Jeaniene Frost called me yesterday trying to cheer me up and told me this hilarious story about her elderly great-aunt and Fifty Shades of Gray. After you are done here, you should go over there and check it out. It will make your day. But don’t go yet.
As I was perusing Jeaniene’s site, I noticed that her theme is a tad broken and needed to be updated.
Me: Let me fix it.
She: No.
Me: Jeaniene, it will take me 5 minutes.
She: You are grieving and no.
Me: I need distraction, otherwise I will just keep crying hysterically.
She: You have so much on your plate already, and I wouldn’t feel right, maybe after you come back from tour, blah-blah-blah. You are my friend. You need to rest.
You know what they say about idle hands, right?

Book one, Night Rebel series
October 30th, 2018
Super sexy, much wow, buy now!
Your move, Jeaniene. Your move.
LOLLOLLOL! ???????
I am pretty sure Ian would wear these…
Yes! Totally. And that book is forthcoming. Maybe some quick edits, Ms. Frost?
You evil woman you….
Super sexy, much wow, buy now…. That had to be fun to write with a little evil grin. ?
But, you have to admit, also a pretty good pithy summary of most of Jeaniene’s books 😉
Hahahaha. What are friends for?
I would totally buy that book ????
Oh boy.
Haha I think I’m even more excited for the book now with that tag line. ??
I read her post yesterday about her Great Aunt. And I agree with her it’s not fair we don’t get to see his fun bits. ??
Did you…
Are those…tassles?
I believe, in the Exotic Dancer world, they are referred to as “pasties.”
I love the heart shaped tassels, really resonates with the title!
I wonder if Amazon could post with both covers and see which did better sales.
OMG, the TASSLES! And the hearts! Ha ha ha ha ha ha!
I will have to think up the appropriate revenge. Ilona fans, any suggestions? 🙂
Of course the funniest part of this is that if Ian were real, there’s a good chance he would wear these just to be perverse. And shake his body so the tassles would twirl….
if he was SUPER talented (which I am assuming Ian would be), he could make them go in opposite directions….
Okay… I’ve heard this before.
Are there rules to how it needs to work? I mean, do the tassles go in different directions with alternating timing, or do they have to be synchronised in when they go up and down? (Does that even make sense?) Working out how to do this would be such a nice break from the current paper*, though I don’t exactly have tassled pasties on hand to try it out with. Probably for the best. (I’m sure I could improvise, really…)
* and I like the current paper! just, much deadline, no brain now!
*subtly points Jeaniene at a set of Neko Ears and Iron and Magic*
I can imagine Ian practicing. Boom BadaBoom BadaBoom Boom Boom Boom.
I mean, if anyone was ever all serious and grimdark…
Having read all of your books, I am sure that Ian would be wearing them, entertaining the “crowds” as he does so.
I mean rogans wedding is coming up and he never wears a shirt, maybe write his bachelor party?
*subtly points Jeaniene at a set of Neko Ears and Iron and Magic*
Okay Jeaniene,
After seeing Ilona’s ‘shot across the bow’ by putting heart pasties on Ian, I’m mirthfully imaging you posting a picutre of their uber adorable Curran doll in a corset and thigh boots with spiky heels.
I love your friendship and your writing! I am also looking forward to ‘Lady J’s revenge’ -lol
I’d like to blame auto-corrupt, but this was my very own special language lapse…
I don’t know what happened to make you grieve but I’m very sorry for you. The cover is cool, I hope it made you feel better.
LOL! Welcome back.
Love it, totally evil & funny!
Took me a minute to see the tassel pasties. Love it and hope you feel better soon,
Don’t know what it says about us but same. I had to go the extra step of looking at the original before I noticed them.
Pretty sure Ian would rock those tassels like they were his idea. #perfect
I love that two of my favorite authors are such great friends.
So funny and the great-aunt’s comments are so spot on, especially about not seeing his bits ;-). I think I have been waiting for Ian’s story almost as long (if not longer) than for Hugh’s story!
That right there is my kind of funny!
Too funny! Everyone needs those pasties at some point!
Bahahwa ???
This is what I needed today. Jeaniene’s post, your revenge, all of it. Thank you
I just live that some of my favorite authors are friends!!
hahaha – she should have known it would bring out your funny evil side 🙂
Jeannine’s post was funny – young people always seem to forget that older people were once young too! Years ago in my late 20s I toured the Museum of Modern Art with my friend and her grandma. We were making fun of all the sculptures and how their body proportions were all wrong and everything was not sitting in the right spots. And of the art that we could paint ourselves – the yellow tic tack toe board on a black background. A big painting of a red strip down the middle of a blue canvas …. Grandma was a hoot and had a wicked sense of humor. 🙂
Too funny! Much wow!
I agree, Ian would embrace the tassels!
That’s what I was thinking — Ian would totally wear tassles!
Tassels?!? Just no. On the other hand, I read her trials and tribulations of trying to bring naughtiness on the sly. I hope I am as feisty when I am at that age!
Bwahahahahaaaa! Nice…
???? Omg I love y’all. You’re so my people. Thank you for that laugh. I needed it.
??? Thanks for the laughs.
I keep staring at it expecting his pects to twitch and the tassels to twirl!! I need to get some dollar bills ready just in case!
It does beg for animation…
Bwahahaha!! … but what does Lorna Sterling say?
Excellent!! Hilarity is the best medicine. As someone who has lost 3 of her furry angels this year, I’m all to understanding of the histerics and need to be busy!!
They should have gone with this version lol
She should have let you do what you offered ?
<3 Thanks for the laugh!
Ms. Frost’s story reminds me of something from back when Burt Reynolds posed nude for Playgirl magazine. Someone I knew said that his grandmother’s comment was “If he can hide it with one hand I’m not interested”.
I can’t wait to see what she will do to get you back ????.
Game on!
Love this so much, lol! ??
If there is not a scene where he is flinging some tassels around, I will be disappointed now. Just saying.
Thanks for helping onso many levels. Heat and wildfire smoke brought on stupid asthma attack. Hiding in dark cool room with humidifier. Will check out frosts books again and loving new innkeeper.
Nice shot.
This seems to be the sort of thing that could escalate… 😀
Oh boy do I hope it does!! Too funny! ????
Sympathy for the shortness of breath… I pray you get well quickly!
Regina, who were you replying to?
Maybe she thought after seeing Frost’s cover. You would be short of breath. I know I was HAWT!! Lol
Sorry Ilona,
My comment bounced out of it’s intended stream.
I meant to encourage Chefcheyanne. They’d (She?He?) had an asthma attack.
This is adorable!
It’s 0646 and I just got off work and figured I’d eat some mashed potatoes… Little did I know I’d be snoring them this morning!
That freaking book cover is BRILLIANT! I can’t wait for the war of the cover *raised eyebrows successively*
Well said!!! ?
Hahaha! This is the best! Having read that series I believe you’ve provided all the inspiration she could need for a new book.
Good thing I didn’t see this before I finished my coffee, as I too woulda snorted all over the place!!!!? I guess this is definitely 1 way to be a “night rebel”, buuuut is he as skilled with those tassels as Madonna in that video????
I did snort cola out of my nose! Foam everywhere including my tablet. That’s what I get for just skimming over it and not paying attention the first time.
Tassels on a book cover and Fifty Shades of Grey. I don’t know which is more hilarious. Didn’t read the book…didn’t see the movie. I agree with Jeaniene’s aunt. It’s like the old come on “I’ll show you mine if you show me yours.” ?