There are no changes to either of these novellas. No new material. They are simply available again with updated covers.
Silent Blade

Silver Shark

If you want to wait, we will be putting out an ebook compilation, but I am not sure when.
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Thanks Ilona ?
+1. I have wanted to read this story for a long time now. I got a download of Silver Shark from a link on your website a long time ago, but the link for Silent Blade didn’t work. Thanks so much! And a very enjoyable story, it is, too!
The covers are beautiful!
I love the font they used
Quietly stunning in all aspects. Congratulations on being able to reissue these delightful tales! I can no longer remember, but it seems to me Silver Shark was my first Ilona Andrews purchase.
Will there be audio books?
Yes, but the process of audio is long and involved, so we will try to get things out in the next few months.
Thanks for the audios. I have some eyesight issues and LOVE your books.
Thanks for the audios. I have some eyesight issues and LOVE your books. Can’t read too long.
Thanks for the audio information.
yea! I get audios of all my favorites whenever I can. I spend too much time driving and really need my books. And they are great for long hikes, too.
Just confirming no changes in the story as I have the earlier releases?
I reread Silver Shark annually.
No changes. Exactly as it was.
Thank you. I had the same question.
Was just about to ask. Thanks!
Wow, Silent Blade is doing great. #1 in the short story
#1 in Kindle Store > Kindle Short Reads > 90 minutes (44-64 pages) > Science Fiction & Fantasy
#8 in Kindle Store > Kindle Short Reads > 90 minutes (44-64 pages) > Literature & Fiction
#15 in Books > Science Fiction & Fantasy > Fantasy > Military
Keep up the great work.
Up to #1 all around… Awesome
#1 in 90-Minute Literature & Fiction Short Reads
#1 in 90-Minute Science Fiction & Fantasy Short Reads
#1 in Military Science Fiction
Thank you for making this available to your readers again!
Pretty Covers. I am really glad you are releasing them again so now my sister can read them both.
Though I am sad you can’t use the original covers (they have a special place in my heart since I have read them so many times with those covers). I always thought the original covers really reflected to books well.
But onward and upward! Its what is in side that counts anyways.
Thank you for all the great stuff you put out into the world!
Covers are lovely and intriguing.
Thank you for re-releasing!!
Yes! Just purchased both. Can’t wait to read them. ?
Yay! Already have Silent Shark. I will get Silent Blade as soon as I am done typing. I noticed the new cover with Silent Shark on my Nook. Very pretty.
I will also be getting these two books in December in book form (Merry Christmas to me!).
Thank you! 😀
Finished reading Silver Blade. The scene in Silent Shark with the Carvannas makes sense now.
Love the book!
Like the covers. I have both thru ITunes and Silver Shark switched to the new cover but Silent Blade did not.
Same here, DianainCa, Silver Shark updated to new cover but Silent Blade didn’t. Must be an iBooks quirk.
Like Kirsten above I am sorry to lose the “ old” covers because I love Silent Shark and regularly reread it.
I was one of the lucky ones who was able to buy both books way back when and I am delighted that those members of the BDH who haven’t been able to obtain Silent Blade can now do so. Enjoy!
I love these books!!!!
Pretty covers. Just bought both! I recently finished a book series and haven’t found anything to hold my interest so the timing couldn’t be more perfect.
Also – I don’t know how you guys determine prices – but thank you. I clicked expecting to pay ~7.99 for each book and I got them both for under $4???!!! Amazing. I mean tbh and I’m sure I speak for everyone here I would pay literally whatever price.
Even so – thank you! ?
Barnes and Noble has Silent Blade for $0.99 U.S. in ebook format. My jaw dropped when I saw the price.
Guys, they are novellas and old ones. 🙂
Like that matters to the BDH? You should know better by now. It’s new to some of us.
they are novellas and old ones. ?
Concentrated goodness!
Can one wear out an e-book like I’ve done to so many paperbacks? 😉 I’ve had to replace my most beloved non-electronic volumes about every two decades…
Thank you!
I’ve ordered the Subterranean Press edition, so will wait for that, but do like the covers a lot. Haven’t read these before, so it will all be new to me!
I bought these when they originally came out. Think I’ll reread them now and the get the audio editions when they come out. Thank you for all your wonderful works.
Absolutely love these covers! Very eye-catching!
Oh my I feel like a sailor that just got into port and went on a 3 day binge!
Bought Silent Blade a couple of hours ago, read it and now I’m devouring Silver Shark. I have no self control ☺️
Purchased! Excited to read them!!
I feel like I won the lottery! Thank you!
Downloaded and thoroughly enjoyed.
Could you explain the pros of publishing a new-cover-only edition as a new item, instead of an update?
Cons include preventing Amazon’s warning of “You purchased this on ___,” and I would think you’d want to avoid too-hasty buyers posting complaining reviews that you “tricked” them into thinking it was something new. Also, clicking on the old edition from MYC&D now just brings up Page Not Found.
The new covers ARE lovely, but even for 99 cents (Silent Blade), I don’t think I want to have 2 separate e-editions.
Silent Blade was originally published by Samhain, so when those rights reverted, Samhain took all of the ebooks down from all retailers. Now we have put up our own version. From the retailers’ point of view, these are two different books.
We didn’t own the rights to original covers, so the cover to Silent Blade had to be redone, which then forced a redo of Silver Shark’s cover to match.
I believe that Silver Shark is the same edition and is simply an update.
How long to publishing rights last? Is each book/publisher different or is there a industry standard?
Beautiful artwork!
Thank you, thank you, thank you! Silver Shark is my absolute favourite novella, but I always had to read it on my laptop because I couldn’t get it through Kobo. Now I can finally put it on my ereader =) Also – love the covers!
Hi Ilona, is the series ever going to be expanded? i loved the universe and its unique way of looking at magic/psychic skills, heaps of fun to read, would love even another novella in the universe pretty please?? maybe now Kate is over?
I bought both of these books thru Barnes & Noble years ago. They were my entree to your work. I like the new artwork very much. (In my Nook Library, Silver Shark now has the new cover while Silent Blade does not.) I love those books and hope you will consider writing more books set in that universe.
I’m finally getting to read these! I stayed up late last night because I couldn’t stop. These are fantastic!
I absolutely LOVE your books and was wondering if these will be made available in physical format?
Thank you!!
Just finished reading it. Loved it!!! I have been wanting to read this for awhile. So So So glad you worked to get it back out there. THANK YOU! Thank you. Thank you. <3
I usually re-read this book every year and totally in love with it! I am glad to see others can now enjoy it as well.
I used to hope that Nalini Singh read Silent Blade, cause I thought she would enjoy it. Then i hoped for more kinsmen novellas, but then again when haven’t I hoped for more books from you?
I was fortunate enough to obtain these in their original form and have re-read multiple times.
Would love to read more in this universe! It’s such an interesting place. Novel or Novella, I’d buy more Kinsmen. Always wondered how Silver Shark might turn out as a movie.