The Ingram edition of IRON AND MAGIC has gone live, which means if you would like to order the book from your local indie or BN, they will be able to do that for you now.
If you are ordering from a local indie store, they might find this number useful: ISBN 978-1641970402.
Livestream Q&A
We know you have questions about IRON AND MAGIC and we will be doing 2 Twitch sessions. Twist is a streaming platform, which allows you to ask us questions in real time and have us answer them via video. You can watch the Q&A session without creating an account, but if you want to ask something, you will have to sign up. It’s free.
This is the link to our Twitch account: Ilona Andrews Twitch.
To sign up for Twitch, click Sign Up in purple in the left upper corner or in the right upper corner on the menu. You can also sign in with your Facebook account by selecting that option after clicking sign up.
There will be two Twitch sessions on Saturday. They will both be recorded, so you can watch the video at your convenience.
Session 1
US: 12:00 pm EST, 11:00 am CST, 9:00 am PST.
Europe: Berlin 6:00 pm, London 5:00 pm.
Australia: Sydney 2:00 am.
Session 2
US: 10:00 pm EST, 9:00 pm CST, 7:00 pm PST.
Europe: Berlin 4:00 am, London 3:00 am.
Australia: Sydney: 12:00 pm (Sunday!)
As you can see, we tried to accommodate as many fans around the world as we could. There will be a practice session tonight with Brandi announced on the blog and social networks where you can chat with her and help us get ready for the FAQ.
Someone is cursing in your test video 😀
But can you make out what they’re saying? That’s the real test of the quality of sound and video. 😉
Bah i will be on the train in russia
You guys are awesome!
Oooh. Can’t wait!
That’s so nice of you to do two sessions to include the Aussies and Kiwis. (I’m assuming Kiwi time isn’t that far off Aussie time.) First one is even late enough that I can sleep in on Saturday. 😉
Kiwis are 2 hours ahead of Sydney, so yay this works for us!
Thank you for doing this, for explaining to us tech-challenged how to get to it, taking the time to set up a bunch of different times, and for recording it (or whatever Twitch does) for those of us who might not be able to get on during the times.
Please keep in mind that I, for one, am very grateful that you post your Innkeeper whenever you do. Yes, I am in suspense but no, the World (Worlds? after all, it IS in the Innkeeper universe) does not revolve around me. When I work, it is at my pace. How can I expect you to do anything but work at your own pace.
Thank you very much.
p.s. Read Iron and Magic several times already. Also posted a review on Amazon. Loved it.
I have read Iron & Magic too and loved it. Thank you Illona & Gordon for a wonderful new book.
+100 to all mz’s comments. & thank you for being willing to post the equivalent time for so many zones.
I just finished Iron and Magic and I must say, I like Hugh after all and I really enjoyed the book. He’s much more understandable as a puppet of Roland, which I hadn’t really thought of him as being. I just figured he was a bastard with no redeeming features. Of course those redeeming features are few, but hey, they do exist and he may even continue to grow. Thanks!
And may I say I hope things work out well with the doctor. And there is no reason for you to put up with BS from readers. I can’t believe the chutzpah of some people. Free work that is a labor of love NEVER comes before the work that puts food on the table and a roof over your head. NEVER. Anyone with half a brain should know that.
Best wishes to you both. And thanks again for a wonderful novel. Can’t wait until Magic Triumphs comes out. August can’t come soon enough!
What njb says!! Don’t let the complainers be the loudest voices. A lot of us quietly enjoy what you can post on your blog because we know being able to read Innkeeper as you write it is a privilege. Your personal business is your own, and most people understand that life and work get in the way sometimes.
Huzzah! Can’t wait to watch! I have never watched anything on Twitch before so it should be interesting figuring out how it is different for other live streaming services like Youtube.
I hope your hands feel better soon, I know you have contractual work to do but I hope you are able to take a break and get better first. Let us wait, even those that howl will still be here when you guys are ready.
OH and just wanted to say I loved Iron and Magic! It definitely had different dynamics in the story with neither starting off with a greater power structure. Loved that! I finished reading it within 24 hours : ) I think I will have to read it again just to see if I missed anything the first time when I was speeding through it. 😀
Looking forward to watching both videos on Sunday or Monday when I get a chance!
You guys are amazing. In my house, I say “ my favorite authors” and my family immediately knows it’s you.
As a reader, I am so grateful to you for your writing.
Your free fiction is an unbelievable gift.
I am sorry you have been given a hard time & wanted you to hear a thankful gift.
I just bought Iron & Magic and CANT wait until I have 5 free minutes to read it.
I hope you feel better soon. I’m going to pray for you.
Totally agree with Kate! It’s a shame that complainers are louder than more patient folk but don’t let them get you down. Remember that for every moaner on the ethernet, there are hundreds of us quietly waiting and loving everything you give, whenever you’re ready to pass it on. I don’t care if it’s free or bought, I’m just thrilled it’s there at all. Love your work and would probably love the pair of you, as well, if we were actually acquainted. Take the time you need and if the moaners get you down, remember___the quiet ones are still there sending you all their best wishes.
yea! Happy its being recorded and hope I make one of the live shows!!
Thank you for letting us join in the worlds you create <3
annot wait you guys are just amazing the books surpasses anything i could have imagined love it
Re your innkeeper update post:
Some people are [insert insult here]. Unfortunately it is often the [insert insult here] who shout the loudest and are heard above all others. Don’t waste your energy on them.
Re Iron and Magic:
I love it! It was so nice and long and Hugh was great and I reread Magic Rises and will reread Iron and Magic again 🙂
Please take care of yourselves. You are your must valuable commodity!
+1. Why do haters have to ruin greatness????
I’m sorry people are sending you complainy emails. You guys are great, your books are great, and the BDH is appreciative and grateful for all that you do for us!
Thank you so much! Please don’t get frustrated if the stream gets wonky and such. It is a common occurrence. Do a dry run ahead of time!!
Thank you so much for the two session times, and for accommodating non-US fans too! You are awesome!
I’m posting this here because you locked the next thread
I don’t usually read people’s comments and I am simply shocked and appalled at their poor attitude about waiting for Innkeeper. I can’t understand how they think they have any right to complain at all. Moreover, I don’t understand the drama over delays
I am sorry for the complainers and the haters. I’m sorry they are so screwed up they get upset over something so petty. I am sorry that they are so rude they publically rant
I want you to know there are many, many people who could read between the lines that you were having trouble. I hope there are even more people who remember what a gift you are giving with your free books and generous, regular flow of snippets.
I have experience with chronic pain affecting my work and I have so much sympathy. It is terrifying and immensely painful at the same time. Especially at the point you are in so much pain with no understanding and only hope of remedies. You are clearly what my grandma would call a trouper.
I am sorry so many ugly people have been posting. I am usually silent but will try to do better posting my delight in you.
I agree with everything you wrote. X 2. Oh my gosh we got Iron and Magic. Wonderful, and still you complain?
