Thank you guys so much. This was an amazing year for us as authors, and a sometimes trying one as parents. We hope that everybody had a good year and that you all have a wonderful holiday, whichever one you choose to celebrate. This is our gift to you.
Click the gift to see what’s in the box.
Thank you, and greetings of the season to you and your family!
Happy Holidays Ilona and Gordon!!
Thank you so much. You have been very good to us, your fans, despite our batshit insane antics. I wish you both and your family the very best in the coming year. Merry Christmas from Singapore! <3
Happy holidays. thanks
Thanks so much! You guys are the best! <3
Thank You!!!
Happy Holidays!
Horay! Thank you, and happy holidays to you and your family as well. Definitely looking forward to reading more goodness from you guys in the new year!
You guys are the most awesome awesomeness of all awesomedome!
Muchas gracias and mercy beaucoup and happy new year!!!
Thank you! I hope next year is even better for you and yours :).
Thank you so much! My book budget is spent for this year!
Yay, yay, yay! Thank you so much!!!!
Thank you!
Angry lion with a bow…I’m dying 😀
Have a great holiday!
Merry Christmas to you and yours and all those you have extended a helping hand to this year. Hopefully there will be less drama in the coming New year for everyone involved. Roll on 2014!
You guys give us so much of yourselves. I hope, in some small way, you feel like we give something back to you. Merry Christmas, Happy New Year, and the best of all possibilities to you and the family!!! Thank you very much!!!
Thanks for sharing all your hard work for our enjoyment. It makes the year a little brighter. Merry Christmas!
Thank you for a terrific gift, goes with all the great writing. Merry Christmas !
Thank you so much.
Merry Christmas to you and your family 🙂
Merry Christmas or other holiday.
Part of the reason I’ve gotten through this year at all is because of your books. Being able to escape into them temporarily allowed me the ‘me’ space to cope with a lot of crazy in my ‘real’ world. Without Kate, Curran, Dina, and the others I’m not sure if I would have come through the past 12 months as sane as I sort of did. Just before Magic Breaks was released, I broke too. And to put myself back together again, I took a week and did nothing but read your books. The entire Edge series, Kate and Curran and the Innkeeper works on your website. By the time I’d finished, I was healed enough to actually cope with the process of getting better.
Thankyou, thankyou, thankyou.
Reading your blog, I recognise you get some flack from us readers and fans. I wanted you to know, you make a difference in our worlds. Without your books and website the world would be a lot darker place.
Have a nice holiday. And an amazing new year.
Thank you. Happy Holidays!
thanks so much!
Merry Christmas and have a Happy New Year!! You guys are so awesome!
Thank you, Happy Holidays and all the best for 2014.
Have a very happy holiday with your family as well! The collection is a great present 😀
Thanks so much! Hope your guys have a lovely holiday with your family!
Thank you so much and Happy Holidays to you!
Wishing you a wonderful Christmas. Thank you so much for the lovely Christmas gift. I plan to say thank you by buying Clean Sweep. I enjoyed reading it on the blog, and I will enjoy supporting you two by buying it for my Kindle. My best to you and your family. Here’s to a bright 2014.
Thank you so very much! You guys rock. Wishing you many more amazing years to come, love your work. Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays!
Wow, and, well, wow. I have 2 toddlers with strep and ear infections, and this made my day much brighter. Merry Christmas.
Thank you and Merry Christmas, y’all . Blessings on you and yours.
Best wishes for a Happy Holiday and a delightful 2014!
Thank you so much for your generous gift, and all the sharing you do of your lives, your creative talent, and your work. Wishing you a wonderful Christmas and a very happy, productive, and appreciated New Year!
Thanks! And Happy Holidays to you !
I OMG! I am soooooo excited! Thank you soooooooo much!!!!
Thank you so much, Merry Christmas
Thank you, and Merry Christmas!
Thank you Gordon, thank you for Curran for the holidayza. Happy ‘ merry Christmas eve’ eve to you and your family.
Thank you! You have made my day. Happy Holidays to you and your family!
Thanks! What a lovely holiday surprise!!
Thank you so much! Happy holidays to you and yours!
Thank you so much! Best Christmas Gift Ever! Hope you enjoy the holidays with your family.
