Magic Claims is finished. Woooo, made it! Yay!
I have good news and bad news.
Good news: Magic Claims is officially a novel at 63,000 words. What does that mean?

Pages are not a good indicator. Magic Tides was 96 pages. These are not the actual book pages but manuscript pages. Magic Claims is somehow 275 pages. A lot more dialogue.
Look at it this way:
The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe – 38,421 words.
Magic Tides – 43,000 words.
Clean Sweep – around 60,000 words.
Magic Claims – 63,000 words.
Magic Bites – 92,000 words
So good news is there is more book. The bad news is that there is more book.
Magic Claims comes out on June 13th.
To everyone who preordered the ebook of Magic Claims at $4.99 price: thank you so much! Thank you for your support and belief in our work. We are so glad that you were able to purchase this book at a discount. Congratulations! Your preorder is safe and locked in.
To those of you who haven’t preordered: unfortunately, because of the length and extra effort involved, we will be raising the price of Magic Claims by $1 on June 1st. You have until June 1st to preorder it at $4.99. After June 1st, the ebook of Magic Claims will cost $5.99.
Before June 1st: $4.99.
After June 1st: $5.99.
To take advantage of the promotional price, you have to preorder before June 1st.
::looks at Mod R:: I think we were as clear as we can be.
Please do not cancel your preorders to give us more money. We want you to enjoy our book at the promotional $4.99 price. It makes us happy. This is exactly why we are announcing it now. Thank you, BDH, for your awesomeness.
You can preorder here or at the retailer of your choice like Kobo:
::looks at BDH and says real fast:: Before June 1st, $4.99, after June 1st $5.99.
Watch Mod R get all the questions, hehe.
Print of Magic Claims
Print books will be available closer to the release day. We will try to do the preorder again, so you could get the print book earlier than release date. But there are no guarantees.
The preorder isn’t available right now, because we are about to go into edits and the manuscript isn’t yet final. We will announce print availability as soon as it goes up.
Audiobook of Magic Tides
The audiobook is going into production this Monday! Contracts are signed and deposits are paid. We are working on pronunciation guide. This will be a split narrator production, meaning parts of from Kate’s point of view will be read by a female narrator and parts from Curran’s point of view will be read by the male narrator.
They will not be doing the dialogue back and forth; the switch only happens when there is a point of view change. This is done because otherwise Kate and Curran’s sections will be confusing.
Audiobook of Magic Claims
The audiobook of Magic Claims will be recorded right after Magic Tides. The timeline is a little tight, so we don’t know if Magic Claims audio will be available at release, but you for sure won’t have a long wait. At worst, the delay, if it happens, should be a couple of weeks or so.
::collapses:: Snippet? To celebrate?
Fall in Wilmington was lovely. It was a perfect October day, full of golden sunshine and happy green trees. The locals told us that the foliage wouldn’t turn until November, and poplars and maples shading the streets proved them right.
The sky was a crystal-clear blue, and a slight breeze stirred random hair that had escaped my braid. The temperature in our fort was always lower than inland, and I’d optimistically wore my favorite light hoodie, grey with a green stripe. If the weather turned any warmer, I’d have to take it off.
Around me Wilmington buzzed as Cuddles made her way through the old streets at an unhurried pace. Since the Shift, foot traffic had increased, because gas was expensive, chanting a car into life during magic took at least 15 minutes, and horses needed to be fed, secured, and took a lot of care. If the destination was less than 5 miles away, most people opted for walking, and Castle Street channeled a steady crowd: craftsmen coming back from lunch, shoppers heading to the markets, laborers, businesspeople, a couple of mercs, all on their way to somewhere.
The hot red dot that burned in my mind got hotter. A vampire, ahead of me, not too far. I’d been watching it for about a mile, and I seemed to be getting closer.
To the left of me, on the empty lot, someone had set up a chicken market and it had drawn a crowd. The chicken vendor, a dark haired, older white man, waved a huge chicken around asking for bids. She was grey and fluffy and seemed to be content to sit in his arms like a docile cat.
“… Lays 5 large brown eggs a week!”
That was a good-looking chicken with some serious egg laying power. I should probably look into that.
The Order Chapter of Wilmington chose a historic firehouse as its lair. The old brick building rose on the corner of Castle and 5th Avenue, complete with a lovely red door and 4-story tall tower housing a large metal bell. As I got past the chicken crowd, the tower came into view on my right. A neon-green, gaunt shape crouched on the tower’s top floor, by the bell, shaded from the sun by the tower’s small roof.
There you are, precious. We finally meet.
The vampire sat perfectly still, like a mint-green gargoyle. If a navigator had come to visit the Order, they would’ve taken their undead inside. There were only two reasons why a vampire would end up in the order’s tower. Either the Order and the Farm were cooperating on something and the undead was keeping watch, or Barret and Claudia were taking potshots at each other, and Barrett had one of his necromancers park an undead there to annoy the Order.
Either way, this would be entertaining.
We reached the tower. I dismounted, secured Cuddles to the rail, and walked inside.
The interior of the firehouse looked just as I had left it about three months ago: a single bright room with brick walls, sealed concrete floor, and large windows secured by thick grates. The two desks on the left were occupied, one by an athletic man in his thirties, with a handsome face and a ragged scar that crossed his neck drawing a dark slash on his light brown skin, and the other by a trim woman in her early twenties with tan skin and short blond hair, frosted with red dye.
Claudia sat at the larger desk on the right. She was in her fifties, with a round face, russet-brown skin, and a powerful build. Her short curly hair was streaked with grey, and her eyes told you she had very little patience for your nonsense.
I gave her a big smile and a cheery wave. “Hello!”
The Knight-Protector gave me a flat stare.
The other two knights pretended to be absorbed in their paperwork.
“Yes?” Claudia asked me.
“I need a favor,” I said.
“Don’t we all.”
I had sent her a report on Darin’s rescue, complete with all the sins of the Order’s former knight-enchanter named Aaron spelled out in excruciating detail. And there were a lot of sins. Kidnapping, imprisonment, human trafficking, conduct unbecoming a knight, reckless disregard when practicing magic…
I tilted my head and waited.
Above us, the undead shifted a foot to the left. Claudia glanced up. If she could’ve fired laser beams from her eyes, a smoking undead corpse would’ve plummeted to the ground in a fraction of a second. So the vampire wasn’t a welcome guest.
This was a flex by Barret. He’d waited until the tech was up – otherwise the wards would’ve kept the undead off the building – and parked his vampire in the tower, knowing full well that the Order would never tolerate it. Claudia had to chase it off. There was no question about it. But she also would have to avoid making a spectacle or damaging the vampire. A spectacle would make the Order look weak, and any harm to the undead would escalate tensions with the Farm and again, would cost Order their street cred. Whichever party resorted to violence first would lose face.
