Hi BDH, Mod R here with registration links for all the release events around Sanctuary- Roman’s Chronicles 1. Less than one week to go! And btw, am I the only in full-flollopping sqee about that “1”?

There will be two events on the tour—including the traditional Spoiler Fest, when Gordon Claus brings clues to all the good book devourers—plus merch store opening and more fun on the blog and social media, oh my!
Sanctuary Release Q&A
House Andrews are hosting a virtual event for the release of Sanctuary, on Wednesday, July 31st, at 7 pm Central Time.
It’s our Horde party, so you can let me know any and all questions you want to ask our beloved authors in blog comments below or by emailing me directly at modr@ilona-andrews.com. There will definitely be spoilers, writing plans, Russian fairy tales, sexy Black Volhvs and all things Cherny!
The Q&A will be posted on the IA YouTube channel a few days later and will probably have a transcript (please don’t hold me to it) – but if you want to ask questions live, please register as places are limited.
Edit: This is Mod R from the future, here to tell you that House Andrews unfortunately have COVID and I couldn’t log in to the IA YouTube channel, so the video is on the Moderator channel instead. Both video and transcript can be found in this post. Also, the Lottery numbers are 7, 11, 21, 38 and 46.
Blue Willow Sanctuary Event
Our friends at Blue Willow independent bookstore in Houston have an exciting event in store for you on Saturday, August 3rd at 11:00 AM Central time.
We’ll have Ilona and Gordon all to ourselves, discussing Sanctuary, Volhvylisa’s future, book news and live questions!
If you would like a signed paperback copy of Sanctuary, you can order them through the bookstore event page. And you get to support an independent bookstore in the process, which is a win-win! Please note that independently published works are furnished via the distributor at a higher price to independent stores, which means an increase in cover price to offer them for this opportunity. For any inquires linked to orders or international shipping, please contact Blue Willow directly by emailing cathy@bluewillowbookshop.co
House Andrews Merchandise Store
The merch store will open next week!
You did not miss it, you will not need a password once it’s open, it only requires one now because it’s closed. Of course, we will announce it officially everywhere, and have the usual banner at the top of the website page linking directly to it.
This time around, there will be Sanctuary-themed merch, Sweep of the Heart merch and a few of the classic designs available.
Here is a tutorial from last summer on how to order from the correct region catalogue. Items are printed by local vendors and availability is dependent on their stock, but everyone has worked very hard to accommodate your preferences and suggestions, so we hope you like it! If you have a design that you want on a different item, or have an issue with your order, please use the store contact form, there is limited support I can provide in blog comments.
ARCs and Early Print Copies
Firstly, congratulations if you got one!
Secondly, thank you for protecting your friends from untimely reveals. Please wait for Horde Christmas Spoiler Fest next week!
Thirdly, please do not go straight to the end and read the Kind Regards bonus story first. And this isn’t one of those things when I tell you not to do it, and you all say “Mod R, you’re not our real mom!”, and rush to do just the opposite, like the origins of the Melalo demon. I mean it, I see your questions about it: it won’t make sense until you finish the main story!
For everyone getting the book next week, sad booo of solidarity. But on the w*iting and p*tience silver lining, you have a juicy epilogue and bonus short story to look forward to! House Andrews also listened to your suggestions here and there is a Foreign Terms glossary and a Gods and Mythology index too to help you along in the story.
House Andrews Socials
Links to all the official social accounts of House Andrews:
Facebook (and official Facebook fan group)
YouTube (and the Moderator YouTube emergency spare)
No, you will not miss out on any content or news if you’re not subscribed to them, and you do not need to be. But you’re welcome if you want to join us!
can’t wait!
ooh, first!
So excited for the release!!!! SQUEEEEEEEE!!!!!
So much good stuff to look forward to! 😀
Yay!! I am beyond excited!! Thank you Ilona and Andrew for this newest addition. I felt like when the count down started it was forever away and now it it’s practically in my hands. This is a great reminder that time moves so fast.
Yay! I have been watching the countdown go from “That’s forever” to “Hey, that’s next week! Woo hoo!”
Thanks for the links. Unfortunately, I have a conflict for the spoiler-fest. I will look for the replay and enjoy anyway.
I will be in for the Saturday morning Zoom(?) meeting. (Assuming I don’t mess up the log-in, of course.)
I really appreciate the extra effort that HA is going to for the BDH, etc.
Thank you so much.
Big Sigh. 2 am is just not my time, so as a reader from Germany I‘ll watch the Q & A at a more sensible time on YouTube.
Thank you for giving us the opportunity to do so!
7th whoo hoo
Ordered my print copy of Sanctuary through Blue Willow Bookstore because: 1) signed bookplate!, and 2) supporting independent bookstores!
Looking forward to the Merch Store and all the festivities next week!!
🖤🖤🖤 yay for upcoming festivities!!!
Yeah!! Counting the days
With a bonus short story! It’s less than a week, I can wait that long.
It’s nice to know the store will be open next week; I can be fussy about that sort of thing, though. I will have to see what’s available before I decide whether or not I’ll buy something.
You mean w***… 🤣
No, I mean wait. I’m one of the small contingent of the BDH who has no problem with that. Of course, in my case, there are about six other authors who publish regularly (two of them frequently) whose books I enjoy almost as much – this does help.
