Hey guys. Do you remember when I said this in a blog post?
So, for the foreseeable future, we are going to have something fun here on Friday. Something that will give you a break from the constant stress and daily grind. For now, it’s Hughday. Some Fridays, it might be something else.
What this meant: there may or may not be a snippet of Hugh on Friday. There will be something fun on Friday. It might be Hugh. It might be other free fiction. It might be a fun quiz or a merch giveaway.
What some people read: there will absolutely, definitely be Hugh snippet every Friday, and it’s not here. WHERE THE HELL IS IT?
You know I love you, but please chill. We are human beings, with some health problems at the moment, and while we are doing our absolute best to be productive, sometimes life gets in the way.
Especially with this book, the progress is slow, because we are having to backtrack and add/change things. It’s a complicated story, and it is a sequel. So please mentally prepare yourself that there will be Fridays where you get a funny story or a quiz instead.
::hug:: We well get through this week together. Let’s start with cute squirrels.

Chapter 2 Part 1
Elara’s eyes snapped open.
In her dream she was trying to figure out why the lavender was dying, and as she crouched in the herb bed, a squirrel ran up and hit her head with a wooden mallet.
Only one person in this castle knocked on her door like that.
“What do you want, Hugh?”
“Open the door,” he growled.
Her head felt like someone stuffed it with wet cotton. She wanted to go back to sleep.
“It’s the middle of the night and I’m tired.”
“Elara, open the damn door.”
She groaned, kicked the blanket off, pulled a robe on, and marched to the door, flicking the lamp on in passing. When the magic fell, her powers went with it. Sometimes she didn’t mind, but right now every iota of her attention was directed at keeping the plants alive. She needed her magic. Without it, with all of her senses dampened, she felt helpless. It made her listless, tired, and irritable, and Hugh seemed to be on a mission to irritate her further.
Ever since Monday, he kept turning up in unexpected places when she happened to be there. Yesterday he showed up just as she was about to settle down for the night to debate whether or not they should repair the outer pasture wall. When she pointed out that it was outside of his duties, he claimed the broken fence was a security risk. He was incredibly obnoxious about it, too, and she had to resist the urge to brain him with something heavy before finally shutting the door in his face.
What had gotten into him?
Elara swung the door open. He stomped inside, pushed the door shut, and leaned against the table, looming like some dark wraith. She realized he was completely dressed. Alarm pierced her.
She almost sagged in relief, then remembered he was still there.
“What is it?”
He fixed her with his stare. His eyes were blue and dark.
“What kind of a druid is Dugas?’
She blinked. “What?”
“Is Dugas a dusk druid?”
“You came here at-” she glanced at the clock on the wall “-two in the morning to ask me what kind of druid Dugas is? What is wrong with you? Are you bored, Preceptor, or do you enjoy annoying me?”
His face was grim. “Answer the question.”
She dropped into a chair and rubbed her face trying to wipe some of the fatigue off. “He doesn’t like labels.”
“What does that mean?”
“It means Dugas will do whatever is needed to keep us safe.”
She waved her hand. “Us, the Departed, the Iron Dogs, everyone here and in the village. Us.”
“Would he ever betray you?”
“Absolutely not. Why are you asking me these things?”
He stared at her for a long moment, pulled a Polaroid from inside his jacket, and handed it to her.
She took the picture. Animal bones arranged in an odd pattern lying in a shallow grave of sorts… She’d never seen anything like it. How strange.
She squinted, trying to make out the minor details. “Are they bound with wire?”
“What kind?”
“Natural fiber. Bone beads.”
“Where is this?”
“Less than a mile north of here. It’s laid out by a large oak, and whoever made it used wolfsbane to cover the scent. The twine was wrapped around the oak as well.”
The presence of the oak was a tell, so he defaulted to a druid. She would have too. A witch would’ve left an offering and there would be other materials, like herbs and stones. There were other European neo-pagans out there, but most of them associated the oak with the god of thunder: Thor, Perun, Zeus… It was a large tree that was frequently struck by lightning, a symbol of longevity and masculine power and vitality. Neo-pagans would’ve left offerings, gifts, maybe ribbons, but not a shallow pit that looked like a mass animal grave. Bones and lightning just did not go together.
The oak was a crucial part of many Native American spiritual traditions, but they wouldn’t have dug a hollow and filled it with bones either.
No, this felt like the deeper side of druidism. Unease stirred inside her.
I don’t want this. There is already so much on my plate. It’s full and overflowing.
“Dugas…” Hugh started.
She shook her head. “He wouldn’t have used wolfsbane. Baile is his druidic domain. Our druid doesn’t need to hide here.”
She put some emphasis into that our. The sooner he began thinking of her people as his, the better off they all would be.
“In that case, why don’t we ask him what he thinks about it.”
He phrased it like a question, but it didn’t sound like one. A familiar irritation flared inside her. He thought he could give her orders. She needed to cure him of that mistake.
Hugh sacrificed himself for their sake, she reminded herself. He had climbed on his white horse, told her to shut the doors behind him, and rode out of the castle to pretty much certain death, all to keep them safe. She had repaid that debt, but still, it bought him a little more patience.
