Mod R sent over the April questions. There are a lot of Innkeeper questions. They are very helpful to us because they let us know what to clarify in text, and for that reason we probably will try to answer the majority of those in the narrative rather than the blog. But I did want to touch on this one. It gets asked frequently.
Is there a plan or are you just making it up as you go along?
Both. There is an overall plan but the details get finalized as we are writing. For example, we have three challenges ahead of us. During each challenge, the 3 lowest ranking candidates are eliminated, until we have 3 candidates left for the finale. This is the framework of the spousal selection, but things rarely go smoothly. Our internal timeline is to take roughly one week for each challenge. Hopefully we can stick to it.
A lot of questions regarding the mystery project.
Is the snippet from a book you are planning on publishing?
I’ll be honest. The fact that our agency didn’t see this as a viable project shook my confidence a bit. Gordon is bulletproof when it comes to that and he feels that this project is worth developing. We have almost 30,000 words on it. It’s very different from our previous work, so this would be a bit of a gamble.
I know IA said that it’s different than their normal stuff- but I don’t recall them explaining how–less romance, maybe?
Will HA be staying in the romance genre? Or is there the possibility of branching out (especially with the new self-publishing thing)? I could really use a book without romance as the central focus/storyline these days!
The mystery project has romantic elements but it’s not as romance focused as Hidden Legacy. It would be more along the lines of Blood Heir level of romance, meaning it’s there, it’s important, but it’s not the central theme. It’s a slice-of-life fantasy, meaning that instead of a mystery where someone must solve a murder, the narrative is more about the character surviving and altering the events that are taking place. For example, the original Star Wars trilogy is an epic fantasy with a definite goal, while Mandalorian series is a slice of life.
As to moving away from romance, we finished our commitment to Avon and Hidden Legacy. As an aside, we’ve seen some advance reviews for Ruby Fever – they are overwhelmingly kind, thank you. We are very glad that the conclusion of the series was satisfying. We are free from all publisher commitments, so we may choose to continue Hidden Legacy on our own with Arabella trilogy or some shorter works with Rogan and Nevada or Catalina and Alessandro. We do not have any solid plans at this moment.
While romance is a wonderful genre that brought us many fans, our next work is likely to have romantic elements rather than be categorically romance. This is not at all reflection of the genre. It’s more that we’ve worked in that space for 6 years, and it would be good from the creative point of view to switch gears. We may pivot back to it at any point.
Everard is the love interest, right?
Eh…. There are several interesting men in that work.
The man next to him, in a grey cloak with the hood down, was younger by two years. His skin was darker by a couple of shades, and there was something lupine and dangerous about his face and the way he looked at you, emotionless, calm, and merciless. His hair fell to his shoulders, and like the stubble sheathing his award-winning jaw, it was completely white, Solentine was handsome, but his best assassin was sizzling hot, and to top it all off, his eyes were a bright shade of blue.
Because why not? After all, who could possibly remember a stunningly handsome man with honey-colored skin, blinding white hair, and piercing blue eyes running from the scene of the murder? He would blend right into the crowd.
The two men stared at me.
Wow. The double impact was almost too much.
It’s a fun world. Very different from what we’ve done so far.
But don’t worry, we know that you have your favorite series, and we have taken your wants into consideration when planning our schedule.
So is she a seer? Does she see the death of people that she meets? Or is that info strictly for the benefit of the reader? She has currency, so why is she so hungry? Who is she running from?
I’m wondering if she’s telling this in hindsight, or whether it’s a time travel issue or precognition?
All good questions.
Can we have the Blademaster snippet back, please?
Mod R, if you don’t mind, could you please unlock that snippet for another 48 hours and link it here?
In return for unlocking the snippet, I have some questions for you. Our next post will be a poll. We would appreciate your participation as it will help us determine the format and nature of our future projects. I am bribing you to do a little bit of market research. Since we are flying solo, we are own marketing, publicity, and sales. Oy.
I love secret snippets!
Happy to give you some market feedback! I love the mix of genres that you do-some urban fantasy, some paranormal romance, some sci-fi with romantic elements…it all satisfies.
I hope you can write what you love for the future.
I can’t wait to read the new work!
Ooooh, I can 100% guarantee that if YOU publish it, I WILL buy it. Branching off into New things is good and I am giddy about new work from y’all. I just giggled like a kid with a new toy, lol
I concur!! Count me in.
Seriously, take my money.
Also, the questions I posed were in the nature of pondering; I am perfectly happy (prefer, in fact) to find the answer in the eventual book.
And the same for romantic elements rather than genre romance. A nice balance of elements is my favorite. You write what you want; I’ll read it.
The Agency has underestimated the BDH. You write it we will buy it in all formats.
So very true!
I love everything you write. Well, except for the Alpha origins short story – that was a little too Stockholm syndrome for me, although lovely writing, and who knows … you rehabilitated Hugh!
My favorites are Innkeeper and Maud.
I’m very “ok” with slice of life stories.
Thanks for unlocking the Blademaster.
Omg I feel the same way! I’ve read and loved everything but alpha origins. Also my favorite stories are the slice of life books because you can read them over and over and sit in the story.
OMG i’m number 6! haha highest ever! We will read whatever you write! And thanks for bringing back the snippets briefly!
Wait .. am I misreading the statement about Ruby Fever being the conclusion of the Hidden Legacy series? I thought it was final in Catalina’s story. Is Arabella not getting her a story told? Maybe, it’s just going to be awhile before her storyline appears?
Hi Kiffany,
It’s the end of the road with Avon as publishers for Hidden Legacy 🙂 .
House Andrews have explained before that Arabella’s story would include a non-conform storyline, where she has multiple suitors to begin with and the actual love interest isn’t revealed until later on in the story. It would likely be self published 🙂 https://ilona-andrews.com/2021/flowers-and-questions/
I thought that was the answer, but had a minor panic attack anyway. Hope we get Leon too! (I’d want Bern, but hoping he’s already on his HEA track.)
Thanks for details. I really love this series and am glad to know that something is pencilled for Arabella ????
Oh. I saw that Arabella’s trilogy won’t have a definite love interest until later in the story. So, I’m not reading Arabellas’ story, I guess. That kind of romance is too stressful for me, heh. ????
It was one of the reasons that I couldn’t stick to Kate Daniels. It got to Hugh and, although I knew she would end up with Curran, it was still too close to a romance triangle for comfort. I got waaaaaaaaaay anxious. (Fushigi Yuugi flashbacks).
I’m happy for the romance triangle/reverse harem fans though!
The Expanse and Disney’s treatment of Star Wars’ Reylo was pretty rough and it sucked all my joy, so I’m glad that HA is going to at least maintain a romance element to future books. I love your writing of anything, but 0% romance, like 0% sugar, is kinda sad. It’ll be another 20 years before I trust another 0% romance narrative about anything.
Hi Mariana,
I understand your position and of course you should never read anything that you don’t like, life is too short!
I just want to clarify for anyone reading that multiple suitors/potentials does NOT mean it will be a reverse harem story. That is a very specific trope and content, and House Andrews have made it clear it’s not a direction they would be writing in.
PS – and yes, like the rest of the BDH, I will buy what you write!
Always happy to accept bribes!
Bribe away!
Oooh market research – love it! I am up for a zoom focus group in any time zone!!!
There hasn’t been enough of the secret snippet sharing for me to really understand the story focus. I am fine with the romance angle, plus I feel like it’s a smart angle since it broadens your market base. On the other hand, there was little to no romance in Diamond and that is one of my favorite stories in that world.
On the romance side, I prefer the Kate slow build over the quick Kinsmen hook up (both were fine) because there are more quips and stumbles in the slow build. I enjoy the repartee and surprises you build along the way.
I’m sorry that your publisher shook your confidence. I support this new direction. Your readers have grown with you and if you decide to self-publish, I’m relatively certain it will be a smashing success. Lots of love and thank you!
Thank you for the answers to these questions. I can commit to following you to a new universe even if romance is not central. While I enjoy the “find mate/love” books, it is also wonderful when a relationship can be part of the story but not a major plotline.
I like that you solicit feedback from your readers. I’m happy to participate in any and all polls without bribes. I do, however, immensely enjoy the bribes. 🙂
+1 I support research of almost any kind. Almost. I trust you to ask about useful stuff. Unlike some people I could name, but won’t.
Also, even before the poll, I’d definitely buy, read, and enjoy this mystery book!
Yal are fantastic! Really liked both the Blademaster and mystery snippets.
Kinda makes me wonder though, what kind of stories did you enjoy reading/telling your kids growing up? I’m thinking you could probably do really well with those kinda books too because yal are so imaginative. My daughter is 26 and she loves your books. It could be amazing if you wrote some for future grandkids when they are learning to read. Maybe when your kids have kids, you will decide to explore that genre too.
The Kid reads topic was covered here https://ilona-andrews.com/2021/favorite-kid-reads/
I just reread both snippets. If they were for sale now, I would buy them so fast my debit card would kick up a puff of dust like the cartoon roadrunner. Hope that helps ????
Same. These are definitely one-click-purchase-level snippets!
OMG – how did I miss Blademaster snippet first time round!!!! *now questioning if I need to go back and reread all posts to see what else I could have potentially missed out on ????????♀️* Brilliant by the way – I would buy in a heartbeat….
No worries, it was up possibly for 24 hours total, possibly less, as a general “here’s a new shiny, but it’s quite different than our other stuff, would you be interested enough for us to pursue this direction?” Which they of course received a resounding “are you kidding? Of course we’re interested enough & would buy that in a heartbeat” response.
