I know we were scheduled for Luther today, but something really bad happened to one of our friends. I had to make some arrangements. Luther will have to wait till tomorrow.
In other news, our holiday surprise is finished. We are both quite tired, but we hope you’ll enjoy it.
Meanwhile, let’s talk about this.
has HA considered putting any of the blog content behind a pay wall?
there’s great content that, in my opinion, should be compensated and there seems to be an insatiable demand for it.
I would totally pay a monthly subscription fee to get short stories, POV, and interviews from all these interesting secondary characters. I’d happily pay for the weekly serial too.
Maybe the commitment would create undo stress or take away too much time from writing longer published works. I know they’ve shied away from Kickstarter for good reasons.
I only thought of it because another author I discovered here (or maybe it was originally on Jessie Mihalik’s blog, I can’t remember, but she’s been recommended here) started a $5/ month Patreon where you vote on characters for short stories once a month, you get different POV or background and then readers/writer can discuss. I love it and I realized it’s basically what FrInnday is.
Nothing I say below is any kind of condemnation of anyone who is using Patreon in any capacity. Every writer’s fandom is different.
This question pops up frequently. Gordon and I discussed it for a couple of days, and here are our thoughts on the matter.
First, thank you so much for worrying about us. The COVID and the recession – even though everyone is very stubbornly avoiding this word – hit us hard, as it hit everyone. Our income fell, while prices on everything rose, and it is very gratifying that you feel our work has value and that you remember that we are people with bills to pay. Thank you. It made our week.
Our novel prices will probably go up by a couple of bucks to stay in line with the market prices. We haven’t raised prices in almost 8 years so it’s about time. However, it’s unlikely that our ebooks will cross the $9.99 threshold. An average novel in ebook form is about 90,000 words and costs about $8-9, and we’ll likely stay somewhere around there, unless something weird happens.
If we charged you $5 for access to extras, we would need to reasonably put out 30-40,000 words a month to justify it. That would leave no room for actual fiction. We also can’t ignore the question of quality. Nothing we do on this blog in any given month is worth $5. ::points to collection of recipes, weird short scenes, and assorted silliness::
It’s not like we are writing complete short stories. We tried to do one, and it ate a month and a half.
Then there is the matter of the BDH. Book Devouring Horde is the best fandom out there, and the coolest thing about it is that it’s inclusive. We have readers of all ages and backgrounds. A lot of our readers are on a limited income. Some readers are based in other countries, where $5 is a much more significant amount. Our books are bestsellers in Taiwan, for example. They sometimes make $5,000. That’s great for that market.
Putting up a paywall would cut those people away from all the fun.
The extras we provide are meant as a gift. They will remain as a gift. We love you all. We’re happy you come to hang out with us. If you would like to support us, please buy our books and request them from your local libraries.
We will see you tomorrow with Luther.
Frinnday rules!!
Yet another reason why y’all are awesome.
+1 ????
+ 1 :0)
+1 ❤️
isn’t that the truth ????
Beautiful reply – I do free content for my followers (soul family ) – yep I too have bills and ups and downs in income as I am self employed. Patron has been suggested to me by several caring folks – their caring is appreciated much appreciated ! My free conferences are just that – gifts and gratitude for all the years of support and a wonderful community- nothing against patron – I support a few artists on it – 🙂 In alignment with your -beautify reply, thank u for sharing your gifts M
you’re silly ????
Many thanks as always! A lovingly devoted member of the BDH ❤️❤️
Thank you, HA!
I’d only read the intro on my other post. sorry about your friend. whatever you do or need to do is fine with th bdh and with me.
For what it’s worth, I had this same darn reaction around _Sweep of the Heart_; that’s a real book, with real value in it. It was *awesome* being able to read it every Friday for free, but I was confused about how it wouldn’t canabalize sales from the eventual publication. Having been through the entire process, I understand better now (and yup, just checked, already pre-ordered for the 13th; squee!) but I really do want to make sure you folks keep making money from your work, if only selfishly so that I get to keep reading. So please do keep having those conversations, making your best judgement, and feel free to explore alternative pathways as makes sense to you. We might explore them with you :-}.
Yeah…we’ll be the large group of weirdos surrounding you (only tryin’ to keep you safe!) as you wander thru the jungle.
Don’t touch that!
Don’t put that in your mouth!
Sorry, we’re kinda annoying…
➕1️⃣❣️ You’re such a selfless friend to those close to you and to all of us.
Don’t forget to take time for yourselves.❣️????????
I hope your friend will be fine!
Thank you so much for our weekly gifts on this blog. You are the best!
Thanks for thinking about us but hope you and your friend are both okay!
And thank you, in advance, for the surprise – whatever it may be, I’m sure the BDH will love it, devour it, and run off and bury it for safe keeping!
You are the best! And we love you and want to shower you with gift.
But I understand completely what you are saying, which is why I have your ebooks but also paper format for most of them.
Sorry about your friend, I hope it gets better.
In the meantime, I’m sending you my love from France,
Your big hearts are probably what makes you so great. Hope you and your friend is well.
And this is why the BDH’s answer to anything you say is “Shut up and take our money”. The fact that you respect and care about us makes it so very easy to respect and care about you. Thank you for everything, you have no idea what a gift all of your work is, even the shopping lists. You wrote something short and stupid during one of my chemotherapy appointments last year which had me laughing to the point of tears when I was otherwise feeling pretty rotten and hopeless. Thank you.
Me too! Re-reading everything got me through treatments, except when the benadryl kept knocking me out. Good luck to you.
Thank you.
Thank you so much for all you do! You are so appreciated! Blessings to you and Gordon and Mod R and Kid 1 and Kid 2 and the non humans.