Elara sighed. “We can’t ask Dugas.”
“And why is that?”
“Because the herbs are dying.” It tore out of her with more force than she intended. “We lost two of the twelve greenhouses. The second crop of borage is gone. Oregano is sickly. It even affected mint and lavender. Mint is damn unkillable. As long as you have water and sun, it spreads like a plague, and yet it’s withering at the root as if something is draining it and we don’t know why.”
“I’m sorry.”
She was ready for questions or demands, but not for that. For a moment, she simply stared at him.
“Thank you.”
“Dugas?” he prompted.
“Took soil samples to Lexington yesterday morning. There is a lab there and he wants to consult the Lexington Grove to see if they can sense something we can’t.”
“So, this could be one of his apprentices.”
And they were back to suspecting her people bit. Our people. She couldn’t very well demand he stick to it if she wasn’t meeting him halfway.
“It’s difficult for me to imagine that one of our people could be doing this.”
“But it is possible?” That was a question.
“Yes,” she admitted. “It is possible. Our people have free will. One of them could’ve done this.”
He focused on her. “Could one of the Remaining have done this?”
“Because the Remaining are witches, Hugh. When I left, I took all of the druids with me.”
“At some point I’m going to need an explanation,” he said. “About the Remaining and the Departed. All of it.”
Something inside her kicked like an angry horse. They had kept their secrets for so long. The very idea of talking about it with him made her recoil. She wasn’t ready to cross that line.
“I’ll think about it,” she said.
His face was unreadable. “How many druids do we have?”
“Three hundred and forty-eight.”
“So the chances of this being the work of our druids are high.”
She didn’t know what to say to that.”
“When will Dugas be back?”
She shrugged. “A few days. Definitely by Monday.”
“Why Monday?”
“Thanksgiving, Hugh. We celebrate it as a harvest festival on the last day of November. We already missed most of Samhain and Halloween rites because of the mrogs and Landon Nez. We must have Harvest Day. It must be big and bright and full of food and warmth. The winter will be cold, the herbs are dying, and we are still mourning our dead. The people need this in the worst way.”
He nodded. “Would you like to see the bones?”
She would’ve like to crawl back into bed.
“It can wait till daylight,” he said.
That did it. “I’ll get dressed. Let’s get Savannah, too.”
He nodded and stayed where he was.
“Leave, Hugh. I need to get dressed.”
For a moment he looked like he was going to say something, then he went to the door, stepped out, and shut it behind him.
Yay! 😀
Thanks, I wish you’ll good health.
Thank you for this lovely snippet. Fridays can be for whatever you and Mod R want them to be. Any day can be Hugh (and Elara) day. It’s just nice that you do this for us. 😀
+1! Thank you so much! And yes, your (plural) health comes first. May the Muses bless you, good health come to you (and stay), and your road NOT be interesting. 😉🤗
Yes this!
I’m sorry some expect so much of you. We appreciate what you are willing/able to give.
+1 (to infinite)
Wonderful, thank you all for what you do for us.
thank you! thank you! I hope your health issues are manageable and resolve soon.
Thank you for Hugh! Good luck with all the writing and best wishes for improved health!
MORE HUGH!!!!! Thanks for a great start to the day
Thank you! You are so very good to us all!
thank you!
Thank you very, very much!
Yay! Thank you House Andrew, I hope you’re all doing better soon 🤗
Thank you. I know you are up to your eyebrows with medical problems and we didn’t mean to be so demanding. But, sometimes, these snippets are what get us through the week
Hugs and prayers for your family.
yay happy hughday!
I’m so sorry folks got upset about no Hugh on Friday. I loved the little quiz on Friday and LOVE the Hugh snippet on whatever day you want to dole them out!
I so want someone to recite the “Hugh and Elara sitting in a tree” poem in this book! Heehee!
Take care of each other and yourselves! I’ll patiently wait for anything you want to write whenever you want to write it!
I can totally see Bale doing that, with his impeccable sense of timing and keen intelligence :DDDD
With Stoyan as back up. They can both be saying it in stereo. 😀
Thank you…..I really enjoyed the quiz on Friday…..
I am grateful for whatever you can do for us….
Thank you wonderful as usual
Thank you! 😘
Thank youuuuuu!
I am with Elara – not a fan of being woken up in the middle of the night when I need my sleep. I did not realize there’d be soooo much of it when Adulting.
I didn’t realize being an adult required so much adulting. Being an adult every day is just RIDICULOUS 🤣
I recently saw a post on FB showing participation ribbons for adulting. I hope I remember that next Christmas. I think those would make great stocking stuffers. 😉
i hadn’t seen those, thanks for sharing. i googled and found a whole bunch of funny ones.
thank youuuuu
So good. Thank you!!
All the best for health.
I will miss Hughday if you can’t get to it every Friday. I may sigh. Pout a little. Go back and read the last one. But that does not mean I am complaining. You have a unique gift for serialization or snippet ing or whatever you want to call it. I will be here every Friday hoping it will be Hughday, but if isn’t, I have complete confidence you will get to it when you can.