Ahhhhh I forgot how much of a cliffhanger that first snippet was!! And thank you for the third wee snippet – I do really hope you publish this one day, since it seems like a really cool premise! I’m so intrigued by how the main character knows things. (Also, I got a good chuckle over our “unnoticeable assassin” in the post snippet here. ???? Love it.)
I am loving the snippets you’re shared on your WIP and I’m looking forward to a future novel. Although I can’t help but ask if Arabella is ever going to get her own romantic storyline? A man who can overlook the fact their woman turns into a beast probably strikes a chord in a lot of women. LOL. I’d love to see how you’d navigate that storyline. Does your publishing commitment for Hidden Legacy prohibit your self-publishing her story arc? You sound pretty firm in that series being concluded. I’d love to hear your thoughts?
“We finished our commitment to Avon and Hidden Legacy”
This means the contracted books with the traditional publisher have been delivered and there is no further onus on House Andrews to write more HL manuscripts. It has been discussed before that if Arabella had a storyline (be it trilogy or something else), she would not fit in the “traditional” forms of the romance tropes and that would be tricky in terms of a traditional publisher. She *is* the Beast of Cologne after all! For more on that please see here https://ilona-andrews.com/2021/flowers-and-questions/ Her books would feature several suitors to begin with, before she settled on The One and would likely be self published so HA have full creative freedom.
The publishing commitment with Avon is over 🙂 . No publishers owns any of their copyright and there is no boundary or restriction on House Andrews from publishing new material in any of their worlds. https://ilona-andrews.com/2022/on-follow-up-questions-unexpected-nature-of/
I hope this helps 🙂
What Mod R said. We can write more Rogan and Nevada right now, and nobody can tell us no.
A lot of us are saying “yes” tho 😀
I love that for you both! Write what your imagination brings you joy.
I read any and everything you write, so I’ll be pleased regardless. I do hope you stick with this series. I am totally invested in all of the characters. I’d love more Rogan and Nevada stories, they are my favorites but can’t help but be intrigued about Arabella’s beau. Thanks!
Maybe one day there will be a book about Rogan and Nevada‘s son. Your books are so amazing, thank you.
This is meant entirely as a squee, and not a pile-on:
I’m glad you linked these posts, because I’ve honestly been so excited for a book about Arabella since reading them– especially since the “Cool Aunt” excerpt/short/epilogue. (hello, high femme debate champ pulling different threads of your magic to get different results, I see you)
What HA’s produced via Avon has been FABOULOUS. Strong writing, amazing world, excellent characters. But the idea that they could explore the world more outside of the romance-first angle, and give Arabella the freedom she really needs as a character? In a word: CATNIP.
But knowing what a slog Ruby Fever was? As a reader I’m totally content to bide my time and enjoy whatever HA feels drawn to next.
Thanks so much for allowing us to re-read the Blademaster snippet. I didn’t remember much beyond the terrace and tea, but I’d be very surprised if I wasn’t enthusiastic the first time around. Yes! I would read this, buy the various formats and re-read it often. Pretty much like all the rest of your books. As someone else mentioned, the only one I really didn’t care much for was Alphas, probably because I didn’t warm to any of the characters.
I love a bit of romance, but it doesn’t need to be the defining plot line. I think this has real promise as a fantasy work. I’m not sure it would be urban fantasy as it doesn’t seem to be very contemporary. But the characters are already fascinating and I have to say, please publish!! There’s already real depth to the story and we only have the tiniest bit.
Bring on the poll! Happy to help in any way.
Looking forward to the Innkeeper “challenges”, so much intrigue, so many chances to kill off the competition, so darn much fun to be had!
almost forgot, love the art work today!
Oh how captivating, I like this different storyline. I have zero issues in a book with romance as a side dish versus main. Could certainly see it as a new writing path for IS. Simply put – IA writes, releases to the Hoard, we will devour. ????
Ugh back to vacuuming, then copying financial documents.
I loved it, and I would definitely buy the completed work (who am I kidding, I’d buy any Ilona Andrews books…) ;0) Thanks for sharing the snippet, it’ a lovely Monday surprise (yeah, I hate them…)!
If the mystery project were to show up on Kickstarter, I would love to buy in.
Attempting to read between the lines, and I apologize if this was already spelled out elsewhere, but do you mean that Arabella is NOT getting a trilogy? The Hidden Legacy series completely ends with Ruby Fire?
Lol never mind, I should read the previous comments first. Thanks Mod R for explaining above.
“We are free from all publisher commitments, so we may choose to continue Hidden Legacy on our own with Arabella trilogy or some shorter works with Rogan and Nevada or Catalina and Alessandro.”
House Andrews have explained before that Arabella’s story would include a non-conform storyline, where she has multiple suitors to begin with and the actual love interest isn’t revealed until later on in the story. It would likely be self published ???? https://ilona-andrews.com/2021/flowers-and-questions/
You need to have that on repeat. 😀
Thank goodness Gordon is bulletproof. The Blademaster story sucked me right in and I seriously want to know what happens next.
+1 Agreed!
Basically I’ll buy whatever you write. ????
I hate that the pub shook your confidence. I read whatever you write because of your characterizations, not necessarily the specific genre. I know another author who stepped outside her normal sphere and didn’t go well. I believe it was not because it outside what was expected, but because her characters were unlikable and fairly unrelatable. You never do that. If you can make me root for Hugh, I firmly believe you can do anything!
I concur, great writing works in any genre.
For me, the only genre I won’t read is horror.
I’m ok with being an outlier in life, and have bought series of books other writers have done that are in different genres, to support the authors. They’re in my slush pile of e-books to read. That numbers in the 400+ so {shrug}
So business/industry question… You mentioned you were done with commitments of Avon and Hidden Legacy. While you’re under contract for a series of books, are you able to do another set of books or novellas with the same characters or universe on your own (self publish) or are you contractually not allowed to do anything with that universe while under contract unless it’s through that publisher?
Both The Blademaster and Mystery Project sound intriguing. I’d read it in a heartbeat regardless of romance or not.
“viable project” – As part of the market research, I know your time is an investment in the book. As you’ve pointed out, there are expenditures which have to be paid to people other than Gordon and Ilona to produce the book like editors, cover artists, etc.
What’s the level of investment when self publishing in the manner you want vs doing a few more things yourself? Would the break even point be less financial risk than you were thinking? I mean, I doubt it would be poorly written (ha!), just that it might not become a series or perhaps less people would like it? So financially not a disaster and more the rejection of trying something new but it doesn’t do as well as it could?
I remind you of the very vocal anti-Julie person (people?) and so many more people were hoping for her book that we reminded each other to play nice so all your various fandoms get a little something now and then, lest we poison our story supply. Many of your fans support you trying new things and will still buy your books if one world isn’t our favorite. If traditional publishers don’t express too much interest, well, good thing you have a mix of publishing formats and aren’t committed to other contracts. The IA publishing house specializes in Ilona Andrews books, after all, while a traditional publisher has target markets specific to their imprints?
Yes, i still remember when IA said that had the Julie Story all fleshed out and then they received negative comments about a Julie book and scrapped it.
I was devastated.
I was so thrilled when they wrote it during the 1st covid outbreak as a serial and then published it and it was a best seller.
I think this just goes to show sometimes you just have to do what you want and ignore the naysayers.
(I still do wonder how the book changed/stayed the same from the original outline.)
Love the new snippets too, no worries on HA’s automatic pre-order status.
I will take all the polls. You give so much and ask so little.
“Not marketable”? OMG, I’d buy it now.
OH! Am I the 47th post?
When I think of writers who are favorites and really good, Asimov comes to mind. He wrote well in several genres – science fiction, mystery, scientific papers, magazine articles . For me, I read several genres, so if a favorite writer (IA perhaps) does different genres, it is a bonus. I do notice, however, that when some authors change genres they also change names. To me that does not matter – “a rose by any other name…”
Pick a genre- you write it, I’ll read it.
I really like the Blademaster snippets. They are very interesting and while it may be slightly different genre for House Andrews, I have no doubt the book will be wonderful.
I will be very happy to participate in a poll- but really I love everything you have written! The details and character development are just so wonderful!
Hope you have a wonderful week!
I like romance, but I look for good stories that make logical sense with characters that aren’t too stupid to live. I trust you to write those kinds of stories, so I will happily buy anything you write in any genre.
This is absolutely my point of view as well! I have HA on “buy it as soon as it comes up for pre-order” because I don’t care what the genre might be classified as – the important thing is great characters written with flair and sensitivity, fantastic stories and plots that keep me guessing. You write, I buy. It’s that simple, so write what makes you happy!
I agree with this. I am not a big romance fan (in fact the cover of Burn for Me put me off HL for a while) but I find I get so completely invested in your characters, stories and settings that the genre is irrelevant. The Baylors are a family I want to join, post-shift Atlanta (and Kentucky) is a world I never want to leave and Innkeeper is an absolute sensory feast. I will read anything you write regardless of genre (you invented “rustic fantasy” and I went with it!) because it’s the writing I value.
Hidden Legacy question:
In Diamond Fire Catalina says only she can see her wings. But in Emerald Blaze Alessandro badgers her about whether she’s shown them to Albert Ravenscroft and talks about their effect on Benedict DeLacy. Can only mental mages see them or has she learnt to make them visible to everyone when she wants (like the black wings)?
I love that it is more high fantasy than urban fantasy. I mean, I will read anything you write but have been missing high fantasy a bit.
Absolutely my opinion as well. I’m so into these snippets and this world. The imagery soars in my head, I feel the tension of her situation. I love innkeeper but I can’t stop thinking about the new place every Friday. I’m more than ready for HA to walk me into a high fantasy world, and I have every confidence I’ll love it.
