤣😁 I know how that title slipped through, but still it’s hilarious.
Thanks for the spoiler through coughing. Must get something to drink or a cough drop to clear it out. 😉
I will try to be fluffy, chalant. and have inner peace while all these delicious stories are in the works. Keep repeating “inner peace”. If that doesn’t work, repeat Roman’s prayer in Sanctuary.
Happy New Year to all who are celebrating! 🎇🥳🐍
Secret ingredient iron dog! Brought to you by iron chef Atlanta. Lol
He’s a little chewy with the armor on. 😀
Ooooh, Iron Dogs, Iron Chef-off. To quote Oreo: “FIRE!!!!!”
Now with more COW!!!!
More cowbell?
-no, we said what we said.
I’m just really happy to get Hughe snippets. And will try for patience and inner peace(the rest of the world is kind of chaotic). House Andrew’s books is a nice safe haven for me.
Thanks Mod R! Too bad you are too smart to fall for the Puffles question. 😂
I’m happy to get whatever bits HA and Mod R choose to drop for us! They feed their beloved BDH and in return I feel we must do our best to be chalant.
**Giggles**. BDH for the win! We have Mod R to wrangle us into submiss—oh wait is that a nice shiny Puffles? Or a cow?? How about an exploding water creature???
Thanks for the wrangle! Have a good day!
Thanks Mod-R! All your info can be boiled down to this: Lots of work, Be patient, and I foresee a long, long vacation in House Andrews’ future. You know, like one of those live-on-a-cruise-ship-for-a-year-type vacations!
Love you ModR! You’re the best!
Much inner peace to you AND HA!
Love the update of fun to come!
I do have a question that I’m sure has been answered before and I’ve missed it: where did the name Daniels come from?
In the books, Voron chose something random and unassuming for Kate to hide behind.
In real life, the editor suggested it 🙂
Thank you for the update!
Side Quest: As I’m re listening to Hidden Legacy, and with full respect to the situation around not continuing Arabella’s story, it hit me Augustine has 2 younger siblings…..it would be interesting to see how many white hairs he’s magicing away from their shenanigans…..
Great job rounding up the Horde. The eighty two days of January puts us in a tizzy. The effort of being chalant is a challenge.
Haha, love it. We BDH sure are persistent and needy!
I love this entire team so very much. All of you.
Thank you! I hope there’s amazing documentaries and anime and lovely yarn and adorable animal moments in your future. And delicious things. And lots of peace and comfort and success and awesomeness.
Love. Lovelovelovelove. Much love.
This made me laugh so hard several times! The d’Ambray bake-off gasp chortle. The proud pioneers of team facts be damned omg rofl. And last but not least, does Puffles fly home – nice try. I loved this post. Thank you, Mod R! A bright spot in another gray wet dismal day!!
Awesome post! Thanks for sharing all the links, Mod R!
d’Ambray Bake Off – best secret un-title ever.
I occasionally see posts, on other blogs, of so-called spoilers. People on those blogs are not sniffing books. Maybe something a little more hallucinogenic. Usually the Admins of those blogs go head-to-head with them. And they sometimes aren’t very nice. “What are you? The secret love child of IA that no one knows about? How else could you know?!?!”
lol. Very amusing. 😊
I have Mod Hammer. No need for head to head 😀
*The Horde steps far away from the hammer*
We know you’ll use it on us when necessary.
I’ve had posts disappear. Never been able to figure out what about them miffed her, so it’s hard to adjust my behavior, so mostly I just go on being me in all my me-ness. But I know she’s out there!
The blog rules are available for everyone https://ilona-andrews.com/?s=blog+rules 🙂
I’ve seen those before. It doesn’t solve the mystery. It’s probably just a difference in perspective. No hard feelings. My apologies to Patricia for dragging this into her thread. Have a great day, both of you!
It’s ok. I’ve had the Mod R hammer dropped on me a few times. I very fluffly apologize, and try not to do it again. 😊
I will recommend those Admins get themselves a Mod R hammer. Unbreakable, witty, and ferocious!