I needed that today. thank you, and take care!
So wonderful. Thank you
Ha, what was going through your mind when Elara told you she was going to change, huh?
Thanks IA for the snippet…… love it so much
Mod R did a great job entertaining us with the quiz. The BDH needs to be more chalant
the squirrel is pretty. reminds me of Fiona the flying squirrel out in Big bear CA
Take good care of your self first. We will be happy with whatever we get.
I am truly embarrassed to say I am not sure what chalant means. and while I think I know what fluffy means, do I? And while I have seen it a lot in Mod R posts , did I miss these terms in a HA book? Phew Confession is good for the soul
They are not terms from the books. Just a joke 🙂. Chalant is from this post https://ilona-andrews.com/blog/555-rumors/
Along with what Mod R answered, chalant is being willing to wait patiently for new books, snippets, posts, or whatever else on the blog. Those of us who are willing to do that call ourselves “the fluffy branch of the Horde”. 🙂
I think you got it backwards. Chalant is the opposite of nonchalant. That it, not willing to wa*t, imp*tient and demanding new books, snippets, posts and whatever immediately.
Thank you so much for the snippet!!! What a great way to start the week
Oh, this is so good! Thank you.
aww I loved the quiz on Friday! It made my day. Whatever you guys post, I will read, Hugh or no Hugh. Thank you so much for taking the time to give us fun content, especially when the news is so bleak.
Seconded. You don’t even have to post if you’re not up for it. Your health comes first.
Thank you! Love to visit with Hugh
Fun Fridays are cool, Hugh and Elara or not. The quiz was hilarious. This snippet was fun. Especially the squirrel in Elara’s dream. Please take care of yourselves. Any and all snippets are appreciated but they are a treat, not a right.
Team Facts are King!
May health stuff sort itself out in a manageable and kind way.
I do love how Hugh and Elara are trying so hard, and its pulling teeth for them both. <3
lovely, what a super surprise 😃
thank you
May we, the BDH, prove you and Mod R more joys than headaches.
Thank you for the snippet – it’s added joy to my day.
Oh I needed this! 🙏
I have been coughing badly for three weeks now and need something to distract me.
I hope your health will get better as well.
Squirrel here, easily distracted.
Thank you for all the snippets and the funsies, whenever they come!
This snippet is like balm on an open wound. It’s been a rough start to the week already. So appreciate all your work and the gifts you give to your fans.
Before I read the snippet I was like “why squirrels, cousin?!” “Because you need a distraction you idiot!” Hugh, prince of thieves. Lol
Thank you. Feel better soon.
Thank you for the Snippet AND for being willing to publish something fun (whatever it is) on Fridays. I am a proud lifelong member of the BDH, but I don’t think that people realize how awesome you (Ilona, Gordon, and Mod R) are. Most authors wouldn’t be (and are not) this generous to their fans. No are they so available. So thank you. Thank you for sharing your words, worlds, wisdom, and humor. Thank you for sharing bits and pieces of your life. I hope that whatever is going on for you passes swiftly and easily. And I will pass on words of wisdom that my Dad taught me when I was young that have helped me through MANY hard times, “Just remember, these things have come to pass, and not to stay.”
* Nor not no
We are spoiled…you are like amazing grandparents that still give us what we ask for even when we misbehave. lol
Thank you for the chapter! I know you’re not obligated to share it with us, but I appreciate every one that you do share.
took all the druids with her….
thank you for this!
Sorry to hear you are getting pressure from some of the horde. You don’t deserve that. We are lucky to get what you share when you have time and energy to get a snippet out to us. So thank you, I loved reading this Hugh snippet, hope writing this novel gets easier. Good luck!
These are all so good. Thank you. ❤️
Ahh, I can almost be happy to go read my textbook now. Which, after 11 textbooks in the last year, “almost” is minorly miraculous 😉
I really enjoyed the quiz, made me laugh when all hell is breaking loose! So thanks for the quiz and the extra special snippet!!
THANK YOU! I needed a few minutes elsewhere.
Thank you so much 💖
House Andrews, thank you so much for giving so much to us, the BDH! I love your books, your blog, and your sense of humor. I’ve never seen authors give so much in terms of snippets, free books, and engagement. I appreciate you so much!
Hughday is when Hughday comes, happy Hughday!!
Thank you.
I love snippets anytime. I will break my Pavlova Friday response. I can be chalant… I think…;>
I *love* the Pavlova response hehehe 😀 . Yes, it’s Friday, please brings me a huge mound of cream and berries on a nest of merengue. It’s what we *deserve*.
Ooh, Pavlovas!! Or cream puffs with whipped cream and berries!! Or shortbread with whipped cream and berries!! It’s a theme!! 💖
I’m home from work with cold, and a Hugh snippet is the best possible medicine! Hope you’re taking care of yourselves too.
thankyou, thankyou, thankyou!
as I perceive my self as a reader I will stick to the spirit of the law.
