The plan was to put out another Innkeeper installment, but we have two interviews, a stack of documents – we are trying to sell our house, and a kid birthday today. We just finished copyedit of Magic Triumphs, which we turned in today, and we are fried. I am also quite angry, for professional reasons, and neither one of us can concentrate. Since we will be in NY most of the next week, where we are going to have business conversations regarding the future of KD world, I am not sure we will be able to come up with installments.
Sorry, life is getting in the way and we don’t want to put out something we would regret. See you in the beginning of May. If our plane’s engine doesn’t blow up.
Peggy S. May says
Hugs we will be here when all is good!
Charisn says
Joe D says
good luck with the plane.
sarafina says
Kirsten says
Take your time. Thank you for the update 🙂 and I hope you have a nice time in NY even if it is for business.
Debra Doyle says
Authorlords–Our primary concern is your health and happiness. Although it will be difficult to wait, your work is ALWAYS worth waiting for. Have a good trip to NYC.
Jersey Girl says
nickole195 says
Gayathri says
Please go ahead and do what you need to..we will wait for you Authorlords. Take care of yourselves.
popcorn says
Take your time and get yourself back to your happy place! Hope (other than work) you have an awesome time in NY and your house sells quickly!
Henry says
That’s life. I’m glad you are sharing part of yours with us.
Amanda says
Thanks for everything you do regardless. We can all wait.
Hope you have some time for yourselves in New York when business is done and come home somewhat refreshed.
Natalie says
Uhg life. How dare it get in the way of Horde enjoyment! You guys do get things so take some time for yourselves. Writing should be a labor of love not just labor. Fly to New York on a non-combustible plane and have pizza and bagels and post pictures to us so we can all be jealous.
njb says
+1 !!
JR says
Yes! Pictures of your trip…….
(I still can’t get over the black panther yarn pictures which make me want to pick up needles and knit something, which I cannot do…. but I really want to just because!)….
….so that we may continue to live vicariously through you and wish whole heartedly that we were there too!
We the BDH hope you also get to get some rest fitted into your upcoming busy schedule so as not to burn out from all the travel and hectic work schedule. We will wait while you do what you need to do and hope you both achieve what it is you need to get done in the big apple!
Debbie Brown says
*Sigh* ok be living peeps not microwaved ones
AJ says
The sadness – good luck with everything!
Nicole says
Sad of course but understand. Your focus on quality shows and is appreciated so I’ll “practice my patience”.
Safe travels and hope the professional stuff works out in your favor.
Fera says
Cheers! And thank you for all the hardworks!! Hope everything will eventually turn for the better.
gingko-girl says
Gosh. That is just a lot of stuff.
Good luck with all the details. Safe travels and happy birthday partying!
I’ll look forward to Innkeeper when you are able to put up an installment.
All the good thoughts headed your way!
Lee says
And thanks, Ilona, for letting us know what’s going on. I sincerely hope things improve for you and you’re at least able to enjoy the birthday and some of your time in NY.
Kathleen says
Britt says
I love innkeeper.. i love everything yall write….. but…It’s a more than acceptable price to pay for “conversations about the future of the KD world”!!!!
Mayte says
Good luck! And try to enjoy the trip ?. We’ll be here waiting for you.
MerryB says
I’m sorry life continues hectic, challenging, and angry-making. Thank you for the update. We all hope for you that things go well, better, and happily challenging in the coming months.
Happy Birthday to Kid.
Susie says
Sucks, but life does that from time to time. Plus, being angry will influence your writing. . . unless you want to write the scene for the smack down of Seveline (no need to post it yet). She deserves it for being a … bad word.
Hopefully you have a good time in New York. Please don’t end up in a plane crash. And maybe plan a few days break after New York, never been, but if you feel like I do after getting back from Vegas, you will need to rest. 🙂
Cindy says
Good luck! Thanks for the update and hope you have safe and wonderful travels. Take care!
Cindy says
Another Cindy agrees with the first. 🙂
TWAndrews says
Bummed personally, but totally understand. Very excited about even the hint of greater things to come in the world of KD!
All the best, will look forward to May!
Tina in NJ says
Let’s see, Hugh, Kate, HL wedding novella, Innkeeper…not to mention real life. Something had to give. I hope you have a wonderful, fruitful time in the Big Apple. I will console myself by imagining a meeting between a Maud and Kacey. (How did Kacey meet her vampire, after all?) Or maybe I’ll imagine Arland at an NYC coffee shop. Near Times Square.
Tina in NJ says
Also, Happy Birthday to whichever kid. Thanks for the heads up.
Patricia Schlorke says
Oh no…Arland drinking coffee in Times Square?! If he would be in Vegas I would say, striptease and full moon! In NYC…he would be arrested for indecent exposure. Plus, with the weather there, I wouldn’t want Arland buck naked…he would freeze everything off and Maud would get mad. 😀
Irishmadchen says
Dina’s mental image of him stopping NYC traffic as a tragic fallen angel always gets me. Then he smiles, bares fangs, and the adoring masses run away screaming in terror. The Authorlords’ images and the words just stick in my brain. However, the images are better than trying to imagine just what exactly tequila and hot dogs with everything vomit smells like. All hail the mightly Authorlords’ and praise be they for creating Magic tsunamis, dimensional Inns, and Houses of powerful families.
May you all take a true break that you can Enjoy!
Jen says
Thank you and stay safe.
Cynthia says
Wellllllll ………. I’m at a lost for words. But, Sorry your having so many problems and getting angry of course isn’t good for your health, hope it’s not something we have done, hope things will get better soon. Have a good time in NY, treat yourselves with something good while your there. Will be dragged my feet until next Friday ………..?????
MerryB says
Ana María says
Will look forward to May.
Hope everything gets sorted out, you have a productive trip, the house sells, the birthday is wonderful, and the person that is making you angry (if it’s a person), gets a really itchy rash in their genitals that gets worse, when they’re in public.
Dan B says
I see nothing wrong with writing in a berserk rampage where Maud slaughters all the characters except Helen. I’m sure it would make you and her feel better.
Cecilia says
Life DOES get in the way sometimes. Don’t worry about it. Innkeeper installments are gifts, and we are pleased to enjoy them whenever they appear. Hope you enjoy New York between the business conversations.
Jersey Girl says
Tasha A. says
Take all the time you need. Sending warm vibes that everything works out, the house sells quickly and that the professional stuff that is angering you disappears into a cloud of puppies and kittens! 🙂 The BDH can wait!
kommiesmom says
Here is a virtual kitten. Sending you virtual hugs, too. Feel better about stuff, if you can.
kommiesmom says
Oops! Oh well, it’s funnier that way and not bothering him.
Ami says
Okay. I’m gonna be mature and wish y’all the best in the next couple weeks and say I understand and spare you the Luke Skywalker style “NOOOOOO!” screams that I’m going to plead the 5th on if they happened or not….. *shifty eyes*
BelleBok says
Stay safe and have a productive week. Thanks for the update and insights into the details of your lives. Hope the house sale goes well as with everything else. We’ll all be here whenever you return. Happy Birthday to Kid.
MagicTrix says
Best wishes for your discussions, Happy Birthday Kid! And I’ll be looking forward to May!
Claudia says
That’s disappointing, but totally understandable! Safe travels!
Dee says
Hope everything works out as you dream it. Have a good time in your trip.
Thank you, your works are wonderful, and I appreciate the time you take to make it so.
monica n b says
when you’re in NYC think ethnic – pizza, pastrami, pad thai…good food calms anger and frustration
happy birthday & enjoy all the things that aren’t driving you crazy
M says
Feel better soon
Donna says
Authorlords: “You’ll just have to wait.”
Me: “I hate waiting.”
An says
((((HUGS))))) Hopes you get what is bugging you professionally, fixed during your New York visit.