Ditto!! You are on autobuy for me as soon as a link is up and I have all digital formats unfortunately moving with all my dead tree friends a few years ago yet again I had to reduce it all when I can finally afford to buy a house all my favs are being bought including your series!! And seriously if you decided to write a time traveling historical whatever I would buy it in a heart beat.
As an aside—There was also a cool snippet you posted by guest authors or up and coming authors and did critiques on and one of those stories is still with me in my head but never did get an update. So would love if you could link those previous critiques if they have been published by chance? Thanks and can’t wait for the secret project to e published. I love trying new genres and the only reason I have is because if your recommendations whether they are friend or just a cool book or series you loved and told us about. You don’t steer wrong you understand intuitively what we may also love being fans of yours. So write what u want screw the big pub houses. Many self published authors make more than traditional do. And I thought u did a few self published works and did very well already? Take care!! Happy MAY!!
Don’t let them shake your confidence! I was so excited to read those snippets! They sounded super intriguing. I’m excited for your next project whatever it at be.
Thank you so much for unlocking that! I don’t know how I missed it the first time around.
For what it’s worth, I’ve loved all the snippets that I’ve read of it and I would happily purchase that book! I think they underestimated the ravenous appetites of the BDH. Just because it doesn’t fit into their mold, doesn’t mean it won’t be popular!
I hope you can write what you want to write and not worry too much about what they said. I bet if you put up an order link for an unnamed story with an unknown availability date, we’d buy it. I imagine that would create too much pressure though.
Also, I love polls and will gladly answer all the polls that you want, as many times as you want to ask them. Especially for snippets, but I’ll do it anyway too! ????
Also very true. I would by an unnamed book by HA with no idea what it was about. Post the link. I’m there for hardcover, paperback, and e-book. I indulge myself with Ha books.
Ah, this is super exciting. Romance is great but sometimes you want to read different genres as well.
What I would really love is for HA to write a litrpg series. I’m a gamer and some years ago I discovered the wonderful world of litrpg and litrpg inspired books. It’s really blown up in the last few years and is now one of the fastest growing genres (I recommed everyone read Iron Prince by Bryce O’Connor and Luke Chmilenko if you enjoy sci fi and video games).
haha I’d die and go to heaven if they wrote some litrpg. But it would be a ton of work making a system of rules for someone who didn’t start out already obsessed with numbers.
It would be the absolute best wouldn’t it? Isn’t Ilona a gamer though? I still have hope
Very interesting world – hooked me already. Happy to purchase any stories you share, especially if they are exciting for you to create!
I think I’ve said it before but I’ll say it again – if you’re writing it I’m reading it ???? Pre-order finger ready…
Yessssssssss!!!! Thank you for answering my question 🙂 Blademaster sounds awesome and I would have read it no matter what, but I’m doubly excited for the romance being the side plot instead of the main focus. Bring on the market research!
I will buy anything you write. That being said, the Blademaster/Mystery Project snippets are very enticing, and I will specifically buy that book if you write it because it already sounds fascinating.
Really excited to see what you two create when you’re flying solo without a leash. I read more than just romance, and am ready for this new style.
I always reread what you both have made, new works won’t change that, just gives me more selection.
I’ve loved ALL of your books. Your world building is spectacular and you write fascinating characters. I don’t care if your writing has romance or not. I’m there for your stories and your boundless imagination. I’ve been reading your works, and other SFF authors for a very long time. As far as I’m concerned, you and about 4 other writers rule the world!
I far prefer my favoured authors change style and genre than become stale. We’ve all read authors that we adored, their first however many books were brilliant, but as time went on their books became formulaic, eventually so predictable right down to phrases found in multiple books – “almost inhaled the [food]” yes I’m looking at you Mercedes Lackey, though to be fair she has changed sub-genre etc – that they became boring. I don’t want you to become boring, I suspect it would be soul-destroying for you as well as depriving me (and the rest of the Horde) of the surprises your imagination will provide if you are not confined by the expectations of conventional publishers.
Thank you for calling out Mercedes Lackey. I used to love her books. But recent years the books have gotten stale and I just don’t care about Mags at all. But he’s got like 6+ books now.
That’s where I dropped her too. I just figured I’d become too old for another round of growing up. I wish that series had just stuck to the Collegium being established, instead of turning into spy novels. (I don’t care for spy novels, so that might have been a part of it too). I saw something about her writing about the noble houses that came to Valdemar from the empire, I might pick that up in hopes it fleshes out the history of the world.
I love your romantic elements, they’re so .. romantic.Please, do not erase them from your new books. There is a golden balance between your romantic scenes and the action/mystery ones .Oh well, I think I’m a hopeless romantic soul/fool.
Well, I for sure would buy the snippet project and am very much enjoying the snippets you are so generously sharing.
I like the snippet and I agree that if you write it I will buy it. It isn’t just the genre and stories you write (which I love) it is how you write. Leaps and bounds above other books that I also love but they just aren’t on the same level.
your publishing peeps are idiots! it is a wonderful snippet, publish it yourself, we will buy. We will buy.
I am so curious to know what is happening. I would love to read this book.
Please give Arabella her 3 books! 3 sisters with 3 books each…that would be lovely and feel balnaced. Otherwise it would always feel kind of aborted to me and Arabella deserves her own happy end please.
Trust yourselves and go for it if you like the story! I love the snippets.
We are totally bribable.
Plus, I mean . . . this is the BDH. It’s not like we’re shy with our opinions. 🙂
I should also add that I now imagine bullet-proof Gordon standing in front of Ilona in classic Superman stance — hands on hips, staring off in the distance — with bullets of critical stupidity bouncing off of him.
Thank you so much for these answers, to questions I never thought to ask! Mod R, is there a good way to submit our curiosities without being burdensome?
I’m very much looking forward to the next story feast publication, which I will devour with the bottomless appetite of a sarlacc read with delight.
Ooo, my strikethrough text did not parse well! Strikethroughs for “story feast” and “devour with the bottomless appetite of a sarlacc”, while I go hunting for more coffee to cover my embarrassment.
I’m very much looking forward to the next *//story feast//* publication, which I will *//devour with the bottomless appetite of a sarlacc//* read with delight.
Hey Elizabeth,
You just need to comment them in any comment section, I see all of them and will add them to the list. If you don’t want to ask publicly, you can email them directly at modr@ilona-andrews.com ????
I send them to Ilona either as summaries or monthly blog prompts, so they’re helpful rather than burdensome ????.
Thank you. The snippets story pulls you in…..making you want more. Yes, I would buy it. I enjoy all of House Andrews literature with Hidden Legacy, Kate Daniels and Maud of Innkeeper series my favorites. I will continue to hope Arabella’s story comes to you in an energizing wave of creativity some lovely night. Until then, may your muse continue to visit you often and with wonderful new ideas for you turn them into captivating, engaging stories that never fail to entertain. Again, thank you for all you write.
All good questions……….. ahahahahaha, thanks for clearing that up for us. And thank you for the sneaky snippet and the 48-hour unlocking. Also, I love polls- bring it on. Now off to re-read the Blademaster snippets!
It’s a great book idea. Someone is herding you to do something that they feel is tried and true. Go with Gordon-his instincts are sound. I get tired of tried and true. Too many things are the same flavor with a tiny twist. Be a master chef, not a line cook. Both serve sustenance. One serves excitement as a side. You both are masters at your craft. Have some fun. We’ll eagerly buy and help keep the lights on.
I want to know more – so yes, I would buy it “pronto”. The romance not being the main theme or driving force is fine by me if I am drawn into the story and interested in the characters. I am a huge fan of your work and other favourite authors are for example T.A. White ( whom I discovered through BHD recommendations – thank you Has ), Meghan Ciana Doidge, Patricia Briggs, Kelley Armstrong …all authors where romance is part of the protagonist’s journey without “soaking” through every page. Looking forward to the poll and hopefully getting my hands on this story further down the road ( + Elara & Hugh 2 + more Julie & Derek, more Erra, more Kate, more Innkeeper, simply more Ilona Andrews ). Thank you.
I would 100% buy this!!
Count me in for any kind of feedback!
I enjoy all your works to the point that I would buy copy for a toilet paper ad if House Andrews wrote it. I probably would not re-read it to the extent I do everything else, but I would buy it. A new book from you is a yes, please and I do not care about the genre.
I would buy a book based off either of those 2 secret snippets. They sound very interesting and your fantasy with romance elements is my favourite niche of genre elements. I think you are some of the best at writing relationships into the story whether romantic, family, friendship etc in an interesting and relatable way.
“…in case anyone missed it last week. Both of these and the sneaky snippet above are part of the same work- Mod R xx
Thanks for clarifying that they are all snippets from the same story. When I was under the impression that they were different adventures, I was looking forward to ANY of them being further developed. Now that I know it’s all one story, I’m excited to read the novel!
Looking forward to the Marketing Research Questions and being helpful.
KD #11
SB #2
I vote yes.
I would remind our dear HA that Blood Heir felt like a risk, and the BDH
blew the doors off.
I say take the risk with this book. You’ve earned a pet project at this point!
Would a pre-order/kickstarter type thing work? As in, we give a set amount now for the future book? Start with a poll asking: “who would want this?” If you respond with “I want this!”, then you are committed to pre-ordering this book.
I’m thinking this way you have a good gauge on demand, get money upfront and we get a book. Possibly at a small discount ????
Thank you for a wonderful start of the week.
