And here it is!
Here is a wallpaper Gene did for us.

Amazon Australia has adjusted the price to a much more reasonable $9.99, and it is safe to preorder now.
I walked over to Alessandro’s office. He leaned back in his chair, his feet on the table, a phone to his ear. I rapped my knuckles on the doorway. He winked at me.
“Love and kisses to Maya. Ciao!”
He hung up and grinned at me.
I had never heard him say that. Ciao was very informal, both a greeting and a goodbye, and it had originated from the Venetian dialect’s s-ciào vostro meaning “I am your slave.” The phrase wasn’t meant literally; it was used more as “I’m at your service” and it was mostly said to kids and younger people. Alessandro never used it.
“What’s the point of stereotypes if you can’t use them to your advantage?”
“I’m so glad to hear that.”
“Wahl called. He wants to interview the family. Kaylee, Luciana’s daughter, is my age. I need the Count.”
Alessandro’s entire persona changed. He took his feet off the table and sat straighter in his chair, throwing one long leg over the other. His pose acquired elegance. His expression turned suave. He looked worldly, slightly jaded, yet breathtaking handsome.
“Is this the Count you were looking for?” A light Italian accent overlayed his words like glossy polish.
“Yes. That’s the guy.”
“And what will this humble Count get if he comes with you?” His voice was like velvet.
“Satisfaction of a job well done?”
“I was thinking of something more substantial.”
“Like what?”
“Once this is over, we go away for a weekend to the coast. I don’t care which, as long as there is clear blue water and hot weather. No meetings, no appointments, no phone.”
I knew what he was asking. Whether [REDACTED] survived or not, we would do this, because it was about us alone. “Done. Will you take a kiss as a down payment?”
“I’d be a fool not to.”
I walked over and leaned over him. My lips touched his. I started tentative and gentle, a tease rather than a promise, just a hint of things to come. His mouth opened. I caught his breath, and my tongue brushed his ever so slightly. His hand slid into my hair, and he kissed me back, hungry but savoring every moment. We kissed while the world stood still and when we finally came up for air, I had to stop myself from reaching for his clothes.
Count Sagredo gave me a dazzling smile. “I am at your service, tesoro mio.”
Love the ethereal glow – and SNIPPET! thank you <3
Twice in one week!
Yes, so excited! Glad edits and such are going well – I look forward to EVERY book and is am glad everyone seems healthy for now.
Twice in one week!!?!? @Fern that is some professional level of blog stalking!! – Congrats and I wish i had your skill! 😉
I think she has a source. Who is it and what bribe did you use?
+1 ????
Precious????…must read as with all your books
Love the “what’s the point of stereotypes” line. 100% agree!
Omg… dying over here!!
Love the snippet.
I guess Catlaina is getting some ruby bling. Don’t remember that necklace…
Ohh pretty ????. Thank you for the snippet!
Stalking the blog paid off!!! Love the cover and snippet. So glad edits are over for you. Thank you for sharing the magic of your stories with us.
Thank you!
What a delightful surprise on a Thursday.
The cover is amazing and the snippet…. 🙂
+ 1
Yay! Snippet! SO what I needed right now! And the cover is gorgeous!
Me reading Alessandro’s transformation into the Count for the first time:
Did I just snort-laugh coffee on my keyboard? Yes. Yes, I did. Achievement unlocked, ModR.
I loved Sailor Moon! ????
My favorite part of this great cover is how Catalina’s body is positioned on this cover – full on, in front,and taking charge, ready to handle everything that comes her way. Love seeing the transition from unsure young woman to confident Prime. Can’t wait for the rest!
Wow, I think I love that cover the best. Thanks for the wallpaper and the snippet, it was fun!
Thank you, thank you, thank you! The cover is whoa. Nice to read the interaction between Alessandro and Catalina. I wonder who he was talking to on the phone? Family? ????????????????????
Is it just me, or do the light-flare-nebulae-things behind her look a bit like wings? 😀
Ah, they’re in front of her, my mistake.
Not just you! Those are definitely wings!
Torture!! Why is August so far way ????????
At least Tuesday is coming soon with the final book in a series I’m looking forward to.
Wait August?????????
The release date for Ruby Fever is the 23rd of August 2022.
🙂 Here for preorder links and another excerpt to help with the wait
About 6 months from now.
By the by, what book series? I need something to look forward to also ;).
