Did you ever make the fall wreath?
To recap: I didn’t do a lot of decorating this year for the fall because we are so swamped with work, but Gordon wanted a pretty fall wreath for the door, so I went to Michael’s, got some supplies, and made one. Since this wreath is 50% of our fall decor, the other 50% being a wooden board with sunflowers that says Welcome, I might have overcompensated
Behold, the Wreath of Too Much.
Did you ever finish your stole?
I did and it is huge. The dropped stitches contributed to length. I had to stretch it between two trees to display it.
You can’t quite see it, but it is so sparkly. Very easy pattern.
Did you ever finish your dragon cross stitch?
Yes. I framed it and sent it to live at Kid 2’s house. Here it is, in the process of being framed. The back wasn’t trimmed yet here. I just wanted to know if the frame fit the design. I did decide on glass, mostly because Meow Meow Camille has sharp claws.
What are you working on now?
A crocheted cocoon cardigan. I’m pretty fried, so anything complicated is out of the question, and this pattern is as simple as it can get. It’s basically a giant granny square. It keeps my hands busy while I spend a little bit of time in front of a TV.
What are you working on?
Kate says
Laying floors, installing window and door trim, and digging out enough rocks and gravel from the front yard that I can plant things (After 31 years, I’m starting over in a new house.)
jewelwing says
Oooh, exciting! I started in a new place in June, after 35 years in the previous one. The “new” one is over a century old, and the previous owner started renovating ten years ago with the big important stuff like new well, septic, and HVAC. Now I’m setting contractors on the roof and floor joists while I tackle the landscaping. Eventually there will be handles on the kitchen cabinets and doors on all the closets and shelves in the laundry room. It’s already home though.
Kate says
Mine is a new house that will eventually be NET zero and may get an Earth Advantage certification (although I don’t need to pay for a certification as long as I know it qualifies, so maybe not) I just like doing the finish work myself and I like the very personalized, customized look I get with recycled materials. My old house turned 100 years old this year so it’s odd dealing with a new house. It’s the first place I’ve ever lived that is younger than me.
The garden is the hard part because there is so much basic work still to do and I loved my old garden. I especially miss the mature fruit trees.
jewelwing says
This one could get to net zero eventually. It’s very well sited for passive solar, with some work. I costed out solar panels however, and they won’t likely pay for themselves in my lifetime. So I may leave those for the next owner, and look around for a building lot closer to my family in a couple of years.
Noybswx says
finishing some final touches on built in banquette seating (sadly adhd always makes that last 5% such a pain to finish). then sadly i have to fill in the pond. the previous didn’t install anything correctly and it’s a huge safety hazard and would cost more to repair than remove. planning on making it a sunken fire pit area instead (so i won’t have to fill it in quite as much).
Noybswx says
that stole looks like it’s just long enough to really bundle yourself in all cozy. gives more options for how to wear it, too!
Sam Fleming says
knitting baby hats – all my cousins’ kids are having babies. orange roll brim little hats, with a green i-cord at the top to be pumpkins. the ones i like best get a knit blank too, but those take so long!
MariaZ says
Finally finished pulling all the weeds out of the flower beds. Attempting to grow some grass. Contemplating getting the Halloween decorations done.
Jessie J says
I have a bunch of leftover fabrics from making baby quilts for my nieces and nephews. I thought I would make some smaller baby quilts out of the scraps to give away.
Nancy W says
Or even smaller ones for the nieces dolls.
Kelly says
I love your projects, Ilona. The shawl looks gorgeous draped over those trees. I am obsessed with knitting in super bright colours right now. I’m just about to finish a strawberry red tee knitted out of yarn made from linen and paper! And I’ve just purchased yarn for a sweater in a “wow” red with a pop of pink piping. You can see it here: https://knitigatingcircumstances.com/2023/10/08/impulse-buy/. Sometimes we need a jolt of colour.
pete says
Giant death moth wings. Tis the season. Didn’t think about doors, though. Guess I’ll be getting dressed in the yard.
Breann says
Can you go through the doors sideways (wing, body, then wing)?
pete says
Sideways and on my knees! They’re really huge.
V says
Wonderful to know that Gordon aids and abets the crafting!
You did wonderful work! M daughter brought me a huge skein (660 yards) of Merino wool in celtic green!!! I want to make a marvelous wrap! If anyone has suggestions, [Edit: ModR].
Moderator R says
Sorry Karola,
For safety, the blog does not allow the sharing of private details in the comments. It’s a public forum and we cannot vet who would get in contact with you.
Nat says
Thank you for always looking out for us, Mod R 😘
Thanks, Mod R!
Cymru Llewes says
knit, loom knit, machine knit, crochet, netting, weaving, or broomstick?
what thickness of yarn; cobweb, lace, fingering/sock, sport….?
Start with a few stitches or a lot?
Open and airy (aka lace) or thick and textured (aka cables)?
In the round so no purling or flat and you might need to purl
Lisa says
try Ravelry.com lots of free patterns
Bev says
Such a beautiful wreath! I love the little birds peeping out. The stole is beautiful as is the dragon cross stitch. I am in awe of how much work you do! I am currently making a Very Hungry Caterpillar quilt for my neighbor. It will be 36×48 inches and is made of easy 12 1/2 inch blocks. A six and a half inch center square bordered by 3 1/2 by 9 1/2 inch rectangles. You can use 2 colors for the long rectangles, 4 colors or anything you want.. I used pink, green, purple and blue with a white center square printed with illustrations from the book. I’m retired and have lots of time for crafts. It fills me with wonder at the amount of writing, crafting, parenting and work that you and Gordon do. Good luck on your current and future projects
Michelle says
Love your wreath! Not too much, at all! Your Stole is lovely too! Seeing your dragon, makes me remember how much I loved doing cross stitch. I’m missing crafting. Self employed, so I work too much. You have inspired me to pick up my crochet hook again.
Enjoy all your books too! Like to think I am part of the Horde!
Xanne says
Generally I have an embroidery or cross-stitch project on the back burner. Last fall a patient showed me pictures of a miniature room kit that she enjoyed. So over the last few months I put together pieces of the kit. Over this summer, whenever I was at an open ‘festival’ I would find small pieces to add to the ‘room.’ So far I have collected: 4 mini polished stone mushrooms, a one inch tall metal laser cut castle, a 1 1/2 inch tall metal laser cut dragon with crystal, a tiny ceramic frog, itty-bitty eating utensils, tiny dice and cup, a blue bird in a silver cage, potted ceramic succulents, wine and beer bottles, also glasses and steins, tiny-tiny blown glass apple and rubber ducky… I am stunned by the number of miniature hand crafted items I have tripped over and then been required to purchase. I’ll probably end up having to build a mini mansion for my mini collection!
Marianne says
Would you add some pics to your post? Your room sounds marvelous!
