Still coughing, still filled with mucus, but I am able to sleep in solid chunks of at least five, six hours. Gordon, however, is still under.
We are so catastrophically behind, I honestly have lost all ability to even. Dad’s visit slowed us down, but we were prepared to make up for that, but losing these two weeks just torpedoes the schedule.
So instead of a post, here is our last 4 weeks in pictures.

Wow – I’m glad that you’re feeling better. I hope that Gordon rounds the corner soon.
Glad you’re feeling a little better. Last year I had a cold that lasted exactly three weeks. I couldn’t believe it could hold on that long and then all of a sudden it started to go away. I hope things get back to some semblance of normal for you.
Also, love that lamp. A store in our mall has those in their window and they don’t go with my decor at all but I just love them.
I’d take it and make the decor fit ~it~!
Thank you! I saw it in a Facebook ad, broke down, and bought it. 🙂
Could you share the link if you still have it? My sister would love it:) Thank you!
Your dog it’s so cute!
Feel better all around. I love that lamp!
Me too. I used to have one like it but longer and it hung from the ceiling. Best wishes for great health soon.
I like the picture of your dad and the cat. Also, that last picture of Gordon looked like he was already sick. How’s he with citrus? Sometimes it can help, other times no difference.
At least it had some high, fun points. Being definitely sucks, being ill after dealing with other ill people sucks even more. I know your dad got off ok and I hope he manag3d to escape the plague and did not succumb after he got home.
You have a yarn feeding bowl! I love your yarn bowl.. I think I need to go find one for myself. I do not knit that often, but when I am in baby blank or scarf mode, I generally just plop the ball in a plastic bag and hope that contains and protects it.
Absolutely love the lamp with the three glass globes.
Oh and one has to wonder… does the Chloroseptic truly have an improved taste?
Please get better. We worry about you and your family.
Also, I love the cat-in-lap. Ears cocked but settled in. Obviously lap-starved and brave enough to cuddle up to someone not previously so honored with feline attention.
Nah, he put his ears back when you pet him. He is a complete cuddle slut.
Our girls are total cuddle-sluts, too. Which doesn’t mean they don’t have preferences, just that they have a very “if you can’t be with the one you love, other people also have warm bodies” attitude.
My male cat did that too. There’s nothing like laying flat on a bed, sleeping, when a cat sits on your chest, and meows right in your face because he’s hungry (that happened to me when I lived in Missouri). So, lap sitting is a whole lot better. ?
No advice…just both of you stay hydrated, get sleep when possible, and get well.
Meows is great. Our cat used to sit on my head and poke me with increasingly more force until I would get up and give her food. Usually starting about 4:45 AM. She was such a bit$h. Miss her so much.
When I’m using my laptop, my 7 1/2 month old Maine Coon wants to sit on my chest and stuff her head under my left arm. This means that my right hand has to hold her up so she doesn’t sit on the track pad, and the left one is working around her head. I’m a bad typist on my best day. With her help I’m abysmal.
Some days, I’m so glad the lynx cat prefers to sit beside me and doesn’t much care for laps.
(Yes, I have enormous cats. I like to be able to see them coming.)
Kommiesmom, do you use your laptop at your desk? One of our girls has chosen my husband for her human, and would make him crazy sitting between his hands but in front of the laptop, with her head on the computer, and he BETTER not move his hands wrong, or hissing would happen. Plus, she happy-farts. He put a box on the side of his desk, and she immediately switched to the box. It leaves his hands free and his computer useable, but doesn’t cure the happy-farting. But 2 out of 3 isn’t bad!
Our Siamese used to lick my eyelids. And her tongue was like sandpaper! Not the fine stuff either, the really rough kind used for the initial sanding. She could take off skin.
I have a cat that likes to sit behind me (while I’m in a recliner), stare out the window and slap me with her tail as it swishes back and forth. Can only take a minute of this before I trap the tail with my head. Both cats like to sit on my chest and fall asleep. Just glad it’s not at the same time.
Both of my current cats are lap landers. The bigger cat will go into REM cycle sleep where suddenly her body starts twitching. It’s so funny. A prior cat, Nikita, a tortie Devon Rex, if I failed to meet the minimum requirements for petting would lay on my chest and slap my face until I woke up and petted her. If I fell asleep on the job, she would just repeat until she was satisfied. I can’t believe that I miss her so much.