Thank You so very much. May your Christmas be blessed with peace and Joy all in have a good one. You Guys Rock my Christmas this year. I love it…
Love you guys!
Thanks so much! Happy holidays to you and yours. 🙂
Thank You, and Merry Christmas to both of you.
Thank you! Merry Christmas and Best Wishes for the New Year!
Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year! So glad that Clean Sweep did well and continues to do so, you guys deserved it after all the hard work.
woohoo 🙂 thank you and may all you guys have a very merry christmas and happy holidays!!!
Thank you! Happy Holidays!
What a wonderful surprise!!! Thank you both so much, and have a great holiday!
Now to send my hubby an email with the link for his Nook. Wheeeee!
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Thank you for your generous gift! You guys are the best!
Happy Holidays! Thank You!
Thank you and happy holidays.
Wonderful gift!
Thanks so much! Happy Holidays to you and yours. And thanks to the volunteers also!
Merry Christmas and Happy Holidays to you and your family. Thank you for the nice surprise and the other snippets you have posted to you website. Really appreciated all of them.
Thanks so much!! Merry Christmas to your family 🙂
Thank You & Happy Holidays 🙂
What a great gift!! Thank you so much!!
Happy Holidays!!!
Thank you for gift. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year
What an awesome Christmas gift. Thanks!!!!!!!
Have a wonderful holiday with your family.
Thank you! Hope y’all have a wonderful Christmas!!
Wow!!! Thank you!
Have a wonderful holiday.
Thank you so much! What a wonderful surprise. I hope you have a fantastic holiday.
Wow! You guys are amazing!!!! I wish you both and your family a safe, happy, and fulfilling upcoming year.
WOW! What a present! Thanks so much….have a merry and safe Christmas!
Thank You Gordon and Ilona, this amazing gift reallly made my day. Wishing you and yours the best this holiday season!
You rock! Thanks! Merry Christmas!
Today has been a pretty great day. My boys turned 4 today. We took them to Chuck E Cheese to play as a treat. Some of our family showed up and brought them birthday presents. One of them got a TMNT Leonardo as a present and he was so excited and kept saying “I love my present!” When I saw your post and opened the gift box I felt exactly like my 4 year old. Except I even got teary eyed.
You’re welcome, I’m actually getting Rock Steady and Bee Bop, the rhino and warthog, action figures, so I share in the TMNT excitement. I’m glad that they’re still popular with kids.
Thank you for a great gift. I appreciate all the treats you give us. Have a happy Holiday!
Yay! Thank you so much! Happy Holidays and a Blessed New Year!
You guys are so generous ! Thanks and Merry Christmas.
Many thanks! Merry Christmas to you both and your family!
Woooooot! Thank you so much and Merry Christmas to you all. 🙂
This is a FANTASTIC present to fans – thank you both so much!!!
I know you guys hate too many comments, but I wanted to say- Thank You! Sometimes big-hearted kindness brings a tear to my eye. This was one of those moments. You really, truly are awesome!
You both are wonderful writers and terrific people. Thank you for all your kindness and your generosity of spirit. May 2014 bring you joy, love and magic.
This is SOOOOOOOOOOOOOO AWESOME!!!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you!!!
Thank you so much! What a great gift. You guys are awesome!
Thank you both!! Happy Holidays to the entire Andrews clan 😀
YAY PRESENTS!!!!! Thank you very much!!
Eeeeeee!! You two are amazing! Thank you so much for the surprise present and your generosity!!! Wishing you and yours a very Merry Christmas and a very Happy New Year!
Thank you, ditto times a zillion or so, thank you…what a lovely and generous gift. I hope things go well for you, both professionally, and for your family as well. I hope you both, and the girls, and the dogs and cats, have the merriest and most joyful of Holidays. As many others have posted, I love reading your work, and that you share so much with us here in this blog. I treasure having the opportunity to say “Thank you” to a most favorite pair of authors.
So awesome, thank you! Happy holidays!!
Thank you for this wonderful gift! I wish you too a wonderful christmas time and a happy new year!
Aww, Thanks. Thizs is very sweet of you guys. Merry Christmas and Best Wishes.
Thank you so much for this wonderful gift and all the amazing things you do for us. I hope you have a lovely holiday and a blessed new year.