I understand that we can’t demand the pearls of happiness that you gift us so generously.
it made my day after a day and a half of uninterrupted work, policing in Argentina is not for the week.
but I digress, really happy and intrigued.
I will w*it p*tiently and be grateful for whatever you write, even if it is a rambling about how annoying you find something.
just knowing you are there makes my week.
all the love!
Thank you for the treat!
Thank you for the snippet. I’m grateful for anything you choose to share whenever you choose to share it!
Than you, what a wonderful surprise!
Sorry to hear about the pressure from some members of the BDH. That’s the last thing you need.
I’m enjoying the latest Graphic Audio Kate Daniels release. So awesome.
Thank-you for your generosity!
Awesome as usual. I hope you are all feeling better.
yay thanks now onwards to do all the housework I hate to do but now I have some joy in my heart ….
What a great way to start the week! A Hugh snippet and I just preordered Hidden Legacy/Burn for Me on the graphic audio website!
Love surprise snippets! Any snippet is a good snippet! Don’t stress about the timing, you are amazing!
Reporting from team chalant, thank you for the snippet, and I hope the rest of the BDH stays fluffy
Am I the only one who saw the graphic for the post and said “Squirrel!!”?
No? Ok, that’s fine. I’ll just sit quietly in the corner over here mumbling to myself.
+1 squirrel! squirrel? did someone say squirrel? where is the squirrel? I miss the squirrels! squirrels ate my house! No Squirrels! Did I hear someone saw a squirrel?
thank you I needed this today
Your comment, Tink, reminded me of when Nevada and Rogan were leaving the Pit. Nevada yelled “squirrel!” at Rogan to avoid hitting it and almost causing the car to overturn. 😀
Thank you
Thank you!!! 💖💖💖💖💖
I appreciate any post on a Friday. I need the distraction from real life right now in any format (and if you want to throw in an Augustine Friday when you take a break from Hugh it will be much appreciated, but you do what makes you happy!).
Thank you for the snippet. I hope you have a wonderful week and make progress on your health issues. February is usually a good month but things are crazy right now. High anxiety and sleep issues. Take care of yourself. The world and the Horde can w@!+.
Take care of yourselves! It’s enough for me to know it’s being written. I love Iron and Magic! Be well!
Maybe another Friday fun could be a BDH recommends…I personally need silent slippers for my husband. I made him throw out his current pair bc the sound of his constant shuffling around was making me nuts. Speaking of squirrels. He roams the house like one.
Loved it. But why separate bedrooms if they are married? Figure they would enjoy wrestling under the blankets. 🤣
Only 3 weeks have passed since the events of Iron& Magic 🙂 – they are so not at the “domestically moving into the same bedroom” level yet!
Ah, that explains why Elara is trying to get Hugh to acknowledge that her people are now their (Hugh’s) people. Thanks Mod R.
I understood the statement on Fridays and loved the quiz! I feel blessed that you sent us a snippet today and wasn’t expecting it, so thank you so much! I am happy to read your grocery list and am happy with anything House Andrews or Mod R posts. Hope the health goes better and lots of love and hugs
Aren’t you fearful of becoming a God with all this worship. People have got to calm down because if you do you wouldn’t be able to write for us. LOL 🙂 🙂 🙂 Just a little levity on a Monday morning.
Ooooh! **Swoons**
So grateful that today is a Happy Hughday! Yay!!
Gratitude to you, House Andrews! Always patient for whatever, whenever you give us—thank you!!!💜💜💜
Gordon if your tendon/s are not torn completely you may not need surgery. I had a partially torn biceps tendon and a partially torn rotator cuff tendon. My ortho recommended I let them heal naturally. It took FOREVER, but they healed just fine. No sling. You have to keep the arm moving.
Yay for Hugh!
Boo for pressure. Especially when I LOVED Friday’s quiz and it was so fun.
please take care of yourselves!
I read it and then cursed myself. Should have saved the snippet as a special Friday treat. Gosh darnit me of 5 minutes ago.
It’s so good!! Already I’m desperate to know what’s going to happen and gloriously secure in the knowledge that it’s going to be a great story.
Thanks for the gift of this piece of writing and for the gift of y’all’s writing in general. Sending all good wishes for the best health outcomes.
thank you for this, I really appreciate it. I’m not sure who’s doing the demanding, but I’ve seen you speak on it before. I’m really sorry people are being so rude.
Thank you so much for the snippet! I am always grateful for the care and attention you give to us, the BDH adores HA!
I am sending healing vibes and mental clarity out there. It sounds hokey, but it’s part of a transcendental meditation that I am a believer of. 😊
I’m not reading the snippets, I will be waiting however long it takes for the full book release and p*tience is my byword (and curse but I keep it suppressed like a good horde member) so I really don’t know what audacity would allow someone to be such a whiny little so-and-so.
I thought the quiz was great fun too.
Frankly you’d be well within your rights to wash your hands of us all and not even give us alternative treats yet alone actual snippets whether from serialised works, current projects or otherwise.
I hope you all keep well and do what’s best for you.
thank you. that’s made my day. sending healing energy and prayers your way.