My ragdoll loves to lay limp over my shoulder as I pet her. That is if I can get ahold of her to pick her up in the first place. Designated petting time is when I go to bed at night. I can’t cuddle her, or pick her up, but attention is demanded for petting for at least 5-10 minutes every night.
Nasty, nasty bug. I’m so sorry you have been so sick. Take care of yourselves and, please, don’t stress. Everything will wait because it has to. Your fans are patient and we love you. ☹️❤️
Actually your fans are impatient and want everything and more now (always).
Fortunately, we also will wait and still be there whenever you are ready, so no need to rush anything for us.
We are more than willing to wait as long as it takes…
just with a certain amount of whining that should always be ignored.
We are also grateful beyond words for what you give / sell us (maybe “produce” is a better word?)
What they said.
Thank you for giving us updates, too. We worry about you.
Glad you are starting to feel better, and that Gordon also catches up. Thanks for the pics, looks like everyone enjoyed the visit. I also liked your lamp!
Very glad that you are feeling better, and I say that ENTIRELY WITHOUT SELF-INTEREST.
I hope Gordon rounds the bend, soon, too.
thank you for sharing your life in pictures – glad you felt well enough to post, and being sick didn’t seem to effect the episode of Maud!
The floors are gorgeous, Dad and Gordon are cute and if I’m not mistaken that’s your gorgeous daughter in a seriously cool costume. I’m so glad you’re starting to feel a little better. Life happens. I understand if the schedule has to be modified. Hopefully there’s nothing contractual that could bite you if it happens. Otherwise people will suck it up. Rest up and feel better! Also those lamps are seriously cool.
I was wondering whether that was Kid 2 also. Great photo!
So after all this… Did you get the flu shot?
Actually, the nasty that has taken out half the staff here at our hospital and has NICU babies and mom’s with fevers is just a plain old Rhinovirus. Although it’s bad enough, I wouldn’t be surprised to find out it was genetically engineered by aliens.
No significant flu numbers here in PA.
Your daughter is into steampunk? Awesome!
For some reason I was thinking it was Fortnite, since she mentioned a love for it in the past.
Glad you are feeling better, hope Gordon catches up soon.
What are you knitting? I have several projects but the most urgent at the moment is a tiny little pink hat. My son’s friend has a month old baby who has “normal” newborn hats that she could use as sweaters… and we’re supposed to get 14 inches of snow tonight. I had to find a pattern for a doll hat to make it small enough. After that It’ll be back to the cabled knit sweater for the giant son. (6’8, 285 lbs… a REALLY BIG sweater). I have 3 sweaters finished knitting for christmas that need to have the ends woven in and be washed and blocked… and a lace shawl for me that is a treat for when I get tired of knitting dark blue cables.
Knitting envy. I get started and never finish. It is like all of my energy goes to work, and I have nothing left over for my home. Thank goodness I live alone.
Well pictures and thousands of words and all that so bloging in photographs is perfect. Please do all that y’all can to feel and get better and not worry about us hordlings. We can semi hibernate as need be. Love the floor and the color scheme!
Also what kind of lamp is that? It is very pretty.
Gorgeous lamp, gorgeous kid, adorable animals, adorable dad. Gordon looks like his hand’s about to drop off from signing things. Chloraseptic Improved Taste! I vividly remember the taste of the green version from childhood.
About the Chloroseptic spray…me too. Vile stuff. ?
Green? I only recall the red stuff…
You must be a young pup. The original formula was green, hence “Chloro”. One has to admit that it did make sore throats feel better, however briefly.
“Chlora” in this case.
It also comes in lozenges. Plus – the relief lasts longer, Huge Minus – so does the taste. I read the no remedy request but I can’t resist any longer. S.T. 37 will also numb your throat and doesn’t taste terrible. You mix it with water and gargle often. I leave a prepared glass and whenever I pass though the kitchen which is in the middle of the house, I stop and gargle. Full strength, it’s great at cleaning up and disinfecting scrapes. You can order online thru Walmart. It is also the name of an Austin, TX “pysch/space rock” band which makes it soooo much cooler.
Yarn. I saw yarn. I know I saw yarn. Glad you are beginning to see the light at the end of the tunnel.
Right now I am napping all the time and it hurts to swallow or breathe. It sucks.
Get well!