Don’t let the b$@tards get you down! Take time to heal. Innkeeper can wait. Iron and Magic was flipping awesome. Take a vacation…
My thoughts exactly! I read your books (and Innkeeper) because you are fabulous writers. I follow your blog because you are funny, insightful, and lovely people. Thank you for all the wonderful extras you share freely with us, I’m sorry your week has been filled with Veruca Salts rather than Charlies.
Chronic pain is horrible, I hope the doctors are able to provide you with some relief and a path forward.
I hope you feel better soon! And that a few ridiculously entitled jerks don’t suck the joy of launching IRON AND MAGIC (which is fantastic) or the working on the Innkeeper series (which is always a highlight of my week).
I agree. I do post occasionally but I can see the need to have more positive feedback to out weigh the complaining. One of the issues I have noticed cropping up everywhere with depressing regularity is the idea that some people think they are “owed” things. It is everywhere. You do not “owe” us anything. We are incredibly grateful to live briefly in the world’s you create, and be able to revisit like old friends. We are grateful to be involved in Innkeeper as it is literally created in front of us and we enjoy your blog and interacting with other readers. All of these things are gifts to us, on top of the amazing books and snippets you provide.
Some people can’t handle a serial type release. Two of my kids specifically wait for you to finish and publish and don’t want any spoilers. The rest of us devour whatever you provide with glee and wait eagerly for the next gift.
Pain wears you down, physically, emotionally, spiritually. Here’s hoping your docs have an answer soon.
Get well wishes and prayers flying your way.
Well said Ice! Couldn’t agree more.
I agree and was shocked at the nerve. It makes you wonder how they’re adulting. Grow up people, not every thought needs expressed. It’s rude a selfish. Life has a way of gut punching you while your down. Most of the horde is positive and encouraging. So lets send Ilona in positive thoughts and prayers.
+1 to the comments above.
Love love love Iron And Magic!! Hope to be able to catch you live. Gratefull tha it is being recorded. Love your work and hope everyone is doing well. Thank you for all you do.
Unfortunately, I will miss the Twitch sessions – but look forward to watching the recordings!
I just started reading excerpts of the Sweep of the Blade to my daughter. Then we discuss – and the discussions are, very, very interesting. She likes how Maud can see the big picture, the importance of understanding other cultures, implied insults (whether deliberate or not), hidden strengths and repercussions.
*reaper cushions 😉
I really hope I don’t end up double posting, I wrote something and it vanished 🙁
This may be inappropriate to post here, but I’m so pissed off for you that you didn’t get to enjoy your publication date in joy and peace. Iron and Magic was a fantastic book. I inhaled it first thing on Tuesday morning, rather than doing the things I should have been doing. I then re-read it Wednesday at a more leisurely pace. Hugh was always a well-written character, but despite his impact on Kate, and his importance to the stories, he never got that much space. To see his story develop when he’s had his certainty and purpose stripped away is a privilege – especially since it was never meant to happen! Thank you so much for writing it.
The person / people who emailed you that kind of crap are dicks, and should be ignored – it’s just a shame they are inserting themselves into your view in such a way that you can’t ignore them. They are ungrateful arses and and should be ashamed of themselves – sadly, someone that misguided probably won’t see it.
Innkeeper is fantastic. Like most readers, I spend more of Friday than a grown woman should refreshing your blog page. I know though that I have no entitlement to it – if you can post, I’m delighted, like most readers. If you can’t, there’s always a bit of disappointment, but disappointment is part of life, and we have no right to expect or demand it.
You are generous with the way you share your talent, stories and imagination in your books. The fact that you share it for free is a gift, and only the selfish expect or demand gifts. Thank you for sharing.
I’m sorry (as I’m sure are all the actual humans that read your blog) to hear about your hands. I’m really sorry that you felt that you had to share personal information. Love and best wishes for a swift recovery – for you personally, not for Innkeeper or anything else.
What she said!
Yep, exactly! One of the reasons I don’t put much importance on student evaluation comments is knowing they don’t have the whole picture, so complaining about my hair or clothes or how mean I am just sound like whiny noise. I picture Charlie Brown adults….*wa wha…wa wha…wa wha*. You guys have the ability to make imaginary people seem real to a whole lot of people. Amazing…and THANK YOU!!!!
Hear hear.
YES, to ALL of the above!
I haven’t commented before, but agree 100%
I am sorry that people don’t appreciate what a gift you give us and I don’t just mean the free stories. I consider the way you can touch my emotions through your writing as a gift whether I pay for it or get it free. The fact that I can still have a grudge against Hugh for his part in killing Aunt B, and yet I have already purchased Iron and Magic because I know it will make me consider him from a different perspective, means that to me you are sharing amazing art with me. Thank you for sharing.
I cannot wait to read Iron and Magic, but I’m not sure if I will have finished it by Saturday. Will the Q&A session be for those that have finished it and have questions about the book? I hate being spoiled. Should I wait until after I read the book to watch the session?
I’m not at all implying the Q&A shouldn’t have spoilers! If I finished the book, I would be extremely excited about being able to ask questions. Just wanted to make that clear.
I have Iron and Magic burning a hole in my kindle. Just don’t have time to read it until this weekend. But on Twich you can go back and watch it after the fact.(30 days I believe unless they leave it up longer) I probably won’t be able to wait because I love watching Ilona cover Gordon’s mouth. He don’t mind spoiling us? I love them. So you may get spoiled if Ilona isn’t fast enough.
Thanks, Andrea. I’ll hold off on watching it just in case. Or, more likely, I’ll be up all of tomorrow night reading it. I probably won’t be able to help myself. 🙂 They are definitely so much fun to watch in interviews and readings!
I am loving Iron and Magic, taking my time because I don’t want it to be over.
I can’t believe there are readers who are complaining about a free gift from you. It is not store bought but a unique, creative gift from you and Gordon. It is so rude to complain that the gift is not being delivered on schedule instead of just accepting it when it is given and enjoying it.
I can understand your worry about your hands. I am glad you are seeing a doctor about it and I pray it is all resolved. I hope you post the results of your doctor visit, but would certainly understand if you don’t. It is your private business and I respect what you decide about sharing.
Yeah….what she said! I agree totally 😉
wow people really are shi#!$
you should block those people so they don’t bring you down
I love your work and sometimes I even forget to check on a Saturday (Australian here) for the latest instalment (not very BDH of me) but when I do, I always love it (even if there is no new tale) there is usually some blog or I go back to the last post and reread
take care of yourself/s
Thank you, thank you, for everything you do!
I’m very grateful that we are getting 2 Ilona Andrews books this summer. Plus a Hidden Legacy novella in the fall. I appreciate whatever I can get from my favorite authors. Authors who are extremely accessible and forthcoming to fans should be treasured and not badgered as if they are genies in a bottle, slaves to the wishes of impatient readers. No reader should act entitled and as if authors owe them anything.
One fan may be eager for the next Innkeeper installment while another may want Ilona and Gordon to concentrate all their time on Hidden Legacy. Ultimately, it’s the authors who decide their writing schedule and readers need to respect that.
By the way, I loved Iron and Magic! Good villains are what make novels interesting so anytime a villain gets their own story I’m eager to read it.