Birthday party goes well, house sells due to bidding war — soon. Real life always takes priority over free stuff. BDH will always wait, and be very grateful for your generosity in sharing your writing with us.
gailK says
Congradulaions on your Kid’s birthday. That is most important. Have fun, eat cake and relax with your kids.
I was thinking about you and Gordon Re: the Southwest plane incident. New York to Houston Ohh my.
everyone I know has flown on 137’s .
We would rather have you concentrate on your upcoming business meetings in New York and no innkeeper, than a slapdash installment. We will wait , and just think about more HIDDEN LEGACY!!!
Think Kate, think Curran, and Ghastek and A little bit of Roland. And negoiate the hell and get a great deal . You are in a great postion and you have intelligent devious minds.
FYI the weather will be better in NYC this week. You may see some sun and it should be in the sixties.
Go:Team Andrews.
Travin says
Thank you for the update. Wishing very strongly on safe travel, happy thoughts, and all good things your way. Thank you so very much for all of the hard work you put into your work. Thank thank you
Sona says
Take all the time you need! Thanks for updating us 🙂 Hope all the professional anger gets resolved.
Megan Ryder says
Be safe and take care of yourselves! If you like pizza, check out this little place called Pizzart. Its very cool, tiny place in midtown i think. AMAZING food. Enjoy!
Tiff says
One damned thing after another! Best smooth runnings wishes for all your many things.
Joanne says
Glad to hear that MT was turned in as it’s one less thing on your plate to worry about! And hopefully between meetings you’re able to get some relaxing done in NYC and you’re refreshed by the time you get back to Texas.
Please avoid burning yourself out! We will wait patiently! I’m so thankful you release these as they become the end of the week highlight. I feel like it’d be a lot of pressure to do weekly or even in general with the writing you do on upcoming releases.
MerryB says
Ms. Kim says
Psychic hugs winging your way. Also, take AMTRAK, don’t fly. You can catch it in McGregor (sub of Waco) so not too far.
Rita Webb says
We’ll still be here when you get back. Happy Birthday to your girl! Safe trip!
Melinda says
We support you in doing/handling all of the things! Just remember to find small joys in the next few weeks and take a few deep breaths. We can totally wait.
Ms. Kim says
Of course, get room (not roomete) so you can have shower in your bathroom.
PTAMama says
Just don’t seat in a window seat close to the wing and you should be good! Aisles are best! Good luck!
JO says
Thanks for the update and best of luck getting on top of it. And happy birthday to your daughter! Do you get that extra day in NY? I’ll put in another plug for the NY Botanical Garden in the Bronx, or Central Park.
Alex says
It sounds like a rough day! Selling a house is no joke, I wish you the best of luck.
Have fun in NY! I hope you take full advantage of your free day, it’s a very cool city.
Mousewynne says
Disappointed certainly but well – Life is what happens when you’re making other plans. Take care of yourselves and your family first. The Horde will be here when you get back.
Carysa Locke says
Whatever is happening, I’m so sorry (for whatever has triggered your anger). Also, selling a house is stressful enough on its own, and also, going into discussion about the professional future of your most popular series has to have its own stress. We will all still be here in May. Good luck with everything! Have a good time in NY.
sarafina says
I think it’s encouraging you are HAVING discussions about the future of the KD world. Any one of the issues on your list could be coma inducing, so I’m awed at your strength and focus. Do what you need to. I remember other Innkeepers that went on hiatus periodically, and since this is my favorite so far, I selfishly want you at your best as you create. Have big fun in New York!
kommiesmom says
You can’t take care of us (the BDH) unless you take care of you first.
We’re big kids. We’ll whine and bitch and complain – but we’ll wait. “And say thank you after.”
Have what fun you can manage in NYC, or where ever you are at the time.
Amy R says
I has a sad.
Teresa says
Remember that we are behind you 100 percent. You and your family come first. Take a break and have some fun. The BDH will still be here. Wah hoot. New York. No I did not type the two weird words. Something wrong with auto? Wah hoot?
Jenna says
Again, This 200%. It will keep/we will wait. Thanks for giving us a heads up. Much appreciation and good wishes – from a lowly member of the BDH
snapdragon says
Agree completely.
I am sending you good vibes for next week and house selling karma.
Rena says
Agreed, take your 2 weeks off, get things done and hopefully get some R&R time in. We will be waiting for you when you are ready and able to come back.
tylikcat says
This. I love my Innkeeper fixes, but your sanity comes first.
Ms. Kim says
Hopefully May 4th (my birthday). That would be cool. I know neither of you will let them push you around about KD series. You have the power despite contracts because you are the artists that create the content, and content is king. One they would be cutting off their noses to spite their long term interests and 2, look a the Shirley MacLaine court case against the studio that produced Big Sky. You’ll see she got out of her contract. Naturally I don’t know any of your details or if their applicable, but good luck.
lea says
We all need vacations from time to time, but this break sounds more like a mental health thing. We will be waiting with grateful anticipation when you feel that you can take on the vampires, again. Enjoy your time away from home and time away from work. Come back refreshed and prepared to be adored for your writing output. Keep us posted if you feel that you can share.
Kimmelane says
Yes. Exactly.
Violet says
I’m sorry to hear you’re having a week, as they say in my part of the world. Hang in there, and here’s hoping whatever has professionally irritated you resolves itself forthwith. We’ll be here whenever you’re ready. Thank you for working so hard to keep giving us these wonderful stories!
Patricia Schlorke says
No worries about not writing any Innkeeper installments until May (which is only one week from Tuesday). If you’re going to wait until the end of May…then it will be a few weeks. That’s okay too. Just do what you need to do. Try not to tear any throats out when in discussions. The Horde needs both of you to write.
Safe travels to NYC and back to Texas. I hope your house in Austin sells quickly and smoothly.
Also, happy birthday to Kid.
Vent when you need to…the Horde will listen.
Judy B says
+ 1
Marina says
Bin says
+100 The BDH is always here and will always be here … when I get angry I read.. or watch Daily Dose of Internet videos om youtube .. or punch a heavy bag … hope u have something to get that frustration out ?
Hugest Happy Birthday to the kid ??
kommiesmom says
Because even your angry rants are beautifully written, most interesting, and often amusing.
Ramona says
I hope all goes well for you in NY and that your home sells quickly. Stay well and don’t let the anger control you as it gets in the way of a strong, purposeful response to the cause of the anger. Speaking here from personal experience.
Rose says
Happy birthday to your kid, good luck with the house sale, hooray for the copy edit and the announcement the other day, and I’m sorry to hear about the anger – hope the career path smooths and clears soonest.
Also hope the plane doesn’t blow up! Thank you for letting us know.
Linda says
I second what Rose said. Enjoy New York.
Nineran says
I appreciate it when you post an innkeeper. Thank you for letting us know when to next expect one.
I hope whatever situation made you angry somehow gets resolved/better. Virtual hugs! Kittens and yarn!
Colleen says
Enjoy New York – everyone deserves a vacation or a break, or even, if you want one, a break down. Have fun, relax and come back refreshed and ready to rumble. We’ll wait. That’s not to say I won’t check the site in case there is a surprise posted, but I’ll still wait. Like any other good stalker.
ladyreadsalot says
Joylyn says
You guys are the best and I am more than willing to wait. When it does get posted I know it will be awesome.
It is also great for me as a fan that your paying job of writing more awesomeness is interfering with the freebie story:)
DianaInCa says
Happy Birthday to your Kid. I hope the house selling and trip go smoothly. Hopefully you will get to do something fun! Enjoy the Break!
Kerri says
I’m disappointed because I love Innkeeper, and it’s something I look forward to on Fridays, but I think you preemptively assuaged our neediness as readers by throwing out the whole Brand New Hidden Legacy trilogy and bonus novella announcement this week. Thank you! And I hope the professional anger (or rather, anger for professional reasons) is not bad news for either you (or for us as readers.)