Thank you so so much, Love the gift, it is much appreciated. May you and your family have a safe and wonderful festive season.
Merry Christmas to all of you, enjoy some peaceful and joyful time with your family!
and THANKS for this wonderful gift! I know what I will be doing today while it is stormy and rainy outside…
Squeeee!! 🙂 After 2 days without electricity in freezing temperatures (stupid ice storm! #darkto) this is certain a welcome surprise! I know what I’ll be doing now that I can charge my laptop again~ 🙂
Thank you!
Thank you so much! Happy holidays to you and your family 🙂
Thank you and Happy Holidays! As always, you give us a perfect present 😉
Thank you so much! Merry Christmas!
Very nice! Thank you for the early Christmas gift!
Best wishes for a blessed Christmas and wonderful new year!
Thank you for the stories, the BEST present ever!
Merry Christmas and a very happy and productive New Year!
Thank you for this great gift. What a nice treat.
Happy Holidays!
Thank you, thank you for the Curran POV. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year to you and your family. Thanks again.
Merry Christmas to you and your family !!!!! Thank you so much !!!
Merry Christmas to you both and your family.
To all you fellow readers, hope you have a fun time
and a prosperous New Year
P.s. Santa came early, thank you xx
Thanks Heaps!
i hope you guys have a wonderful holiday and a Merry Christmas 😀
Thank you for the lovely gift and may you and yours have a wonderful holiday and new year!
Thank you so very much for the pressie!! Your generosity to your readers is so very deeply appreciated. Hope you have the Merriest Christmas and a very Happy, Healthy and Peaceful New Year.
Thanks for the kind gift and for the wonderful hours of entertainment you two have provided.
I hope 2014 is even better for you than 2013.
I so agree with this. I have enjoyed reading your books and taking part in the world you have created with your imagination.
Thank you for this treat and I pray you two are able to continue doing what you love.
Merry Christmas and a very good New Year!
Wow.. this was so generous of you guys! Thank you so much!!
Thank you so much for the present! Have a Merry Christmas and a peaceful New Year!
Thank you for the present! Merry Christmas and a happy holiday everyone!
Thank you! We wish you and yours a magical holiday.
Thank you! Wishing you and your family a Very Merry Christmas and Happy New Year! Happiness and Good Fortune to you all!
Thank you so much for this kind gift. Merry Christmas!
Sincere thanks for the wonderful gift! Festive wishes and all the very best for a healthy and happy new year 🙂
Thanks so much for the present!! I can’t wait to read them again!
I hope you guys have a great holiday season, and that 2014 is filled with more goodness and less stress than 2013. 🙂
Thank you so much for this delightful present. You two are so generous toward your fans.
Great pressie 🙂 Happy holidays to all and best wishes for 2014!
Thank you! You guys are awesome!
Happy Holidays to your family and thank you so much for the gift. Looking forward to reading it all.
Thank you for the lovely gift. It’s going on my Kindle Paperwhite right now. Thank you also for all your writing this year. It always makes my day brighter. I hope you and your family have a wonderful holiday. Enjoy your time together.
Best Christmas gift ever. Thank you! Best holiday wishes to you and yours, and here’s to a wonderful 2014.
Thank you so much. You are too generous. Happy Holidays!
Thank you! Happy holidays everyone!
Thank you both – so much! What a lovely surprise gift.
Thank you for the present! I hope you have an amazing Christmas!
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!! Thank you for the kind and amazing gift!!! You guys really are some of the best authors around and you are the best to your fans. Good luck with Teen 1 and Teen 2 in 2014!!! (It seems like they are more “Teen” than “Kid” from your most recent stories)
Thank you very much. I just got home from Christmas Eve celebrations and you just added to my present pile.
Wishing you a Merry Christmas and Joyous New Year.
Thanks so much for the present. I hope that you and the family have a wonderful holiday and that all of your dreams come true in the coming year.
Thank you so much.
Have a wonderful Christmas and New Year and I look forward to more wonderful stories from you in 2014.
Thank you very much for the gift. It is much appreciated. When I have settled into a e reader format I an looking forward to buying innkeeper. Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year.
best authors ever !! thank you – and happy holidays to your and yours.