It’s the last book in the Rockton series by Kelley Armstrong. I can never decide if I’m happy or sad when it’s the last in a series!
Thanks! I am always both when I know my book journey is ending. Enjoy, I’m going to check it out right now.
Ooooooh, shiny!
Such a wondrous birthday present! Thank you!! ❤️
Happy Birthday, Cheryl! 🙂
Happy birthday ????!!
Phew! (I think I need a cold shower!) Thanks 🙂
*fanning myself*
Woohoo can’t wait for the book to come out!
😀 😀 😀 Cover and wallpaper are gorgeous. Snippet is even better.
Gorgeous cover art. Perfection in the snippet. Can’t wait to read more!
Just wanted to say, Wow the cover art plus oh goody, a wallpaper *snoopy happy dance*
Snippet, yah and Ahhh the elegant Count.
…Now back to financial paperwork, such fun, fun for me ????
Wow! So awesome!!!
Swoon. Cover but especially the snippet. Thank you.
I’m on week one of probably 8 of constant nausea, vomiting, and crying (morning sickness is just such an inadequate label).
Blog stalking for distraction. Is it Friday yet? I’m not sure what day it is.
I hope the post-edit break is a wonderful respite. Will we get to to see the dog in his sweater?
Almost Friday! Hope the nausea eases soon and you have the easiest, healthiest pregnancy!
And no babies with telekinetic powers.
If you haven’t tried them, get some Sea-bands from your local pharmacy. They use acupressure points on both wrists to help with nausea (seasickness, so-called morning sickness, etc). I used them during my never ending morning sickness, and they kind of push the nausea one step away. So if you can manage a distraction, they are really helpful! And zero risk, beyond sore wrists due to constant use, which I thought was entirely worth it. Sending best wishes!
Thanks so much to HA and Mod R! It’s like finding a little unexpected treat. It just makes the whole day a bit better! Also, I think we ALL need the Count…
I use accupressure for nausea and have wished I could press the points on both wrists at once. I will look for the Seabands. Thanks! BTW the same points help with panic attacks.
These worked great for me! I highly recommend them. I was nauseous 24/7 for 6 months, threw up 2-3 times a day for all 3 of my babies but the bands made it almost bearable. Good luck. I also rec hard candy to suck on. I got mine from a pregnancy store, don’t remember the name. PS When the nausea goes away and you have that baby you’ll barely remember the horror (otherwise most kids would be only children ;))
Beautiful cover. August will get here eventually. So hard to wait though.
Your imagination and writing skills are so impressive! I cannot wait to read this!
I look at the cover. What’s wrong with her right arm? It looks weird. Skinny compared to the body. No, fix it please.
Thanks for the amazing snippet!
Her right arm is pulled behind her torso and therefore partially obscured 🙂
Are you new here? The cover is perfect. The cover is always perfect. The last time the cover wasn’t perfect the book disappeared for 2 years. Shhhhhhhhhhh ????
Love the new cover! haha????
Here is an unprocessed image from the pose selection. Nothing needs to be fixed. She is standing with one arm slightly behind her.
In the middle of working, but saw the email header and had to read it! I find this so adorable and hot… I want a Count of my own now!
I just want put a thousand heart emoji’s here but I’ll settle for these ❤️❤️❤️
Shiny Cover+Wallpaper+great snippet = Many thanks for a respite after a long day of webex.
???????????? the cover! Thx for the snippet.
And he gets to keep his shirt on again! Rogan only got a shirt on the last cover.
Beautiful magical cover. Can’t wait for the book to come out. I pre-ordered both the book and kindle.
I hope House Andrews is getting a lot of rest and relaxation after the edits to this fabulous book.
Peace to all
❤️❤️❤️❤️the cover & I know my mouth was hanging open while reading the snippet ????????????????????
Beautiful cover. I already have it pre-ordered. I’m looking forward to August 23rd.
It’s here! It’s here! I can’t wait!!!!!
Oh wow! I adore the cover. All those reds and pinks-what a great reveal for Valentine’s Day coming up.
And the Count is just…chef’s kiss.
Thank you for this delectable treat!
It’s a nice summery cover too!
I LOOOOVVE IT! So MUCH! It is my favorite cover of the three cover. It is so beautiful. Can I just say, though, it seems like Alessandro is getting progressively more tired after each book? LOL! It’s okay. Catalina has it covered. (Pun intended, sorry.)
Thank you so much for the snippet!