As ever, thank you for the fabulous, fun, delightful Innkeeper serial, and we will all wait with baited breath for the coming of May, which hopefully will yield more Innkeeper fun!
AnnaO says
Safe travels!
MMD says
Thanks for letting us know you’ve stopped me sitting on the refresh button for the next couple of weeks.
Hope you get things sorted and are able to get some time off to chill and relax.
Ps. if things get to frustrating remember “in with love… out with hate… in with love … out with hate …”
Pps. Nah, it disnae work for me me neither. Good luck
Joan says
+1 ?
Yes, thank you for letting us know + best wishes in all your ‘things to do’ …
jewelwing says
Deep breaths and safe travels.
Dave says
Take your time, Innkeeper is like found money.
But just for my interest, you’re angry for professional reasons. Wow, how much can you get paid for that?
wont says
I hope you can enjoy some of your time in NY. I know it’s a business trip, but maybe a little enjoyment can sneak it’s way in there. You are strong. I know whatever is pissing you off will lose to that strength. Someone here said Innkeeper is like found money. I agree. You have way too much on your plate. IK can wait. As we will.
Hugs to you both and please, please take care of yourself.
PS: Take the aisle and middle seats!
Fan in California says
Thanks for thinking of your ravenous hoard but creativity takes time and you’ve got PLENTY on your plate already. Take care of the other stuff first so you can, ultimately, take care if yourselves. And we’ll be waiting with bated breath for the next installment!!
Safe flight!! Hope you can have some fun/relaxation in NY!!!
Kelticat says
Happy birthday to kid. Enjoy New York, see a show, visit museums. I was going to mention Coney, but I don’t know what the weather is like in April.
Brenda Schulte says
Please try to get a bit of rest wedged in there somewhere in you busy schedule.
Have a safe trip.
Korey says
I love this series and I understand how life just doesn’t cooperate. Appreciate you wanting to take the time it deserves, I respect that.
I won’t lie though and pretend I’m not just a smidgeon crestfallen. That’s a testament to your extraordinary ability to weave such compelling stories. 🙂
Hilary says
Take care of yourselves. We are grateful for all you both give to us. Innkeeper is a big bonus to us all and we appreciate it. Try to enjoy New York between meetings. Happy birthday to either kid 1 or 2.
Amanda says
Much love. Take care of yourselves and your family. We’ll be patiently waiting until Nasty and it will be that much sweeter when the next installment is posted.
The great and wonderful Authorlords are good to their loyal horde and we appreciate all the extra stuff you do for us.
Amanda says
May! May! Not nasty! Gorram autocorrect.
kitkat9000 says
Thank you so much for the update. I hope all goes well or at least improves for you. Best of luck with the sale. Felicitations for kid’s birthday, hope she gets what she needs and that it’s what she wants.
Olya says
*hugs* Hope things will get less stressful soon! Have a good time in New York!
Christine says
You guys need to put yourselves first at this time, happy birthday ? to you kid, good luck with the house sale. Fingers crossed for KD world talks. Sorry you are stressed at the moment, hope things get better soon.
Safe journey to and from NY
See you in May ?
MaryW says
It is good that you have a life beyond KD. And It does sound like your life is complicated right now. Please try to enjoy yourselves in NYC. You do deserve time to use as you wish.
Thanks for all enjoyment that you give to us.
Jane says
Good luck with the sharks in NYC. We’re behind you and will find our way to whatever venue you choose to use for further books.
Rohaise says
Sad that there won’t be an Innkeeper update until May, but the post on the Hidden Legacy novella plus the news that you’re having business discussion about the future of KD’s world balances things out. Plus Innkeeper is really your gift to us. Happy Birthday to kid, good luck w/ house sales and I hope the upsetting things get resolves. Safe travels.
Laurence says
Behind you 210% (I love the number 21, go figure).
I’ve managed to convince my husband to start looking to buy a new house (we need space for my fabric… ;op) and it’s nerve wracking (he’s hard to please), so I kind of understand. + angry too about work, working on my resume to apply for an internal job and my best friend is saying “why don’t you choose a picture where you’re smiling? your expression (hard to translate “moue” in english) is a disservice to you”.
So yes, unhappy that I won’t get my Friday fix, but that’s on me. + So much more important to have you happy with what your posting and not stressed out.
Thank you very much for letting us know, that’s huge gift, I won’t freak out about your comment on planes…
Verslint says
Thanks for the update and travel safely!
Hope the birthday was a blast!
Jen says
Safe travels, and I hope all can be resolved to your satisfaction as much as possible.
Alisa Hylton says
Please, keep your stress as low as you can,. We love the installments,but at the risk of you burning out. Safe travels.
Aurora says
Thank you for the update! The quality of your work makes it well worth the wait!
In the meantime, hopefully the rest will work out to your satisfaction! ?
Keera says
Celebrate Kids Birthday!! Try to enjoy some of New York if you can. Sending good vibes for the rest! You guys give us so much good stuff. We will still be here when you get back. Even if its later than May.
Kristine says
Thanks for the updat. Don’t worry about Innkeeper, just get through what you all need to get through. Happy birthday to the kid, good luck on house, safe travels and may everything go the way it should go!
Kristine says
Kristine says
SusKie says
We will wait. Take your time.
About KD, If things not working out, there is always a self published 🙂 you have a huge fan base, we will buy your eBook/book regardless . 😉
Kathryn says
Here’s the thing. The Innkeeper installments are a gift. We’re not entitled to them. We just love them. When it doesn’t work out for someone to give a gift, the correct response is to be grateful for the original generous impulse.
Please take care of yourselves. Please don’t burn out. Please don’t decide that what you do isn’t loved and seen and appreciated.
Thank you for your efforts thus far and know that when you’re ready to resume you have an audience that appreciates your work.
Teresa says
She said it perfectly.
Robin De Tota says
Please have a safe trip to and from NY, I hope you get some free time while you are here. If you get some free time check out these little Cafes called Maison Kayser, they have amazing French pastries that melt in your mouth and will definitely make you smile, there are about 8 or so locations. Please take all the time you need, we don’t want you to burn out. Safe travels ??
Marie says
Got it. There is only so much in the engine. Look after yourselves. ?
Grateful to receive your creativity anytime. ?
Sarah says
Innkeeper is a gift you’ve been giving us. It’s not something you have to apologize for having to put on hold – and for that matter, if it WAS a publication people were paying for, you still have a life separate from your profession. You get to be a real person and have issues that demand your time and attention. Thanks for all the joy you bring to us as readers – now go take care of you.
Carol says
Pre-Internet, we had to wait and check the bookstore regularly for new books by favorite authors. [Along with riding the family dinosaur, and walking to-and-from school, uphill both ways.]
Do what you have to do.
DK says
I waited the interminable 5000 years from Hidden Legacy 1 to Hidden Legacy 2 and 3. Waiting a month or two for Innkeeper will be no sweat. I will wait (impatiently) however long it takes because y’all are awesomesauce. Take your time and take care of your business so that the writing is fun. I send you many good thoughts that things go well!!!
Teresa says
I was just thinking about that wait. It did seem like forever but it was so worth it. That’s how I found the blog, which I love.
Vi Love says
Family first everything else is secondary. Good luck in NY. As always, thank you for sharing a little of yourself with us .
Jenn says
All the best to you as things get sorted! You and Gordon must be some of the hardest working people at your craft. Take care.
Hazel Fitz says
Not going anywhere. Take care of Life – it does get in the way sometimes. I will wait with anticipation.
Jan_nl says
I hope your (or anyone else’s) plane’s engine doesn’t blow up either. But, just in case of that or air pocket, keep your seatbelt on at all times (a bit loose is ok) and pray you have an ex-military pilot flying the plane. Those folks are trained to stay calm when things blow up ?
Happy Birthday to the Kid. Have a great time in New York.