Today is now Friday not Monday…. Thank you
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you, Ilona, for the gift of Hugh – unexpectedly – on a Monday…..
Sending healing vibes to all denizens of House Andrews.
Please try your utmost to ignore whiny entitled persons.
The fluffy and chalant of the Horde have your back! We are faithful and will not turn away from the providers of All.The.Words!
I have squirrel pictures. I feed 4 of them to keep them out of my attic. One is pregnant. She’s awesome; in charge. She eats first. 🐿️
Take care of yourselves and thank you for the Hugh chapter.
Thank you. Today was a high difficulty day. This was a nice bright bit of sunshine.
I hope all improves to wonderful across the board for you and yours.
Hope you feel better soon. Thank you for the Hugh snippet. I really needed it today.
I’m so sorry you’re feeling unnecessary pressure from the BDH. Please know that we care for you all, even when the BDH being demanding. That is an additional burden to bear when your lives are already over full.
Thank you for the snippet, it’s been a hell of a day at work. This made me smile! Take your time and take care of yourselves, I’ll wait.
Im on team Chalant and was like aww we got a cute quiz. i
I had a weekend from hell dealing with other people emotional crisis so im exhausted and sleep deprived so getting a snippet on a monday feels like a hug and a reminder that there is still some good in the world
It’s so interesting to see how they deal w things as they feel their way forward. The s*x wasn’t a magic bullet that cured everything. And now we have to figure our crap out.
Thank you for the snippet.
Thank you for the Hugh snippet!! Always fun! Also the quizzes, stories of life in Texas, recipes, pictures of the House Andrews & Kid#1 and Kid#2 critters. Hope the good health train is back on track – idling on sidings makes for a longer journey!
I feel bad for Hugh. He is really bad at relationships, apparently, but he doesn’t want to be.
I liked the quiz, and had no problem with it.
Thank you for the extra touch of Hugh, even if he is really going at this the wrong way.
I am already starting to think the herbs and the sacrifice are related.
I will pre-order as soon as it is possible to do so. This looks like it will be fun.
Thank you. Hoping all goes well with the medical issues.
Twue LUV!!!!
As you wish
I just find the more Hugh I read the more Hugh I want! I am however equally thankful for any Hugh I get. I have been amusing myself thinking of all the ways he could spy on his wife…and the convoluted thoughts and gut responses that might influence what he does and choses not to do.
I am NOT saying you have to write more NOW. I am saying this is so good I NEED more, but I can ..w..mm…gah..wait.
Thank you so much for the Hugh snippets. You’ve spoiled your faithful readers with frequent updates, snippets of work in progress, and random (or not so random) commentaries. I deeply appreciate your generous posts, especially in light of health and life issues.
I’m eagerly anticipating the next Hugh & Elara snippets.
Thank you for the snippet and thank you for your patience for the small (I hope) number of the BDH that is not staying chalant.
Please take care of yourselves and your family, first and foremost – happy to get whatever you share, whenever you are able to share it.🤗
I like the squirrel. Cute. Even if it does have a mallet hidden behind the tree.
Oh! I get a treat and it is not even my birthday!
Thank you.
Thank you
Thank you so much for posting this…it really is going to be a great book! I can’t wait (but I will, patiently even!) 😁
I’m sorry some members of the BDH are giving you a hard time. And I know it’s hard to ignore it when you’re being harassed to create, deliver, and create more, all while constantly being asked “when will [fill in the blank] be done?!!” But please, please, please don’t let them get to you…
Most of us wish you the best health, peace, happiness, and everything else you want or need! We appreciate you so much, and we know how generous you are to give us so many gifts on this blog.
Hang in there, and here’s hoping everyone at HA feels much better very soon!💕💕💕
Thank you for spoiling us.
I am happy with whatever you and Mod R put up for us on the Blog.
I am sorry that some of our horde are behaving like entitled prats. xx
I see Graphic Audio has the pre order up for Burn For Me! any chance you have some special audio snippets available to share with us? nudge nudge, wink wink… 😉
When they are ready, we will definitely have exclusive samples!
I love your cute squirrel picture! Not sure I’m such a fan of Elara’s squirrel 😛
Thank you, lovely.
Feel better.
Take care of yourselves.
We love our hughday whenever that may be but we love our authors more. Take rest when you need it. And thank you for the snippets.
Horde zen: It“s Hughday whenever it“s Hughday.
Get well soon.
I’ll take a Hugh day any day of the week it shows up. Thank you.
I’m surprised it didn’t occur to either Hugh or Elara that the weird magic site might be what’s killing the herbs.
Explanation #1: Hugh is very angry and very jealous, and Elara is very angry and very tired.
Explanation #2: Druid -> Dusk Druid -> Blighting Plants is like Christian -> Bad Christian -> Worshipping Satan, so it’s not the first thing that would occur to anyone.
The plants issues started weeks ago in the timeline of the series 🙂. The assumed-druidic site is new. I don’t think either of them excluded it having anything to do with it, but they simply don’t know yet what it is. The jump to Satan is puzzling.
thankful for quiz, it was fun.
very thankful you rewarded us with a hugh Monday
My 8 year old has the flu and it landed him in the ER with a fever of almost 106 today. I checked the blog on a whim before bed cuz I’m stressed and needed distraction. I saw hughday and just started crying out of the blue.