“What do you want?” Claudia asked me.
“Access to Knight-Pathfinder Isaac Silverstein.”
Before I left the fort, I’d called down to Atlanta’s Chapter of the Order and asked Nick to look up Isaac Silverstein. After he told me that he wasn’t my secretary and we’d bickered for 10 minutes about who was keeping score on favors, he came back with an interesting tidbit.
Silverstein was a really good pathfinder, highly decorated and experienced. He’d come to Penderton as a part of a 5-man knight team specifically dispatched to handle this problem. Five knights went in, Silverstein came out alone, and after he came out, he stuck around in the area. Officially he was on an extended mental health leave. Unofficially, he’d hung around Wilmington for the last six months, but the Order had no address for him. His mail was forwarded to the Chapter.
The Knights of Merciful Aid were like soldiers in enemy territory. When possible, they preferred the company of their own and the safety of their base, so Isaac was likely inside the Wilmington Chapter right now. He’d probably lived here for the last half a year.
“That’s a big ask,” Claudia said.
“I realize the knight-pathfinder is working through some things,” I said. “But I’m about to go into Pender Forest.”
“Ask the National Guard,” Claudia said. “They can brief you.”
“What’s the point? They didn’t see anything. Knight-Pathfinder Silverstein saw something, because instead of leaving, he’s here impersonating a monk. Like you said, it’s a big favor, but there are 5,000 people trapped in Penderton.”
She sighed. “You don’t need to be anywhere near that damn forest. I’m sure Penderton promised you the sky and the moon, but all you’ll get is pain and death. This isn’t me dissing you. This is me speaking as an expert with two decades of experience in the field: powerful people tried to resolve this and failed. This is above your paygrade. It’s not worth it.”
Claudia was trying to look out for me. I felt so… touched. Genuinely touched. This meant three things: Claudia was the real deal, by-the-book knight, Nick didn’t tell her who I was, and I wouldn’t see Isaac Silverstein unless I convinced her that I was capable of surviving.
This would require a show of power.
If it was just about me, I might have hesitated. Showing my cards to Claudia meant she would start digging deeper. Eventually she’d figure out exactly who I was. But I wouldn’t go alone into the woods. Curran would be with me, and we would be bringing Keelan and his crew. I had already made the decision to take Penderton up on their generous land offer, cracking the door open. Might as well open it all the way, so I could get through.
Letting go of the need to hide was surprisingly easy.
Above us, the vampire shifted again.
“I appreciate where you’re coming from,” I said. “But I already gave my word to Penderton. Getting the knight-pathfinder’s input would really help me.”
Claudia shook her head. The world was filled with fools, and I was clearly the dumbest of them all.
I gave her a smile. “While you’re thinking it over, would you like me to get rid of your unwelcome visitor? I can take it off the tower without damaging it, and if you humor me, Barret won’t ever put one up there again.”
Claudia pondered me. “Let’s see what you’ve got.”
She didn’t ask how I would do it. I pulled off my hoodie and held it out. “I need one of your knights to put this on with the hood up, get on my mount, and ride around the block. The undead needs to see me leaving.”
I didn’t want Barret’s attention focused on me. Eventually he and I would have a reckoning, but not yet. Not for a while.
Claudia nodded. The female knight walked over and took my hoodie. “Which horse is yours?”
“The black and white mammoth donkey up front. Trust me, you can’t miss her.”
I really like Cuddles.
Thank you!! can’t wait.
Awwww, man, you cut the snippet too soon, they don’t even know they’re missing the best bit of the scene!
I’m laughing just remembering what’s coming hehehehehehe.
I guess June is not that far…
Oh, we know. That’s why she cut the scene there. To keep us salivating and making grabby hands lol. All hail our Author Overlord! Can’t wait!
TGIF! This is going to be amazing!
You. Are. Diabolical.
I know ????
That’s just mean
Agreed. Ms. Meanie McMeanie of the Meantown McMeanies.
Would that be the Simply-McMeanies from over on Meanie Avenue?
Or the Clan McMeanie from the historic district?
I am a Meanie of heritage! 😀
JUNE just became SO FAR FAR AWAY
If you’re going to make comments like that, you should bring back your devil horns avatar! ???? Sooo mean! ????????
PURE EVIL you are!
And every time I read about Cuddles I kick myself for not buying that property around the corner from a farm that had a Mammoth Donkey as a good indicator of where to turn. We hesitated one day too long *sigh*.
Wow mean but then again you have the secret knowledge ahead of us and yet have to keep it to yourself and not discuss with fellow BDH. I am sure that is difficult for you, it would be for me anyway because I enjoy reading other peoples thoughts and guesses. Therefore we both (Mod R and BDH) need Gordon to spill some more secrets, that is the only solution “evil laugh”
Evil, my friend. Just evil.
But that was a delightful snippet all on its own. I am glad Claudia is one of the good ones. Kate had to endure enough from the Order and Barret looks like trouble coming. This is going to be fun.
If Cuddles tries to stomp on the knight the vampire will know it’s not Kate on the donkey. If Cuddles cooperates, then Kate will do her thing like taking over the vampire and either kills it or let Cuddles have her fun with the vampire. Unless Kate dons her armor courtesy of the Farm. ????????
If I’m close with either of those two thoughts, I have no cameras in Mod R’s abode nor in Ilona’s and Gordon’s house. I’m reading Magic Triumphs right now, so I’m immersed in all things Kate. ⚔️????
Good assumptions, but no magic clam, I’m afraid.
Oh well clam digging is fun. You never know what might happen. ????????⚔️
This is why I don’t read the snippets, it just makes me want more!
If mammoth Jennies can reproduce, I’d love for Cuddles and Bucky to mate. 🙂
Mammoth Jennies CAN reproduce, as they are ordinary Donkeys (tho somewhat outsize….)
Jenny is just the term for a girl donkey….like Mare is the word for a girl horse
Mammoth Donkeys were developed in order to produce Draft Mules without the unfortunate problem of shrinkage
Big draft horse plus regular sized donkey equals unpredictable and varied sizes of Mule.
Big Draft Horse plus Mammoth Donkey equals BIG MULE.
Mod R. That was evil! As if we weren’t already frustrated! You just Had to make it worse! (Pouting childishly).
This is what I’m singing right now, whist drinking my evil coffee https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=SS02GeKuWQ4
Do you live to torture us ????????????
I’m doing the same ????????????
Naughty Mod R. Naughty, naughty. You tease you.
I think they cut it exactly right! We have to have SOMETHING left to read when the book comes out.