Wow looking good! Can`t wait for the book. But I guess I will just have to 🙁
Gorgeous! I’m so excited to read it. I really love all three covers for Catalina’s books. They look so pretty together.
The cover is stunning.
Excellent snippet.
Thank you.
Such a flimsy looking dress and yet the invisible structural support to lift and enhance the mammary glands is impressive.
LOL. But agreed!
LOVE ❤️❤️❤️❤️!!!!! Both the cover and snippet, in fact I think the cover might be my favorite of all HL books till now. And I love Catalina’s Alessandro more than the Count. Thank you House Andrews! ????
Can’t wait!
You have a famous literary name, Mary. “
George Cruikshank was a British caricaturist and book illustrator, praised as the “modern Hogarth” during his life. His book illustrations for his friend Charles Dickens, and many other authors, reached an international audience.”
The hot hot, full of magic cover! and the gorgeous wings! and and the snippet with Polish accent ???????? ! I am salivating for this novel sooooi much!
Thank you!
I’m afraid the accent is Italian, but it is polished- as in elegant, upper class 🙂
Phew! That was a bit steamy,
I loved it!!
Good luck for your new book day ????
I’m shrieking (silently in consideration of my neighbors) in excitement!
The cover is beautiful, I remember your blog post where you were on the phone with someone about the models/clothes and the people working on your house giving you weird looks. Catalina had to have a ball gown and there were funny comments about Alessandro and guns. So glad to see it in fruition!
Thank you for the delicious snippet. I’ve purchased Catalina’s novels in audio format so I can binge while my eyes are closed or busy (dishes, cooking, cleaning, the usual).
I cannot wait!
The cover is great!
It seems the publisher is listening to you about what your covers should look like – better than Nevada’s arc, anyway.
Thank you for the snippet, also. I love this series, at least in part, for the family connections. You take someone we “know” and add extra dimension and detail. Then we notice that we didn’t “know” them very well at all…
Hot, hot, HAWT! Thanks for the snippet! I know you hated this with the passion of a thousand suns and the edits were a killer but I’m so thankful we get this!! And thankyou for fixing the Amazon Aus price – I’m off to pre-order – wheee!!
Lovely cover – especially like the hint of wings in the background.
Catalina’s got a new dress, but poor Alessandro still hasn’t found his jacket he lost in Emerald Blaze… mind you he hasn’t lost his shirt yet unlike poor Rogan!
Love it! Saw the attached comic and thought of you! You guys crush on all three, really, but it made me chuckle.
I love these two! Thanks for the snippet!
Thank you!!!
Oh, thanks for the snippet.
I am glad I pre order when it is first announced cause I got it on for $7.59!!! What are they playing at I ask you. They have done the same to Nalini Singh up and coming new book. But as I live in NZ I can get her paperbacks ( signed) at a reasonable price unlike my favourite overseas authors especially now with postage being so expensive.
Squeeeee …. Happy Sighhhhssss…. thank you.
Oh just can wait for the book to come out. I have pre-ordered it. Now is the hard part waiting.
I can’t wait!
Oooh shiny!!!
Thanks for the snippet!!! Fated Blades cover art is more my cup of tea but let’s not judge a book by its cover 😉
Oh. My silly heart!!
So question for the next Q&A blog post… Were all 3 covers shot at the same time and did you know the titles at that time, or were the covers done separately and the same models were available for all 3? (I’m assuming they’re the same, I don’t have the books with me to look closely.) Or did they cheat and Photoshop different clothes for Catalina each book and just picked different poses from the original photoshoot?
It looks like the same shoot, the models have not aged.
Yes, it’s the same photoshoot, different outfits and poses 🙂
The editors liked the idea of precious stones for the titles as far back as Diamond Fire, and there are only so many chose from 🙂
That sounds like a challenge. Come on, BHD! What other gem + fire synonym titles can we think of? {snicker}
Garnet Glare
Opal Flash (who is Opal and who is she flashing?)
Zircon Sparks
None of those are precious stones 🙂
I had to look that up. I didn’t realize there were only 4 precious stones. I had also never heard of a semi-precious gemstone called Spinel, which sounds like a type of dog not a gem, although I do like its color.
If I remember correctly, spinel is chemically similar to garnet, but usually a different color – often black rather than garnet’s red, orange, or green tones.
Historically, there was less separation between the “precious” and “semi-precious” stones. (Amethyst was highly regarded, for instance, because it supposedly prevented drunkenness, and everybody wants that!)