Thank you for writing. And thank you for sharing with us.
Hope his fever is down and that you’ve gotten some rest by now! Best wishes to you.
Thank you so much for thinking of us. It took several hours, but yes, they were able to break his fever. Now it’s Tamiflu and several prescription strength fever reducers given religiously. The next several days will be stressful, but hopefully no more panic. 🙂
+1 thank you for this, just heard some bad news and while those involved are OK but injured as they managed to get help, those thoughts have been swimming in my heard over night, so this comming in unexpected this morning has been a bright spot.
I hope all of the health problems that you’re having start to resolve soon.
as others have said. definitely put yourselves first.
Happy to give a BDH slap upside the head to fellow BDH members who can’t get that you have to put your health first and that we won’t be getting snippets each week and that the fun stuff we’re getting is great.
Please take care of your health. This snippet is wonderful. I am grateful. But even Hugh can wait for the two of you to take care of yourselves. sending good thoughts and wishes for healing.
*happy sigh*
Thank you.
I hope your health problems get better, and that you’re all ok.
Thank you for this snippets, each one is a little joy.
I wish you’d think more of yourself than us – take care of yourselves and only deliber snippets when YOU want. The horde isn’t going anywhere 🥰
Alas the BDH aren’t helping with your stress. Found this on the internet…old but good. https://youtube.com/shorts/JPuPny-Ol8M?si=ZWLbfReplX8qgRWe
or a clip of Bernard Black from Black Books comedy show.
This just made my day!
Elara!!! One of my many favorite things about Elara and Hugh is the push and pull between these two!!! Love it!!! 💞💞💞
Praying for a speedy recovery and good health for your family!!! Thank you for the Hugh snippet!!! 💞💞💞
Yay for Hugh. Be well!
Thank you!
Your health comes first always. Sending best wishes.
Ooh a snippet! I will read whatever, whenever you want to share.
thank you, thank you, thank you
But I do feel like you might have given in to Team Facts Be Damned (or in this case Team WHERE THE HELL IS IT?)
But thanks anyway
Its going to be a wonderful story
I am so much happier now that I’ve a “book fix”. More importantly, our beloved AI team must to put their needs and health first, please do so. The BDH isn’t going anywhere, we love you.
Thank you. ❤️
Many thanks , Hugh yah ! We all will be patient and enjoy snippets when you have time . Health must come first 🥰🥰🥰
Thanks for this snazzy bit. As always, I’m sorry that some decide they have a right to whatever they want you to give us.
This is why I’m a proud member of TFBD group, I make a comment before I read what Mod R or HA responds the other comments. Thank you for this Hugh Friday. I thought it was Tuesday, my laundry day.
See, my comment was deleted and, I didn’t press the icon that I know of unless there is an automatic duplicate title attached to my comments. This is why I’m a proud member of TFBD group, I make a comment before I read what Mod R or HA responds the other comments. Thank you for this Hugh Friday. I thought it was Tuesday, my laundry day.
Henry, your comment was not deleted. It is here, and it is duplicated content. You check before you refresh the page to give it a chance to appear, that does not mean your comments are deleted.
February 4, 2025 5:08 am and and
February 4, 2025 5:12 am
Hi Henry,
I know that both I and Mod R explained this a couple of times before, but sometimes things get confusing. When you post a comment, it takes the website a few moments to process it. If it doesn’t show up, refresh the page. If you then follow up with identical comment, because you think your first one didn’t post, the website will think you are a spammer.
So after you write a comment and click post, wait a little and refresh the page. The comment will show up.
We very rarely remove the comments, usually because they contain something that’s against the blog rules or because they are very off topic.
My comment was made about 21 hours ago when I woke up, still in bed. I was scrolling up to press the post icon button. The website/url button was at the bottom of my screen I didn’t notice the top edge of the post button activated as I scrolled. When it fully appeared I pressed it unwittingly the second time.
I know the only comments that are deleted are the inappropriate ones.
Thank you for bearing with me.
Thank you! It is a treat when Hugh day pops up but, please don’t let the requests for more stress you. As you know, your health is much more important. I hope that everyone in your family returns to good health soon.
🥰me personally? I’ll take whatever you wish to put out there.WHATEVER it is!!!! My thanks to House Andrew’s ❤️🙏🏻
Thank you for the snippet! It is a lovely surprise . I did not expect it per your previous statement which I understood as intended.
Your and the family’s health is paramount! Anyone making demands is not a true fan.
thank you, I’m praying 4 you.
I love Hugh day.
Hugday and squirrels, what more could a girl want?
Thank you for that. It has been a tough week
I’m so sorry some people didn’t understand that Hugh day would not be automatic. I was happy to see the quizz on Friday, and understood why with no issues (team Facts eh)
Still very happy to see this lovely snippet but I’d say, don’t reward bad behavior, we can all wait patiently for you to present something you’re proud of !