On Sunday the 20th of November my family got together for a birthday brunch for my dad. The topic of books and libraries came up and I told my sister how much I enjoyed your works, all of them. She asked me for a recommendation and I suggested she start with Burn for Me. A week later I got a text that said “what book should I read next”? I said it’s a series, read the next one. She tells me “I already read them all this week, just finished Ruby Fever “. I told her welcome to the BDH, now try the Innkeeper series because there’s a new one out in December.
One of us! One of us! Hehe, a warm welcome to your sister!
You will be assimilated.
Also, enjoy the cookies.
Resistance is futile.
Dear heaven…what kinda weird bug is that? and why is it smiling?
Best. Assimilation. EVER.
I second Mod R’s post. Welcome!
I third Mod R’s post. Welcome Sarah’s sister and greetings from Brisbane Australia.
Dear House Andrews, Thankyou for the joy you bring into our lives and the generosity with which you treat the BDH.
If you point her to KD next, she might last through January. 😉
I would’ve happily signed up, but this gave me warm fuzzies!
BDH loves House Andrews!
You guys are simply the best! Much appreciation for your generosity of spirit!
Patreon is an option for authors but it devours the time they have for their main books because they have to provide content for their patrons. One author I have read for over 20 years has a Patreon account and I have to wait 4 to 6 years for a book from this author. Between book 2 and 3 of the series was a 9 year gap.
I am very thankful for the laughter, amusement, happiness, and smiles this site has provided for me over the years.
Thanks IA for thinking of us and your continued gifting. The regular blog whatever the content was, is always a bright spot in any given day.
Definitely looking forward to the holiday surprise full announcement.
Have a great weekend.
I hope the situation with the friend gets better.
Thank you so much for all you do! Happy weekend!
Thank you, HA. I’m one of those who could not possibly afford to pay for a Paetron subscription.
Bright Blessings on y’all, and all your endeavors!!
thank you. Thank you. An author I like took all of her snippets and updates and random thoughts to patreon. She even stopped updates on FB about when her next book would be out. Her publications have slowed a great deal. I will still read her books but I will be getting them from the library. Her patreon even has a 1,000.00 a month level.
An author I was real life friends with started a patreon and now you have to pay to hear updates and find out how she is doing. There is zero communication unless you pay her basic subscription level. She also hasn’t published anything outside of patreon since. ????
This is why I preorder your books without fail. You provide a space (BDH)where we share goodwill, knowledge, enjoyment and some crazy obsessiveness. Thank you so very much!
you are one of the authors that I buy, I read lots on unlimited so I have an Aussie account one a table. my first kindle account is US one and that’s where almost all my books are. so a $8 book is $15 for me. thank you for writing.
Thank you.
Very sorry to hear about your friend. Sending you hugs and asking the universe for strength for all.
We love you, too!
That’s all. I don’t think that needs explaining.
Thanks for all your hard work and wonderful books.
I have a question about pre-ordering books versus waiting to buy your books…
Our pre-orders counted and helped it show up on the best-selling list. Will it count again when we actually purchase the book? I hope so!
Thanks again and looking forward to your merchandise!
If I’m understanding the question correctly, yes- preorder sales count as first week sales ????
Hope that you all can help support your friend during this time (and find some room for yourselves as well). Thank you for the collection of the most lovely gifts. It’s always a ray of sunshine to get to read them.
The joy of Luther interview will not be diminished by waiting a bit longer.
What Relin said.
You both are the greatest! I’ve never read an author’s stories that I love as much yours, and it’s awesome that we get to experience your thoughts and tidbits for free. I happily buy every thing you publish! So proud to be part of the BDH. ????
Typo! “…I love…”
thank you so much for not putting a charge on the extra content. I love your books and I always buy them (i have them all) but I would not subscribe if there was a charge and I think that limits so many people from seeing the little extras you provide and leaves people feeling left out because they possibly cannot afford it.
Yes. I agree whole heartedly. There was a time when I could only read HA books when they were at my local library. The choose your own adventure site and the anime/comic site, I appreciate them as hard work for those involved that should be compensated, but the blog has always been a welcoming community of stories, tidbits and enjoyable nonsense. I always buy Innkeeper when finished but feel a firewall would irreversibly alter what we have. And what we have is awesome and I’m extremely grateful for it.
You are so generous. Thank you for the gift of the blog 🙂
Thank you for taking us through your thought process!
The BDH thanks you ????
A big thank you from someone who enjoys the blog very much and its wonderful content. I love the posts just as much as the comments and I always learn new things.
It is great that you could help your friend and that you always find the time to answer questions never ceases to amaze me. A big virtual hug from me and FrInndays are a beautiful thing, but should remain fun for you as well so that they can be enjoyed without extra pressure on you.(Don’t know if that comes across as intended, sorry, long week here). Luther will be just as fun whenever he is ready to reveaal some of his secrets.
I am really looking forward to the latest Innkeeper coming soon to my kindle, the serial was so much fun and I can’t wait to read it again- plus the end which I’m sure is going to be something I never expected.
Have a great werkend, and thanks again.
You have just summed up my thoughts perfectly!
I’m sorry to hear your friend had something awful happen, and I’m glad you were able to help out. Thanks for the update on blog stuff, and happy to look forward to Luther’s interview a little longer!
This has always also been my feelings about, my … hesitancy … to do a Patreon myself. Especially with unedited, etc, work. So I understand even though I would totally pay for anything you decided to write in any format. Ha.
*hugz* As always, appreciate, enjoy and incessantly recommend all your published offerings to anybody who exhibits even a smidge of being a book reader.
Thank you! This blog is one of my favorite corners of the internet.
I hope your friend is okay. Sending good thoughts into the universe for you, as well.
