We are so happy to announce that the five lucky winners have been drawn. In case you’ve forgotten or don’t know, there was a total of 2 spots for international winners and 3 for winners currently located in the US.
Each winner will be also contacted by email to be shipped their Collectors Edition Signed hardcover copy of Kinsmen.
Thank you to everyone who participated in this awesome event, and I hope y’all stay tuned because I’ll be hosting more giveaways in the future. Please take the time to look below and see if today is your lucky day!
Using a random number generator, the following comments were selected:
Definitely Claire, her resilience is incredible, new environment and all. Then her need to help others even at the expense of her life .Oh I’m from Uganda, Africa. |
2. Roberta Cooper:
It is so hard to pick just one character but I gotta say Meli! She’s a strong and curvy bad ass who I would love to be one day!
3. Kelly Jacobs
My favorite character is from Silent Blade. I like Meli, because that girl can plan ahead, and I want her recipe for the passion cones.
4. Tiana
Definitely Claire – one tough lady with a lot of quiet dignity. Efficient as hell. Wanna be her. Professionally lol. Howdy from Australia
5. d LM a
Claire held her ground doing her duty in a war she didn’t believe in. She held it together when she cam out of the meld to find her superior officer killing her crew.Knowing she was in a fight for her life she committed to survival. Yet was willing to jeopardize her escape to help those (apt. Community) who helped her (mother).I liked her style, her determination & her willingness to go after what she wanted. To know what was herself & what was the circumstances that surrounded her.MELI is cool but Claire had more in depth development.
Congratulations to the five names & comments listed above! You will be contacted by me personally in the next few days to get further information regarding shipping & delivery.
If you don’t respond in a timely manner, I’ll be forced to pull another comment in your place. So please, if you see your name above it is super important that you check your inbox and even spam folder for an email from Brandi Bolden (that’s me!) You could also email me directly at brandi.bolden202 at gmail.
Thank you to everyone who participated, and good luck next time!
Congratulations, everyone! and, thank you brandi!
+1 ?
Congrats, all!
Congratulations winners, enjoy your prize. ?
Thank you BB?
Congratulations to the winners! You will love the artwork inside the book. ?
Im soooooo excited!
Thank you so very much for this treasured book!
Congratulations to the winners, and thanks for the game!
Congratulations winners! Thanks for running the contest 🙂
Congratulations to the winners!
Congrats folks!
I didn’t win. Le sigh
Congrats to the winners love your comments
Congratulations to the winners love your comments
Squeeeeeeeeeeee! I’m sooooooo excited I won! Frantically clears space on my bookshelf. ….Googles how to build a shrine/altar!
Hahahaha! Roberta, your emotions are bouncing out of the screen at me. I love it! Jumping and squeeeeeing with you now. So very very happy for you and all the other winners. Congrats!!
Congrats, winners! Woot-woot!!
Congratulations to all the winners. Roberta have fun building the shrine!
Seems a bit sexist. Only people who picked the lead females won.
Congratulations winners. I’m green with envy. Se La Vie.
The random number generator is biased?
…or maybe it’s a sampling issue?
Congratulations everyone!
Congrats winners!!
Yeah a little envy, but on the other hand, I already own these novellas woot, woot! On the other other hand (ahem!)…. Braaaaaandieeeeee, you are getting verrrry sleeeepeeeeee! You wannnnt to find a sssssixth boooooook and ship it to meeeee!
…..HahahahahHa, just joking! Happy Kinsman books!
Congratulations to all the winners!
Congratulations to you all!
Congratulations to the winners!
Congrats to all the winners!! I’m so jealous, but I totally agree with your favorite characters!! I did have one quick question though, I didn’t recognize any of the winners or their posts from the Goodreads thread where I entered. Was there another place to enter besides Goodreads?
Haha, nevermind!! I didn’t see that you could enter on the blog post as well. Still sucks that no one from the Goodreads thread won though. Oh well
Congrats winners!!! Wish I was you??
Congratulations to the winners!!!!!!!!
Thank you so very much for my collectors edition, autographed copy of The Kinsmen Chronicles. The book arrived today in the mail, and I will treasure it always.