Kathryn says
I feel so dumb…I kept wondering how that woman could have been sucked from the plane. It literally did not occur to me that she wasn’t wearing a seat belt. But, I bet she wasn’t wearing a seat belt. I am such a nervous flyer that I don’t take my seatbelt off from the time I put it on until I’m at the gate unless not taking it off means that I’ll be sitting in a puddle. So, it just literally did not enter my head that maybe she wasn’t wearing a seat belt. Thank you for solving that mystery for me…
Liz Hamm says
Peace to you and yours. Thanks for all you do, and I hope things get better!!
Drew says
As the prophets of old did wait upon the holy writ so do we, the faithful of the BDH, wait upon the outpouring of the Authorlords Most High.
For we know that perseverance produceth patience, and patience, anticipation, and in the proper season anticipation bursts forth into incandescent joy at the time of downloading.
So we wait, oh just and righteous Authlords, until in the fullness of time like streams of milk and honey thy words shall pour forth upon thy people.
Amen and amen.
Drea says
John Kern says
PamG says
Susan Tobin says
Patience says
Yeah, what he said.
Kim says
Yes, definitely what he said!
Vetita says
Wise words, I think and feel the same, amen.
Leslie says
Mythea says
And may great worship appease your godlinesses and ensure May rejoicing L(
Adelaide says
Tink says
Is it May yet?
Is it May yet?
Are we there yet?
Is it May yet?
Gingersnaps says
This for sure!!
Melissa Goldin says
Riikka says
Jessica Morris says
Amen and Hallelujah
Maria says
strangejoyce says
Amen!! We’ll still be here. We are NEVER EVER going away…. *giggle-snort*
Duffi says
Amen. May the Authlords experience a positive resolution in their meetings, and have some delicious rest.
Jedediah says
Lizmcnamee says
Tyger says
Hallelujah and praise the authorlords! And nasty their works be filled with serenity and prosperity. Amen.
Tyger says
*and may their works
(Stupid autocorrect)
Alyssa says
Lol. I was wondering what you meant. ???
Cheryl says
So more it be.
Cheryl says
And spell check strikes again.
So mote it be.
Claire M says
Dear Authorlords, I hope you find rest and recovery in the insanity. And thank you for caring enough to not put out sub-par work just to please! We faithful appreciate the wait, hard tho it may be!
Bibliovore says
Amen to that!
Heather says
Amen. We await with patience and great anticipation, for whatever crumbs you toss our way.
Honestly, take care of business, because without the business end of things we have no books. A sacrifice here is for the greater good.
Colleen says
So mote it be!
I hope all gets worked out in your favor, dear authorlords.
Sarah Goodwin says
Demi says
Be at peace, i (we?) will wait happily until you are back!
Happy Birthday to your Kid 🙂
Travel safely and come back healthy!
Jessica Maciel says
What them said. Amen, But also, I’m new at following the blog can a nice fellow fan explain to me the BDH thing???
Jessica Maciel says
wrong image but whatever
Bibliovore says
BDH is Book Devouring Horde.
Jasmin says
And we are all card/blood-sword/mace/broom-carrying members of the BDH. (Some are also Prime Readers….)
Charisn says
Really was gonna say pretty pic.
Patricia Schlorke says
The Book Devouring Horde (BDH) is a global group (where everyone is welcome) to talk about books, snippets, and give general support to Ilona and Gordon (aka the Authorlords). There are times when there are goofy people (I put this mildly) that try to mess up and make Ilona and Gordon angry (which is something NO one wants to do). We also support each other in a non-threatening, non-confrontational, way. That doesn’t mean we don’t get snarky (we do sometimes), but the support is there. 🙂
Charisn says
There is also knitting and yarn and dogs ( many dogs) and cats and much love and support as long as the BDH is fed. Otherwise much snapping and gnashing of teeth.
NSum says
May your enemies be smitten and your peace restored.
Andrew says
Jasmin says
So say we all.
Laura the Librarian says
Debra D says
Gericke says
Amen. The Horde patiently awaits AuthorLords blessings.
Becca says
Terry says
Leena says
Amen. Hope all goes well in NY.
Flybynite says
So it shall be done, so shall it be written.
Irishmadchen says
Make it so.
Tink says
Where’s a TARDIS when you need one?
Patricia Schlorke says
Thou is speaking to a temple singer (aka you’re preaching to the choir).
I forget which sci-fi book this quote was in, but when my mom said that to me, I looked at her in bewilderment. Then she said “you’re preaching to the choir”, I let out a groan and laughed so hard.
Theresa Daigle says
Do what needs doing and take care of yourselves — hope the birthday is happy, the meetings are successful and a sold sign gets slapped on your old house soon. We’ll be here when you get back.
Frances says
Theresa has said it perfectly. You must concentrate on your family ( hope it’s a happy birthday) and your business, both housewise and career wise. We will be here when you get through this demanding time.
Re Innkeeper : Helen is happy zipping down the zip line and Maud is safe in the bath ? So the BDH can concentrate on rereading Innnkeeper 1,2,3 or The Edge or KD or Hidden Legacy.
Travel Safe, good luck in your endeavours and enjoy yourselves in NY.
Debie says
What she said
Briana says
Thank you for the update. I hope things go your way. Don’t let idiots and annoying things get you down.
Robin_WH says
Nooo, I was looking forward to another installment all week through my exams. That a heavy blow!
But I hope you’ll recover well. Good Luck.
Suzette M. says
Speaking as someone who survived a 3 hour delay at Laguardia Airport on Monday, I wish you safe travels into and out of the city. Enjoy!
Nicky says
Don’t worry about us lot. We’re a patient lot us fans and the Innkeeper a a Instalments are your gift to us so we can wait. ?
You both need to relax and have a little time off together by the sounds of it. It all sounds very stressful for you both and frantic. Take care both of you ???
Patience says
Fuhgeddaboudit. Just make sure you hv some time to yourselves to enjoy New York City! Ah, springtime in NYC, the best time of year!
Safe travels!
Sara Joy says
We appreciate you personally, love your work professionally, and wish you success, flow, and then some much anticipated rest. We’ll be happy to hear from you when you’re ready. And in the meantime, reread everything you’ve written that we can get our BDH grubby hands on!
Teresa Hughes says
Enjoy your kid’s birthday. Take care of business. Deep breaths, a day at the spa and come back ready to go. Find a really cool yarn store in NYC. Good luck on selling your house.
Deva says
We will wait without issue. Thank you.
Zann says
You guys are just the best! I hope the stress goes down and I will focus on leveling up my patience skill while you handle business! ❤️
Also – sorry about your professional frustrations. If you need someone to be mad with you, I’m there! I grumble and kick dirt with the best of them!
Caro says
Happy Birthday for your kid and safe Travels for you. Hopefully you can enjoy New York a bit besides the official schedule for some much deserved time off.
Also hoping that whatever caused the anger will be resolved soon.
Thank you for thinking about us with all that you have on your plate – your blog has been integral for getting me over this week and I really appreciate the snippets and posts and news.
Take care and also successful negotiations for the future KD world.
Vetita says
Yeah, what she said. Again Thank you.
susan k nagata says
Fingers crossed that all goes well for you 🙂
Jana says
Good things are worth waiting for. Enjoy the birthday cake and safe travels!
Barbara erwin says
Enjoy the kid’s birthday. Try to enjoy New York. Hope you sell the house quickly and that all good things come to pass. I’m sorry you are angry and hope this too passes. We love your work and we can wait. Real life often does get in the way!
Clare says
Enjoy NYC! It’s warming up – slowly ?.
Milagros says
Happy Birthday to you, Kid!!!!
Charisn says
Sooo cute!
Sivi says
+1 ?
rose says
no worries! take care of selves
Helen says
No worries, we’ll be here waiting when you get back. Have a great trip.
Mary Beth says
Your work is always worth the wait. Take all the time necessary.