You are an evil tease… and I like that about you!
AHHH! ModR! Got a little bit of cruelty in your efficient brilliance, haven’t you?
THAT is an evil laughter! June is toooo long off!
June is waaaayy too far away….
WooHoo! More words for us. I have already pre-ordered but I would gladly pay more. I will be ordering the paper copy as soon as the link for that goes live so I can add in my extra contribution to the bottom line that way. Always happy to support authors who give me so much pleasure.
Anne in Virginia
+1 for sure.
Thanks for the snippet!
I don’t know why I hadn’t one-clicked on Magic Claims yet, but I have now!
Thanks for the snippet!
+1! ❤️
The snippet is amazing, I can’t wait to read the book !! I have not preordered it yet , and as I think it’s fair to pay 1$ more for 63000 words, I’ll wait till june.
BDH!!!! We have more words…. AND a cuddles sighting. What a great friday
Congratulations! No one wants a shorter book 🙂
Hope you all take a long break after all this hard work.
Thank you for the snippet! Can’t wait for June!!!
Also you two are waaay to good at cliff hangers!
The clip is delightful! And wishing House Andrews a much needed brain break. Thanks for all the goodies!
Omg! What is Kate about to do? I’m so so looking forward to this book! Each snippet makes the wait more painful but I wouldn’t miss them for the world! Thank you so much and congrats on finishing!
I like the dual narrators idea a bunch. I’m super excited to get these audiobooks anyway, but this is icing on the cake.
Yeah for snippet! Also you could throw in a couple of covers with Magic Clams as a “typo” and have a special edition price ????
I’m surprised she didn’t say it would cost 1 clam more than before.
Sounds good to me.
if you wrote a longer book I want to pay for the longer book. the extra work and dialog is valuable to me. So I guess that means I need to cancel my pre-order and wait to reorder until June 1st.
I’ll have to put a note in my calendar. congratulations on finishing! Hope you can take a nice relaxing spring break.
Please do not cancel your preorders to give us more money. We want you to enjoy our book at the promotional $4.99 price. It makes us happy. 🙂
It’s already #30 on Amazon in the Paranormal Vampire Romance category. Which is rather hilarious, since your vampires aren’t exactly romantic.
It’ll be romantic when Kate is through with the vampire. Somehow.
Well, there is a good looking chicken in the scene.
Went to check status, today shows #1 in paranormal and shifters list!
You two know just how to keep us on the edge of our seats! I was so invested already and then BAM, it’s over. ????
i feel like i need to schedule my next trip to NC near june 13 so i can get lost near wilmington again and just chant magic clams
Words are good.
More words are better.
More book is “The Best-BDH Book-Birthday-Ever”!! ????????????????????????
So thank you for giving us a BBDH BBE in June, whatever the price is.
(just put the count-down clock up already)
Thanks for the reminder, check it out 🙂 https://ilona-andrews.com/
Love the clock! Thank you!!
Now we know the book is close when we get the clock.
excited!! thank you so much hope you all are doing well!
Ack! Don’t stop now!! I need more.
Yay! More clams!
Thanks for letting us know about the price increase on June 1st. (See! I paid attention.)
So looking forward to this book.
congratulations…. we are getting a novel 🙂
thanks for the snippet…. soooooo looking forward to Magic Clams 😉
I literally went “nooooo” when the snippet cut off. I love it. I’ll just reread all the things while I wait.
ME TOO!!!!
Oh yes i will read you, only 2 months further my precious <3
YAY! Cuddles made me look up Mammoth Donkeys online. And now I’ve added them to my “if I win the lottery” list. I had Clydesdales when I was younger and miss them a lot. I think I could love Mammoth Donkeys, too.
you.had.Clydesdales ????? wow
The first time we met Cuddles I looked up Mammoth Donkeys. This time when I looked it up I got better pictures. Now I’m picturing Kate on one, and I get what the others said about her not having any dignity left.
Scrambles to Amazon to pre-order.
Amazon: You ordered this in February you doofus!
This is exactly what Amazon just told me too!
I’m waiting for “{sigh} As Amazon has told you before, you have already pre-ordered this time. Coming back to this page over and over again will not make the item come faster.”
*this item
The only bad news I see is that I cannot know what happens yet….which is par for the course with any snippet. I will have to “wait” not BDH strong suit I know.
I love that she assesses vamp threat and considers”hmm yes we could use a chicken” at the same time. It might not be “fair” to Kate but as she was considering the chicken, I reread the part and thought how it looked docile and produced so many eggs…there has to be a catch else why sell it near Kate (yes the person selling the chicken is not knowing Kate will come along but not the point). My point is that the so called docile chicken that lays lots of eggs is infact a cross breed with some magical mayhem that will yes give eggs but maybe also eat the bones of those you kill or transfrom into some creature. Another stray for Kate. Just a thought that came to mind.
On a different note I am glad that Claudia is a good knight. I like the Mauro, Andrea, or Nick type who were/are Knights to really help people. No Teds need to apply, no light house keepers like Shane. Claudia good dependable and there to help people.
That’s very funny because my immediate reaction was to laugh in British- here all eggs are brown, so to see it specified like this gave me the giggles.
When I lived in England, on my first grocery shopping excursion, I looked everywhere for white eggs! I also found it disturbing that eggs at the convenience store weren’t refrigerated!
So happy about the new book! Especially when the Innkeeper Chronicles is winding down on Tapas – now I have something new to look forward to!
We don’t need to refrigerate because the eggs aren’t washed and sprayed like in the US so they have a less porous surface. The priority is to have clean and healthy hens rather than clean the eggs after collection 🙂
They do what now?!
I believe they wash the eggs down with a lightly chlorinated water spray.
Mystery solved! Thanks!
British hens are vaccinateed against salmonella, so that isn’t a worry. Also remember our climate doesn’t get as hot as many places in continental America or Europe. In my house the eggs keep well for at least three weeks – which is the use by date, but often rather longer. I wouldn’t boil or fry them at that point, but they are fine in cakes etc
My cousins had Bantam chickens that laid little green eggs. Loved the snippet! Thank-You.
Raising chickens is a blast. Eggs can range from whitish, cream to pink, purplish, bluish, to greenish to olive. Most fun was our Cuckoo Marans, (which we called morons when they got broody) which laid very dark brown eggs, often characterized as chocolate eggs.
Living in what is still a strongly agricultural region, roadside eggs in all colours are a bright spot in the local scene. A standout is a farm with mobile hen houses with rooftop solar panels and a 24/7 egg and honey vending machine; you can even donate eggs to the food bank through their website – Wise Acre Farm (in Windsor Calif). I love seeing all the chickens when I get to drive by it.