I remember when they started Innkeeper, it was a side project for fun. It wasn’t a problem until it was published and the series exploded. It went from a hundreds reading it to thousands. Most of us like everything they write and appreciated the extra write Innkeeper gave us.
For a minute I thought Kate was posting! Lol. Sometimes in life you just have to give a good ass kicking to those who think they own your life. You could not have stated this better. Number one priority is always health and family and sadly many people will never get that. Sending you good mojo for a good diagnosis on your hands. Thank you for giving us such wonderful books to read that lets me escape everyday life for awhile.
My answer to the A&&holes complaining about Innkeeper is to GET A LIFE, PEOPLE! I love it too but if you can’t handle the suspense of it being a serial, then just don’t read it while it’s ongoing. Wait until it’s finished and published. Don’t bite the hand that feeds you, you idiots, and not only make the authors upset but ruin it for all of us…
To Ilona and Gordon: My very best wishes to you both – please take a break when Diamond Fire is done (Innkeeper be da#*ed) and I hope everything is okay with your hands. Very scary stuff.
Maybe get Brandi to filter the Innkeeper complaints? You don’t need that kind of pressure on top of everything else. :-/
+1 Well said!
Exactly! Whiners need to get a life and a million thanks for the wonderful gifts the Author Lords give us with these richly creative worlds. The serial Innkeeper releases have a side benefit for me — I don’t stay up all night reading the whole novel at once!
I’m so very sorry that you had to read all those stupid heartless comments and emails this week. I’m sure that the majority of your BHD support everything you do, not only writing, but in your private life as well. You are So generous to share the process of the Innkeeper with us.
As I’ve said before, You shouldn’t have to be tied down to a schedule to post something that you do for free.
Maybe it would work better if we share the load — We could check the blog every few days to see when a new installment is up. Or wait for the mass email.
We understand that the most important things in life are the health and welfare
of you and your family. Then comes your work life. Even if you work at what you love it still needs to be kept in the “work compartment”.
Please take as long as you need to recuperate. We’ll still be here when you feel up to writing again. In the meanwhile, I’m eager for my copy of Iron And Magic
to arrive.
Thanks for explaining how easy it will be to follow the Twitch chat. It is so very giving of you to engage with us this way.
Hope you feel better soon.??
Ever since I learned to read authors who can lead me into their worlds have my highest respect. Ilona Andrews’ books may be the best I have ever read, not just the plot and characters, but the heart and values imbued in the story. Yes, I love Innkeeper, Sweep of the Blade has the edge of that heart and soul sizzling through it, that’s why I reread all the postings from the beginning when impatient. I find it feeds MY heart and soul. Your writing buffers us from the world don’t let someone else’s rant buffet you, Ilona.
Yes, well said!
Thank you so much Ilona & Gordon for such amazing books.
Please don’t let the loo-laas mar your perception of your fans. What you give is a gift & we’re always thankful.
Tá súil agam go mbeidh biseach ort go luath.
Re: Innkeeper post
Sorry, I would never write an author complaining about their posting schedule. I know you have a life. I wish you could filter your emails to your assistant. You don’t even need to see the unnecessary and pointless complaint emails. If you allowed your assistant to filter your emails you could cast a form email and have them send it out.
Like someone mentioned earlier, I do not always read all the comments so I am seriously disturbed that people, who claim to be your fans, have the gall to complain when you so generously give of yourselves time and time again.
I read the serials and love the wait between, no matter how short or long it takes. To me it adds to the enjoyment of the story and then I buy the book once it is published and read it in one sitting 🙂
BTW, I have read Iron and Magic (twice now) and it was stupendous. The hubs just ordered his copy since he too is hooked on all of your books and I do not share ?
Thank you for gifting us with the serials as well as the books.
Be well!
First off: I agree with the other commenters about Innkeeper.
To anyone e-mailing Ilona and Gordon complaining about Innkeeper: they do not have to do Innkeeper (aka Maud and Arland’s story). They are doing this as a way to be nice to all us readers. I agree with Ilona in that there are more important writing to do than Arland and Maud’s story. It’s the same with Iron and Magic. They did not have to do Hugh’s story. They did since the majority of the BDH (book devouring horde) were asking about it but not in a forceful way. Just remember, Ilona and Gordon do not have to do the other two Iron Covenant books (unless they are under contract with a publisher).
Second: Ilona, please take it easy with your hands. I hope your doctor’s appointment goes well.
Third: Ilona and Gordon, thank you for everything you do. You guys go way out of your way to push out stories at the detriment to your health. Ignore the whiners who e-mail you. As you said, Ilona, people do not have the right to dictate to you what you do not only in your own home but also your writing. I very much agree with that statement. Both of you are awesome covered in awesome sauce!
I don’t usually comment, but I’m a regular reader of your books and blog, and I wanted to say a few things. First, I was so excited to get the Kindle notification that your new book came out — I’d been waiting for it but had such a busy day that I had forgotten it was coming. Such a great way to brighten a very long day. I also wanted to comment to encourage you and commend you for how you communicate with your readers. I really admire how transparent you guys are with your writing process and all the moving parts (including life); it’s one of the reasons I think I’m more attached to your books than to any other author’s! I also love all your German shepherd references and photos; please keep those coming, too (I especially loved it in the typing speed demonstration post a while back). I will read your books and innkeeper posts as they come out; I’m happy to read them whenever you make them available as your schedule allows!!
I know you locked the comments for the other post, so I’m sorry if this is imposing, but I just wanted to meet you guys know, don’t let the as$holes get you down. Every fandom has their as$holes.
Innkeeper is a gift, and if you guys don’t feel like writing anymore, that’s your choice. I’m glad for all the glimpses of Maud and Arland and Dina and Sean.
Hell, there are authors that haven’t written in years and I would devour their book in a second if it came out. You’re one of the most reliable, if not the most reliable authors I know. You guys take your time, especially for your health. ??
Also, Iron and Magic (aka the Warlord’s Price lmao) was amazing! As always, I love how strong your heroines are and the battle scenes are so vivid, sometimes I feel like I’m watching it instead of reading it.
You guys are amazing and I hope your trip to the doctor goes well. Take all the time you need to heal, if you need it or not. ♥
There were battle scenes? SPOILER ALERT!
(Kidding! ?)?
Hah. Like they are ever going to write a book with no battle scene, or at least a personal combat of some sort.
Thank you for everything. I don’t think you can really understand the good you do, the lives you touch and the true worth of your talent. It is beyond measure.
I would respectfully suggest you release the emails and email addresses of the complainers and allow the BDH to take care of it. We’ll give them something to complain about!
Is that like “cash us on the internets, how bow dah?”
all jokes aside, I too caught the rage tears at the sheer idiocy of some folks.
I had to google this (I am woefully behind on social media and pop culture) but once I recovered from the shock I can say that that’s exactly what I meant! Whole heartedly!
What Michelle said!
I don’t ever post cuz I don’t want to waste your time with repetitious comments of how wonderful you guys are and how much I love your work. ?. Maybe I should, just to outweigh the whiners. Please believe that the silent majority has no complaints and that we (probably) worship the ground you walk on. Certainly we appreciate each, every, any, words you share with us. I do not understand the entitlement mentality. Protect your health and your personal lives above all else. Live long and prosper.
