Autumn is officially here and we are embracing all the things the season brings—beautiful foliage, sweater weather, and cozy days at home with a great audiobook…which gets our blood pumping and ready to murder Curran.
Ok, so Magic Rises isn’t exactly the homey vibe of the season, but it *is* an awesome Graphic Audio dramatized Kate adventure to ancient Colchis, in search not for the golden fleece but for the priceless panacea. The sea chanty that gets our intrepid adventurers over the ocean starts the goosebumps and they stick around all through the sword fight between Kate and Hugh, the villainous lamassu, Desandra’s plums and the Shepherd laying down the law of the land.
The promotion for the full cast dramatized adaptation of Magic Rises starts today and will be available until November 9th 2024 on the partner website Audiobooks.com.
I know I also owe you some updates about Graphic Audio adaptation of Hidden Legacy, but neither release schedule or director/actor team are official yet, so we’ll need to be p*tient a little longer.
Artha and Tuna cuddle tax for keeping you w*iting:

Will gladly take pet pics while we do the unthinkable . . . w@it.
I find it easier knowing that Hidden Legacy is actually coming . . . and that there’s more Kate to tide us over until Hidden Legacy comes. Knowing what Graphic Audio is capable of makes the anticipation ALLLLL kinds of fun.
What she said! 🙂
We while we have an abhorrence to the infamous four letter word w@it, we can still throw away our grown up card with all pet pics.
This week has been an “I can’t even,” my Hidden Legacy coffee mug with the “My ability to even…” has kept me sane with giggles in between the chaos.
Also the Northern Lights Show here in Central IL helps bunches last night too.
I know … feel the same about my Ferret Heist mug … just makes me smile, even while w-a-i-t-i-n-g.
And thank you to the merch store elves that unraveled vendor issues and made that mug happen.
I have all the Graphic Audio of Kate and can highly recommend.
Can’t wait for Hidden Legacy.
Artha and Tuna – what a great pair of fur babies!! 💖
i happily accept the artha and tuna picture offering and will wa*t for further announcements, on account of the cuteness. i am appeased.
Fall? What fall? Right now in the DFW area, we are on the verge of hitting record heat this weekend. However, next week will feel like fall.
Artha and Tuna…the two cuties for the BDH to squee over. 😀
in case anyone is interested chirpbooks.com has Sanctuary audio for $2.99 and Magic Tides/ Claims for $3.99. These are not the full cast versions.
I would love to cuddle them! Thank you for the update. I just finished rereading the InnKeeper series because it has been a rough week and I needed all the feels. I love that when I reread your work, it always speaks to me and I find a new little gem each time. Sooooo much love to the Author Lords of House Andrews ❤️
It’s sooo good!!! I just finished it a couple of weeks ago! Magic Rises is my favorite of the series and I now own it in four formats, paperback, Kindle, audiobook and dramatized autiobook 😄
I’m now reading through the dramatized reading of Sweep in Peace when I saw those were on Audible too!
Is 31.99 the same price or did I look too soon? (Or do something wrong?)
Sale, not same. Soo we know I did that wrong
I’m also seeing $31.99. I’ll try again tomorrow or maybe Mod R will share an update, because I think that’s the regular price.
Hey Ladies, which country are you accessing the link from? I checked from US and U.K. IP addresses and I can see the sale.
Here is the direct link, maybe try this? https://www.audiobooks.com/promotions/promotedBook/790567/magic-rises-dramatized-adaptation-kate-daniels-6?refId=158913
Artha and Tuna….. tribute accepted.
+1 and great news about Magic Rises! Just superb.
This adaption was soooo good! The woman voicing Aunt Bea is fabulous. My favorite line: villain in the cave: “You trapped with us. Give money.” Aunt Bea: “You have it wrong dear. We are not trapped in here with you. You are trapped in here with us.” Buy the Graphic Audio version if only just for Aunt Bea.
So. Whom do we email about Gunmetal Magic, Iron and Magic, Blood Heir, and Sanctuary? To get them on the list for Graphic Audio? Just wondering.
Fr I need everything done by graphic audio 😍
Woo hoo!!!
Aww, virtual cuddles to both!
Not me reading that as “cuddle tax to keep you writing” and spending a good 30 seconds wondering why ‘writing’ was a bad word and needed to be asterisked out like the dreaded word p*tient :’D Too funny.
