German Shepherds were the best dogs ever. Period.
Of all the German Shepherds in existence, none were better than Ophelia. She was smart, brave, loyal, and awesome in every regard.
Except when she conned Leon into giving her unauthorized treats.
My cousin had a pathological need to be liked by everyone. It’s not that Fel didn’t like him. It’s that he had a tendency to barge into my house without warning, usually agitated because some injustice or an exciting event had occurred, and my dog took exception to that. Fel liked things to be calm and orderly. She never attacked him. She just smiled until he calmed down.
Leon had resorted to bribery. His own dog, Gus, a massive boxer, was extremely food-motivated. His real name was Augustus, which meant majestic and venerable, and if you caught Gus at the right moment, for example when he dramatically stared in the direction of a weird noise, he actually embodied the name. Unfortunately for everyone involved, that lasted exactly two and a half seconds, after which Gus reverted to his normal state of being a hyperactive goofball with the attention span of a squirrel on crack.
I didn’t dislike Gus. He was a dog, and I liked all dogs. He was named after a heroic dog owned by a friend of the family, and all things considered, he didn’t embarrass his namesake too badly. But dog personalities were a combination of their natural temperament and the need to please their owners. Oddly, dogs often mirrored us. Catalina’s dog was sweet with the family, wary with strangers, and neurotic, like my sister. Leon’s dog was a clown who did weird crap to make his owner laugh, just like Leon. My dog was like me: trying to impose some order on the chaotic universe.
Leon was an agent of chaos. Sometimes the order prevailed. Sometimes, like today, chaos won.
It was just after 4:00 pm, on a hot summer day. I’d parked in the lot in front of the main house, slipped my purse over my shoulder, and took the curved path that looped around the main house to the back, where my own separate two-story casita waited by the pool.
For a woman in my position, purses did the same thing that shoes did for a man – they telegraphed a certain level of income and taste. I had several and I chose them depending on the situation. However, my everyday work purse was a simple Morgan Laptop Bag from Kate Spade. I loved the gentle pink, and it was large enough for my laptop, my wallet, and my gun. There were other, more expensive, designer alternatives, but none of them were better. The Wandler Joanna tote was too big. Park 3 Medium was too slouchy. Saint Lauren Sac de Jour was too impractical, because you couldn’t carry it on your shoulder, and the weight of the laptop got old fast. Weight wasn’t a factor when I accessed my metamorph powers, but I only did that in an emergency and only in short bursts.
Currently, my pretty pink purse was the only clean thing about me. I wore a white silk wrap blouse from Another Tomorrow, a black pinstripe pencil skirt from Dolce & Gabbana, and a pair of Naturalizer black pumps, which I had selected for comfort. My entire outfit, including the shoes, was smeared with yellowish slime, which had dried to a crust. It looked like I’d rolled in snot.
It had been a long and trying day, and being splattered with mysterious goo from the arcane realm was the gross cherry on top of it. When I vented to Bern, my oldest cousin, on the phone while driving home, he helpfully informed me that it was the worst thing that happened to me so far and my day could always get worse. Which was logical but did nothing to improve my mood.
I needed to get in, hug my dog, strip, shower, and wash everything. Dry cleaning would not cut it and if the clothes didn’t survive the washing machine, I would throw them away. Then I would open a bottle of cold mineral water, eat my leftover pizza, and write up the report on today’s horrible, awful, no-good adventure.
I was six feet from my front door when a thick nauseating stench floated to me.
No. No, no, no…
I took a step toward the door. The reek got worse.
I dropped my purse on my little porch, braced myself, and punched the code into the lock. The deadbolt disengaged with a click, and I swung the door open.
An enormous puddle of diarrhea greeted me.
The stench smashed my nose like a huge, disgusting hammer. I gagged.
Fel slunk out of the bedroom, cringing.
I gagged again. Oh God. How could anything smell this bad?
Fel sat on her haunches, looking guilty, embarrassed, and so very sorry.
I retched, spat out some sour bile, and pulled my cell out of my purse. I would need to take a pic of the diarrhea for the vet.
“Are you sick, baby?”
Fel let out a low whine.
If we had a security breach and someone came into my house and poisoned my dog, there would be no place they could hide.
“That’s okay. We got this.”
I flicked the phone on. A text from Leon. I’d set the ringer off because two hours ago silence was very important and forgot to turn it back on.
A selfie of Leon, his boxer, and Fel, everyone with pizza in their mouths filled the screen.
“Fel, Gus, and I ate your pizza. Sorry.”
I would kill him.
I zoomed in. Yep, he’d given her the entire slice, bacon, mushrooms, and all.
Fel didn’t get pizza. She got high-quality, vet-approved German Shepherd dog food, and if I were to give her a treat, it would have been a small piece of meat. If for some reason I did decide to reward her with pizza, I would’ve given her the crust. Not the slice with acidic tomato sauce spiced with damn garlic and topped with greasy cheese. Garlic was toxic to dogs, if eaten in large amounts. Mushrooms weren’t great for dogs either.
And then he didn’t even have the decency to leave the back door open. Poor Fel.
Basic. Common. Sense. Was that too much to ask?
He thought he knew what sorry was. He didn’t. But no worries, I would teach him. Oh yes.
I edged into the house and let Fel out in the back. It took me fifteen minutes to clean the puddle up. I had used all of the appropriate cleaners, a roll of paper towels, and a big garbage bag, and then I mopped. The stench was still there.
Enhanced sense of smell was one of the more useful side effects of metamorphosis. If I actively borrowed it from my monster form, I would rival Fel in tracking, but even without the borrowing, my nose was a lot more sensitive than most people’s.
I turned off the AC and opened all the doors and windows. It didn’t help. Staying in the house wasn’t an option. I would keep retching. I couldn’t just keep the house open indefinitely either. June in Houston was the devil’s sauna: scorching and chokingly humid.
I needed a scented candle. Preferably a box of them. A quick search of my house revealed that I was all out, but I knew just where to get more.