Succinct and on target! Well said, Rhonda.
Hey Authorlords, writing can be grueling business even when it’s a labour of love and yet you keep coming through. You write great books that hundreds of people, all over the world, including me, buy and read and re-read. We wait for every release and then happily settle down in our little caves to devour every word, hours of pleasure. Your vivid descriptions, witty quips, hero(ines) who know when they’re being over the top and all those delicious characters. Come on, you took two unlikeable characters, (Rogan the first book), and made us like them, that’s real talent. Though I always did like Hugh and this book really did him justice. The girls at my little local bookstore tell everybody who’s looking for something interesting to read about you.
It’s hard to ignore the people who post negative stuff, but there are many more people who read you and maybe don’t comment, but we’re out here, happy that you write and grateful for the free stuff whenever it appears. Go take care of yourselves, that’s important stuff.
Woo hoo! Loved Hugh’s new book. And apparently I need to work on my “frothing” abilities hee hee!!!! Just not sure I could reach that level of B____ w/o practice ?
Loved Iron and Magic. Greedily read it in one sitting to find out what happens next and have reread it twice to enjoy the language and look for nuances I missed. Great sidekicks and secondary characters. I wish you a speedy and complete recovery.
Dear favorite authors.
Thank you.
Thank you for picking me up when I was feeling reaaly low. Thank you for making my chonic pain become background noise. Thank you for making me break into laughter at inappropriate moments. Thank you for making me turn the light back on at night because I absolutely could not just stop reading. Thank you for making me late for work because I had to take the time to read every email you sent out. Thank you for letting me follow and be a part of your family.
Thank you for being amazing.
I’m thinking you use all the negative commentary as a literal muse for Kate’s managing of Atlanta. I can only imagine she has to deal with at least this much crap on a daily basis from ungrateful citizens who don’t understand how lucky they really are.
Keep up the good work, my friends. True fans are hear to support you and enjoy whatever you publish on whatever schedule works for you as you accomplish life in general.
I love your newest book.
I bought it on kindle and hard copy.
Thank you!
Dear Ilona and Gordon,
I seldom read the comments, and almost never write. However, I feel compelled to say that am appalled beyond reason that readers have shown the discourtesy you have described.
Thank you for the many happy hours of reading pleasure you have given me. I treasure your books and feel so fortunate to have found an author whose work can take me out of myself to another world for a little while.
Your books are wonderful, but YOU are the real gift to us.
LOVED Iron & Magic as well as every single book and Innkeeper instalment. I too have already reread Iron and Magic. Your work is one of the great sources of pleasure in my life. Don’t let the haters get you down, please! Take care of yourselves, especially you, Ilona and your hands. I’ll be sending you positive thoughts
Thanks for giving us the timings for Australia. I am hoping to be at the second one 🙂
I love the innkeeper stories and I don’t mind waiting for however long to get the next episode.
I also thoroughly emjoyed iron and magic. What a great way to change a villain to a good guy
Thank you for everything you do. I deeply appreciate the many extra communications. You most definitely go above and beyond in the snippets, Innkeeper and other interesting things you share. Please know I receive it as a nice surprise each time you post.
Please don’t let the trolls and gremlins steal your joy. Remember Kate’s bird comment and apply it to the crazy that has permeated society.
I noticed the A$$holes didn’t have the nerve to post bad comments, but were sneaky and sent emails so the BDH couldn’t tear them a new one!
I didn’t know anything about weekly post – thought they were “as completed” post, usually on Fridays and was grateful to get them.
Why is it that a few nasties have to try and ruin a beautiful thing for the rest of us? Are their lives so miserable, they have to make everyone else’s? They can’t take what is freely given and be grateful. They seriously need to hold a mirror up to themselves and fix themselves instead of vomiting over others!
Now you may never do a free post-as-it-go’s again and I can’t blame you! If you decide to discontinue the post, I would support you regardless of my personal disappointment. I’ll wait for the book and buy it like I’ve bought all of your other books!
What makes me double angry is them raining on you wonderful release of Iron & Magic. Haven’t read any “official” reviews, but my personal review is this is a great book. The skill it takes to turn a villain like Hugh into someone who’s not only understood but likeable, is one few writers possess. The only one I can think of off-hand is Wicked and I don’t think it as good a job as you did! I look forward to more accolades from the press. They will be well deserved!
In your post about your daughter, I commented “Family first.” I’d like to change that to “Family & health first.” I’m happy to see your finally going to a doctor. You’ve suffered long enough! You have true fans out here that have their priorities correct and know your health is more important than posts ar blogs. We “true fans” understand.
Please take care of yourself and thank you to you and Gordon. I don’t understand the ones needing an ass kicking, if there is a way to filter/block them then do it! You and Gordon are awesome and generous with your fans. Thank you, and go have a glass of wine.
I never write comments, but I couldn’t not after your last post. I’m so sorry that you’re not feeling well, and I’m sorry that in the midst of that stressful situation you felt attacked rather than supported by some members of this group. I know I’m not alone in sending you love and healing wishes. Please let us know if there’s ever any way we can help besides giving you space and time.
You two are the best!! Please ignore the “entitled” ones. Your freebies such as the wonderful Innkeeper tales are a privilege and not a right. I mean really! So know that you have right to do what you want with your work. You are both most excellent at your craft. Take care of your health. Thanks for all you do and share with us !!
Last night, I just finished reading Iron and Magic for the second time. I love the interaction between Lamar and Bale. ? Congrats on writing another great book.
Just wanted to say ‘Thanks’ for the link to your Twitch account and letting us know we don’t need an account to view your Q&A session.
Exactly! Thank you very much Ilona and Gordon!
Also thank you because I can watch session 1 while it’s streaming and I didn’t think I could ?
Love the book!! Couldn’t put it down- ended up taking an extra long lunch just to read more. Note to self- take vacation day when the next book comes out- thank you!
Heh. That is what I do. I want to savor all the words.
Thanks guys for your dedication to this book. I thoroughly enjoyed it. I love your blog, you guys sharing your project updates with us and your honesty about life, writing, and everything. Take care of yourselves first! Cheers and many hugs, Melissa
I love everything you guys write and you are my favorite authors bc of your blog and openness about your lives. Please don’t let internet trolls’ ingratitude change y’all. You’re great, they suck, and I love your worlds. Thank you for existing!
So truth – I had read some Ilona Andrews – The Edge and Burn For Me before stumbling onto the website and Innkeeper. I got hooked on the world building and became a member of the BDH and started reading the other books including Kate Daniels. Yes, delays to Innkeeper encourage me to read more and buy more books to fill my BDH addiction. I see that as a privilege. Haven’t even finished KD and still bought Iron and Magic – which is amazing!!!! Bottom line – you write and I happily pay. You write more, I buy more. Please don’t let the haters get you down. Most of us are happy to get what you can offer of yourself and are grateful to experience the worlds you build.
Be healthy. Be happy. Take care of yourself.