My husband had something like that. At first, he was sick for about 10 days with various symptoms, but when he could no longer swallow without extreme pain, I made him see a doctor, who said it was a virus we needed just to wait out.
Within a day or two, he could no longer swallow at all, including his own saliva. The doctor reluctantly prescribed antibiotics, which had an immediate effect in reducing the swollen neck glands, and he could swallow again within a day.
He was still sick for another two weeks, but got better every day.
I think it started as a viral infection, but a secondary bacterial infection caused the swollen neck glands and swallowing problems.
Once that cleared, his body could fight off the viral component as well.
He was down for a total of at least three weeks, and not completely healthy for a total of five.
That sounds so awful. I would not cope well with that mentally. Glad he got better!
Is your floor vinyl? That is approximately the one I want. I can’t find a vinyl in a hardwood color I like, so probably grey.
Happy to hear you are improving.
No, it’s tile. I saw similar vinyl in a new construction and hated the way it looked and felt.
Is it the tile you originally wanted? It looks really nice.
Thank you, it is. We love it because it had that worn look but it’s not completely beat up and won’t go out of style.
Keep resting! Don’t take any gruff from anyone about being 100% unless they really are – including yourself! Really enjoyed the novella. Take care!
Nice knitting! I love that kind of yarn/skein. I’m currently using alpaca yarn and am going to give the gift with a picture of the alpaca the yarn came from.
How cool that you have a picture of the Alpaca! I love Alpaca – it’s so soft and warm. Be careful not to use it for mitts though – it’s fragile when wet.
Thank you for the regular proof of life posts! The BDH does tend to be emotionally invested in your wellbeing. The photos are beautiful and the recent chapter of SotB was terrific too!
Did anyone but me think “we need to see proof of life before we’ll spend any more money on books?” As if they are being held hostage by their publishers.
Probably just me. LOL.
Great pictures! Thanks for posting. Love the new floor and the Turkish lamp. Glad to hear you can get some sleep now and hope Gordon comes out from under soon. My hand is cramping up just thinking of signing 1,200 pages – aye carumba!
Positive vibes! The important stuff will sort itself out. Health first. The perrito! So cute. I’m scared of cats, my abuela used to tell us “they steal your breath!”, she was very…dunno the word in english, superstitious? Anyway. I did learned it was a lie lol But I treat cats as dogs…and they treat me like a dog person they don’t want to deal with, much less educate lol
Yes, technically cats do not “steal breath” but my two cats favorite thing to do is sit on my chest right under my face while I’m sleeping. I definitely understand how that superstition got started.
The best way to get a cat’s attention is to sit down with a good book. They really like warm places and they sleep every chance they get. Your lap or your chest is warm for them. Cardboard boxes are good places for cats. There is a joke going around that if you see a puma, through a cardboard box at it, before you walk away.
Another way is to have a nice, warm crocheted afghan across your lap. My cats would come running like the afghan had a homing beacon on it.
That’s because there are currently authentic pics going around of a puma playing in a cardboard box in the snow. Cat + cardboard = instant attraction.
I love the new floor! It looks like that kind of thing that crosses from cool greys into warm beiges and can transition beautifully! I have something similar in my entryways. Is that your Dad in the pics? He looks like a happy Grandpa and my husband would approve of his beer choice. =)
I’m glad it’s starting to break up, this was one nasty bug the lot of you caught! I’ve also had enough time following you here to know that you will get caught up on things, I just hope you take it a little at a time and not jeopardize your recovery!
Loved Diamond Fire, I made a printout of the family tree and added a note or two as I went through the book just so I could keep it all straight at the end! DANG!
Love the floors, love the lamps! Love seeing the two of you in office-space.
The dog seems happy. The cat seems even happier.
Much love to both of you.
Nice photos! Thanks for the update and good health vibes are still headed your way.
I’m glad you are feeling better and hope Gordon catches up soon. I can manage on reading 2 through 5 of Diamond Fire fo a week or so.
Your cat looks a lot like mine-Same colouring (why do they call it lilac?) but mine looks like a regular domestic short-hair. Very cuddly.
And I have the same yarn bowl! I’m a weaver not a knitter but it’s still both beautiful and useful.
Hope you’re back to normal soon.
Oooooh kitty! ?
Oooooh fellow steampunker! ⚙️?️
Thank you for the update and tonight I’m going to cuddle my Diamond Fire’s copy! ?