Nevada, our oldest sister, always liked scented oils. In the past couple of years, Catalina also developed a fragrance addiction, but she was obsessed with scented candles. Yankee Candle offered over 600 fragrances, and she was on a mission to buy one of each. It had gotten so bad that Mom banned her from storing candles in the main house. We had to stage an intervention, during which she promised to confine herself to a single closet in the office. It was stuffed full and new candles could be purchased only when old candles were taken out. The rule, which Bern had helpfully growled out during that meeting, was Burn a Candle, Buy a Candle.
I would need at least six. Catalina would be overjoyed.
I picked up my purse and I marched all the way across our compound instead of enjoying a well-deserved mineral water on my balcony like a normal person.
I slipped into the building. Our office had started as a wedding pavilion, and we’d remodeled it into a long hallway with individual rooms branching off on both sides. The door of Catalina’s office stood open, and I heard her voice. It had a measured, slow cadence. My sister was controlling her temper.
“… As I’ve said, Mr. Rivas, your wife is alive and well.”
Hmm. Judging by that tone, she could use some back up.
A great way to start out Friday! We are traveling today and I already miss our Huskies.
Love this! Am enjoying this and trying not to have expectations for more! Much appreciated!
Just noticed it was part 1! Yayyyyyyy!!!@!
woohoo!! sqeeeee!! happy, happy dance.
Thank you!!! I adore the Baylors
Much squee-ing, much chair dancing with happiness! Baylors, hooray! I join the collective mindlosing!
I love that Catalina got a dog and now apparently Arabella and Leon have, too. I wonder if Connor and Nevada have a dog for Arthur?
And The Book Devouring Horde loses its collective mind! I love it!
I used the exact words to predict this yesterday 😀
Are we getting too predictable? I feel like we’re getting too predictable.
We might be, Tink. I think it would throw Mod R off if the Horde wasn’t predictable most times. 😉
what should we do to fix this….
Predictability is reassuring. Unpredictability is interesting. Do we want to live in interesting times, in the Chinese sense? The current times are more than interesting enough for me. YMMV of course. In any case, the alternative is for the BDH to *not* lose its collective mind. How would that work, exactly?
Let’s not barf on the floor…but what could we chew…….hmmmm….Or, WAIT!!!!! Presents, we could bring presents….Yes, a baby rabbit, those squeaks always make folks jump and scream about happily…..
Smart woman! i’m literally salivating!!
You *know* how fluffy we be!! SQUEEEEE
The absolute fluffiest! 😃
Loved it!! Thank you!
I was trying to decide which comfort series to reread once I finish my reread of Patricia Briggs and then read Winter Lost, and boom…a sign. Thank you
Oh, this is awesome! Also, poor Ophelia.
I think we’ll be saying, “Ouch! Poor Leon!”, before this is over.
Nah.. he deserves it.
I originally read that as “Alas, poor Ophelia.” Which works also. Then it got me to thinking about Yorick. This heat dome is getting to me.
YES! Same here. Alas, poor Yorick. I knew him.
But, how well did you know him, Betbara?
I Love This! Thank you ❤️❤️
yeah, thank you for the snippet,
Love love love Arabella
I am looking forward to how she gets Leon, he so deserves it. Paybacks can be quite enjoyable. Thanks to all for the snippet.
with luck Gus is in the same condition as Fel.
Gus shouldn’t have to suffer for Leon’s error.
Leon should be the one with his bowel stuck in Fast Forward!
Oh my gosh, oh my gosh, oh my gosh!!! Insert ::it’s happening:: gif!
I love it. Thank you. And yes, GSD are the best dogs ever. 🙂
Part One!!!!
the levels of excitement for this cant be measure
omg omg
Arabella is happening!!!
Ooooh!! Arabella ❤. Not getting my hopes up, but looking very much forward to reading her story 😀
Ooohhh, prayers!! Poor Fel!
I’m begging you🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻
Yes please. Hadn’t realized how much I’ve missed the Hidden Legacy family and their exploits. Hope you enjoy your next mini vacation!
Please, (sob), please (sob) don’t leave me hanging.
Happy Friday we have a short story squeeee. 🩷❤️
There will be a part 2, no worries 🙂
oohhhhh ya está aquí!!! baile feliz!!! gracias, gracias …..
I have never been a dog person, but I have grand- dogs. The chief one is a German Shepard. I can just see Jack looking embarrassed for diarrhea or vomit. Great start! Love the characters already
[*hyperventilating*.. followed by drooling and the little fluttering feeling in your stomach when something REALLY exciting turns the corner and slaps you in the face] YASSSS!!!
The authorlords love us so much!! And we love y’all!
I appreciate this and hope that this means y’all have the creative space and mental energy/ spoons to continue giving us snippets!!
Oh thank you!
This morning has been a horrible – very bad start for me (although no slime or dog diarrhea so there’s that) and this made my day!
Awww, hope the rest of the day is better!
“(although no slime or dog diarrhea so there’s that)”
To quote Bern… yet. No slime or dog diarrhea yet. Implicitly jinxing yourself is as bad as explicitly jinxing yourself.
***SCREAMS***Thank you! 😀
Yup I did a wahoo and apparently a very evil laugh and my children and husband looked at me like I was a lunatic…I just looked away grinning maniacally!! Heheh sooo happy for more Baylor universe!!
The long awaited Arabella story. Even if it’s only a snippet.
It says part 1.
Where there’s a part 1 there’s bound to be a part 2.
There must be a BDH rule, which confirms this.
I love Arabella’s voice and her opinions on the rest of the family so far.
Thank you so much for this.
This is the best! I love the Baylors so much! Thank you! I know you said you weren’t ready to write another hidden Legacy book, but if this became a slice of life novella that just showed off some of the Baylor family antics, I would totally buy it because Leon and Arabella together are just hilarious!