Scrolling through the comments I got sidetracked to add sn advance polling answer to more Hidden Legacy – that’s a resounding yes please.
But on the topic of the Blademaster I can only repeat myself with this posts snippets- it is a truly amazing world that we caught glimpses of so far. Would very much love to read more, in whatever form at whatever time it may become available. I am sincerly hoping that it continues to be a project that fits in with your creative muse.
One of the things I love most about your writing is that although I recognize your ‘voice’ in all of your works it isn’t repetitive bcause all worlds have their flavour and their unique cast of protagonists. What I’m trying to say is I am very thankful that you are offering us your different worlds so that we may choose to escape to whichever one we can most refer to at that point in life. Re-reading parts of a series or the whole is always a nice experience with your books and therefore I fully believe the Blademaster would add a new facet.
But I’m afraid I may not have put this right. Hoping for your poll to add my thoughts in a more orderly fashion. And please throw any such polls/questionnaires our way if it helps you. They are usually fun to answer too.
I would answer the poll without bribe if it helped HA. Would you consider writing the special project under Gordon Andrews if you’re that worried since the publisher said no? “Different name” for “different brand”.
I am kind of biased but I think you should follow your heart when it comes to writing. Write what you love and if you love that project, write it! I know I am very intrigued by it. The atmosphere is so thick and enticing, the feel of danger, the hidden pasts, the intensity of the character having a goal…so, I’d read it. 🙂
Best of luck and looking forward to whatever stories you give us next.
Don’t worry about the agency. I, for one, will buy, read and enjoy anything you write. Done series I like more than others, but I read and enjoy all. I’m sure most of your fans are the same.
What Jazzlet said. Yes, the romance is compelling and has its time and place, yet it is your imagination, world building, the depth of plot and intrigue, the nuances of your characters that takes my breath away. I would love to read that next thing your journey as a writer takes you. The two snippets? I am all in!!!
I really enjoy the style of humor your books have, that is one of their biggest draws to me, as such I’m pretty much set to buy anything you guys write.
A new world with a new concept is exciting and I can’t wait to read it. And I love that you are still doing innkeeper, it was the first IA book series I read and it is still my favorite. This new work being slice of life focused might compete for that spot XD
Love the snippet & answers thanks!
Something different sounds great. Very glad to learn this is a fun world as last week’s snippet (as a standalone) felt a bit grim, particularly if any foreseeing is set in stone.
You write it and I will buy it!
For what it’s worth, I think the story associated with these snippets will be amazing and I personally welcome an evolution like this. This is a whole new world and I love how detailed you are in the creation of it! I hope you do get it published and it can confound mainstream publishing with its success. Hope May is a better month for all
Here’s what I know… anything you write will be amazing! I will buy it. I will read it. And then I’ll review it. It’s in the publics best interest to experience your writing! Simple as that lol!
The worlds you create and the stories you tell play a huge part of my life. Every Saturday morning (I live in Australia) the first thing I do is get my Innkeeper fix, as I’m waiting for my Catalina fix.
I can’t express enough that reading your books are one of my favourite things to. I’m quietly waiting for my son who loves to read sci-fi and gaming lit, to be old enough to introduce him to your stories.
(romance scenes are not his thing at all haha!)
I will buy the book. You write it I will buy it.
I am there for anything you put forth. Have never had a bad read. Love all of your offerings!! If you write it I will buy it. ????
Ready, and waiting to answer. Will work for snippets! ????
I would read any of these options! Your worlds are amazing, every one of them. I adore everything, my least favorite of your worlds is still one of my favorite worlds when compared to other authors’. I hope y’all write whatever will make you happy, because it’ll make me happy as a reader regardless!
We’re always ready to participate in your market research! Whatever helps!
I have loved your romance books, but I have a lot of faith in your talents and will happily join you for the next ride, regardless of how you label it.
I enjoy having a thread of romance going through the stories but the emphasis on mystery or solving an impossible problem. Like Kate Daniels. The romance heightens the whole story but I can do without the sex, or not much of it. I thought the first sex scene with Kate and Curran was all time great, because it was a culmination, but the rest of the sex scenes between them were to please the readers more than to enhance the story. Just my opinion. But I’ve loved everything you’ve written and believe anything you write in the future will be amazing. You two can’t help it. You are so talented!
Thanks for the links. I had read one snippet, but not the other. Both are quite intriguing! I look forward to more. While I enjoy stories with romantic elements, I’ve been been reading SF and Fantasy since childhood.
Two of my favorite authors, Sharon Lee and Steve Miller, went through a period without a publisher. Fans like me signed up chapter by chapter, to be written when enough had been raised for the time. I consider myself a partial publisher of a couple of books that way.
I look forward to seeing what you come up with, as you are also a couple of my favorite authors. Good Luck!
Just a comment. ‘No romance’. But would that individual care if there was a few quick one night stands described. James Bond never in love but always able to bed the nearest available person. I find it annoying that romance is not wanted but series are created where the lead jumps from one person to another in every book.
Sorry, Mary, I cannot figure out if this is a question, a request or criticism against sexual freedom in books?
Mary, it sounds like you are accusing us of writing erotica. None of our characters have ever been described having a one night stand. Also, nobody mentioned having “no romance.” Where is this coming from?
That’s so gracious of you to unlock the snippet! I confess I was hopeful that the locking of the snippets potentially meant we convinced you it had a market. I’m glad that you are still considering it. It seems high fantasy or historical fantasy (is that a term? I feel like I made it up…).
I’m already sold. The publisher was so wrong. You write and I’ll read.
“Lupine and dangerous”
Oh, my heart! Where is that fan?!
To quote Eartha Kitt, “It’s so nice to have a man around the house!”
(Picture her saying that with her trademark purr – long before she played Catwoman on the 1960’s Batman series….)
Seriously, this is a book I need!!
Standing by to click the preorder button!!
I hope you know that the BDH will absolutely buy this new project if you choose to develop up it!
Thank you so much for unlocking the old Blademaster snippet – I loved that at the time, enough to remember it! I would buy the book based on that alone. I’m sorry that person said it wasn’t whatever. It’s better than most of the books I come across these days. And yay, a poll! But I can tell you right now I don’t associate you with a particular genre other than urbanish fantasy, maybe with some romance. You’re just great authors. Thanks again for the snippets!
I’ll be happy to give you feedback. I have read and re-read every series, blog, and snippet I can find. I love the flow of your words and appreciate your attention to spelling, grammar, and other details. You have the ability to describe a scene thoroughly without beating it to death. When I read your material, I sink into it so completely that many times, the end of a chapter or snippet comes as a brutal slap in the face. I wish House Andrew long life, good health, prosperity, and a solid relationship with your Muse(s). May you never tire of writing our favorite stories.
As an avid sci-fi/speculative and/or fantasy fiction reader, I was astonished to find the Hidden Legacy books were considered romance. Romance? Haven’t read that since junior high. So, it may be interesting for you to discover how many of your readers simply followed you to Hidden Legacy from your urban fantasy. It’s urban fantasy to me, with fabulous world building. If I hadn’t sought a hard copy at one point, I’d have never known it was considered romance (other than these discussions since).
I love the mystery project and would buy it in a heartbeat. I hope you’ll continue with it.
Be careful what you wish for –
I can see many answers to your poll in your future.
Personally, I usually skew the results of any poll I take in weird directions, but you’ll get my data.
Thanks for letting us reread the “Blademaster” snippet. I remembered I liked it but not much more than that. Now I remember why I liked it, too.
I do hope this story comes to fruition – the characters are *very* interesting.
Thank you!
All right HA. I want this, I deeply desire this as a book, I crave more of this world. However, I will not claim to need it. I am too old (if not too mature) to allow the indignity of that claim to attach itself to my plea.
I will be 70 on May 8th. That is to soon for production I know, but what about next year?
Thanks for the returned snippets but “The kind of conflict that doesn’t affect most of the kingdom and allows the citizens to ignore the fact that every day someone is dying on their behalf for reasons most of the people involved do not understand or care about.”” is creepily on target right now.
Just because it’s not literary fiction doesn’t mean it can’t make you think. Well, it can’t necessarily make *some* people think. But a lot of speculative and genre fiction has a serious level underneath the entertainment. Gene Roddenberry made Star Trek as science fiction specifically so he could explore some social subjects that would never have gotten past the network censors otherwise.
Every good SF and fantasy and mystery writer I can think of has social commentary as a subtext. Sometimes you can tell they’re really ticked off at what’s happening in the world. You can ignore that part if you want, but it can be really thought provoking and even clarifying at times.
Thank you so much for unlocking the Blademaster snippet – it was so fun to re-read! I love the whole “sword and sorcery” genre and would buy this book in a nanosecond!
I appreciate that you threw us a bribe but you know the BDH would be happy to help in any way that results in you writing more stories! ❤️
Agency: “I don’t think it will sell.” BDH: “Take our money! We want it!!!”
Question I’ve been wondering for a while. IA had posted a snippet once of something kid 1 or 2 wrote. It was super compelling and teases me as an unfinished book I haven’t read yet. How is that going? Has the focus changed to other things now?
Oooh, I’m so happy at being part of market research! I love all of y’all’s work, but I am personally more take-it-or-leave-it about burning romance than I used to be. As long as I get more of your world-building, action, and humor, I’m good. I like how y’all build families (born or chosen) in your work too. Anyway, I will happily fill out that survey when it gets here! And the new work sounds really interesting to me.
Many thanks
Thanks for reopening the snippets!
Could we please please please have burn for me from connor’s pov. Please. I just love the story and characters of Connor and nevada and have read the first trilogy thousand times.