Is laughing in British different than regular laughing?!?
It’s a meme reference 🙂 https://knowyourmeme.com/photos/2038356-laughs-in-spanish
All the “Yahoo!s” – evidently I have already pre-purchased 😀
Thank you for the snippet. Celebration indeed – and very welcome after a very trying week that’s left me feeling rather fragile.
I soooo Love Kate!!! It is now happy dance Friday (all day) for me!!
can’t wait! thanks ❤️
It is bad how much I want more.
How much is Magic Clams?
That’s worth its weight in pearls, but you can only buy it at the mall-usk!
Badam-tiss. I’ll be here all night 😀
???? you’re so punny.
SNIPPET ???? thank you! Love that you know us so well, I was thinking about cancelling my pre order ????????.
sigh. was about to pre-order and then remembered that I’m getting hit with a very very very large credit card bill this month, and that’s before we add oncology consults, for one of my cats. Who is the sweetest boy and totally worth it, but I want all the books to manage the overwhelming grief I’m already feeling, but telling myself it’ll be the library and the library only for the next few months so I can pay his medical bills.
in other words, I’m not going to be a great customer for the next few months, but I’ll catch up, eventually. and I’ll keep recommending this book until my local library gets ebooks, print books, and audio books!
Thank you so much Naureen- and best wishes for feline health!
I don’t know if it is allowed, I am a just random internet stranger. I lost my 21 year old son in January. If I can give you a spot of joy-let me do so. If you want to email me an address, I’ll find a way to buy and send you a copy or send you a gift card to get it. [edited for privacy- Mod R]
At some point in life, it it gets better, pass the favor on.
We got her, no worries. 🙂 We will be sending her and advance copy. Thank you so much for your kindness.
You guys are amazing. I was surrounded by a lot of kindness and I am trying to pass it on.. hugs for all you do.
You guys are the best! You’re so special and rare in this world. You’re the kindest people. I will never ever forget your kindness towards me when I was dealing with my mother’s death and my grandma’s impending death. I emailed you in a moment of pure desperation and deep depression (and total lack of shame) asking for an advanced copy of Magic Triumphs. It was about a month ou two before the release date and it was the release of that book was the only thing that kept me going. It was the light at the end of my horrible tunnel and the only piece of joy I could feel. I broke one night and realized I couldn’t wait. I was about to do something bad and I just emailed you shamelessly because I was at the end of my line and has nothing left. I remember it so clearly that I was so embarrassed about sending the email after I hit send and before I could spiral even more, you replied immediately and said sure, would you prefer an ebook or a dead tree one? Such a simple and extremely generous response. I will never forget that email. How giddy it made me, how it restored my faith in humanity, how things seemed so much brighter suddenly and how it brought me joy in a moment I so desperately needed it. I replied thanking you and probable gushing about your kindness and said I wanted the ebook because I just couldn’t wait a moment to read it (plus I would never have accepted you spending money on shipping anything to me). You emailed me the ebook immediately after my reply. I cried tears of joy for a change. I was so grateful, there are no words to describe how much. I will never be able to thank you enough and I’ll never ever forget your kindness. I was so touched. I still am, just remembering it. I’m all teary eyed now. Anyway, thank you again and God bless you and your every single day forever. I’ll be grateful until my dying day. Thanks again. ❤️❤️❤️????????????
I’m so happy that you’re here with us today and that you found comfort in the books! There are always things worth fighting the dark times for. *hugs*
I’m sorry to hear about your son. No parent should have to go through that. ((hugs))
*** @Mod R, you may want to delete the email address for privacy reasons. I’m sure you would anyway, just hoped this might help it catch your attention quicker. ***
Thanks Breann! 🙂
Such a TEASE of a Snippet!
I am drooling for the rest of it.
This is going to make make the wait so much harder….it who cares?
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you!
You accidentally wrote a book. Imagine that. 🙂
Let the good times roll!
This is going to be an awesome read!
I’ve had it preordered since the option went up. Only a couple of months longer to wait.
I will stay up all night reading it the first time, then immediately start it over to get the goodies I missed in my rush to find out “What happens next?!”
Thank you for snippet and the lovely book.
😀 I see you too are familiar with the Sacred Ways of release night!
Love the snippet, but I feel bad about the pre-order. Your work deserves the full price. It’s worth it.
Pre-ordered the book, thanks for the heads-up! I loved the snippet!! Just love Kate and her world!!! so excited!!
The snippet was so good I forgot it was a snippet lol!
was aettling down for a good read when it got cut and I was like …wha- what happened hahahaha.
Random question – is there a retail option where you as the authors get paid more or less? For example, does it affect you guys at all if we purchase through Apple Books vs. Amazon?
Because I’m down to go with the option where y’all get ALL THE MONIES. ????????
This is a more complex answer, House Andrews have addressed it before here https://ilona-andrews.com/2019/best-strategy-to-support-a-new-book/ ???? – but basically purchase from your favourite retailer or borrow it from your library, in whichever way and format is more comfortable to you, that’s all the authors want and it makes them genuinely happy that you have a good experience from start to finish!
The only desire HA have is that the books aren’t pirated, the rest is all good! Thank you so much for your support 🙂
Sqeeeeee! Can’t wait for this to come out. Sigh, two more months….
Friday snippet’s always feel like a gift. I can’t wait to read the whole novel! Did I miss an announcement of who was picked as narrator? I always buy the audio books, have loved every single one.
Omg. I need to know what happens next!!! AUGGGHHHHH. LOL
It’s honestly one of the biggest laughs I’ve ever had with an IA book. And it goes on and on, like prolonged guffaws until you get all out of breath. I would be so surprised if it’s not the new Ferret Heist!
Come on mod R, spill.
Or i’ll sec the 7th son trice remove on you ????
Oh, now that’s just mean! ????????????
Still (platonically) love you Mod R! (in a totally non-creepy friend sort of way) ????
Right back at you! 😀
Yay, Cuddles! Oh, I am so ready for this!!!
thank you for the snippet and the heads up on the price change for the bestest of reasons (more words????????????????????) you guys are the best????
Thank you!
(Also, I doubled check my pre-orders…..it’s still there!!)
Cruel, Cruel Want more….Ahhh it is so good!!!!!!
Should be want smacks forehead
Fixed 🙂
I think you could realistically add 2 bucks to your pricing. I wouldn’t blink. We want to support your endeavors.
As an ebook reader of the horde I would like to thank you for longer books! Thank you.
Also I’m confused if I buy the book on May 31st 2024 because that is still before June 1st 2024 can I get the $4.99 price? *runs away giggling*
Thank you, thank you, thank you!!!