Moderator R says
The picture attachment function is disabled for comments at the moment 🙂
Xanne says
If it helps, the kit is made by Robotime C&C(Jiangsu) Co., Ltd. and is Distributed by Hands Craft: http://www.handscraft.com. The specific project I am working on is Miller’s Garden. (DG108). My version will only marginally resemble the original ‘Miller’s Garden.’ I cannot seem to keep myself to following the specifics in the plans. The large framework of the ‘room’ stays the same. But, I keep finding all these interesting little ‘bits’ to add!
Judy Schultheis says
I’m working on revising my kitchen. I have thrown out so much stuff that was well past the expiration date – and I’m talking several years, rather than months. I just bought a convection/toaster oven since I wasn’t using my microwave to even reheat coffee, and I never did like actually cooking with the microwave. It works fine, so my granddaughter has dibs when she actually gets a place of her own, which is probably two or three years down the road.
I have a gas stove, which I like, but I need more counter space, so I bought a cover for it, and an induction burner for when I actually need to cook something on a stovetop – which isn’t that often.
I rent. I can’t do an actual remodel, but I will eventually get things exactly as I need them.
Kate says
That wreath is beautiful! I would buy that!
Kristine says
Trying to grass to grow where we cut down a tree three years ago(watering as I type) & create jewelry with my new lampwork beads….
Nancy says
I’m reading more than anything. I need to try to pick up my cross-stitch – I have had trouble seeing it, but after cataract surgery and a torn retina repair, now I’m waiting for my torn muscle in mt\y arm to heal – takes forever.
The wreath is lovely.
jewelwing says
I think the wreath is just right. Stole is lovely and the dragon cross stitch is absolutely gorgeous. It reminds me of the night sky here, which has much less light pollution than I’m used to. My previous home was rural suburban but my new one is solidly rural, and the night sky is awesome in the most literal sense of the word.
Gardening/landscaping is my creative outlet. Currently building a native wildflower landscape on ground that has seen nothing but extraction for decades, if not centuries. Of course almost the first thing that went in was black-eyed susans, since I had to rep Maryland somehow!
The current kitchen garden is temporary, and of the summer veggies only the eggplant is still producing. The permanent garden goes in next spring, although I hope to get some high bush blueberries, strawberries, and possibly asparagus started this fall. Meanwhile the kale, cabbage, and collards look great. The marigolds are still blooming, but I can’t deadhead them now because there are always bumblebees on them. In the summer I could do it first thing; now the bees sleep on them overnight, and sometimes they’re underneath where you can’t see them. One sting was enough.
BrendaJ says
Well done on all your crafts! 😁
I recently decided to finish a scarf I’d been working on for years. Mainly because it lived in my car as my just in case I get bored/stranded/have to wait for someone or something project. Great airplane project. Slender yarn, small needles lots of knit togethers, yarn overs, etc. Very pretty.
Now I need to pick a pattern for the beautiful skein of alpaca yarn I picked up this summer.
Krista says
I am working on the Stephen West MKAL – it’s big, but I’m loving my colors! Is your shawl the Clapotis? That’s always been a favorite of mine and I usually have one going as my ‘brainless’ knit project for a gift that will be needed down the road for someone who will need something!
Sascha Darlington says
That’s what I was going to ask! Ha! I knitted a clapotis years ago as a gift. Have never knit one for myself. I have the yarn for the MKAL but haven’t started. There did seem to be a fuss so I thought I’d wait.
Ilona says
No, this is not Clapotis. This is a Clapotis-lookalike for simple people like me. The pattern came free with a skein of Heron yarn I bought at a knitting shop in the Outer Banks.
So instead of all that complicated stuff, it’s a simple repeat: knit 1 through the back, knit 3, knit 1 through the back, purl. So on the right side row you have: pxkkkx (x-crossed knit stitch) and on the wrong side row you have kppppp.
Then you just skew it on diagonal.
Chain multiple of 6 plus +2, knit a row, purl a row.
Pattern row 1: slip one, knit 2 together, knit 2, knit 1 through the back, crossing the stitch, purl.
[knit 1 through the back, knit 3, knit 1 through the back, purl] until you have 2 stitches left.
Knit front and back, knit final stitch.
Pattern row 2: slip one, purl all the purled stitches, knit all the knit stitches.
Rinse and repeat. This gives it diagonal slant. Continue like that until you have 1 knit stitch followed by a purl stitch at the beginning of the knit row. Slip stitch, drop purl stitch, carry on.
The twist with the stitches keep unravelling nice and even. I also ended up knitting through the back of the purl stitches around the knit stitch on the wrong side just in case. It’s simple, fun, and unravels as you go.
Lee says
That sounds much easier than clapotis, which I have tried several times and always managed to mess up somehow. Thank you!
Lisa says
Thank you for this. It will be perfect for when I finish a Vestover V (available on Ravelry) for my mom. Yay, Xmas knitting. 😐
The wreath is gorgeous.
Emily says
Cleaning the garage and getting ready for a Halloween get together. I really would like a nap.
Kathy says
Started my first quilt. It is on piecing paper, so if you can sew a straight line your good. Hopefully I will finish it, I have 12 squares done, need about 24 more! It is a very easy pattern.
Bev says
What pattern is it please? I don’t usually have much luck with paper piecing so your pattern sounds interesting! I put the directions for my current project in my earlier comment so feel free to try it if you like. Mine is a really really simple log cabin variation. I’m always interested in new ideas. Yours’ sounds good!
Goldie says
I’m knitting a new hat for winter which, at first glance, makes sense for all you northern hemisphere BDH-ers. Unfortunately, I live in the Central Otago region of the South Island of New Zealand and winter has passed us by. I guess I’m now knitting an old hat for a new winter? It’s a cute little two-colour which I’m doing in blue and white (pattern for sale on Ravelry https://www.ravelry.com/patterns/library/hello-autumn-hat) and I’m going to modify it a little by leaving a hole at the top for a ponytail or bun to fit through.
Lulinke says
I just finished a blackwork piece by Ajisai Designs – they are amazing. I am back to cross stitch and doing Fairytales Live on Rooftops by RTO now :). And still doing my Tea Ceremony occasionally at work – that is the one with a dragon being poured out of a teapot.
Patricia Schlorke says
Getting ready to move to another apartment. The one I’m in now has shifted to the point cracks are showing up and the floors snap and creak. Yesterday I heard a loud snap in my office above me. I thought “stay up. Don’t fall on me!”
Not worth the rent hike when I will get a discount off my rent where I’m moving to because I work for a health system.
The dragon cross-stitch is beautiful. The shawl looks like you could wrap Gordon up in it with you. Have fun making your huge granny square.
Sascha Darlington says
Love the colorful wreath and beautiful stole!
Nanna says
I am trying to remove leftover toys from 3 kids and find new homes for a lot of stuff.
In the crafting departement i am working on a crotchet shawl from mooritmag.com.
Fly me to the Moon, to colours, merino/silk dk weight, very not mindless work, but possible to listen to radio or graphic audio 😝
Elaine says
That is a beautiful stole!