Dina would create a spa room with soothing super gel with vampire grade mint for your hands. And I’m sure Orro’s mango ice cream has magic healing properties…
Read all the Edge books. You won’t be sorry!
What she said
Iron and Magic question- ok so y’all are doing your job because I can’t stop thinking about some things in the book. Like Both Elara and Roland could see the void that plagues Hugh. It makes me wonder what do they see, how big is it around him etc.
Secondly, I can’t picture Elara and her teeth/mouth when she freaked out Bale, but I love it that he is freaked. I love Bale’s character he is fun!
Thirdly, I can’t wait to find out more about Elara’s past and why she had to start manifesting at the young age of 10. Why it’s a curse, but yet I think she is part God cause she heard A. Thong praying to her.
Fourthly, High and his Blood wars etc. I have an idea about that but will let that play out in the future books!
Anyway great job, lots of fun, and I hope my questions make sense. What do you all think?
FYI I’m just throwing out my opinions and q’s out for fun with no expectation on a response from anyone. ?Ciao for now
Melissa, some folks haven’t had the time yet to read Iron and Magic (not me ;)) and your post *might* be a bit spoilery.
You could try to ask those questions during the Twitch session today or tomorrow.
Yes spoilery!!! ;o)
Omw! I screwed up and for whatever reason I immediately thought of the picture of Bill the Cat saying Ack!! From the Bloom County comic strip…now you know how old I am. Anyway my apologies and thanks
A. Thong praying to her? I don’t recall this visual from the book, so hoping that’s not spoilery.
Alex Tong, as he was fleeing with Diedra.
I am so sad that you both have had to deal with these email attacks (for let us be honest, that is what they are), and that it has coincided with what should have been a celebratory time because of the release of your book. You have been under a great deal of professional stress and tension this year, with a lot going on and on your plate. You also have personal lives (which some people seem to forget), and the right to keep them as personal as you choose. I know I am not alone at feeling sick at what you have had sent to your email instead of thanks and congratulations. Unfortunately, no matter how much you give some people it is never enough, and for some reason they feel entitled to even more!! I am sorry you felt backed into a corner and forced to share health information you wouldn’t have otherwise. You two are incredibly open and accessible to your fans, and unfortunately some have taken advantage of that and abused it. I hope that you feel the love and support of your fans that do have a modicum of common sense, and that you simply do what you need to and however you choose to do so without a sevond’s consideration for how it will be perceived by anyone else! I am so sorry you were subjected to these selfish and thoughtless people’s drivel. I sincerely hope for a good report from the doctor, and for quick relief from your pain Ilona. Congratulations to you on the successful release of your new book, and I am sending positive thoughts and energy regarding you finishing this next one on schedule and for healing for your poor hands Ilona and with no serious or lasting effects. I am sure the vast majority of your fans and the BDH are spitting mad at the way you have been treated by some highly selfish, rude, … well you can probably fill in the appropriate adjectives here better than I can, but you get the idea. Please take care of yourselves and your family first & foremost, and how you handle your writing schedule and priorities is completely your own business. Thank you for all you do, congratulations on another fantastic book, and I wish the best for you both personally, with a special thought given to Ilona’s hands and their quick and complete recovery!
Don’t let the bast@€&s get you down!!!
+1.. Sending virtual hugs and prayers that things will be better soon!
This is exactly what I wanted to say, but was struggling to articulate. Ilona, Gordon, Thank you so much for all you you give us through your writing. You have repeatedly helped me through hard times and I hate to see that some people would try to use your kindness against you.
Thank you for all the worlds you have introduced us to. I wish you and your family all the best!
I wholeheartedly agree, So sorry you have had to deal with these selfish ignoramuses. I’m praying your doctors can get to the bottom of the issue quickly so you can heal.
What are y’all talking about? What happened? The only thing I’ve seen posted yesterday and today is from Brandi
See yesterday’s post called “Innkeeper Update”. It was written by a very, very po’d Ilona (which I don’t blame her at all for being that way). Then you will see why those of us of the BDH are ticked off at the e-mailers right now.
It will sound heartless but it’s coming from a good place, as frustrating as the emails are I feel as they are a price of fame. People get addicted to the installments and when their fix is not delivered on time they lash out. I’m not condoning that behavior at all, it’s awful, but the world has some not very nice people in it.
But whatever their qualities as human beings they are behaving this way because they love the books
Thank you, Marianne. Exactly my thoughts and feelings as well.
Congratulations to Iron & Magic! It is such a fun read, smart and witty.
+1 ???
Personally I’m a fan of the sage advice my vaunted father gave me during a very difficult time. “F**k them Bit***es” which, while not grammatically correct, makes you feel better just saying it out loud!
Well said Melanie. Thank you for your eloquent and accurate expression of how I believe the overwhelming majority of the BDH feel. The blogs and the community surrounding them have helped me immensely since I joined both emotionally (always leave with a smile) and mentally (so many people willing to share their knowledge with others in a positive manner).
Thank you AuthorLords, be well and be happy! You are a gift to us in a world that is too often incomprehensible.
What she said. There was a wonderful post by Neil Gaiman on this subject a few years back. I think the title is, “G.R.R.Martin is not your bit*#.”
Adding my love and support to this and hope you’ll receive good news and get well soon.
Halfway through Iron & Magic – I should be doing so many other things in my not-at-work time (like sleeping, and working on our house renovations, and training the puppy, and organizing my sister’s shower that is… crap, in about 34 hours, I really need to get on that…) but this is just too good. Thanks for feeding the ravening (and apparently frequently bitchy, WTF, people?!) fan-hordes yet another magnificent fantasy-feast.
On third read—jumping around to go back over favorite parts. So appreciate all your extra characters. The smiths and alien armor discussion with Hugh was terrific. Well done!
You guys are one of my fav authors. Already re-reading Iron & Magic to re-live moments. I always thought Hugh had more than meets the eye to him. Thanks for ALL the great work. This world you created is pretty awesome. It is appreciated!!!
I am very excited for the Twitch sessions thank-you. As for the subject of your other post, “no good deed goes unpunished “, applies to your kindness to write free stories. I have an autoimmune thing that makes my joints hurt. The thing with typing and hurting hands is that they hurt even when you are not typing. Constant pain wears a person down. So, take care of you!! The Innkeeper is a gift to be enjoyed when it comes, not a scheduled task. We will be here and no one is going to suffer if the story pauses but, you and your family will suffer if you are not kinder to yourself. Please try not to be bothered by the “Negative Nallies”
just finished it (yes I had to go to work so read it in stages – cant wait for the audio so I can listen at work) and woo hoo
love it
cant wait for the next one and for when Hugh and Elara turn up at Kates house – think that was from a sippet with Era saying that they were out the front…cant stop smiling.
on I side note, I realised the other day that I wasn’t happy and that my job was getting me down/stressed/depressed, so I quit, haven’t stopped smiling, please don’t quit writing but hopefully stop the haters from getting you down
I, too, am one of those who gratefully read and never comment. I am absolutely appalled at the behavior of the people who feel entitled to complain about not being given what is, essentially, a weekly gift! I am sorry you have had to deal with health issues that are so frightening and painful. I have had chronic pain since 1999. I certainly hope yours is quickly resolved, but wanted to say that even if the worst happens and it does not, there is a way to cope and to go forward that may seem very distant and impossible right now. Know that there is hope and support from and for those of us who have dealt with this symptom, and you are not alone. That said, I hope that you are able to gain relief and take the time and space you need to recover and recharge. We are blessed by your talent and generosity, and hope you feel the support and best wishes for your well- being that will counteract the actions of a few despicable excuses for human beings that chose to spew hatred. I, for one, think karma always catches up!