Sigh, a nice end to the week. I will restrain my greed and wait patiently, HA! for the book. Thanks!
Congratulations!! So excited for you all!
And what a gift! I’m so excited to read this when it comes out.
Thank you for the cliffhanger snippet!
I liked the Aragorn and Legolas conversations before the snippet. Yep, that’s the BDH response alright.
I pre-ordered as soon as I could. I wanted the clams lunch special with lemon. ????
Thank you, Ilona Andrews for the snippet.
I enjoyed Kate and family in Wilmington book 1 and am looking forward to book 2. Thank you for writing it.
Nooo wait wait come back. I wasn’t done reading that! Dang it! At least release day is start of my vacation at canon beach. Park my butt in the sand my feet in the ocean and read. I hope you guys get a vacation now. It’s well deserved.
OMG, that is Genius – schedule vacations around favoured book releases! 🙂
It’s right up there for picking travel reads to match with the places you are visiting – like The Agony and the Ecstasy while in Florence, All Creatures when in Thirsk and York, the Brontes when visiting Haworth (which also has the steam railway and stations one sees in so many movies) …
All great recommendations ????
I’m sooooo excited, for more Kate!!! ????
I am on my umpteenth reread and audio marathon.
Oh man, I shouldn’t have read that snippet. Now I’m all @#*$@#( tell me what happens next!!
My partner asked me what I was doing because apparently I was smiling and making happy sounds while reading this. Kate is just so fun and being back in her world is just so lovely. Thank you for the snippet and the full length book!
Also, I fully intend to wear my Cutting Edge sweatshirt while reading this in June. It is my precious.
I’m waiting for the store to re-open. Didn’t get anything the first time. I’m hoping they’ll re-open it when Magic Clams is released. Speaking of which, can we get a mug with the Magic Clams artwork on it? 😛
Good idea! I’ll wear my Cutting Edge t-shirt when the book comes out. Texas in June can start the gates of fire to open, so I’ll wear the shirt at home in the air conditioning.
I love it when Kate goes all badass. I love that she’s coming into her power and is finally well trained in some of her blood magic. And I love that she’s still snarky and hilarious and refuses to take anything too seriously.
I cannot wait for this book.
Thank you! Can’t wait to read it!
Thank you for all the news and the delicious snippet!
Going to check my pre-order status now.
I cannot wait to see Claudia’s reaction. ????
I love more words. I preordered and love a deal. I love love love Friday snippets. Thank you for continuing to entertain us with your wonderful stories. It is a good addiction
Congratulations on the latest novel in Kate’s world!
I like her so much and enjoy getting to see her family grow and her interperation of ‘retirement’ in her castle by the sea.
Whew! I had to scroll through the snippet very quickly because I love anticipation. I think it’s funny that you seem concerned about the longer word count. That’s like being concerned that there is too much good chocolate in the pantry.
Apparently I pre-ordered on 12th February so well done me I guess. Perhaps even though we all love a pre-order you should hold off until closer to the finished product to ensure pricing. I certainly don’t mind paying more money for more words ????
I pre ordered but I wouldn’t mind paying the updated price. Your books are well worth it.
Only you can make the announcment of new book and pricing absolutely hilarious. I was laughing tears. And it’s good that you added this “Please do not cancel your preorders to give us more money” because you know some of us would do that.
Ack, cliffhanger!
OH, all soo good. A novel at a great price, even at $5.99 it is a great price. And you give us a snippet. In return all I can give you is Thanks and Have a great weekend!!!!!
Ahhh exciting! Thank you for snippet! 🙂
Thanks for the heads up on the pre-order! Really appreciate it. I don’t pre-order usually, but will certainly do that now. My book budget thanks you.
Haha I think we’re so used to longer snippets/scenes it was like… eh? it’s over?
A full novel? What a beautiful day! And then you gave us a snippet? I feel so giddy right now!!! Literally only the BDH could understand how I feel! Have a wonderful weekend everyone!
Congratulations on finishing Magic Claims. The snippet was lovely and left ,e wanting more. Looking forward to the book release.
Glad for you that the writing part is finished and that we’ll get a full novel is amazing news! Thank you for your kindness with the preorders. Hopefully we’ll break the book charts in return. Especially after that snippet, this is going to be a long 60 days of nnticipation and speculation of how many ways exist to remove a vampire from a roof without damaging it. And since ModR raised the stakes mentioning the ferret heist I’m sure this alone is worth the ticking countdown clock….
I can’t wait to order the book!! Call me old fashioned, but I love a book, especially one of a favored author!
Yay, I’m glad it’s been completed!
Thanks for the snippet and the pre-order info.
And with a release date and a tiny taste, my weekend is starting off spectacularly! Smiles for everyone!
Friday snippet! The good authors are too kind!
I, for one, am eagerly awaiting the reckoning!
Hooray! Thank you for the sneak peek!
Cannot wait so long. Love your many books and pray to whatever… that you will continue writing, at as fast a rate as you find possible can and still have fun. You’re so much fun. Also, you tell interesting stories with fantastic people. I always do my first read as soon as it arrives. Second read to grandkids (all adults now) and third read with a bit of modifications (for young age and possible loss of sleep). I then do a read of all the books in your world containing the same principles. Then, I wait for your next book and/or books. So much fun. DRAGONBOGLE
Well that’s a tease (heads over to quickly preorder.)
Sigh, sometimes I feel I spend my life waiting… waiting on a new pattern release, a new fabric release, a new book release, the audio book version of a book…. waiting is soooo painful but so swiftly forgotten when I get the prize. Looking forward to this book. Thanks for the snippet!
AAAAARRRRRGGGGGHHHH! This is why I try to avoid snippets. I forget they are snippets and then I’m freaking annoyed for an hour after. Good stuff though. Glad I pre ordered ☺️
Wow, consider me hooked!
$4.99 before June 1. 5.99 after June 1. How much on June 1?
????????Good one! Just curious, are you a math teacher?
I’m having flashbacks about the trains leaving Chicago and Philadelphia.
Aw, damnit, I should have answered Tim with “5 clams”.
I was going to ask the same question. 😀
… i sits here just licking my paws and staring waiting for my foodz…
Man I want more. Great snippet! ????
The problem with pre-ordering a book means you wish 2 months of your life away. I am simply too old to give up two months-however after that snipet I just might be do so willingly. Sigh…
Hurray!!!!! More words And a looooong snippet! You’ve made me very happy, thank you 🙂
It’s $8.99 pre order in Australia, I assume that’s the conversion from US. I still think it’s so worth it and would of paid more.
Happy for all that it’s completed and so many pages, can’t wait until June ????.
Welp, I’m hooked already. Time to hunker over my preorder like Gollum with his ring muttering “My precious”.