Absolutely!! While the Big Bads that the Baylors confront in the novels are interesting, the real draw for me in this series is the family members: their personalities, powers, interactions, and all the associated hijinks.
I would almost love reading about how they take on mundane problems, like extended family reunions, or a obdurate insurance company, or scammers robbing their elderly neighbors (I recently watched an absurdly violent revenge movie that started with that), just as much as another tussle with a Big Bad.
p.s. SQUEEE!
Holy mother of chernobog!
This is amazeballs.
It’s here, Arabella’s time has come.
“Holy mother of Chernobog”: 😂😂😂😂
Great saying before Sanctuary comes out.
And now I’m wondering if Chernobog and Belobog have Canon parents.
Can “Holy mother of Chernobog” become a t-shirt???!!!!!
We promise that this treat will not cause us diarrhea. 😉
looking forward to more Friyeys ;););)
have a great weekend
Yay!!!! Never have I been so happy about being wrong. Thank you and hang in there, Arabella!
Poor Leon, heh.
Omg, thank you for this! It made my grumpy day happy.
Thank you for the Arabella snippet. Poor Fel. Poor Arabella having to smell the stench even after cleaning. Yeah, June in Texas is not the best time to have to open up the place.
Leon…payback is coming. It will be interesting to read Arabella’s payback.
Thank you!
OMG!! Arabella! I love how she’s grown up into the young woman she is.
Thank you for the snippet!
Yay, Arabella story! With metamorph ups and downs insight!
I think we learned more about her ability works – and how about she REALLY thinks – in these paragraphs than the previous 7 books. I like it. As usual, great world building.
The noises that I make are totally not humanlike.
Thank u so much, my absolute favourite of your series, love the sisters and look forward to more, you guys re amazing!!
Yay Arabella!!!
I used to be a vet tech and the “attention span of a squirrel on crack” covered a lot of the boxers. Thanks for the Friday morning smile.
Every Boxer I’ve ever met, actually – though it’s admittedly a very small sample!
oh no she’s still covered in yellow slime!!!!!
ty so much, HA! love the snippet!
Thank you much needed escape.
Love it!! Can’t wait to see her school Leon!
oh no…Now you have done it…Let the badgering commence
That very loud excited screech you heard was me over here in Canada.
Thank you,
I’m so happy! Just last night I was thinking I needed to know what happened with Arabella.
Yessss! Confirmation that It is Arabella’s dog! And Gus makes me laugh, just like Leon so seems good.
Thank you, thank you, thank you! You have no idea how much I needed this today.
Wonderful snippet! I love that she is providing back-up while covered in yellow crusty goo and reeking of dog poo! I hope the client in the office is attached to the case she just finished working at.
Thank you, thank you, thank you!. Needed this after a weird week. Hope my weekend and your weekend turn out to be Great!
Wonderful! Thank you.
i want to know how she’s going to get her revenge against leon!
Love it. What a great Friday treat.
I know this will be said so many times and in so many ways – You made my Friday! My ❤️ is so happy.
Love love love
moar pls
oh wow! oh wow! Thank you! are we getting a novella?
As the owner of two boxers, I can appreciate this. Also grew up with a retired police dog. A family friend who was a cop got married and his new wife was afraid of his retired K9 so he came to live out his life at our house in the sticks of Pennsylvania. Our Dad was thrilled because we roamed the woods endlessly and had protection the whole time. I think the cop should have picked a better wife.
We had a GSD/collie mix as kids. He was not social. People asked my dad why he kept a dog that was not “visitor-friendly”. He said “no one will ever bother my wife and kids with that dog around”.
I do feel sorry for that police officer’s wife, though. Retired police dogs can be very intense dogs. Glad he got a good home with your family!
Yay! Thank you. It was a fun snippet.
Happy, happy day!!
Oh, this is a WONDERFUL Friday treat.
Oof, I just had a flashback of discovering my small Havanese is allergic to grains (and thus the greenie treats my stepdad gave her seventy-billon of 😬). Fortunately, I was not covered in Arcane Goo, and I don’t have preturnatual olfactory senses 😉
Yes! Yes! Yes!
Happy Friday everyone!
Arabella! Begin the reread!
That was beautiful – Love all the doggies!!!
But my husband just got send to do the afternoon walkies with our goofball, because I had to read this. First things first :)))
Thank you thank you thank you!!!!!
This is beyond awesome.
Such a lovely surprise. Thank you
Do you remember the Friens episode where they are trying to figure who came onto who by watching the beginning of the video made? Then Joey say “I’m so happy”. That’s how I feel right now reading about Arabella!!
While we are in the Hidden Legacy universe, I was wondering what happens to a mage when they have some sort of mental breakdown? Like a brain aneurysm or dementia? I ask, caz in the Logan movie Professor X killed all the mutants when he got dementia, could something like that happen to a powerful mage like Conner or Michael?
Just random thoughts that go through my head 😊
Arabella! Yes, yes. yes!
ooooh more Baylors!! Yessssss!
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
Excuse me while I pick up my jaw from my chest. Please do not leave us hanging about this. Coming in from the heat and aggravation of errands and said heat, this WAS making my day. Thank you?
omg omg yay love this
Snippet! Squeeeee!!!
Thank you, it’s made a good day even better 🙂
I hadn’t realised just how much i’d missed the Baylors.
I agree! This is from one Dee to another!
I love it!
yea! Thanks so much! when I saw the bit about the pizza earlier this week, I thought uh oh… having had more than one dog that pizza didn’t agree with. Love all the details, like the scented candles! Arabella as an adult is great!
Metamorph is the perfect name for Arabella! And I’m quite impressed with her ability to take care of Ophelia and the mess while still covered in slime.
I’m not as nice or as able to tolerate those smells 🤢, I would have made Leon clean it up! But I’m sure Arabella’s revenge will be epic.
Thanks for a marvelous snippet, I’m glad your short break was so rejuvenating.
Thanks for this.