Tara says
The weather in NYC is warming up next week, but it was 37 degrees in Brooklyn this morning.
Hope you make it out to do something fun in NY. If you get the chance, check out the Brooklyn Botanic Garden as the Cherry Blossoms are blooming. Take a walk over the Brooklyn Bridge! Maybe visit some yarn stores in Brownstone Brooklyn–Woolyn, Argyle Yarn Shop, String Thing Studio, and Brooklyn General. While you’re in the neighborhood (Park Slope, Windsor Terrace, Cobble Hill), check out the local book shops as well: PowerHouse on 8th, the Community Bookstore, and Books are Magic.
Chris says
Sounds like time for yarn therapy??? 🙂
Google came up with this:
Wishing Kid X a happy birthday, and you and Gordon a safe and productive trip!
Aarya says
I hope that whatever caused your professional anger is resolved quickly. Also, even though your trip to NYC might be for work, don’t forget to have fun and explore the city too! There are so many fun opportunities: sightseeing, music, broadway, good food, etc. Unfortunately, the weather is still not the best now but there are lots of fun activities inside too.
Rest well and come back when you feel better!
Chris says
Oops – should have looked for the most recent info:
Perhaps you’ll be there for this year’s yarn crawl event –
Solracmar says
Rest you deserve. We can wait.
Lou says
Spa. Good luck in conversations and whatever else. Enjoy the child. We’ll be here.
TJ says
I am onboard w the Amen crowd there. Besides we got Hugh/Elara & a wedding invite!!!! –hehe soooo boasted about the upcoming HLegacy books 2 my friend who is also a fan, but alas has a non site compatible smart(?) phone….must go “RSVP” my wedding copy, yay!!
Eli says
Take your time!
We have a birthday coming up and plan to use a case of silly string while running around the yard. I highly recommend it: ageless stress release. 🙂
Teresa Cooch says
It’s okay, I can just remain in a fetal position until May…
Just kidding, I am so happy about the Nevada extension I can handle a small delay on innkeeper
Joy says
See you in May!
Susan says
Safe travels!
KR says
Wow! A lot on your plate. I hope it all smooths out soon and you can enjoy your new home with some peace and serenity.
Sherri C says
Buy lots of yarn… that will sooth the savage beast!
Katy says
Oh yeah! I can keep indulging my stalker tendencies for longer!
Lynn says
Thank you, Ilona Andrews. Whenever you get back to Innkeeper will be fine with knucklehead pup and i.
I would caution you not to tempt fate with your statement about airplanes. Manure happens. However beautiful things grow out of compozt. Enjoy your flight delays. Oh yeah if you leave your vehicle in long term parking make sure you cut off all battery draining devices. My niece discovered that the hard way and I ended up sleep deprived with house guests as here there are very few places you can buy a new vehicle battery after midnight.
Have a safe trip.
Alyssa says
I’ll just have to re-read earlier Innkeepers or Kate Daniels or Nevada’s…
Good luck. Deep breaths. Survive! Your health (physical and mental) and family are most important.
Leonora Barry says
Thank you Authorlords, for everything you are willing to give us. Did I moan dramatically? Yes. But the suspense of waiting will make it all the better. Take it easy, and we will try to wait patiently.
Debi Majo says
Have a fabulous trip! We will wait
kath says
Worth the wait. I hope your house sells quickly and that all other things go well. Also naps. Have a few naps, some pizza, and some wine.
Andrea says
Someone’s on a list now 🙁
FlikChik says
Any chance of doing a reader coffee in NYC? I can help organize… Would love to see you in NYC!
Lauren says
I’m sad,but I will never complain about the timing of the completely free completely awesome work you see fit to produce. And the announcement about more hidden legacy still has me so excited. Thanks again! Can’t wait to give you both more of my hard earned cash for your books =D
Carradee says
I’m sure that your anger is for good reason, for whatever you’re angry about, and I pray the situation (whatever it is) resolves quickly in your favor, if at all possible.
May next week be better for you.
Cheryl Anne farley says
You guys had rough time of it. Please take special care of yourselves. So much fun silly stuff in new York. Spend BIG on food experiences pampering and nothing serious. Consider it motivation for working hard at home.
Darla says
Well, I solved the whole house selling thing. I kept it and moved my new sister in law into it. Just a thought. I can’t say I’m not sad. I read last week’s installment after surgery and wanted more. However, I want you guys to get through your rough patch. Enjoy New York, it can be a blast. Have a very safe and boring flight.
Jane says
Is there hope that the KD world will continue?
Pam says
Safe travels, happy business negotiations, happy Kid Birthday! Looking forward to May.
Anna says
ECW says
Re-reading the whole Kate Daniels series while I wait (since I’ve already reread the Inkeeper series and the Edge). Whenever it’s ready, I will read it! Love your work. Keep writing!
Susan says
I think you need a side trip to Asheville, NC. Pretty time of year to relax in the mountains
Jane Mayhugh says
Thank you for letting us know. Hope you get everything resolved to your satisfaction and are able to relax soon. Happy Birthday to kid.
Sivi says
As Jane said. Hope out all goes well. Happy birthday and safe travels.
Alison says
I couldn’t have said it better. Best wishes for a favorable outcome for all endeavors.
Beth says
I appreciated what both of you put in to our stories. This is a busy time. Take care to enjoy your child’s birthday. Don’t be pushed into anything on business side of things. My suggestion would be to take time out for a couple days, once you come back. All of us will wait. Take time out. ☀ ?
Kacey says
You guys fill me up with your stories. Best of luck with your house selling quickly and painlessly. Happy birthday Kid! When my mom would be angry, she would start to stomp around the house, breathing like a horse just finishing a race. Sometimes, (when I wasn’t the cause) I would remind her to breath… She says that helps. Safe travels, and may you be surprised by the way people want to aid and support you this week!
Fran says
Bummer all round. Hope things improve for you ?
Lindsay says
Tori K says
Don’t sit by the window!!! Have a safe trip and don’t worry about us. We have books that are just as good the second , third , fourth….. you get the picture, around. Stick to your guns about the business end of the deal. They need you. You can self publish.
Joyce Hunt says
I hope it all works out to your advantage.
Nicholi says
Thank you, hope you get everything resolved in a way that makes you happy.
Looking forward to hearing how it all went (Innkeeper update aside).
M says
Don’t worry about us, we can wait. The Hidden Leagacy news will keep us happy. Have a good time in NY.
Megan says
Safe Travels. You deserve a happy ending for your negotiations. You have an entire horde supporting you. We’ll be fine and you should get love not stress from fans. Love ❤️ ? ?
Irishmadchen says
Book Devouring hordes, Houses full of Readers Prime, Edgers Galore, and Covenants of Devotees. Take care of yourselves and best wishes.
Marianne says
Beautifully put Megan, and I could’ agree more. +1, ❤️
Sivi says
+1 i like all the other names which I’d not coffee across yet.
Erica says
May the publishing God’s Bless your endeavours, my the real estate God’s bring good Buyers and may you Sparkle in the interviews!
Pat says
Thanks for letting us know. Wish kid a happy Birthday. Try not to stress too much (I know, it’s hard not to) We’ll still be here when you get done with it all. Big hugs
Rizel says
Thanks for the heads up. Still here when you get back. Hope everything works out. Love KD world. Will totally support you if you self publish.
Goodluck and God bless!
Nita Hope says
I’m sorry for some of the bitter in your day. Hope things improve on the professional front – that’s always frustrating. Safe journey. Innkeeper can wait.
Christine McCann says
Sending hopes for calm, comfort and a quick sale of the house! Safe travels. We’ll read you in May!