Thank you for caring about your readers and followers. I love your books, in the middle of re-reading the Hidden Legacy series again, and I’m working on getting my teenager hooked on the Innkeeper series.
You two are the *best*!
The BDH probably doesn’t deserve you, but we really appreciate you!
I am looking forward to the surprise when you are ready to unveil it and SotH in a few(!) days – An abundance of goodies is coming our way.
Luther will show up in his own good time…
You guys are simply the absolute best! You bring so much joy to so many people. Thank you thank you thank you ????
You all are the greatest. While I have read everything you have written, I am so, so fine with your decisions on your writing. It is your gift to us and the world and you need to take care of yourself. I say this as someone who still does a lot of techical writing for non-profits. I find myself at times over committed and I believe we all need times to just breathe and enjoy our lives. I have pre-ordered the next Innkeeper and so looking forward to reading it this month as I vacation at the beach 🙂
Heart y’all in the heart – you are amazing and awesome
Yessss Luther!
I’ve only managed to do it x2 but if I have the extra dosh I buy a copy on play books and on Kindle, you guys hardly ever charge as much as some of my other authors have to so why not 🙂
We could also support you by buying your merch! Hope the graphic designer hunt is going well. ????
That’s my plan! I’m sure there will be cool, funny, and kooky things (well I hope for some).
I didn’t order the Subterranean book run, wishing I had. Maybe if enough of us would commit to purchase another run of the special prints could be done.
Thank you for all your wonderful Blogging, I look forward to every new post. As a voracious member of your loyal and devoted BDH, I vow to remain ever loyal!
I hope your friend is ok.
Thank you! ♥️????????
You guys are the reason the BDH is the way it is. You’re the best
This is the true spirit of “we belong to each other”. Your work brings me joy, thanks for sharing it.
This is what makes you amazing authors ????
I’ll be here. Wouldn’t miss Luther Dillon for worlds.
Oh. We love you, too.
Life happens. Luther can wait an extra day. Hopefully your friend is better.
I will buy your books until the day you stop writing. These posts are special and a gift. Thank you very much!
Sending good thoughts to your friend.
Mmmm, Luther Saturday – sounds great!
Thank you for understanding that finances can be strained. Mine fluctuate too much :/ I will support HA writings and endeavors as much as possible.
I appreciate being part of the BDH. It’s one of the best fanvironments I have found online.
Y’all are the absolute best…
Thank you both for all you do! Entertainment has helped with the ugly in the world. I look forward to all you write!
Thank you.
I hope your friend is doing better, we love you and appreciate all you do. Your writing is so inclusive and caring and so are your actions, I can’t say enough about how much I enjoy and respect you, take care of yourselves. You are a bright spot in an increasingly dark world, you give me hope. Sending love and prayers for you and your friend.
I got an email last week, I think, about Goodreads’ book of the year nominations. I go to the website expecting to find Ruby Fever, but didn’t find it under any of the categories. I checked the qualifications and your book came out on time. Any idea why it wasn’t nominated?
First I hope whatever happened with your friend takes a turn for the better.
I really respect you for deciding that access for all is at this point is more important than money from some. I’d understand if it becomes necessary at some point in the future.
Thank you for your generosity and giving spirit. I’ve been in a position where the only option for me to read new books was by borrowing from the library. I was in that position when I discovered KD (you got me through a rough time). I’m now able to buy books/audiobooks/ebooks. However, I also continue to borrow from the library so my favorites remain in circulation. There aren’t words enough to say a proper Thank You!
Thank you. Hope your fridnd is doing better.
Hope in between cooking and eating you had a great Long weekend. This includes Mod R.
Thank you ????
Love you both even more
I love House Andrews. You are the best!!!
thank you so much for all your gifts HA.
yes friends and family will always come 1st, i hope it not to bad, most of the BDH will understand this because we respect that you are putting alot of time and effort into the work you two are doing, We enjoy the glimpses of the process and of your family life,snippets an everything else,3e will always have your 6.
I am sorry about your friend. You don’t say what happened – I hope you can help.
To add to the chorus of gratitude, appreciation and praise I am again reminded that the whole package not just the brilliant writing is what makes me so happy to be in the Horde! Thank you.
(from someone with a limited budget and unfavourable exchange rate, and has now read almost everything you’ve written… I don’t have access to a library so I wait patiently to buy the books a bit at a time…)
*a bit at a time as my budget allows, eg with those Kindle deals where they give you $X off for spending $XX
thanks. there have been times when $5 is the difference between me having enough gas to get to work or not so I appreciate free.
on the other hand, I have friends who are artists and potters and writers and musicians and photographers. I have no issues at all with paying the artist. I don’t know how many people I’ve chided for asking artists to do free music or art or photos “for exposure”. if an artist chooses to do something for free that’s one thing. if you ask them to do something for you, tho, you should be prepared to pay them.
sorry…ran an art show for years. it’s one of my buttons.
After reading, I cannot help but remember the “shut up and take my money” meme – Link: https://www.google.es/amp/s/amp.knowyourmeme.com/memes/shut-up-and-take-my-money
You can make us gifts, but we should be able to reciprocicate if we can/want. You could accept donations rather than ask for payment, even if it’s just for blog maintenance.
Anyways, thank you for your work and best wishes to your friend.
I think your deep caring for the BDH comes through so clearly in your blog, and the same depth of caring shines through all your major characters. THAT is the reason I am such a fan, and will continue to buy your books. You guys ROCK! Thank you for your breath of sanity ????
Hope all is soon well again with your friend. Your books and blog have been such a big source of comfort, distraction and amusement for me – more than I can say. Thank you for all of it! We love you. ❤️
Just when I thought you guys couldn’t be more awesome, you raise the bar even higher! <3 <3
Btw, your "silly stuff" is so descriptive and interesting, that whenever I read your blog, it feels like I've had a long chat with a close friend.
