The Sanctuary audiobook is available to preorder at these retailers (and more!).
House Andrews have partnered with Dreamscape for the audio distribution once more, meaning it will be pushed to over 60 retailers in the US and internationally. So if your favorite isn’t linked above, give their catalogue a search and it will probably pop up.
How long is the audiobook?
Four and a half hours. Sanctuary is a novella about a day in the life of Roman, everyone’s favourite volhv, serving his Dark God despite the fact he is completely out of cookies and mysterious forces are out to harm those in his care. So put upon, so beloved by evil things, so sexy in that special Eeyore way…
Ahem. Got a bit distracted there.
Will it be available in libraries?
Who is the narrator?
The awesome Chris Brinkley.
I am so excited for you to hear his Roman! The way people are about Steve West reading Hugh I am about Chris’ Black Volhv. (Have I imagined a buddy cop Preceptor/Cherny’s Volhv audiobook where they do dual narration and razz each other and I listen to it and kick my feet in happiness? I can neither confirm nor deny such allegations.)
Why is the Audible price so high?
It only costs 1 Audible credit, but Audible makes money as a subscription program and that’s what they’ll try to strong arm you into getting. The price in currency of the realm will never be made to look advantageous by comparison.
This is not how I imagined the names being pronounced.
I have in my possession a Google Drive folder with over 90 voice clips of native speaker pronunciations. The vast majority are done by Ilona, plus generous help from people of Zoroastrian faith etc. They were made available to Chris and informed his recording and the result is as close to authentic author intent as humanly possible.
Here for more on the issue and why Roman isn’t an Ancient Roman.
Yeah…I think that’s it. There surely isn’t anything else for me to share. I am a cruel and villainous fiend.
HA! You really thought.
Would I really leave the BDH without a sample? The most beloved and chalant Horde around? The Flufferatti, if you will?
Couldn’t wait
This sounds so great!
I love that voice.
Will there be a Graphic Audio version of Roman’s Chronicles, too?
At the moment, they are finishing the main series of 10 Kate POVs (Bites to Triumphs).
We don’t unfortunately have word on what will happen beyond that, there are still 4 big productions left in that project.
Graphic Audio make their own commercial decisions, so if you want to contact them through their website or social media and let them know you want Sanctuary, Gunmetal Magic, Hidden Legacy etc, it can’t hurt!
Thank you, Mod R. I’ll do that 🙂
I can’t wait (well, I can, but you understand!) to hear the GA version of this! I’m putting this out there in the universe because I have full faith that the wonderful people at GA will want to do, and will eventually do, ALLLLLLL of the IA books! 🤗
Done! Thanks for the advance opportunity and looking forward to the end of July!
Yummy voice!
Ah, yes. Spot on description.
oh my God – that voice. 🤩
Can’t wait for the audiobook. and I vote for a book with Hugh and Roman. the audiobook will be pure heaven.
Audiobook playing question for BDH: MP3-player good for listening to audiobooks? – That I can rewind a short distance (NOT all the way back to the start of the file which is e.g. a fifth of the book!) if I get distracted and miss something. I currently have an old SanDisk Clip Sport but pressing the back button takes you back to the start of the section, which may be a fifth of the book – unlike on my laptop where I can drag it back a minute or two. [Suggestions for a good app for my Android phone for this purpose also useful, but I really, really want a small, lightweightmp3player that I can listen to books on without using up my phone battery.]
Have you tried pressing and holding the “previous” button to make it scrub backward? I’ve had MP3 players that worked like that. (I find this counter-intuitive and it took me a good while to figure it out, or maybe someone had to tell me about it.)
I think I have tried that, but I will try again – thanks.
I use Bound on my iPhone and love it. Haven’t checked to see if it has an android version, sorry. You can add any audiobook that you can put on your computer or into your (supported – Dropbox and onedrive for sure) cloud account. MP3 cd, Downpour and Libro.fm for certain. I’m pretty sure Graphic Audio, too. Audible must be played on the Audible app unless you’re savvy enough to figure out how to strip that requirement, which I am not. At least I’m down to three audiobook apps from six now, so I’m much happier
I use Simple Audiobook Player on my android. It truly is simple, not cluttered with too many options.
The Flufferati? 😂😂😂😂
Mod R it’s ok to get distracted by the adorable Eeyoreness of Roman. We understand the goo goo eyes you make, the sighs of Mod R, and the trying to keep the Horde wrangled all at the sme time. It’s a tough job. but you do all of it so well. 😁
😀 Someone’s gotta represent the Book Devouring Horndogs regiment!
And the Eeyore contingent group of the Horde. 😁😉🤣
Hey! I ain’t fluffy and have never been. I am in the Eeyore Brigade: life is hard….bad things all around
OTOH: authorLords keep writing great books.
Still Eeyore rules. (And closest thing to a Horse)
Wednes-YAY! Thank you!
Looking forward to the hot, smoldering audio in full form.
Woah, Chris Brinkley, I see the appeal Mod R, I see it!
You get me!
I get you, too!
OMG, that voice 😱.
Thanks Mod R! You are so good to the Flufferatti (love that name)!
Chris makes a wonderful Roman!
wow, that is a Voice
Wow. What a voice! This will be a real pleasure to listen to. Also, I notice the tiny, little letters at the bottom of the cover art that say “Roman’s Chronicles” and I notice that “chronicles” is plural…
OH OH I just can’t wait!! Weeeeee!!!! So good!!
We the Flufferati thank you, Mod R!!! 😍
I love you Mod R!!!!! Such wonderful gifts and maybe a hint???