I would feel sorry for Leon, but just no. Making a dog like you by giving it food it shouldn’t have is unacceptable and he should have known better.
I would probably ban him from my dog’s presence until he learns better. Separate from whatever retribution he might merit.
Love it very much! Thank you! 🙏🏽
Yay! A new Arabella story. I love her dog (and Leon’s) already. Go figure that Leon would create a disaster. Wonderful gift for a Friday. Much, much thanks!
Oh what a wonderful surprise! Thank you for the awesome snippet!
The BDH is going to have try hard to be at its fluffiest and not ask when the next part will come out – HA will treat us in their own time. 🥰
Thank you for this Friday surprise! Always a joy revisiting this clan.
This is very nice. Too bad about Fel, and Leon really deserves a severe butt-kicking.
Maybe Cornelius could have a long talk with him? About proper respect and care for the living creatures that love and trust us? Perhaps while marching rats in formations? …around them like the shifting patterns in a kaleidoscope?
Oh, wow! And somehow, back when, I missed the snippet about the Brick, the safe room, and the beautiful white cat. (I do remember reading Catalina’s POV in the book.) So, I’ve had two lovely snippets to read today. Total bliss!
Wait, what???!! I missed that, too. When was it? Help!
It’s the short Arabella POV story A Misunderstanding https://ilona-andrews.com/blog/a-misunderstanding/
It and any other extras and POVs can be found on the Free Fiction page here on the website https://ilona-andrews.com/free-fiction/ 🙂
Yes! Arabella and dogs, nothing better. I will enjoy reading her revenge on Leon.
I started this thinking it happened to House Andrews and then realized it was House Baylor, which is better for everyone!
*gasps* Is this a one-time gift or are my future Fridays happier?
Either way, THANK YOU! Yay! So happy!
Bella (our German Shepherd) is also a Very Good Dog. Lady, our first German Shepherd (RIP, baby) was my once-in-a-lifetime companion and I miss her every day.
This is so exciting. Thank you!!
Thank youuuuuuu!!
My eldest and I live in hope that there will be more Baylor Sister and Julie books for us to read.
In the meantine, we’ll just visually inhale anything ELSE that you publish, thank you very much. 😉
‘visually inhale’ I love this!!
“… visually inhale”. snort! This is so true! I’ve gotten all three of mine clicked on to HA, but they don’t quite “visually inhale” yet like I do.
Poor puppy!!
Hidden Legacy, yay!
Yay!!! More Arabella! A nice gift for Midsummer’s Day, my 44th wedding anniversary, thank you.
I’ve had a terrrible rotten no good week. Thank you thank you thank you!
Cyber hugs all around!
Oh, boy! I love it, but what this is going to engender in BDH response is terrifying, even to me, and I’m not involved in it! (Which of course, means that I’m desperately trying to go nutso myself!)
THANK YOU! I’m now off to re read all the Hidden legacy books! KD is my first love, Innkeeper is my forever love, and Hidden Legacy is my ok’d side piece!! haha so excited for this!
Thank you, thank you! Finally, another story of one of my favorite characters, Annabella. Hopefully, Ilona Andrews will consider writing an Annabella trilogy after the next Innkeeper and Julie books.
Awwww!!! Thank You IA for this gorgous. Arabella’s snippet ! Thank You!!
Oops! Arabella NOT Annabella!
I do not need a reread, I do not need a reread. . . (side-eyes the ever growing TBR mountain while plotting)
I had a greyhound with a similar problem. and we lived near a dog-allowed beach where you had to clean up, even if it was diarrhea. ewww, the texture was as bad as the smell
A billion thanks to you for this snippet, a great start to my weekend!
Ohh I guessed incorrectly. Thanks for the snack!
Love it! Want more. 👏👏👏👏👏
Thank you so much!
“He thought he knew what sorry was. He didn’t. But no worries, I would teach him. Oh yes.”
Thank you; this snippet in general, and that line in particular, made my day. And anyone who gives pizza to a dog deserves whatever happens to them. I look forward to the scene of retribution.
Oooh, love this story! Can’t wait to see how she teaches a lesson, hehehe. This is one of my very favorite series…the other favorites being Innkeeper, etc. Thanks so much!
Love it!!!
Yay more Baylors!
Squee! My favorite series!
This is such a treat. Well done.
It is Friday and a story bit! Great way to end a good week. Thank you!
More Arabella! so exciting!!! thank you!!!!
Love it! Any reason to revisit the Hidden Legacy world is a good one. Thank you!
Oooooooohhhhhhhhhhhhh *squeeeeeee!!!!* Thank you for this delicious snippet!!!
Thank you.
Happy happy happy 😃
Thank you 🙏
Thank you! I have missed Arabella and everyone else. I love that world.
Love it! It’s like visiting one of my favorite families, and I don’t even have to drive in Houston traffic! Thank you!
At least Fel is not the kind of dog who runs around the house while diarrhea because they are in a panic
Hah! As a foster volunteer currently fostering 5 eight-week old kittens who have had nothing but diarrhea and pee accidents for the past 3 weeks, I see her paper towels and raise her a whole six-pack plus a whole spray bottle of Rescue disinfectant. 💩💩💩🙊🙊
Oh, yeah… Many years ago, I drove about 6 hours with a Husky and her month-old puppies, all with worms and diarrhea, in the backseat of my car. The stench was unreal. When I got to my new home, I unpacked the dogs (all my stuff was in a truck driven by my husband, thank Chernobog) and abandoned my old, rusted-out VW Bug in the driveway as-is; destination junkyard.
What a hoot!
I had a standard boxer, Gus (Gustav), who aspired to be a Great Dane. I was 4 years old and Gus was convinced he was a lap dog…
Arabella. My fav!
Thank you.
*settles into wait forever OP position*
Thank you might Author Overlords!! I am so excited to see where this goes and how Leon pays.
Hooray! Thank you! Cannot wait for more. PS. Wish I could add a picture of my boy Coco, a very cute, very good, GSD.