Artha & Tuna are so sweet and beautiful 😻😻😻
Tuna looks very entitled 😉
tuna is a car … of course he/she looks entitled … I remember that there was a bit of confusion on Tuna’s gender, recently decided by the vet, but I forget which was the final answer, … so I continue to look at Tuna as a riddle wrapped in an enigma … . And love me some Artha pics … properly placed on the couch where dogs belong …
Sigh … Tuna is a “cat” and so properly looks entitled … not a “car” … please excuse the fat-finger typing.
Haha damn I just used an audible credit on it yesterday. Oh well!
Saturday is “I Love Yarn Day.”
Hi All. I did not know about these dramatizations / audiobooks.com till just now. I joined audible this week and was determined to get all the audio Kate Daniels, I have book 1 and 2. But now THIS! I can’t subscribe to both, so I will have to cancel audible in order to purchase the drama versions via audiobooks.com. I am excited because the one drawback via traditional narration imo is the female narrator speaking as Curran! I have heard many females do a passable job speaking as the male, again imo, so that I am comfortable, but not this narrator, makes me wince to have Curran “reduced”, heavily reduced from the voice tones in my imagination. I am so glad to have come across this information. Marry Christmas, happy birthday, happy new year to ME! These books are a comfort and blessing through dark times as we all know, and yes I read them all. I particularly enjoy the Sweeper series, love it.
Just a thought — Audible has the GA dramatizations as well as the audio books and has the free monthly credits, credits on sale etc. once I found the Innkeeper series, Kate and the rest quickly followed. If you cancel Audible you lose access to the books you have on that service. Since I have too many other titles on Audible, that wasn’t an option for me but now I simply buy the Ilona Andrews as they come out and hoard my free or sale credits for the next release like a dragon with its treasure. Hope this gives you a workable solution
Ladies – there is a difference between cancelling your Audible membership and closing your account. If you cancel your membership – you lose any credits that you have earned but not used. You can put your membership on pause if there are any audio books coming up but credits must be used before cancellation of Membership or they are lost. This does not affect your account and you are still a registered customer and still retain your past purchases.
This is not the same as closing your account. If you close your Account – you lose everything you have purchased. Just because you no longer have a membership does not affect what is already attached to your account. Membership has to do with getting a bargain on credits which is a separate issue than opening an account or having an account. You can have an account without having a Membership.
Clarification – Audible does not make it easy to find where to pause or cancel your membership. Do a search for it and make sure that you are NOT closing your account – just read the instructions closely. I have paused or canceled my membership several times during the years and had no trouble.
Thanks Charmaine, you’re right — the difference is subtle and Audible doesn’t make it easy to find.
The sea shanty will live, rent free, in my head until the day I die.
What an honor to get to experience these books in such a fashion!
I will also wait very, very patiently for Hidden Legacy to be complete. It will be worth it! The longer the wait, the more “new” it will feel when it’s released!
Thank you!
While w*iting, I took a chance on another author’s series that reviews have scared me away from in the past. It hasn’t been too awful of an experience lol but definitely makes me all the more grateful for HA! Worth the w*it!!
Apologies for the looonnng post in advance but context is needed:
Ok, so I have to say this. I am a longtime BDH member. All KD books, ebooks, and audible – then double down when graphic audio started producing/recording.
My husband plays Rugby and so we travel. I was MID magic rises and asked him if he minded if i listened in the car on the way to a match. … … I had to start the audio book over bc he fell in love with KD.
his FAVORITE are the curran pov’s (and jim and derek) he says it’s super easy to relate to their perspective and makes the story more “whole” for him.
So we started KD 1 and have gone through all graphic audio versions *heart
He’s hooked.
Soooo that being said — will we be getting more POV’s from Curran and our favorite leading men? For instance what in the world was Hugh thinking during *that scene in Magic Rises (think same swords), or what was Derek thinking when he … ehrm … when he saw the “true future.”
I know the author overlords are valiantly fighting writers block (relaxing counts as fighting – FILL YOUR MIGHTY EMOTIONAL BANDWIDTH CUP author overlords fill it with joy muwhahahah) *cough
Ok anyway so yes – will we be getting more povs?
Will you accept bribes for more pov’s?
in the mean time … 1 day to go before the next release. JOY!!!
I finished Sanctuary on the commute home last night (audio) and started Magic Tides/claims for the 3rd time for the commute in to work this morning. i get a solid 35 minutes each way, so it’s a good companion. Thank you.