Also, I loved the new book!
100% Thank you to both of you for your marvelous work, it help much more people than you think and even if I never comment I appreciate your work at is real value. Excuse my english but I am french speaker and it is much easier to read than write. Take care.
I read it and loved it! Thank you so much, this was such a great direction. I have always wished for a redemption for Hugh because he was a victim just like Kate.
I am looking forward to reading this book. I have currently hidden it from myself as I know once I start, I won’t stop, and at the moment, I need some sleep!
My heart bleeds for you, Ilona (and Gordon!), for what you’re going through and in having to deal with the trolls of the ether-world. I wish there was an automatic moron-filter so you never had to endure their drivel. Please (please) pay no heed to these people, you are amazing at your art, and you give so much of yourselves it sometimes blows me away – I cannot believe you can produce such high quality books, with multiple stories being written concurrently, and with such frequency! We truly are blessed.
Take care and, most importantly, be happy. I hope you get better soon.
Hey Libby,
You Have To Share with us exactly how you go about hiding something from
I want to hide tortilla chips, and those incredible fruit jam -stuffed sandwich cookies that Aldi brings in (to US) from Germany, for starters.
Maybe You could star In a new series about a girl who makes a living showing
people how to hide their greatest tangible temptations from themselves.??
Just need to say this. Hugs and lots of love to my favourite author that makes my life more colorful and meaningful with your books. Like seriously, ignore all those mail that full of negativity and just continue what you are doing. Seriously. Don’t even read them
We as your reader and supporter are right behind you supporting you along the way and always pray for your family and health. <3 <3 <3
P.S : Don't hate Innkeeper.. I super love Dina and everyone. I cannot imagine myself quitting reading Innkeeper. So don't hate the project k (and thank you for the creating them)
Another P.S : In waiting period of coming book from you guys, I just keep reading Kate Daniel and Innkeeper series over and over again. Like I already repeat them 5 times (maybe more).. Don't judge me.. -.-
Wow! I am, like many others, horrified by the actions of totally ungrateful people .
I am really sorry that publication of Iron and Magic has been ruined for you both.
I really appreciate the twitch times information being given in various time zones
Thank you.
As a chronic pain sufferer myself I can only send Ilona my good wishes , and Gordon my husband’s sympathy because being a partner of someone in constant pain is hard too.
I have no questions for the twitch session.
I wish you all ( daughters included!) a better time in the next few months. Above all, take care of yourselves.
Loved the new book. I always wait so long for them and then finish it in two days because I have to know the story as quickly as possible. I was a loyal reader long before I found your blog, so don’t forget about the silent majority who are happily snapping up your books as soon as you can publish them. I read your blog to tide me over between books. The innkeepers are fabulous but I think you could post your grocery list and I would read it with joy. And then with equal enthusiasm I would read every one’s comments about it too. I hope you don’t have to go on hiatus because of your health.
Thank you so much! It’s amazingly kind of you to set up 2 sessions so we all had a chance to watch a stream. You guys are amazing!
Just finished reading Iron & Magic for the second time and I can’t stop smiling. Thank you for the wonderful ness that you are and your generosity in sharing so much of your lives with your fans. Totally smh over complaining emails. I am appalled. It reminds me of ungrateful brats at Halloween complaining over what kind of candy they get. Ya know what kid, it’s being given to you free. You don’t like the candy, just say no thank you and move on to the next house.
Sending you good thoughts (I would send brownies if it weren’t so, ya know, stalkery) about your health. Chronic pain is a bitch when it keeps you from not only your job, but the things you love.
You two are brilliant and so are your books – currently rereading Kate’s books in the run up to the final one !!
Ignore all the stupid ignoramuses who won’t let you get on with what you do best i.e. Write wonderful and amazing books like nobody else does. I’d like to see the complainers and whingers try and do your job – they would fail abysmally!
I hope your hands improve soon – perhaps a break soon and trying to destress would help – I’m sure it feels like everyone is putting pressure on you at the moment (including yourselves)
You both do an amazing job and Innkeeper (wonderful though it is) will just have to go on the back burner for a while
Is it weird that my favorite character is Bucky? I just picture Gordon and Illona giggling to each other when they were thinking him up and writing him in the scenes.
I agree about Bucky. When Ilona and Gordon put a post up to invite everyone to name Hugh’s horse in Iron and Magic, I laughed when someone posted Bucky’s formal name Bucephalus (sorry if I misspelled the name…early morning at work). I still laugh now because he is exactly the opposite of Hugh’s other horses. 😀
Bucky is AWESOME!
It’s so nice of you to make sure that your fans all around get a chance to see you!
I’m in China 😀 the Sydney time works for me.
Anyway, sorry about the health issue, hope all works out smoothly. I was teaching about AI this semester, and it seems that speech recognition has gone way up in its effectiveness in the last 2 years. There may be something pretty awesome out there.
And maybe this little post has something effective in it for you… although you’ve got complainers rather than haters, seems to be perhaps a continuum…see rule # IV. Hahaha!
Keep up the good work, just can’t wait till your books start to hit the big screen 😉
Oh, P.S. I used your online blog writing articles to create a creative writing series for my ESL students and the stories they wrote were AWESOME!
XO Vonnie
Thanks for this link. A new resource!
I love all your books and the blog. I seriously can’t thank you guys enough for keeping this going over so many years. These comments on Innkeeper are completely unwarranted and it’s ridiculous that people are writing in complaints to you. Now, I am just waiting to discover what happens in Iron and Magic book over the weekend. Hope you get well soon.
Oh. My. Lanta. I have been devouring your books ever since the first sentence of Kate Daniels crossed my eyes. I read Iron and Magic within 3 hours of it being available on my Kindle, and LOVED it. I have no idea how you are both able to release your books so quickly while also maintaining the Innkeeper blog and having any semblance of a personal life. Some of the authors I follow release 1 book a year, if that! Thank you for enriching my literary life. You are both gems.
Dear Ilona,
Please do not take the comments of a few (negative and demanding) people as the majority. They do not own you and you owe nothing to them — or any of us, for a matter of fact.
I am so grateful for your books and your writing. And the fact that you give us a free serial novel is just amazingly wonderful.
I love all the different streams of your writing. It really speaks to those of us who think like your characters do. Your books are some of the few that I keep on my kindle and reread with a fresh take — when the day-to-day news gets so dire. (We need heroes — even fictional ones — these days.)
Take care of yourself. Take care of your hands. Take the time that you need. And remember that there are a lot of people (me!) who love your books and will wait patiently for the next one.