Delightful. The quiz was fantastic and I quit reading comments after about 50. Not sure who these folks are who are adding stress to your already stressful life, but please ignore that 1%. Delighted to read whatever/whenever you post – and a Tuesday morning snippet was a welcome surprise.
Be well, HA & Mod R.
Thank you for this and everything else you give to us, the loving portion of the BDH. Don’t let the pushy BDH get you down. The majority of us wait (somewhat) patiently for anything and all that you write and when you deem it is ready for consumption.
oooh so nice and complicated. I love it. thanks for the snippet
Thank you for the snippet.
May the rest of your week smooth out.
Thanks for the Hugh snippet!
Thank you for providing a bright spot in my day. Even if you never write another book (*makes very strong averting gesture*), you have provided many, many bright spots for all of your readers and we appreciate that more than you can know. I send you wishes for improved health and the calmness and energy to do what needs to be done.
I’m so very glad Hugh and elara are in the works and we get snippets. I’ve be so very p*tient I promise! 😁
Thank you for the snippet. You are very kind.
Thank you for the story and the squirrel ! I hope House Andrews health problems get better soon !
Don’t know how you all did it …but now I’m really loving Hugh …Good Grief !
Thank you, this is such a gift. These posts pop up in my email on random days, I got this one on a Tuesday. So, I know not to expect any “fun Fridays” on a Friday, but whenever they come, it does make my day!!
team Chalant here. I love the snippet but don’t like the ‘ posted under knife point’ smell of the post…and what that means for House Andrews health and well being. not that House Andrews would ever let themselves be bossed around by rabid fellow fans but….ok I am saying that. unfortunately I do not have the ear of the zealots within my fan brethren. but know this: Team Chalant wants to make House Andrews hot tea and a tall stack of finger sandwiches and tuck T Andrews in to a fluffy comforter, possibly w a pile of comic books or glossy magazines.
No worries, House Andrews do not negotiate with terrorists 😀 . the snippet yesterday happened because we are beloved and most are going through tough times. It was just a clarification because some people were disappointed on Friday 🙂
Olá do Brasil!! Estou muito feliz com essa migalha da vida de Hugh e Elara, por favor me alimente com mais!!
Minha teoria é de que tem haver com o Rei do Fogo.. Sim? Não? Okay.
Amo vocês, desejo muita saúde e muito chá cheio de frufru.
We do not deserve this, but thank you so much! It has been the worst winter for illness that I can remember, and my kids are going another round with another virus. Elara, Hugh, and this large coffee, which I am drinking in my BDH mug, have me fortified to take on the day. I hope all of HA is feeling better soon! Thanks for looking after your (somedays horrific) horde.
be well
Oh, so exciting. Someone is being particularly dastardly. Thank you for the fun. I’ll take any kind of fun I can get. And appreciate it. Hope you and yours feel better.
It’s getting ever so interesting! Thank you for another snippet. And I’m keeping fingers crossed for Gordon’s shoulder and all other HA concerns too! Hang in there.
Oh boy oh boy! Exciting as always!!
Thank you so much-the current news reporting is depressing and anxiety inducing and annoying. Got our own family issues to deal with and no energy leftover for nonsense .
Thank you for taking time to give everyone fun reads.
Thank you for this.
Thank you and I wish you all good health. Something I need as well.
Thank you for another Hugh Day! I’ve been re-enjoying the KD world via the Graphic Audio series and Hugh Before and After Roland is such a fun comparison. He’s still the same personality (hard headed being a big one lol), and you really get to see it from the Elara POC (to compare to the Kate POVs of the series) tho how he’s changed. It’s so impressive and fun to see how you’ve executed him!
The quiz was fun and I loved the (European red?) squirrel. Cutest tufted ears and totally in sync with oaks and druids. Could he be related to the Norse squirrel running up and down the tree connecting worlds? Probably not in this magic world. And boy, can I sympathize with mysteriously dying plants. Oye! I’m happy to take what you feel you can do on Friday or any other day. Stay well and I hope you can enjoy your creations as much as we do.
Love that you keep in contact with your fans. Don’t expect anything from you that you are not up too. Your health is the most important thing and you must take care of yourselves. Stress only make things worst, so the pushy ones need to understand that if you don’t take care of yourselves there will be nothing left for you to give. Be well, stay warm
So fabulous. Many thanks.
Thank you!
Great snippet. Thanks so much! Personally, I’m happy with whatever y’all post, whenever y’all post it. If Mod R wants to fill in with an account of her snowboarding in Nav, or really anything else, I’m sure the horde will b very happy. The quiz Friday was terrific. I hope everyone feels better soon! And don’t worry about the horde, we’ll still b here in all our many flavors, some more fluffy than others. And Steve. Hugs from Team Chalant, attempting to meditate on the meaning of fluffy.
Thank you. That was a lovely, unexpected gift, and I appreciate any that you decide to bestow on our BDH Collective!
Thank you for your generosity with the Hugh snippets. Here’s hoping that health stuff resolves quickly.