I’m recovering from a long illness, and have more time on my hands for reading and knitting!
My knitting is my sanity, and my knitting group as well!
I am working on my 1st pair of socks, in the home stretch!!!
Knitting group was challenged to make hats to go along with church coat drive, so we are busting out our stashes and making caps. I’m making some gifts as well from some lovely merino/alpaca/silk and donegal tweed yarn, delightful to knit! I need some larger needle projects after those teeny #1 double points!
Joani says
Hand sewing, painting and needle felting like crazy to prepare for an upcoming art show. I make small worlds for small hands and Christmas ornaments. Keeping my massage therapist on speed dial. 🤣🤣
Bill from NJ says
Renovating a downstairs area of my house that was neglected for many years. required fixing water damage, taking off wallpaper, fixing the walls, finding the right paint color ( after trying paint color 1, using recommended texture of paint store, decided it was wrong texture and color), replaced an old 4′ flourescant, ugly fixture which required patching the ceiling, fixing out of code wiring, then spent 4 days painting and repainted the entire ceiling, bc the patch panel color was lighter than the ceiling around it , tried using blocking primer, using a darker color under ceiling white, then figured out I just needed to let it age, the patched panel darkened with time, go figure . then of course clean up bc I didn’t use a drop cloth….now working on a flight of 7 steps to remove like 70 yrs of paint so I can stain it…them there is insulating a garage wall that makes the space cold in winter.
Bryan Monson says
I am finishing the Library of Books 3D book nook puzzle/model. Then, it is back to scrollsaw and other tools to finish wall clocks.
kommiesmom says
I have just started crocheting a baby blanket.
My son and daughter-in-law have gotten serious about adopting. Realistically, there will be a wait for a child, but I am so slow that it probably won’t be done any time soon anyway.
If there is time, I have a pattern for a blanket that converts to a toy bag for the next project…
Josephine says
I took an art class on the weekends in October it’s been delightful and fun to paint with other artists. I normally paint landscapes but now I’m painting fruit and I love it 😁
LuckyLassie says
Thank you for sharing, what lovely projects!
Fall is the best time for planting so I’m outside as much as possible. I’m finally getting plants out of pots and into the ground, yay less to hand water! I’m also transplanting unhappy plants to better locations.
Happy Fall Horde!!
Di says
Wow that is the biggest shawl/stole I’ve ever seen! I’ve had projects that grow like that!
Your wreath is perfect, NOT too much.
I’m finishing up Christmas projects, which I work on all year long. Also working on a knitted lace yoke cotton sweater. The yoke is done, now for the (boring) body. Not a fast knitter so it might be ready by spring….
Chele says
I haven’t had time for crafting yet, although I had plans to do some quilting this summer. We had to move from the house we were renting, to another rental house in San Diego county. My family decided that I could deal with the long-term items that need to be stored, so I had to drive a 12 foot moving truck to the house I own in Nebraska, so I can store everyone’s things long-term. Being alone here, I am the only one that can, sort, unpack, figure out where to store things, and all the other miscellaneous along with day-to-day life, things such as trying to find a contractor to fix the hole in my roof. Hopefully, next trip out to Nebraska around January, I’ll have time to actually start doing some of the crafting that I had planned to do all year. It’s rough when life gets in the way. I had to learn over the past year that I shouldn’t make specific plans, life has been interfering. Therefore, I’m only setting goals, instead of specific plans. That way, I won’t feel so frustrated when my plans get suddenly changed by life.
njb says
Pretty stuff! Not crafty myself, so I always enjoy seeing what others can do.
Alisa Hylton says
I just finished a quilt for my dad. I’ll restart some ufos next.
CMC says
I would love to write how industrious I am, but my craft room is in chaos as is the rest of my house. We watch 3 grandkids ages 14 mos to 7 on most Saturdays and occasionally during week , cleaning up and putting their toys somewhere is getting harder as we are over 70 and energy levels flagging. The 4 yr olds crocheted blanket needs only 7 more rows and maybe I’ll finish by the time he turns 5 or 6 or….
On the plus side, Halloween decor up !
Your wreath is gorgeous and I am in envy of your knitting skills. The dragon is beautiful also. You are very talented and industrious and thank you for taking time to keep us updated!
Happy Halloween
Lynn says
Finishing a small afghan, then two cow baby blankets-the kind with head, legs, and tail. All crocheted, all under the direct supervision of Miss Sally. She shares my chair and is a dog literally picked up from the streets as a young dog. Now at 12?, she is in charge.
Judy Siud says
I am crocheting a Christmas afghan for a friend, in a green and red ripple stripe. I started in August so I could take my time. I’ve crocheted afghans for all seven of my grandkids. They got to pick the colors. I’m slow so did one a year. Love your wreath, so very colorful.
Kelticat says
An e-book cover that I just have to finish binding off and adding elastic to so my Nook doesn’t fall out. A ten-stitch blanket off Ravelry. I’ll probably do some scarves for Christmas presents.
Patricia Raymond says
I’m learning how to Tunisian crochet before starting Knitter Knotters CAL afghan with its lovely geometric patterned squares— just need to get consistent enough to get started!
Diane says
I started my grandkids on diamond painting! It’s been a big hit! Even my son-in-law has joined in.
Ami says
That wreath is not too much. It’s a big door and this is Texas. Lol You’re celebrating the bounty of fall. Gorgeous work. All of it! I put my cross stitch under glass too bc I hate dealing w dust in fiber!
I’m making hats for all my children bc we are in Washington and my Texas children are freezing. And my 6 year old saw a Halloween kitty hat on Pinterest. Which only comes in toddler size for the pattern (so I had to figure out how to size it up) and instead of wanting a black cat, she wanted a *rainbow* kitty. But the yarn she picked is a mandala cake designed for shawls. So the color bands are huge and I need like 2-3 rows per color of a hat. So this is me, crocheting 2 rows, balling up the rest of the color, then cutting my yarn, 2 more rows w the next color…. I’m going to be weaving my ends until next spring. And no the easy ways they tell you to use don’t work for me and my cheap acrylic yarn. They come loose. I have to do it the yard way. But don’t worry. I’ll conquer. Eventually. lol
Dotty Brooker says
Everything is lovely! Can you please tell me where to find the pattern for the stole
Moderator R says
It’s here 🙂https://www.knittingaddiction.com/shop/Patterns/p/Parallel-Applause-x55604955.htm
Lee says
Thank you! Pattern acquired, now I just need to decide which yarn to use from the many in my stash.
off topic: sometime in the past year automatic capitalization (sentence case) seems to have stopped working when I comment? Is there a reason? Asking for a friend 🤪
Janet says
Current two quilt projects
– Quilting my flamingo quilt on my sitdown longarm
-Piecing a quilt of batik fabrics brought back from Hawaii four years ago from Hawaii making pineapples as it seems to make sense from Hawaii
In brain process coming up with what I make for a baby quilt for my cousin’s daughter who is having a girl in April.
