Hi BDH, Mod R here.

ARCs of RUBY FEVER are up on Netgalley and Edelweiss!
Fly, don’t run! There is a massive wave of requests, so likelihood that the “Request” copies will be gone and you’re left with “Wish” status is high.
What is Ruby Fever?
Ruby Fever is the 6th full length novel in the Hidden Legacy series by Ilona Andrews. It is the last in Catalina’s trilogy. It will be released on the 23rd of August this year and is already on pre-order. Here for retail links and excerpt.
What are ARCs?
Advance Reader Copies. These are early copies of forthcoming books, in this case in electronic form, distributed by publishers for readers to review prior to release. It helps if you are someone who can create advance publicity for the book, i.e. reviewers who have a blog, reviewers who have a large following on Goodreads or high reviewer rank on Amazon or a large presence on social networks.
What are NetGalley and Edelweiss?
NetGalley and Edelweiss are platforms which distribute digital books, some of which have not yet been released, to readers, reviewers, librarians etc. For more info and registering an account (which is free), please see What is NetGalley and How it Works and Edelweiss.
Good luck and happy reading!
Keep it spoiler free in the comments until release day please. Because this book is the motherload!
oooooooooooo the anticipation!
Oooh, exciting! I can never get anything good from those places, but I hope everyone who can enjoys it!
I imagine you’re very relieved after all the challenges!
Can’t wait!
Netgalley and Edelweiss are easy to use and free as Mod R says. You just need to keep writing insightful reviews and sharing them if you are a reader requesting copies. They don’t always have to be positive just honest. It’s really helped me expand my reading as I see books I otherwise wouldn’t have heard of.
That’s excellent advice, listen to Cassandra! 🙂
Ohh just requested! I never actually get picked but fun to request anyway
Sounds great can’t wait to see Ruby Fever.
I just saw that Patricia Briggs announced that Amazon Prime has optioned the rights to make a Mercy Thompson series.
Does anyone know if any of the Ilona Andrews works have sold rights for TV/movie development? With the BDH there should be a built in market.
I love Patricia Briggs! I hope they do a good job
I’m happy for Patricia Briggs sake but I don’t think I want to watch it. What if it messes with my brain version?
Hi Vincent,
House Andrews touched on this a few times, most recently to my recollection here https://ilona-andrews.com/2021/on-time-weird-perception-of/
I know that Kate Daniels was shopped around for years. Because of its nature and the difficultly of getting a ruined Atlanta and all the character special effects quite right, it never came to be. I share in Ilona’s frustration re the CGI, because C-dramas and K-dramas can do it beautifully, why can’t we?!
Hidden Legacy would be absolutely perfect, however! Get a bunch of pretty people to Houston and roll camera, I say 😀
I think someone needs to contact Jon Favreau. If he can take on the Mandalorian and Boba Fett and make them so gorgeous in all their galactic glory, he should be able to handle something set on a (post-apocalyptic) Earth.
He would do a worthy job with Kate and her bad-assery.
Or talk with the people who created Dune (the new version, not the one from the 1980s) Part One.
Yes, *please* not the one from the 80s. David Lynch would not be a good fit for any of these series, although he might be tempted by the Edge.
Maybe for Simon R. Green though.
Ooh, yes, Dennis Villanueve ( I think that is his name) would be perfect!
Heh. Yes!
My runner up would be to contact Ryan Reynolds – the man who brought Deadpool to life, then bought a gin and phone company and is hawking them, as well as producing his movies through Amazon. I’d LOVE to see him do Bayou Moon …
Inkeeper too…special effects wouldn’t be that bad. I would want Dave Bautista as Orro.
I LOVE the idea of Dave Bautista as Oreo! Never even considered casting until now, because Innkeeper is so near and dear to my heart ❤️
I wonder who would play Coyote? Plus I hope whoever they cast has read her books.
I am afraid it will be like Twilight. A lot of the communication between the characters relies not only on words but body language in the way of animals. It never translates well in live versions unless its animated? Either way, fingers crossed
Thanks for the heads up, Mod R.
I have 1 paper to complete before I graduate. I must wait a week. I must wait a week. I must wait a week!
I hope I make it!
REQUEST for ARC Sent. Fingers crossed I was quick enough!
And yes, I’m still taking my pre-order TYVM 🙂
Good luck!
Happy Reading to everyone who was able to get a copy. I’m green with envy, but truly delighted for anyone who has the ability to read it
Oh, how exciting! I can’t wait to read it, whenever I get to!
Sorry, Cathy, one what? 🙂
Just an FYI – it’s now at the Wish for It status
Wow, it sure makes me wish I was a reviewer, but I’m not. =) My attention is kinda focused on recovering from emergency hernia surgery Saturday. Everything went well and I’m home now, but the aches tend to keep you focused! =) Being up or down is fine, but the transition between those two states isn’t fun. The worst part for me is the loss of my hot baths, I am really missing them…
I’ll find out Monday how long that deprivation will last and I am still looking forward to my lovely near-birthday gift in August! =) Happy reviewing to the reviewers! =)
I am happy to wait, although i am really excited for RF. Also hoping that there will be more in this world. So much more.