Thank You! Merry christmas and a Happy Healthy new Year!
Thank you!!! Best gift so far 😉
Have a wonderful Christmas!!!
Thank you so much for this wonderful gift. I recently discovered Kate Daniels series and I completely fell in love with the series, the characters and the generous authors. Have a happy, healthy holidays and an awesome new year~
Best present ever! (I’ll take the real deal next year, mmmkay?)
Best wishes to you and your family for a healthy and happy 2014.
Thank you both so very much for this wonderful little surprise. I am absolutely NOT sitting here at work reading these & grinning like a fool.
Merry Christmas to you & yours! Here is to a wonderful 2014 for everybody.
You guys rock! Have a wonderful Christmas!
Thank you SO much! Have a great Christmas.
Thank you so much! Merry Christmas to you to.
Merry Christmas to you! Wishing you both the best of everything in 2014!
Wow thank you so much it is a fabulous pressie. Thank you for all the little gems and bug gems yoy have been kind enough to supply all are greatly received and brighten up a hectic stressful life 😉
Thank you. You are very generous with your talents as writers. Peace in the new year.
Thanks so much for the pressie! Hope you and yours have a very Merry Christmas and Happy and save New Year.
Thank you so much for the wonderful gift! Also for the tutorials on downloading to the various e-readers! Nice.
I wish you and your family a happy, healthy, and loving holiday season. We can all learn a lot about giving from your example.
Thank you and happy holidays to you and your family. Thank you for the that I keep on my Kindle and read over and over! Wishing you and yours a very happy and healthy New Year!!
You are the most amazing, most generous authors! Thank you so much. All readers love books for Christmas, and what a treat to have one direct from the authors!
Thanks for putting the ‘Ho Ho Ho’ in my bah-humbug-y holidays. And thank you for all of the other wonderful snippets and stories you’ve had for us this year.
Wishing your whole family a Merry Christmas:)
How wonderful! Thank you and I hope you have a wonderful time with your family.
It’s just what I wanted! Thank you for being so generous with your readers, we are a lucky bunch. Wishing you and your family much health happiness and laughter into the new year and beyond.
Thank You! I hope your family has a wonderful holiday and that everyone is happy:)
Thank you so much for the gift!!! You guys are awesome and by far my favorite authors and anytime I can tell someone about your books I do.
Wishing you Happy Holidays and even greater success next year.
Best Wishes.
Thank you so much for the present! Your fans are so lucky to have you. Have a wonderful holiday and I hope your kids are acting less possessed than mine are this Christmas Eve.
Thank you so much for the wonderful present! Merry Christmas and happy holidays to you all, and best wishes for a happy New Year! Kay
Ohhhh Thank You!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
And I hope you guys have a fab Christmas and a fantastic New Year!!!!!!!!
Thank you!!! This is most generous! Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Thank you for your gift! You are amazing!
Have a Merry Christmas!
All the best in the new year. Happy new year!
Just back from dinner with the family , the kids are exhausted and sleep is far away.
Thank you very much for your gift and I wish you and your family Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Thank you & Merry Christmas to you both! So glad to have discovered your books this year. 🙂
Thank You and Merry Christmas!!!!
oh, how wonderful! thank you so much. 🙂
best wishes to you, and your family, for a Merry Christmas and a happy New Year.
Thanks SO MUCH!!!!!!!!!!
Many thanks and blessings to you and yours through the season and new year.
Wow, what a wonderful treat — thank you so much!! Merry, merry Christmas and best wishes for a wonderful new year!
Thank you. You guys are continually awesome. I hope your next year brings the best for you and your family.
Thank you very much
My message was a little more animated than that – clearly emoticon didn’t work. So – MERRY CHRISTMAS to you all!! I hope you get time to put your feet up and maybe read a good book :-). I know I will!
Merry Christmas! Thanks for the present! 😀
Thank you. Merry Christmas. My favourite present of the day.
Thank you! You’re the best… 🙂
I will receive my Clean Sweep paperback after Christmas plus this… Perfect 🙂
Merry Christmas and All the best in a New year to you and your family!!! 🙂
I wish your family the happiest of holidays, and thank you so much for being so good to us fans!