There are only another 16 projects in process either needing to be pieced and/or quilted.
Yes I have an addiction but since I work full time only some gets done at a time.
Cindy says
the work you showed is gorgeous. being a crafty person myself, I admire the time and creativity that went into each project. Go you.
Maria Schneider says
Gorgeous body wrap!
Jill (Diamond) says
I have to say, you are utterly amazing. I crochet, cross stitch and I have so many craft supplies for other projects that never get going. For example, hubby and I bought stuff to make a summer wreath. It’s all still in it’s bag. I have cross stitch projects I’ve never started or are in the middle of. Mostly now I crochet. I have 4 blankets in the process, a Amish Puzzle Ball and who knows what else. I did finish a scarf last week and a turtle for my hubby. Can we post pictures of finished projects on the facebook group for you to see? The one blanket I’m doing I’m very proud of.
Moderator R says
Of course 🙂! Here is the link for the Fb group post https://tinyurl.com/mr6uvfse
MariaZ says
Bit of a sidebar: I was watching the Great British Bake Off – season 14 episode 5 “Pastry Week”; the technical challenge this week was a ‘pithivier’. I knew exactly what that was thanks to Catalina.
Moderator R says
😁 Have made so many of those since the book, Mary Berry would WEEP!
RabidReader says
My sister and I live full-time in a RV. Recently, we upgraded to a larger vehicle. So the last 5 weeks have been spent as follows. Packing up all our stuff, putting it in a small storage unit, cleaning the old RV, and watching videos on how to drive a commercial diesel truck. Then turn in the old RV, collect the new and take all the stuff out of the storage unit and find places for it in the new one. ‘Rest time’ is spent learning all of the new systems and managing the stress of our pets.
I do have a small knit scarf that I work on when traveling and I’m not driving. Sorry to say that I’ve only completed a few inches. I wonder why?
Melissa says
I’m trying to get back into crafting. I stopped knitting ages ago,but still have all my yarn. I finished a scarf while watching my husband play Final Fantasy XVI this summer, but I haven’t found a new project that’s mindless enough. Scarves and a shawl were the extent of my knitting before, and while I want to learn crochet and more complex knitting, it takes a lot of concentration at this stage. Which doesn’t fit with wanting something to do while watching my husband play video games. I guess I can always make another scarf.
Honey Badger Queen says
I’m working on a christmas stocking that hasn’t been finished in 5 years. I finished the one for my son in a year. But the one for myself? Still in-progress.
I love your wreath though! The colors are lovely and cheery
Carina says
I’m starting a baby blanket with some turquoise yarn. I’m thinking about which pattern I want to use still.
Sharla says
Your wreath can’t be “too much” in Texas 🙂 No such thing! (As homecoming mums exemplify) It’s very pretty!
You are such a doer- writing, cooking, crafting, blogging… go you!
My current project is organizing my junior college student room. The legos overwhelm me! I need to find something more relaxing …
Chris Wren says
Wow! I think you did a great job on that wreath! I never would’ve thought to put the blue gray flowers in there but it’s perfect and I love the bird!
Lee says
The wreath is gorgeous! So is everything else you finished, but that wreath is such an amazing combination of color, texture, and cuteness it takes my breath away.
Creating calms my squirrel brain but I’ve run out of people to gift, so now I’m making hats and cowls for Christmas at Sea (mariners’ charity run by seamenschurch.org) and my local chapter of Warm Up America, which also gets blankets.
Joann K says
Oooooooo!!!!!! That’s a cool wreath!!!!!!!!!!!!
Tina in NJ says
I just finished the blocks for my daughter’s quilt. She graduated from a twin to a queen, so of course needs a new quilt!
Terrie says
I usually make pottery as my hobby. Lately I’ve been making clay bearded men faces or Green men faces that can hang on a wall or tree. They’re so fun to make.
Tierney says
I make wreaths for a living! ( http://www.irishgirlswreaths.com ) Would have LOVED to make you one, but yours actually looks really great! I love dragons and your cross-stitch is awesome.
I am currently working on Christmas Wreaths 🙂
Mary Cruickshank-Peed says
A cardi for my oldest granddaughter and a hoodie for my youngest grandgirl. The cardi is too big to haul around so I’m working on the hoodie.
Also a poncho and some socks….
Connie says
No work today because of the manhunt
I have helped shims the jaw crusher, crushed to make sure the repairs on the cone crusher and jaw crusher were good, put the pto clutch back into the 100 horse mowing tractor, rehooked said tractor to the mower, repair seems good so brought tractor and mower to gravel pit to get a good cleaning and greasing to be done at a later date, back to the hayfield to move tractors and pull batteries for the winter,found a drain plug plugged up on the 70 horse tractor. Cleaned that. Nasty black grease half way to the elbows. Home. Cleaned up. Have coffee 2:30 pm. Beautiful fall day outside
Jen H says
I am loving all the FINISHING! I’m terrible about having so many projects in WIP status. Maybe I’ll try to get some finishes in before Christmas….
Shel F. says
I love the crocheted cocoons! I’ve made 3 and have plans for more.
Peta says
a hexagon crochet cardigan in my favourite colour.
Stacey says
I have so many WIPs that I recently had to put the stoppers from my interchangeable circular needles on the sweater I was working on so I could start up a simple large baby blanket (beautiful variegated yarn in a simple garter stitch knit with an eventual doubled up knit border in complementing color) for my brother and his partner. usually I knit in patterns, but this yarn demands simplicity to be the star of the show. on the plus side, it’s pretty easy to zone out and knit without messing up.
I’ve recently finished a few baby hats and Woolstok’s Gresham wrap (which is very snuggly and happy) so thing do occasionally come off the needles…
Kat in NJ says
The wreath is beautiful, as is the dragon, but I LOVE that shawl! Soooo pretty…
I took an art class recently that ‘dabbled’ in various forms of painting. I discovered acrylic paints there and loved working with them, so now I’m gearing up to try my first original acrylic painting.
I hope to capture, in a sort-of Impressionist style, a lovely small wooden bridge near me. It crosses over a canal lined on both sides with trees, and when the trees turn colors in the fall and the sun peeks through the leaves, the view is gorgeous. I hope I can do it justice…it will be fun to try! 😁
Dallas says
1 and half sleeves on a cardigan, pattern by Isabelle Kramer with seeded pattern with cables on the front panels, knitted in a sapphire blue colour and DK weight. It is called Mein Chen, nice and easy as basically knitted in one piece with sleeves picked up, only the ends need sewing in. Also finished a jacket just have to pick up the shawl collar, that is a Brooklyn Tweed pattern called Charley, again DK weight. I live in New Zealand and down in Christchurch (looking a a light dusting of snow on the hills!! supposed to be Spring) and it gets cold.