So happy to hear that your health is starting to improve. Hoping to hear the same for Gordon soon. And may I add, I thought I was the only Chloroseptic user left in the US. It was once made in my hometown, I believe.
So happy to hear about the sleep. You are over the worst…says the not sick one. Appreciate the update, it’s always a treat to share your life.
Just being weird here and kind of geeking out over the Uniball 207s. Found those last Spring and have been loving them ever since.
They are supereasy on the hands.
Love the pictures! Happy to know you are able to get some sleep. Hopefully Gordon gets better soon. Take your time to help prevent relapse.
Thank you for sharing.
The Chloroseptic explains how bad it was better than words could.
That stuff is true desperation, feel-like-dyin’, I’ll-try-anything, just let me live…
{Improved flavor? Not possible.]
I disagree. Since ANYTHING would be an improvement over the vile green stuff, there is an extremely low bar for “better”.
IOW, the green stuff was so bad, it doesn’t take much to have “improved flavor”. There’s a vast gap between “improved” and “tasty”.
I don’t care how tasty or improved that stuff is now, no way would I get a mile of it. Yuck! ?
Looks exhausting….so glad to hear you are better,
I am pretty sure that’s the bug I had all of July…musenex is helpful….
Love the critter pics too…Gordon does look tired…looking forward to the beer…
Loved Diamond Fire ,enjoyed the reader….she is very good but sorry not as good as Renee….
I don’t know if the “No recs please, thx” embargo is still in place but this
is amazing. The phonetic pronunciation is “pay pa go” and pretty much every family in Cantonese speaking areas of China (HK, Macau, Guangzhou etc) have at least a bottle at home. My uncle used to feed me a spoonful every now and then when I visited in the summer. I wasn’t even sick most of the time. It’s been around since the Qing dynasty and is, depending on who your ask, a cure all. It also tastes really good. It’s viscous and tastes like mint flavored honey. We usually chase it with warm water or tea.
Here’s the wiki
Hope you guys feel better soon ?
Glad you have turned the corner. Hope Gordon recovers soonest.
The Steampunk is awesome. Is the pistol available for purchase?
I think that was part of the photoshoot. 🙂
For cool steampunk stuff, visit Ed Kidera does lovely work. I’m pretty sure I’ve seen a weapon or two amongst it.
Sleep is such a blessing. I sincerely hope your bug stays far away as I spent 3 months last winter being sick. It is good to see a positive in your words. I know that you will catch up eventually.
Awesome. Thanks for sharing.
Love your dad and the cat. So sweet. That’s a gorgeous table too… it looks like something they would make in the show Fixer Upper ?
Is The Father a member of “It’s not real beer until a spoon stands up in it” club?
I’m glad you’re feeling a bit better. The lingering cough is the worst!
I hope Gordon starts feeling better!
I love the pics!
Hang in there! You’ll get caught up eventually. 🙂
I’m so glad you’re starting to feel better Ilona! I hope you and Gordon both fullly recover soon, this has really kicked you both 🙁 let’s hope you’re getting your one major bug over and done with now and that you sail through winter in full health!
I LOVE that steampunk costume! Your daughter looks fantastic, is she planning for a convention or just dressing up for fun?
Also I’m so excited to see you singing the pages for Subterranean Press. I’m sure it’s the last thing either of you felt up to doing but it’s much appreciated and I can’t wait for my copy to arrive 🙂
It was a paid modeling shoot. 🙂
Very cool for her!
Is that for a book? She would make a fabulous cover model!!
Glad you’re on the mend and hope Gordon is better now.
WHAT IS THAT??? Namely the magic bowl your ball of yarn is sitting in and where do I get one(in Australia)? My yarn runs all over the place with the help of our dog or I end up sitting on it and stuffing up my tension.
Just keep swimming folks.
It’s a gift from a reader. I think you can get it here:
What is Chloroseptic? It looks awful. Anything with the word “septic” in it can’t be fit for human consumption (see “septic tank”). Maybe this is the very reason for the longevity of your recent ill health. You are actually poisoning yourselves…
Your house is beautiful.
I’m very happy to hear that you’re feeling somewhat improved:)
I LOVE your floor!! Your pets are adorable ? Your daughter’s photo is fabulous! I loved the photos of your father. Bless him:) And I could swear I saw a subliminal lion in Gordon’s beer;)
Please try not to stress about work backlog. It will get done eventually.