Vwiles says
No worries about no innkeeper for a few weeks 🙂 Sorry about whatever professional poo is causing the hard feelings. You guys work really hard and do great work and I hope you know that you and your work are valued and appreciated by many, many people. Thank you for what you do. We’re rooting for you 🙂 and good luck with the talks this week. Enjoy your trip together, take care and be good 🙂
Harukogirl says
Thanks for the heads up, and I hope the business stuff all gets straightened out in your favor. I know that no matter how it happens, you will keep writing awesome stuff, so it’s you guys I’m worried about.
Total side note, but….do any of your worlds have public libraries? I think a hidden legacy bool mentioned one in passing but no details. I’m a librarian….I’d love to see a Kate or Nevada world library. Kinda curious how it’d work in either world.
Meleri says
Kate has a library we saw it in gunmetal magic the witch’s run it . Andrea take the boy with her to get on computers
trailing wife says
Hidden Legacy has a library containing House histories and such. We saw it when Connor Rogan and Nevada went to register the Baylor family as a new House. It wasn’t a proper public library, open to all, I suppose, but more a reference collection. Still, schools and universities would have libraries in that world, surely — it is in so many ways similar to our modern world.
MaggieD says
Safe travels. Sit near the exit!!
Take your time. We’ll always wait. I’ll just look forward to the next installment of Innkeeper and savor the wait.
As for KD, as long as the world continues in some form, I’ll be happy, but in the meantime, I’ll just re-read…and re-read… ?
Julie says
Well, clearly you need to go read a book so you can forget about all the unpleasant things. Kerrelyn Sparks just had a new one come out at the end of March. And if you haven’t read the first two in the series then you might need to read 3 books….
ElizabethN says
Safe travels. Fingers crossed on the house sale.
Good negotiations. Hopefully a few hours at least to see a sight or two while in New York.
Looking forward to Innkeeper when it resumes.
Cynthia says
We will be fine! Eat chocolate andknit! Relax.
Ellen says
First, Happy Birthday, Kid ! Second , your well being is paramount I can wait a couple of weeks. Third, have some fun in New York !
Jewmom says
Best of luck with everything! Remember laughter helps everyone and stress is a killer! So smile and laugh! We’re devoted fans and will happily wait for your amazing books! ☺
Charisn says
Hope it gets better and you are able to enjoy NYC or at least have the opportunity to behead your enemies. 😎
E. Smith says
Hope your professional issues are resolved to your satisfaction and that you get to enjoy some of your time in New York. Safe travels.
Laura says
Take care of yourselves. We will be here.
Shannon says
Thank you for the update. Thank you for creating this blog for The Horde to interact and keep up with you. You and Gordon are amazing!
Amanda P says
Ditto with all the above.
Keep safe and hope everything works out for you both. Enjoy New York
See you when you both get back?
mdy says
I wish you both safe travels, advantageous negotiations, and lots of recharging on your trip. Oh, and I hope that whatever it was that ticked you off disappears like cotton candy dropped into a vat of acid.
Sophia says
Three deep breathes and chocolate….a good amount!!! Take care of you and yours, we can wait and we understand. Happy Birthday to your daughter
Danielle Ward says
Hopefully all will improve and in the meantime enjoy and eat cake, birthday cake! I have decided that a child’s birthday, no matter how old, is a time for parents to celebrate the fact that someone they made has lived another year and is looking forward to the next.?
Sheera says
Well this is saddening and disappointing. But I understand. All is forgiven. I hope y’all can figure the business/professional stuff out and return to the writing rejuvenated with story flowing like mad. Still … the installments will be missed (for a whole week and a half or so ??????).
dclewis says
Website comment or bug report:
The blog posts that are linked into the Inkeeper section sequence have a different set of Comments than the same blog post reached from the “Blog” heading on the authorlords’ web page. That implies there are two copies of those particular Blog entries.
trailing wife says
dclewis, the Innkeeper serial is housed on a separate website: The blog posts are on the main Ilona Andrews website: Some blog posts announce and link to new Innkeeper chapters or chunks of longer chapters, and so have separate comment threads on the specific blog post about the chapter and on the specific chapter itself on the Innkeeper website.
Thus we have chapter 7 part 2 on the Innkeeper website ( and the blog post announcing and linking to chapter 7 part 2 (
I hope this helps, and I’m not just repeating things you knew. I came to the Innkeeper site first, and only discovered the main site much later, so this is hard-won knowledge for me.
Felicia says
Happy birthday to the kid. Have safe travels. Knock ’em dead in New York. And let there be qualified house buyers who will offer above listed price. Maybe a bidding competition. =)
Diana says
I love the inkeeper books and am rereading them in my effort to cope with the weekly wait for Maud,,,,!,,,,,,,,! Just love the weekly chapter . Thank You so much. I enjoy the blog and other comments. Your creativity is fabulous. And you have had to cope with a lot of negatives lately. Both you guys are fabulous. I hope things improve as you brighten our lives. Even your bad news is explained so nicely and we all gain insight into your writing process and you as fellow human beings from reading your blog.
Diana says
Cannot wait to buy Maud’s book !!!
trailing wife says
Ditto, though I went back to Burn For Me in honour of the upcoming novella and three book deal (!!! Kudos to the agent who negotiated this!) in that universe. 🙂
Marianne says
Thank you for taking time to let us know what is going on, with all that you have going on! LOL! I had really just assumed with the NY trip you wouldn’t have time for Innkeeper. I will simply look forward to the next installment even more (if that is possible!).
The most important thing first – happy birthday to your daughter! ???? Let there be cake, lots and lots of cake!! ??I hope you all have a wonderful celebration and get to enjoy each other! Family is ALWAYS first! I know that I am richly blessed in my family, and I cherish each of them and the time I get to spend with them.
Next, sorry for the business grumps. Whoever has your panties in a twist doesn’t know who they are dealing with! Your work is almost like another child of yours in a way, (not NEARLY as important really, but you get the idea) – you created it and nourished it, so go get your Mama bear on and slay those dragons!!! If you need any back-up, threaten them with a deluge of angry emails, posts, comments, twitters, etc! You know the BDH has your back, and that we are more than capable of creating that deluge – we do it to you to whine for more all the time! ?
As to your NY trip itself, may the wind be at your back and the Sun on your face!! I hope all interviews and negotiations go smoothly and in your favor. I also hope you two are able to take some “me” time, and just unwind and enjoy! You really deserve it.
Finally, may the housing gods smile upon you and grant you a quick, advantageous, and hassle free sale. ?
Sending virtual hugs and wishes for good karma all the way round.
Estara Swanberg says
Best of success on all fronts! Oh, and health – the older I get the more I wish everyone health :D. Although I hope you mean to sell your old house, not the new one, that would be such a sad end to a happy beginning from what you’d written before.
Gaelle Dray says
Thank you for the notification. Hope everything goes well in N.Y.C and that you have a great time for your daughters’ birthday. We will all patiently wait and perfectly understand that life gets in the way of the bets layed plans. I really wish for things to get better and go smoothly.
All the best!
Deb says
Look after yourselves and make sure you get some rest in the next weeks.
Monina says
You have been generous and I’ve enjoyed everything that you’ve written. I will just have to reread everything (Innkeeper, Hidden Legacy, Kate, etc) and try to wait patiently for May to come. 🙂 (It cannot come soon enough!)
I hope everything works out to your satisfaction!
Sharon says
Take care of yourselves.
We will be fine and Maud will be even more awesome because we had to wait and you had space to create.
Enjoy NYC and I hope the talks go well. Safe travels.
Virginie says
I hope everything gets better. We’ll try to play nice when you are working. Lol
Susan Linch Ravan says
Happy birthday to the daughter. The BDH has your back!
Doris Martindale says
Bill G says
Take care of yourselves. And always remember the great (albeit fake) wisdom of Ancient Rome: NON ILLITIMATUM CARBORUNDUM!
Hat says
Take care of yourselves!
Jess B says
May you be filled with Grace and all positive outcomes flow easily to you.