Thank you!
only thing better than a Hugh Friday fix is a Hugh Monday fix 😀
Yay snippet! Thank you!!
Please take care of yourselves <3 Wishing you guys the best
Wishing you good health, social support, low stress, and great inspiration! I’m one of the weirdos who’s abstaining from the Hughday posts (I read the prologue though!) so I can enjoy the whole book for the first time when it’s done one day. (I also save all my presents for Christmas morning, I know, I know.) So bizarrely, I am more excited when I see non-Hughday posts, though at the same time I jump up & down inside because I know the finished book is getting closer. Sending love & well wishes. ❤️
Our family is going through some health issues ourselves so I can appreciate what your family might be going through. And I have had creative projects that have challenged me, sometimes I think, just because they could. So work at the pace you can and untangle the knots of nuisance plots and twists and we will continue to enjoy the chapters as they come. If you miss a Friday, then when you can get them out as you did with this recent chapter, the story will be all the more appreciated and valued. Best of wishes for a full recovery and thank you for all your work from the past and that which will come in the future.
Thank you for Hughday! Soooooo good as always. More please!
Thank you!!!!!! Sending good health vibes your way
Aw…..never thought I ‘d feel any sympathy for Hugh! Give him he’ll Elara! And clearly I need to re-read Hugh1 before Hugh2 comes out. Thanks HA
Wishing you good health.
I am along for this story ride in the biggest way. Thank you for sharing!!
January was a year I would like to forget, and I truly appreciate your kindness, your snippets, your blog, and your books. You are amazing people, and your generosity to your readers is stunning. I’m grateful beyond words. Thank you so very much!
thank you!
Awww Hugh cares about her but he’s really bad about showing it.
Yes. It doesn’t help that Roland emotionally stunted him. He is trying though and I am proud of him
Thank you for this – I love it as always. Sorry about the health issues. We are a greedy bunch when it comes to Hughday but I for one will try to do better. I can wait for snippets, sigh. They are worth the wait – thank you, thank you, thank you.
A quiz AND Hughday!!
Thank you so much!
Sending you hugs and healing thoughts. I hope you all are feeling better soon💗
Hugh reminds me of that boy in grade school that likes you but the only way he can show it is to torment you. Now that he has finally had that “aha” moment and realizes that being mean to you is not the way to your heart he is stumbling and awkward trying to figure out how to be nice.
The Horde will be enjoying every single moment. he he he …
Thank you for the lovely gift ❤️ That is what this is, a gift, and I am deeply appreciative of it. I understand about health stuff. I have a LOT of small health issues that I put off and now they are getting big. Now I need to figure out how to prioritize what because time and money are finite. Yay, MIDDLE AGE adulthood, sigh. Thank you for being a bright spot. Also, I just sung your praises to my Dental Hygienist so I may have enticed a new person into joining the BDH 😊
Thank you!
No pressure, whinging, or demands. I am loving it and I really appreciate HA. Thank you for the extra!
As I said I started by commenting 21 hours ago. After my unwitting double comment, I departed the site. Did a few hours worth of cleaning clothes, bedding and towels. Prepped the messe for lunch, worked an hour on my story for my Friday writing group. Cooked and ate lunch. Cleaned the kitchen, I’m a messy cook and eater. Watched the noon news. Worked 4 more hours on my Fridays paper. Ate left overs for supper. Watched the evening news and Jeopardy. Read a few pages of a Jay Kristoff novel. Then took a shower. Then read all the comments.
My reply to a couple of them.
Tink, I thought my adulting was over thirty years ago when I became an empty nester. First a daughter retired and moved back in town then five years later a son moved back. A third child is retiring soon and thinking about moving back. At least the grand and great grandkids haven’t moved here.
Mod R, the Satan thing sounds like someone giving up all hope and saying to-hell-with-it.
A proud member of TFBD group. Good night.
Health issues in my house too. I so needed this! Thank you and I hope all of us have better health in the near future.
I agree with a Horde sibling up stream. Any day can be Hugh day. LOL! As if anyone could confine Hugh d’Ambray to one particular day and get away with it! 🙂 Thanks for the snippet!
Thank you for this much-needed pick-me-up. 💙
I can’t wait!!!!
Thank you, I needed that. It’s the second anniversary of my Mom’s death today and I may need to put my 4 yo cat to sleep after maxing out my credit cards at the emergency vet. It’s really not a good day.
Hugs! I hope there’s good news ahead.
First, thank you, and be well.
I’m currently re-reading Iron and Magic. I had forgotten how much I love this book – it’s truly fascinating to know that Hugh was a victim, too. And capable of love, despite not knowing it/being willing to admit it to himself. Elara is his match, and he, hers. They could be a stronger power couple than Kate and Curran, just in a different way.
I am so much looking forward to Iron and Magic 2 — I will NOT call it Hugh 2 because that entirely devalues Elara’s contribution. Perhaps H&E-II? Please take your time writing it, because it only gets better. But I turned 72 on Friday and I’d love to read it in my lifetime!
thank you
Can’t wait. I love Hugh! Elara is not bad, either 🥰