I am so tired, I had to make this post and my brain was like, “Wot are wurds?” My original post started with “This Saturday, Gordon and I will join much cooler people at San Antonio Popcon.”
Except Popcon is NOT this Saturday. It’s next Saturday. Not only I thought it was this Saturday, I made plans based on it. The level of stupid on this side of the computer screen is super high right now. 🙂
So, let’s try this again.

Next Saturday, February 29, Gordon and I will be joining much cooler people at San Antonio Popcon held at San Antonio Public Library. My understanding is that we will come in, park ourselves at a table, and say hi to whoever comes along. We will be signing books, chatting with readers, and generally be available for your entertainment and questions. So if you happen to be in San Antonio next Saturday, please stop by. Other attending authors include Charlaine Harris, Christopher Golden, Grace Draven, David Liss, and Martha Wells.
Boy I wish I lived closer…NY State here…cant seem to convince the hubby we need a winter break there that weekend….
Lol… I am in Switzerland… not exactly around the corner either. But perhaps it will happen one day that we could meet. That would be such an honor.
Canada ???? dream come true to meet you guys face to face and to have you sign my copies of your books❤️
Same here … ???????????????? But one day !!
Well… First time I ever wished I lived in Texas…have fun!
Sweden here, and I already live abroad because we came from The Netherlands 2 years ago. Maybe one day 🙂
Same here. And it’s cold!!!
Sounds like fun!!!
Oh man, that sounds like it would be wonderful! Unfortunately, I live too far away to make that happen. ????
I hope everyone that gets to go has a wonderful time! ????
Very nice; I wish I could be there!
Have fun and enjoy the break 🙂
I’ll let my BFF know, but N Dallas is a bit of a haul.
Spoke with a client near Houston today and used the freeway insights from your books to shoot the breeze 🙂
Funny. I live in Houston and love the road and freeway bits!
****LUST***** i would love to be able to go but sadly, while i live in the same time zone, i’m about 2 states north and no good excuse to go south just now….
I hope you have fun!
Take this weekend as a breather and refresh.
Am pretty sure any of the BDH in San Antonio will be ready with their questions and needing updates on all series.
Looking forward reading EB
That is a great list of authors. Especially with Gordon and Ilona.
And on Feb 29th to boot.
well, i’m so tired I kept reading it as Popcorn instead of popcorn.
Hope you can use the extra week to relax! Wish we loved closer.
Me too! lol I read the title, not once, but a few times as popcorn. It wasn’t until I read the post that my brain engaged to read popcon.
So did I!
Me too 🙂
and yet more popcorn
If it makes you feel better, I read the title of this post as “San Antonio Popcorn” at least three times before my brain behaved and I realized that was wrong. At least it makes more sense now…
Same here!!
Until I read you’re comment I was still reading it as popcorn. And it took me a while to figure out what you meant. Lol.
OMG same hahaha
The icon thing from the graphic looked like a popcorn box to me too ???? I just had lunch so no excuses lol
Same here. Wondering what was so great about San Antonio popcorn?
In Texas, only 4 hours away, but I work that weekend.
Have fun at the Library!
Wow, I am with the jealous group. I wish Michigan is not this far north. Have fun!
Fellow Michigander here. Sigh. San Antonio can be so pleasant this time of year. I hereby deputize someone in the local BDH as honorary Michiganders and greet House Andrews in our name.
I already have something scheduled (sad face) and I can’t go.
Wow! It looks like a lot interesting things going on. I wish I was able to go. Hopefully having an extra week to rest will make the brain feel better ????
Have fun! ????????
We are the crazy ones driving in from Alabama for this (hey, at least we can use billeting on Randolph, right?). Can’t wait to pop by and say hi!
hope you manage to rest between now and then! and that you have a day filled with only love from fans!
Hey that means you have this coming Saturday free! Enjoy the day off. Wish I could make it.
Wish I lived closer than……..wait for it……North Dakota. 🙁
Guess I am a little closer as I am in South Dakota.
I would love to trade in the snow and -11 temps to go down for this.
SD here too, at least we’re supposed to have 50 this weekend.
I repeatedly read San Antonio Popcorn… plenary of stupid on this side of the screen too! Have fun!
I read popcorn instead of Popcon. My brain is fried from doing a lot of data analytics. I still have some left to do tomorrow. So totally understand. I can’t even get my fingers to spell correctly. 😀
Even though I live in Fort Worth, going down to San Antonio would be a very long drive. Have fun!