Inge and others have definitely expressed the same thoughts I’ve had with more elequance re hopeing that your hands heal and that those of the BDH who have gotten spoilt don’t result in you getting fed up with one of your creations which you’ve given us for free.
Love all that you both write.
I’m currently holding IaM on my kindle like hording a box of chocolates as i know that once i start it, i won’t be able to stop? the damn may break today with the weekend ahead as finally have time to read it in one sitting without any interruptions.
Thank you for the time zone break down. That really helps. I’m going to try to tune in to the first live one as i think it will be really cool live even if there are spoilers (my own choice for hording before devouring?)
Please don’t be mad, or sad. Your work is awesome – I’m already on my third read of Iron and Magic, and I’m just happy to get what I get. Get better soon.
Also, Diamond Fire. Yay!
Love, from Nigeria.
O K!
Thank you
Your spot, your rules; re: don’t be rude.
Thank you for . . . I have bitten my tongue bloody trying not to rant at my fellow BDH, ok there’s my point
Thank you for stating your case, drawing your line & speaking your ire
I deeply appreciate the clarity & civility with which you did so.
Nah, that really ain’t so. I kinda really want you to rant & rave to weep & wail and be totally uncivilised. Which looking at the years of communicating with us, that you have done, for you, you did.
Convoluted sentence aside, I love you for the clarity of your statement …’ you will not dictate’ … etc. etc.
I have pretties & baubles, some momentary lights & then my hoard dick francis robert heinlein, mc caffrey & norton lee & miller
I know it is hoard when i buy it and don’t read it say what
I went e-reader two house moves ago, I had 27 boxes of books. I really miss picking them up staring at the cover stroking the back … I had a point? I read like some people watch tv or others listen to the radio.
I can relate to missing an installment of Blade, its horrifying BUT unlike missing an episode of Elementary when it appears it’s the next one. that made sense to me
It sucks when you have to find joy, in what is your joy.
I am glad you spoke up, unsubscribe should work both ways. B well for the blessings you give B at peace for the message you deliver B blessed for your forbearance
Loved it! Read it overnight and now I will have to wait a year for more! Of course, I will be rereading the Kate books and holding for the next and reading that as well. Thanks for everything you guys write and I am eager to read it when you guys get it out there.
You know, I can wait for years for a Gabaldon. I am fine with whatever schedule works for you. Feel better and I loved “Iron and Magic”
I really liked iron and magic! I did not expect to like Hugh in one book, more like all three. I love innkeeper, too. But I can wait. Haters got to hate. But remember, you have just witnessed a small piece of what their whole life is like. Thank goodness you don’t have to witness more! I’m glad you’re going to the doctor. Take good care of yourself! I use dragon for my notes. And I don’t always proofread like I should. Rereading it can be hysterical. But it does seem to learn. I should be able to type- I grew up playing piano and I knit- slowly, but the typing thing just doesn’t work for me. Feel better soon!
I am severely dyslexic and was pretty much illiterate until i was 11/12 years old. My parents spent money they did not have to send me to private school here in Texas. When they saw that something was wrong with my test scores and the scores where not reflecting what I knew. They did everything in there power to get me help even threatening to sue the local school district to do so. When I hit middle school I finally started reading and found a genera of books that resonated with me.
Because of my dyslexia I am a very visual person and when I read a book I picture everything the author writes in vivid color.
I know what I just wrote is a lot off top but what to give a little background to what I am going to say next.
I can never write like Ilona and Gordon. I appreciate all the hard work you put into a book/ blog/ and very thing else behind the scenes that we can not see, never will, and somethings we do not have the right to see/know. I will never tell you that you are not writing fast enough, or your are disappointing me.
I WILL wait patiently for your next book/blog post because I can NEVER do what ya’ll can do.
Thank you writing books that let me enter the wonderful worlds you create.
Please ignore all the complaints! I will wait forever for what ever you put out.
I loved Iron Magic, new characters developing right before our eyes.
They you both for all you do, paid and unpaid. I must admit I check weekly but if not there, it’s cool, life happens, you are writing other books that I love.
Keep up the great work you both do, please take care and I hope Dtr appt goes well.
Free will exists. Everyone is in control of their own actions. I read a story, I enjoy it, so I buy it. I am eager for more and I can either patiently and politely wait or I can pester and cause delay or I can harass and cause a halt. This is free will. You catch more flies with honey etc. I’ve not been reading the instalments – I know myself and I cannot handle such things, it freaks my Aspergic OCD self right out. But does logic dictate that constantly contacting the author, whether it is a pleasant enquiry or a berating address, will cause the story to be completed and published for my sole amusement? No, it does not. So if for no other reason than pure self-interest, I don’t bother the authors with petty minutiae. Of course it’s also so uncouth – I am English you know.
I just want to say I love this so far. I’m about a third of the way through. I’ve always liked Hugh and this book is just the ticket. I like enough to buy it in book form as well.
But has anyone else noticed the fonts in the kindle edition aren’t consistent? They change from small to smaller within a section and I think I even ran across some that were a different type. I’m not talking about the new section headers. I’m talking about in general paragraphs.
Is it me?
My kindle fonts were consistent. Maybe it’s your settings working with the fonts?
As many have said, ungrateful and ugly comments are a blot on the magical world of great fiction. Have any of those base minded ingrates ever tried to write a novel? I have. Shoot I’m smart and sassy etc, etc, and I got about five pages into my potential best seller (ha) and I had to quit. Because I didn’t have a clue, that’s why. Writing is a ton of work, and writing first rate adventure/ relationship/ magic novels is a double ton of work. PS I just finished reading Iron and Magic yesterday. What a satisfying book! (I won’t say any more since others are still reading, I’m sure.) Finally, Ilona and Gordon, your books are life savers many times over. It’s a hard world we live in. Enough said. My much younger buddy Zoe says often, ” Life is good as long as you don’t weaken.” I’m lighting a genuine church candle for your fingertips, Ilona, but it won’t happen until Sunday.
Many thanks for all your writing. Having the gift of Iron and Magic, which I am relishing rather than devouring, I am happy. After all the final Kate comes out in August and more Nevada and Rogan a little later. How much can fans expect? I hope that your hand gets better — it has got to make knitting more difficult as well — and please know that your most loyal and appreciative readers are fine with waiting however long it takes for free fiction (!). For my own part, I am happy to wait until you want to release the Maud novella as a whole, whenever that might be.
Check out Blue Brick for yarn that will make you smile:
Those yarns are gorgeous!!!
*hugs* Thanks so much for trying to accomodate the diff timezones. 🙂 Will be there tomorrow
I haven’t been checking the blog for a while as I took a complete break from the weekly chapters (too stressful) even though I enjoyed every morsel. I’ve decided to wait for the finished product whenever that is. Thank you for all that you do as I love your work.
I’m late to the game but I hope that you feel better soon and taking care of the matter at hand – sending prayers your way. YOU always come first. xoxo Will continue to follow you guys but from now on completed novels only.