ARGH I can’t make either event! Thank you for posting after the fact as I will definitely watch those while shouting at my monitor.
or melting or squeeing
I promise to read the book from the beginning, and I’m looking forward to the Horde party. The virtual events are always a lot of fun, not only because all the questions will be answered, but it’s also fun to read all of the BDH comments as things are being discussed!
Yay!! And the zoom is on my birthday! What a nice present! Sorry you have to be up and aware at that hour. Luckily it’s only 8pm for me.
So excited!! I signed up for both sessions because who wouldn’t?😄 Gordon might drop different spoilers at each one.🤞
Almost here! Signed up for both. Happy! Thanks for all the info!
Thank you Mod R! I will be off in a remote spot the first part of August, but it SHOULD download to my tablet before I leave. Yes, it is coming with me. Have fun, all!
Happy dancing as I have registered for Saturday, 3rd August session. I always love these so much.
Am very much looking forward to Romans’ story.
Pinky promise, not to read the end of the story first. <3
Mod R, do you transcribe the recordings yourself?? At work we use rev.com for transcription and it looks like their free plan includes 45 free minutes per month (after which you pay). They can also add captions to video. Apologies if you already know and Team Andrews aren’t using a transcription service for Reasons…
Unfortunately, transcription services/AI doesn’t do very well with non-native accents. We’ve tried it with both captions and transcribing the recording.
Gordon comes through fairly well, Ilona and I not so much – the results are funny https://ilona-andrews.com/blog/you-are-bad-the-door-very-big/, but not exceptionally helpful 🙂. The BDH is very exigent and takes me to task for the smallest typo in the transcript anyway, if I were to leave the auto-transcript through, I wouldn’t hear the end of it.
Just ordered my Blue Willow copy with book plate!! So excited!
Can’t wait, woohoo!
Thanks Mod R for all the info.
I solemnly swear I will read Sanctuary from the very beginning to end. I don’t want Chernobog after me for not reading from the beginning. 😬😁🫣
Crossing my fingers that I will be able to get into the store when it opens. I suspect it will be crazy busy. First time buyer here. Very excited!
I’m so excited – I’m taking a very short break in between jobs – this will be the very first Q&A that I can attend. And I’ve been following House Andrews since long before the April Fool’s joke about Hugh. 😂 (Yes, I’m old and yes that April Fool’s joke was amazing. Even more amazing that House Andrews wrote that book and I was 100% sure that Hugh was not redeemable. Sigh, I will never bet against House Andrews again.)
Okay, hear me out, I think you should give the BDH the password to access the Merch store now just so we can look around and PLAN what goodies we will buy when it is open.
What harm could that do, right?
P.S. I have a student who is always trying to talk me into things and it always starts with, “Hear me out!” I thought it was worth a try!
I commend the attempt.
😂 I have the password and unfortunately it led to immediate ordering. Experiment failed. I am the primary breadloser of the family 🤣
“Breadloser” HA HA HA! I see what you did there!
Mod R, you are too Horde to be allowed the password, it was bound to end this way!
I bought myself a new Nook today, because my beloved Nook HD+ is no longer supported for purchasing new books. I bought it today because Sunday I head to the beach and I will need to get Sanctuary on my new Nook. Each family (four siblings and their spouses and offspring) does dinner one night. Tuesday will not be my night.
I’m so excited. And so grateful to be evil enough!
Thank You for the comprehensive layout of the upcoming events. I look forward to Roman’s book. Highlight of the summer
TBH I’m now almost as excited by the “gods and mythologies” addendum as I am the story! I won’t be able to catch the Q&A (have to work) but I’ll look forward to the replay.
So excited!
Ohhhhh when you brought up the origins of the Melalo demon I got a flashback. I honestly thought I had read enough messed up stuff in my life that it would be nothing special. Perhaps a little squeeky for people who were not into mythology but I could handle it.
Oh how wrong I was. It was just one never ending swamp of horrible that continued to the horizon and beyond. I now heed all warning from Mod R.
Can’t wait!!!! Thank you HA and Mod R for all you do and making this so much fun!
Can we buy merch from New Zealand , ( West Island of Australia…. 😉)
So glad I report to work later on Wednesdays… in case I stay up too late re-reading the book on Tuesday.
“1”? Lovely news, to top off all of the rest of the fun!
full-flollopping sqee. I’m using it from now in😂
Gordon Claus 😂😂😂
I. Can’t. Wait.
But I will. Patiently. See me being very patient……..I can do this! I can.
Thank you, HA and Mod R. Sooooo much!
I am a huge IA fan, but I no longer have purely discretionary funds. The cats made sure of that. But I do have affectionate family and friends.
This leads to the question, will there be any coffee mugs in the Merch Store? I collect them and my four states away girlfriend likes them. For me, design doesn’t really matter, but she loves Halloween.
All I am asking for at this time is a “yes/no” on availability and a price range including shipping if “yes.” I know details will be forthcoming when the store opens, but any lead time for a begging phone call would be appreciated.
Thank all the IA organisation for the marvelous work.
There will mugs, yes 🙂. I don’t know where you are based so cannot calculate shipping for you, however the price range for the items is £8-£11 for me in the U.K., depending which size you choose. 🙂
Horde Christmas is my new favorite holiday!
The zoom is full and it is my birthday *cries and laments the work explosion that prevented me from keeping up with my BDH responsibilities.
:: makes serious face :: i will stalk the merch store hehehe.
So excited and glad the storms didn’t leave any lingering badness for HA.
Thanks for all you do!!