Yeah!! House Andrews love their ill-behaved but adoring book devouring hoard!!
Because we’re so cute and fluffy 😀
Yay for stories!
I wonder if making Leon clean up the diarrhea would’ve taught him to be a little more careful? Although maybe he wouldn’t have done a satisfactory job on the cleaning…
Thanks for the tale!
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! This was fabulous!
yay yay so excited 😆😆😆😆😆
Yaaaaassss Arabella!!!
Do you know what the best gift is? The one you weren’t expecting! I was expecting that it’d be years before we found out about Arabella (and I’d be happy to wait, I figured that there might be more kids other than her nephew in the future). In terms of the BDH fandom, I always wonder which series is the most beloved (or even eagerly anticipated, as we get snippets of new things), but I expect that there are a lot of people like me out there, thrilled at whatever comes next, whatever it is. Thanks for the happy surprise today!
So good! Thanks HA 🌻
Perfect for today, as I just started a re-read of the Hidden Legacy books. Poor Ophelia.
thankyou! love the start. so gross.
Ahhhh exciting!!!
Thank you so much for this snippet!!! I was thinking the other day that it is about time to reread Hidden Legacy…..and here is the motivation to start.
Also, I thoroughly enjoyed the comments to prove BDH was losing their minds over this snippet.
I love Arabella. I Love her. I LOVE her. I LOVE HER!!!!!!
I just started re-reading its series. lol this was perfect timing. House Andrew’s is amazing!!!
OMG!!! I missed this world!
loved the mystery snippet, and now the whole part 1 made my week.
Arabella POV is always cool in so many unexpected ways.
Looking forward to an epic surprise for Leon once Arabella has finalized her plan….
Thank you for this lovely surprise
Looove it! thanks for the snippet. hope you are doing well.
Thank you!!! This made my day!
Arabella!!!!!!! ❤ I just finished a reread of the whole Nevada/Catalina series so this couldn’t fall at a better time for me. 😁
Yay! Arabella goodness!
It’s my 50th birthday and this feels like a gift. Thank you, thank you, thank you!
Happy Birthday and many lovely years ahead!
Ccoolll Beeeaaaannnnssss!!! Yeah! Thank you so so much! So excited!
It took me a minute to realize this was the Hidden Legacy world, and when I did I was ecstatically happy. I’ve re-read my copies of the earlier books so many times I feel I almost know them by heart, and yet I always come back to them. Thank you, thank you, thank you! When this hits my email account I’m going to move it to my saved mail folder so I can keep it forever, no matter what. Thank you!
Wheee! Thank you!!! And a Sheppie too! Truly the best Dogs ever! They can be mischievous and playful, but the have a sense of shame and guilt about breaking the rules
well, that’s one way to hoist yourself on a petard. HA just threw live bait into the midst of the BDH and I can hear howling for more down in the Antipodes.
The cries of ” Arabella gets her book” will be ringing in the air.
Lovely snippet we dog slaves can relate to. Leon is going to be very sorry.
Love it! Thanks, this made my Friday fantastic!
💗💗💗 thank you for the wonderful surprise! Also you write so well I could smell it. Lol
Love it!!!!!!!
Thank you for the snippet.
Wheeee!! Arabella!!!!
Thank you! Thank you!! Thank you!!!
Leon is going to learn the hard way about loaded pizza and dogs. Probably later on in the evening. Feel sorry for poor Gus, but don’t feel sorry for Leon.
Leon is in soooo much trouble lol
Totally love this. The Arabella/Leon relationship, Arabella’s whole attitude, the cliffhanger- all of it. The part I’m weirdly obsessed about? Why/when did Arabella move out of her tower and into a Casita? What other shifts have happened at the compound. I NEED to know. Thanks, House Andrews for this lovely, snot/slime/diarrhea bedecked gift.😉
I too wondered about the tower/casita. When/why did she move?
And Leon deserves what he gets and more!
Poor Fel
Perfect! Just perfect! Thank you, House Andrews.
Arabella, girl, you know better. You make Leon come over and clean up the mess he created!!!
*vibrates in place*
So good 🙂 🙂
PART 1, yay!! Oohhh Leon, you should be very very nervous LOL
Excited, great beginning.
Ahhh! As a vet and dog-lover, I am overjoyed by the fact that the Baylors have added a couple new dogs to the family! Brothers/cousins always seem to “forget” rules for the dogs, don’t they? Poor Ophelia, it isn’t her fault.
This foretells my night. Our terrier/something managed to get to a pan on the stove that held butter and grease from the beef we fried for supper.
I dread getting up in the middle of the night to go to the bathroom. I _know_ I’m going to step in it.
That is the worst!
Thank you for the snippet from Arabella’s POV. Please may we have some more?
Have I told you lately that I love you??? If not, here is my affirmation….
Thank you so much for this! I especially loved the GSD on your Insta post…..
Ooh…typo there…. It should read “you”…
Yay! Yyayyayayayayay! Thank you for this 🙂
Omg! I don’t want to get my hopes up but omg my hopes are up!!!
Arabella! Love it! But poor Fel and her sensitive GS stomach. 🐕🦺💩You never forget that stench.
Thank you for amazing writing as always and sharing with us.
THANK YOU, House Andrews, for giving us a story with Arabella and the Baylors!
I love the Hidden Legacy series so much, and this family is so well-written that I feel as if I know each of them.
Arabella!!!!! Yay – what a joy! I love her voice! And it just highlights one of the things that I love about your work, which is that each of characters are so unique and so much themselves, complete with growing and evolving throughout the books. Thank you for this.
It’s Arabella! Thank you so much! 😀
I think Arabella is the most interesting of the sisters! There is so much more to her than she allows you to see! She is insanely intelligent, confident, capable, manipulative, and precise. Nothing gets past her. The Russian Bear isn’t enough for her. She needs someone as complex as she is. Someone with whom she can stand toe to toe. Can’t wait to watch her evolve!! THANK YOU!!!!!