Zhai’helleva, fellow Misty reader! =)
Crossing my fingers and toes I get picked. Thanks for posting!
Holy cow. Sooo good. Home run. Congratulations
I’ve done some ARC reading for another author, but my 30-year old son, along with Prime Video, have gotten me hooked on the Wheel of Time series. Damn those books are long. I’m going to be busy for awhile.
didn’t see this until too late. Would have made a nice birthday present for myself. C’est la vie. Just have to wait for the real release 😀
Oh gosh, I can’t wait!
Wow, closest I’ve ever gotten to first! Still don’t understand why this is a big deal… ????
Looking forward to release day! And I am not the only one…I saw on SBTB today (Wednesday) that Amanda linked to a knitting blog where someone from the BDH had created their very own sweater for Hidden Legacy with the quote “We do so hate to be bored”…it was amazing!
What a nice blog post! Mod R, she is closer to your part of the world than many of us — can you give her a wave from us all?
I’ve already spoken to Kelly, yes ????. Ilona got a preview of the sweater a couple of weeks ago! ❤️
Thank you, Jerrica and Trailing wife! I’m glad you liked my post and my knitted tribute to Hidden Legacy.
Congratulations to House Andrews on handing Ruby Fever off to the publisher!
Ruby Fever’s Book Birthday is now marked in my calendar. 🙂
???? It releases on my birthday.???????????? I know the gift I’m getting for myself. So, I’ll wait for that.
They have made halo so they are getting there.
Jealousy! I can’t wait until August ☺️
Reading that excerpt raised all the hair on my arms! Wowser, that is going to be such a fun book to read! Thank you House Andrews, you do magic!!!
Distressingly, the email blog post didn’t show up in my inbox until just now! I must have missed it. Shazzbot! As Mork From Ork used to say. Waiting, waiting, waiting….
I have the Amazon release date on my calendar. I am so excited! I intend to start rereading the Catalina arc at the end of July so I can slot the details into my memory. My 78 year old memory tends to drop a stitch or two (or more) when it comes to details of long series. Wow!
Can we get a doodle of this spider? Having difficulty visualising it from the snippet
You can search for Hourglass spider on the web and see examples ????, such as here https://www.amazinglife.bio/amp/the-chinese-hourglass-spider-cyclocosmia-latusicosta
Hour glass spiders are real thing!?
I’m an arachnophobe so I’ll wait until my children are in and click on the link so they can draw a doodle for me. Thank you for the link and that information.
Hope pussins is okay. Worried.
Is there going to be a series for Arabella?
Hi Samantha,
All upcoming releases are announced in the Release Schedule here https://ilona-andrews.com/release-schedule/#agent-publisher ????
If it’s not on there, then no official news about the project exists. House Andrews will not be disclosing what project they’re working on or what is next until it’s ready for preorder https://ilona-andrews.com/2022/on-being-difficult/
I am so excited and avoiding spoilers. This is my favorite series of any author. I’ve read all the books — most of them twice or more — the joining short stories, and listened to them on audible. I hope they go to graphic audio as well. Really enjoying the Innkeeper graphic audio works.
Seat dancing.
I love ilona andrews books . Ruby Fever is going to be a great addition to the series.
Thank you for all the great stories
Mod R – I’ve just realized that emails won’t be accepted if it’s not technical. So hoping this is added to your cache of reader questions (I found the most recent Hidden Legacy thread). I’m re-reading Emerald Blaze and I’m wondering- why did Catalina get targeted by swamp monster extraordinaire in the Prologue?
She hasn’t used her magic yet- so not because of the obsessive fascination.
The self generating monsters weren’t under the direction of the Prime that created the construct spawning them.
Just happened to be at a place near to the Pit? This was something different but similar and*was* under someone’s control? Because how else do we start the book?
Hi AJ,
Asking in the comments or emailing me at modr@ilona-andrews.com is perfectly fine, I see all of them 🙂
Abyss saw Linus and Catalina in Felix’s mind when it was killing him and realized that they were a threat. It also saw the FBI agent. Abyss still retains a lot of human cunning. It realized that these were potential rather than immediate threats. It identified them and watched them. Then the FBI agent went to Linus’s house, which caused the Abyss to conclude that its enemies were plotting and it attacked.
It’s all in the book, just give the story time to unfold 🙂
Hola..!! Estoy muy emocionada por leer la última parte de la historia de Catalina y Alessandro
Mi pregunta es si conoceremos al enamorado de Arabella y que tipo de magia será la que combine con una metamorfa peligrosa como ella??
Me adelantas?
Hola Tatiana,
No sabemos quién es el enamorado de Arabella 🙂
Ilona ha dicho anteriormente que los libros de Arabella tendrían múltiples pretendientes y ella solo se decidiría por The One hacia al final https://ilona-andrews.com/2021/flowers-and-questions/