Yesterday I had my second Pfizer dose. I was told to expect fever, chills, headache, fatigue, etc.
I have nothing so far.
I was tired yesterday, but I think it was less about the vaccine and more about not sleeping well the night before and then going furniture shopping, because Kid 2’s bed is not going to survive the move. Furniture shopping took forever and I came home and made chicken and beef tacos, and then, adventurous soul that I am, I rewarded myself with a glass of Moscato, so I was tuckered out by about 9:00 pm.
By the way, if you are ordering your groceries from HEB, the sweet chili marinated chicken makes amazing chicken soft tacos. I don’t bother grilling. I stick it in the oven for about 35 minutes at 375, and then slice them up.
My arm was a bit sore, but I got on elliptical today, did nearly 3 miles, which is on the upper range of what I can accomplish in 30 minutes, and there is still a slight soreness at the injection site, but that’s about it.
Gordon had soreness after the first shot throughout his arm and more soreness after the second shot. He didn’t run a fever.
As always, your mileage will vary. Just wanted to give a data point to someone wondering what the second shot can be like.
I am locking the comments on this, because Mod R has better things to do than chase antivaxxers all day.