Also, German Shepherds are amazing, but Golden Retrievers are the best!!
thank you, hooked me right in. I’m hoping for full ripper cushions for Leon
Snippet-Snippet-Snippet!! *Happy Dance* This made my day! I am now impatiently waiting for more!
“I didn’t dislike Gus. He was a dog, and I liked all dogs. He was named after a heroic dog owned by a friend of the family, and all things considered, he didn’t embarrass his namesake too badly.”
Dumb question. Have we met this namesake dog? My memory is terrible.
Yes, Gus is Matilda’s dog 😊.
We met Gus in Ruby Fever, he is one of Cornelius’ and Matilda’s animals (the Animal mage family)🙂
“Gus, his massive black-and-tan Doberman, sat by his feet. When we met Cornelius and Matilda, they’d had another Doberman, Bunny, but Bunny and Matilda were the same age and after years of faithful service and a lot of playing, Bunny was slowing down. Gus was one of the puppies he had sired, which was why Leon insisted on referring to him as Gus Bunnyson.”
Andrews, Ilona. Ruby Fever, Hidden Legacy 6. Avon Harpercollins, 2022. Kindle edition, page 63
Wow, Arabella’s inner monologue “voice” is so different and distinct that I found myself wondering if this piece had been written by Kid 2.
Also: squeeeeeee that we have an Arabella short/snippet/vignette! Thank you! 🙏🏼
This is several years down the road I think. Arabella will have grown from who she was last time we heard from her.
Yes, agree that we’re seeing an older, more fashionable Arabella. Or I guess she was always fashion-forward, but now she can afford to buy whatever she wants! And yet, her inner monologue still has a younger vibe. I really love how her personality shines through, even in such a short snippet.
I had a tough week and I’m exhausted and it felt like I was about to passed out. When I checked on my email and read your newsletter, I’m wide awake instantly. I feel as refreshed as having a good night sleep. I did not see this coming, at all. I’m sooo glad I didn’t skip it because you just made my day by posting this when I need extra mood boosters the most. Oh how I miss your Hidden Legacy characters. I’m super excited for the upcoming parts! Can’t wait to read more stories from Arabella’s POV. I appreciate what you do. Thank you!♡
Thank you so much, I have to work today and am glad to start the day on such a happy note!
(Also I am a vet and I love the fact that she took a picture first; we also want samples as well but that may have been too much for her!)
Hidden Legacy!!! Yes!!! Thank you!!!!!
Oh so happy!!!! Arabella is my fav❤️
I truly have a love hate relationship with snippets! Ugh! However, they are my drug of choice. Please keep ‘em coming! Thank you!😊
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
I have SO missed the Baylors. What an amazing surprise!
Thank you so much. This brightened up my own terrible day. Wonderful
Thank you😊
Maybe Arabella will learn her lesson and begin to rethink buying all those name-dropped clothes and wear something more resistant to yellow go.
Arabella’s fashion sense is intrinsic to the character. She uses it as personal expression, Prime metamorph expression, and to make a statement as a member of a House.
I don’t think the clothes are going anywhere 🙂
I also think Arabella uses her fashion sense as a way to make people think she’s “harmless”. Outside her family, people underestimate her. 👗👠💄👛😎
Yes please to more Hidden Legacy! My favourite series ever.
Yay, thank you for the treat!
Funny, I bet each sister believes they are the agent of order in their family.
Thank you! Love the seamless slip back into a familiar world through a different viewpoint.
Now we get the *next* paragraph in the snippet and find it actually *was* Arabella speaking, not Matilda.
I’m very happy to have been wrong. 🙂 🙂 🙂
*flailing tube man arms* this is not a drill! Arabella snippet incoming *more flailing and then a deep breath* ok. I’m ok. Everything thing is ok.
Seriously though, so excited to see House Andrews playing in the HL world.
Have I told you that I love you recently? 😍
What a lovely gift! Thank you♥️
Yes! Yes! Yes!!
Happy book devouring horde dance (yes that’s a thing)!
More please.
//Doing the dance of joy!
Crap. Arabella. Sorry.
Heh, I was wondering! Although there’s a bit of Catalina at the end there! 😅
happy happy joy jot
YAYAYAYAY Arabella. Thank you!! We are so lucky to have House Andrews.
Oh the memories of cleaning up after the dogs vomit and diarrhea! And I was eating my breakfast while reading all this and just laughed! Fortunately, I am much better cleaning up messes if I don’t have to witness the creation of it.
Love that this came as I’ve been having breathing issues from the heat and now I’m smiling and feel mentally better!
Great timing, great lead in for more since it’s Part 1.
Thank you!
YEAH!! A new story thread! I love new story threads! I love German Shepherds!
And Leon is gonna get his…..Be ahahaha!
Hooray! It’s like coming home and putting on a cozy pair of PJs. I love this series so much!! Is there any chance Graphic Audio will pick it up?
If the readers let them know that we want to listen it, they might! 🤗
Hooray! I am off to email Graphic Audio right now!!
Okay, what’s going on? Are we going to get a new hidden legacy book, or is this just a teaser?
Thanks for the snippet!
I so need to reread that series!
Omg that was fun! Can’t wait to find out what she does to Leon. Hehehehe thanks!
My Great Pyrenees was fed one salt and vinegar potato chip by a dumbass. In the middle of the night I was awakened by a loud, gooey explosion noise coming from the living room. The Pyr slunk back into bedroom and went back to sleep. A horrible smell wafted in from the living room……..
Why do dogs prefer carpet for emergency voiding?
Thank-you so much for the snippet!
Cats prefer carpet too. I had an 18-year-old arthritic cat run from the bottom of back yard to the door so he could go in and barf on the carpet! I had followed wondering what had scared him since not much did. He just wanted that rug
Which (along with allergies) is why I have *no* carpet or rugs in my house.
I have a Maine coon and a MC mix. Hairballs are epic at my place – and right now the broken arm keeps me from being able to clean them up without help.