Jlh says
congrats on such a huge project. spousal unit glanced at it and “it’s in camo?”. finally getting to new craft projects now that I’m retired. we have a Renn Faire coming up and I decided to see if I could still sew. it has been decades since I’ve done any real sewing. don’t know which is worse, the fact I can’t sew a straight line, or the sticker shock. so I wound up at a flea market buying drapes and sheets. I have a red vest & skirt, with a blue chemise and matching lining on the vest, DH got a white shirt with sleeves that are the exact width of a pillowcase each, and a long red vest lined with red cotton from another sheet. so vaguely medieval gone-with-the-wind style. hopefully I won’t have anyone critiquing it
Carla says
My step daughter wants to be a spooky ghost for Halloween. She is the 4th kid that I have made costumes for so I am old and lazy, now lol. I have a Grey t-shirt, gray yoga pants and 9 yards of cheese cloth and glow in the dark paint. Oh, I also have safety pins so the t-shirt and pants can be reused lol
Caressa says
I’m finishing up my Ahsoka Tano costume for a party this weekend. I haven’t seen in a while so it’s taking forever!
Jacquie says
I don’t think your wreath is too much. You have a discerning eye.
I’m working on a liberty puzzle. Liberty puzzles are made here in Boulder Colorado, made totally out of wood, and have awesome pieces, like elves deer wolves dancers birds, etc.. not an everyday jigsaw. No straight edge for the boundary. And hard. But so satisfying and fun.
If you’re interested, Liberty Puzzles.com.
Laura says
Going a little crazy with my first inktober on Instagram. Found list prompts and wound up doing 4 of the prompts a day most of the time. My 3 pen set is almost dead. Many skulls and creepy animals on rufuscapra
Julene says
Ilona – I love your wreath. It’s beautiful.
As for me, I have made my foray into the world of 3D printed props. I did NOT design the 3D files or actually print them myself. But I am doing all the cleaning, fitting, putting together, painting, etc for a gun from an Anime show called Outlaw Star.
For anyone in the know, it is Gene’s Caster Gun (plus some shells).
This is a gun that fires magic shells and “casts” them instead of firing bullets.
this project is to help me to decide if I want to go further down the 3D printing rabbit hole.
Nicole says
Currently working on a whackload of double knit. Completed 2 scarves (a Tania Richter dragon and a Pac Man pattern), have a relatively simple book dragon one at the halfway point, and, because I am a sucker for punishment, am slightly over halfway through a self designed D&D one. Plus a witchy reversible beanie. All of these things are intended as Christmas gifts and I started last February.
Please send help. Or tea. Or alcohol. Needs vary hourly…
Valerie in CA says
Were you standing at the back door, with a cup of coffee and thought:
“if I place the stole between those two trees outside, I can take a picture to show how long it is, to the BDH”.
rofl 🤣 (Comment made in fun)
Leslie says
Pretty! I’m impressed at all the different handcraft projects you manage to complete, in parallel with writing and managing life in general!
laura says
i’m crocheting a C2C grinch scarf. i have the body of the scarf finished and am working on stitching the yellow eyes. then i need to sew the eyes onto the scarf and stitch the mouth.
when i finish that, i found a pattern for sewing your own little gift bags (that look like paper gift bags and can stand on their own, not flat little pouches). i found some adorable fabric with gingerbread cookie people.
Sage6 says
I’m not crafty. I do plan to bake a nice cinnamon coffee cake this weekend. I’ll also be changing the batteries in the Halloween decor and getting the last of it out of the closet. If I’m feeling really ambitious I’ll finish swapping the summer clothes out of the dresser and adding the sweaters. Fall weather finally hit Sacramento this week.
Kelly J Jacobs says
Winning elections in Mississippi.
Canvassing, taking pictures, social media, texting and calling.
All volunteer.
Shaineinok says
Your projects are lovely. it’s always fun to see what you’ve created. I love the stole.
I’m knitting a Whatever sweater which is just a nice top down sweater recipe using dk or fingering yarn held double. it’s an incredible scrap buster while also being an easy comfort knit.
Sheila Jacobson says
Your wreath is perfect. I see these skinny wreaths; and they just look pathetic like the maker ran out of money or imagination. As with books, more is better.
Kathleen says
3 week old puppies:-)
Sheila Jacobson says
Oh, I wanted to mention that I introduced my 17.5 year old Grandson to your books. He’s now finished the first 10 Kate books and the 4 Edge books. Now he’s back in school; so his reading time is limited. He tells me when he’s finished a book, and we buy the next few in order. He’ll go to Innkeeper next.
So I went back and re-read what he was reading (for probably the 8th time) as he was reading it; and I have to say there were a few scenes where I questioned introducing him. I’m very glad that you don’t have a lot of sex in your books. I just don’t care to read it; and you have just the right amount for me. As I’m 75, I have no clue what kids are reading. WHAT AGE WOULD YOU SAY YOUR BOOKS ARE APPROPRIATE FOR?
Ilona says
Sheila, just so you know, about 40% of high school students are sexually active. Half of the 20 million annual STI cases are reported by 15-24 age group. You probably don’t have to safeguard your grandson’s chastity. 🙂
As to the appropriate age for reading our books, a lot of them are very violent. That should be the primary driver of censorship, not sex. Whether or not they are appropriate for the minors is a decision that must be made by each parent individually.
Moderator R says
I’m sure you’ll get more answers from other readers, but from what I’ve seen in the fandom posts and comments so far, most people start kids on the Innkeeper Chronicles 🙂, and as early as 11.
jewelwing says
If he’s 17.5 years old, he will be legally an adult in six months. That ship has sailed. It sounds like you have a good relationship with him. If you’re concerned about what he’s reading, you two can always discuss it. I think the main characters model working through relationship issues pretty realistically in many ways, if you filter out the flaming swords and whatnot. That’s valuable food for thought for young adults.
Brittney says
I’m working on my next crochet design but it has now become painfully obvious that there is no possible way to win at yarn chicken. I’m probably going to have to frog 100 grams of lace weight yarn and rework my idea.
DHibiscus says
I planted hollyhock! As in I took 3 stalks of dried hollyhocks a bouquet my sister gave me, opened them, and scattered the seeds directly along the fence, no ground prep whatsoever. Technically, you’re suppose to clear the ground a bit and also do it 2 months before the frost but let’s live the wild life 😂. I also planted amaryllis seeds but it’ll take about 7 years to bloom.
House DeMille says
I make crochet dolls from patterns by Crochetree – they have these beautiful embroidered eyes and I had to try making them!
Currently working on outfits for a doll that will be a Christmas present.
Tina says
Oh my, that wreath is gorgeous. I wish I had the know how and skills to make one like that. How do you do it. Amazing writing and such crafting skills too. You two are just so blessed.
kim hurt says
Very crafty
Kimmelane says
I am working on hobbled roman shades for my living and dining room windows. I have to make 6. Actually 7, because the one I’ve finished is a trial piece that I made to work out any problems with and it has to be made again. Huge amount of work, but so worth it because custom blinds are very expensive and necessary for my old, odd-sized windows. Besides, I am making them washable (two dogs pushing them aside to curse at the neighbors in Canine means they get dirty sometimes).