There are already 2 Rogan POVs for Burn for Me ???? https://ilona-andrews.com/category/avon-2/rogan-pov/
Was there ever a part 2 for the Wildfire POV? It is mentioned that it will be the date with Nevada and the guy-that-isn’t-Rogan, but I can’t remember if it was ever posted?
Those are all of Rogan’s POV. I don’t know that House Andrews have mentioned anywhere what an extra one would include.
“Gordon says
November 29, 2017 at 4:25 pm
Hey Wont, yeah the next bit will be him watching Nevada on her fabulous date with Garen.”
right in the comments. guess they didn’t get around to it though
I could argue and say that Kate Daniel’s isn’t really a romance, really. You could say it’s about a girl and her sword, plus a lion (hehehe), and yet it ended up being one of the greatest love stories of all time. It just evolved out of 10 novels. Not that I’m biased or anything (wink, wink).
But their relationship is the sort of #relationshipgoals you aspire for (similar to Kahlan and Richard from Sword of Truth, nevermind the other issues with that story…)
Out of context, but as the Japanese would say: Itadakimasu! (I gratefully receive!)
Kate Daniels is not a romance, it is urban fantasy with romance elements ????.
Write whatever calls to you, regardless of what a publisher thinks of the idea. Remember The Edge? Nobody could even define what type of lit it was, but four books later that sure looks like a winner. And Kinsmen was really out there at the time, but proved to have an audience waiting for it. Some of your most intriguing series have started out on the path less travelled. Their uniqueness spotlights them. And, like the rest of the BDH, if you write it, I’ll buy it! Thank you!
I love all your work, but something about Hidden Legacy is magical for me. I think it is that every character could be spun off for their very own book. I bet Grandma Frida had an adventure or three. Obviously, the tease of Arabella has been niggling at me for a long time now and I am moving through life with the belief a story will come.
I feel very much that I would inhale this secret project as easily as breathing. I am hooked on just two snippets. I am not sure I would care how much it would cost me to have this story. Just sayin. Thank you for sharing!
I love all your work. I would be delighted to see the secret snippet expanded into something I could buy 🙂 🙂
Mystery Project/Secret Snippet would be awesome AND is totally viable!!! I would absolutely buy it, devour it, love it, and can’t wait for it! Don’t let them get you down!
Thank you for the renewed snippets and for caring what we want. I will read anything you write, as you are excellent at your craft. I am more than fine with romance being an element, rather than the focus. Good times!
Also, for HL: You pick a character, any character. I’ll read. Thank you again.
I’ll buy it!
As to HL, I’m definitely hoping y’all will continue with Arabella. If not a full trilogy, maybe at least a novel.
Thank you for the info! I love all your world building. I like stories with or without romance! So excited for a new world to get lost in. ????
I am so hooked by these snippets that I don’t want to imagine that they won’t turn into a book. Congratulations on being out of contract! My hope is that forevermore you write what makes you happy and it’s a bigger commercial success than anything you’ve written thus far and you end up with 99.99% of the pie because you’re the ones who took the risk.
I would love to read The Blademaster ???? and an Arabella story, and everything else you want to explore, even the stories that you’ve left in the back burner or didn’t think were worth it.
I’ve been reading to much LitRPG. Im dying for something more complex with depth, but not Sanderson crazy convoluted. I just want a great story with great characters, which you guys do well. I don’t mind a little romance, but I’m a little burnt out on it.
You guys specialize in awesome characters and great interactions. You deliver great detail and introspection into people.
I want that: rich characters, good plot.
I’m hungry for more Julie, more Iron andMagic, and yes, an Arabella trilogy. The Hidden Legacy series has become my favorite.
As for marketing? Take a long look at Brandon Sanderson’s Kickstarter campaign. You have the fan base, and the email/social media numbers.
Oh, and a story pitting Luther against Roman. I think the results would be hilarious.
I believe I have bought at least one copy of everything you have published for sale in English. I have purchased multiple copies of many of your books, as well as giving away quite a few hard copies of an entire up-to-date series (all of Innkeeper at that point, all of blah blah blah at that point.)
I frankly don’t give a damn what you write. I will buy it. Probably I will buy a number of copies, a Kindle version as my base, so that I always have it available. A hard copy so my library continues to be complete. And then however many versions I give away. Which over time is typically the number #: ‘lots.’
Yes, there is too such a number. Oh, please. ‘Lots’ is too a real number. Just count the heads of the BDH Hydra. How many heads do we have? Answer: Lots. I rest my case.
PS. The next time we do merch, may I have a BDH Hydra T-Shirt please. Also a BDH Hydra Cycling Jersey. Because, cool.
PPS. Tell your agency the BDH does not read your books because of the romance. We like romance. Even love romance. Nothing wrong with some fine romance. But we read your books because of the STRONG CHARACTERS, and their DEVELOPMENT in lives which we enjoy following. Do I want your characters to get a HEA? Not really. I mean, sure. Yes, Julie and Dereck obviously need a HEA. Eventually. But I am perfectly willing to wait 6-8 books, or more. Whatever. I don’t read about Julie (as an example of a series which I believe you were told was wrong or shouldn’t happen) because of her eventual HEA with Derrick. I read it because I ADORE JULIE. Literally my favorite character you’ve ever written. I want to know what happens with Julie in her life. How she deals with life. All her feels. Whom she becomes, both individually, and as part of her family with her parents etc., and potentially eventually with Dereck and their little ones.
I mean, a long long time ago there was just this crazy wacky young woman with a very smart-ass mouth, and a sword, who took no crap from anyone, and killed anything or anyone who got in her way, or who needed killing. Now, around twenty years later I’ve read the entire series at least fifteen to twenty times all the way through, and these characters are part of my family. Did I know twenty years ago that I’d care about a six or seven year old little kid who can turn into a young lion? Nope. But wow do I want to see how he grows up and what he does.
The same for EVERY character you write. I could happily hand you money every payday as I find out more stories and feels and changes in these characters and stories which I love. Or in brand new stories. I really don’t care which. I read what you write because I love what you write, and what you write is character-driven. Sure, there are some plot moves here and there. But I’m not reading for plot. I’m reading for the people and their lives. ALL the peoples.
Isay again, I have bought AT LEAST ONE copy of everything you have ever published in English. Not saying you might not have written some short story or novella somewhere and snuck it into an anthology and I missed it. But if you did, and I find it, I’ll buy it.
Tell your Agency we understand and appreciate and will see their concerns, and that we raise them the BDH turning as one, looking at any new HA book, and saying in our deepest Hydra voices, “Shiny. Yum. Yum. Yum.” Ka-ching.
‘Feed us HOUSE Andrews. Feed us now.’
(I would also absolutely buy some HA Merch with the ‘Little Shop of Horrors’ plant as the BDH Hydra. ‘Feed Me!’)
More to the point is, I don’t care what you write. Write any damn thing you are inspired by. Just tell me when it’s published so I can buy my own copy and send you money. I speak just for myself, but I am confident many of the BDH agree.
Yes this.
Amen, mmmm and pass the popcorn.
Seriously, if it were possible to SUBSCRIBE to support our favorite authors I’d be all in.
I’m with you except for waiting 6-8 books for Julie/Derek HEA. Derek was always my favourite character (after Kate of course) and I admit I’m team Derek all the way. Don’t make me wait 6 books – I’ve already been patiently waiting since Magic Stars! ????
I would 100% read both the Blademaster and secret project stories. They both, Blademaster especially, sucked me in just in the short snippet test was shared!
More than happy to complete poll . Looking forward to new adventures.
Ooooooo, I see what you did there. Very sneaky. ????
I hope more than anything, that you both enjoy what you are writing. Please don’t write books that don’t spark joy for you, even if the cries of the horde are particularly loud. We love reading what you write, because you love writing what we read.
Too many authors get bogged down writing a never ending course of books in a series, just to satisfy their readers demands. I always feel like we then miss out on the next great adventure that is waiting to burst from that authors mind and onto the page… one that might be even better, or mind glowingly different, or just plain brilliant.
I haven’t come across any writing by HA I didn’t love, and do not see that changing for the forseeable future. However, judging from the snippets of that mystery project, it just might become a new favorite. Can we please have more? (I would also really, really, REALLY love an Arabella triology!)
Oh Mod R, my comment was removed. sorry if I breached a rule somehow, and thank you for all you do on this forum, keeping it up to date.
Hey Ms Blaise,
I wrote you an explanation email, it may be stuck in your spam folder, we have had issues with that lately 🙂
Awesome, thanks!
Thank you for unlocking The Blademaster again. I missed it the first time around. While I love the romance centric series, this new direction is intriguing and I’d buy it. Or really anything you choose to write.
If you make a poll a day, I’ll do it for free, because it is an interest in what I want. The answer is usually yes, please. No matter what the question, but that is just me. What I want is books from IA, and what hundreds of people said – I’ll devour them and ask for more. Ganre is not an issue, romance or not, one book or a series, the quality is the same. The snippets are wonderful, be sure in your abilities and in our fondness of them. Every book you make is a special gift for me, that helps and heals, and most importantly entertains, so it is precious.
It’s wild to me that your agent is saying this isn’t viable. to be fair I would pre-order a grocery list from you both (and I bet it would be a great read!) but my suspicion is the agent just thinks your urban fantasy is an easy sell with no marketing, and this is an unknown and so they’d have to work harder. it looks fascinating – we all also write better and work better when we’re doing the things that actually interest us! all to say if you both are excited about it’ I’ll be reading it and am already hooked. thanks for the repost of the Blademaster!
ROTFL, pre-order a grocery list. But, truth.