Best wishes to you and your family.
Glad to hear you’re starting to feel human again, and that the visit with your dad went well! Hopefully both of you feel 100% soon!
Glad to hear that everyone (sort of) is on the mend ?. I love your yarn bowl, I’m going to have to invest in a metal bowl, my silly pupper ate mine. And the yarn. And my pattern. But at least he was nice enough to leave the crochet hook ??♀️.
Knitpicks is having a sale on this right now!
Thanks, I’ll check it out
I take it you dont like your photo taken? LOL. Your face is covered. Haha. Thats ok I understand! XOXO Glad your sorta getting some rest in. Just takes forever to get better from crap like that. Been there done that. Take your time and no worries doing work. I know when your that sick you just cant function much less work. Its all good!
How wrong is it that I’m going through the pics, oohing and awwing here and there. (especially loving that steampunk shot!), then see that Cloraseptic has a sugar free warming variety and that’s what gets the biggest OOOH reaction out of me? I’m such a mom. LOL
Love the floor and that must be a before pic of Gordon (before attack of the killer mucus). I also love the picture of your dad and feline but I thought Curran was over 6ft (here kitty kitty). Glad you’re getting better. If anyone gives you guys guff about the delays send them to…I was gonna say send them to me but I’m actually a chicken but I will firmly chastise them for you. BTW, I hooked my sister on you guys and now my oldest brother 🙂
You’re NOT a chicken Tim.
A firm chastisement and a bit of guilt thrown in works much better than violence ?
… unless it’s Maud with ladies S + O and then we all want to see lots + lots of violence … we ❤ Maud ?
Very good news for you; may Gordon improve soon, as well.
You inspired me to learn how to knit, I have two friends that have promised to show me. My Norwegian friend says she does not use the “over hand thing” but only the “finger flip” as it takes less time. I have NO clue what she is talking about, but looking forward to making a soft infinity scarf after I make a sink scrubber as my first attempt.
REST, take care of yourselves, we/BDH will wait…
Thanks for sharing!! The new house is so airy and the blue color on the walls so pretty!! Fun to see photos of your dad. And love the yarn!! What are you knitting?
At least your getting better — sucks that you were sick for so long!!
Glad you are on the mend.Take care.
Love the area rug in the first photo. I’m just beginning the process to find one for my great room, so I’m forever checking out what other people have!
I’m glad you’re on the mend!!!
Love the update. Take good care, pamper yourselves, even. Wishing you healthy.
All of the above, so glad your feeling a bit better, there’s a Turkish gentleman near me who makes wall and ceiling lights their so beautiful. We of the BDH wait with baited breath for the next instalment I myself have read Dimond fire to keep myself happy but please get yourselves right know that we will all wait until you and your family are recovered loved the pictures your Dad looked good and the floors fantastic thank you for all you do ???
The floors are fabulous and I have extreme lamp envy. They must be beautiful at night. Your siamese I also love. My siamese Nips was a lap slut too, especially with men. It was hilarious. Glad you are on the mend and I hope Gordon will be better soon. Thanks for the updates!
Where is the “character creation” page with the “(something) – bunny – cat – fox” choices from? It reminds me of a game a friend introduced me to, but it wasn’t online (or at least, my friends & I weren’t playing it online). It looks like fun.
Nothing worse than a lingering illness and a stressful parental visit. Here’s hoping you continue to improve, and that Gordon starts getting better ASAP. Your floors are lovely. Love your animules (what I call mine). We’ll always be here to read whatever you both write when you write it. No book or wine before its’ time.
Glad you’re feeling a wee bit better now. Let the work pile up – you catch up faster when you’re in good health, instead of risking a relapse. Pretty kitty, by the way 🙂
Good luck and swift healing to you and yours.
I had no idea that Gordon was so cute! I would like to think that you are cute too, but you are too coy. But if that is your bod in the doorway, you are definitely hiding your light under a bushel.
Hope that I am not being to personal.
Hope you all feel better!!! I want to let you guys know that I devoured DIAMOND FIRE!!! You guys. I’m so excited how you will develop Catalina’s character, as well as Arabella and Leon.
****Leon—-I really really really want to…ask…with pretty please on top..if he could have his own series…like a YA/NA…hehe. But I’m patient and I know eventually I would get my heart’s desires. Bwahaha.
