In all the excitement of the release and some unexpected family issues, we missed our wedding anniversary, which was on August 2. Twenty-two years. 🙂 Now we are being invaded. We keep trying to put them back in the trees and grass, but they are insisting on a suicide march into the pool. We lived
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Wildfire is a Bestseller: #3 on NYT and #2 on USAT
I am shamelessly stealing the screenshots from Sarah of Nancy Yost Literary Agency. Thank you!
Saturday email box: Why are you not answering our questions??? Me: Post saying have fun discussing stuff; good job on catching stuff; no, it doesn’t really help at this point, but that’s okay; some of the stuff was kind of deliberate, because writing stuff happens. Sorry, tired, will get to emails later. Today email box:
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Happy Book Birthday to Wildfire, Tour, and Spoilers
The timer is at 0 and Wildfire is released into the world. The next post will be a safe space for spoilers and discussions. From Ilona Andrews, #1 New York Times bestselling author, the thrilling conclusion to her Hidden Legacy series, as Nevada and Rogan grapple with a power beyond even their imagination… Nevada Baylor can’t decide which is
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Comicon and Ripped Bodice
We hope to see you at the Comicon or Ripped Bodice in LA. Friday SDCC 5:00 PM – Harper Collins Booth #1029. Saturday SDCC 11:00 AM Penguin Booth #1515-G 2:00 PM Panel: World Mythology in Contemporary Fantasy, San Diego Convention Center, 111 Harbor Dr, San Diego, CA 92101 (Room 9) 3:15 PM-4:15PM – After-panel signing. Sunday 4:00
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Pre-packing Day
Things to do today: AMA at r/books. We’ll start answering at 11:00 am, but you can ask questions now. Do laundry. Fold laundry. Figure out how many days for the first leg of the trip. Pack for West Coast and San Diego Comicon: printed T-shirts and capris and shorts. Schedule an appointment to do my
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Scammers and Kindle Unlimited
Sometimes we’re asked why our books are not in Kindle Unlimited. Usually we mention two reasons. One, KU is an exclusive kind of game. Once you’re in KU, you can’t sell your titles anywhere else, unless you are a BNA (Big Name Author) like Hugh Howey, for example. We want our books to be widely
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Winners of WILDFIRE Giveaway.
First an important announcement. We will be doing an Ask Me Anything (AMA) event. The AMA will take place here at on JULY 19th, so this Wednesday. Come and ask us all of your weird and wonderful questions and we will do our best to answer. Don’t forget, JULY 19, this Wednesday, at the
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The Doll House. No, really.
Check this out. If you’re in Richmond, Texas, and have a million or so lying around, do I have the house for you. Five bedroom 1/2 bath, 7, 406 sq ft, 2 acres and this. Must see to believe. More at this link.
Check out this awesome review from RT magazine. WILDFIRE Author(s): Ilona Andrews RT Rating: Genre:Paranormal, Paranormal Romance Sensuality:Hot Published: July 25 2017 Avid readers know that it doesn’t get better than turning fellow readers on to a fantastic book or series, so if paranormal romance aficionados have not yet discovered Andrews’ phenomenal Hidden Legacy trilogy, then
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Best Anime Evah!
The Song of Semiramis
Lisa writes, I’m a professional songwriter and wrote this song after reading Magic Breaks. Inspired by Kate meeting Semiramis in Mishmar, the song is written from a Matriarch’s pov and tells the story of a mother’s love for her son, his eventual betrayal, and her promised vengeance. I hope that you enjoy it even half
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