I would buy this in a heart beat! I want to know what happens so badly, and I can’t wait to read this. Hoping you all will decide to move forward with this work- no pressure.
I am definitely biased with any work you put out and as a member of the choir will do anything in my power to distribute and purchase anything you put out to help. That being said, sometimes the ministry of truth and your goals are aligned. Have you guys not seen the explosion of young adult fantasy/adventure with a band of misfits being popular right now and pushed so hard? IE, Leigh Bardugo Netflix Shadow and Bone adaption and even getting Season 2 greenlit. Or amazon’s Wheel of Time ? Or upcoming Tolkien? I think you guys are super and super talented and will do super well and be super well received by the masses! But what do I know? I am just a minion buying everything I am told to consume. It’s all nucking futs and these last two+ years have shown me that I love me some fantasy with teenage /YA angst bc I feel like a 13 year old trapped in my 40 year old body trying to just make do in a bad situation. Although…. I really love me some Sci-Fi + Westerns. I love the new Outer Range on amazon and Mandalorian (which I view as a spaghetti western in space) and have been busy catching up on all Sheridan Taylor works (yellowstone, 1883, mayor of easttown) and even love me some Doc Holliday reimagined stories lately. I am ready for anything you can deliver on and so is the rest of the world. Sorry for the rambling . You guys are great!
Ps. Yes, the switch from romance to more Bildungsroman is what I think me and the rest of the world is craving right now. I think the isolation has made me want to work on myself and I realized that inner child me is struggling to find my place in the ego centric world and I have trouble embracing my archetypal role as mother/wife in this time of despair and struggle. And more and more people are realizing it’s not woowoo to talk about vibes and chakra aligning / crystals and astrology . This is a perfect time for your work. You guys are really talented . The world building interlaced with the nuance of societal themes of shades of grey ( you guys can really make even Hugh D’Ambray someone worth redeeming and root for is a testament to your emotional integrity ) and how 3D your characters are (making something both wise and yet from some child like wonder delivery from the characters) It’s what we all need right now. I feel so strongly about this work that I am replying to myself. How meta (it’s a burrito , I have burritos on my mind due to it being Taco Tuesday and so close to Cinco de Mayo)
Very happy Gordon is bulletproof as I honestly can’t wait to read this, it sounds fascinating. I’m already hooked, and I have to wait! LOL.
I am always excited to read anything you write, and happy to give whatever feedback you need!
Now that there are no publisher commitments for HL, I’m excited to see where you do take the story. I know with Arabella you mentioned her love story not fitting the trad pub game, but now there’s more freedom to do what you want ❤️❤️❤️ I love everything you’ve written, and I trust you as authors, so I’m here for where ever your creative juices wanna flow ❤️
The innkeeper series is seriously probably one of my all time favorites. Mauds book is absolutely one of my favorite books with baby Helen. I’m dying to know about the parents! So, I am also confused by the publishers stance that it’s not a viable project. It’s the series I recommend the most.
I think your plans sound amazing. Blade master is going to be incredible. I’m happy for you both on this new journey, and change of structure.
I don’t really care what genre you write, I’m going to read it. But most people I talk to are all about more fantasy type books right now rather than strictly romance so the direction you’re going seems to jive with that.
Thank you for sharing your gift with all of us! Happy writing!
Hi Klaipeda,
The “non viable” project is not Innkeeper, it is the mystery project the Bladesmaster and other snippet are from.
Innkeeper is a best selling series, no dangers there ????
“I know things.”
I would buy that book – for sure.
I don’t care what genre you write, I want more of it!! MORE! The Mystery Project is already epic! I love it!
I have read a great deal of the work of House Andrews and enjoyed it all. Including “Of Swine and Roses”. (Why isn’t that one listed on the web site? and are there others similarly in hiding?). If you write it I will read it.
The works of David Weber spring to mind. No one would reasonably call his fantastic arc of space opera a romance, but there are romantic elements and they enrich rather than drive the stories. Is that about the level you’re trying to describe to the BDH?
Further musings… while the products (great stories, Yay!) published traditionally are well polished, I have noticed that authors who self-publish and take sufficient pride in their work to maintain quality control standards are often able to get their work out to the public much more quickly than traditional publishers are able to manage. Getting your work edited for example; as next rather than waiting in a pile, seems to shorten the time between “whew, it’s a manuscript!” and “here’s our latest work. TaDa! Send money.” I like that idea a lot.
Hi Robin,
Of Swine and Roses *is* listed on the website, in the Complete Book List here https://ilona-andrews.com/release-schedule/and in the Other Fiction- where it it published under Small Magics https://ilona-andrews.com/katie-daniels-books/#small
Thank You.
Also, I will never be First as the email notification of a new post is always later getting to me. This one showed upon May 3rd.
That’s OK. So long as I’m on the list to hear the news I’m content.
Thank you so much for opening the snippets up. As a member of the BDH I buy anything you write even if I’m not sure I will like it because you’re just that awesome. However I am super excited about the new world concept and hope you decide to publish it.
If you write it, I buy it. Everything you write is so good and I enjoy the unique details you have in all of your books. I love all of your series and eagerly await every single book. I have already preordered Ruby Fever. And love the current Inn Keeper online and will buy the book when done. The Inn Keeper series are my go to books when other books seem boring. Thank you for so many wonderful stories despite the life challenges you have. Definitely unique authors.
Thanks for taking the time to answer questions – and if there haven’t been any plugs for Bern & Leon – just saying…
OMG, an IA slice of life book? Sign me up!
Travis Baldree, my favorite narrator ever, wrote a SOL novel recently. It was sublime. No life threatening stress, no saving the world, just a retired merc running a coffee shop. I need more books like that in my life, reality is getting to be too much lately to also read about stressful plots.
Oh, I’ve just read this. It is delightful!
I wish/hope you will write The Blademaster/Everard. I think your agency is wrong. Your fans love your stories and if you’re truly going to go Indie, they follow what other Indie authors do–write “your” stories. Your readers will follow you.
Thank you!
To be honest, I just love your writing and the people you come up with.
Any genre or story you are insured to create, I’ll definitely be buying!
I have enjoyed the snippets of different works that you have posted. Basically, I enjoy everything you write. Whatever I’m reading at the time becomes my favorite, thouigh I would have a really hard time between HL and Innkeeper. I love the characters and worlds in both series. It’s hard to pick a favorite character, but Maud and Cornelius have a special place.
Thank you for the hours of enjoyment I get from your books.
You wrote and published Blood Heir on your own.We bought it we loved it we reread it and wait for book two. We didn’t have any doubts . You should not either.If your publisher does not believe you need a new one They work for you not you for them.
Mystery Book – so frankly I don’t reread the Edge books, I bought and read them though. So if at this book falls into that category I’d be okay. But I’m one of the crazy BDH who reads your blog. I trust House Andrews enough to not release a stinker. I’d like some darkness spliced amounts my rippercushions. Example I’ll wait to do a reread of Huges books before the next one comes out… hopefully some time next year???? Please please please
First let me say that I love your stories and I will read what ever you 2 write . Even though I have been a life long romance reader at this point in my life I would prefer fantasy /adventure , so I was happy to read that romance wouldn’t be the main focus .
Also will be happy to take your survey when you post it .
I did miss the second one. Thank you for reposting it !! Oh my, it’s awesome !! I have absolutely loved the first one « the blademaster », and with the new snippet, I’m so over my head.
I was half comatose with eyes almost closed from exhaustion , but you woke me up by sheer writing brilliance. So rooting for this book !
When I was in my teens, I was obsessed with the book _God Stalk_ by P.C. Hodgell. I think I read the covers off my paperback copy. It was a good story with interesting characters, but what captured my imagination was the world building. I wanted to live in that world.
The secret snippets story has a similar appeal to me: I want to walk right through the pages into that tea house, sit on the balcony and eavesdrop on that conversation (in a casual, discreet way that keeps me from getting gutted by the master swordsman). I want to rent a room from the woman behind the blue door. If possible, I want to save her from her fate, or at least her daughter.
I don’t know the criteria the publisher uses to judge viability of potential works.
What I do know is what I want to read (and reread). Already this world compels me — I want more. I want to know more.
You know we, the BDH, support you in whatever you do. More than that, we want you to follow your heart, write what you love, innovate.
We trust you. And we count on you to write the stories that need writing, whatever they may be.
I’ve never been disappointed by a story – in any style- from House Andrews. I can envision Blood Heir being a 3 or 4 book series with the romance storyline being kept on a slow burn. And then the last book finally dealing with and resolving the Aurelia/Derek relationship.
Dear IA,
My gateway drug was Magic Bites. I initially read you for the Atlanta connection and the badass bitch lead character. I’ve since read everything you’ve published for the character development that manages to be both surprising and inevitable, the breadth of your imaginations, and your moral code.
The element that matters to me is not romance, per se (if what distinguishes Romance as a genre is the primary focus on romantic love and the HEA/HFN) but the core belief that the capable and strong should defend and protect the weak. It’s the fundamental decency of your protagonists (including the rehabilitated ones – I’m looking at you, Hugh) and the underlying premise that good can prevail over evil. I read you for that shot of hope for humanity, however hard-won.
I trust your abilities. Whatever tugs on your hearts to be written next, go for it.
kind regards,
I truly enjoy everything you have written and am avidly looking forward to the Mystery Project. Thanks for the snippet!
I would buy this book and read it multiple times just based on the three snippets and my IA experience so far. I’ve read and re-read and listened and re-listened to all of IA books published so far.