I do not think that these are photographed covers — looks like art-created (drawn/painted), but perhaps based on live models for facial structure, etc.?
They are photographs from a real shoot with real models and real outfits :). Enhanced background ofc.
well – I was wrong, per Mod R … I should have read further in the comments before I wrote the above.
No problem, I’m sure the photographer would take it as a compliment 🙂
I love the wings in the cover. Wonderful job.
Lovely cover, lovely snippet! Thanks for sharing!
I cannot wait!
Beautiful cover!! And that snippet…
Love everything about it!
My obsessive thoughts as I re-listen to the series…
At the end of (wildfire?) grandmother Victoria is in a garden of the jail and her companion says “you know we so hate to be bored” which Linus Duncan had said earlier in the series.
We then discussed him being Caesar.
In the Aunt short story online Arabella says hello to grandma V and says hello grandpa. Folks think her siren male “sperm donor” is still around and that was who Arabella saw.
So I started to wonder, Would it possibly be Either grandpa siren and Victoria or just siren with his variant talent are Caesar?
Would Victoria actually be a hidden operative for the wardens? Is Linus related to Baylor’s in some way?
Why have a life when I can visit Hidden Legacy?
I thought Grandpa had to be the Records Keeper.
It is a House Andrews production. They’re always tossing curves which is what makes it so enthralling.
Oooo … new idea about the Record Keeper. I thought he was Caesar but now I have to mull over the possible Grandpa too
EEEEEEE! I love the cover and I’m over the moon at the snippet!
The new excerpt is as good as this snippet. ????????????
Woot woot!!
So much yay to celebrate! Love the cover, thank you for such a gorgeous snippet. I have a big smile on my face now.
I hope your yarn, tea, family, and gaming are being awesome for you.
God! Love it! Love them!
Ajjjjj! That brought a smile on my face! Thank you! Can´t wait to read the book!
Oh wow ???????????? that is Stunning!!! I love it so much! Can’t wait to have it on my shelf. Thank you so much for the snippet too!! Excellent end to my day
Thank you!
I hope your tea, yarn, gaming and family are all relaxing you. It was lovely of you to post this when you have been so stressed out.
Wheee! So much excitement. I’ve pre-ordered and wrote the release date on my calendar. Your book release dates are the only ones who get the honor of going in my work planner as well so that I know when a half day is needed. No one can bother me on a IA release day.
swoon, OMG, swoon
Thank you very much!!! Cannot wait for this release! Have my pre-ordered copy.
Not sure if it’s just me but the book isn’t real until I see the cover. Love the cover, it stunning. I’m looking forward to reading Ruby Fever. I hope it sales great, so maybe HA will forget what a pain in the ass it was to write. And I’m keeping my fingers crossed for Arabella’s book.
Thanks for the snippet. I’m counting the days.
Gorgeous cover
Another gorgeous cover! Catalina seems to get all the glamour shots – Nevada’s covers showed her to be more blue jeans & casual in comparison. Given the hints that Arabella is very into fashion & makeup if & when book(s) featuring her as the main character are written will be interesting to see how she is portrayed.
Nevada wasn’t Head of a House in any of her covers 🙂 . She wasn’t even a classified Prime, she could afford to be jeans casual.
🙂 — thank you for the snippet.
I just started re-reading Emerald Blaze … it won’t keep me happy until August, but it will sooth the craving for a bit.
Thank you!
I was just wondering where can one acquire that instant “mask” “face” of elegance if one isn’t born with it? So many places i need to bring that to the table.
Ha, cool, same models on the cover! (I know that that’s not always a given in covers ????) Looking forward to reading it ????
I’m so excited for this!!! ????
Love it -thanks
OMC. OMG! OMG!!! So perfect a cover!! Such a wonderful snippet–how can you make us wait?
Thank you! Thank you!!!! We could be very grateful, too, for more. . . . we’d send tea. We’d send yarn. Okay, we’d honor your request and send nothing.
*sigh*. Wonderful. Thank you. You’ve made a pretty awful day a bit better
Side note: I was surfing the books page, and saw this amazing picture of Nevada and Rogan I’ve never seen before. Is this a wallpaper or piece of art I’ve somehow missed? It’s on the main Hidden Legacy page- Nevada in sparkly dress, Rogan holding her wrist and leaning his head towards her. I have a collection of the art images and wallpapers saved on my computer, and it’s going to bug me if I don’t have this amazing piece of drool-worthyness. 😀
Hey Lizz, that is a stock image, not commissioned art 🙂
How perfect it is for them!!!!!! <3
Ooohhh, I can not wait!