BTW other people reading those fake updates annihilate the person posting. I always grab popcorn to read. A lot are very creative in the ways they wish to murder the person. Very entertaining.
Can’t touch this! 😂
Was just looking out my windows at the blood red chimneys of Battersea power station wondering if it’s the end of times and I should go out swinging when this came along and amused me greatly. It also gave me a pause to realise it’s Chinese New Year, hence the red lit facade.
Happy Lunar New Year everybody celebrating.
I adore you, Mod R. That was absolutely delightful!
Best wishes for rapid healing of House Andrews’ hands, shoulders, and creative energy — you two go above and beyond. You are the only authors in my book hoard who have not written a single subpar dud, but continue to improve your skills with every new volume. 🙂
I wonder if Hugh will try to find any of Paul Hollywood’s old shows to watch and surprise Elara with some really nice baked bread?
Or they could do and old fashioned Bake Off.
I have no Hugh questions or any about Puffles. Only this –
When will we get to read Mod R books (I mean ones written by her not about her, although I’d take those, too)???
You have an amazing voice and a great turn of phrase, Mod R. I can only imagine the places you’d take us – leading expeditions to strange lands, teaching us the proper herding of cats (aka the Hoard), all sorts of skullduggery. The list is endless. ::wistful sigh::
GIMME!!! Sorry, sorry – it’s been a long day and I forgot myself.
“ Team Facts be Damned” made me laugh out loud. Thank you!
Yay puffles got a mention but no mention of Maggie? Isn’t her story coming out next year too?
Yes, this is just a post about Hugh and Kate world 🙂
Puffles is part of the KD universe! ModR just said so! Hey, throw some more wood on that fire, I’m sensing an icy glare from over my shoulder…
LOL!!! Biting tongue here…
Let the rumors fly! (Yes, pun intended for the Puffles fans.) 😀
Mod R, I would just like to take a moment to declare my extreme fondness for you. You crack me up and are such a delightful and perfect fit for House Andrew’s and the Hoard. Thank you for being you. It’s almost like getting an Ilona in a feisty mood fix but keeps her freer to write. It’s magic. lol So thank you for this delightful Q&A and all the other things you do. You are appreciated.
All the appreciations to Mod R. All of them. 😁🫠
Yaaaasssss! “the d’Ambray Bake Off”
Step 1) Preheat oven to 425º and … PUT DOWN THAT COW!!!”
Snicker, chortle, guffaw!
You are the best moderator EVER Mod R! You may have a IG hammer, but more importantly you have a wicked sense of humor and patience and kindness to infinity with us. This is why the BDH and Team Facts Be Damned love you!!!
Oh, by the way, just curious…so does Puffles fly home or what? 🙄
Gah!!!! I hate autocorrect!!!! I meant my comment to read “you may have a big hammer” and somehow autocorrect thought I was talking about Instagram! What the heck even is an IG hammer?!! 😂
I heard of a MC Hammer🤣
All the BDH love for this!
How about international great (big) hammer?
Autocorrupt is too funny sometimes. 🤣🤣🤣
I just finished a series re-listen of KD, including Hugh1, Sanctuary, and Blood Heir plus the freebies on the website. I’m hiding from the outside world so about to start it all again. I love all these characters.
I mean, I’d honestly love a summary of intended “eventually” books/series…
Kate Daniels world has a lot of TBWritten to anticipate… annnnd after rereading a bunch of them I honestly forgot how much I LOVE that world. I’d be overjoyed to receive more, even if Kate doesn’t overlap with the characters. It’s such a fascinating premise, and the world building is so rich!
And then there are all the other characters who I would love to see take their role as protagonist… Luther!? MOARRRR Roman!? Roman’s parents!? Druids… One of the random people who slept in Shinar and returned to the current age… Rowena… Ghastek… Asciano!? A First who we have never been introduced to… a character from the Order… could there be events across the world same timing to explore… OR same world other age… like magic failing to tech or earlier shift times… or or or…
And of course, more Julie/Auralia, Hugh & Elara, Kate, Conlan, Curran…
Annnnnd I’ll now go reread the series again because rereading all the self-pubs has made me need more 😊
So MANY good things 😎
Re-reading the Baylor fam while I wait.