Mary-Anne Goss says
it’s heating up in Australia, so the knitting has stopped so now the quilting has started, recently finished a big cream (96 in x96 in) quilt, hand quilted due to hubby watching every sport known to man. Currently working on a equally large grey and red quilt, and the left overs, as I always cut too much, will eventually end up in a scrappy number which I will give away to a charity. Got lots of fabric.
Mary K Cervenka says
Knitting scarves to give to the ladies at Thanksgiving, working on a year long temperature scarf(for myself), pair of socks and I think that is all right now.
Cynthia says
Great craft work, Ilona.
Tou did a really good job on that door wreath.
the dragon looks fantastic !
Eva says
The wreath it great. It is just right.
Mo says
I’m not much of a decorator, either. My Halloween decorations consist entirely of a headband with the “boingy” sparkly bats on it, a la John Belushi and the bumblebee on SNL. I will put up lights on the front walkway of the house this year because the dark days of winter are not my favorite. That will last me through November, December, and January, at least up until Treaty Stay. Or end of March, depending on what kind of winter we have.
I still do some beadwork and stone stringing, but playing an instrument is consuming the crafty portion of my brain at the moment. Crochet has been pushed to the deep dark recesses, even though I have about 5 unfinished projects.
Last year I gave all the old Christmas ornaments to my son and his fiance – she is big on decorating and a lot of my mother’s stuff and her mother’s stuff is from about the 1920s to the 1960s. They will enjoy, and, hey! one less big plastic bin of stuff in my garage.
Becky says
knitted gloves for an alpaca farm in NC.
R Coots says
Oh wow, stole! With the dropped stitches and the variegation, it almost looks like plaid! I’m working on my first sweater (two at a time magic loop done first saves me from sleeve island!), buzzing my way through a pattern from Shibui called Athos (it’s going surprisingly fast) and trying to spin up the last of a gray/orange/maroon bat so I can ply and move on to something else.
Rorie Solberg says
I have a former student that is having her first baby. We are still in touch so I’m working on knitting a poncho for the baby. I have placemats for my brother and sister in law in linen on one loom and some cotton napkins on the other. And on my wheel is a bfl/corriedale cross. I just finished a beautiful bag of already dyed fleece that spun up looking like a Monet painting. I plied it loosely with some thin navy silk to keep the look.
MicheleMN says
Awesome crafting skills! I have several crochet WIPs; making winter hats for adults/children to help a friend make her yearly 60 hat donation, one portable baby ripple blanket, plus my ongoing 2023 Daily Hi/Low Temperature project (think of a big pair of C2C pillows).
Kat M. says
I’m working on building a curriculum for my first full year of teaching in a school district that’s being occupied by the state of Texas and it’s really, really hard.
jewelwing says
You are a hero.
Bea says
Teaching myself calligraphy, love the look and feel of different types of paper.
Also like to sketch and color, mainly with different colored pens, “watercolor” pens and pencils.🤷🏽♀️
Jean says
The wreath is gorgeous! The blue is a nice contrast with the red and cream color scheme. And the little birds! You can almost hear them chirp.
Marti says
The wreath is gorgeous!!!
Ann says
In reply to current craft projects I have 3 grown daughters and I’m making each a large crochet blanket throw using 2 colors and a herringbone double crochet stitch. The oldest chose blue and white stripes the youngest purple and gray which I’m currently working on and the middle child is waiting for her golden yellow burnt Orange combination.
Rhyn says
Knitting a cardigan for a friend. Contemplating having a go at felting – I found a knitting pattern for what I call boot style slipper socks. I knitted myself a pair I loved then accidentally put them through the washing machine (they got caught up in the sheets one day when I was careless loading the machine). I stubbornly wore them anyway but they’d shrunk so much I wore the toes through very quickly. However during those few wears I realised that being felted made them more durable and warmer. This has given me the idea of knitting myself a new pair in a bigger size and deliberately putting them through the washing machine. Watch this space! Haven’t made myself a candle for ages, and want to do so as I have empty containers on the shelf sitting beside unused wax. Want to return to the garden if it ever stops raining, once I’ve finished physio for a knee injury. Want to try my hand at sewing some simple garments. My employment that pays the rent, utilities, petrol, medical bills and groceries is an unwelcome intrusion on all the things I’d like to do with my time!!
Zaz says
Cards, Halloween, Birthday, Thanks giving, Winter Holidays for family & Friends but also for meals on Wheels and Children’s hospitals. Also I have several little girls at dolly age so making doll wardrobes so parents don’t have to buy
Patricia says
I’m trying to finish the gardening before it really gets cold. Too many plants in pots from bed renovation or that I bought that need to be planted. Some flagstone to place too.
LucyQ says
Working on a hooded cape, the trick is making it reversible. One side solid teal (an old bedsheet) and the other is pieced satin strips from my stash. Shiny. Kind of for Halloween, but that’s more to give myself a target date as it’s been sitting around for awhile. Also helping my son with his costume.
Next I’d like to either finish off a quilt top that I need to square up and then sandwich and quilt, or work on some presents. I’m thinking of making matching aloha shirts for my son (17) and our dog (10 lb 14 1/2 year old Yorkie).
Grace Sebastian says
Lovely wreath!
As a retired floral designer/floral design judge, I would give you a high score.
I am currently working on needle felting Christmas ornaments and trying to stop my kitten from attacking my wool. Next on tap is totes and backpacks needle and wet felted with positive sayings for my girls.
Robin says
Weaving in the tails on a knitted Dr. Who scarf.
Patricia Schlorke says
Which Doctor? Tom Baker?
CathyTara says
Wow, you are talented. Your wreath was spectacular. And your crocheting is just wow. If you ever decide to give up writing (Not) you def have a fall back skill.
I am busy raking leaves and pine needles. Upstate NY is in the midst of the leaf war, prelude to the snow war. Come on Spring…
Verslint says
just finished a unicorn crochet for a birthday gift. I was halfway done when my brain caught up with my yarn choices; pristine arctic white… for a two year old. Her parents are going to *love* me. Free pattern, google Jess Huff amigurumi unicorn.
Susan Tuckett says
Another crocheted baby blanket for the DV charity I support. New mothers so often arrive with nothing but the baby who provided their impetus to leave.
Laura says
I’ve gotten back into beading this fall, and I’m working on a couple of designs to teach at the local night school. I recently learned a new stitch, tubular chenille, and I’m getting very fond of it. It feels almost as sturdy as tubular herringbone, but it’s a more delicate look and it’s much faster to bead.
Julia Vee says
Knitting a stripey sock. Love your Clapotis.
Lori says
I’m making crochet pumpkins and ghosts
Yvonne A. says
i love ypur fall wreath
Simone says
A sweater that I frankenfurted from several patterns. Super happy with it so far. Also eyeing next projects on Ravelry. Love the dragon! Still puzzled by shawls. So many people make them but I can’t see myself using one. I have two my mother made.