Thank you so much! Merry Christmas!
Thank You! Merry Christmas!
YAY! Thank you!
Merry Christmas and Happy New Year to you and yours!
merry merry merry christmas – thankyou for the lovely gift 🙂
Thank you for enriching my life with your wonderful stories, your amazing blog and for just being yourselves.
Have a happy and prosperous new year.
Thank you! Merry Christmas back to you. The stories are beautifully proof-read — your volunteers did so well. :-). Look forward to more Kate and Curran in the new year.
Thank yoooou
Merry Christmas!!!
Thank you so much!!
Thank you so much!!! Merry christmas to you and your family.
Thank you!
Thank you so much!! I hope you and your family have a safe, happy and relaxing holiday season, and best of luck in 2014!!
Thank you so very much! You guys are my authors! Have a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!
Thanks! Merry Christmas to you all as well!
Thank you so very much!
Merry Christmas and all the best for a very Happy New Year.
Thank you for the fabulous Christmas present!! Wishing you both and the kiddos a very Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!!
Thank you so much for the gift! Download it and read it all in a night. Hoping you and yours have a merry Christmas and New Year as well!
Thank you so much for the generous gift. I hope your holidays are filled with love and laughter.
Thank you so much! I hope you ALL have a wonderful holiday!
Thank you!! Merry Christmas to you and your family!!!
You guys are awesome!
Merry Christmas and a safe New Year to all from Australia.
Merry Christmas and thank YOU!
Wow, thanks for the gift, merry Xmas!
Thanks so much for the present and for all your books past, current, and future.
All the best to you and your family, human and animal, for the new year.
This is my first ever comment here.. Thank you very much for the snippets. They make fantastic books even better.
You guys are the best! I so enjoy the gifts of snippets and POV from Curran. Merry Christmas I hope this Christmas is wonderful for you and your family. Peace.
Thank you sooooooooo much!!!!!!!
Thank you sooooooooo much!!!!!!! merry christmas to you and your family
Thank you so much!
Merry Christmas! 🙂
I have to echo everyone else. Thank you for the lovely Christmas present.
Thank you very much for the gift and Merry Christmas to you and your family!
Thank you and Merry Christmas!
Muchas gracias y Happy Holidays =))
Thanks for the great Christmas present!! I’d read the selections before but like that they are in one place and in chronological order. Thanks again and hope you’re having a very Merry Christmas!
Thank you and Merry Christmas!
Thank you and Happy Holidays!
oooh my god 🙂 thank you so much for this. it s the best christmas present you could give us 🙂
i hope you enjoy your holidays and have a nice time with your family.
merry christmas and a happy new year 🙂
Thank you very much for being generous with your fans (even when some of us behave badly)! Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays and Happy New Year!!! All the best for you and your family in 2014.
Thank you so much for sharing your lives and creativity with us! We hope your next year will be even better!
Thank you, ya’all are awesome. Also, my darling hubby bought me one of the Kate Daniels bracelets from Etsy it is GORGEOUS.
Eeeekkk you guys are the best authors in the whole wide world. Thank you very much and Merry Christmas to you and your family!
Thank you! Merry Christmas and best wishes for 2014.
You are both amazing. Merry Christmas to you and yours. Thank you. 🙂
You guys are amazing! Thank you so much, and Happy Holidays and Happy New Year to you and your family!
Awesome!! Merry Christmas!! 🙂
Thank you. Merry Christmas and a very happy and healthy New Year.
Thank you very much, Gordon and Ilona, for this awesome gift. Best wishes to you two and your girls for 2014.
Happy Holidays to you, too, and thanks for the present! 🙂
You guys are awesome! Thank you! I hope you have a wonderful holiday and happy new year!
Thank you!!!
You’re awesome.
Thank you! I love this series! Happy Holidays and best wishes for a new year!
Thank you so much for the story collection – I enjoyed it so much!! You add some happiness to my (very trying) life – have yet to read anything you’ve written that I didn’t love. Best wishes for a wonderful 2014!
Wow! Thanks so much, you guys are great.
Merry Christmas to you and your family.
Thank you so much. Its the best christmas pressie. Have a great holiday and new year!
Thank you so much!
I wish you and your family a peaceful holiday.