Totally agree with all the folks here who commented about laughing out loud…
❤️ one reason why we love you both.
I hope your friend is okay!
Thank you for the content, I ❤️ IA
Have you ever thought about doing a podcast? A friend of mine has a lucrative one about lifestyle and she’s not as well known or as popular as House Andrews.
Thanks for your blog, I get so much enjoyment from your posts and the BDH back and forth with ModR.
A regular podcast would take time away from writing IMO. Takes a lot of energy to make a quality podcast. I would rather see more books 😉
they do post videos to Facebook sometimes though.
This is very much the reason ????. All of these things take away from writing, and writing is the thing that House Andrews want to do (and we want them to do!).
This is just lovely. I don’t feel I can say thank you enough!
Thank you. We love you, too.
Thank you for your thoughtful reply to the question. It means a lot to me, coming from a poverty background in my youth, that you are thinking of your fans’ difficulty. I’m no longer in poverty but I had to stop Patreon subscriptions because they were adding up. I went cold turkey and cancelled it because otherwise I gave in to temptation and went overboard. Plus I know some writers are still in the stage of really needing funds for survival and I would guilt trip myself into continuing beyond my ability because I remember what that’s like. I can still buy and recommend their work and for me, that has to be enough.
We appreciate how much you appreciate us. Love reading the comments and being part of the Horde community. This is the only social media experience I have as I’m not interested in participating anywhere else. Love your books. Hope everything turns out well for you friend.
Thank you.
So sorry to hear about your friend – virtual hugs and prayers to you and other friends and family affected.
Thanks so much for sharing with us what you do – I love the unexpected nature of the blog! The glimpses into your lives you choose to share are always a highlight (recipes, kid- and pet-stories, pet pics, Gordon-and-you stories), and of course the glimpses into other worlds (Inn, KD world, Edge, Kinsmen, etc) never fail to delight. The fact that you take the time to answer reader questions sincerely and respectfully is a huge bonus.
Thank you thank you thank you!
I will acknowledge I am in an emotional headspace right now, so that may be contributing, but I’m over here almost in tears from this blog post. It’s the inclusivity and the humanness for me, and the reason you two are my favorite authors.
OK, gonna go cry some more. Thanks for being truly decent people. It seems like the world is in short supply of those.
I love you too!!! It is a huge gift, and brings joy to the world! I remember the day I found your blog. Had been a huge fan reading all your books for a while. I was at an airport and could not find a book I wanted to read. (Back then I mainly read paper books. But the gift shop has a limited selection.) And then I stumbled across your blog!!! I was so happy— best surprise ever.
thank you for the gifts.
another day to wait is no problem because Luther is so worth waiting for 🙂
Thank YOU, dear authors. Given the current, and probably future, chaos, the ability to support you beyond allocating funds to buy your books is about my financial limit. Fortunately, to me, your stuff is gold. I may have to start an additional pot for a “ripper cushion” mug…all good.
I’ve always purchased your books, but I personally wouldn’t have purchased a subscription. I avoided reading the weekly Inn releases, and often the comments sections too, because I think buying the book I’ve already read is less exciting than the one I haven’t.
As much as I appreciate your generosity and skittishness re: over-committing on shorts, I can see the argument for paywalling them, though. It could have the added benefit of screening spoilers from the unspoilt. 😉
Not that I couldn’t manage, and CERTAINLY not because I’m not *deeply* interested in a certain story about a certain dragon girl, iykwimaityd…
….i’d totally buy that too, js.
❤️ You guys are the best
Thank you for the gift of you.
Sorry to hear about the bad happenings and wishing you and your friend the best.
Thank you for the “gifts”. Also thank you for your awareness that $5 is a lot for many people even in N. America and for making your Fun Stuff available to everyone. It is refreshing.
At least consider setting up a Ko-Fi Account (https://ko-fi.com/) for those who feel like donating to nice tea to keep you in writing form.
Thank you for everything you write.
I hope your friend is okay. Good on you for jumping in to help, whatever it was.
You guys rock and while I fully support the idea this blog is valuable enough it could be a pay service, I appreciate that you realize to some people 5 bucks a month means something ( I am fortunate that it doesn’t, but there were times where it was).
Sorry to hear about your friend, that of course is more important,even that the BDH:)
Luther can wait, Honey comb theme and all:)
Thank you!
This blog post made me a little teary too. I’m proud to be a member of the BDH. Thank you for all you do for us!
You two are big-hearted and pragmatic. Thank you. Will always buy, pre-order, share info about books coming out, and write reviews. May we all survive and thrive.
I hope your friend is OK now – sorry something bad happened. You guys are great! Will look forward to more posts – they make my day.
Awwww… we love you guys too
Your ethics shine in all you do. That’s why I am a loving member of the BDH.
You guys are the best. And this just reinforces my loyalty. Thank you!
Patreon sounds like a good idea, and obviously it works for some authors, but it sounds like one more stressor to me. $$ to support the author for guaranteed monthly content sounds like a “breech of contract” scenario when life’s surprises happen and then the content doesn’t happen either. I’d rather be surprised with free stuff, contests, and interesting happenings rather than forced interactions that add stress to your life and limit your ability to say life sucks this week, see you next week!
I was talking books with the young woman donating plasma next to me yesterday. I recommended you, Briggs, and several other authors she has never tried. I’m always looking for new readers for your books. One of my customers at work noticed my kindle in my bag and said his wife loves hers so I wrote down FantasticFiction.com for him so his wife can follow the authors she likes. Talking to readers makes my day!