I am being so careful about their diet just now…
Thank you! 😊
Love it and want more!!
Oh happy Day!
House Baylor content to read, the BDH is very blessed indeed.
Thank you!
Wow!! You’ve pulled me right in! Friday is going to be my favourite day! Thank you for this gift.
Glee! Delight!
For the snippet, not poor Fel and Arabella.
Wow! Love it. Thank you! 😁
YAY!! Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!
🎶 A snippet, a snippet, I love to get a snippet! 🎶
I love Arabella!
Is this going to be a serial like the innkeepers?
That would be soooooo great!
The Baylors rule!!
Wish we could offer graphic audio something, anything to do Hidden Legacy.
Letting them know we want it is the first step. Use their contact or social media and tell them 🙂
So, Mod R, Is this going to be a serial?
and why does the Friday blog go into my email inbox on Saturday?
The newsletter has up to 24 hours normal delay, it goes out to 50,000 people and servers which takes time 🙂
Thanks, that explains it. Would you please answer my question about Lollypops ? Is it going to be a serial?
There will be at least one other part 🙂
Squeeee! Thank you!
Clearly you folks have German Shepherd dietary issues covered. My sincerest apologies
German Shepards nowadays have dietary issues? *is puzzled*
Ours didn’t …. except for Alpo. Alpo made them throw up.
Of course, that was …. forty … years ago?
Oh dear. I’m older than I thought I was …..
What a lovely surprise to find when I started to catch up on my personal email after a couple of lousy weeks! And “part 1” as well, not just a short scene! 🙂 Thank you very much! (OK, the whole dog “accident” wasn’t lovely (been there, done that, with cats) but the story’s existence is lovely!)
Love it!
Well that was fun..as a human owned by a GS I can only say best dogs ever..
I would never give Unna anything but pizza crust !
Any way this sounds like a fun book 📕
You are the absolute best!
I love it. So lovely. Thank you
Terrible, horrible, awful, no-good authors!!!!!
*eagerly awaits Part 2*
Wait, did Leon *know* Fel is allergic to all that stuff?
If he *didn’t*, try not to be *too* hard on him ….
Great. I miss this family and these characters. Just like I miss Kate, Dina, Helen, and sword fighting. Thank you so much.
Yay Arabella!
I‘m so happy! 🤗
This Time the Newsletter came late, but what a wonderful surprise. The later the evening the better the guests.
And it is Part I.🤗
And the Baylor Family is growing with Dogs.❤️
I thought, i had to wait years to read Something about her.
– Doing inner Dance-
Thank you, thank you, thank you!😊
woohoo!!! And thank you!! ♡
Hallelujah! This was the happy thought I needed, and hope for the future. Book! New book! I finally Getz more of the much loved world and the bestest sister/aunt! Woot!
…I’m a mature adult and totally calm about this. Honest. Please ignore all giddy cackling
Everyone knows how chalant we are 😀
Huzzah! Thank you!
I did not realize how much I missed House Baylor and friends.
I really appreciate whatever this is.
Thank you!
I’m late on this one but thank you. And also – that was a very brave first line. Of course the pet parent of a German Shepherd thinks they are hands down the best but I’m surprised at the lack of comments regarding the best dog breed.
Bordeaux Mastiff. My grandson’s doggie at 120 pounds is/was a runt literally. I have never seen a more loving and tolerant person in or out of a fur coat!
We tend to prefer dogs large enough and protective enough to simply bury whatever is left of the burglar out back. Properly introduced guests are not a problem. Housebreakers beware!
Love it! Thanks!
Thank you so much for this ! Always love a little bit of the Baylor Family.
I finally got to sit down and read this. I’ve had A Day. Thanks for the snippet
I loved this! Arabella – hooray!
Just to be clear, If someone fed Max, my German Shepherd mix, something that made him vomit all over the floor, that person would be in a world of hurt. I can’t wait to see Arabella’s revenge!
So I have to know – do Nevada and Connor have a dog? Surely Arthur needs one – every kid should have a dog!
And did Bug finally get another dog? He also needs one.
Since we are talking abut dogs here…
was having a shit day. you just made it good. thank you so much
Happy surprise to us! I’m cleaning floors and the litter box today, this is my reward so Thank You very much!
OMG!!! Thank you so much for this.
Thank you to House Andrews for the lovely snippet! I bow in humble supplication to your generous gift to the BDH.
I think I read most of the comments, but I didn’t see anyone wondering why it is titled “Lollypops”?
After the description of poor Ophelia’s plight, I am really curious when that word is going to enter the story.
Oooh, interesting!!!!
Thank you so much for the Arabella snippet, in our family we have had multitudinous dogs, cats, goats, horses, rabbits, ferrets, fish, guinea pigs, sun conyers, and a blue and gold macaw, but nothing has rivaled the mess after my daughter’s dachshund mix stole a buttered Costco chocolate muffin, it was over 20 years ago and still vividly remembered. The macaw tried so hard but was unable to top that experience.
Thank you so much! I have missed the Baylors!
And Lollpops???
Thank you!
yes. yes. yes.
thank you.
OMG!!Baylors! Arabella’s POV!!
And it’s only PART ONE! That means more parts will happen. Right? More parts??
Must have… (breathing heavily in joy) MORE.
Oh, thank you! just what I needed after the (still ongoing!) hell of moving from Windows 10 to Windows 11 and not just setting up a new computer, but learning the ins and outs of a new operating system. But at least I found out how to turn off that d*mn AI!
Thank you for doing this.
LOVE IT!!! Thank you!!
Thank you so much! It is such a treat to get into Arabella’s head for a little while!
Terrific. Let’s hope it’s the start of something big.
Didn’t she have a tower? Maybe she moved into a casita?
What a treat! I decided to reread the series last week and am just starting Emerald Blaze and now I get this bit of awesome today and it says part 1. Thank you!!