Leon just gets better & better. Also Bern, who I would like to know better. He’s so stoic and calm but I want to know what goes on in that brilliant mind (um, tangent but backstory on Bug, please!!)
Thanks for letting us know how you’re doing. Delighted to hear you’re finally able to sleep. I know you’ve had lots of recommendations for home remedies, but I’m going to give you one more that always gets me over the hump.
Squeeze 2 lemons into a quart of water (3 lemons if you can handle it — too acidic for me). Drop the peels into the water and bring to a roiling boil for 5 minutes. Cover and let set 10 minutes. Pour 8-10 oz of the liquid into a cup. Add honey and brandy (optional) to taste. Drink before going to bed. Sleep under a blanket with chest covered. Yes, you will perspire.
I’ve always awakened feeling at least 80 percent better, and often completely healed. I drink another cup in the morning and again before going to bed the second night. Hope this helps. Take more time off. Rest. The body needs time to completely heal before being put under stress again. We’ll wait.
I hope you and Gordon feel better soon.
Happy to hear the end of torment is approaching. Keep resting!❤️
Yay! I’m glad you guys are feeling better. Cool pics.
And the beat goes onnnnn …
glad to see life went on as you battled the mucous bug
an interesting & diverse life to be enjoyed, not suffered through. Give it a couple more days, now that the sick is over, it’s time to recover.
To breathe, to rest, to look forward to knocking off the things that had to wait. The energy is coming back
B well
The bugs are out in force this year.
I’ve been off sick all week with a respiratory infection. Luckily for me, I had Ian’s book and Diamond Fire to keep me company.
Hope you all fully recover very soon, keep fighting it!
Thank you for another fantastic book?
Love the pictures. Thank you for posting them. Hope you and Gordon feel better soon!
Glad you’re beginning to improve.
Try not to let the pressure of being behind get to you though. I’ve missed 4 days out sick this month and am also playing catch up. But must remember that I am only 1 person and there is only so much I can do in a day. Don’t beat yourselves up in recovery because you want it to go faster. You guys are incredibly dedicated and will get there, just keep supporting yourselves while you do!
+ 1
Thank you for the photo tour. What fun!
Sorry you are still feeling crummy. Nice lamp though!
What is Chloraseptic? It looks awful. Anything with the word “septic” in it can’t be fit for human consumption (see “septic tank”). Maybe this is the very reason for the longevity of your recent ill health. You are actually poisoning yourselves…
It’s got a local anesthetic in it for sore throats. It does work briefly but wears off rather quickly. I think the septic part is because strep used to be called a septic sore throat. The “chlora” part is because the original formula was green.
And vile.
????? You got that right, Karen!
Glad you are on the mend. I know you are behind but health comes first, please continue to rest up.
Beautiful floors! And every house needs a dog. Rest, recover, feel well. Here’s a neat tongue twister for you:
A flea and a fly
In a flu
Said the flea
Let us fly
Said the fly
Let us flee
So they flew
through a flaw
In the flue.
Nice one!
Is kid 2 the model in the Scott’s photo pic? She looks like a kick-ass character for a video game.
I am glad you are feeling better. Best wishes ?
Loved Diamond Fire. Love your new house. Windows fabulous. Floors look amazing. My daughter has a cat that won’t have anything to do with anyone but me. I feel for your dad.
Yes yes, Leon novels! Yes, Bern needs at least one novel. What about the animal mage who works for the Baylor agency?
He needs at least a novella.
Oh, and Nevada’s grandmother, that story isn’t finished yet! So much potential! Just can’t get enough of you two!!!
Alessandro’s POV when he met Catalina ❤
and when she wouldn’t go for a drive with him in his flashy blue car ?
Great pictures, love the floor, although not a fan of tile. That is a fabulous lamp.
Glad you’re on the mend be careful not to push yourself too hard too soon.
Ugh. Colds suck. Glad you are feeling better. Sleep is so awesone, isnt it?!?!
So glad to hear you are getting better. Hope Gordon follows soon. Love the pics – thank you!!
That lamp is stunning, wherever did you get it?