Kayeri (aka Darth Mom) says
My great niece, Cecilia, was born 9 days ago, so I am making her Christmas stocking. =) My mother began making the Bucilla felt stockings from the kits for family back in the 1970s. Several years ago, I took over because of her arthritis. =)
Wahida Mohamed says
Love that wreath and the dragon is so cool! I’ve finally gotten around to my fat quarters and various bits of hoarded fabric..books aren’t all the horde loves, apparently. Made college bound kid a tote and some bookmarks and made inventory of all the other stuff I’ve crafted over the years.
Debra Hogan says
I love the wreath! It is beautiful. I have been working on 10 mesh plastic canvas making small, Christmas related pieces to fit in a bunch of wooden Advent calendars that I still need to paint and otherwise decorate. Not sure if I am going to get them finished in time for this year or not.
Ann says
I love your projects, they are beautiful. I am piecing a quilt and knitting an countdown to Christmas project made of tiny mittens.
Jennifer says
Can we get an update on Meow Meow Camille? And the GSDs? Pretty please?
Melody says
Reading the blog reminds me of all the generous folks out there. Had a foot fusion done and the recovery has been unpleasant. I am looking forward to driving again and independence!! Going to be working on calligraphy, quilting soon. Maybe some watercolors. Will be grand! 🤗
Lacey Pfeffer says
Christmas quilts.
Gloria says
Beautiful wreath with the flowers. Very talented. I want one of course, lol. You sound very cheerful. So glad you have this stress reliever. Looking forward to all the future works.
Hyna says
I’m working on a virus shawl that goes from grass green to white with a single ball of cotton (pattern and yarn from hobbii website) 😊 I started it in 2019 I think, but I’m doing crochet only during role playing games, and I didn’t play regularly for a few years. But now I’m close to the end 😀
Niah says
How amazingly “crafty” you are!
Finula says
I found the most impossible to resist alpaca lace yarn on ebay. Donated mill ends where the proceeds go to the care of street children in Peru. Some of the finest yarn in the world at a tiny fraction of the price.
So now I am knitting lace shawls, pure alpaca, alpaca with linen, alpaca with silk, alpaca with wool, they also have plain wool, all from Peru. They are called Peru hope mission.
They have both cones and small lots of thicker balled yarn, but for me it all all about the cones. The weights run mostly 0-2 in American reckoning, or cobweb to fingering. Cobweb gets you roughly 1000 yards per ounce. A two month shawl project weighs about 3 ounces, and these yarns, roughly, cost 1-2 dollars an ounce. If you need a heavier weight you can ply them. And the softness!
My right now project is a Shetland shawl(Which might turn into a christening blanket) from Alpaca/Pima cotton. I’ve finished the center, which is plain garter stitch on 2mm needles. It has incredible body. I’ve moved up to 3mm needles for the rest, which will be various Shetland lace patterns.
Good luck to all the crafters!
Michelle says
I’m crocheting amigurumi for trick or treaters. I’m not feeling the candy this year and it is a good way for me to give away all that I make.
BTW, was that stole knit from the Clapotis pattern on Knitty? I made the big mistake of knitting my Clapotis in bamboo yarn. It’s almost a blanket.
Moderator R says
Hi Michelle 🙂, Ilona answered this higher up in the comments:
“ No, this is not Clapotis. This is a Clapotis-lookalike for simple people like me. The pattern came free with a skein of Heron yarn I bought at a knitting shop in the Outer Banks.
So instead of all that complicated stuff, it’s a simple repeat: knit 1 through the back, knit 3, knit 1 through the back, purl. So on the right side row you have: pxkkkx (x-crossed knit stitch) and on the wrong side row you have kppppp.
Then you just skew it on diagonal.
Chain multiple of 6 plus +2, knit a row, purl a row.
Pattern row 1: slip one, knit 2 together, knit 2, knit 1 through the back, crossing the stitch, purl.
[knit 1 through the back, knit 3, knit 1 through the back, purl] until you have 2 stitches left.
Knit front and back, knit final stitch.
Pattern row 2: slip one, purl all the purled stitches, knit all the knit stitches.
Rinse and repeat. This gives it diagonal slant. Continue like that until you have 1 knit stitch followed by a purl stitch at the beginning of the knit row. Slip stitch, drop purl stitch, carry on.
The twist with the stitches keep unravelling nice and even. I also ended up knitting through the back of the purl stitches around the knit stitch on the wrong side just in case. It’s simple, fun, and unravels as you go.”
Anix says
The dragon cross-stitch is STUNNING! Am so amazed at the talent! 😍
Mary says
Oh, I like the “granny square”, and I have a lot of yarn, and we just bought a 65″ T.V., so now I think I must work the “Granny”. Thanks for the good idea.
Sarah P says
Nice wreath! It’s beautiful 😍
I have learned how to knit socks, am working on one. Also have a song of the sea quilt in progress.
Thanks for sharing this, I have few crafty friends, it’s good inspiration to hear what people are working on.
Lorraine says
Now that I almost exclusively do curbside shopping, it’s way easier for me to get real pumpkins for decor. I just get 4 or 5 fun ones and plunk them in my garden. It’s super easy and if I wait till it’s cooled off a bit they last through Thanksgiving. Afterwards I just search nextdoor for someone who is taking pumpkin donations for goats to eat. Win-win!
Regina says
Your wreath and wrap are gorgeous! And the dragon’s colors so very pretty!
When it comes to crafts, it makes me happy to create and give useful things. For Christmas this year we are sewing some lovely grocery store totes with handles. I’m making them out of durable, yet light weight chenille upholstery fabric. It makes sense to elevate everyday chores with beautiful accesssories, though I haven’t figured out how to make cleaning the bathroom fun or sexy -lol, so I’m happily settling for fast and thorough. If I have time, I’d also like to make some potholders with a coordinating apron for my daughter because she enjoys baking so much.
Mod R, did you mention the craft you’re working on? If so, I’m sorry I missed it.
Moderator R says
I’m not really a crafting one, too much discouragement when I was young about how I wasn’t good at it and had two left hands put me off for life, it seems. Maybe I’ll discover something at one point 😊
Ilona says
You hands are growing out of the wrong place.
~My mother, to me, repeatedly, throughout my childhood whenever I tried to make anything.
