Hi everyone,
We received your feedback about the Graphic Audio adaptation of Sweep of the Blade released yesterday, we are aware of the editing issues and we apologise on behalf of Graphic Audio.

The delay in release and the editing issues had a common cause, which was COVID cases in the sound editing team. Graphic Audio are fixing the errors as we speak, and a new version will be made available, estimating Monday at the latest.
However, please do not purchase until we let you know the recording is fixed.
If you have purchased, please do not worry, the update will be free to download. If you have purchased the physical CD format, it will also have the fixed audio file on it.
I will have updates soon!
I pre-ordered it and downloaded it today. I guess I’ll download it again next week.
Same. It’s okay in revisiting all the previous books atm
No worries. I can just download it later. We’re going to listen to all of the graphic audio versions on our big car ride this summer. I’m so excited for that one in particular because Maud is Ferocious. Besides, the cat picture is cute.
I did not make things better ????, in every email to GA I kept stressing them with “This one is the fandom favourite, pressure pressure!”
I preordered mine so it was there first thing this morning. It’s my favourite Innkeeper! I haven’t noticed any issues yet so I’ll continue.
I’d gone all the way to the end before I heard about any of this, and I’m not sure what all the fuss is about. It isn’t like Sweep in Peace where their “editing” stole one of the most important pieces of comic relief. What gives?
Too late, but it hasn’t been to bad.
It’s kinda funny listening to the accent switches in Maud. But I’ll just listen to it again. Not a hardship!
Ripper cushions <3
The accent switches were a directorial choice, to denote the fact that Maud speaks in various vampiric dialects without the aid of speech implants, differences between her “human” speech, Ancestral Vampiric and Common vampiric, and who she speaks it with (she’s more comfortable with Arland and Helen for example, etc) 🙂
It took a while for me to catch on to this, but I think it is a great choice on GA’s part. It really hits home the difference between those she must be formal with and those she can be her self with.
I hope you can pass on my appreciation for the GA teams work. All the books I’ve bought from them have been excellent, but their work on the innkeeper books is a step beyond.
Haven’t seen the audio problems yet, but I just started the book.
That’s what I’d decided myself. A very nice touch, I thought.
I listened for 30 very confused minutes before I figured out the language/accent relationship. It was a real head slap moment. I then restarted the book with that in mind. What a fun book!
Thanks I did download it this morning and will wait for revised copy.
The only issue I noticed was when they reached Arlans’s castle and one of the retainers was speaking while Maud was thinking.
yeah same. Its minor and doesn’t bother me enough to not listen to the rest!
I pre-ordered it but haven’t listened to it yet, so I will wait for a few days. I have thoroughly enjoyed the first three Graphic Audio audiobooks in the series, and have already listened to them more once. Highly, highly recommended!
+1 ????
I am confused. I have had the Whispersync/Audible for ages. Is this something different?
Graphic Audio are full cast adaptations of the books, with each character being voiced by a different actor as opposed to one narrator for the whole story.
They resemble radio plays, with sound effects and music etc. You can listen to a sample here ???? https://www.graphicaudiointernational.net/innkeeper-chronicles-1-clean-sweep.html
Will grraphic audio be changing the voices to sound more consistent? Ilomena voice sounded like a mans voice in certain parts and Mauds voice kept changing I actually liked the original one in book 3 but that was just more mine personal. Yes she is one of my favorite book and chacters in the Innkeeper chronicles series but I love all of their books. So thank you for writing such wonderful books.
The voices are distorted in certain parts due to sound mastering issues- these will be indeed fixed in the new update ????
So happy you love the book!
Ha I pre ordered and i’m already halfway through! I noticed some of the errors but it’s not enough to stop my enjoyment. Just means that once the update is posted i will have to listen again!
Thanks for the info!
So, if I’ve preordered and downloaded I can dump the download and try to download the new one on Tuesday and I “should “ get the corrected version?
Not sure on the exact date, will let everyone know, it’s just an estimate at this time. Watch this space 🙂
Please don’t delete anything yet, it may be that the update will come in automatically and apply over the existing download.
So glad house Andrews are in holiday mode r & r is good for them and as a result us too. Is there an eta on the new innkeeper? So enjoying the installments don’t want them to end yet ???? your doing a fab Job whilst they’re away Mod R thanks
No yet, it is being written week by week (but House Andrews have an outline in mind).
There will be an announcement as soon as a date is known!
I pre-ordered it and downloaded it yesterday. I’ll download it again next week, probably.
Although, despite the fact that we already stumbled on one of the editing mistakes (2 lines of dialog repeated twice), we still enjoying the book.
Hi Ela – would you mind pointing out which lines of dialogue you’ve found? It’ll be helpful in the fixes
I haven’t noticed the editing errors yet.
However I was thrown off by the fact that I assumed Maud would just have a southern accent the whole time but she switches from that to the vampire accent.
Also Maud isn’t the narrator which deviates from the format they used in the other two books where Dina was narrator
Sweep of the Blade is not a 1st person narrator book, unlike Dina’s 🙂 , and GA kept true to that.
There were also nuanced rationales behind the accent switch too, here is what the director said:
“We threaded a tricky needle with this book, given the conventions that had
been established in the last book (eg, Maud speaking in her natural dialect with both Arland and Helen) and the information introduced in this book (the fact that Maud is fluent in vampire dialects without the aid of speech implants; the need to distinguish
Ancestral Vampiric from Common Vampiric; the importance of Maud feeling like she can be herself around Arland unless/until he provokes her to “go vampire”; and the idea I wanted to cultivate that Maud speaks her native tongue to Helen unless they’re in public,
but/and that Helen answers in Vampiric bc that’s what she’s grown up speaking, and kids tend to prefer to speak the language of the society around them).”
This is cool, thanks for sharing!
This makes so much sense… and makes it much easier to understand the changes. It slightly bothered me to begin with but realized it had something to do with who she was speaking to about half way through.
I was born in England, lived there until is was 5, then moved to the States. My British accent mostly faded away in middle school. Unless i’m speaking with family, or spend some time with only British speakers and then my accent comes back full force. I get odd looks if i’m on the phone with my parents!! First time my now husband heard that accent he was seriously confused! HA
Oh Whew! I waited to order for the CD version and then forgot it. (adhd!) I’m so glad I did. I will cheerfully wait for the go-ahead.
Thanks for the update!
Despite this hiccup, I have to wholeheartedly endorse the GA versions of the Innkeeper books. I bought them all and listened one after another and absolutely loved every minute of each book! I’ve read the books multiple times and the GA team just brings it all to life!
So happy you like them 🙂
Yes! They’ve done a great job.
Graphic Audio sent an email Friday saying they had an updated version now. In both the original and this updated version there is a repeat of the audio at about minute 3 into the story. It is not a big distraction.
I really liked Maud’s native “insect” reply. It did sound like it would be impossible for a human voice.
I just finished listening to GA’s One Fell Sweep. I really like their versions, although every CD had a few skips. I emailed GA about this, and they sent me a replacement CD. I would have let it go, but for the price I expected better. I’m not going to try for replacements for the other 2 I have so far though, and will order Maud’s book next week.
Thanks mod R
Am looking forward to Sweep of the Blade coming to Audible. I just hope that Helen sounds older. Sounded very very young in One Fell Sweep.