Now you’ve done it, Mod R – I clicked on the link to the Wilmington years snippet – (I had forgotten that the original plan was to write Wilmington 3 next, or so I thought), and now I really, really want Wilmington 3. But then I basically want to read whatever series IA wants to write next. And after all the issues they’ve been hit with recently, I’m just grateful that they feel like writing at all. Especially since Gordon is in pain. Hope that things get better for him and Ilona, and their kids, soon.
Thanks for the update, Mod R 🤣
So much to look forward to!
Mod R, you are wonderful! Thank you for all of that!!! And thank you to HA for everything you do to keep the collective BDH head up (head’s up?) during these interesting times. Remember, grocery lists do very well for some of us if that makes things easier for you!
Thank you for all your efforts house Andrews. I’m the weird BDH member that will wait for whatever you want to write whenever you decide to write it. Thank you for all of these stories. They are always worth the wait.
Laughed at the d’Ambray bake off comment as read this while watching The Great British Bake Off (adds are on).
Did someone mention ferret heist !!! Still makes me smile 🥰
I know the book isn’t even finished yet, but… 😉 : I do hope that it will get an edition by Arcane Society to match book 1, which they did beautifully.
ooohhh, thanks for all of the info above.
re the imp question- puffles never would abandon their charge!
Sanctuary? Where do I find this?!?
All major book retailers, there are a few direct links here https://ilona-andrews.com/featured-release/ 🙂
Anywhere you typically find IA books!
I ordered my ebook through Amazon and am awaiting the audio through my library … I’m 14th in line. 😁
👏 Roman, Roman, Roman
I got mine for my Nook at Barnes and Noble online.
Thank you! I don’t know how I managed to forget about Roman’s story… I blame my forgetfulness on me trying to read the blog post before I’ve had the coffee. Now I need to find my copy of it to complete my Kate Daniel’s world re-read. Just finished Iron and Magic and can’t wait for Hugh and Elara’s next adventure
“Currently, though, IA are working on Hugh 2. As much as we want all these books at once, and that once better be right now, and actually with Maud’s Innkeeper wedding on top, and you know Puffles … – we must attain fluffy awareness that they each take time and effort to be written.”
Plus, they got paid a million freaking dollars for Maggie and its sequel, so they’re going to have to prioritize that. Of course, once we read Maggie we’re going to be screaming for that sequel, too! I know Ilona said they need a new series to draw in new readers, but has she fully considered all the implications of expanding the BDH? (:
I may be one of the most patient members, so maybe I can help: I’m sure Ilona and Gordon appreciate knowing how much we enjoy their writing, but for Chernobog’s sake, while they are among the most prolific authors in all of F&SF, there’s a lot of good stuff out there. They’ve even recommended other writers on their blog. Give them a break, go check out some of the others. Maybe even pick a different genre – walk into the library, close your eyes, point in a random direction, and read something on that shelf. Surprise yourself! Then come back and harangue ModR about the publication date for Maggie. (j/k)
+1 Great advice!
“six figures” doesn’t mean a million, but who ever said numbers were our forte as a Horde, ey? 😁
The thing I read on the blog here said “seven figure three book deal” but maybe they were counting the two after the decimal. I also concede that the payment is probably in installments. (:
“The Void is darkness, the Void is peace, I am within it, wrapped in its cold embrace, and I am at peace…Within the Void I am serene. Chernobog, grant me patience.”
Nope, not feeling it. But I will be fluffy, and chalent, and …. Oh well. I tried!
Thanks Mod R, for putting up with us and making us laugh!!!
Wow! I had the chronological book order correct but I had no idea Blood Heir was so MUCH later, although I should have because of Conlan’s age. Rewiring my brain now but I wonder now when Julie had to stop visiting in person. Surely not the whole 10 years???