I buy the books and also buy them for the library (perks of being a librarian ????). Still need to buy an autographed copy someday, though!
Hope things get better for your friends!
Thank you, HA , for addressing this issue so graciously.
I. Love. Your. Books. And. I. Buy. Your. Books. Not in triplicate, like some can do, and little ole me rejoices with each purchase and reread.
But there have been years (yes, I said years) when I would have missed out if it weren’t for my local library. And I recommend your books for purchase when their collections are short some titles, still.
So for some to suggest star-bellied sneeches… the kindest thing I can do is scroll by.
Thank you both.
You are wonderful people, thank you for gifting us with your words, all your words! ❤️
Thank you for your generosity! ❤️
I’m sorry to hear about your friend. I hope things turn out ok. Thank you for your generosity. I recommend your books to EVERYONE
I don’t think the BDH will come after me if I say we can wait until next FrINNday for Luther if that’s what you need to do to take care of your friend.
I hope you never put yourselves in a position where writing stresses you out to the point where you stop.
Thank you for all your generosity!
You deserve much more.
What about an optional contribution for the blog/stories?
Those of us who can contribute would do so as often as we choose.
Reminder please that it’s blog policy to not take it upon ourselves to correct our friends’ typos or mock them for how they express themselves.
Autocorrupt works against us all, and some of us are not writing with English as our native language ????.
It’s a safe place to come together as likeminded people with a common interest!
You guys are awesome! Sending a big virtual hug. Hope all is well with your friend.
I hope your friend is doing as well as possible in whatever circumstances they’ve found themselves in.
You are wonderful, giving people, and that’s why the BDH can’t get enough of you. We want you to be safe and happy because you make us feel safe and happy. Thank you.
I hope your friend is ok. Sending best wishes.
Thank you for this blog
Love you both, as authors and individuals.
I so sorry to hear about your friend, I hope your friend is feeling ok! I would gladly pay for all the extra work you both put into all the fun extras you give your fans, I love your writing that much!! But I totally understand why you won’t, that is just another example of how great as authors and people you both are!! You love and care for your fans, and respect them. Thank you from the bottom on my heart to you both for everything you do for your fans!! I will gladly buy your books in ebook or paperback!! As I so love everything you write!!
Thank you for all the amazing gifts!!^^
Much love from East Java, Indonesia.
Admittedly there’s a lot going on in my own life right now but I just got weirdly emotional reading your post. Thank you for creating incredible works and also being lovely humans on top of it. It’s always such a treat to see the email pop up for a new post, be it recipes or content. Thanks to you both and mod r for cultivating such a great reading and life experience for us all
I buy all the books ❤️
So sorry to hear about your friend, I hope everything works out. Looking forward to reading Luther’s interview whenever you’re ready to post it.
Not only do I love reading (& re-reading) your books, your blog brings me so much joy! I check the site pretty regularly & always get a jolt of pleasure when I see a new post, no matter the content. 🙂 I really respect your attitude toward paywalls, I think it’s great that you’re inclusive to all financial situations. Thanks for all you do!!
thank you so much for your words.
As someone who lives in a country where $5 is just over half the daily rate for minimum wage and there are effectively no public libraries, thank you for considering those of us who love your books. I do okay, so I still try to buy all of them as soon as they come out, or if not then as soon as I am able, and I encourage my friends whom I’ve converted into fans to do so or at least every time a book goes on sale. But it’s really nice to have authors consider and acknowledge that in some parts of the world, fiction for leisure reading is still a luxury item.
Thank you for your past and continuing gifts, whenever and whatever they may be, and also for your thoughtfulness in approaching this issue. I hope all will be well with your friend!
Thank you for being so accommodating and appreciative of your BDH. We love you back.
Thank You for this. I love Your blog. I’m not an American and the price sugessted is affordable for me but I know a couple fellow BDH members who the price would be probably high.
Thank you for your awesome work and generous heart!
As if I could not love you and Gordon more. <3
I am one of the lucky ones: I have a good job, I have savings an I can pay your prices without blinking. I have cut back, but I want for very little. I am blessed. I am very aware of friends who are really struggling in the current economic crisis.
I love being part of the BDH. Anything you write will always make me smile- or scare me silly! Thank you for being so generous with your 'words'. Thank you for thinking of us.
So sorry for your friends tragedy. They are fortunate to have you to help them through. I will admit that I was looking forward to Luther’s interview but real life definitely comes first!
In 2021 my bff’s husband passed extremely unexpectedly. I have been given the gift of being able to be part of her support network. While it has been a true gift to be able to help, it can also take a lot of energy out of you as well. So be kind to yourselves as you help your friend. We will be waiting with our best patient faces when you have time to get back to us!!
Thank you so much for not instituting a paywall. Especially as budgets get tighter. Your blog posts are such an amazing gift.
Going back and reading some of the bits and pieces also hooked me into the full glory of the BDH, I’d only tried the first Innkeeper before I found the blog.
I hope your friends situation is better.
Thank you so much!
House Andrews are among the most generous people I know, beyond being awesome authors.
Totally understand that you want to keep writing as a labor of love as much as possible.
I am hoping that the merchandising will supplement your income as well if not better than a paywall while not draining you creatively.
Thank you, thank you, thank you.
I like–>love the idea of being able to make a donation, if it doesn’t become a huge tax hassle for HA.
Helping to keep things available to the BDH at large, is something I would gladly do.
You are the best! I hope you know how much we appreciate you.
Thank you for your continued gifts. I truly appreciate and am grateful for it.
I hope your friend is all right. You are one of the few authors whose books I always buy, usually by preordering.
I deeply appreciate your considerations to the BDH worldwide.
This sentiment and many other things you do/did makes you my favourite author.
Thank you, keep well and all the best to your human and furry family.