WHY DID I READ THIS!!! I’m dying for this book!
Thank you for the snippet! Ciao!
I’ve missed House Baylor yet almost sad to order this last book: it’s a great world to visit and sorry to end the series
Wait until the Epilogue… 🙂
Oooooooooooo ????
Omigosh, omigosh, omigosh
Evil person making us wait but it will be worth it!
Uh oh, now you’ve done it. I hear the roar of the Horde. ????
Cue Gordon. Oh, Gordon! Don’t you have some beans you want to spill. You know you do.
That’s wickedly evil! ???? Bravo, now I am wishing time travel was available so I could go to the future and read the book now! I was already super excited to read this, not I’m going to be on pins and needles until August, just to find out what happens!
Ooh that’s sneaky and you are such a tease! ????
Beautiful cover and thanks for the snippet!
Happy Day! Cover reveal and snippets we can reread for the next six months, always a good thing for the BDH.
I thought of you last night. I was surfing and watched this video of someone making a teapot from scratch. Cut off a chunk of clay, use a wooden clapper to beat it semiflat, roll to desired thickness then trim to size and repeat for each part. I thought it fit the edit struggle you described.
Enjoy your R and R, you have earned it!
Wonderful. I love the cover and the snippet
Your redesign of the landing page of your website is very nicely done.
Ooooh! Gorgeous cover that gave me goosebumps of anticipation!!! And that snippet…sigh… it was the perfect pick-me-up from a really long work week. Thank you House Andrews!!!
Oh, that’s truly stunning!
Gorgeous cover! . That’s the best one yet. Thanks for the lovely snippet. Is it our early Valentine? ????
AND I love the updated excerpt on the main page! I. Cannot. Wait. for this book to come out!
I love the cover and the snippet!! The cover is very beautiful. 🙂
Thank you for sharing them!
Love the cover!
Love the snippet! This week has been rough and this was a little gift!
Love the cover! Can’t wait til August!
I am SO anxious to get my hot little hands on Ruby Fever! Every snippet and scrap I have read has been amazing.
I predict another House Andrews wildly successful project!
Great cover! Alsol, a very yummy surprise snippet! Thank you.
Oh wow. Gorgeous cover, amazing excerpt, and now a snippet! This day just got so much better. Thank you, and I hope your days are also getting better now that you’ve finished the edits.
Awesome cover, awesome snippet. I’m dying to read it. But I just went to pre order and, um… Amazon has it listed as “number one best seller in vampire romance”.
Did I fall upon an unexpected spoiler? Does Amazon know something about the series that I missed???
😀 I can, on penalty of (un)death, confirm that there are no vampires in Ruby Fever. Oooooh, take Mod R to spoiler prison!
It would, however, take the entire combined magic of the Arcane Realm to figure out Amazon best seller categories 😀
Nice try, Mod R!
We know Dracula is Cesar.
Well no wonder he hates to be bored. He’s hundreds of years old.
Good to know there are no vampires in Ruby Flame. You’re pardoned Mod R because the Horde needs you to keep us in line (most of the time). 🙂
Why would Amazon put Ruby Fever under the vampire best seller list?! Unless they are going with just the title of the book. I can see where the algorithm goes with that. The computer may come to the conclusion that Ruby = blood and Fever = converting to vampirism, or something like that. Otherwise, I’m just baffled.
Maybe because another HA series- Innkeeper- has vampires….. thus all HA series contain vampires…….
Thank you for the snippet, it made a great birthday surprise! That cover is absolutely gorgeous!
Sigh* love the snippet and love the cover.
*happy sigh*
Yay!!! Love the cover. It looks so good and they got the same people as the other two!!! Love the snippet. Eee! So excited for when this comes out.
Squeeee! So excited for this book. Between this, and Sarah J Maas’s Crescent City 2, my year is made!
Gorgeous cover and bonus snippet too! Thanks so much
Thank you. I can’t believe how much I disliked Alessandro in the first book and how much I like him now.
Question: Wasn’t there a snippet where we got to see something of Pancakes true form? Sparring with Rogan? I can’t find it. Has it been disappeared?
It has been archived now that the manuscript has been delivered to Avon :).
Devilish. Thanks.