Regina says
Dearest Mod R,
You are a terrific word-smith and manage the BDH’s appetite for all things HA gracefully -and these are not small talents. I’m in awe of you! You have a way of easily conveying your thoughts through the written word with a fresh impish charm. I encourage you to express yourself in other ways too. I’m in my late 50’s and just learned to sew beautifully. Never thought it would happen (horrible experience in High School Home Ec Class) but my daughter wanted me to join her in a beginners class and now I’m making gorgeous fabric shopping bags and even cute coats for my sweet Cairn Terrier. I’m here encouraging you to grant yourself some grace. You don’t need anyone’s permission to try something fun or to re-try something creative that you were discouraged from in the past. It’s your story, so you get to try-try-and-try-again until it takes. Here in the US many of our local libraries have fun easy craft classes where you’re virtually guaranteed a successful outcome. There’s no shame in that. There are also easy painting classes where you can sip a glass of wine and walk away with a lovely painting to proudly display. Just remember, it’s okay to fail. It’s also okay to keep after it if it makes you happy, even if it just makes a mess. As the season change, I wish you the delight of trying new things, pleasure in the process, and especially I wish you joy in every outcome. You deserve encouragement and every happiness!
Bea says
Well said!
I’m 74646 yrs old😉 and never stop trying new things. Its fun, my hubby just bought a pasta maker!, we don’t eat alot of pasta. Oh well🤷🏽♀️
Kathy says
I’m in the SCA, and I decided I needed another ItalRen dress. I have been fighting with the bodice for TWO WEEKS. Two layers of linen with two layers of canvas lining.
It broke my Brother sewing machine. It broke the needle I was hand-sewing with.. and a second needle was dropped *somewhere* and I’ve yet to find it. And then.. when I got the bodice together and the skirt pleated, pleats stitched down, and halfway into the bodice?
I have to go in and take up the sides, which means I had to take out the skirt (hand sewn) and find the time to take up an inch on each side, and STILL hand-sew it because the Sewing Machine remains unusable.
Eleanor W says
Oh, I get so frustrated when I drop an escaping hemming pin! My trick is to get down on my hands and knees with a flashlight. I shine it around the area where the pin dropped and so far I’ve successfully found them all. Having a cat is great motivation to be careful, but still, the odd pin gets away.
Eleanor W says
Wonderful crafting results! I adore the little birds in the wreath, which I didn’t see at first.
I also love reading about what the BDH is doing. Currently I’m doing my best at packing up to move across many states in April. Given that time is running out for making Christmas gifts, I’m racing to design and make paper quilled holiday cards. Usually I make quilled snowflakes and other decorations to hang on family members’ trees. Today, since I don’t have a Halloween costume this year, I quilled a pair of pumpkin earrings to wear on Tuesday. Happy change of seasons, everyone!
Danyel says
One of my besties is having a baby so I’m working on a cross stitch announcement for her. When that’s done, I’ll start a blanket for the baby.
Kimberly Campbell says
I’m putting fun size candy into clear disposable exam gloves (into the fingers and palm part for movement. To hide and hand out for Halloween. 🙂
Léa says
Literally last minute trying to crochet lace collar for a Wednesday inspired outfit for work (we don’t dress up so I just wanted to do a nod at something I could do!) Its 10pm & I have 2 rows out of like loads & I’m unsure I want to continue! XD
Forgot about it because I made paper & willow lanterns this weekend in a workshop & we had a little parade with them all this evening!
And did pumpkin carving – used biscuit cutters to press in the outline of stars (& a cat!) & then shear off a few layers using an apple corer! (thank you internet for ideas!) & baked the gluten free vegan pumpkin tart/pie. It smells amazing but we did have to roast a small food pumpkin since the big one was mushy…& kinda tasteless when cooked.
I tend to leave everything last minute then don’t do anything!
Kathy says
The Wreath looks Awesome!!! You did a Beautiful Job. My mom used to Scotchguard her silk flowers so they would resist the airborne dust when hanging on the door.
Jessica says
NaNoWriMo prep! My yarn/wool is currently out for petting purposes only.
Your projects are gorgeous!
Monique says
I’ve been the project manager and sometime laborer on the renovations at my Daddy’s house. Recently, I have been working on painting his rather ginormous basement, including the ceiling, now that all the drywallers are done – so glad my brother-in-law helped. This past weekend I tiled his wet bar area and the area in front of his sliding glass door. Some how I have to make time this week to go grout. Rudely, my lower back & knees have made it clear that I am way too old to be doing stuff like this, despite the pilates. 😁
Mud says
I am currently teaching a puppy to use her 🦷 for good, rather than evil. Apparently my puppy is part volcano monster and feels good is highly overrated.
Sachiko says
I’ve been hand sewing 12″ Christmas Star quilt blocks. I’ve made twenry-five since the eclipse last month.
Yesterday I went to lunch with mt writing group friends, the Radioactive Tumbleweeds. I laid out the pieces for the final eleven blocks so they could mix and match.
This way, years from now, I’ll see the blocks they matched and think of them. I think I’m definitely going to do this kind of group crafting ambush again!
Kelly J Jacobs says
I’m reading Evanovich’s new book and thought of you and this pucture you’d shared when I read:
…”My mom was at the table, knitting needles in hand, working on a twenty-seven-foot scarf.”
Hope you’re doing well.
KJWK says
I like that really long scarf – the stitches and colors.
I wonder how you wear it with it being so long.
It reminds me of an Indian sari where you have a lot of material that provides a skirt and a scarf
Anna says
I’m part way through a sock. The yarn is so pretty and soft, blues and teals and greens. I ended up making it too big, so I’ll either use them for lounge socks or give them away to someone who doesn’t have midget feet. The pattern is Rye Light by Tin Can Knits. I love her patterns, they’re so easy to follow, but make such lovely projects.
Penny says
Backstory: I am primarily a crocheter but also do some weaving. Fast forward, my kid 2 and I are in my friend’s weaving store where she has the most gorgeous hand dyed yarn on display along with a sweater pattern by the person who dyed the yarn. It’s knitted. I have only knit one project 10 years ago and decided it was not my fun place. Fast forward again, Lily Chin offers a knitting with a crochet hook class at the 2022 DFW Fiber Fest. I sign up for said class and I enjoy it more. Fast forward again, I go on a stitching retreat with my friends who knit on a regular basis in July of this year and practice under their watchful eyes. I complete a dish cloth in knit stitch and another in perl so I order the kit of all the needle / hook sizes from Denise Interchangeable Knitting and Crochet. I am ready to move onto my next project, a drop lace stitch scarf kit with hand painted yarn that was given to me. It’s a repeat of 8 rows. I believe I will never finish as I keep having to rip back. Thank goodness I listened to my knitting friends for years and knew about safety lines. Crochet is much more forgiving and easier, but I will perservere until I can work up to making the sweater for kid 2. She’s 24 now, but by the time I figure it out, she may be 50. 😀
Donna says
I’d been living with my mom as my caregiver for 3 yrs. She’s 84 and had 3 v serious falls with in 2 weeks. So my sister and BIL upended their home and lives to move us in. We’re still getting a routine going which is rough because mom fell again—and again. Then a chair collapsed under me and needless to say mom and I are focused on resting and healing.
I have my holiday shopping almost done so that’s a plus.
Being retired for disability puts limits on . . . everything. Adjusting takes time and patience. With the economy and covid, I’m pretty much housebound and bedridden. Thank god for the internet, authors and books and social media. I’m not stagnating. 👍🏽