ChrisP says
What? Why can’t you drop/ignore all of your issues to cater to my happiness? (That’s sarcasm, BTW.)
I am sorry that you are having stress. I love your stories and I am SO grateful that you post serial freebies. Yes, I wish that you could have posted a new installment, but I am not *actually* going to die, no matter what dramatics I indulge in.
Deep breaths. Take care of you and *then* cater to your spoiled fans (that’s me and few thousand others).
Sending love and best wishes your way.
Michelle says
Based on EW, and kindle rankings I think spoiled fans run in the hundreds of thousands.
Kathy says
We’ll try to behave while you’re gone.
And tell your publishers that at least one reader buys your books 3 times: hardcover to save, mobi for reading, and Renee for listening. Tell them to not piss us off!!!!
Sarah G says
Life gets in the way sometimes but thanks for the update. Good luck with the negotiations and I hope you manage to get some fun and relaxation in too while you’re in the big Apple. Happy birthday to your daughter too ?
Dee the Tea Lady says
You are the best authors ever! The Innkeeper installments are worth the wait! Safe travels!
Katie Beattie says
We can wait!
I really appreciate your creativity and all the effort you put in to supply us with our weekly fix….
First and foremost enjoy the family birthday. As a member of the BDH I wish you both every success with your negotiations and the sale of the house. Last time we moved I refused to ever move again, that was nearly 20 years ago.
I look forward to May. If you choose to self publish we will support you.
Angie Papas says
Happy birthday! Safe flights! Rest! Have fun! Eat! Drink! Sleep! Discover Gordon and Ilona again!
Gloria Magid says
Happy birthday to your daughter. Sorry about the business issues. Hope they get settled the way you want. I can imagine what a pain trying to sell your old house could be. Wishing you good luck with that. I will miss the Innkeeper posts, but your health and sanity come first, and you have a LOT going on. Safe travels, and take care of each other.
Dela says
Be safe. Hope things work out in the KD world. We’ll still be here in May and June and July. The Innkeeper will happen ad it happens. And good luck on selling the house
Joyce says
I’ll miss the installment, but if you got to rest, rest.
I’m so glad that there will be more Hidden Legacy.
Please please please I want more Kate Daniels, if I can’t get Kate I’ll take KD world
Pat Crouch says
Twink says
Like! Hey, where’s the like button?
This was way better than my intended post which involved tears and dripping snot.
Take care of yourselves. We’ll be here.
Flo says
Jennifer L. Sweet says
Yea what she said
mary howell says
Anger and dislocation don’t lead to good decisions. NY is a marvelous place, but marvelling (?) is not the best basis for decisions either. Find time to enjoy the trip – it is all part of the adventure!
Betty says
Today is also my daughter’s birthday, 25 years young today! Happy birthday to your daughter and good luck with everything you have going on the next couple of weeks. Rereading the Innkeeper series will keep me satisfied until you can post more.
Jennifer Poole says
I am going to miss the installment… a lot! but birthdays and business are more important. As a teacher I realize there’s a lot more to anything of quality and how … problematic some things (that seem like they should be simple and logical) can end up being. Good luck! ? Good vibes to you both.
Liz says
Don’t apologize! You guys are like our treasured friends. And friends never have to apologize ?.
Best wishes with the house. (Lord, I hate the packing and unpacking… so here’s sending you a big box of patience, laughter, and energy.) Blessed birthday wishes to your daughter. KD is one of THE very best series out there … so keeping fingers and toes crossed that discussions are fruitful. LOVE, LOVE, LOVE the Innkeeper series… this next book will be another brilliant addition.
Michelle says
This x 1000000!!!!!!!!!!
Susan McKinney says
As much as I enjoy reading your installments, family and health (mental or physical) come first. Do what you have to do and survive. Don’t let the B****s win!
Jae says
Can we beg for “Blood and Magic” snippets instead? *heart eyes*
Margaret says
Or even a cover reveal…..
Therese says
Sending serene thoughts your way. Have some fun in NY! Best wishes to your daughter.
patricialea says
Guess we will just have to go back every Friday & re-read the entire installment thus far….
strangejoyce says
Like I’ve been doing every week to be in the “now” on each Friday’s post. It never gets old. The re-reads are still wonderful each and every time. That’s great writing for you.
Karen says
That’s exactly what I did lol!
Lora Tyler says
You and your husband are awesome! I am so amazed by what you do. Happy birthday to your young one. It is wonderful the amount of time and work you put into your works. I feel extremely blessed. Thank you for all that you do. I am excited to hear of a continuation of KD’s world. I was also glad to hear of the continuation of Nevada’s World. I would like to know how to purchase the novellas that you listed as coming from Avon. I couldn’t prebuy them like the marriage one. I pray that all your troubles become smoothed out and your flight is uneventful. That way your business dealings go the way you wish and you fly to and from and arrive safely at all destinations. Again, thank you
Christina says
I totally understand and I hope things calm down a bit for both of you. Have a good time in New York!
Chris says
Dear Authorlords,
I don’t know how you do all that you do and still keep your sanity and don’t get burned out.
Plenty of sleep and time to relax make for good decisions, and you don’t want to be trying to shape
Your business while running on fumes.
It really is OK to do absolutely nothing and clear your head.
Know that your BDH loves you as people and not just as authors, and that we want you to be happy and healthy (and that a movie deal comes your way that makes you “James Patterson rich”).
Take time to enjoy your trip.
Now, would it help your business discussions if your BDH signed a petition (or letters to threats)?
Ronda says
Frances says
We want you to be happy and healthy.
Sarah Wolpert says
I love your comment. I have had the crappiest week and a half in my entire 30 years of life and the next innkeeper was my bright reward for adulting through it all. Their news was like the brown and green sad frosting on the turf that has been my week. Your comment reflects exactly how we should be thankful for them and validated that they’re people too and we adore and support them for it. Youve literally restored my faith in humanity. Thanks ❤️
Eva Varfolomeeva says
Hello! I saw you are coming to NYC! Any plans for meet and greet or something like that? Huge fan of your writing!
Cynthia says
Here’s hoping things looking (and feeling better ) with the morning sun ? I have a comment on the innkeeper book illustrations that you have talked about in past posts (thought it would be something to think ? on in the coming weeks). Have y’all thought of an illustration of a merchant (especially Cookie, he strikes me as being the cutest in temperament, although he’s not in this story) in one of the innkeeper stories. The reason I mention it is I was listening to the last innkeeper book this morning, Cookie helping with the mugrats and the fart? gun, ? it’s a thought I wanted to put out there. Enjoy your trip………
Kimmelane says
I love the Lees! I picture them like red pandas, who are the most adorable things on two-or-four legs, depending on how they choose to stand. All they need are 6-inch lynx ears . . .
Prospero says
You are going to have to start travelling by train. Much closer to the ground if it crashes…um. Well anyway. Wish Happy Birthday to whichever Kid it is that is the opposite end of the Taurus spectrum that I am ?As for life glitches I got awoken by a fire alarm at 1:45 am today because one of the tenants on a floor above me was using a hose to fill the toilet tank in their bathroom and they left it running long enough to flood their bathroom and have it leak through the ceiling below, setting off the fire alarms. Why they needed to fill their toilet tank I don’t know and don’t wish to ask but I met most of my new neighbours. ?Hope all goes well for you both with the KD stuff. They should pay you triple for any new books
K C Hulsman says
Rest, recharge, go have fun with friends and family.
Carol says
Totally agree!
Catherine says
No worries, This is a freebie you give us and thank you, thank you! Try meditating, I have the headspace app and it rocks! Hope everything works out and it will! Happy Birthday to your daughter.
Martina says
Sorry to hear things are so difficult for you now. Somewhere in all of it, take a few moments to do something you enjoy – just for you! It will all go much easier for that moment when you can breathe. Your fans all love your work and we will still be there when you are ready (I waited more than 10 years to read the next installment of PC Hodgell’s series, a month or two will pass really quickly). Wish you the best of luck with business and house. Enjoy the birthday.