Arabella! Arabella! Arabella! I respect the person below who states that they don’t want to pressure you or have any expectations. I’ve yet to reach that level of equanimity. Maybe someday. As I read this, though, my entire being was shrieking more! more! I’m currently rereading all of the Hidden Legacy books. Some really sad things have happened in my family and these are the only books that give my mind any respite. I’m so grateful for all of them. I love the whole family. The mixtures of humor and action are so delightful. I love the intense loyalty of the family even when there are (as there always are) powerful and legitimate conflicts.
tl;dr — I was THRILLED when I realized what I was reading here. Thank you!
So glad you’ve found an escape! Hope better days are ahead 🙂
Yay! This is so awesome! Thank you!
What a pleasure to bask in another story in the Hidden Legacy world. Looking forward to more, especially with Arabella in the lead.
Love it thank you
Yayayayayayay!!!!!!!! Arabella!
Ooooo, I’m guessing a transition novella between Catalina and Arabella’s storyline. Happy for any snippets in this world 🙂
Love this snippet!! I just finished my ruby fever reread (again). Love these characters!
Never let it be said that House Andrews starts ANYTHING in a predictable, boring manner!
1) Thank you, HA— what a wonderful surprise snippet!
2) As mom to a pair boxer/mastiff/GSD mix sisters (and someone whose KS bag has a bottle of Pellegrino in it), I found this very relatable. As soon as I finished my squee, I started plotting revenge on Arabella’s behalf. I hope she’s got as many evil ideas as I do!
ooh! love it!!!
yayyyy a Baylor shortie. I’m still praying for Arabella’s trilogy!
So excited right now! Made a happy dance and my kids looked very questioning.
Woohoo! Yay! Thank you SO much for this snippet. I am cautiously hopeful that this will result in a novel. Hidden Legacy series is my favorite and I reread every year. Thank you for this!
Yes! I knew the snippet was from Hidden Legacy, but wasn’t sure who the POV person was. Love that it’s Arabella. I am so happy, whether there are 2 parts or 20. Thank you!
Arabella! Arabella! whoooooooooo! Also, poor dog. poor everyone’s noses with the candle collection
yessssss! I love Arabella, can’t wait for the rest of the story!!!
The snippet was wonderful – thank you I love the Baylors. Are you guys still working on Hugh 2, please I hope so cause that was one of my faves and am patiently waiting for the next one. As well as Julie 2!!
Yes, Hugh 2 is coming 🙂 https://ilona-andrews.com/blog/happy-monday-schedule-post/
Yay! It was Arabella – phlibbet on all ye yibbets who voted for others – er, much fluffiness to all BDH, as we all w@*t for favorite characters to emerge…
Thank you, HA for all that you do
Am I the only person who read this and thought, why doesn’t poor Ofelia have a doggy door?
Also, I want Cornelius to tell us what the various Baylor dogs think of their humans.
I am beyond thrilled that you are continuing this series with Arabella. I just read your blog short story for House Harrison and am hoping for more with Augustine.
This is awesome. Arabella and dogs. Woo hoo!! Thank you!
Love this snippet! Thank you! Now I need to go back and re read all of Hidden Legacy 😊💖
Just finished my reread. It just never gets old, only better
Thank you!
It took me 2 read-throughs to figure out that Fel and Ophelia were the same dog. In the first paragraph talking about “Fel”, I kept wondering who it was. Leon’s girlfriend? Leon’s friend? And how does this tie in with the German Shephard in the first line?
I think it’s because I pronounce the name O-FEEL-YA, so another character named FELL made no connection for me.
Ahh, an Arabella clip. It sounds wonderful. Gives me hope for an Arabella book set.
I have a feeling that her storyline is going to be among the best of the series. She has so many potential abilities.
Thank you for sharing this. I’m looking forward to everything you are publishing.
Have a great week.
I missed it. How can I find this House Harrison short story. What heading is it under
Thanks for any help.
I think Debra probably means Corporate Agility 🙂 https://ilona-andrews.com/blog/corporate-agility/ where the Head of House Harrison shows up.
All the free fiction/short stories/snippets can be found on the Free Fiction page https://ilona-andrews.com/free-fiction/, where Lollypops will be added as soon as it is complete 🙂
It is amazing and lovely and such a tease, And still thankful for every crumb.
Yay!!! Love an Arabella story! or anything from my fav series!!!
I read ALL your blogs, the blogs and comments are almost as good as your books.
Somehow, I missed this one, just saw it today, the good thing is it’s Wednesday, only 2 days to go for part 2. Sigh…so satisfying to hear from them again and see they all moved in. (psst, need more, much more, shhhh, dont let on I said that)
We don’t exactly know when Part 2 will go live 😊. But it will be received with cheers!
Love it!!
Love it
We really really need Arabella’s books 🤌🏾
Looking forward to more Arabella!
I’m sitting here wondering how my life got so busy that I completely missed this!!!!
I know the stench, it makes me panic just the same… it also makes me feel so bad for my dog because I know he held it as long as he could.
I can’t wait to read part 2 and perhaps more if we’re lucky! ♥️
Glee, pure glee
Thank you!
Love this
I love it!
I particularly love the decision making process on what bag to carry. My friend once went to a leadership training where the women were advised not to carry squelchy bags because they looked like wombs and men found that difficult to cope with!! I kid you not!!
Also, it seems common sense is almost always too much to ask! As rare as hen’s teeth.
Thanks so much. I hope we get more of Arabella, including the *Leon Revenge*
Made my day!
Love it.
Yep, she’s the cool aunt.
Is this real? Is this really happening? Because I just found this today and my day has been horrible, but this? This makes my day all better! Thank you!
Omg omg omg. I just needed a reason to start re-reading the series again. Been in a reading funk, nothing hits the spot.
I am really late to the party but very happy to read that snippet.
I am thanking the Book Gods, I get to read Arabella……!!!! will not jinx and ask further !!!
Making my day!!
More, more more!! ♥️