Screaming! I live in San Antonio! Had no idea you were going to be in town! Will be doing whatever I can to get tickets etc. Selling organs, you whatever. See you there!
hahaha, I bet they won’t claim any of your organs. 🙂 Have fun, you made me laugh. 🙂
I love in NE SA am trying to make plans to attend this event to have some books signed. ????
Hate that your plans are now altered but super excited at the prospect of meeting y’all for the first time ever!
Mannnnnn I wanna day trip up to San Antonio from Houston next Saturday!
Well I love you guys best of that group.! A certain HEA from one of those went very sideways in my opinion lol. If you’re not the coolest maybe you’re the kindest. ???? can’t wait for Emerald Blaze and enjoy lucky readers who get to get to go to this event.
Oh Jenn… I hear you on the HEA. If it’s of any help, this is what I understood to be going on with that:
World building = Creole culture re-labeled.
Fairies and decendents = slaves, freemen, quadroons, octaroons etc as per the French Creole culture.
Vampires = Land/Plantation owners.
Werewolves/Shifters = different First People tribes
Ending = like stays with like, in a very racial sense.
None of this clicked until the end of the series. And if I could take my money back from the author after realizing what exactly had been written, I would. 🙁
Wow. Thank you for that. I had not understood it that way before. Me too , I basically rewrote it in my head and that was that
Julie, it’s an interesting theory, but not actually what the author intended to write. The deeper meaning that was intended, per online statements by the author way back around the 5th or 6th book, had vampires as metaphor for the LBGTQ community. That being the case, it would be very unlikely that the heroine would end up with a vampire. Like did stay wth like, but it was in an orientation sense rather than a racial one. And it’s hard to argue that people shouldn’t stick with the orientation that makes sense to them, unless you want to go back to Leviticus, in which case you’d better lay off the gumbo with all that pork and shellfish. The whole series started as an argument for letting people be who they are, even if it scares you.
Well, what she said is one thing and that may have been after the TV series was made. I have a bit of a hard time believing that though. Consider that in the book series, Sookie and her cousin were relatives of a historical black voodoo queen who actually existed. 1/8th fairy = octaroon.
1/4 fairy = quadroon
The thing about “marriage by the knife” also supposedly existed between the French landowners and their non-white lovers. The difference in the treatment of the free African American population under the French and under the Spanish who overthrew the French. (Sophie/Phillipe).
The concept of “plaçage”.
Rather than going into detail, I’d recommend reading up a bit about that period of time in New Orleans. If I remember, the first thing I searched was Quadroon Balls and went down the rabbit hole from there. You’ll see for yourself exactly why I think it’s a re-labeling after a bit of reading.
Those constant mentions of how much Sookie loves suntanning became very distasteful after that.
Is this going to be one of those things like the people who argue with J. K. Rowling about Snape’s motives? Not that I’m the author; I don’t write fiction. She made that comment at a public signing at least ten months before the TV series premiered. I recognize that no one wants to believe their carefully constructed theory is incorrect. It’s no secret that lots of people hated the way the series ended. It appears that you re-evaluated the series through your anger at the author, and came up with a theory to justify that anger.
Bear in mind that the author was never, ever a romance writer. She started writing mysteries and moved into fantasies structured as mysteries. There is a difference between fantasy and paranormal romance. She did not write the series as romance, and romance readers have never forgiven her for that.
The one-drop rule affected my family directly, so I have a solid working knowledge of this country’s racial history, New Orleans included. While I’m always happy when people educate themselves, I believe you need to check your confirmation bias. It is deeply unfair to the author.
Thank you for your opinion. 🙂
You’re welcome. I also note that, by your formula, a mixed race person ended up with a First Person, since Sam is a shifter. He’s just not the kind of shifter preferred by shippers. 🙂
Jewelwing: Let it be please. We could debate our points of view until the cows come home, but it would be discourteous to the owners of this blog and so I’m not going to go there. Peace out x
This thread is now closed.
Live in NYC. Sounds like fun. With cool people. On leap year .
So, only one more book after Emerald Blaze . This has to be Ruby something fire.
Will we get Iron and Magic 2 ? Hugh and Elara and Bucky!!
And Emerald comes out in August, so far away.
I do realize you need a major break. It’s February and everyone needs a break. Small trip anywhere.
Personally, I am waiting to see A Quiet Place 2 .
The first was such a great surprise. Love Emily Blunt .