Proud member of the BDH
Very intriguing and I want to know more. You guys are amazing artists with the written word and tell intriguing and wonderful stories that I’ve only reread a couple dozen times each. There are exactly two authors (three if you count the two of you separately) that I buy your new works without reading even a little bit to see what the story is first. Your stuff is amazing, I’ll pre buy that story for whenever you finish writing it, just let me know.
I love your books. I own all of them. If you write it and publish it, I will read and buy it. I like to own books; I like so I can go back and re-read them.
Thanks for your books. I had many hours of enjoyment.
I don’t consider KD romance, more fantasy with romantic elements which is my preference. I read the snippet and am definitely intrigued, but considering that even your blogs are entertaining, I will read whatever you write. As an aside I am reading the KD series again because it is sooo bloody good.
KD is not romance 🙂 . Hidden Legacy is, however.
Bring on the poll!
I love the richness of the characters and the plots, the adulthood, the humour, and the intelligence and craft of the writers. Not a fan of romance/romance elements yet love every single HA story, and re-read them all very happily more than once (twice…three times…four…five…shh – no more counting). The problem is very few writers works are this engaging and enjoyable. I’ll take anything HA writes, and know I will be gloriously entertained!
love both of these, and i’m wondering how i missed the blademaster one! thank you for reposting it. i’d be happy to read this book when its finished!
So HA is one of my “purchase no matter what” authors.
I like HA stories because I don’t have a consistent favorite universe to immerse myself in. Some days I imagine what it would be like to live in Atlanta post shift. I also imagine I would give up my current IT job and move into a galactic inn. I can’t count how many times I’ve reread your novels and found something new to like.
So I agree with so many others I’m giddy about the new work and intrigued by the snippets I’ve read so far.
Since I’ve read more slice-of-life novels lately, I wonder if it’s a genre in an upswing?
All this sounds so exciting! I will be delighted to follow HA wherever y’all go.
I know what I would love to see, science fiction with the IA humor in it, that would make it special to me. I would guess the style of humor in the ‘killbot’ world ( I love Killbot!), Though I could see one with more broad humor like Douglas Adams but in the very unique IA style:).
Then again, you really wanna stretch,try historical fiction * ducking psychic missiles flying my way from Texas* ( imagining what a mashup of Susannah Kearsley and IA would be like…)
One thing I would say about your publishers or your agent, they look at the book market from the standpoint with every book an author turns out ‘ will it sell in the market’, in effect as if this was the first book ( and not being a writer, this is just my impression). I suspect ,with no offense meant towards your agent, that they don’t look at reader loyalty and that is huge. We joke about the BDH , but it really is a big thing, because I suspect most of us/ them have gotten to the point with IA books that we trust they will be good no matter what. Sure, some ppl love Kate more than HL or Innkeeper, others love the edge books, but I would bet most of the BDH buys and reads all of them.
In marketing there was a term for this, I dimly recall it being called surge or cascade marketing. The idea is if you get that initial surge, ppl notice it then kind of follow along. The BDH is big enough IMO that pre orders and orders are big enough that it shows on lists, like Amazon pre orders and the like, or if course the monsters like the NY Times lists.
Anyway, you have enough devoted readers I suspect that you can range away from urban fantasy and as they say ‘ do it up good’. You two write books incredibly well and I think the BDH knows that.
You two are the polar opposite of classical music with new pieces. In a classical music concert when ppl see a new piece, they gird their loins to be tortured; when the BDH sees an I A book, they put on the comfy clothing, put cell phone into do not disturb mode, give family the ‘don’t bother me or else looks”, line up a pile of drinks and snacks and if the cat tries to sit on ‘,the book’ ( in whatever form you read on), hiss and yowl at the cat ferociously enough the cat will yawn and walk away….
In other words, they miss the power of the dark side of the BDH, that devours all.
Hi, Im a big fan of the Inkeeper series and am wondering if you have any plans to publish it in book form, or, kindle format which is what I use. thanks for so much
wonderful reading. a long time fan
Hi Norma,
The Innkeeper series is already published in Kindle format, please see here for retailer links for all the books 🙂 https://ilona-andrews.com/innkeeper-chronicles-books/#clean
If you mean the current serial, Sweep of the Heart will also be published in all the usual formats (ebook, print and audio) from the usual retailers- however, it is still being written and does not have an official release date.
All the Innkeeper books start life as blog serials, then undergo a short edit before publishing 🙂
I hope this helps.
Honestly, I think I’m already hooked. Why stay in one place and not travel to others?
Is the market for this “secret ” book as much as the market found by CLEAN SWEEP when it was first released, before SWEEP IN PEACE increased the market for Innkeeper books?
Clean Sweep was released in serialised format on the blog, as all Innkeeper books have, thus establishing a different exposure 🙂
Yes. I’d read that in a heartbeat.
Your writing just sucks me in.
I love slice-of-life stories. Really looking forward to reading the new work!
I can’t wait to read more about the man with white hair and blue eyes. And I love these snippets of stories.
I missed the Blademaster snippet the first time around, but read it just then and love it! I am totally intrigued – would definitely read more.
Squeeeee! One of my comments/questions (speculating how the mystery project is different) made it into this post–I’m honored 🙂
Thank you, IA, for being so wonderful and taking your fans wishes/favorite series into account as much as you do when planning your schedule! I am desperately hoping for an Arabella trilogy (though I’ll take whatever I can get!) in the not-too-distant future. I think I own every single kindle book you have ever published, and I love it all, but Hidden Legacy is probably my favorite, and it doesn’t quite feel complete without Arabella getting her time in the spotlight.
I’m SO excited about the mystery project–I hope you push forward and are able to publish it, despite your agency’s doubts! If it’s the “slice of life” nature of the mystery project that makes the agency hesitant, I can understand that since that is quite different than all your other work. But I think they underestimate your fan base and how much trust you have built up with your readers due to the fact that every single thing you publish is phenomenal. (Every. Single Thing. Which is just insane, when you stop to think about how big your catalogue is.) You could put “untitled IA project” up for pre-order with no description and I bet you 90% of us would pre-order it, no questions asked. I know I would!!!
I love the switch from romance focus, the less sex scenes, the better. I don’t expect hard space opera, but I think reading sci-fi from HA would really be fun. Innkeeper sure is. Somehow I missed those snippets, will read them, thank you.
Now, that I am thinking about it again, I wonder how Shadowrun novel from HA would look like… I fully admit my love for that world, that blends magic with cyberpunk society. You did it with more of Fantasy/Urban setting (KD, HL, Edge, Innkeeper) and I keep returning to your books, so you have a spell for me, which most of other authors does not. I wonder why is that? Setting of your books is nice, storytelling too, so probably it’s because the characters are so lifelike, one imagines themselves in their skin, diving deep into the books. From romance/urban fantasy only Patricia Briggs’ Mercy Thompson and Kim Harrison’s Rachel Morgan did that for me. Though I definitely would ship Rachel with Ivy instead of Trent.
If you write Blademaster, I’ll purchase. I liked what was in the snippet so I like your other readers ask you to write it. Self publish if necessary.
There is a poll? Where is the poll? Pppooollllllll!!!! – BDH
I will find a PO box and ship you 20 foot shipping container loads of random yarn if there is not a semi-forthcoming sequel with Arabella. Seriously between Leon and her the semi casual character development is killing me.
No threats please, House Andrews does not negotiate with (yarn) terrorists! ????
Can’t wait to dive into this world. Love all your work. Don’t really have a favourite cause I just re-read everything. It’s the craft that pulls the BDH in, and it’s the world building and character development that brings us back.
Avon are a traditional romance publishing house – cut my teeth as a teenager on some of their work. I honestly think they will miss out on a huge profit by not following IA wherever their imaginations take us.
If you write it we will buy it, consume it, tell you how much we loved it, ask for more like whiny teenagers, endlessly discuss it, have divergent views on different characters and cheer when we get new snippets. Also we will ask the same questions in different formats at least 73 times per blog forcing mod-R to repeat herself marionette style.
We love you mod-R.
Congratulations on your autonomy. Also, no pressure. Just post the shopping lists and she’ll be right mate.
I know there are many factors that go into the decision of what projects are worth pursuing. For what it’s worth: based on these 3 snippets, I’d pre-order even before it’s finished. (And I tend to be a library-borrower more often than a buyer, though I frequently make exceptions for you and for Patricia Briggs.)
Tbh, I often skip over the ‘sexy’ scenes because I’m usually in a hurry to get back to the rest of the story. Maybe not first time through but definitely on the rereads. Suspect I might not be the only one!
LOL at skipping over the ‘sexy’ scenes, I do that too – for the same reasons.
I am on board for whatever you want to write. I will buy it for me and for all my friends too. As far as non-romance centric stories go, my better half mr. booge doesn’t read Romance, but he does read House Andrews. He refused to believe Hidden Legacy was a romance.
Oh thank you thank you thank you! I want moar. Moar, I tell you! Seriously, what is wrong with commercial publishers?
I personally don’t care what you write I will read it. I do note that some readers only like to read a certain genre and if a well known author decides to change genres the readers freak and will give bad reviews and that is why some authors like Jayne Ann Krentz have two other pen names, Jayne Castle and Amanda Quick which instantly identifies the genre the author is writing in.
I like to peruse 1 star reviews in both Amazon and Audible and I find that readers are a fickle lot. For example for Magic Bites one reviews stated they there was no world building and too much sex, another reviews states there was an information dump at the beginning of the book and no sex. I do wonder if those reviewers read the same book I did?
Does House Andrews read book reviews or stay far, far, far away? Some of the reviews I have read are toxic and ego shattering, I can’t imagine reading many would be a very mentally healthy activity.