Thank you for NOT charging for this enjoyable weekly bit of shenanigans. I have a few authors that I stopped following because of their patronage fees. You’re sense of devotion to your readers is admirable.
While I understand your points on a pay wall. I would suggest you open a Patreon. I am sure a lot of us that are not in poorer positions would subscribe just to support you. There are a lot of people using Patreon that offer less value than you do. All optional of course.
I’m glad you mentioned libraries. You all are one of the few authors on my “buy now, read the description later” list. However, I still periodically check out your books from the library, even when I already own them, because I want them available for others to discover like I did. My first exposure to Ilona Andrews was On the Edge from the library, which sparked many more checkouts from the library, and the beginnings of my personal stash on my e-reader (my eyesight isn’t what it used to be and I can enlarge the print however much i want on the e-version). Also, if they aren’t checked out often enough, the library lets them go.
Either way, I appreciate your “collection of recipes, weird short scenes, and assorted silliness” on your blog so much, and thank you for your continuing gift. Merry Christmas to me!!
Prices go up. Yours must too. Too be honest, you could raise the price of your books by several dollars, and I’d still buy them. I can’t say that for many authors.
Same here.
I buy the ebook and the hard book and it is still cheaper than my former favorite authors hard book.
Oh thank God. I can’t do a subscription and would have to miss all these fun posts but I buy all the books! ????
It’s no wonder you have such a faithful horde, myself included. Knowing this is behind so many favorite characters and series makes them all the more beloved.
House Andrews is amazing. I love and admire every world you create. I re-read each series and find new things to enjoy every time. The quality of writing, world building, character creation is greatly appreciated. I try other authors while awaiting new books and am disappointed in the lack of care in the work. Keep up the good work!
I’m very sorry one of your friends is going through a rough time. Of course, that takes priority.
Thank you for all the treats you share; they all never fail to put a smile on my face.
My penurious heart swells at your generosity. Your blog value might not be consistent story line wise, but it is so rich in community. Thank you.
Thank you so much for Frinnday, and for your many blog posts. Family and friends first, every time. So what if it arrives on Saturday? Or maybe even the next week? I got all teary-eyed over this. Don’t underestimate the “silliness”. Sometimes Frinnday is what gets me through the week. I also appreciate the awareness that writers are people, with families to care for, grocery shopping to do, and housekeeping to manage. I think your blog should be required reading for every creative writing class, ever.
I do support a couple of people through Patreon. Writers get older, and sometimes the royalties just sort of fall away. Books have given me great pleasure throughout my life, and this is my way of paying back for the many battered paperbacks I purchased at used bookstores, as well as the many books I’ve checked out of public libraries back in the days when my book budget was measured in pennies instead of dollars.
The Ilona Gordon publications do not figure among those vintage purchases from when I was a single mom with babies at home, or a college student who was juggling parenting adults with going to graduate school while working full time. I discovered “The Edge” while waiting for a pain medication in a drug store. (I had popped my knee while playing with the Kindergartners.) Then I realized that I had read the early Kate Daniels quite a while before — back when I think it came out in a collection. The Edgers got me through some hard times, The Innkeeper books have given me laughs when I needed them (as well as pathos), and Kate…well, there should be more Kates in the world. I think I have all your published works in one form or another. They sustain and inspire.
So, once again, thank you for the weekly tidbits. Thank you for the many books and short stories. I love them all.
Thank you… for all the joy , excitement and pleasure and laughs you give.
As a proud and enormously happy member of the BDH, I willingly and happily purchase whatever you write in whatever venue. Book cost increase? I will buy the book, graphic novel, audio, merchandise, etc. I so enjoy your blogs, your gifts, your surprises. I cannot thank you strongly enough for the pleasure I receive. In all the years I have read your books and all the challenges life continues to throw my way (or gifts me, maybe), your writing is a haven. You are a light and blessing in my life and I am sure House Andrews (individually and collectively) blesses lots and lots and lots of others.
As a seniors on limited income whose pension gets paid from the UK we have also suffered from a falling exchange rate. Wish I could afford to buy all the books I want but while that’s not an option your posts brighten my day. Thank you.
I’m sorry to hear about your friend. And regarding the rest, let me take the occasion as a chance to thank you for all you give us, and for all you give us the chance to buy.
May further FriInndays not be sullied so.
I hope your friend will be ok. Thanks for all the joy you give us – proud to be a member of your BDH!
As always, your response to the subscription issue is thoughtful and respectful of both the BDH and HA. In my long list of incoming emails yours is among the first I open. Going back through my book list I found that I read your stories at least two but more often three or more times. Thanks for giving us your time and I am looking forward to your next work(s).
Thanks and Happy Holidays
Thank you for the Lagniappes. They are always a wonderful addition to our week.
Proud member of the BDH.
Thank you! Thank you! Thank you. While I enjoy your blog and glimpses into your family’s life, it’s your books I love. There are only a couple of authors I follow who use a “subscription wall”, and unlike you, who publish several books a year, they take years to put out new books. So, thank you for all the wonderful books.
My reaction is that you care enough about your work to keep the quality and that a Patreon would give you incentive to dash off lower quality work to keep the $5 subscribers happy. Which you would not do, since you “have standards” as Gunny Rose would say.
By the way, I’m on my second Graphic Audio Innkeeper novel (my favorite, Sweep of the Blade), and they are completely awesome. Completely. Awesome.
Your books, all your series are my favorites! I have read or listened to the edge series and Kate Daniels books at least every year and each series entirely again before new book comes out same with the other series. Your hard work has given me thousands of hours of joy and enjoyment.
I am on disability and am in a wheelchair and your wonderful work keeps me happy and I say Thankyou!