Ooh, I can’t wait!! Thanks Moderator R , now I’m pulling at my hair wondering about the rest of the “cookie” . Ugh, so mean????
Awwww! It won’t be long and it’s definitely worth it! ☺️
Uh! Such a tease.
I’ll take it. Thank you! Made my Friday.
Driving through Missouri last week, we passed a farm with “Tennessee Walker/Mule foals” for sale. I thought about Cuddles . . . . . . . I love that critter!
Nothing compares with to your writing.
The snippet was great! Thank you. I preordered the book and I am looking forward to reading it when it comes out.
More words? Yay!! ????
And a snippet with Cuddles, the world’s most laconic steed!!
Kate really does crack me up, her sense of humor is one-of-a-kind. Of course she is multi-tasking, doesn’t everyone compose their grocery list when commuting to work?!?
Ooh, I can hardly stand it. Thank you so much for sharing snippets. Made my day. Knee replacement coming up, so I’ll take my wins where I can. This world is going to be fun.
what a Teaser!
Thank you! So looking forward to June!
Thank you!!!
Snippet? “No, thanks, we’ll politely and with great dignity wait for the book in its entirety,” said no BDH member ever lol
There are, believe it or not, veritable titans of strong will amongst us! I am always in awe, couldn’t be me.
Omnomnom on every morsel 😀 !
Cuddles for the win!!!
If we stick with the preorder and then buy the print in addition, will that give you more $? I realize at one point you all told us which thing helps you get the most money but I don’t remember where that blog entry was. I also realize that you guys keep saying that you don’t care how we buy the book but you kept me sane through Covid and I am an ICU doctor so I owe you.
Here is the post ☺️
And yes, you are completely right, House Andrews wants you to have an enjoyable experience and get the book however it is more convenient ????. Thank you so much for your care and passion, all book purchases, library loans etc count!
More words? YES!!!
GA may take longer to come out with both? I’ve been waiting to listen to MB (I know, it’s torture but I’m in the middle of another GA listen) so that’ll keep me happy until it does get released.
Pre-ordered Magic Claims so grateful for the lower price but would have happily paid the higher one. Thank you for the heads up anyway – so generous of you. ????
Hi AP,
I just wanted to clarify here a bit, not necessarily for you but for anyone reading who may be wondering ????.
The post is discussing traditional audio books for Magic Claims and Magic Tides. They are produced by House Andrews in case of self-published books – or by the publishing company in the case of traditionally published ones. They have one narrator and will always accompany a book release ( although there may be delays due to availability etc).
Separately, there is Graphic Audio, a company with their independent projects. They buy the adaptation rights from House Andrews and then record the dramatised productions, but it is all their decisions, retail etc. At the moment, they have acquired the main 10 novels of the KD series and Small Magics. At the moment, Magic Tides and Magic Claims have not been discussed for purchase.
GA productions are not in the control of the authors, they are not going to always be available for books (it depends which ones they are interested in and want to buy the rights for) and more importantly, will *never* replace the traditional and automatic audio format with any book release.
Yay for the snippet and yay that I preordered on the 5th of March!
Love the snippet, honestly I get sucked in by second sentence , I’m in the zone , then bit of a shock coming back to reality at the end, Thankyou , you’ve brightened my day it’s a bit gloomy here in Melbourne Australia today.
Ohhh! Dang, that stopped too soon. How many days until June??
There’s a countdown clock to the release on the front page ????- 58!
but wait, is that a philosophizing Space Chicken laying brown eggs?!?
Mod R? Completely off topic but would you tell me the post where Ilona recommended some K-dramas?
Of course ????
There have been a few posts, although they include both K and C-dramas. I’m linking them so you can take your pick- and don’t forget to look at the comments for more BDH recs ????
You’re the best!
So is the chicken really Simon?
The fact that I’m about to answer this with chapter and verse from the books says volumes about us as a fandom ????. Do we conceive of one of our favourite characters turning chicken on a beautiful October day? With no problem! After all, we’re not here to judge.
He isn’t the chicken though, because this bird is a good layer, and Saiman once said:
“I’m male, and while I may construct a vaginal canal and a uterus on occasion, I’ve never had cause to recreate ovaries. And if I did, I suspect they would be sterile. Unlike the male of the species, women produce all of their gametes during gestation, meaning that when a female infant is born, she will have in her ovaries all of the partially developed eggs she will ever have. The ovaries cannot generate production of new eggs, only the maturation of existing ones. The magic is simply not deep enough for me to overcome this hurdle.”
Andrews, Ilona. Small Magics, NYLA Publishing 2015. Questionable Client.. Kindle Edition, page 45
Species aside, eggs is eggs.
I really feel like you’re opening yourself up for a “Which came first, the chicken or the egg?” debate. ???????????????????????? Good thing the Koo Koo scholar isn’t here.
And to be onery: what if he turned himself into a female chicken embryo (zygote?) and then magic’d himself into growing inside an egg? ???????????? I’m so sorry. I had to. Please forgive me. ????????
You all write, I read, reread and reread again1 I love being a member of the BDH!
Is Cuddles ever going to have babies?
1) There are meetings on Zoom these days, yes ????. And lists with phonetic pronunciations, and links to native speaker videos etc. In Ye Olden Timeys, there were voice mails. Some narrators will ask more feedback than others, but there’s usually something.
2) Not really, but it depends ????. Sometimes edits might be called for if the matter is egregious enough and if there is time until the release and if the narrator hasn’t moved on to another project and still has availability etc. With traditional publishing, less so, because the author is not always (or ever?) given the option to listen to the audiobook before release to approve. The recording process is very long, very finicky and time sensitive, and the authors are not there in the studio with the narrator. I know that’s what some people like to
imagine, but it’s very different from the reality. Mostly, edits will be for technical/quality reasons rather than pronunciation.
3) Holy Mammoth Donkey, and how! Authors have almost no input in traditionally published audiobooks. From
narrator choice to final approval, it is rare that their opinions will be asked for- I heard stories where the author wasn’t even informed who the chosen narrator was until public release! In self-publishing, all decisions and control belongs to the author, but it’s a double edged sword, because now they are responsible for everything, from money to casting and production etc. And it’s all time away from writing, so it can’t take over!
My thinking is this: like all artists, voice narrators will take some creative licence. I like to celebrate the freedom of their narrative flow, and focus less on minor pronunciations and more on the fact that they embodied the story and characters ????.
Congratulations on finishing the book! TYVM for the snippet! ????????????????
Oh, must Pre-order and put Magic Claims in Callander on June 13th. So I rush over to June 13. Magic Claims is there. Checking notes. Ah, I already pre-ordered. Check.