I think they mostly stay away ????.
I actually can’t remember *any* sex scenes in Magic Bites…
I know.
I am SOOOOO glad you reposted this snippet. Intrigued by these characters and their world from your latest snippet and was upset I had missed this one in January. I too would buy this in a heartbeat/nanosecond/instant. I am a proud member of the BDH and love everything you write. I very much hope you self publish this story or re pitch it to your agency, whatever works best for you.
The Blademaster makes me think of Martha Wells’s _Wheel of the Infinite _. Wells has yet to write anymore in that series so I am really looking forward to this story.
I’d like anything you write. Genre doesn’t really matter. The two of you put together really fascinating worlds. I enjoyed both snippets and always look forward to your work.
The BDH needs you to be happy, satisfied, intrigued with the worlds you write. We will buy!!!!
I loved the blademaster snippets, and would purchase in whatever format they came from. I’m kinda useless in these polls because the second I see your names on it, it’s an auto-buy.
Ebook? Yes. Paperback? Yes. Kickstarter? Yes. Patreon? Yes. Trained pigeons carrying tiny rolled up scrolls? Yes.
Just read the snippets. Already extremely hooked!! ????????
This has definitely caught my attention. I would read the hell out of it.
I desperately want to read the Blademaster piece, no matter what length you choose to do. (Though the longer the better????)
Please take my money!
Dearest HA, I believe there are plenty of us who would blind buy anything you write. I, too, have my favourite series and books, but I still love everything you have written – have bought every book, read them all more than twice and recommended you to anyone I thought would enjoy your writing. I even have a friend whose English isn’t good, who keeps bugging me to start a campaign to have them translated into Greek (alas, it’s too small a market)- that’s how much I gush about you! Thank you for being such amazing authors and awesome people!
On another note, your secret project gives me a vibe reminiscent of Scott Lynch’s world – I might of course be totally off, it was just a sample after all- so, I was wondering, if I am right, isn’ there a market for your (fascinating) work?
Thanks for reposting. I somehow missed both snippets and am definitely now intrigued. I too would be happy to purchase.
World building is what team Andrews are amazing at and an opportunity for discovering a new one is exciting.
Plus I love a witty and sardonic heroine!
I love your romance centric books. I love romance books in general and it’s usually hard for me to get into a plot with a super slow burn romance. It’s disappointing to hear that Arabella won’t get a solid romantic lead until later on in the series. For me I’m not much of a fan of love triangles. Your writing is always fun to read no matter the romantic plot so I have no doubt it will be wonderful.
We pay for then read what you write and in my case also listen and re-listen to what you write once it comes out on Kindle/Audible/GA etc.
My husband is even buying the GA versions on audible now since the GA streaming version gets stuck too often for our taste.
You have a firm reader base. You have quick minds and a multitude of stories inside your souls. Sweat to pull them out, share and we will gladly pay for your labor. Your work is incredibly entertaining. Your best strengths are your versatility and your ability to put enough levity into the books to keep them lively, fun and re-readable. Your characters make your readers laugh in the very best way.
Write what you love and the horde will come. And come. And come.
If you write it, I will read it. Doesn’t matter what genre.
Years ago, my agent asked me to write mysteries, because mysteries sell better than science fiction. So I began a mystery series, and I have to admit that twenty years later, 70% of my sales are the mysteries.
Still, I doubt that James Joyce’s agent, if he had one, regarded Ulysses or Finnegan’s Wake as commercially viable. Sometimes, it’s worth compromising. Sometimes, it’s not.
Ilona Andrews has an enormous and loyal readership. I suspect that the BDH will happily read anything that they choose to write. I, like so many of their readers, have come to trust their judgment. At this point, I will buy anything that they publish.
I want this so bad now. I think I would read an Ilona Andrews grocery list and want more. Oh wait… I’m pretty sure I have. Well, I guess technically it was a Kate Daniels grocery list, but same difference. I really hope they decide to follow through with it.
I love when authors expand to different genres or write outside their normal type of writing. I really am intrigued by this new possible project (seriously Avon is wrong that there wd not be a market for this). I love Alphas, and love HL, and this glimpse into a new world has me hooked already. As others have said you write it we will read it.
Hi Nickole,
It wasn’t Avon or any publishing house, it was the agent.
This project has not been shipped to Avon ???? – they are a romance print and the project isn’t romance.
Nothing wrong with slice of life – it looks like Legends and Lattes is doing very well, people love it …
There’s also Becky Chambers and others that I see being recommended all the time. I think there’s definitely a market for it! (Even outside of the BDH)
I also was put off by the first few Hidden Legacy covers. Only started reading them while waiting for more Innkeeper, and was pleasantly surprised. Those covers really do the books an injustice. Thank goodness Catalina’s books have better covers!
Gamble away I have loved everything you guys have written and loved the snippet
Maybe you need to send this to another publisher. There are so many authors in
many genres that have a little bit if romance as an aside to the main story… or maybe even none.
Just a few examples: John Sandford and Ctein’s “Saturn Run”, Mat Haig’s “The midnight library” and “The Humans”
Or Robin Sloan’s Books. Stella Cameron’s Alex Duggins Cotswold mysteries.
Lots of Seanan McGuire’s, and Patricia Briggs , and C.E. Murphy’s books aren’t about romance.
I loved all of the Star Trek and Stargate series and none of them were about romance. Captains Kirk, Picard, And Janeway didn’t have to find “their Person” in order for those series to be wildly successful.
Think of your own Innkeepers books. It was lovely that Dina got to have Shawn in her life, but these would be wonderful urban fantasies if you had left the romance out and marketed them differently.
I don’t think the BDH is about romance per se. We love your wisdom, imagination, and humor; the way you take us out of our hum drum dat-to-day and whisk us off to wonderful imaginary worlds, even for the time it takes to read a snippet.
I can’t imagine that you would loose even one of the BDH and you could gain a young adult, etc. market that isn’t looking for romance.
Romance is only one of the genres I read and I don’t need it in order to enjoy fantasy, or mystery, or thrillers.
Your mystery project is fascinating without the heroine needing to find her someone in order to be complete. I’m hooked on just what you’ve given us so far, and I’m sure another publisher would love to get their hands on it, if you decide not to go indie. Much success with it.
I concur. Romance is nice but the plot, the one-liners, and as Chris says, “we love your wisdom, imagination, and humor…”. Please write and publish this one.
Thank you, Ilona Andrews for the post and thank you mod R for the links to snippets.
I think it’s interesting.
Boy this sounds AMAZING!!!
I’m all in – just tell me where to send the money. Love these 2 characters!
100% will buy this blademaster book/another slice-of-life fantasy, kickstarter or otherwise! I originally liked stories driven by other plot elements rather than solely romance so I’m with you for any new genre forays you may make:) (Except straight horror… that’s never been my cup of tea, but then again with HA… I’d give it a shot…)
So very curious about the blademaster story, I didn’t get to read it at first and I am HOOKED. I want to read it *now*
Author Lords, please write anything you want, I am sure it will be good. AND I KNOW (lol after years of reading) that the BDH won’t care a jot what it is. They will grab it, read it, love and hate it, moan and beg for more of *this* or *that character*. And then, they will do it all over again when the newest work arrives… 🙂
I am glad you put them up because I had missed them the first go round. I would buy. I can see why they think it isn’t commercial, but I think it is salable to the hoard.
I read ur mystery project snippet and to be honest, the genre may be different but the essence is still you. So i don’t see any reason why ur project won’t be successful! Gud luck!
I wonder if the challenges are for the candidate or the team.
I also wonder if they are aimed to get rid of any candidates, like the duskegubs or Donkamins.
I hope Wilmos is still hanging in there.
Long time reader, here. I look at the blog about twice a week.
I cant get anything when I press the Blademaster link, but the Mystery Project link works.
The Blademaster link was unlocked for 3 days only.
Oh. OK :((
I would like House Andrews to keep in mind that … while I’m not sure I have a Favorite Series – that what I really have are Very Well Loved Authors and a NEW Favorite Series I just haven’t discovered yet. I just like good writing and you consistently deliver this. Even books that are my least favorite of yours (please don’t take that as anything other than someone trying to rank favorite chocolate, it’s impossible) are often better than many many others I’ve tried (no naming names). So! Fan for life! You write it, I read it. I would try anything you wrote because your “brand” is quality for me. Wander into new genres, explore new themes, have fun! Just… you know… take me with you!
I still can’t access The Blademaster link. It says its error 404.
Hi Rhea,
If you’ll notice this post is from early last week and the text says the Blademaster is to be unlocked for 48 hours ????
Just to say, you guys are wonderful. Write whatever you wish and I will read it. Keep writing and keep enjoying what you write. I’m sure your interest, enthusiasm and trademark awesomeness (snappy dialogue, strong hilarious characters) will always makes it a favorite for me! Xo
I loved blood heir. The romantic love making was not missed. Im one that reads these books for the adventures, the romantic interest i like kept minimal. I have a hood imagination of my own do not need it spelt out for me. Cant wait for Blood Heir 2.
The link to ‘The Blademaster’ displays an error message. Is this no longer available? Loving the weekly excerpts of the new Innkeeper novel. Thanks Sue
Hi Sue,
The Blademaster was only available for 48 hours, as Ilona specified in the article ????.
Hopefully we’ll see more from that world!
I’d probably skip it if it was literary fiction (ugh) or true crime (ew)- I just hate absolutely everything about those two genres- but it looks like swords-and-horses fantasy, possibly romantic fantasy, so I’ll preorder when that’s available.