Love this! Perfect voice!!!!
This narrator also narrates for contemporary romance writer Penny Reid, and he’s pretty fantastic with conveying feeling and pulling in the reader. He even has his own novella. 🙂
His voice fits Roman perfectly. And now I know the correct way to pronounce Roman is Rohman.
The Flufferati! Yes, that’s us. The chalant Flufferati.
I’m sure that this has been answered somewhere already, but I’m not finding it with the search so far, so please forgive me Mod R:
Have we established when in the timeline Roman’s story takes place?
After Magic Triumphs, but it doesn’t really impact the KD narrative 🙂
I was just wondering if this is happening in between the main series and Wilmington or closer to Blood Heir territory, etc… I hold out hope that Roman will make appearances in ALL the spin offs, LOL
It never ceases to amaze me (and give me hope) to see examples of how many people can be so alike and yet be so different. Observe the same thing and yet have such differing opinions. And always, always, laugh at myself because my brain is so contrary sometimes. I am a voracious reader and thus fit in well with our Horde. But I detest audio books (No, don’t eviscerate me fellow Horders). Not sure why, but trying to listen to them makes me feel like someone is rubbing ground glass into my brain. Maybe because they don’t sound like the voices in my head? (Hah! I know what you just thought, then). But frankly, I would pay good money to listen to someone narrate a book like Ilona did on that link. Not sure why and I know she says it wouldn’t be a good idea, but I loved it. Contrary should be my middle name. And, sadly, Mod R, Chris’ voice did nothing for me, even though on the surface, it sounds so close to Michael O’Hare’s voice (dear Lord, listen to him narrate the first season intro for Babylon 5: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BtrUhIuEqdY), so I understand drool-worthy voices. I don’t know, guess I’m just weird. But, Yay, Diversity! If we were all the same, wouldn’t it be so boring?
I fall asleep to an audiobook nightly. Usually an old favorite so I’m not missing anything! It’s my white noise. I now wake up if the audiobook finishes, so I have to start it again, such a hardship hehe.
Same, I’ve listened to Fated Blades so many times that I’ve lost count because I find the narrator’s voice soothing and I think this will definitely fall into the same role in the future
Love the voice
Hahaha the flufferati 🤣
It’s gonna be goooood!
Whooooop! Libra.fm here I come. Thanks!!
Flufferatti, lolz!! 😂😂😂
Thank you, House Andrew’s and ModR, for everything 😊😍😍😍
I don’t normally listen to audiobooks but I enjoyed the clip. I was distracted by the pronunciation of Roman’s name. As a Brit I pronounce it ROman with emphasis on the first syllable.
I think I like being part of the Flufferatti 😁
I addressed that in the article 😊. Roman is Russian, his name is pronounced the Russian way in official sources, but of course that doesn’t mean readers pronounce it however it feels easier for themselves!
We need an “I AM CHALANT!” T-shirt. I would wear that sucker proudly!!
Yes Please!!!
Already pre-ordered the book but after hearing that voice, I’ve ordered the audio version as well.
Hey! Do you know if the physical book is also gonna be available to pre-order on Amazon Canada? Can’t wait!
It *should* populate this week- but sometimes systems have their own pace. If not, it will definitely be available on the day of release 🙂
Speaking of releases….
Any timeline yet of if/when the store will be reopened?
Week of release 🙂 – 31st of July
Your poor account manager. He’s going to see all these sales come through and he’ll be gnashing his teeth when House Andrews says, OK, close it. “Nooo! We could have more sales!”
Oh!! Thank you so much for the audio clip!!! I’m a huge Chris Brinkley fan!
Ok, not gonna lie, but it will take me a bit to get used to Roman being pronounced “Roma’hn” and not “Romuhn”. I’m sure there are other things my English brain has mispronounced as well LOL
Thank you for the explanation and forseeing our trauma 💗
Love the voice!
Such a great start to the book! what a wonderful narrator! I’m happy to be one of the Flufferatti!
I’ve always preferred to have a book in my hands, but I could get used to that voice, very nice.
old saying, “Men fall in love with their eyes, Women fall in love with their ears.” possibly, there is some truth to that.
Thanks for the heads-up. Audio version pre-ordered!
love it.
What a wonderful voice! Thank you for the excerpt, the fabulous story, and the promise of an epilogue! House Andrews, you are such a joy in my life.
oooooh lovely 😍
Book Devouring Horndogs! OMG 😂.
sounds great! any chance you will do graphic audio? I bought a couple of series there and am enjoying the books a lot.7
2 Ilona Andrews series already exist on Graphic Audio:
Innkeeper Chronicles https://www.graphicaudiointernational.net/our-productions/series/f-j/innkeeper-chronicles.html and
Kate Daniels: https://www.graphicaudiointernational.net/our-productions/series/k-r/kate-daniels.html
GA choose their own projects; as of now, they have not optioned Sanctuary.
I’m so happy Audible allows pre-ordering using a credit! (Yes, this means I’ve pre-ordered!)
The sample is so good. Chris Brinkley is exceptional at voicing characters that are a mix of vulnerable and formidable. ::claps hands:: Can’t wait for the full audiobook!
So, I can’t get CD’s yet? Are they planned, or has Covid put paid to anything other than electronic formats? At least a few of of us are still a bit Old School I think?
No, I’m afraid CDs will not be available at this time.
Audible had the pre-order available 4 days ago. Credit used, now the hurry-up-n-wait.
I love the Kate world and will snap up everything you two put out. one day I have to get to an event that you are a part of.