Time to allow for the ICT nerd anxiety trauma to surface.
Pre-order before June 1 $4,99
Pre-order after June 1 $5,99
But what if I had pre-ordered ON June 1?
It seriously happened in my programmer days.
A program, which I was responsible for and which had been running without problems since way before I joined the company, had crashed. It took me hours wading through code written and documented by several predecessors.
I had glanced multiple times over a comment which said
This part determines the value of X.
if X is positive call A, otherwise call B
X wasn’t positive (it wasn’t supposed to be), so the crash must have happened in module B.
Module B looked fine. Debugging showed, B did not crash.
Actually B had never been called.
Taking a closer look at the code below the comment showed me
If X < 0 call A
For the first time in 20 years, X was 0!
Changed the code to
If X <= 0 call B
and bingo. Program proceeded to B, problem solved.
This happened over 30 years ago, but since that time I always check if the = is present for one of the before/after or smaller/larger than options. Even if it's none of my business.
And I never ever trust comments 😉
Why does this website always do this to me?
It should read
If X 0 call A
I swear that’s what it said before I clicked Post comment.
It must be the word “comment”
Again it commits the If X < 0
Ummm…I am going to attempt to fix it, but just disclaimer, I understood none of that, it’s way too early on a Saturday to spring this on my brain- so I’ll be doing my best, sorry if I put it in the wrong place ????
WordPress probably thinks you’re trying to write emojis with shortcuts or format text 🙂
This brought back ‘fond’ memories of Y2K.
Some developer who thought himself too smart to ‘need’ to consult the specs that he was given for the Y2K conversion decided to wing his fix for the first day of 2000.
He ‘cleverly’ had the system perform one thing prior to 1/1/2000 and another thing after. Since it was a ‘simple’ fix, he also decided to test it himself. ????
1/1/2000 was a fun day for that guy.
Well, guess Cuddles is about to bash some poor, unsuspecting knight’s head in and Kate’ll have to apologize to several parties (very much including Cuddles) for this free memory refresher on why you treat your trusty steed with some damn respect!
Squeeeee! So exciting !!
How did you know I was going to cancel pre order and repurchase for a dollar more?
Can’t wait to read!
Looking forward to this book arriving soon!!
I truly appreciate and find humor in the work of the Author Lords.
May they live forever????????
Checking to make sure I have this on auto-delivery….
I loved the description of the call with Nick. For all his grumbling and threats, he keeps Kate’s secrets, still works (very reluctantly) with her, and the kids call him Uncle.
June just can’t come fast enough. Thanks for the snippet. I really miss Kate, Curran and all their new friends. This is going to be so much fun.
Well I’m super excited! The longer the better I say ????
squeeee! a snippet! a snippet! thank you!
I love a Kate power flex moment! Can’t wait to read the rest!!! Thank you so much for bringing these characters back for more fun (and mahem). ❤️
I would have happily paid more for Magic Claims, but now that I have found out I got the lower locked in pre order price, I kinda want to stand above all the late comers and dawdlers and look down at them in triumphant black Friday, 3am prepper, kevlar vest wearing, triumph!
Mushy, you are officially MVP. Best comment of the month. Love it!
First, THANK YOU for having male and female narration.
Second, wonderful snipppet!
I’m so glad Cuddles is still around and kickin 😉
Dear House Andrews. I have pre- ordered Magic Clams, errr Claims ages ago. Take my money. ????
Can’t wait for June to read the shenanigans .
Thank you.❤️
Sooo happy! Thank you. ❤️
Ack!!! What happens next! Oh, I can’t wait till it comes out! Thank you again for the novel and the snippet!!
Yaaaaaaaayyyyyy!!!! I’m so happy and can’t wait to read it
So will there be magic clams on the cover of Magic Claims??? I think there should be.
There is a special Magic Clams cover already, for your viewing pleasure 😀 https://ilona-andrews.com/2023/title-typos-and-many-apologies/
I’ve seen that before, but will buy the one with the other cover (defective, imo) anyway. Thanks for your reply.
Lovely news, and a lovely snippet. Thank you! I see my order was placed February 11th, so I just need to wait for the deadtree order page to go live.
Ooooh! Thankyou for the snippet!! Happy birthday to meee, and yay for extra book, that I will pre-order before … (checks blog again)…. June 1st hehehe
I’m dying for this… wait no, that isn’t right, correction; I’m living for it!
I wanted to keep reading more. Kate is so bad@$$. Humble and funny. Thank you for bringing back the Wilmington years.
Happy Days! Congrats on the new book, excited for my pre-order to pop into my devices.
Hope everyone at House Andrews is well and thriving.
Thank you!
Thank you for the great snippet (and more Cuddles!) Can’t wait until June!!
But what is the price prior to 6/1? What about after? ???? (jk, I preordered the first day I could!)
Dearest Ilona and Gordon,
Thank you so much for the snippet. Thank you so much in general for your humour that I look forward to reading every week, especially now.
Sorry to overshare but I discovered last month that I have a big brain tumour, that needs to be removed ASAP with following risks of hemiplegia, death and plenty other fun things. I’m not saying this to make people weep for me but to give the frame of reference. This dratted thingy has taken over my life for every waking hours for the last month. And my point is this: YOU just brought me joy and a smile to my face, and respite even for a minute from this dreary situation with your post. So for this and for all you’ve done(during Covid and all) I wanted to shout a BIG THANK YOU from Paris.
Ps : I will definitely preorder at the discounted price before June 1st. Or not. You deserve the money…. Many thanks to both of you
I’m so sorry Diana, I hope that your medical procedure goes swimmingly and you have a speedy recovery! Courage, my friend, you will beat this bastard!
I have sent you an email at the address you used to make the comment, hope you don’t mind me contacting you!
No Problem ModR! Actually I feel blessed to be personnally contacted by you and Ilona and Gordon by proxy (shivers with delight then zoom off to said email address) Thank you all for the joy you bring to our lives!
Best wishes for a good surgery and good healing afterwards. ((Hugs))
Thank you Breann, BDH is the best!
I am sending you my best wishes, prayers, strength, hopes, and virtual hugs…you got this!
Hang in there ????????
Thank you Kat in NJ for all your positive energy! BDH persons are definitely the best!
Wishing you a smooth surgery and speedy recovery! Know that the BDH is behind you and supporting you. You’ve got this!
I sooo can’t wait for the book! Thankyou for this teaser. I know I for one bought the book the first week it was up on kobo
Awesome! Can’t wait!
And that’s why I don’t like snippets. Dislike. Strongly dislike. Hate. I want a snippet as long as “War and Peace” and the following book as long as the complete Proust. Give, give, give.