Thank you for working so hard on your books.
I’m thinking amethyst? ????????♀️????
I wish you both a wonderful show. I’m not on the same continent, but I’d buy pretty much anything you write. Charlaine Harris… never again after the denouement of the Sookie Stackhouse series.
Random thought – I never understood people wanting books signed. I’m a huge fan, pre-order every thing you write and consider you two my favorite writer(s). I have no urge, however, to have your signature on a book. I’d love to meet & speak with you but I find autographs such an odd thing.
There is your random unsolicited thought for the day. Have fun at Popcon, whenever it may be.
+1 I thought I was the only one. I do get books signed for other people, but it’s not something I feel compelled to do for myself.
Count me as another one who read “PopCorn”. I don’t see a problem with that. Great list of authors! Too far to go though.
Since I’m an electronic reader, signing my computer is not really practical : ).
I recently attended BABE (Ballroom and Books Event) in Sydney. 70 fantasy writers in one place! I brought an A5 drawing diary for signatures and left space for photos & swag. Would love House Andrews to come to Australia! Please come! RARE2022 is supposed to be Sydney or Melbourne and BABE is also looking for interested authors for 2022 or 2023. For the first event of BABE they sold over 10,000 books on the day! Us Aussies really appreciate our authors when they come visit!
Another Aussie here. It’s a bit far to go to San Antonio so I will have to hope that someday the Andrews writing team ventures down under. It would be great if Supernova or BABE were able to entice the Andrews writing team to come to Australia. I saw Patricia Briggs at Supernova Gold Coast a few years ago and she was very nice, gave an interesting talk on where to next for Mercy Thompson, answered our questions ( without giving away any spoilers) and signed all the piles of books we brought with us or purchased on the day.
I hope you have been able to have a rest Ilona. Like all the rest of your faithful BDH I am eagerly awaiting the release of Emerald Blaze in August.
YAY!!! We moved back to SA last year, so I’ll definitely be there. So pumped!
I hope it is a great day and you get some friend time in as well as fan time.
San Antonio is the site of Morgan’s Wonderland, the country’s only fully accessible amusement park. It is a travel goal for a warmer time of year.
Oooh, I gotta brother that lives in San Antonio. Ooh, so tempting. Not the seeing-the-brother-part. I’d only be taking advantage of a free room at his place. Hence… Ooh, so tempting.
Just wanted to let you know about a typo / mis-statement in your post. There really isn’t anyone cooler than you. I would submit as alternatives:
The amazingly cool, wonderful and deeply humble….
You will never get a better chance to mingle with your idols….
or even
Don’t waste an amazing opportunity to be near….
Big thank you to both of you for making time for personal appearances!
Great big kudos on completion / turn-in on first draft of Emerald Blaze! (Am so looking forward to reading it later this summer … will be doing a read through of your prev works to tide me over till then.)
Thank you so much for sharing snippets and full-length versions with us on your blog site; this is WAY more than most authors ever do, and I (and we) are so hugely appreciative!
Well darn, two things today I can’t do. I really enjoyed meeting Charlaine at the Mystery Writers last August and some day I’ll get to meet you too. The other is the Miss Fischer movie but it’s 180 miles away so no go, not worth all the driving and hotel room. Hopefully a DVD will come out next year or it will be popular enough to come into the big movie theaters. I hope you guys get some R and R before Popcon.
Oh I really really wish I could be there.
This Saturday Ilona and Gordon can attend Popcorn on The Couch. They will be visited by seveal mooching pets while enjoying a movie. This appearance will be sponsored by Jiffy Pop -bringing you the magic treat as much fun to make as it is to eat since 1959.
LOL, excellent!
Good one!
Well, there you go. An accidental unscheduled day. Dare we say, A Day Off. Wahoo. Obviously you have had said brain fully involved for some time now. I figure there are finite limits and once you hit them, some things just have to fall out. Happens to me all the time with far less engagement of neurons. Hope you are able to enjoy the Popcon.
If you ever get the urge to travel to Maine, I would love to meet you . I love your blogs and books.
I’ll let my BFF know, but N Dallas is a bit of a haul.
Spoke with a client near Houston today and used the freeway insights from your books to shoot the breeze 🙂
Yes, well, I read PopCon as popcorn 4x. I was like yum, popcorn. ???? I am at work, tired, and apparently hungry.