(please stop the evil chuckling and grinning)
It’s not grinning or evil, I’m smiling. To be pleasant. See how pleasant I am?
I keep hearing hehehehehe. But it has been a stressful week. Maybe I’m just hearing evil chuckles from my own universe.
Can’t wait for August. Thanks.
Love it!!! Thank you for the snippet. You spoil us really!
I rushed over to preorder the audio and found out I’ve already done it.
So just went to pre-order and Amazon told me that Ruby Fever is #1 in vampire romances?? What did I miss? Love the cover BTW, am I imagining wings?
Evidently, Dracula is Caesar 😛
Amazon categories are a puzzle, but happy news for the bestseller!
Love the wings!
Can’t wait!!!
I love this cover!
Thank you for the snippet. I’m really looking forward to the release.
Yummy ????????????????
Wow what a cover! Though it dies skew more romance/fantasy to me than your style of action/fantasy with a touch of romance. If I were not a long standing proud member of the BDH, I might have passed it by as appearing too schmaltzy for my taste
Hidden Legacy is a romance series, published by Avon, a romance print ????
Does ModR ever sleep?! And when she does, which IA world does she dream of most?
Also… not all heroes wear capes, but I know one who moderates this space 😉 Thanks for all you do, ModR!!!
Does Mod R sleep? Much to Ilona’s distress, no 😀
<3 the BDH right back!
Squee! Or chiiiiiii!!!
Love the cover! Thanks for the snippet. 😀
Just wanted to say congratulations on the #1 Bestseller in Vampire Romance!
Oh, and is it August yet?
I just saw that too. Of all categories hahaha
Love the gorgeous cover and the snippet. Thank you so much!!
Macht Lust auf Mehr !
Fabulous cover!!! Love it!!
It’s #1 in vampire romance on Amazon. Oh Amazon… you’re so odd.
Or does Amazon know something we don’t?! 0.0
I kid, I kid. But I did think it was an interesting category for it to be in!
Also the models are stunning and many thanks for the wallpaper! House IA is incredibly generous and we appreciate you all heaps!
Thank you for the snippet and congrats for being one step closer to setting this albatross free.
Would you like some nonsense?
I don’t think Alessandro would be like this, but it seems cute.
Carlo(Italian) and Sarah(American)
Oh man!!!!!!
I freaking love it!
This is one of your most beautiful covers.
It’s a beautifully wrapped gift that I can’t wait to open!
Love it.
Wow Hot
I really love this cover… and of course the snipped
Gorgeous cover!
Squeal!!! I’m so excited, the cover looks beautiful. I am loving the two excerpts. I cannot wait until August!!!
Can I just say that “Alessandro Sagredo” is the most mellifluous name ever? It just rolls off the tongue.
(yes I may say the name to myself sometimes, just to savour the syllables)
Lovely cover and great snippet!
Lol thank
You! I hope alessandros sisters join house andrews!!!
Can’t wait to see what happens next. You guys are so good at that, making up characters I really care what happens to. For example in Catalina’s last book when she visits the heads of The Pit development group, I cared quite a lot about all of them on first meeting. Some I wished for a shovel and a convenient ant hill in which to bury them. But that’s caring, too.
Oh, my! That scene took my breat away ????
Great snippet & wonderful cover. Can’t wait until August! After I only scored 7 out of 17 on Mod-R’s quiz I have just finished a re-read of the Hidden Legacy series and am really looking forward to the next installment.
For the Fandom- an Au Tiktok of Catalina and Alessandro:
This releases on my birthday! What a wonderful gift, however did you guess? ????
Thank you for the snippet and I look forward to reading all of it!
According to Amazon, it’s the #1 bestseller in vampire books.
All the snippets/excerpts have been so tantalizing! I await this book (vampires and all) with bated breath!
You/HA are pre-ordered…always and everything…because reasons!
The cover is so beautiful and I love the snippet! I am so looking forward to this book. Thank you!
Yay! Beautiful!
Holy heck, that’s hot.
Thank you, Ilona Andrews for the snippet.
“Is this the Count you were looking for?”
I fanned myself. My husband looked at me like I was nuts lolz
Can’t wait!
So excited!!!!!! Thanks for the snippet!
This is a question about Leon….Just saw the movie “The Professional” with Natalie Portman and Jean Reno, one of my favorite actors. Is Leon Baylor styled after Leon of the Professional? Just wondering if the movie had any influence on the name of the character.
In some countries, the movie goes by the title “Leon”.