Oh my goodness, I wasn’t even wondering if Puffles flies home until right now!! Thanks Mod R for the out-loud laughs :D, oh, and the info. That was good too 😉
hehehe, thank you mod r for wrangling the hoard with your fabulous sense of humor. you are the very best hoard wrangler this wild bunch could have. thank you for putting up with us and keeping us in line and not being afraid to let us know when we’re behaving like dushgubs.
and thank you ilona and gordon for every word you’ve ever written. and for putting up with the hoard and our shenanigans and giving us such a wonderful place to read updates and snippets and slice of life stories. and for hiring mod r to keep us in line so you (mostly) don’t have to stop writing to do so.
I look forward to when all the books are written so I can read them in the actual order they should be read, even though I will have snarfed them all down already. Ilona, take care of yourself and Gordon. I can wait.
So excited to learn that another Wilmington & Blood Heir 2 are in the plans as well as Hugh 2!!! This gives my brain happy dances of future joy! Thank you, thank you!
Hi. I’m so excited for Iron Magic 2! I’m rereading the Kate Daniels series again in preparation. Where can I find Curran’s POV? I looked in the Free Fiction page but couldn’t find it.
All of Curran’s POVs can be found in Small Magics 🙂 https://ilona-andrews.com/katie-daniels-books/#small
“That rumor started around the fire pits of my people, the proud pioneers of Team Facts be Damned.”
I’m so glad you (dearest Mod R) and the lovely HA have such a great sense of humor about the slavering horde that is… well… the Horde. Every time I read about the latest off-the-wall thing a proud member (or faction) of the BDH has done I feel like I’m at a family gathering laughing about the latest escapades of a nutty aunt or goofy cousin. Thanks for not yelling at us and taking us too seriously!
While I definitely want to know about the cow, what about the entire chicken?
Thank you for the lovely summary, Mod R. *And* all the links to free fiction.
Thank you for the update and now to immediately go read between the lines. I must make inferences. I’m my Gizmo kitty is saying no, provide the warm lap and don’t move.
This post is hilarious. I love the BDH, Mod R, and House Andrews!
OK, we can’t ask about spoiler spoiler spoiler spoiler, but what about spoiler spoiler spoiler spoiler spoiler? 🙂
Make Hug(h)s, not spoilers!
Mod R, I just want to say how wonderful you are at this. You’re always cheerful, you’re firm and fair, and you make this blog a joy to read. I love the author lords, and I love reading posts from them, but without you I don’t think this blog would be as good as it is. You make this a lively place, and I’d just like to thank you for doing such a lovely job. This blog is a welcome distraction from life difficulties, and I want to share how much I appreciate it and your hard work.
Thank you so much
Has there been any more thoughts on continuing Hidden Legacy? Or are those thoughts too nebulous & up in the air still to really say anything?
Status is the same, the series is finished for now 🙂
Thank you for asking this- love these so much!
I looked at your list but couldn’t find the snippet where Luther and Kate are opening additional tower rooms. Can you help with that?
Purpose is the only snippet with further tower rooms.
Never mind please. Found it.
“ That rumor started around the fire pits of my people, the proud pioneers of Team Facts be Damned.” I love you guys
I will for everything know the second book as the
“d’Ambray Bake Off “
Love this. Thank you! Team facts be dammned made me lol and I just love when that is used in hidden legacy
Haha I love how you dropped puffles in there #teampuffles
The more we learn about Hugh’s healing abilities the more I wonder why he didn’t completely heal Doolittle in Magic Rises. Was it because he wasn’t able to do so (because bringing Doolittle back from the brink had exhausted his magical reserves) or was it a choice?
Just my 2 cents, but 2 volumes about Hugh are enough. Need more of the main characters to stoke my need for information/cool stories.
What about Arabella book in the legacy series?
The Hidden Legacy series is finished for now. The authors are happy with how they ended it. There are ideas for an Arabella series, but it is not currently on the schedule, and not guaranteed.