Thanks for so many wonderful stories. Thankyou for your hard work!! All my love to you and yours.
Merry Christmas
I imagine I’ll be one of many who say this, but thank you so much for the gift of FriInnday. You guys are a connection to friends (fri-inns?) and community that I wish I had IRL. After I read an issue (especially the RL ones directly from Ilona or the mediator) I feel like I’ve spent time with friends.
Since my divorce several years back, making (and especially keeping) friends has been hard. Thanks for the feeling of that. I’m working on finding it again. You help me remember what it feels like.
Thanks! I just want to know what the status of the merch is. A sneak peek at something that might be available for sale? A hoodie with the word “Ripper Cushions”? A zipper bag for holding my current yarn project with a picture of Grandma Frida? A kitchen towel with Orro? I am like a kid waiting for Christmas morning!
lol! Thanks autocorrect for changing Orro to Oreo!
Fixed 🙂
There have been a couple of sneak peaks so far hehe, and they will all be available on a range of items from hoodies to home décor and computer accessories:
A Here Kitty Kitty design https://ilona-andrews.com/2022/need-a-graphic-artist/
A Gertrude Hunt one: https://ilona-andrews.com/2022/life-salad/
Luther’s design in today’s post: https://ilona-andrews.com/2022/friinnday-luther/
From this fan, Thank you for those kind words. Glad your Thanksgiving was happy and sorry for your present sorrows.
Thank you House Andrews your consideration for your fan base is very much appreciated.
Nekem sok lenne a havi 5 dollár, köszönöm hogy ingyenes marad.
thank you. We love you too.
Thank you both, and your supporting cast of family, modR, editors, SMEs, and friends for another year of delightful fiction. Having been a reader of yours since the very beginning, it feels akin to watching old/warm acquaintances growing up and branching out into life. HA seems to be a Class Act living life with all its peaks and valleys along with the rest of the BDH. Your stories and characters have offered much needed comfort and escape during various life challenges. I am grateful for the presence of this library! Wishing Everyone in HA and the community at large, good health, family safety & security, attainable goals, personal contentment, and the understanding whiffs of happy can be found in even the most difficult and dark times.
I love the thought you both put in to this question, I consider any extra content you put out as a gift to me and I see from comments, I am not alone. Thank you for sharing your talent with the world. Your shorts and blog are a bright spot in my week! I am delighted to contribute to your family income buy buying your books!!
My thoughts and prayers are with your friend and you all for whatever the situation. Thank you for your generous hearts and talented minds. your efforts are very much enjoyed.
Please give the friend in trouble an extra hug from a fan, if you think it might help them feel even a tiny bit better
Oh dear, sorry to hear about your friend. I hope things work out ok!
Thanks for keeping the blog free! I can’t tell you how much I appreciate that, but it’s simply a bright spot in my life. And we all need that.
You just made my week. That’s such an awesome sentiment, sharing your blog works with the world for free, it makes me tear up. Because while it is hopefully fun for you (and us!), we also know that it is Work.
I’m in a good place now, but I discovered your work a dozen years ago when I was unemployed, recovering from a difficult birth and surgery, stuck on the couch for three months with a baby on long feeds, and all I had to keep me company was a stack of books from the library. You two took my brain elsewhere and helped me cope with post-natal depression. Kate had it worse, but she made the best of it – and darn it, I could too.
Thank you. And thank you to the team who helps you with this blog and editing and publishing and all the things.
I just love you guys ????
Thank you for being who you are. ????
Thank you for your gifts to us. Happy Holidays. ????????????
maybe there is an acceptable compromise where the Authors can sponsor a charity a month, or maybe just during the holidays. They can set up a patreon or donation box and all money’s go someplace that can do good and the fans who feel the need to pay extra for blog freebies can satisfy their need by donating. Or if the author’s feel like that would be too much responsibility to account for the money, is there a widget or something that can directly deposit donation to the charity?
That feels like something someone should invent an app for especially with online shopping. you could have the bell-ringer buckets on the front page of an online store so you can drop change into…Or in brick and mortar stores could do a QR code you could venmo so if you don’t have change you don’t feel bad walking past the bucket.
I swear this hit me in the feels. You’re the best authors (and mods) out there. I fell in love with your writing over a free sample on my nook- Questing Beast. If I could pick only one author to read the rest of my life it’d be you guys.
Firstly, friends and family first, always. I hope your friend is ok and we’ll all be fine with a delay or even a skipped FrInnday.
Secondly, thank you so much for considering the financial position of your readers and being so kind. I panicked a little when I first saw the title of this post, I’m not going to lie. I love your writing, I’ve read most of your books at this point and I love keeping up with all of the stuff here, as it makes me feel connected to you both in ways that I just don’t with any other authors. But as a full time student who also has a medical condition that about a third of my small income goes towards, let alone rent, food and bills, I simply would not be able to justify a monthly subscription if you put this content behind a pay wall. I understand that this is how a lot of people are supporting themselves and that $5 doesn’t seem like a lot to some but with what seems like everyone doing this nowadays, $5 adds up real quick and I count every cent. Plus like you said, being in Australia, $5 would actually be around $7.34. So thank you for not excluding me, and others like me (which is exactly what it feels like), from these delightful little insights into the both of you and your daily lives, as well as the little snippets of writing that you’re gifting us.
I hope your friend will be ok!
You guys are the best!
Love everything you write!
You are so great. Thank you again for being you.
Thank you!
From one small BHD member! But thank you for the gifts you keep giving us!
(I hope your friend is ok)
I became a BDH because of the blog, which I somehow came across. I had read a few books from the library but didn’t realize there was more out there.
It prompted me to find the series being talked about and I think there was even snippets of something occurring at the time.