What a cool event! Thanks for library support. One of our little beat down mountain towns about hour away had 2 13 year old boys break into the library tear apart childrens books and started bonfire in dept with them. Tragically burned down entire library computers special collections AND killed one firefighter injured others. All us FofL making casseroles collecting books writing grants. I’m hiding out in Steels Edge.
Mourning the loss of the firefighter, mourning the loss of the library, really want to cuss out the two boys responsible. That would have been a place to help people get educated and get well paying jobs, and now it is gone because of two idiots.????
Oh I am so sorry – how horrific! I caught some teen boys setting fire to paper towels in the men’s bathroom once but it was during regular hours so we caught it quick. What a terrible loss!
Utterly horrific on so many levels….
I heard about this fire this morning, I am about 4 hours north of Porterville. It is really sad that it happened. I wondered if it was deliberate or if the fire got away from the teens? My heart goes out to the firefighters and families dealing with the loss and injuries incurred.
OMG!!! Charlaine Harris – Grace Draven – and YOU!!!? I gotta go somehow and some way!!!
You two, Charlaine Harris, David Liss and Martha Wells! Wow, what a line-up. If I still lived in Houston I’d be tempted to go, but I’ve been in Maryland since 1997. I just discovered tonight that our county library system will do 3D printing if you supply them with a file. Who knew? Libraries are wonderful places; I’ve been in love with them since I was 7 years old and got my first library card.
Blargh. It’s so tempting to come see y’all, especially as I’ve already taken vacation that week, but a 10+ hour drive (one way) is a bit much. Pity nothing cool ever happens in Arkansas. I’d even take northeast Texas or Southeast Oklahoma or Memphis, Tennessee. Unfortunately, anything over 4 hours away requires a budget beyond what I can whip up on a whim. *sigh* One day, I’ll manage it. Hope y’all have fun. Maybe you’ll be less mentally fried by then.
If you haven’t read Martha Wells new series, Ilona and Gordon, do so! I think you will love it. It seems to fit with your senses of humor and sensibility. I have already read every one that’s out 3 times.
Wish I could be there; enjoy!
Thank you, thank you, thank you for supporting public libraries! And what an amazing event.. You know you’ve conned us into expecting popcorn now, don’t you? Hope you all have a grand time.
I will be there!
If I could have any super power it would be teleportation. Then I could attend.
Fiction has spoilt me for the real world.
Have a great time!
Wow! A grouping of my favorite authors all in one place!! In particular I’m curious if you follow Martha Wells. I’ve loved her books since I read Death of the Necromancer years ago and her blog was one of the first author sites that helped me understand What Hell author go through in marketing their books. Even amazing incredibly talented writers. So seeing the success and popularity of MurderBot is especially gratifying for long-time fans of Ms Wells — like seeing you all in NYTimes bestseller list! As much as we resent newcomers and bandwagon-jumper-on-Er’s, we longtime fans are so happy to watch you succeed!!!
Whoo hoo!!! Next week’s plans have just been rearranged. You guys have brought so many hours of reading obsession… ahem, bliss to my life that this will give me an opportunity to thank you in person 🙂
Now I wish I lived near San Antonio, instead of the middle of Alabama. 🙁 It sounds fabulous.
Wish I was near San Antonio. That said, Girl, have a nice cup of tea, a warm soak, and a long nap. Other things can wait and you need yo take care of yourself. ????
Well, I thought you were talking about popcorN haha!! I was just in Texas this week, wish I had known about this and would have extended my stay! Come visit us in New York sometime :).
Me too, I read popcorn. It’s lunch time????
Me either ????
Had to read it twice
Right?! I read this 4 times and kept reading “popcorn”. Was getting irked bed it was confusing for people!! My only defense is i have been down with a virus for two weeks. Too sick to knit or read! CLEARLY not as much better as I thought ! Sheesh!!
Me 4! I was wondering what the heck San Antonio and popcorn had in common! Have fun all who attend!
Wow! That’s quite a lineup! Wish I lived closer, but I’m going to be in Seattle celebrating my daughter’s birthday on the 29th. (Her birthday happens earlier in the week, but she works M-F.)
Level of stupid isn’t much better on this side of the computer…I kept reading PopCon as popcorn…
Hmm. Sounds like you need some RnR this weekend . Have fun at Popcon next weekend.
On a positive note, at least you did not show up on wrong date or not at all— which be horrible experience for BDH.
My trash did not get picked up by the robotic truck Tuesday as regular guy was off and there was human error in programming. A new stop was physically added but not electronically added and ride along human had no clue a regular stop was missed until I called to find out why garbage was not picked up as usual. No harm done but see, other people are having brain glitches this week too.