The reason for this post is because I’m excited!!!! I saw this cover on Amazon today and November can’t get here soon enough. All the best to you.
Excellent! Beautiful cover.
Lastly I received my copy of Iron and Magic on release day – can’t wait to read it but I’m once again re-reading the Kate Daniels series. Just beginning book 5, Magic Slays and then I may begin Hugh’s novel so I have something to look forward to.
On that note, I didn’t start the Clean Sweep series until One Fell Sweep was released (yes I waited 3 years) and read straight through. I’m hoping I don’t do the same with the Iron Covenant series but I just might. My will is strong even though I will be missing out on the excitement.
Hi Ilona, I love your writing, I have an of your books. Pleas consider watching Dr. Dean Ornish on U-Tube. He has the only medically proven way to reverse heart disease, neuropathy. Most type 2 diabetes, some cancer,etc. His program is insured by Medicare and some other insurance companies and uses no drugs or surgery. His program is now in 50 hospitals around the country and he has about 8 books out now.
Praying for you health and your family!!!
We don’t own you. Sing it loud. We just buy the books and enjoy them.
I hope the recordings will be available soon as my broadband is just too slow 🙁
I pre-ordered Iron and Magic and Diamond Fire. I am really looking forward to them
Dear Ilona and Gordon,
Firstly ..
I wanted to say a well deserved and wholeheartedly grateful THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart for Iron and Magic. This book was unbelievably fantastic and I read it in less than 5 hours – devouring every word! You are (both) just phenomenally amazing and truly talented writers and you have, once again, delivered a story that just blows my mind with its awesomeness (and yes, it was intentional that I use lots of big adjectives to try to convey my appreciation)
Secondly ..
Another well deserved and wholeheartedly grateful THANK YOU from the bottom of my heart for the Innkeeper series. The fact that you take time from your personal lives to provide a completely free series is so amazingly unselfish and giving of you and I will never be grateful enough that think us worthy of this gift.
And lastly ..
I am so unbelievably sorry that you have been subjected to the selfish and hateful rants of some really negative and undeserving people. I was just sickened when I read your earlier blog. I cannot believe that some people could be truly that self-centred and inward focused. You both give fans so much already – without any expectations. You give your time to ‘extra’ projects and you are happy to provide us just a little peek at your personal lives – and I’m horrified to see that some people think this somehow entitles them to demand more of you. Instead of (as most of us do) bowing down in thanks for you giving us anything at all!
I’m so sorry you felt obligated to share personal and private medical information to placate these few people. I wish for you, Ilona, that your hands feel better soon as nothing is more debilitating that unresolved chronic pain! I’m so sorry you had to read terrible mean and nasty emails on a day you should have been celebrating a book release. And I hope with all my heart you both take some time soon for a real and full break for yourselves – you both deserve a holiday so so much! I’m so sorry that some fans have placed you in a position of starting to resent your own creations simply by demanding more than they ever deserved. And I hope that – one day when YOU are ready – you consider continuing the Maud’s story. Not for the fans but because it is a story that deserves to be told. And please know, that when that day comes – WHEN EVER it may be – I will be here patiently waiting, just happy to be given the opportunity to read one of your brilliant creations again (free or otherwise – it makes no difference to me).
Ditto. And much more eloquently phrased. 🙂
Thank you for writing this book. I actually felt sorry for Hugh in the part when Kate & Co. went to Europe and in some further parts as well. Nice to know that my “instinct” was not so far off. 🙂 This book about Hugh hammered down a fact which wasn’t quite so obvious in the Kate Daniels series: the self-rightousness of Roland – I know see him far more as a “kind of villain” as before.
On another note regarding the innkeeper series: thank you for it, love it, and if someone is not patient: though luck. If ppl complain: Neil Gaiman wrote something about entitlement issues 9 years ago when fans made similar complaints about another popular series: G.R.R. Martin is not your bitch … I suggest all those ppl complaining read that bit:
Happy writing and get well soon – take your time. 🙂
Just popped in to say I’m in Sydney so I got to watch the 2nd Twitch session & I loved it. So glad that you’ve allowed Gordon to do the typing & that your hands hopefully just need rest and relaxation. A big worry off your mind I’m sure!
I’ve got I&M, but I’m holding off reading it till probably mid week when hopefully I’ll have some uninterrupted time 🙂
Thank you for your wonderful imaginations and your care & attention to all your fans whether they deserve it or not. Love Kate, Nevada, Dina & Maud & all the boys, and am looking forward to POV Rogan #2 whenever Gordon finds the time & what he’s already written, somewhere 😀
Oh, good – I was just thinking of posting something along these lines. I missed the first one (because I’m a dumbass and didn’t read the timezones right)… but caught the end of the second one fortuitously when I got back from the grocery, and watched / listened as I put away groceries and got ready for brunch today, and made something that maybe passed as dinner if you squinted hard.
Having voices and gestures with the faces is just lovely, and seeing you all interact was just great. Thanks so much.
Thanks so much for the opportunity to attend here in aussie land. Shame I had to work from 10am-8pm… i really hope it went great for you guys. Thanks again for producing some awesome quality material yet again love it!!
Thank you for creating these worlds! I loved Iron and Magic so much–I was lost in the story and still able to feel awe at your writing skills. Such great storytelling!
I loved how the worlds intersected with Kate Daniels characters.
I hope you feel better soon.
Sadly I wasn’t able to watch either session – but I see they were recorded. Any idea how I watch them? Or are they not posted yet? Looking forward to watching them!
I’d like to hear the answer too! I couldn’t attend either session and when I click the link to Twitch, all I see available are some 30 sec clips that people made… no Q&A video. I’m bummed if there was no recording.
Follow-up to my earlier post – just saw that the videos will be posted soon (Thank you!!)
p.s. just finished Iron and Magic. It was amazing and wonderful and all the things that I love about books.
Any idea when the recording will be up?
Have you considered an ergonomic keyboard such as “safe type keyboard”?
Aaaah! Please don’t… break your hands more? (I mean, I’m sure you don’t want broken hands but it also sounds like some readers are giving you an uncool amount of pressure for what is basically free cheesecake, I wanted to speak up and say this thing you do is VERY lovely and appreciated but I hope you get the time to recover). Dictation sounds hilarious and I hope it becomes less exasperating with time.
I have to say, between the Innkeeper installments and waiting for the next installments of the other series, I begin to understand the mindset of those who waited at the dockside in New York for Dickens’ next installment and news of Nell’s fate. My pre-ordered copy is waiting on my e-reader for a time this week where I can hit the “pause” button on the rest of my life,because I know that this will be one of those times where I will need to be in a comfy chair (yes, the comfy chair) with a cup of my favorite tea, my glasses cleaned and a blanket (due to my husband who is born of frost giants.) Thank you for the stories you give us and this glorious prospect of pure pleasure. I hope that the hand injuries heal soon and fully. Be well.
I just ordered this from Barnes and Noble today. I’ll have it in three days! Squee! I ordered an extra one partly for my sister, who is also a big fan, but also to support team Ilona Andrews so they can afford to keep writing.
Are they going to post the full q&a sessions and not just the clips?