I can feel your pain through the words! ????
And your medicine?
Your writing is so engrossing that I forgot this was only a snippet, and was taken aback when it ended.
Thanks for the heads up on the pricing, I preordered!
I looooove Kate! ❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤❤
That is just cruel!! How am I supposed to survive the wait?
Noooo I need more snippets please I can’t wait until June you’re killing me…. And more pages YES Please if you write another 1000k Kate books I will be there no matter how long or short the stories are
Not sure whether I’m chuckling more over the BOLD print in this post or Moderator M’s comments.(and playful banter)
❤️BDH & Author Overlords. Balm to the soul after a long week.
Congrats on getting the manuscript done!
And you know there’s no need to ask if we want a snippet… Of course the answer is yes!
Delightful! What a lovely Kate day it’s been. Listening to GA Magic Bites and a snippet!
Kate is definitely listening to Erra. Opening up and collecting Allie’s.
Congrats on the best four letter word: D O N E!
Hi, just finished Magic Tides, and it mentioned a time when kidnappers came after Conlan, when he was about 1 years old. Which book was that in? Thanks in advance!
And also, did I miss a book somewhere where her aunt started working for the government? I’m a little confused 🙁 Loved the book, though.. just worried I missed an installment somehow 😮
The Conlan would-be kidnappers were in Magic Triumphs (book 10, the final book). And I think Blood Heir (Julie’s/Aurelia’s book) is the book where we learn that Erra is working with the government in California, if I’m not mistaken.
Right on the money on both accounts ☺️
Awesome, thank you!! Need to go back and reread those, asap, if I’m forgetting details! 😀
You guys crack me up! I love you! And thanks for the snippet!!
Nooooooooo! I NEED to know the next bit….just a paragraph…a few sentences….gah! It’s so wonderful.
Sorry for the dramatics and thanks so much for posting! 🙂
Wonderful snippet, thank you! I pre-ordered day 1. That was a complete no brainer for me. I am looking forward to the audio as well. Hearing the differing POVs will be great fun ????
Torturing the BDH like this is just so ……. I have no words. This seems like a snippet of a snippet. Aggghh …… frustration is my middle name until June. 🙁
Thank you for more words and for the teaser…cause that’s just what it is! ????
I can’t wait. Oh and Cuddles…I wonder how receptive she’ll be to a strange knight? Love me some Cuddles. ???????? Did I say I can’t wait?!!
Oh! I can’t wait!!
Thanks you for finishing the Book and for the snippet????
Thank you. I was feeling kind of sad and your snippet just made me feel better.
I am so excited. Pre-ordered right away. Just reading the novella was like a dream come true to be reading more about Kate and Curran. Just reading this snippet was so awesome and I was getting comfy and already falling deep into it before the abrupt end. I cannot wait for the release. A thousand thank yous and a thousand more that it is long!! ????
SQEEE! Well worth the $5.99, but I’m pn a budget. so I’ll save the extra dollar.
Hope you and yours are all doing well
Dang, that’s why it’s a snippet and gotta wait for the book release – the juiciest bit is left out 😀
Fantastic. Love it. Read the other excerpt about Solina’s visit and got chills at the end. Looking forward to the book!
I can’t wait to see the whole story!
WooHoo. Thank you, thank you. So excited.
And you are beautiful people, dropping us a snippet! June is just around the corner…
A question about the audio book of Magic Tides. You’ve said that there will be a male narrator for Curran’s POV, and a female narrator for Kate’s POV. What about the part where we have Conlan’s POV? Will it be the same male narrator, or someone else? I know when I was first reading the book, I missed that the section was Conlan’s POV, and had to start it over once I realized that it wasn’t Curran’s POV. I hope that either there will be a third voice for Conlan’s POV, or that the male narrator can alter his voice enough to sound less like Curran. 🙂
Sue, Conlan is 8. Probably female narrator would be better here.
Oh, yes, that makes sense! (It’s been a very long time – decades! – since my girls were that young!) So long as the voice is different (I can easily get myself confused). Thank you, Ilona!
Just to let you know, this site’s upcoming release book page (with countdown clock) still says novella…
Thank you for signalling, Vi 🙂
Wow! A new Kate Daniels NOVEL length book! Yay! I can’t tell you how happy this makes me. A new Jeanine Frost Bones book AND a new Kate Daniels book coming out within months of each other is a dream come true. ❤️ ???? ???? ????
I’ve read your Magic Claims snippet three times already over the last couple of days just to make sure I didn’t miss anything. I’m really looking forward to the book release. I’ve read everyone of your books a minimum of three times each over the years, you are amazing writers. I envy your creativity and thank you for the reading pleasure you have given me.
Oh this is going to be FUN!
Just wanted to let you know Judith Tarr wrote a really great piece about Magic Bites at Tor.com.
Thanks Sara, I really enjoyed reading that and sent it over to House Andrews 🙂
Judith is very right about the worldbuilding mastery! But this bit is the one that particularly tickled me hehe “Andrews knows equines, by the way. They have names and personalities, and if they’re pushed hard and far, they get tired. Big props for doing equines right.”
Chills!! I can’t wait!
I went to B&N to get my pre-order in and it turned out I had already pre-ordered lol. Great snippet (as though it would be anything less). Sooooooo excited for the next book!!
Love it already ????
Thank you so much in advance for the birthday present!!! I can’t wait to open it up
I hope you’re including audio cds for all the current Kate Daniel world books.
Oh, I am so happy there is more book! Woo hoo! The tidbit has sucked me in, I can’t wait for the rest. Thank you Ilona Andrews.
have already ordered and having a hard time waiting for June. would like to know if there will ever be another book about Hugh and the iron dogs?
Hi Jackie,
Ilona Andrews have decided to not announce ongoing projects until the manuscript is completed or the book is ready for pre-order, in order to manage both reader expectations and workload.
At the moment, the offering is the Wilmington Years series 🙂 .
The Iron Covenant series about Hugh, Elara and the Iron Dogs will continue. When a new project is ready for publication, it will be posted here: https://ilona-andrews.com/release-schedule/
OOoooooOOoo. I can’t wait to read this!!! Pre ordered and everything for the low low price of $4.99 because it’s before June 1st!
Why is “MORE” book ever a bad thing?
any chance of a picture of Cuddles? Each time there is a reference to this donkey, he ascends on my list of favourite animals in the series.
Thank you so much for letting us return to Kate’s world. It brings me so much joy!
Ilona, This is wonderful. I am so looking forward to the whole story. If you get a procrastination moment, please post a snippet about Magic Clams. (attached an image generated by telling AI Art Hot Pot to draw a “magic glowing clam”)
Luv it!