I’m going to be derided but if I came there it would be just to see you two. Even if the dead authors ghosts of Asimov, Heinlein, Le Guin, Bradbury, or McCaffery were present and answering questions I would walk through their incorporeal bodies to chat with you two.
You guys are an awesome pair and I love your books. I look forward to the next one and wish it were already released.
I live no where near San Antonio – but the feisty whimsy in me was spontaneously engaged by the wording of your post “… and generally be available for your entertainment…”. It makes me want to swing by, stare awkwardly and state, “I am here … entertain me please” 😉
There are several branches of the SA public library. I live in SA and want to attend!
Unrelated to PopCon and popcorn:
Did Penelope and James adopt Bernard and Leon since their last name is also Baylor?
Oh 🙂 Book 6 I can’t buy either. I wonder if it’s a country restriction?
I have always thought that Penelope and James used Penelope’s surname to avoid the whole Tremaine fiasco, therefore Bern and Leon share the same surname as the trio because both sets of siblings took their maternal surname . . . .
That’s what I thought, too, but Grandma Frida’s name is Mrs. Frida Afram (White Hot.)
I don’t think Grandpa Leon’s last name is mentioned, although I haven’t finished an exhaustive search of the books, yet.
So, I was thinking Baylor is the alias James came up with when he ran away (maybe he changed it officially but I’d think that would leave a trail) and the boys just took the name or their mother gave up her legal rights and Penelope and James adopted them.
I want to know more about the lives of the boys. 🙂
Ohh yes,
I had not thought of that . . . . Now you’ve got me scratching my head too. At least we have several (4 hopefully, pretty please) Baylor sibling books to go, so maybe it’ll be explained in one of those, or maybe not!
Always looking forward to more. I want, want, want. 🙂
Hi 🙂
Wish I still lived in the US to meet you on some Con.
I found you reading all innsweeper books and loved them. Started reading Kate Daniels and love them, too.
I bought all books in the Series, save Magic Slays (B5)
Amazon keeps claiming it is not available as an eBook.
Since I live in Australia, and shipping from US being so expensive for books (min. 25$/book, more than tripling it’s price, and none of that money going to the author), I read mainly eBooks.
Is there any way, the book is returning to Amazon as kindle again, or are there other venues on how I could (legally!) get Book5 in the Kate Daniel series?
Magic Slays is available on Kindle in US for $7.99. Maybe you can get on Amazon US to get it? Good luck! (Or maybe borrow book or ebook from the library?)
You are not alone in your exhaustion. I would have sworn on my life you were writing about San Antonio popcorn. And I checked more than once, since it seemed a strange thing to blog about and I was having trouble tying the heading in with the body of the text. Eventually the penny dropped. On the bright side – you’ve just gained a whole weekend you didn’t know you had!!! 🙂
Others in line up only cooler than you if they bring their own portable A/c.
Quizzes and exams are often short but a student can’t manage to fail one as they can put a negative effect on your overall grades. Some students take this lightly and end up regretting their decisions. if you’re not sure about how you next online exam will go and want to some help, send us a message today as we have a team of professionally PhD level writers and tutors who will do your exam online for you with the guarantee of good grades under very affordable prices Visit Us.
Hmmm… I’m not sure that I’d trust them. I expect my spam offers of “professionally PhD level writers and tutors who will do your exam online for you” to have better grammar. ????♀️????????
(This is where I meant to comment! ????♀️)
Absolutely! I couldn’t have said it better myself. 🙂
Please tell Charlaine Hello for me. Tell her Bigmama sends greetings! 🙂 I founded her international fan club.
Hmmm… I’m not sure that I’d trust them. I expect my spam offers of “professionally PhD level writers and tutors who will do your exam online for you” to have better grammar. ????♀️????????
Oops. I meant to comment on an earlier comment, not here. Sorry! ????♀️
Makes me wish I still lived in San Antonio. Maybe I’ll send my mom, lol. Have fun!
I am so envious. I think my skin may turn green.
I would LOVE our library to do something like this. I mean, we get authors in, don’t misunderstand, but not cool ones. Boring non-fiction authors or regional authors that I don’t read. Others are happy about this, it’s nice for them.
Suggestion box, here I come.
BTW did you ever go to the Multnomah Co. Library in Portland (where I do not live)?
I love when authors go to libraries.