Thank you for the wonderful present! Hope you all had a wonderful holiday!!! 🙂
Thank you!
Thank you so much. You guys are the best!!
Thank You! Hope your holidays are happy 🙂
Thank you so much and I hope that 2014 is filled with more success and less drama. Happy Holidays!
Reading them all again but in this fashion was nothing short of amazing. Felt like an old favorite novel I just found under my bed and reread but it just got BETTER.
Thank you!!! I enjoyed reading it very much.:)
thank you thank you thank you!!! i had read these, but having them in one place, with THAT C OVER? awesome!!
Thank you! <3
Thank you for the gift! Hope you and the kids had a wonderful Christmas, and have a happy New Year!
THANK YOU!!! I have Gunmetal Magic to read and then I’ve read all your stuff! I LOVE IT and I now have Curran’s POV’s I can read! You rock! I’m laid up in bed for a few days, had surgery and I’m catching up on some reading! Perfect timing! THANKS!
Thank you so much. And you guys wonder why we’d do anything for you. Hope you all had a wonderful Christmas and will have a safe New Year. 🙂
Thank you so much for all you guys do for your fans, and Happy holidays!
Thank you so much and Happy Holidays to you all!
Thank you and happy hollydays !
I didn’t know that this would be free, thank you so much!! I love you guys and I hope you had a fantastic Christmas, and I wish you a happy New Year!
Thank you! Merry Christmas and Happy New Year!
Thank you, thank you, thank you!! Many blessings to you both.
Thank you what a great gift for your fans. May you and your family have a happy new year.
Thank you very much! This is a great Christmas present!
Thanks for the gift, Feliz Navidad .
Ps. I read the correction to the file if you are trying to say little assassin in Spanish the correct pronunciation would be “La peque(alt 164)ña asesina” in the female form, in the male form would be “El pequeño asesino”
I think is Portuguese not Spanish =)
Thank you so much! You are amazing!
Thank you, thank you, thank you! Hope you had a wonderful Christmas and wishing you and your family a happy and healthy new year!
Have just got back from a very happy holiday (surprising, considering it was an extended family get together and they’re usually like the diplomatic lull between WWI and WWII) and am now very much looking forward to the new year.
Hope you all had just as much a great time as I did ^^.
Oh man, I cannot believe there was a snippet that was put up and taken down again before I even had a chance to read it.
If I promise to relentlessly and outrageously abuse anyone who dares to nitpick, is it just possibile that you might change your mind and re-post that earlier snippet that you un-posted?
Thank you so much for this! Your generosity towards your fans is amazing. I really hope you had a wonderful holiday season, and that the editing of the next Kate book goes well.
My husband is currently reading the Kate books for the first time, and it’s so exciting to hear his opinions as he finishes each new book.
Thanks so much for the collection (and thanks to those who helped edit it)! I just finished reading Magic Rises and was missing my Kate Daniels/Curran fix.
You are awesome!!!!
Thank y’all so much!!!!!! I love this series and love getting to read Currans POV!!!! I hope y’all had a wonderful Christmas and have a happy and blessed new year!!
I do not want to sound ungrateful because I am grateful for anything y’all want to give us to read, but if / when y’all decide to right another Curran’s POV that can include magic rises in it can we please find out what Currans thoughts were when he saw Kate and Hugh sparring in the courtyard?
Thank y’all again!
thank you xxx
Thank you so much for this 🙂
It is very much appreciated.
Thank you thank you thank you! I absolutely love reading these POV’s and find myself smiling and chuckling so many times. This is such a delightful treat and is beyond gracious! You guys are so much fun and I am glad to have discovered you. Happy Holidays~
Thank you for the holiday gift! Even though I’ve read them individually it was so much fun to read them together. In fact they made me want to go back and re-read the whole series from the beginning.
Thanks so much for the gift. Very generous!
Thank you guys so much. You do so much for your fans, and we beyond appreciate it =)
Thank you! I hope you and yours are having a wonderful holiday and a great year to come.
Yey! I cannot tell you how happy this made me 😀 Thank you, and you can guess how my New Year is starting now hehehe. *runs off to read*
Wow! In the end I got a weblog from where I be capable of genuinely
take helpful information regarding my study and knowledge.