I have now read everything written (that I know of) and always preorder the books on multiple media, as I now know I’ll enjoy the story, regardless of genre or series. I have shared books with friends and family and always mention what a great blog you have, how not only is it informative about the industry and process in general but also with side snippets from series.
If that content had of been behind a pay wall, I probably would never have read those extra books, then bought the paper books (I only buy paper ones I want to reread but there’s always space in the shelves for HA), and listened to the audiobooks (and now graphic audio with my family – we love those). Instead I likely would have moved on.
I know everyone needs to make money but the blog could also be considered as marketing (and probably was/is?) – it certainly sucked me in – HA have gained a loyal reader who buys in multiple formats; they didn’t lose one for providing free content.
Where I live has been hit with multiple interest rate rises recently and it’s the little things like this that can still bring joy to people who are struggling so much.
It’s awesome that HA is aware of that and keeps their content free. It makes me want to support you even more.
Thank you for this!!!
I am one of your fortunate reader where a monthly fee would not hurt me in the least. If a creator states they are having financial troubles maintaining websites, or paying editors, you know the business end of creating, then I have never had any issues pitching in.. (yes, let me help free up the artist to create… please take my money!)
But I wouldn’t want anything special that would exclude my fellow BDH who may need to allocate their funds for other things.
I love us..
I love popping in and randomly finding a piece of work thrown out there. I love our bribes for being good and waiting. I love that our authors share lil bits and pieces of their real life.. *chefs kiss*
I would not want anyone not be able to see those because of money.
I hope your friend is doing okay! ❤️???? Friends are awesome and when they hurt you hurt.
Thank you both, modR, family and friends for the time you give to your readers. I so enjoy your blog and though a wordsmith you may be, it still takes time and care to write these daily snippets (chapters) of life and your characters. So thank you! ????
Thank you guys for the gifts. The blog really brightens my day, especially in these times that have caused a relapse in my previously well controlled depression. And thanks for the hard work from the Mod in filtering out unpleasantness so that reading the comments is not some kind of minefield of nastiness and ugliness. And of course thanks to the rest of the great and powerful BDH for being kind.
Thanks Ilona and Gordon for keeping this blog free for those of us with less money. Your blog posts are bright spots in my week and I dearly love FriInnday!
I originally started reading your books through the library and now have started to gradually acquire them.
You are so great to us. I love all the tidbits, stories of life, and recipes.
As I lay here in my bed recovering from the flu (that’ll teach me to put off getting the flu vaccine), it helps to be able to read your offerings.
Thanks again and hoping your friend is ok soon.
Awww. Right back at you sweet Author Andrews. You’re the best.
Thank you for the way you look out for all of us. Right now I could probably swing $5. But there have absolutely been times when that would have been a deal breaker. I appreciate y’all thinking of me and those like me. Bless you.
You both have given so much joy to me through your fiction long before I discovered the BDH so I want you to do what is best for you. If sharing with your readers makes your heart sing as it does ours all we can say is THANK YOU.
Thank you so much! Your gift is a blessing. $5 is the daily minimum wage in some areas in my country. Your empathy is very much appreciated.
My thoughts are with you during this time with regard to your friend. You are loved.
Thank you for being you ❤️
You’re awesome !
HA is the best. The end. Thank you for being so generous with the BDH ????
Just a soapbox comment. I used to think using a library to read books was taking money away from writers. I now know that there are more libraries then I realized and popular authors get more than one copy of their books on the shelves. I fill out the request forms for my favorite author, their newest book, and both e-book and audio versions. Supporting the library supports the authors.
Please keep up the great work you both do.
Yes. That. +1.
I deeply appreciate your consideration for your fans.
Thank you for your thoughtfulness and generosity to this community. This is a nice place to be.
I have to say that a part of the reason I LOVE you all’s books is exactly how you think on things and approach your writing. I truly appreciate the “gifts” b/c they are FANTABULOUS and make me happy, often causing belly laughs and or just wonderment. I also appreciate the personality of you both that comes through in everything you write and appreciate your willingness to let us into your lives, if just a bit. THANK YOU!
This right here is why I will always, always, always be a loyal and extremely appreciative HA fan. You show us in so many ways that you truly appreciate the BDH….and the feeling is very mutual! HA is the BEST! ????????????
(It goes without saying, whatever price tag you put on your books, I will be there in line, anxiously waiting along with the rest of the BDH with my ‘gimmee gimmee’ hands!) ????
you are so kind. Thank you so much! ????????
This is a great relief. Whereas I wouldn’t blame you or be angry in the slightest where you to put this blog behind a paywall, and would be annoyed with anyone who was. The content is great and would be worth the money, but I cannot, at this time, feasibly justify adding a monthly subscription to my budget. Maybe in a year or so when my schooling is behind me and things have loosened up a bit. But for now, getting the free little nuggets of goodness makes me happy and I’m relieved to hear I’ll be able to read them for a bit longer. But if you ever decide you wish to put this blog behind the paywall, I will 100% understand 🙂
We love you too!
<3 Proud BDH Member
You guys are so awesome! I love to read your blog posts; they always reassert what awesome and thoughtful human beings you are!
Have you guys ever thought about setting up a BDH Discord?
There’s good and bad about Discord, of course. It’s another place that has to be moderated, similar to these comment sections. However, it is also a place where fans can directly engage with each other and bond over all things House Andrews.
For some communities, Discord is also a place where the more artistically-inclined can show off fan-art (though I’m not sure how you feel about that) or other similar tributes to what you have created.
Just a thought.
you have no idea how relieved I am that you are not going behind a pay wall! thankyou so much and you just keep making me love you both more! ☺️
Thank you. Thank you for thinking of us in places where a dollar can mean an entire family’s meal for the day 🙂