Now, I’m curious about that game with the cat :p
Don’t know what it is but should be fun…
I’m happy for you, at least the sickness is almost gone… That is good 😀
I hope that Gordon will feel better soon 🙂
You are not behind, backed up, delayed or fallen in the Pit of Perpetual Procrastination. The BDH can wait until you have gotten over Pappa’s visit, hideous bug, Gordon’s hideous bug, house crisis etc. Stress is bad for writing, living, and plot development so… Don’t!
I totally agree, you are taking care of yourself and your family, that is much more important than any schedule that is always going to be subject to the chaos that is real life. Love the pictures and the house looks great!
Sorry you all have felt bad, hope the Dad visit went good. Love your floor and that lamp
Feel better soon! Can’t rush the healing process though… relapses are ZERO fun. Plus with all the amazing books y’all put out this year (esp the sheer genius that was Hugh’s book), you’ve totally earned as many sick weeks/months as you both need. If any editors/publishers/mean readers give you trouble… send them my way.
Feel better soon! Can’t rush the healing process though… relapses are ZERO fun. Plus with all the amazing books y’all put out even just this year (esp the sheer genius that was Hugh’s book), you’ve totally earned as many sick weeks/months as you both need. If any editors/publishers/mean readers give you trouble… send them my way.
I love the pictures – the wonderful steampunk one of your daughter looks like it should be a book cover. Any chance of your writing the book to go with it? ☺
I’m glad that you’re feeling (at least marginally) better! I hope you all continue to mend swiftly.
Huh, failed to post here twice – thought it was just me being scatterbrained. (I am.)
Good luck.
Hope you both feel 100% soon! Stay warm!
Oooh what is that cute cat character progam…looks fun! Glad to here you are improving. Be prepared to feel pink for several weeks to a month after you are ” well “. That type of illness just saps you and full recovery takes time. Loved Diamond Fire and we definitely need more Catalina and a Leon story would be nice as well. Still want ore of Nevada and Rogan. Also a Montgomery story would be nice as well….lots of potential. We leave for a bruise next week. Sounds like a cruise..just being on the water could help you heal.
Meant feel punk! Darn autocorrect
Nice floor.
Better u guys than me!
Huh, wha? Ok cool but disturbing….
Thatsa lotta yarn!
Sweet, steampunk! Girl, you (or whoever) look hot!
Oooooo pretty lamp
Did that work? (I don’t care what they say, there’s no way it tasted all that good–bleh!)
Enjoying you alls book-age, glad you’re on the mend!
Glad you are finally able to get chunks of rest instead of miserly dribbles. Better heath must be closing in. Hope Gordon is not far behind and you both will be well soon.
LOL at the chloraseptic pic because I DON’T BELIEVE THEM about improved taste.
Glad you’re starting to feel better! It’s so frustrating to need sleep to get better but until you get better you can hardly sleep.
Glad to hear you’re finally getting much needed sleep. I hope your health and Gordon’s continues to improve quickly.
Feel for you AL. Been there.
Not kidding. Came home from int’l trip in Oct 2017. Lots of souvenirs and Strep. 3 months, 3 different rounds of antibiotics.
Mid-Dec, found ceiling leaking in the 2nd bath that was to be rehabbed 4 Mom. Temp fix by contractor.
Started bathroom rehab for mom in Jan. Was supposed to be Dec-still sick and contractor has 80+yr-old parents-waited.
Reshingled roof in Feb.
Replaced outside electric switch/fuse? box at the meter in April.
Oh, and 10 feral cats fixed (Saved by Grace [non-profit all over the country-will help capture, fix, release feral cats at home]cheaper than Humane society.
So, knowing how difficult this has been………thank you! Thank you! Thank you! Any complainers, tell ’em to suck it up buttercup.
I know the worst thing about colds is being unable to sleep at night or sleeping upright because your sooo congested. The answer to a fairly good nite sleep with a cold is Afrin, or it’s generic component (It’s over the counter), oxymetazoline. I save this wonder drug for my evenings only. I will take it just before I go to bed, 2-4 sniffs in one nares. Presto I can breathe and get a good nite sleep. Afrin is not to be taken longterm, since it can have a rebound effect. Which is why I only do one nares, for a few days and than switch to the other nares for few days as not to overdo with the meds. A doctor prescribed Afrin when I had a cold in the past, and we use it all the time in the hospital for clearing congestion. It’s a great local vasoconstrictor. Sweet Dreams.
What kind of flooring is that (in the first picture)? I like it.
I can’t hold it in any longer–does Father LIKE cats???