Susan says
That’s a lot for anyone to deal with. Merely selling a house, in itself, can be overwhelming. So can the professional anger/frustration. I doubt anyone here begrudges you the time to do what you need to do. (Not that it should matter if someone did! You take care of you!) Be well.
Meg says
Breathe. May everything come into place as it should. Safe journey. You give so very much of yourselves, hope you can get some much needed rest.
NickiC says
Happy Birthday to your daughter. Safe travels. Best of luck resolving stuff, and looking forward to May.
Kellie says
So sorry you’re having troubles with business things! You guys are the best authors i’ve ever come across, and I will wait patiently (mostly patiently) for however long it takes. Hope everything else goes well. I really hope the KD world continues too. I have to know what happens to Julie and Derek. 🙂
Mar says
Thank You for All that you Give.
Please take the time and energy needed to celebrate a birthday, resolve business issues and decompress.
Sending Energy from the Universe to fuel these endeavours and to balance and harmonize your Being.
Heart Hugs
Danny says
Happy birthday to your daughter.
I love everything you’ve written…every storyline, every universe. Anything from you and your husband is a bonus. Take care of business and rest. We’ll all be here when you feel ready to post some more. Good luck.
Liz says
Sorry things are rough, take care of all the adulting stuff and get some rest too!! Happy birthday to the kid ?
Alice says
I am new to this even tho I am a longtime reader. So…..1. Happy Birthday wishes to your daughter. 2. Condolences in having to deal with business people who are uninterested in the greater good. So my question is how are you all going to cope when Kate is no longer the main character in the KD world? I mean was there grief involved? When Aunt Bee died I cried. What’s it like when an author quits writing a character that they’ve written for 10+ years?
Kimmelane says
Welcome to the BDH!
Artstuff2 says
We love you guys and if the “cranky frankies” can’t wait or whine too freakin bad!
I never understand those who whine and moan here about you having a life!
You have a life!! Even though you are sure sometimes you don’t! LOL
Check out some simple yoga stuff it really works for relaxing and it sounds like you might need it!
Margaret says
Thanks for the heads up. Enjoy New York.
Leslie says
Looks like our Authorlords are busy doing press!!! A must read for the tidbits of new info about the future Hidden Legacy trilogy:
Patience says
Wow, thx so much for the link. This is very, Very interesting. Like where the Authorlords are taking the Baylor story.
Frances says
Thankyou Leslie for this link. Very informative. I am really looking forward to the novella and then the 3 novels.
Karen says
Awesome!!! Thanks for sharing!!
Charisn says
Leslie you are so cool! Thanks for the link, so much info on Hidden Legacy. Go Leon!
Patricia Schlorke says
I’m glad I checked the comments earlier this afternoon, otherwise I would have missed this link. Thank you Leslie for sharing. Oooo….Rogan’s family is coming to the wedding en masse. His family doesn’t have anything on the BDH. We’re there for both sides of the wedding aisle. 😀
Timelady says
How ungrateful would we have to be? Hugs and selling vibes (and a huge happy birthday to kiddo). And grr at whatever needs a growl.
Leigh says
Don’t let the plane bliw up. Now have more time for anticipation! Enjoy som me time in NY if you can.
Amy Ann says
Great EW interview, with insights into your future HL plans. I especially appreciated your comments about consent being voiced between lovers in romance novels and the example this sets for young people.
Hope kid’s birthday was wonderful and your trip and business dealings went well. Find time to take a few deep breaths for yourselves and do not worry about us.
Shana Pare says
Take care of yourselves.
Alana Mar says
In continual awe of your writing skills, I’m also amazed that even your personal updates leave us with cliffhangers! Although I’m guessing that you might not be happy about so many of those in your lives and would prefer to leave them in the books. Your writing is a gift, all the more anticipated and appreciated by the wait. Take care of yourselves, for as one of my teachers and friends says – you have to put your own oxygen mask on first before you can assist others.
Tina Henry says
First the good thing, Happy Birthday to your child! Now, I hope your house sells quick to alleviate that stress and I also hope the problem with your business is not catastrophic and will end with a resolution that will please you and your husband. That is my fervent wish. You and your husband are creative and the stories you write are amazing and I look forward to each and EVERY book you write. KD is my favorite world with Hidden Legacy and then Innkeeper. Although sometimes that list flip flops depending on which I read last. Hope everything works out OK in New York. Always remember the fans love your books and I hope that helps.
Gail K says
Hey BDH I was on Facebook today Sunday and saw that Ilona andGordon did interview for the new triology and wedding news for Nevada and Rogan.
And realized that there are 4 separate series this year. Kate. Maud, Hugh and now Nevada.
Wow, we are so spoiled and blessed to have such talented and generous writers to keep so many stories, plot lines and characters going .
Thank you so much and I will
Purchase everything you write.
Breathe says
I appreciate that you don’t put something out just to get it done. I can often tell when a writer has written stuff just to meet a deadline. It’s usually not up to par and I’d rather an author take their time and do it right. I don’t like waiting but I’ll wait for quality writing. Thank you for taking the time you need.
Diana says
I just saw the interview link here and read it It’s so great to absorb more background info and hear details on how the books are written especially as guides to younger readers. I can’t wait to read more Nevada and Rohan …and their families…….and Innkeeper …. wow ….Maud is a wonderful heroine and I just love the warmth and the humor in the stories. Helen is priceless and soooo cute. Have some precious family time and just take the time you need…..We will still be here and understand that you need peace to write and create such wonderful fiction.
Maria says
House looked fabulous … amazed at the staging.
Jennifer says
Hey Ms Ilona,
1. Do you have carbon monoxide monitors at your homes? It can cause flu type symptoms and headaches.
2. Stress can make your immune system drop and leave you open to infections.
Have fun in NYC, there are a lot fun things to do
Beverly says
Take care of your physical and mental health above all else-your most important focus should be remaining healthy for your young family. As your fans we are happy with whatever you share with us whenever you are able to share it! Success can be a bitch that rides you to insanity.
Mary Cruickshank-Peed says
I just told my son-with-the-language-processing-issues that you’re putting out only 1 more Kate Daniel’s story but 3 more Hidden Legacy stories and he’s very excited. Please don’t be in a plane crash…it would be very difficult to explain.
Jennifer E**** says
There’s an old saying I picked up in the military. “Do you want it right? Or do you want it right now? Choose.”
Both of you are wonderful storytellers but the ‘fun’ of working with publishers, their marketing departments, their lawyers etc. is both painful, time consuming and (sometimes) rewarding. Regardless, it rightly demands your focus and effort.
May you get a truly great deal and be rewarded as you so richly deserve. (and thank you so much for sharing your talent).
William B says
Is it May yet? I’m starting to get the withdrawal shakes.
Carabas says
Utterly on a tangent – are you free to say whether we are likely to see Ascanio and and the butterfly swords again? I’ve always thought they were criminally underutilized in urban fantasy, being a weapons that fits the demands/circamstances much better than most conventional choices. It was very neat to see a cameo.
nod says
Thanks for Post.
How can I get updates from daily updates?
William B says
Look at the header where it says “Connect” under the dropdown there is a “Newsletter” selection.
Lori W says
I hope you enjoyed some relaxation. You are my favorite authors and you bring so much life to your characters!
Hidden Legacy is wonderful and the books will be ordered as soon as they’re available (I begin stalking as soon as titles are announced).
I look forward to the next Maude and Arlan installment, and thoroughly enjoy Dina and Sean stories.
Please continue Kate and Curran. I would also love a short story or Curran POV during Kate’s pregnancy (or maybe another full length feature, book 9.5, hint hint)!
Earlybird says
Its May first! At least in my part of the world sooo….snippet?or something? ☺️
SG says
It’s May … 😉